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《Thus Spake Zarathustra》新译:第31章 夜歌
热度 1 warlong 2012-11-16 15:24
Thus Spake Zarathustra: A Book for All and None Friedrieh Nietzsche(1844-1900) 31. The Night-Song 《查拉苏斯剌如是说》散文诗新译 第 31 章 夜歌 作者:尼 彻 译者:郑 中 弗里德里希·威廉·尼采(1844—1900),是一位诞生在19世纪而复活于20世纪的伟大哲学家、心理学家,同时还是一个大学教授、诗人、业余音乐家,也是一个缺乏爱和尊重的孤独者。其中《查拉苏斯剌如是说》(前人一般译为“查拉图斯特拉如是说”)是尼采以格言体与散文诗体写成的代表作,是尼采里程碑式的作品,几乎涵括了尼采的全部思想,但也是一本最难读懂的书。 其中《夜歌》,是尼采在罗马眺望夜景时,聆听特里托尼喷泉而作。本歌具有无以伦比的语言优美性,在德语中被誉为最高之作。尼采也自称其为“旷古最孤独之歌”。 'TIS night: now do all gushing fountains speak louder. And my soul also is a gushing fountain. 夜已来临:此刻所有喷泉更高声诉说,而我的灵魂也是一口喷涌的泉。 'Tis night: now only do all songs of the loving ones awake. And my soul also is the song of a loving one. 夜已来临:此刻惟有爱人的歌醒着,而我的灵魂也是一首爱人的歌。 Something unappeased, unappeasable, is within me; it longeth to find expression. A craving for love is within me, which speaketh itself the language of love. 在我心中,有某种从未平静、也不能平静的激情,它企盼着倾诉。在我心中,有一种爱的渴望,它自说着爱的言语。 Light am I: ah, that I were night! But it is my lonesomeness to be begirt with light! 我就是光:啊,但愿我是夜!我被光环绕着,而这就是我的孤独! Ah, that I were dark and nightly! How would I suck at the breasts of light! 啊,但愿我是阴影和黑夜!我怎会吮吸光的乳房哟! And you yourselves would I bless, ye twinkling starlets and glow-worms aloft!- and would rejoice in the gifts of your light. 我愿祝福你们,闪烁的繁星,天空的流萤,我为你们赐予的光而快乐。 But I live in mine own light, I drink again into myself the flames that break forth from me. 但我生活在自己的光里,我再饮入我爆发出的火焰。 I know not the happiness of the receiver; and oft have I dreamt that stealing must be more blessed than receiving. 我不知接受者的快乐,而我常梦想:偷窃定比接受更为甘甜。 It is my poverty that my hand never ceaseth bestowing; it is mine envy that I see waiting eyes and the brightened nights of longing. 我的贫穷在于我的手不停地施予,我的妒忌在于我看见期待的眼神和渴望的白夜。 Oh, the misery of all bestowers! Oh, the darkening of my sun! Oh, the craving to crave! Oh, the violent hunger in satiety! 噢,所有施予者的不幸!噢,我的太阳在暗淡!噢,渴望着渴望!噢,满足的饥饿! They take from me: but do I yet touch their soul? There is a gap 'twixt giving and receiving; and the smallest gap hath finally to be bridged over. 他们取自于我:但我是否曾触及他们的灵魂?在施予与接受之间,有一条深谷,而最小的深谷最终被跨越。 A hunger ariseth out of my beauty: I should like to injure those I illumine; I should like to rob those I have gifted:- thus do I hunger for wickedness. 一种饥饿发自于我的美。我想伤害我所照耀的魂,我想抢掠我曾赠予的人;——我如此渴望着邪恶。 Withdrawing my hand when another hand already stretcheth out to it; hesitating like the cascade, which hesitateth even in its leap:- thus do I hunger for wickedness! 当别人一只手伸来时,我收回我的手;我迟疑不握,犹如瀑布跌落;——我如此渴望着邪恶! Such revenge doth mine abundance think of such mischief welleth out of my lonesomeness. 这种报复激发我丰富的思想,这种友好的恶作剧出自我的孤独。 My happiness in bestowing died in bestowing; my virtue became weary of itself by its abundance! 我施予的快乐因施予而死去;我的道德已变得厌倦它自己的丰富! He who ever bestoweth is in danger of losing his shame; to him who ever dispenseth, the hand and heart become callous by very dispensing. 常施予者有丧失羞耻的危险;因为他不断施予,而在手和心上长出一层老茧。 Mine eye no longer overfloweth for the shame of suppliants; my hand hath become too hard for the trembling of filled hands. 我的眼不再为恳求者的羞惭而流泪;我的手已结成厚茧,不能感觉到接受者的颤栗。 Whence have gone the tears of mine eye, and the down of my heart? Oh, the lonesomeness of all bestowers! Oh, the silence of all shining ones! 我的眼泪和慈悲逝向何处?噢,所有施予者的孤独!噢,所有照耀者的寂默! Many suns circle in desert space: to all that is dark do they speak with their light- but to me they are silent. 许多太阳旋转在荒漠的太空:它们用光朝一切黑暗训说——但对于我,它们保持沉默。 Oh, this is the hostility of light to the shining one: unpityingly doth it pursue its course. 噢,这是光对照耀者的恨恶:它无悯地继续前进。 Unfair to the shining one in its innermost heart, cold to the suns:- thus travelleth every sun. 对于照耀者内心深处是不公平的,对于太阳是冷酷的:——每个太阳如此运行。 Like a storm do the suns pursue their courses: that is their travelling. Their inexorable will do they follow: that is their coldness. 太阳遵循轨道如狂飙飞驰:那是它们的旅行。它们遵从不可阻挡的意志:那是它们的冷酷。 Oh, ye only is it, ye dark, nightly ones, that extract warmth from the shining ones! Oh, ye only drink milk and refreshment from the light's udders! 噢,就是你们,黑暗的夜,从照耀者获得温暖!噢,就有你们,从光的乳房吮饮奶汁! Ah, there is ice around me; my hand burneth with the iciness! Ah, there is thirst in me; it panteth after your thirst! 啊,冰包围着我,我的手因寒冷的冰而发烧!啊,渴煎熬着我,我的光因你们的渴而满足! 'Tis night: alas, that I have to be light! And thirst for the nightly! And lonesomeness! 夜已来临:哎,为何我不得不是光!而渴求着黑夜,和孤独呢! 'Tis night: now doth my longing break forth in me as a fountain,- for speech do I long. 夜已来临:此刻我内心的渴望如泉喷涌,——它渴望着说话。 'Tis night: now do all gushing fountains speak louder. And my soul also is a gushing fountain. 夜已来临:此刻所有喷泉更高声诉说,而我的灵魂也是一口喷涌的泉。 'Tis night: now do all songs of loving ones awake. And my soul also is the song of a loving one.Thus sang Zarathustra. 夜已来临:此刻所有爱人的歌醒着,而我的灵魂也是一首爱人的歌。 ——查拉苏斯剌如是歌唱。
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