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量子测量效应-interaction without interaction的英文专著出版
yyhuang1926 2017-5-18 20:32
英文专著书名: The quantum measurement effect of interaction without interaction, 出版社: Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany 内容简介: After the gravitational waves from a binary black holemerger were discovered by LIGO and Virgo in 2016, the detections ofgravitational waves with other methods are necessary and urgent. When we studythe designs for detecting gravitational waves with an atomic beam, we propose anew quantum measurement effect of interaction without interaction for an atomicbeam. This book deeply demonstrates quantum measurements and interpretations ofquantum mechanics, provides the methods for controlling the mechanical motionsof a charged particle by using quantum measurements and presents the quantummeasurement effects of interaction without interaction for quantum entanglementdynamics and for an atomic beam. The book also sketches the gravitational wavedetector with two non-interfered atomic beams based on the quantum measurementeffect. The new quantum measurement effect can be verified with now techniques,so the book will attract experimental physicists and also attract anyone who isinterested in quantum measurements and the philosophies of quantum mechanics. 感兴趣的读者可到 https://www.amazon.com/quantum-measurement-effect-interaction-without/dp/3330077727/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8qid=1495110257sr=8-1keywords=quantum+measurement+interaction+without+interaction (美国Amazon) 或 https://www.morebooks.de/store/gb/book/the-quantum-measurement-effect-of-interaction-without-interaction/isbn/978-3-330-07772-0 (德国morebooks) 购买。
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yhaiqun0416 2012-11-28 21:35
杨海群博士英文专著摘要 Outline of Dr. Haiqun Yang's English Book 专著题目:改革的计划经济中的银行与金融控制 Banking Financial Control in Reforming Planned Economies 出版单位:英国麦克米兰出版公司,1995年 Macmillan Press, 1995 专著摘要: 本论文第一章从审视社会主义银行体制的改革出发进行研究,说明在中央计划经济的银行模式中,银行体系发挥了某种控制经济的功能。第二章分析匈牙利和中国的银行近期遇到的经济问题,探讨银行体制改革在这些国家的金融效应。第三章介绍西方国家的主要的金融发展和银行理论,集中关注银行体系在经济中的特殊作用,并研究这些理论对计划经济模式和改革的计划经济模式的意义。 在第四章中讨论了中国在经历了激进的改革之后所体验的金融混乱。这种分析表明,通过银行控制经济,并通过货币管理当局(中央银行)控制商业银行,是非常必要的。第五章通过理论分析和对所发表的理论的批判,包括对科尔奈(Kornai)的“短缺经济学”和皮伯斯(Peebles)的理论的批判,阐明上述观点的正确性。这也为第六章的讨论开辟了道路。对中国货币供应与需求的计量分析是为了研究货币总量控制有效性。模型的建立也提供了一种解决小样本的计量经济方法。最后,第七章提出结论:通过正确的政策进行银行控制不仅是必要的,而且在转型过程中是可能的。 本文希望上述争论和结论有益于促进改革的计划经济的政策制定。 专著目录: Banking and Financial Control in Reforming Planned Economies Contents Preface Acknowledgements List of Abbreviations Introduction Background Issues Questions Structure 1. Socialist Banking Systems and Their Reforms Introduction The banking model of CPEs The partially reformed banking model Conclusions 2. Problems of Selected RCPEs Introduction The economic problems of Hungary The economic problems of China Banking decentralisation during transitioin Conclusions Appendices 3. Financial Development and Banking Control Introduction How to treat the market: a review of financial development theories Are financial liberalisation models useful to reforming CPEs? The control of banks and banking control Credit rationing and monetary control Conclusions 4. Financial Disorder and Banking Control Introductioin The changing pattern of finance: Jiangsu Province Four national financial disorders in China Interenterprise debt in China The third national financial disorder: Hengshuei The battle against the fourth national financial disorder Centralisation and the control function of the banking system Successful banking system are controlled and help to control Conclusion 5. Monetary Equilibrium and Disequilibrium Introduction Monetary equilibrium in the RCPEs Liberalisation or control? Peebles and the "Shortage School" Conclusions Appendix: the cost function 6. Modelling Money Demand and Supply in China: Notice: The abovebook entitled Banking Financial Control in Reforming Planned Economies by Macmillan Press in England in 1995 was based on my Ph.D. thesis entitled Costs and Benefits in Decentralizing a Banking System in Transition completed in Birkbeck College of the University of London in 1994. 中文说明: 以上 1995 年由英国麦克米兰出版公司出版的专著 Banking Financial Control in Reforming Planned Economies 即《改革的计划经济的银行与金融控制》 一书是基于本人在伦敦大学 BIRKBECK 学院完成的博士论文 “ 银行系统分权化管理的成本效益分析 ” 。
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