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热度 5 qishengwen 2013-3-1 15:01
根据BOEG主编给出的定义如下(摘自其13年卷首语): The IAEG has defined engineering geology as the science devoted to the investigation, study and solution of engineering and environmental problems that may arise as the result of the interaction between geology and the works or activities of humanity, as well as of the prediction of and development of measures for the prevention or remediation of geological hazards. So, engineering geology is much more than simply the application of geology to civil engineering. Further to this, much work has been done by Robert Tepel to answer the question ‘What is engineering geology really all about?’ On page 12 of the December 2012 edition of AEG News, he restated his conclusion that “Engineering geology benefits humanity by discovering, defining, and analyzing geologically-sourced risks or conditions that impact, or might impact, humans as they utilize and interact with their built and natural environments.” In summary, engineering geologists “help people recognize and manage, and make informed decisions about, geologically-sourced risks.” It is in this exciting and broad field that the Bulletin seeks to publish. 无独有偶,王思敬院士也在中国工程地质学13年卷首语“工程地质的世纪演化与前景”一文中 对工程地质学科的发展进行了总体的评述。他指出:“工程地质学一词自身说明它是一门新兴的交叉学科。在高层次上地球科学(地质学)同工程技术学科(土木工程学)的交叉融合构建了工程地质学科。这就注定了它的多元融合发展途径。”“我国工程地质科学面临的挑战在于学科核心价值的多学科融合。敢于迎接挑战,凝炼核心价值方可获得外延的拓展。善于外延空间拓展又需加强核心内涵的凝炼。这才是工程地质学界的出路。”“工程地质学的应用性强自不待言,但是它的应用目标是以对地球地质规律识知为基础的,具有自 然科学的特征。同时,要深入研究工程地质作用的理化机理和动力过程,才能做出工程问题的可靠决策。” 由此可见,工程地质学绝非地质学在土木工程学中的应用,而有其自身的核心价值。这个核心价值就是“人类工程活动工程地圈动力学过程”。工程地质研究既可以非常微观达到nano尺度,也可以宏观达到地圈尺度,这也是工程地质学与其相邻学科岩土力学、岩土工程的显著区别。
7949 次阅读|9 个评论
热度 3 yijiusier 2013-1-31 09:25
Dear Dr ×××, We would like to invite you to submit your latest research to the Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering (JECE), a new online-only journal launched by Elsevier in 2013. The new journal provides a forum for the publication of original research on the development of creative new solutions to global crises in water research, pollution prevention, waste management, environmental safety, and green chemistry with an emphasis on technologies that are cost-effective and sustainable. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering editors are Despo Fatta-Kassinos, PhD, University of Cyprus, Cyprus; Yunho Lee, PhD, Gwangju Institute of Science Technology (GIST), South Korea; Teik-Thye Lim, PhD, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore and Eder Claudio Lima, PhD, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The editors are now considering papers for publication and welcome your submission. To view the journal's Aims Scope as well as the Guide for Authors and the instructions for online submission, please visit the journal's homepage at: www.elsevier.com/locate/jece. Throughout 2013 papers published in Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering will be made freely available online in ScienceDirect. Additionally, for authors who would prefer their articles to be Open Access, this journal will allow all fees for publication of sponsored articles to be waived for the first year.
个人分类: 科研生涯|3311 次阅读|4 个评论

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