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[转载]首届“科学探索奖”获奖名单出炉 50位获奖人正式揭晓(系列)
redtree 2019-9-27 08:57
首届“科学探索奖”获奖名单出炉 50位获奖人正式揭晓 来源: 腾讯科技 发布时间:2019/9/20 10:51:08 腾讯科技讯 9月20日消息,经过四个多月的评审,2019年“科学探索奖”获奖名单今日正式向社会公布。50位获奖人经过层层选拔,最终从千余名申报人中脱颖而出,每位获奖人将在未来5年获得由腾讯基金会资助的300万元人民币奖金。 “科学探索奖”管理 委员 会表示,希望“科学探索奖”能成为青年科技工作者潜心探索未知世界的精神激励,吸引更多青年人投入到基础科学和前沿技术的研究之中。 腾讯基金会将长期运营“科学探索奖”,今后每年“科学探索奖”将评出50位获奖人。 据悉,2019年“科学探索奖”颁奖典礼将于11月2日在北京举行。届时,50位获奖人将与公众见面,众多国内外科学家代表也将济济一堂,共同见证这一里程碑时刻。 让“科学家说了算”——百位两院 院士 参与奖项工作 “科学探索奖”是2018年腾讯公司成立20周年之际,由腾讯公司董事会主席兼首席执行官、腾讯基金会发起人马化腾与14位科学家联合发起的,面向基础科学和前沿技术领域,支持在中国大陆全职工作的、45周岁及以下青年科技工作者的公益奖项。 “科学探索奖”管理 委员 会表示,2019年首届“科学探索奖”总共收到了1335人的有效申报材料,申报人经过初筛、初审、复审以及终审答辩四轮评审,最终评选产生50位获奖人,申报人与获奖人比例约为25:1。 为最大程度保障奖项的权威性和公正性, 2019年“科学探索奖”的评审工作共有350多位各领域的专家参与,在奖项的提名、推荐、评审过程中,超过百位“两院 院士 ”参与其中,充分践行“科学家说了算”的原则。 此外,为了保证评奖的公平性和公正性,“科学探索奖”的评审严格遵循《”科学探索奖”管理办法》,并在“科学探索奖”监督 委员 会的监督下开展各项工作。 “作为一个社会公益性奖项,‘科学探索奖’的各项方案正逐步完善。我们将秉持公平、公正、公开的原则,确保奖项合法合规、公正有序。鼓励青年人心无旁骛的去探索。”“科学探索奖”监督 委员 会表示。 点燃科学向往的火种——希望“科学探索奖”成为时代的精神激励 2019年度“科学探索奖”获奖人来自全国11个省市的26个科研单位、高校和企业。为了选拔和激励更多青年科技工作者,经过评审 委员 会决定,在奖项评审中采用“新星机制”——在同等申报条件下,年纪更轻者胜出。最终50位获奖人中,35岁及以下获奖人有9位,比例接近20%,充分体现了该奖项激励青年科技工作者的初衷。 “这个奖的设立,腾讯没有任何商业诉求,只为推动基础科学和前沿技术发展。”腾讯基金会表示,为了能够激励一代又一代青年人投入到科学探索之中,腾讯基金会先期为“科学探索奖”投入的10亿元人民币将采用企业投入、公益运作的方式,不求商业回报。 同时,“科学探索奖”还将努力搭建青年科技工作者的交叉学科交流平台,组织各种科普活动。获奖人还将担任科学传播大使,定期出席必要的公益活动和科普活动。受资助期间,还将按要求向评审 委员 会定期提交年度科研进展报告。 腾讯基金会“科学探索奖”项目负责人表示,做出色的社会公益性奖项,助力最优秀的青年科技人才攀登科学高峰,是“科学探索奖”的追求。希望“科学探索奖”能燃起一代代青少年对科学向往的火种,吸引更多人尊重科学,探索未知,推动人类和社会的不断进步! “科学探索奖”:首期十亿元大奖将带来哪些改变 作者:操秀英 来源: 科技日报 发布时间:2018/11/12 11:01:18 11月9日,腾讯在庆祝20岁生日之际公布了一件大事——该公司董事会主席兼首席执行官马化腾与北京大学教授饶毅,携手杨振宁、毛淑德、何华武、邬贺铨、李培根、陈十一、张益唐、施一公、高文、谢克昌、程泰宁、谢晓亮、潘建伟等科学家,共同发起设立“科学探索奖”。腾讯基金会将投入10亿元的启动资金资助该奖项。 一个旨在为青年科学家雪中送炭的奖项就此诞生。“科学探索奖”的奖励对象年龄上限为45岁。每年将有50人获奖,获奖者将连续5年获得每年60万元的资助。 从参与捐助“未来科学大奖”到“科学探索奖”,腾讯在基础研究领域的探索越走越远。“一些科学家朋友在和我聊天时,经常会说到目前科技奖励中的一些弊端,比如很多奖项是锦上添花,而且,科学家的薪酬和能力不匹配,导致商业公司通过市场化的薪酬机制挖走很多人。”马化腾说,“所以我们想,能不能支持青年科学家在基础研究和前沿核心技术方面的探索。”这正是腾讯基金会设立“科学探索奖”的初衷。 之所以对这些问题敏感,是因为站在大数据、人工智能等技术前沿的腾讯日益意识到基础研究的重要性。“产业的升级换代,尤其是互联网的升级换代很多来自基础科学的突破,要推动整个行业和产业的发展,基础科学的投入非常重要。”马化腾说。 科学家们对这一尚在筹备中的奖项充满期待。它将激励中国青年科研人员追求更多改变世界的重大科学发现。“不少奖项是对已有成果进行奖励,而‘科学探索奖’奖励的是青年科技工作者正在从事的基础科学和前沿核心科技的未来可能,鼓励探索,激励未来,是这个奖的主要目标。”腾讯基金会有关负责人表示。 “我们需要有自己原创的发现和发明,才能引领中国往更深更高发展。‘科学探索奖’最重要的目的,就是支持在中国工作的优秀科技人才,为我们国家的发展,为中国引领世界作出重要贡献。”饶毅说。 人们还希望该奖项能为科技奖励和评价机制的改变做出些尝试。“科学探索奖”发起科学家们表示,该奖项的评审将坚持不唯出身、不唯帽子、不唯派系的原则,真正让评审机制、流程和评审结果由“科学家们说了算”,本着宁缺毋滥的原则,所有科研成果不以商业诉求为目标。 “希望能通过设立这个奖项,确确实实地找到一批有胆魄的年轻人。”施一公说,对这批年轻人的评价,不应该是发表了多少篇文章,影响因子是多少,有多少人引用他们的文章,而是让评委来判断,看他们在科学前沿的突破,有没有可能改变人类未来,是不是在一个领域里起到了引领作用,把人类的未知往前推近了一步。 “科学探索奖”还将成为现有科研项目的重要补充,是青年科学人员安心搞科研的有利保障。据腾讯基金会有关负责人透露,“科学探索奖”的资金完全由科研人员自主支配。 “生活压力,特别是房子已经在干扰这一代青年科学家的生活和工作了。科学家也是人,如果每天走进实验室,做实验、想思路、和学生讨论数据的时候,脑子里还在想这个月房贷怎么还,房租怎么付,小孩去哪里上小学,他怎么可能从容不迫地做科学。”浙江大学生命科学研究院研究员王立铭认为,通过给予个人资金支持,让优秀的年轻科学家们安顿好自己的小日子,从容不迫、安安心心地工作,把他们的热情和智慧专注在热爱的事业上,他们作出的贡献最终定将反馈给社会。在他看来,“科学探索奖”或是一种尝试。 更为深远的意义是,“科学探索奖”或将带动更多企业和社会资金投入基础研究。据了解,科学探索奖的奖励经费将采用企业投入、公益运作的方式,不求商业回报,并将长期运营下去。同时,腾讯基金会还会举办各类围绕“科学探索奖”的活动,助力搭建青年科技工作者的交叉学科交流平台。“一家企业的力量有限,我们希望更多企业加入进来。”腾讯基金会有关负责人表示。 “支持青年科学家能够从容不迫地生活和工作;支持他们激励并凝聚起更多科学家,自下而上建立全新的科学文化;支持他们成为中国公众心中的科学偶像,让科学有温度、有吸引力。”这是王立铭对“科学探索奖”的一点小小期待,也是众多青年科技工作者的心声。 中国最大科学奖出炉:每年资助50位中国青年 来源: 腾讯科技 发布时间:2018/11/9 14:16:41 腾讯科技讯 11月9日,腾讯基金会于腾讯公司成立20周年之际宣布,腾讯公司董事会主席兼首席执行官,腾讯基金会发起人马化腾,与北京大学教授饶毅,携手杨振宁、毛淑德、何华武、邬贺铨、李培根、陈十一、张益唐、施一公、高文、谢克昌、程泰宁、谢晓亮、潘建伟等科学家,共同发起设立“科学探索奖”。腾讯基金会将投入10亿元人民币的启动资金资助该奖项。 同时,徐匡迪、王志珍、徐冠华、潘云鹤、许智宏等在海内外享有盛誉的科学家将作为顾问,为科学探索奖未来的各项运作提供指导。 按照计划,科学探索奖每年将在基础科学和前沿核心技术方面的九大领域,遴选出50名青年科技工作者。每位获奖者将连续5年、每年获得60万元人民币的资金。 腾讯基金会表示,将陆续对外公布科学探索奖评审规则等更多相关信息,并于明年1月正式启动奖项提名和报名工作。 做“科学家们说了算”的奖,让青年为人类探索更远世界 基础科学和前沿核心技术的探索都深刻推动了人类的科技革命,被视为国家崛起的“发动机”。 据了解,科学探索奖的资助范围将集中在:数学物理学、生命科学、天文和地学、化学新材料、信息电子、能源环保、先进制造、交通建筑技术、前沿交叉技术,这九大基础科学和前沿核心技术领域。 腾讯基金会介绍说,科学探索奖的获奖人年龄上限为45岁,每年将有50位青年科技工作者有机会被遴选出来。一旦获奖,每人将连续5年获得每年60万人民币的资助。 科学探索奖发起人,1957年诺贝尔物理学奖获得者、中国科学院院士、清华大学教授杨振宁表示,设立科学探索奖是个非常好的计划,也是个必要的计划。人类文明的历史已有一百个世纪,头九十九个世纪,人类生产力的增长非常缓慢。到了20世纪,才有了革命性的科技发展,才整个改变了人类世界的面貌。希望这个奖的设立能鼓励年轻人走进科学技术的领域,去探索未来和更远的世界。 科学探索奖发起科学家们表示,科学探索奖的评审将坚持不唯出身、不唯帽子、不唯派系的原则,真正让评审机制、流程和评审结果由“科学家们说了算”。同时,科学探索奖的评审将本着宁缺毋滥的原则,所有科研成果不以商业诉求为目标。 目前,科学探索奖各项筹备工作正在紧张进行中。2019年1月将正式启动奖项提名和报名,第一批获奖科学家名单将于2019年7月对外公布。 做“奖励未来”的奖,用科学探索奖激励一代又一代青年人 据悉,科学探索奖还将设立顾问委员会,聘请国内外知名科学家、科技领域政府管理资深人士为顾问,为奖项运营提供指导。同时还将设立专门的管理机构,保证奖项的评审机制和监督机制的透明和有效。 担任科学探索奖顾问委员会主席的第十届全国政协副主席、中国工程院院士徐匡迪表示,希望科学探索奖能成为青年们投身科学事业、攀登科学和技术高峰时的一种力量。也希望科学探索奖能得到全国青年们的热烈响应,有更多的青年投入到这项评奖中,带动青年真正对自然科学莫大的兴趣,把民族的创新精神不断发展起来。 科学探索奖的发起科学家们表示,过去,很多科学奖都是对已取得科技成果进行奖励,而科学探索奖将要奖励的是青年科技工作者正在从事的基础科学和前沿核心技术的未来可能。鼓励探索,激励未来,是科学探索奖主要的目标。 科学探索奖发起人、北京大学饶毅教授表示,尖端的科学,前沿的技术,对于我们中国未来的发展至关重要,我们需要有自己原创的发现。只有我们自己原创的发明,才能引领我们中国往更深更高发展,因此要特别重视支持青年科技工作者。希望这个奖项对青年科技工作者探索基础科学和前沿核心技术是“雪中送炭”式的激励,为他们未来在中国做出杰出的成果,进行非常强有力的支持。 腾讯公司董事会主席兼首席执行官,腾讯基金会发起人马化腾表示,今年是腾讯公司成立二十周年,又恰逢改革开放四十周年。腾讯作为一家成长在改革开放最前沿地区的互联网领军企业,理应肩负起社会责任,为科技进步做出应有的贡献。腾讯基金会出资支持众多科学家倡导设立的科学探索奖,希望能为国家基础科学研究以及前沿核心技术探索人才的激励提供一种补充。 腾讯基金会介绍说,科学探索奖的奖项奖励经费将采用企业投入、公益运作的方式,不求商业回报,并将长期运营下去。同时还会持续举办各类围绕科学探索奖的活动,助力搭建青年科技工作者的交叉学科交流平台。期望科学探索奖能够激励一代又一代青年人投入到科学探索之中。 附“科学探索奖”发起人:
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rwmf 2013-2-6 16:59
胡家志 Background : Mr. Hu entered the PhD program at Peking University in 2006. His advisor is Dr. Daochun Kong. In his studies of mechanisms of DNA replication using multiple approaches, Mr. Hu made a major breakthrough that Dna2 cleavage of regressed nascent strands prevents fork reversal and thus stabilizes stalled forks to maintain genome stability during replication stress. Citation : Mr. Hu is a talented and hard working student with the ability to think and work independently. During the interview, he addressed all questions clearly, and has shown broad knowledge beyond his field of research. He is committed to his work. Overall, the committee thinks that he is clearly an outstanding graduate student. 王传超 Backgroun d : Mr. Wang received his BS from Ocean University of China in 2010, and is conducting his Ph.D. study in the field of anthropology under the direction of Dr. Hui Li at Fudan University. During the past two years, he mainly studied the origin and diversification of the Chinese and other East Asian populations utilizing genomic tools as well as archaeological, linguistic, historical, and ethnological methods. He also applied biostatistic and bioinformatic methods to investigate the development rules of the languages. Citation : Mr. Wang is an outstanding student and has accomplished significantly in a short period of time (He is only a second year student). He made a very good impression during the interview by offering clear and concise answers to all the questions. His broad knowledge in genomics and bioinformatics would benefit greatly for his future research in the field. His work is unique in China and is important for anthropology of Chinese. He demonstrated independent thinking and a strong desire to have a career in science. 黄鹏羽 Background : Mr. Huang received his BS from Huazhong University of Science and Technology University in 2008, and entered the PhD program in Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology (IBCB), Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, where he studies under Dr. Li-Jian Hui. His research focuses on cell reprogramming. His work showed that one can induce mouse mesenchymal fibroblasts directly into iHep cells by transduction of three hepatic transcription factors Foxa3, Gata4, HNF1a, and inactivation of P19Arf. iHep cells show typical epithelial morphology, express hepatic genes and acquire hepatocyte functions. Importantly, using fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase-deficient mice as a liver injury model, he showed that transplanted iHep cells could repopulate the liver and rescue recipients from death by restoring liver functions. This work provides a novel strategy to generate functional hepatocyte-like cells for liver engineering and regenerative medicine to treat liver diseases. Citation : Mr. Huang works hard and made an important breakthrough. His work is a milestone. He has in depth knowledge of his research area, and at the same time broad knowledge of life science research. He has some good ideas in his future plans, which reflects well on his own independent thinking. 杨 辉 Background : Mr. Yang received his bachelor’s degree in life sciences and biotechnology from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2007, and is conducting his Ph.D. research in the laboratory of Dr. Jinsong Li at the Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences. His research focuses on reprogramming in fertilization and somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT). He has successfully accomplished four projects, i.e. nuclear transfer with intact MII oocytes, fertilization ability of two-cell blastomeres, the role of Tet3 in epigenetic reprogramming and establishment of haploid embryonic stem cell. He has recently made a major breakthrough in transgenesis using haploid embryonic stem cells. He is exploring the possibility of using this approach to alter the genome of other species such as monkeys. Citation : Mr. Yang made many unique and crucial contributions to a series of important work in his group. His method is potentially a novel approach to generate genetically modified animals. He demonstrated good understanding about his field, and is especially knowledgeable about embryonic development. He gave sharp and precise answers to all the questions. 巴钊庆 Background : Mr. Ba entered the Ph.D. program in National Institute of Biological Science (NIBS)/Beijing Normal University in 2008. His advisor is Dr. Yijun Qi. He works on the mechanisms and functions of small RNA pathways in plants. He has conceived the ideas and worked on identification of miRNA targets through profiling AGO1-associated RNAs and the examination of the role of small RNAs in DSB repair. He wisely chose a well-established reporter system for assaying DSB repair efficiency in RNAi mutants, which led to the discovery that small RNAs (named diRNAs for DSB-induced small RNAs) are specifically produced from the sequences around the DSB site and that diRNAs are important for DSB repair.These findings represent a conceptual breakthrough of the mechanism of DSB repair. Citation : Mr. Ba did a lot of work and made breakthroughs in a unique system. His work revealed a novel mechanism of DNA repair, which may have a big impact in the field. He has broad knowledge of the field. His answers are clear. He was able to describe the novelty of his work, reflecting well on his own independent thinking. 杨 辉 Background : Mr. Yang received his BS from Huazhong University of Science and Technology University with a No. 1 ranking in his class. He began his Ph.D. study under the direction of Dr. Yue Xiong at Fudan University in 2008. He is involved in two highly competitive projects: 1) Investigating the effect of altered metabolites, especially the TCA metabolites, on changing epigenetics, and 2) identifying epigenetic biomarkers for clinical cancer diagnosis. Citation : Mr. Yang is very energetic and has recently obtained interesting results, which could expand his study into new directions and potentially make paradigm-shifting findings. He is very familiar with the general regulation of gene expression and is able to think quite independently. During the interview, he responded well to most questions. 张 丽 Background : Ms. Zhang received her BS degree from Sichuan University in 2008, and entered the Ph.D. program in National Institute of Biological Science (NIBS)/Peking Union Medical College in 2008. Her advisor is Dr. Feng Shao. Her work reveals a novel mechanism in bacterial inhibition of host innate immune defense, and for the first time shows that cysteine methylation, as a new posttranslational modification, can regulate eukaryotic signal transduction. Cysteine methylation in zinc-finger motifs of TAB2/3 by a bacterial effector called NleE disrupts ubiquitin-chain binding of TAB2/3 and subsequently blocks host NF-κB signaling. Citation : Ms. Zhang did an excellent job, and made a novel finding which can be considered as a “landmark”. She mastered the general biochemistry techniques. Her answers are clear and good. She is highly motivated and enthusiastic. 朱 书 Background : Mr. Zhu received his BS degree from University of Science Technology of China, and entered the Ph.D. program of Institute of Health Science, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences under the direction of Dr. Youcun Qian in 2006. His Ph.D. thesis is investigating molecular mechanism of development and pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases for potential therapeutic applications. He identified TRAF3 as the first receptor proximal negative regulator in IL-17 signaling and verified the in vivo function of TRAF3 in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. He also contributed to another study on the role of IL-17RE on mucosal immunity. Citation : He discovered the role of miR-23b in regulation of autoimmune diseases. Collection of the disease tissues was a major effort. Systematical analyses led to the important findings mentioned above. He has a broad interest in autoimmune diseases, and he worked on several areas including some out of his own initiation. He made a good presentation, and showed enthusiasm in science. 赵 越 Background : Ms. Zhao received her BS degree from Nankai University in 2007, and is conducting her Ph.D. research in the laboratory of Dr. Feng Shao in the National Institute of Biological Science (NIBS)/Peking Union Medical College. Her project has been centered on how microbes activate the host inflammation pathway. She works on an inflammasome complex mediated by an NOD-Like receptor protein called NLRC4. She identified the NAIP family of NLR proteins as the inflammasome receptors for bacterial flagellin and the TTSS apparatus component. At the same time, she confirmed the presumed innate immune receptor function for the large NLR family of proteins. Citation : Ms. Zhao found out that the intracellular proteins from the pathogen bind to NLR, which triggers the caspase1 pathway. Her project required efforts and unique approaches to map the interactions between the receptor and the target. She appears to have read broadly so that she could apply multiple approaches to overcome the difficulty. She is knowledgeable, and can sometimes go beyond the current project. During the interview, she could address a broad range of questions, and is quite excited about her own work. 王 超 Background : Mr. Wang obtained his bachelor’s degree from Xiamen University in 2007, and is conducting his Ph.D. research in the laboratory of Dr. Zhizheng Wang at the Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. His research concerns the mechanism of action of human Protein disulfide isomerase (hPDI), a key enzyme involved in protein folding. He has made several findings during his doctoral research including 1) the major flexibility of the whole hPDI molecule is due to the intrinsic flexibility of the b’xa’ but not the ab region as in yeast PDI; 2) the oxidation of domain a’ releases the compact conformation and exposes the substrate binding residues to facilitate its high chaperone activity; and 3) he succeeded in producing high quality crystals and determining the 3D structures of hPDI at high resolution not only in the reduced but also in oxidized states. Citation : Mr. Wang is an energetic guy. He did good work and has excellent understanding of the implications as well as limitations of his work. The project dissects the structure of the protein and mapped a little more of the molecular mechanisms of the reactions. The work is a typical biochemical study of a protein. He can answer all of questions clearly with fluent English. 穆 宇 Background : Mr. Mu entered the Ph.D. program in Institute of Neurosicence, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Science, Chinese Academy of Science in 2008. His advisor is Dr. Jiulin Du. He is involved in investigating the role of visual input in modulating auditory signaling in the zebrafish. Through an elegant combination of zebrafish genetics, electrophysiological recording (in vivo whole-cell recording), and behavioral studies, he has shown the light stimulus within a critical time window of a few seconds prior to the onset of a sound stimulus that evoked startle responses in zebrafish larvae could enhance the startle responses by modulating the signal-to-noise ratio of the auditory nerve spiking activity and the synaptic efficacy of auditory nerve. This modulation was also shown to be mediated by specific group of dopamine neurons. He has recently developed an excellent behavioral paradigm for studying learning and memory in zebrafish. Citation : Mr. Mu designed a visual-auditory program in zebrafish and mapped the neuron modulation by using visual-auditory relationship. He showed potential for innovation, and has interesting ideas about new topics on virtual reality of perception. He did excellent work and knows his field very well. He was able to notice unexpected effects of the experimental conditions. He gives a very clear presentation to a complex study, and shows good enthusiasm in science. 冯 锋 Background : Mr. Feng received his bachelor degree from Henan Agriculture University in 2005, and entered the Ph.D. program in the laboratory of Dr. Chaozu He at Tsinghua University in 2008. His project is to study the interaction of plants with pathogenic bacteria. He demonstrated that the Xcc effector protein AvrAC is able to inhibit both PTI and RPM1-specified ETI by targeting BIK1 and RIPK, two receptor-like cytoplasmic kinases that are known to mediate immune signaling in Arabidopsis. AvrAC is a uridine 5’-monophosphoate transferase that uridylylates the conserved serine and threonine residues in the activation loop of BIK1 and RIPK. Citation : Mr. Feng is dedicated to his work and showed some impressive accomplishments. He is knowledgeable in the field. He was able to notice unexpected results that helped the progress. His ways of thinking and description are straight forward. He has good knowledge about plant immune system. 李中伟 B ackground : Mr. Li received his bachelor degree from Sichuan University in 2007, and is conducting his Ph.D. research in the laboratory of Dr. Ye-Guang Chen at Tsinghua University. His major research interest is to investigate how transforming growth factor- and Wnt signaling is regulated. He found out that the mouse embryonic stem cell can be maintained without loss of pluripotency in culture medium supplemented with LIF and BMP (bone morphogenic protein). Moreover, BMP can upregulate the dual specific phosphatase DUSP9, which in turn dephosphorylates and inactivates ERK. Citation : He did an outstanding job to link two key pathways that have an effect on mESC maintenance, and this work made a step forward in defining the signal pathway. The progress is interesting and may lead to novel discoveries. He is knowledgeable and is able to come up with follow up experimental procedures when he observed interesting results. He is clear about what he knows or not. He has a broad mind about research. He offered a good presentation and responded well to questions. 都 浩 Background : Mr. Du received his Bachelor of Science degree from Huazhong Agricultural University in 2007 entered his Ph.D. program in Huazhong Agricultural University in 2008. His advisor is Dr. Lizhong Xiong. He was engaged in studying the molecular biology of resistance to hazards in rice. He studies the hormonal regulation of plants under the abiotic stress environment, epigenetic regulation, and biological rhythm regulation by using rice mutant screening. Citation : He works very hard and made a lot of progress covering a wide range of topics. He is able to define the mechanism of several gene functions. He is able to compare and contrast stress defense by plants and animals, which reflects his broad knowledge. He has a very clear mind and dedicated to the work. He is active as a student organizer in academic activities and a frequent visitor of RWMF blog. 顾天鹏 Background : Mr. Gu received his bachelor degree from Shandong University in 2007, and entered the Ph.D. program in the laboratory of Dr. Guoliang Xu at Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2007. His research has focused on the mechanism of epigenetic reprogramming in the early mouse embryo. He first managed to raise an antibody specific for the oxidation product in DNA, 5hmC. With this antibody, he discovered that 5hmC is generated in the male pronucleus of fertilized eggs. Moreover, he demonstrated that oxidation of 5mC to 5hmC is mediated by the dioxygenase Tet3 in a gene-knockout model. Citation : The candidate can explain his body of work adequately. He carried out most of the biochemical work. He independently found out the approach to generate hmC specific antibody. His description was clear and precise. He is also modest. 姜小倩 Background : Ms. Jiang received her bachelor degree from Shaanxi University of Science and Technology in 2007, and entered the Ph.D. program in the laboratory of Dr. Shiheng Tao at Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University in 2007. Her research focuses on evolutionary biology using computer-simulation methods. She revealed that the mutation rate in asexual populations was determined by both population size and mutation effects. Furthermore, she found that in the ‘‘strong-selection weak mutation (SSWM)’’ regime or in the ‘‘clonal interference (CI)’’ regime, deleterious mutations rarely influence the distribution of ‘‘selection coefficients of the fixed mutations (SCFM)’’; while in the ‘‘multiple mutations’’ regime, the accumulation of deleterious mutations would lead to a decrease in fitness significantly. Citation : She was able to accomplish a complicated project and is productive. She is very independent as most of her work was done by herself. One interviewer thinks she has the potential for innovation. She is knowledgeable in many aspects. She answers questions clearly and is passionate about her research topic. Sayli Kong Background : Ms. Kong received her BS from Universiti Putra Malaysia and MS from National University of Singapore. She began her Ph.D. study under the direction of Dr. Edison T Liu at National University of Singapore in 2009. Her research focuses on estrogen receptor (ER) regulation and its impact on cellular biology. Using the workhorse MCF7 human mammary carcinoma cell as the study model, the genomewide binding events for estrogen receptor (ER) and its co-regulators, namely FOXA1 and GATA3, were mapped. Cellular reprogramming was regulated by the conjoint action of ERα, FOXA1 and GATA3 to a ligand inducible growth state. Growth and proliferation of breast cancer cells were shown to be related to the core estrogen responsive cassettes. Citation : The committee recognizes her outstanding productivity and was impressed of her academic maturity, well organized presentation and confidence in science. She demonstrated that she is independent, and passionate about her research and career. She knows her research field well beyond her own subject and has a good understanding about the mission of RWMF. She interacted with each of committee members well and answered challenging questions confidently and clearly. 详情请登录: http://www.raywumemorialfund.org/2012winner.php
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