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blazing216 2016-3-23 12:39
mseed2sac自动拼接 省局的地震数据一般是以天为单位存储,每天的数据存成一个文件。如果将这些文件放在一个文件夹下,用mseed2sac对这些数据进行转换,可以将相邻天的连续数据自动保存到一个sac文件中。
个人分类: 主动源数据处理|4288 次阅读|0 个评论
Prospect to SAC 2015
JRoy 2014-10-5 21:46
Prospect to SAC 2015 The 30th ACM SYMPOSIUM ON APPLIED COMPUTING (SAC 2015) will be held in Salamanca (Spain) between 13 and 17 of April, 2015. This symposium will be organized by the Bioinformatic, Intelligent System and Educational Technology Reseach Group ( http://bisite.usal.es/ ) of the University of Salamanca. The Bioinformatic, Intelligent Systems and Educational Technology (BISITE) group brings Together a group of researchers interested primarily in the development and application of intelligent computer systems to various types of problems. BISITE is characterized by multi-disciplinary and inter-university. It is multidisciplinary by the member’s diverse Profile: computer scientists, biologists, chemists, physicists, oceanographers and economists. BISITE’s interuniversity aspect includes researchers from several universities and research centers. The work of this group has a very practical component, although the theoretical aspects, necessary in any research, are not forgotten. Technological innovation also applies to the education and teaching fields, at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. In this sense BISITE has developed techniques and educational tools based on intelligent systems and mathematical models, of great help for both teachers and students. Salamanca is the university city by excellence, known in the whole world for this and for its artistic richness: cathedrals, palaces, churches... of artistic styles such as romanesque, gothic, plateresque y barroque. Situated on the banks of the river Tormes, its geographical extensión is 12.336 Km², and It currently has 159.000 inhabitants. Deadlines and Important Dates Date October 10, 2014 Submission of regular papers and SRC abstracts November 30, 2014 Notification of paper and SRC acceptance/rejection December 15, 2014 Camera-ready copies of accepted papers http://sac2015.usal.es/cobio2/submission http://sac2015.usal.es/iif/
个人分类: 科技动态|3231 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]如何在SAC中保存图片 SAC保存图像小结
Zhouwenju 2013-11-11 22:13
SAVEIMG直接保存图形文件 SAC 101.5之后的版本加入了新功能,可以直接保存图形文件,这是个神器~目前支持的格式为ps、pdf、png、xpm。ps和pdf是矢量格式,因而是绘图的首选格式,png和xpm是位图图形格式,绘图精度较差,因而不建议使用。考虑到图像不清晰,且png和xpm需要格外的库文件,在SAC 101.6发布的二进制文件中不再支持png和xpm。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 $ sac SEISMIC ANALYSIS CODE Copyright 1995 Regents of the University of California SAC fgseis SAC p SAC saveimg foo.ps save filefoo.ps SAC q pssac绘制ps文件 pssac利用GMT的ps库直接绘制SAC文件,pssac的具体细节可以站内搜索pssac。 转自:http://seisman.info/sac-save-image.html
个人分类: sac|788 次阅读|0 个评论
clrscr 2013-10-10 15:18
参考: http://seisman.blog.ustc.edu.cn/index.php/archives/38 sac正常运行,需安装 libXpm yum install libXpm 2013/10/10 初稿 2013/10/11 修改内容
个人分类: Linux|3152 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 2 Zhouwenju 2013-9-28 20:55
从fourier transform 开始: (1)time to frequency (2)frequency to time 把(2)用复数表达: S(f) = a(f) + ib(f) 求S(f) 的模(a^2+b^2)^1/2 得到振幅谱 求S(f) 的幅角 arctan(b/a) 得到相位谱 实现: SAC FFT命令 unwrap 命令
个人分类: 基础知识|1060 次阅读|3 个评论
热度 1 zhanggw 2013-2-21 10:29
SAC是一个交互命令,需要人机联动,当只是使用SAC进行机械性的数据处理时,使用脚本进行批处理就显得很重要了。在SAC内部有宏文件可以使用,但是宏文件不能方便的与外界程序进行交互。所以在脚本中调用SAC便显得格外重要,也经常使用。SAC新版本中加入了在脚本中如果调用SAC的介绍,原文位于sac/aux/help/user_man/sac_script,相应的脚本位于sac/doc/examples中。 下面仅仅只是一些列举: sh ------------ #!/bin/sh sac EOF fg seismo lh columns 2 quit EOF csh ------------- #!/bin/csh sac EOF fg seismo lh columns 2 quit EOF perl ----------------- #!/usr/bin/env perl open(SAC, "| sac ") or die "Error opening sac"; print SAC "fg seismon"; print SAC "lh columns 2n"; print SAC "quitn"; close(SAC); python ------ #!/usr/bin/env python import subprocess p = subprocess.Popen( , stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.STDOUT ) out = p.communicate(''' fg seismo lh columns 2 quit ''') print out -------------------------------------------- 例外需要说的一点是在调用SAC时会出现SAC版本号等东西,这些文本会出现中终端中而引起很多的麻烦。一个方法是将SAC_DISPLAY_COPYRIGHT设置为0,另一个办法是将SAC的输出重定向到垃圾箱/dev/null 转载 http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_872ecf9f01010s2v.html
个人分类: SOFT|3193 次阅读|1 个评论

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