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zhpd55 2018-5-12 19:44
文献检索的几条途径 当今的文献检索主要是通过网络进行搜索,但是如何才能够快速、准确地获得自己想要的文献,现将免费获得研究论文的几条可供参考的 途径摘引转载如下: Download Research Papers and Scientific Articles for free (Sci-Hub links updated on April 23, 2018) April 23, 2018 After my post on Chrome Extensions for academics and students I heard from a lot of my readers, especially about Sci-Hub extension. They hadn’t heard of Sci Hub before this and were astounded that you could get academic papers for free. So I thought a follow-up post on exactly this might be helpful. There are several websites you can use to download journal articles, these are my top threefour five. Email me if you know of any more. Update: Citationsy now has a built-in function that lets you search for papers and download them right there called Citationsy Archives . Sign up here (it’s free!) Unpaywall Unpaywall is a website built by Impactstory,a nonprofit working to make science more open and reusable online. They are supported by grants from the National Science Foundation and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. What they do is gather all the articles they can from all the open-access repositories on the internet. These are papers that have been provided by the authors or publishers for free, and thus Unpaywall is completely legal. They say they have about 50-85% of all scientific articles available in their archive. Works with Chrome or Firefox. Open Access Button The Open Access Button does something very similar to Unpaywall, with some major differences. They search thousands of public repositories, and if the article is not in any of them they send a request to the author to make the paper publicly available with them. The more people try to find an article through them, the more requests an author gets. You can search for articles/papers directly from their page, or download their browser extension. ResearchGate If you look up the author of the paper you want to download on the academic platform ResearchGate you will often find that they have shared their work for download right there. And even if they haven’t you can write to them and ask if they might send it to you. Library Genesis Library Genesis is a database of over 2 million (yes, million) papers, articles, entire journals, and non-fiction books. They also have comics, fiction books, and books in many non-english languages. Alternative links: http://gen.lib.rus.ec http://libgen.pw http://libgen.io Citationsy Archives Citationsy Archives lets you search for journal articles and papers, download them, and of course cite them in your Citationsy projects. After entering a query it searches through all published papers in the world and shows you the matches. You can then click a result to see more details, and immediately cite it from there. It will also let you download the paper through a couple different open access services, including all of the ones on this list. Sign up here Sci-Hub Finally, there’s Sci-Hub . Science-Hub works in a completely different way than the other two: researchers, students, and other academics donate their institutional login to Sci-Hub, and when you search for a paper they download it through that account. After the articles has been downloaded they store a copy of it on their own servers. You can basically download 99% of all scientific articles and papers on Sci-Hub, but it’s decidedly in the gray area legally. Just enter the DOI to download the papers you need for free. In case that link to Sci-Hub doesn’t work, try these new Sci-Hub links: http://sci-hub.is http://sci-hub.la http://tree.sci-hub.la https://scihub22266oqcxt.onion.link sci-hub.tv sci-hub.hk http://sci-hub.mn http://sci-hub.name http://sci-hub.tw http://sci-hub.biz
个人分类: 新观察|5941 次阅读|0 个评论
多物理场模拟(Multiphysics simulation)论文:免费(修改稿)
热度 2 zhpd55 2013-3-6 11:31
850余 篇多物理场模拟论文可以免费浏览与下载 诸平 关心多物理场模拟( Multiphysicssimulation )的朋友们,对于 COMSOLMultiphysics 数值模拟 研讨会一定非常关注,如果您没有机会参加会议,到场聆听专家学者的精彩讲演,但又不想放过学习和了解最新研究动态的机会,当然浏览会议文献(包括会议论文、会议报告讲演稿等与会议相关的文献)就是最好的学习途径。在此告诉您一个激动人心的好消息, COMSOL 公司已经将2012年秋季在美国波士顿、意大利米兰、印度班加罗尔召开的COMSOL会议的 850多 篇相关会议文献公布于众,可以免费浏览或者下载阅读( comsol.com/c/lvj )。其中包括以下21种分类: AC/DCElectromagnetics AcousticsandVibrations Batteries,FuelCells,andElectrochemicalProcesses BioscienceandBioengineering ChemicalReactionEngineering ComputationalFluidDynamics ElectromagneticHeating GeophysicsandGeomechanics HeatTransferandPhaseChange MEMSandNanotechnology Microfluidics Multiphysics Optics,PhotonicsSemiconductors OptimizationandInverseMethods ParticleTracing PiezoelectricDevices PlasmaPhysics RFandMicrowaveEngineering SimulationMethodsandTeaching StructuralMechanicsandThermalStresses TransportPhenomena Viewitnowinyourbrowser: MultiphysicsSimulation:AnIEEESpectrumSupplement COMSOLMultiphysics 是一款多物理场耦合分析软件。 COMSOL 公司 1986 年成立于瑞典斯德哥尔摩,目前已在比利时、丹麦、芬兰、法国、德国、挪威、瑞士、英国和美国麻州、加州等成立分公司。 中仿科技公司 (CnTechCo.,Ltd) 是 COMSOL 集团在中国的唯一合作伙伴,负责 COMSOL 产品在中国区 ( 包括香港、澳门特别行政区 ) 的技术支持和销售活动。 YoucannowgaininstantaccesstoMultiphysicsSimulation:AnIEEESpectrumSupplement.Clicknowtofindstoriesonthematerialsmodeling,electroniccooling,powergridcomponents,andmore: http://goo.gl/lUYQi
个人分类: 新观察|5682 次阅读|4 个评论

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