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Start my happy and productive 2012
firsy 2012-1-1 08:40
Startmy happy and productive 2012. 2011-12-31 19:38 Johns Hopkins University Medical School
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Let it go…
热度 5 zuojun 2011-11-24 06:13
Sometimes, the best action is no action. Say, you had some problems with your fellow student(s) and/or adviser, and you might be right (and they might be wrong). Does it matter to make it crystal clear who was wrong and how wrong he or she was? How about think it this way: no one is perfect, including a professor. (Ok, professor is never perfect. Does this help a bit?) The important thing is whether or not you can go on studying. If not, why not? Also, remember to give him or her another chance. Of course, you need to learn how to protect yourself, including your research (data, records, etc.). To forgive others is to unburden yourself with negative feelings. Life is too short to be unhappy because someone else you don’t even love!
个人分类: Thoughts of Mine|2618 次阅读|6 个评论
热度 3 pingcn 2011-7-10 12:16
北京大堵车。一看那情形,下公交,打车去! 很久都没有打到车!想跟人拼车,那个男人之间关上车门就走,哎~~~ 后来,好容易打到车,走小路,飞驰,依然没有赶上火车!破天荒头一次的! 改签时候遇到很横的人……无语,还好改到了当天的,虽然是“无座”的。 后来在火车上遇到一个女的,会跟周围的任何一个人搭讪,一点不“认生” 聊得happy时候,会拿手去摸人的腿! 看她不像女色狼的样子,就没跟她计较。 她似乎酷爱打击人——我拿mp3听,她说“都什么年代了,你还听这个破玩意儿……” 我笑笑,自己听,她还说我很小气,不给她听,无语…… 我的mp3里大部分都是英语,她根本听不懂好不好~~~ 她非要听歌,于是好容易找到几首歌,给她听。 发现,她只喜欢听“凤凰传奇”那种“大声”的风格的。 火车上冷气开得太大,很冷,冻得我们都“缩成一团” 她说,你带那么多行李,肯定有衣服吧?找一件给我批一下呗。 于是,找了一件衣服给她披上。 可是,然而,她竟然说,像个破床单…… 回来后闻到衣服上有莫名其妙的味道,于是只好自己把衣服好好洗了洗。(貌似我有轻度洁癖?) 车晚点,11点多才到。 还好我把弟弟从老家招来接我。不然大半夜的,怪吓人的。 出站,遇见一个开SUV的男人,说,去哪里?给你们送去?这里打车不好打啊! 心想,开着SUV来开黑出租,有点诡异,于是说,没关系,我们去打车。 明天面试。先写这么多。嘻嘻。
39 次阅读|4 个评论
I Am Here,I Am Happy!
yanzhiwei4155 2011-5-15 00:44
是偶然看到王德华老师的博文开始关注科学网的,不明就里的闯入,一眼就喜欢上了它。这里总能偶遇很多良师益友,让人醍醐灌顶,受益匪浅。生活、学习、工作各个方面,他们的经历,他们的思想,他们的作为,对我是一种鼓励,一种鞭策,一种交流。我想说的是:I am here ,I am happy!
个人分类: 生活随笔|2118 次阅读|0 个评论
king520stone 2011-4-27 11:52
2557 次阅读|0 个评论
jingyanwang 2011-4-8 17:16
http://www.jxjxx.org/scholarships-fellowships-application/recommendation-reference-letter-sample/2009-08-10/62.php Dear Colleagues: I am happy to write a letter of recommendation for Mary Smith in support of her application to the Department of Maternal and Child Health MPH program. Ms. Smith took the classroom version of Principles of Epidemiology for Public Health (EPID 160) this past fall. Based on her performance in the course, I feel she would be a good candidate for the MPH program. Grading in EPID 160 is based on a combination of “objective” and “subjective” evaluations. The objective components are two open-book, take-home examinations (35% of the overall grade) and a paper (25%), each based on an article. Each teaching assistant grades several exam questions across the entire class (this year we combined the 101 classroom and 64 Internet students). Thus, exam scores provide a good basis for comparison. The papers are also graded anonymously, but in spite of attempts to standardize the grading there are undoubtedly differences across graders. The more subjective components are TA (20% of the overall grade) and peer (20%) evaluations of participation in small group discussions about case studies based mostly on articles. Although I try to adjust the results for differences in grading styles across TAs and across small groups, these scores are less comparable across the class as a whole. Ms. Smith's overall grade of 85 fell right in the center of the distribution. Her score of 79 on each exam was just below the median on the first exam (quartiles were 75, 80, and 85) and just above the median on the second exam (quartiles 70, 78, 88; the median for students in the classroom edition was 80). Her grade on the paper was somewhat disappointing (78, just below the first quartile for the class as a whole and for all papers graded by the same grader). On the more subjective evaluation components, Ms. Smith's ratings were very good. Scores on these evaluations tend to run high, but Ms. Smith was one of 14 students supervised by Amy Green to receive the maximum score. The average of the peer ratings that Ms. Smith received from the other students in her small group fell right at the median of her group. Amy Green, an advanced Epidemiology doctoral student who met with and observed 33 students in the weekly labs, writes of Ms. Smith: “Mary was one of the most dedicated of my students. She always came prepared to lab, asked good questions, and frequently volunteered to present her work. Many epidemiologic concepts are not straightforward, and it was evident that Mary put a great deal of effort and time into learning the material. She was one of the hardest working students and would often email me with questions. Her lab group benefited immensely from her inquisitive style. She also made a concerted effort to synthesize information outside of class. On a number of occasions she brought additional material to the attention of the instructor and students, and shared relevant and interesting ways to incorporate epidemiologic thinking into public health. She would make an intelligent, energetic and hard-working addition to any public health program” Ms. Smith's performance on the EPID 160 exams demonstrates that she is competitive with graduate students in public health degree programs in her ability to learn epidemiology, and her successful lab participation demonstrates that she works well with her peers and contributes at least her share. Although her score on the article critique was lower than those for most of the class, the grading for these is less precise than for the examinations. Please feel free to call (966-7436) or write ( vjs@unc.edu ) if I can be helpful. Yours sincerely, Victor J. Schoenbach, PhD Associate Professor 919-966-7436 vjs@unc.edu
个人分类: POSTDOC|903 次阅读|0 个评论
zhangjinami 2011-3-12 19:00
smile why we have smile because we are happy life needs smile mother smile make me feel worm teacher smile give me confidence i want to smile everyday
2 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 duke01361 2011-3-12 18:32
朱大明 《防护工程》编辑部,471023河南洛阳 20100336.pdf I am pretty happy to see thatone of ourarticles has been cited as exemplary of writing " acknowledgements " in an articletalking about something about"科技期刊论文中的“致谢”内容应适当具体" byDr 朱大明 《防护工程》编辑部,471023河南洛阳 Many thanks to Dr Zhu 20100336.pdf
个人分类: Science in action|2979 次阅读|2 个评论
[转载]10 Ways to Have a Happy Workday
fengkp 2011-2-24 19:47
10 Ways to Have a Happy Workday Everyone wants to have a great work day. You want to go to work, get the job done and head for the horizon with a smile on your face. It’s easy to have a good day at work if you prepare in advance and keep a good running list of how to get through with the most happy day. Here are the top 10 ways to have a happier workday. 1. Eat breakfast – If you skip breakfast, you won’t be at your best during the morning. You will more likely gorge yourself at lunch and have a sleepy afternoon. So eat something, anything (within reason) so you can ensure a smooth start. 2. Get plenty of sunshine – Sun in the morning signals the body and mind to wake up. So instead of reaching for a big cup of Joe, put on your shoes and go outside. 3. Get Aerobic Exercise – while you are getting your sunlight, use it as an excuse to get a good walk or jog in. Excercise lowers stress, gets your blood moving and wakes you up. 4. Avoid RSS, EMAIL or phone before 10 am. RSS, email and phone demand immediate attention. Whereas your goals and work for the day can easily be brushed to the side. If you can avoid the urgent and uninportant until 10 or 10:30, you’ve got a fighting chance at getting all of the important tasks done. 5. Think positive thoughts not negative – Seems simple, but many people never do it. Instead of looking on the worst side, try to see the bright side. Ask yourself “what is the advantage of this situation?” “how am I benefitting from this? What am I learning?” These are all good questions that you can ask in all negative situations to turn them to the positive. 6. Take breaks – If you push on one task for too long you your work starts to suffer. It’s easy to become tired and frustrated. So every 30 – 45 minutes, take 5. Get up from your desk, stop what you are doing and get your mind off your work for awhile. You’ll find you’ll return with more ideas and renewed energy. 7. Go for a mid-day walk – again, I’m harping on the excercise. Getting a brisk walk in over lunch (even if for only 10 minutes) will get you to feeling better about your afternoon. Where most others are sitting around digesting, you can be energizing. 8. Avoid gossip – One drain on your day is gossip. It may seem fun and exciting to learn some juicy tidbit about your officemate or boss. But good gossip is always negative talk. Negative talk starts the pendulum swinging toward negativity. 9. List your top 5-7 objectives for the day and break the list down to 3 – It’s good to get in the habit of making lists, it’s bad to make long lists. If you’ve got more than 5 items on your list, break it down to the top 3 things (you can always go back and edit in another task or two). But with a list of 20 things, how can you not be overwhelmed? 3 is a managable, magical number. Break your list down to 3. Anybody can do just three things right? 10. Be slow to react to other people’s “urgent” requests. When someone else asks you for help, to do a project or to meet some other urgent need, practice saying “what’s your deadline on this? or when do you need this done?” THen schedule that day. Most people when asked one of those questions realize it’s not as urgent and will set a future date. That way, you can go back to working on one of your top 3 activities.
2424 次阅读|0 个评论
Be happy at work & work for happiness
热度 1 lhj701 2011-2-11 14:10
The attitude towards life(罗汉江) Be happy at work: if you have to work, so try to find happiness and pleasure in your work, no matter how trivial the work is. Thus we can harvest happiness when we are working. Work for happiness: we work hard because we expect that we will be happier in the future. So your happiness is your responsibility: get it each day during your working time, and don't try to wait for the big happinessin the future. And try hard to get it for you and for everyone around you.
个人分类: 思想沉淀|2862 次阅读|2 个评论
Happy and busy snow man in Canada
热度 1 Penrose 2011-2-3 07:45
个人分类: 信笔小文|4950 次阅读|1 个评论
[转载]祝各位朋友圣诞快乐 新年快乐
kexuechuanbo 2010-12-25 15:59
Merry Christmas and Happy New____ Year 2011 (Rabbi
个人分类: 团队发表论文|2231 次阅读|0 个评论
Many Happy Returns
zuojun 2010-12-15 05:55
I use this, Many Happy Returns of the year, to wish you a rewarding year, full of happiness.
个人分类: Thoughts of Mine|3141 次阅读|0 个评论
Happy Thanksgiving:你的爱将与我同在
livingfossil 2010-11-25 08:22
Happy Thanksgiving : 你的爱将与我同在 孙启高 (2010 年 11 月 24 日晚写于美国康州) 感恩节是北美地区最重要的节日之一。在美国,每年11月份的第4个星期四为感恩节,这是全国性的假日。今年美国的感恩节是11月25日。感恩节期间的活动很多,主要有:祝福感恩、家庭团聚、举办盛宴、足球比赛和游行狂欢等。 今天(2010年11月24日,星期三)孩子的学校只有上午半天课,下午开始放假。孩子中午坐校车回家了,他从学校带回两支康乃馨鲜花作为感恩节礼物,一支送给他妈妈,一支送给我。孩子说,鲜花是他上周在学校特意预定的。鲜花上有个小标签,上面写着: "Happy Thanksgiving! This flower is for Dad /Mom in Room 5D . It is a gesture of thanks from Peter . A note of thanks: Have a nice Holiday ." “5D”是孩子班级的代码,其中“5”代表5年级,“D”是孩子的班主任老师姓氏的第一个大写字母 。 我被感恩,内心收获一种感动和思考。 我认为,教育的首要任务应当唤醒道德感,必须让孩子们从小培养公德意识和诚信理念。教育的使命应该使广大学生成为有责任的和有教养的公民 (responsible and educated citizens) ,使他们逐步拥有独立的思想与人格、充满理性的科学精神以及宽广深厚的人文情怀。 感恩节确实是一个很好的节日,它叫孩子们和大人们都不要忘记感恩。在这美好的日子里,我要感谢所有的亲人和朋友,感谢所有的同事和网友,感谢大家对我的关心和帮助,感谢大家对《古植物学的故事》的关注和支持! 我送你一朵纯洁的睡莲花:你的爱将与我同在! ( 图片作者:孙启高,摄于云南西双版纳 ) 有关资料: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thanksgiving http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thanksgiving_(United_States)
2684 次阅读|0 个评论
Happy Autumn!
zuojun 2010-11-19 04:42
Happy Autumn!
个人分类: Tea Time/Coffee Break|3240 次阅读|0 个评论
Can You Talk Your Way to Happy? Meaningful conversations more fulfilling than sm
pikeliu 2010-3-8 19:05
作者:柴婧 来源:新华网 发布时间:2010-3-8 实质性谈话让人快乐 研究或揭开快乐奥秘 美国一项研究显示,闲聊在社会生活中能起到润滑剂的作用,而有实质内容的交谈能让人更愉快。 这一研究结果刊登于美国《心理科学》(Psychological Science)杂志。 生活录音 美国亚利桑那大学研究人员让79名大学生随身携带录音设备,这种设备每隔12.5分钟自动录制30秒声音。4天后,录音设备总共记录大约2.3万段对话片段,平均每人300余段。 研究人员把这些录音片段分为闲聊和实质性交谈。如你那有什么?爆米花?真好吃!属于闲聊,而你爸爸与她相爱了?属于实质性交谈。 研究人员同时测试研究对象的性格和身心健康状况,然后把测试结果与录音片段结合分析。 健康生活新闻网援引研究报告作者、亚利桑那大学心理学助理教授马赛厄斯梅尔的话报道:研究结果显示,有意义、有实质内容的交谈更能提升人的快乐感。 维系社会 梅尔及其同事分析发现,身心健康水平较高的人独处时间少,经常与他人交谈。最快乐的人与最不快乐的人相比,独处时间少25%左右,与他人交谈的时间则多约70%。 就对话内容而言,最快乐的人闲聊数量是最不快乐的人的三分之一,实质性交谈数量则是后者的两倍。 梅尔说:闲聊有作用,但是在社会生活中,更能有效维系人们间关系的是实质性交谈。这种谈话并非一定要关于人生哲理,只要有实质性内容即可。 人们一般认为女性更擅长深入交流、谈论自己的感受。不过梅尔表示,实质性谈话的效果在男性身上略微明显一些,但他无法解释原因。 同行肯定 多年来人们一直想知道快乐的奥秘,这项研究或可有助于解开谜题。 美国乔治梅森大学心理学教授詹姆斯马达克斯说,有意义的谈话并不一定能让人感到更快乐,但二者之间确有联系。 马达克斯观察到,当人们感到婚姻生活变味时,伴侣间的对话内容往往会变得浮于表面。因此婚姻咨询师常要求伴侣间重新进行有实质意义的交谈。 加利福尼亚大学里弗赛德分校心理学教授索尼娅利犹博米尔斯基长期从事快乐感研究,她认为,新的研究结果是先前研究的补充。 她说:这项研究很好地证明,快乐的人花更多时间与人相处。他们与朋友间的实质性交谈就是标志。 更多阅读 健康生活新闻网相关报道(英文) 以下评论只代表网友个人观点,不代表科学网观点。 ? 2010-3-8 15:35:52 匿名 IP:133.6.56.* 快乐也要言之有物,呵呵 http://www.healthday.com/Article.asp?AID=636726 Can You Talk Your Way to Happy? Meaningful conversations more fulfilling than small talk, researchers find By Kathleen Doheny HealthDay Reporter FRIDAY, March 5 (HealthDay News) -- Small talk has its place as a social lubricant, but more meaningful conversations are what really make people happy, new research suggests. Small talk does have a function, said study author Matthias Mehl, an assistant professor of psychology at the University of Arizona, Tucson. For smooth social functioning, we need small talk. But those who also have meaningful conversations -- what Mehl calls substantive talks -- are happier, he has found. What really connects you to people is substantive, meaningful conversation rather than small talk. It doesn't have to be all about philosophy or the afterlife, it just has to have substance, he said. For the study, Mehl equipped 79 college men and women with a portable device called an electronically activated recorder (EAR), which periodically records snippets of conversation as the wearers follow their normal routine. Every 12.5 minutes, the device samples 30 seconds of sounds. Over four days' time, that totaled more than 23,000 recordings, or about 300 per participant. Mehl's team listened to the recordings, classifying the conversations as small talk or substantive conversation. For instance, small talk: What do you have there? Popcorn? Yummy! But the conversation that went like this was substantive: She fell in love with your dad? So, did they get divorced soon after? Participants took tests to evaluate their personality and their well-being. Those who reported the higher levels of well-being, Mehl found, spent less time alone and more time talking to others. When he compared the unhappiest participants with the happiest, he found the happiest spent about 25 percent less time alone -- 58.7 percent of their time vs. 76.8 percent. They also spent about 70 percent more time talking -- 39.7 percent of the time vs. 23.2 percent. The happiest also had about one third as much small talk as the unhappiest and twice as many substantive conversations. While women may have a reputation as the gender most adept at discussing feelings -- and having deep conversations -- Mehl said the effects of having substantive conversations were slightly more for men, although he didn't delve into why. The study is published in the journal Psychological Science. The study doesn't prove cause-and-effect, of course, Mehl said. It's not known if happy people are simple social attractors who find it easy to become involved in deep conversation, or if the deep conversations actually make people happy directly, he said. But the results, he writes, raise the interesting possibility that happiness can be increased by facilitating substantive conversations. Two other experts who reviewed the findings said the study helps to answer the age-old puzzle of what makes people happy, but agreed it doesn't prove cause-and-effect . We can't conclude that if you go out and have meaningful conversation you are going to be happier, said James Maddux, professor of psychology at George Mason University, in Fairfax, Va. But the association makes sense, he said. When marriages go sour, he observed, the conversation often changes; they talk about more superficial . In couples therapy, unhappy partners are often asked to begin to have meaningful conversations again. It would not surprise him, he said, that if someone is unhappy in a relationship, one source of the unhappiness is a lack of meaningful conversation. The device used in the study also captures something real, rather than relying on self-reports, said Sonja Lyubormirsky, professor of psychology at the University of California, Riverside, a long-time happiness researcher who wrote The How of Happiness. Often, in happiness research, she said, participants will self-report components such as their number of friends. The new findings compliment other happiness research, she said. There's lots of research showing happiness is linked with greater social support, she said. Happier people spend more time with others. Substantive conversations would be a marker that they are talking to closer friends. This study is a nice validation. More information To learn more about happiness research, visit the American Psychological Association. SOURCES: Matthias R. Mehl, Ph.D., assistant professor, psychology, University of Arizona, Tucson; Sonja Lyubomirsky, Ph.D., professor, psychology, University of California, Riverside; James Maddux, Ph.D., professor, psychology, George Mason University, Fairfax, Va.; Feb. 18, 2010, Psychological Science, online Last Updated: March 05, 2010 Copyright 2010 HealthDay. All rights reserved
个人分类: 爱的教育|196 次阅读|0 个评论
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!! Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine 2009
xupeiyang 2009-12-25 06:59
Dear Ms./ Mr., Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!! We sincerely thank you for your contributions to the growth of our new journalJournal of Evidence-Based Medicine in the past year. Looking back over the last year, l The first Annual Editorial Board Meeting was held in Chengdu in January. Fifty-five great masters from 8 countries were selected as the board members of the journal. l Fifty-four invited papers, more than 50% from abroad, were published in 4 issues as follows: n Clinical Trials Registration n 2020Health for All n Medical Education Reform n Medical Rescue of the Wenchuan Earthquake l The download quantity for the PDF and HTML full-text papers is about 5,000. l The journal is now been assessed by ISI for the index of SCIE. The result will be known around the next New Year. Look into the New Year, l The online ahead of print publication will begin to operate as the year of 2010 comes. l Our new website is http://www.journalEBM.org l The coming topics in the pipeline include: n ADR/AE of Chinese Materia Medica Injections n Health for All, 2020 n Strategic Collaboration between WHO and the Cochrane Collaboration n Medical Education Reform You are warmly welcome to continually submit your papers to ebmjournal@gmail.com . Your consistently high quality of contributions is still expected! Youping Li Editor in Chief Liang Du Managing editor
个人分类: 蛋白组学|2239 次阅读|0 个评论
Happy 牛 Year(2009)
liuysd 2009-2-15 15:21
同事年前发过来的几张图片,是新年建议,很有意思,特别是保持幽默感这一张.很有水平,哈哈!另外,保持高度的自信心这一张,也超强.希望大家喜欢:) Happy 牛 Year(2009)
个人分类: 生活点滴|3712 次阅读|0 个评论

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