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[转载]Modeling the internet of things: a hybrid Modeling approach
Fangjinqin 2017-4-4 14:56
Modeling the internet of things: a hybrid modeling approach using complex networks and agent‑based models Modeling IOT.pdf
个人分类: 学术文章|1448 次阅读|0 个评论
About Vulnerability and Surpass Yourself
lele6314 2016-1-14 20:24
It is not the critic who counts. It is not the man who sits and points out how the doer of deeds conld have done things better and how he falls and stumbles. The credit goes to the man in the arena, whose face is marred with dust and blood and swear. But when he's in the arena, at best he wins, and at worst he loses, but when he fails, when he loses, he does so daring greatly. ——Theodore Roosevelt So when you don't know how to challenge yourself, you should ask yourself: Who do you think you are? Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity and change. It is the accurate measurement of courage.
3138 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]20 Things Only Highly Creative People Would Understand
carldy 2015-5-25 12:09
http://www.lifehack.org/articles/communication/20-things-remember-you-love-highly-creative-person.html 20 Things Only Highly Creative People Would Understand There’s no argument anymore. Neuroscience confirms that highly creative people think and act differently than the average person. Their brains are literally hardwired in a unique way. But that gift can often strain relationships. I’ve seen it firsthand while working with New York Times bestselling authors and Grammy-winning musicians. If you love a highly creative person, you probably experience moments when it seems like they live in a completely different world than you. Truth is, they do. But trying to change them isn’t nearly as effective as trying to understand them. It all begins by seeing the world through their lens and remembering these 20 things: 1. They have a mind that never slows down. The creative mind is a non-stop machine fueled by intense curiosity. There is no pause button and no way to power it down. This can be exhausting at times but it is also the source of some crazy fun activities and conversations. 2. They challenge the status quo. Two questions drive every creative person more than any others: What if? and Why not? They question what everyone else takes at face value. While uncomfortable for those around them, it’s this ability that enables creatives to redefine what’s possible. 3. They embrace their genius even if others don’t. Creative individuals would rather be authentic than popular. Staying true to who they are, without compromise, is how they define success even if means being misunderstood or marginalized. 4. They have difficulty staying on task. Highly creative people are energized by taking big mental leaps and starting new things. Existing projects can turn into boring slogs when the promise of something new and exciting grabs their attention. 5. They create in cycles. Creativity has a rhythm that flows between periods of high, sometimes manic, activity and slow times that can feel like slumps. Each period is necessary and can’t be skipped just like the natural seasons are interdependent and necessary. 6. They need time to feed their souls. No one can drive cross-country on a single take of gas. In the same way, creative people need to frequently renew their source of inspiration and drive. Often, this requires solitude for periods of time. 7. They need space to create. Having the right environment is essential to peak creativity. It may be a studio, a coffee shop, or a quiet corner of the house. Wherever it is, allow them to set the boundaries and respect them. 8. They focus intensely. Highly creative people tune the entire world out when they’re focused on work. They cannot multi-task effectively and it can take twenty minutes to re-focus after being interrupted, even if the interruption was only twenty seconds. 9. They feel deeply. Creativity is about human expression and communicating deeply. It’s impossible to give what you don’t have, and you can only take someone as far as you have gone yourself. A writer once told me that an artist must scream at the page if they want a whisper to be heard. In the same way, a creative person must feel deep if they are to communicate deeply. 10. They live on the edge of joy and depression. Because they feel deeply, highly creative people often can quickly shift from joy to sadness or even depression. Their sensitive heart, while the source of their brilliance, is also the source of their suffering. 11. They think and speak in stories. Facts will never move the human heart like storytelling can. Highly creative people, especially artists, know this and weave stories into everything they do. It takes longer for them to explain something, explaining isn’t the point. The experience is. 12. They battle Resistance every day. Steven Pressfield, author of The War of Art, writes: “Most of us have two lives. The life we live, and the unlived life within us. Between the two stands Resistance.” Highly creative people wake up every morning, fully aware of the need to grow and push themselves. But there is always the fear, Resistance as Pressfield calls it, that they don’t have what it takes. No matter how successful the person, that fear never goes away. They simply learn to deal with it, or not. 13. They take their work personally. Creative work is a raw expression of the person who created it. Often, they aren’t able to separate themselves from it, so every critique is seen either as a validation or condemnation of their self-worth. 14. They have a hard time believing in themselves. Even the seemingly self-confident creative person often wonders, Am I good enough? They constantly compare their work with others and fail to see their own brilliance, which may be obvious to everyone else. 15. They are deeply intuitive. Science still fails to explain the How and Why of creativity. Yet, creative individuals know instinctively how to flow in it time and again. They will tell you that it can’t be understood, only experienced firsthand. 16. They often use procrastination as a tool. Creatives are notorious procrastinators because many do their best work under pressure. They will subconsciously, and sometimes purposefully, delay their work until the last minute simply to experience the rush of the challenge. 17. They are addicted to creative flow. Recent discoveries in neuroscience reveal that “the flow state” might be the most addictive experience on earth. The mental and emotional payoff is why highly creative people will suffer through the highs and lows of creativity. It’s the staying power. In a real sense, they are addicted to the thrill of creating. 18. They have difficulty finishing projects. The initial stage of the creative process is fast moving and charged with excitement. Often, they will abandon projects that are too familiar in order to experience the initial flow that comes at the beginning. 19. They connect dots better than others. True creativity, Steve Jobs once said, is little more than connecting the dots. It’s seeing patterns before they become obvious to everyone else. 20. They will never grow up. Creatives long to see through the eyes of a child and never lose a sense of wonder. For them, life is about mystery, adventure, and growing young. Everything else is simply existing, and not true living
个人分类: 读书心得体会 Harvest|1281 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Low cost ARM M0+ controller targets the Internet of things
热度 1 lhj701 2013-6-21 22:19
Low cost ARM M0+ controller targets the Internet of Things Nick Flaherty - June 18, 2013 Atmel has combined touch and power IP from its AVR range of low cost controllers with the ARM Cortex M0+ 'Flycatcher' processor core to develop a low cost, low power devices with key customer support for the Internet of Things. The SAM D20 is the first series in a new family of embedded Flash Microcontrollers based on the ARM Cortex-M0+ processor core and designed ideally for home automation, consumer, smart metering and industrial applications, with Bosch Sensortech as a key early customer. The 130nm series combines innovative and proven technologies including intelligent peripherals with Atmel’s Event System and capacitive touch support for button, slider and wheel capability and proximity sensing as well as single cycle access to the flash memory. The new SAM D20 series is also supported by the latest version of Atmel Studio and Atmel Software Framework , the integrated development platform for developing and debugging Atmel ARM Cortex-M and Atmel AVR MCU- based applications. The devices will be available in chip scale packaging (CSP) for integration into low cost consumer designs, says Endreas Eieland, snior product marketing manager at Atmel. Bosch Sensortec is among the first adopters of the new Atmel SAM D20 device. “Customers for our next-generation self-contained 9-axis absolute orientation sensor (BNO055) will benefit from the same high performance with lower power consumption. Atmel’s SAM D20 device optimizes Bosch Sensortec’s sensor fusion software at a level that was not previously possible,” said Dr. Stefan Finkbeiner, CEO and General Manager at Bosch Sensortec. “Atmel’s global leadership in MCUs and its partnership with ARM has enabled the company to launch its Cortex-M0+ ARM-based family,” said Reza Kazerounian, Sr. Vice President and General Manager, Microcontroller Business Unit at Atmel. “In this era of the Internet of Things, MCUs, such as the SAM D20, are at the heart of every smart, connected device. All our MCUs include unique peripheral sets, ultra-low power consumption, a complete integrated development platform, and easy-to-use development kits so designers can bring their products quickly to market.” The SAM D20 Cortex-M0+ ARM-based series integrates several popular features including high-precision 12-bit analog and internal oscillators, up to eight 16-bit timer/counters, real-time performance, peripheral event system, and flexible clocking options and sleep modes. The new devices also include a serial communication module (SERCOM module) that can be configured from the application to act as an USART, UART, SPI and I2C; each device in this new family includes four to six SERCOM modules. The new devices are also designed for a simple and intuitive migration between devices with identical peripheral modules, hex compatible code, pin compatible migration paths, and a Linear address map. The family supports button, slider and wheel touch capability as well as proximity without the need for external components, and features 14 new devices available in 32-, 48- and 64-pin package options with 16 to 256KB of Flash memory. To accelerate design, the SAM D20 Xplained PRO evaluation kits are available today for USD $39. The kit features a 64-pin, 256KB SAM D20 device along with a programmer/debugger and hardware to evaluate both the processor and the peripherals. The Xplained PRO kit also comes pre-loaded with software that can easily be re-programmed, debugged and prototyped without any additional tools. Atmel is working with alpha customers that will go into volume production shortly. Samples of 128KB 32-pin, and 256KB 48-and 64 pin products are available in QFN and QFP packages now. Pricing starts at $1.02 USD for 1K units of the 16KB 32 pin QFN-package. To purchase a kit, visit the Atmel Store . Find more datasheets on products like this one at Datasheets.com , searchable by category, part #, description, manufacturer, and more. This article originally appeared in EE Times Europe.
个人分类: 物联网|1926 次阅读|2 个评论
热度 9 blownsand 2013-3-17 10:27
俺一直以来都以为地理学是文科,只不过是国务院学位办在学科划分时错误地将其划入理科,因为教材上缺乏最基本的定律。2011年在新疆参加地理学大会时,来自广东的一位老师在报告中提及到地理学第一定律。 Waldo Tobler的原话是“ Everything is related to everything else, but near things are more related than distant things.”按字面理解, 任何事物都相关,只是相近的事物关联更紧密。 如果再没有其他定律或定理,仅从这条定性“定律”似乎很难定量推导出地理教材上那么多的“结论”。 地理学离现代科学体系太远了吧?怎么有点儿像中医和巫术的亲戚?
8697 次阅读|24 个评论
[转载]Slow Food for Thought (JASIST编者语)
reedwhu 2013-1-9 14:29
Slow scholarship—like Slow Food—is deeper and richer and more nourishing than the fast stuff. But it takes longer to make, and to do it properly you have to employ eccentric people who insist on doing things their way. By Anthony Grafton (2010)
1286 次阅读|0 个评论
Reflecting on all the cause and effect truths
qinchuanq 2013-1-8 08:46
Reflecting on all the cause and effect "truths" in this universe, and then taking experiments to check, is one of the most interesting things that are worth to do on this boring and lonely planet. 思虑万千因果 思虑万千因果,察之,验之,益善之,乃俗世间一大快事是也。
个人分类: 学习生活|285 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]10 things presidential candidates won’t say
tsowungwai 2012-11-8 12:27
Nov. 5, 2012, 5:01 p.m. EST 10 things presidential candidates won’t say By Jonnelle Marte We reveal the secrets from both sides of the campaign trail. Reuters Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney carries five month-old Levi Vandenberg after plucking him out of the crowd while greeting audience members at a campaign rally in Newington, New Hampshire November 3, 2012. 1. “I’m powerless to change the economy.” When Americans head to the polls this month, political analysts say the economy is going to be issue number one. Although President Barack Obama and Republican candidate Mitt Romney have differing views on how to add spark to the recovery, the man chosen for the job will likely have very little influence on the direction of the economy, experts say. The shrinking labor force and the globalization of certain industries, along with other, unpredictable events, will have more of an impact on the economy in the long run than, say, the president’s proposals for energy or small business lending, says Eugene Steuerle, a senior fellow at the Urban Institute, a think tank in Washington D.C. “There are a lot of economic forces that are basically outside of their control,” he says. One example: As more baby boomers retire and the workforce potentially shrinks — a trend the president can do little to change — output is likely to decrease and government spending on health-care programs for seniors will probably go up. Together, that could drag down the U.S. economy, says Steuerle. That’s not to say a president’s policies don’t have some influence over short-term economic trends. By pushing for temporary tax breaks, extending unemployment benefits, propping up struggling corporations and using other stimulus measures, economists say presidents can stop some economic strains from worsening. This story has been updated; it originally ran on May 29, 2012. 2. “It’s getting more expensive to win you over.” It used to be that candidates kept their campaign spending to a minimum in order to qualify for matching public funds from the federal government. To get matching funds, candidates have to stick to a 2012 national spending limit of about $45.6 million in the primaries and $91.2 million in the general election. They may also spend no more than $50,000 of their own money in each phase. Click to Play Whichever Election Outcome, Taxes Likely to Rise No matter who wins Tuesday's presidential election, here's a good political bet: taxes on investment income are likely going up, at least for higher-income households. Photo: Bloomberg News. But starting in 1996, when candidate Steve Forbes refused to take public funds in order to use more of his own money than the limit allowed, more candidates have stopped taking matching funds out of fear of being outspent by an opponent. In 2008, President Barack Obama became the first candidate to refuse public funds for the general election. He went on to raise about $750 million for the primaries and the general election combined. “I don’t think we’re going to go back to a time when candidates accept those general election rules,” says Nathan Gonzales, deputy editor of the Rothenberg Political Report, a non-partisan newsletter covering campaigns and elections. “It seems likely that one side will exceed those and the other side won’t want to be hamstrung.” As of late October, President Obama had raised $632 million and Mitt Romney had collected $389 million, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. Compare that with 1996, when Bill Clinton and Bob Dole faced off with a budget of about $35 million each. Candidates are courting wealthy supporters and small donors alike. This election, 34% of President Obama’s total came from people who gave $200 or less, compared with 18% for Romney, according to the center. That said, donors — big and small — are supporting presidential candidates on their own accord, Gonzales points out: “No one is forced to give.” A spokeswoman for Mitt Romney declined to comment for this article. Reps for President Obama did not return calls seeking comment. 3. “You can’t skip the campaign commercials.” Television ads are still the most popular way of getting a message out to voters, but as more people zoom past commercials by using their DVR, or stream their favorite shows online, candidates have had to get more creative. As a result, presidential hopefuls are increasingly turning to online tracking tools, social networking sites and online video to target specific demographic groups for votes and donations. “Candidates are using social media in ways they never have before,” says William Rosenberg, a political science professor at Drexel University For instance, both parties are using online search ads, which analyze a person’s Web browser history, to determine if they are likely to vote Republican or Democrat. Then, they hit up their most likely voters for money, says Rosenberg. Candidates are increasingly using social media sites like Facebook and Twitter to ask for donations, energize supporters and announce campaign events. Indeed, spending on Internet media is taking off: Obama’s reelection campaign spending on social media, online advertising and website maintenance totaled $53.7 million by mid-October. That’s nearly three times the amount he had spent by the same time in the 2008 election, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. Romney has spent $15.1 million, compared with the $4.6 million John McCain used up by this time back in 2008. Separately, the Obama Victory fund, which fundraises for the Obama Campaign, the Democratic National Committee and state Democratic parties, spent $26.8 million on online fundraising, and the Romney Victory fund has spent $21 million on the same category, according to the center. “You have to get more creative in order to cut through the clutter,” says Paul Winn, political director at Smart Media Group, a Republican political ad-buying firm. Candidates are still using one traditional method to court voters and donors — the telephone. The Do Not Call Registry does not apply to political candidates so expect plenty of robocalls and solicitations for donations. Annoyed voters can register their landlines and cell phones with the National Political Do Not Contact Registry at StopPoliticalcalls.org. 4. “This job is going to make me rich — one day.” For many presidents, taking the oath of office has also meant taking a pay cut. (President Obama currently makes less than most of his cabinet members, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.) But the big payoff comes after the Oval Office. Former presidents dating back to Ulysses S. Grant have used their presidential credentials to publish memoirs and land speaking gigs, but the potential payout has skyrocketed in recent years, says Barbara Perry, a senior fellow with the Miller Center at the University of Virginia, a nonpartisan institute that studies the presidency. “It has really become a money making profession,” she says. Bill Clinton, for instance, received a $15 million advance within months of leaving the presidency for his memoir “My Life.” And Ronald Reagan accepted a $2 million fee to speak in Japan after he left office. Even losing candidates can cash in after the campaign is over, with book deals and other public events. After her vice presidential run, Sarah Palin’s memoir “Going Rogue” was a top seller. She also landed a reality TV show on TLC. To be sure, some ex-presidents use their clout and newfound free time to do some good as well. Clinton worked with George H.W. Bush to support the communities impacted by the 2004 tsunami in the Indian Ocean and joined forces with George W. Bush to start a fund for the 2010 earthquake in Haiti. The George W. Bush Institute focuses on education reform, global health and boosting economic growth. The Clinton Foundation works to increase the availability of HIV/AIDS treatments worldwide, fight climate change and support poor communities. Jimmy Carter, perhaps the most productive ex-president, went on to create the Carter Presidential Center, a foundation devoted to democracy, human rights conflict resolution and the eradication of disease in impoverished nations. 5. “I will raise taxes.” George H.W. Bush famously proclaimed, “Read my lips: No new taxes,” to a cheering crowd during his acceptance speech at the 1988 Republican National Convention. But the catchy line backfired. Four years later during Bush’s re-election campaign, his challenger, then governor of Arkansas Bill Clinton, attacked Bush for having gone back on his word. Experts say most presidents since Jimmy Carter have raised taxes in one way or another. Today, with the large budget deficit looming, a candidate hoping to roll out any new programs will have to either raise taxes or cut spending in other areas, say analysts. That said, admitting that you’re going to raise taxes if elected is close to political suicide for a presidential candidate, says experts. Just ask former vice president Walter Mondale, who made the following honest declaration when he was challenging then President Ronald Reagan in 1984: “Mr. Reagan will raise taxes, and so will I. He won’t tell you. I just did.”His statement wasn’t the only reason Mondale lost in a landslide but it was likely a contributing factor, says Barbara Perry, a senior fellow with the Miller Center at the University of Virginia, a nonpartisan institute that studies the presidency. “He went down to a resounding defeat.” 6. “I can’t really cut the deficit.” With the U.S. Treasury expected to reach the $16.4 trillion debt limit by year end, presidential candidates are touting their ideas for cutting spending and reducing the deficit. But economists say current circumstances make it very difficult for presidents to successfully cut federal debt, especially because raising taxes is a campaign killer. President Obama is projecting increased spending of about $1 trillion over the next decade, mostly due to Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and interest on federal debt, says Eugene Steuerle, a senior fellow at the Urban Institute, a think tank in Washington D.C. When the economy is growing, presidents tend to have the benefit of stronger revenues because more people are working, earning higher wages and paying taxes. But as government commitments have grown, presidents have much less flexibility in their budgets, say experts. Add on to that the challenge of trying to restore some budgetary balance after the recession, says Steuerle. “Spending automatically grows faster than revenues,” he says. “Now, to do anything new, presidents have to pay for it.” That often means having to cut back on public programs or raise taxes, but presidents often face huge backlash from voters when they try to make those types of changes, the way President George H.W. Bush did when he broke his no new taxes promise. Three years later, President Bill Clinton passed the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993, which drew controversy for raising taxes on Social Security benefits and corporate income, among other changes. Of course, a pickup in economic growth could work in the president’s favor by increasing tax revenue, says Steuerle, but “there’s no escape from hard choices.” 7. “I’ll boost stocks — of my contributors’ companies.” The next president may have an influence on your investment portfolio: Companies that make contributions to the winning candidate, along with those that benefit from the candidate’s policies, tend to outperform the market in the years following the election, according to experts. A study published last November by the University of Innsbruck in Austria found American companies that made the majority of their contributions to the winner of a U.S. presidential election posted stronger gains in stock performance in the two years after an election than firms that didn’t contribute. An investor with a hypothetical portfolio of the 30 companies that made a bigger percentage of their campaign contributions to the winner from 1992 to 2004 would have outperformed the SP 500 by an average 6.6% during the first year after an election, the study found. The trend also held true for the 2008 election, when the 10 publicly traded companies whose employees gave more to Obama than John McCain outperformed the SP 500 by an average of 17.6 percentage points in 2009. (See: Stock tips from Obama and Romney .) The data shows that a president’s policies, including the annual budget, his stance on defense and his regulation of trade and the environment, can impact a company’s performance, says Jürgen Huber, one of the researchers who worked on the Innsbruck study. For example, oil companies were likely helped by President Bush’s decision not to sign the Kyoto Protocol, which commits countries to stabilizing greenhouse gas emissions, or by his decision to allow drilling in new parts of Alaska, says Huber. Clinton, who prioritized expanding computer and Internet access, received strong support from telecommunications companies. Candidates aren’t being “bought” by the contributors, says Huber. Rather, it’s a sign that companies tend to support the candidates they think will benefit them. And many large corporations regularly contribute equally to both candidates during presidential elections, he adds. 8. “Don’t believe the polls.” Polls are the lifeblood of a presidential race. Candidates use them to show they’ve got the edge and drum up support from voters and donors. But experts say voters should be careful not to pay too much mind to any single poll. Differences in the ways pollsters choose their samples, pose their questions and analyze their results can yield very different results. On the Sunday before the Nov. 6 election, a poll from Pew Research showed Obama ahead by three points while a poll by CNN and Opinion Research showed the candidates are tied. Pollsters, which often cite the opinions of “likely voters,” have different methodologies for selecting those voters, says Rosenberg. Some look at all adults, others winnow the pool by looking only at registered voters, and others get even more narrow by looking only at “likely” voters. Pollsters also use different methodologies for reaching voters. For instance, some companies leave cell phone-only households out of their samples. Variations in wording in questions regarding policy can also lead to different results, says Gonzales. A look at state results versus national polls may also paint a different picture. With the majority of states already prone to supporting one party or the other, people trying to predict the final outcome might be better served by focusing on the dozen or so swing states around the country, says Gonzales. “This is a state by state contest,” he says. As the election proceeds, voters might be able to tune out some of the noise by following the general trend shown by all of the major polls instead of reading too much into each individual poll, he explains. Frank Newport, editor in chief for Gallup, says poll results are likely to vary in different regions based on sampling and margin of error, and that Gallup tries to reduce variation by using large sample sizes. 9. “My campaign platform will go out the White House window.” President Obama surprised some voters and analysts when he came out in support of same-sex marriage in May. Many wondered if it would hurt or help his reelection campaign. But experts say it may simply not matter. The issues the public focuses on change during the course of the election, says Gonzales. For example, after Romney chose his running mate, voters focused on Paul Ryan’s credentials and how the candidates could impact Social Security and Medicare. Once the next president is elected, it’s also unlikely the issues he pushed during his campaign will be the same ones that mark his coming four-year tenure, analysts say. “There are going to be a lot of things that are very important that we have no ability to predict,” says Rosenberg. He points to President George W. Bush, who never mentioned terrorism when he ran in 2000 but whose tenure was largely defined by the Sept. 11 attacks and the subsequent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Of course, most of these pivotal events are unpredictable, making it impossible for candidates to campaign accordingly, says Gonzales. 10. “I’ll leave it to my successor to save Social Security.” Candidates often make their ideas on how to revamp Social Security a part of their stump speech on the campaign trail, but those ideas have rarely translated to changes once the person is put into office. Indeed, the last major change to the Social Security program was in 1983, when lawmakers gradually increased the full retirement age from 65 to 67 for people born in or after 1938 says Virginia Reno, vice president for income security policy at the National Academy of Social Insurance, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization. The legislation also delayed cost of living adjustments and raised some taxes, but did not come up with a long term solution for increasing the tax revenue that goes into the program, says Reno. “Nothing has been done to beef it up a bit,” she says. Those changes reduced benefits for affected taxpayers by about 19%, estimates the NASI. The lack of action in recent history is partly because the nightmare scenario for the program — the moment when the Social Security trust fund will be exhausted — is decades away, says Reno. Under the current system, the program should have enough funds to cover benefits through 2033, according to the Social Security Administration. After that, tax income will be sufficient to pay about 75% of scheduled benefits through 2086. The issue is becoming more urgent as baby boomers enter retirement and the number of retirees grows at a faster pace than the number of workers, but critics say real changes may not happen until the funding shortages feel more immediate. Presidents have also been unwilling to tackle Social Security out of fear of losing support from older voters, who resist major changes to the program as they approach retirement. “Both parties are reluctant to take on the issue,” says Gonzales. “The minute one party proposes changes to Social Security the other party will immediately attack.”
个人分类: 落背脊獎|1741 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 seawan 2012-2-14 07:55
看一段《美丽心灵》,其中Nash说"i do believe in assigning value to things"。 突然想到,各银行的所谓“纸黄金”(“账户贵金属”或其他名号),就是这样的东西。 本质是赌博。 定义: 纸黄金是一种个人凭证式黄金,投资者按银行报价在账面上买卖“虚拟”黄金,个人通过把握国际金价走势低吸高抛,赚取差价。投资者的买卖交易记录只在个人黄金存折账户上体现,不发生实物金提取和交割。 换言之,就是赌博: 你除了低买高卖外,不可能有任何其它形式的盈利方式。 而现在没有真正的预测技术,大家都只能“猜测”下一时刻的价格——和赌徒一样。 所有的钱只在这个圈子里面流动,没有走向整个社会。 所有人的买卖,都不能产生实际的物品流通或者物品增值。 唯一永远获利的,是银行本身——开赌场者,因为 买卖双方都需要交手续费。
个人分类: 周围|3340 次阅读|2 个评论
热度 3 histly 2012-1-4 16:26
Yet, all things considered, I remain sympathetic to Merton’s view that there exists ‘a distinctive pattern of institutional control of a wide range of motives which characterizes the behavior of scientists’ and I am happy to live with the ‘noble fiction’ – Plato’s idea of the useful lie – since the alternative to accepting that there are commonly held imperatives which guide the actions of scientists and scholars is rampant relativism and, ultimately, epistemological anarchy. 最后一行is的主语是哪一个?
3358 次阅读|8 个评论
To all who judges Chinese researchers, some moan
foxkingdom 2011-12-5 11:25
Being an individual contains so many aspects. Russell bowed to his inner heart cause he had such a noble inside, Kant said there were only two things would fill an individual's heart, the starry heavens above us and the moral law within each of us. Maybe, here is the gap, assuming that every noble spirit has an higher moral standard, the moral standard can not be formed like some kind of formula, even sadly impossible to calculate. Maybe the world is flat but never inside of individuals. Sometimes that would be discussed as unfairness or failure of the Gods. Because noble looses all the time. Fight for what? or live for what? It's a question frequently asked, discussed and reviewed by philosophers. Ones lived on the edge of poverty, they would not have this problem , 'cause them are busy fighting for life for living for material support . Russell,Kant and the ones who live with no chance of starvation, be cherished with that. I have been seeing a dirty world, where the Chinese researchers trying their best to get funding, then get their wallet filled, one will morally mark these researchers as cheap, lazy, low or even worse words. If those ones who make those comments from the top, just looking around the world, that simply shows how the world has become, not only crowed, also over exaggerated. I love the song from Eason, so called 'Fukua' very much, the song describes one is willing to be a clown if there will be eyes on him. It seems to be crazy, but truth is this is how most researchers in China lives like. Stay silent means stay poor, and as poverty become the highest ranked enemy of the society, higher than even unfair, cheating... Why still someone question even criticize that researchers should stay silent. Doing research is never being foolish.
3993 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]"Set Fire To The Rain"
pingcn 2011-11-18 10:38
Set Fire To The Rain I let it fall, my heart, And as it fell you rose to claim it It was dark and I was over Until you kissed my lips and you saved me My hands, they're strong But my knees were far too weak To stand in your arms Without falling to your feet But there's a side to you That I never knew, never knew. All the things you'd say They were never true, never true, And the games you play You would always win, always win. But I set fire to the rain, Watched it pour as I touched your face, Well, it burned while I cried 'Cause I heard it screaming out your name, your name! When I lay with you I could stay there Close my eyes Feel you here forever You and me together Nothing gets better 'Cause there's a side to you That I never knew, never knew, All the things you'd say, They were never true, never true, And the games you play You would always win, always win. But I set fire to the rain, Watched it pour as I touched your face, Well, it burned while I cried 'Cause I heard it screaming out your name, your name! I set fire to the rain And I threw us into the flames Well, it felt something died 'Cause I knew that there was the last time, the last time! Sometimes I wake up by the door, That heart you caught must be waiting for you Even now when we're already over I can't help myself from looking for you. I set fire to the rain, Watched it pour as I touched your face, Well, it burned while I cried 'Cause I heard it screaming out your name, your name I set fire to the rain, And I threw us into the flames Well, it felt something died 'Cause I knew that there was the last time, the last time, oh, oh! Let it burn Let it burn Let it burn
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Order 1
热度 2 yongxia 2011-10-22 23:50
Vendor Listing Much of this list is taken from the Doyle group vendor list Here are some vendors we've found over the years for various things: Buyers guides Physics Today Buyers Guide CERN Courier Buyer's Guide ThomasNet - Extensive vendor search engine Parts Permanent Magnets KJ Magnetics Amazing Magnets Dura Magnets Storch Magnetics Electron Energy Shin-Etsu MCE ACH Magnetics Dexter Magnetic Technologies Magnet Wire MicroDyne SW Wire Putnam Plastics - Will e.g. kapton-insulate custom wires Cooner Wire MWS Wire Industries - Microsquare wire Radiation equipment Atlantic Nuclear - radiation safety: shielding, radiation meters, dosimetry Ludlum Measurements - exhaustive assortment of survey meters Canberra - radiation measurement and safety supplies, including radioisotope samples Hardware/Machining Supplies/Fasteners McMaster MSC - When McMaster just won't do Small Parts Small and/or obscure parts RAM mounts - Mounts for scopes and other instruments. Vlier - Screws with Springs inside and more. SunSource Local 80/20 supplier. Fiero Fluid Power Local 80/20 supplier. Air Incorporated - 80/20 supplier. Phone: 800-341-2800. Best to have the cut numbers and location codes (from an 80/20 catalog) ready for any anchor fastener counterboring, etc., before you call. Amazing Magnets - Permanent magnets KJ Magnetics - Large selection of rare-earth magnets. Olander - Helicoils, including phosphor bronze and other specialty materials. Before ordering, it helps to have a part number from a helicoil manufacturer , such as http://www.chrislynninserts.com/helicalpages/AMERbulkQTY.htm Chrislynn Inserts or Emhart Teknologies . If you need non-magnetic helicoils quickly, MSC sells titanium helicoils in many common sizes. Solon Manufacturing Belleville spring washers in specialty materials, including phosphor bronze United Titanium Titanium fasteners Mutual screw Brass (C260) and silicon bronze fasteners ET Fasteners PEEK screws and other exotic plastics. Can even get them vented! Razor Blades Cadence Inc. , formerly Specialty Blades, has a large selection of razor blades in all shapes and materials. Glassware Chemglass Things like glassware with vacuum-grade threads. Sigma-Aldrich Fittings Swagelok Maryland Metrics Where you get the dumb Serto fittings for Sirah lasers. Materials Vibration Isolation http://www.earsc.com/ EAR Specialty Composites =⇒ Jan's smelly Blue Stuff = #6309-0026 Ablation target preparation and testing Applied Test Systems - high-end materials testing and furnaces Futek - Load cells and other sensors MTI Corporation - relatively inexpensive materials science research supplies (furnaces, temp. controllers, crucibles, gloveboxes, benchtop presses, diamond blade saws, ball mills, nanopowders…); equipment seems generally reliable, but technical support is of little help. Renco Corporation - sells glovebox gloves Thermo Scientific - general lab supplies, including furnaces Chemicals and materials Alfa aesar - chemical supplier American Elements – pretty much the whole periodic table, but don't get too excited - they don't carry a lot of what they list. Plasmaterials Process Materials Refrac systems - Diffusion bonding, hot-pressing MP Biomedicals - Cheapest thorium metal powder ever, while supplies last… Fisher Scientific Sigma Aldrich Strem Chemical Spectrum Chemical VWR Pfaltz and Bauer Ceramics See also: Chemicals_and_materials McMaster Cercom Ceramics CoorsTek ceramic tubes etc. Kyocera - expensive Marketech - will do almost anything, but take ~1 week to send quotes Orton Ceramics - supplier for hobby or industrial ceramic making, carries pyrometric cones Progressive Technology - ceramic tubes etc. Stratamet - will do small custom jobs. Talk to Mark Wesson. Tell him Sarah (Bickman, ex-DeMille group) sent you. Zircar Zirconia - refractory ceramics in various forms, mainly alumina and zirconia; also some furnaces Technical Products - Large selection of ceramics and plastics. Great selection of Macor. Astro Met Morgan Technical Ceramics Cadence Inc. , formerly Specialty Blades, has a large selection of fancy razor blades, including ceramics. Piezo Crystals Polytec PI, aka Physike Instrumente Piezo Systems Metals See also: Chemicals_and_materials ESPI - expensive, but has everything Goodfellow Rembar - Good for Tantalum, Tungsten etc Hagstoz - Gold and precious metals, usually cheap Refining Systems - Gold and precious metals Hauser and Miller - Even cheaper gold and precious metals Allfoils - “UHV Aluminum Foil” Sophisticated alloys Parker Steel - Metric metals (not just steel). Tell Gary Bartlett that Stan sent you. Copper.org Data on copper alloy compositions Copper and brass sales - THE copper and brass supplier. Doesn't always sell small quantities. Ask for Jeremy Jennings, First.last@thyssenkrupp.com Sequoia Copper and Brass - Cheap copper and brass. Sells small quantities at reasonable prices, but might take a while. Online Metals - Good selection, fast shipping, reasonable prices on most things. DO NOT BUY COPPER HERE… the price is inflated by a factor of 2-3 compared to Sequoia or Copper and Brass. McMaster - Good selection, reasonable prices. Don't buy if you really need a specific alloy of a metal, since they never provide any sort of material certification. Brunner Enterprises - Good source for anodized aluminum. Turner Steel - Steel Ed Fagan - Invar, Molybdenum, Tungsten, Tantalum, Nickel Admiral Metals - Aluminum, S.S., brass, beryllium, copper Yarde Metals - Large diameter tubes Tube Service - Large diameter tubes T.W. Metals - Tubing, aluminum, stainless, nickel Permendur Arnold Magnetics More than Metals Eagle Alloys - also does inconel and monel Goodfellow CarTech Plastics and Composites McMaster Technical Products - Large selection of ceramics and plastics. K-Mac Plastics Curbell Plastics Patriot Plastics Adhesives K. R. Anderson Ellsworth Optics Essentials Thorlabs CVI New Focus Newport - Excellent damage threshold for price Alpine Research Optics - Harmonic separators other optics w/ great specs and low prices. Speak with Mike Ellison. Casix - dirt cheap, long lead times? conoptics - Isolators Edmund optics Optosigma - windows Esco Products -unusually fast and inexpensive for custom optics jobs, proven reliable. Also good selection of stock optics, 'especially cheap windows, lenses, etc' Precision applied products - windows, coatings, lenses, mirrors. Specialty Fiberoptic Systems - Custom fiber optic bundles, including high vacuum, non-ferrous, high NA. Great prices. Rocky Mountain Instruments - custom coatings, custom lenses, UV specialists, fast service Research Electro Optics - High end optics Advanced Thin Films - custom jobs Tower Optical - waveplates EO tech - Isolators PI action - CCD cameras Semrock - Filters + MaxMirror Intor - cheap interference filters Uniblitz - shutters Andover - colored glass filters Omega - stock + custom interference filters Coherent - Tell them you want the 'Family Discount' Get 20% Off all laser measurement products. OFR - fiber optics and isolators Technical Glass - Quartz rods, discs, tubes, etc. NEOS - AOMs Intraaction - AOMs St. Gobain Crystals - custom crystalline optics Standa - mostly optomechanics Expla - laser systems, OPOs, some components Optometrics - diffraction gratings Argyle Optics - custom stuff might be cheap but standard optics are also custom made = expensive Vere Optics lab accessories Tempotec - Chinese Company…like Casix or casix affiliate? Mightex - CCD cameras Siskiyou - Unusual optomechanics: top-drive flexures stages, etc. Optical fiber fault checker Laser Components - Both custom and stocked cavity mirrors Photonic Cleaning Optics cleaning supplies for astronomy, including 'First Contact' goop. Nihon Tokushu Kogaku Jushi Fresnel lenses up to f/0.2 Fresnel Tech Custom and specialty Fresnel lenses Custom Scientific Flats, windows, fibers and coatings. They made the EDM field plates: 18” x 8”, 5 lambda flat with conducting AR coatings. Thin Film Labs Custom AR coating, other kinds of wacky coatings, *extremely fast* turnaround. Yale recommended. LayerTec Cheap yet good quality cavity mirrors EO Space Fiber phase modulators, with V_pi as low as ~ 5 V ! NSG America all-glass GRIN fiber collimators Apogee Instruments Low-noise CCD cameras Electrophysics Objective lenses for C-mount cameras/imagers Fiber Optics Store - Various fiber optics supplies. Sells ] for cheap, which are very useful for aligning coupling/collimating lenses. Laser Diodes Sacher Eagleyard - AR coated laser diodes Roither Lasertechnik - Laser diodes, LEDs, Optics, Toptica - Lasers, AR Coated Diodes Intelite/Meshtel - Non-AR Coated Diodes, Sacher gets some of their diodes here before AR Coating Power Technology - Single Mode Diodes, TAs, DFBs and more m2K - Tapered Amplifiers and More FLT Laser - Huge selection including DFBs from many suppliers in addition to their own line Nanoplus - DFBs RPMCLasers - Single Mode diodes and more, not AR Intenseco - I think only Multimode / Broad Area qPhotonics - Single Mode Laser diodes and more. 895-915 nm and 1050-1080 nm diodes are offered with AR coating (for $300-400) Opnext - Make a lot of Non-AR coated diodes Axcel Photonics - Common NIR Laser Diodes Lab351 - Russian Laser Diode Company Wavelength Electronics - Cheap and convenient current temperature controllers. Oclaro (formerly Bookham) - High power (600mW) 980nm pump laser modules, fiber coupled. EM4, Inc. - High power (600mW) 980nm pump laser modules, fiber coupled. Photonic Products - distributor for Opnext, Ondax, Sony and SANYO ILX Lightwave Axcel Photonics Near/Mid-IR Lasers Optics Lohn Star Optics IGP Photonics LTW Lasers AcuLight Laser Dye Exciton PMT Hamamatsu PMT contact Rich at (908) 252-7728 Fax: (732) 537-3678 Optical detectors, PMTs Electron Tubes Burle Hamamatsu RoentDek - Makes MCPs and readout electronics DelMar Photonics - MCP Beam Imaging - MCP directly coupled to a camera through a fiberoptic rod. Primer on MCPs (broken link) Coatings, deposition AIMCAL - Assoc. of Metallizers, Coaters Laminators FAQ (broken link) Spectrum coatings Helia Photonics - Ion-assisted deposition Ionedge - Ion-assisted deposition Thin Films Inc. - Sputtering, Evaporation, Lithography - flexible small shop Thin Film Labs - specialize in optical component coatings Koral Labs - thin film deposition + vacuum furnace stuff IJ Research - ceramics, deposition, lithography - flexible, associated with USCB, IIRC Sophisticated alloys - deposition targets, but “we don't do coatings” Process Materials (broken link) Sputtering target suppliers Sputtering Materials Inc Electroplating Paramount Metal Finishing - Rack Electroplating - reasonable prices http://www.amzmfg.com/index.asp AMZ Manufacturing - High quality electroplating Metal Finishing Technologies - Various plating services Epner Technology - Fancy gold electroplating - expensive, high-tech Diamond-Turned Optics II-VI Infrared - good CO2 optics; possibly worst url ever Corning NetOptix - used to be OFC Diamond Turning Kugler - German precision optics company, ja Kaleido Technology - in Denmark Electronics Essentials Mouser Electronics Digikey Online Components Analog Devices Apex Microtechnologies - High Voltage/Power Op-Amps Lansing Instruments - Really Nice Enclosures Emco High Voltage - DC-DC Converters Allied Electronics L-Com - Cheap connectors/adaptors Powell Electronics - Hard to find/out of stock stuff Meritronics - Board Assembly Pasternack - Quality BNC cables Acopian - Supreme power supplies Krohn-Hite Ultra-precise DC sources other precision stuff Phoenix of Chicago Good selection of connectors. Non-magnetic D-sub connectors. FCT Non-magnetic connectors of all sorts. Souriau Non-magnetic D-sub connectors with crimp contacts. Proto-advantage SMT to DIP adapters Newark Lots of things, including hearing-aid microphones for supersonic beam characterization. Flex Cable Water-cooled cables. Sensors Micromagnetics Magnetoresistance-based B-field sensors Honeywell Anisotropic magnetoresistance (AMR) magnetic sensors. Noise is 1 uG/rt-Hz @ 10 Hz. ~20$ each. Vacuum Manuals from lots of companies for lots of old pumps controllers Essentials LDS Vacuum Shopper - fast + cheap. 'This should be your first stop for vacuum stuff!' Duniway stockroom Cheap, good selection of used vacuum equipment Huntington Kurt J. Lesker MDC A N Corp - Feedthroughs, flanges etc. Specialty InstruTech - Makes compact, digital convectron and ion gauges at good prices. AVS Technical Resources - Useful calculator for conversion factors, pump/gauge ranges Varian High quality dry scroll and turbo pumps at competitive prices. Now owned by Agilent. Edwards Turbo and dry scroll pumps. Scrolls are quieter than Varian and often cheaper; also have a chemical-resistant model. Precision Cryo Ask for Dick Gummer. They made the EDM beam source chamber. Kimball physics - special (cool) chambers Sharon - custom chambers Key High vacuum generators Best quality UHV all-metal valves. Insulator Seal - Feedthroughs. Owned by MDC. Apiezon Greases and Waxes EVAC Vacuum - Unique! Standard QF/ISO hardware, but made out of glass(!), aluminum, etc. accuglass products - Unusually nice selection of feedthroughs, in-vacuum electrical connectors, hardware, etc. Prices better than Lesker. Also have in-vacuum RF/microwave parts. MPF Products - Similar to accuglass for electrical feedthroughs, but also has nice selection of viewports Atlas UHV - UHV grade welded aluminum vacuum chambers. Made the EDM interaction chamber. Heating Tapes Minco heaters Foil heaters with kapton copper, non-magnetic All Foils UHV clean aluminum foil Pfeiffer Vacuum Cryogenics Cryodepot Cryofab Janis Lakeshore Cryotronics Oxford Instruments Cryomech - Pulse tube coolers. Calgon Carbon - Activated charcoal for Sorbs discountcryo - Great selection of cryo accessories, including small hand dewars. Metalized Products - Superinsulation (NRC-2) Gases and Flow Control MKS Instruments - Flow controllers. Laminar Technologies - Sells used MKS flow controllers. The Harvard cleanroom manager (Noah Clay) claims that used flow controllers are better (since they are screened for infant death), and of course they are cheaper. Alicat Scientific - Better flow controllers than MKS (in particular, they do their own temperature correction). Have ultra-low-flow models. Generally not suitable for corrosives. RF/Microwave Essentials Mini-Circuits Everything. Dudley Lab Used amplifiers, test equipment, etc. Stealth Amplifiers. Empower RF Amplifiers. Ophir Amplifiers. Quasi-Optical Photonics Innovation Center Thomas Keating Ltd mm-wave Microwave Components Quinstar - Large selection of waveguide and coax, ask for Sage Kuno Miteq - Largest supplier (and stock) but more expensive Penn Engineering - Raw waveguide stock, flanges Atwall - Raw waveguide stock, flanges UBS - Raw waveguide stock, flanges Actuators and Motion Control Newmark Systems Arrick Robotics Parker Hannfin Motion Control Cyber Research Motion Control Techno Linear Motion Systems Velmex Low cost, large travel motorized stages Aerotech - Precision stages Noliac - Large selection of piezos, including rings Micromechatronics - Re-seller for Noliac, other piezos.
17111 次阅读|3 个评论
kejidaobao 2011-7-13 10:44
文/杨书卷 “万能”于人,有着不可抵挡的诱惑之力,因为它代表着一张可以轻而易举地穿越各种迷宫的“通行证”。近日,科学家们就为机器翻译找到了这样一种“万能”工具:它不但能翻译各种语言,甚至能破译海豚音和“外星人语言”! 近10年来,机器翻译的能力一路突飞猛进,但是许多缺陷依然存在。尤其是,当是同一个系统的语言比如英语和法语时,因规则相近而较好翻译,但不同的语言系统就会遭遇更多的准确性困难,例如英文与中文。“The buck does funny things when the does are present”,参考的正确译文应是“当母鹿在场时,公鹿总是表现得滑稽”,但著名的谷歌网站的机器译文却是令人崩溃的“并不奇怪的事情降压时不在场”。 而且,现代机器翻译的基础是“自我学习”,得有大海一样的文本材料供其“反复练习”。但是世界上有4000种语言,大部分语言是不常用的,没有那么多的学习文本,又如何翻译这样的语言呢? 6月19日在美国俄勒冈举行的计算机语言学年会上,美国南加州大学的计算机科学家Ravi独辟蹊径,提交了一种全新的机器翻译方法:“解码外语”。他把英语视为一种初始语言,利用军事中的密码学,通过规则解码破译,按照一定的算法进行转换,并通过不断调整,得出最佳的翻译结果。由于计算机的翻译是“解码过程”而非“自我学习过程”,计算机不需要背负大量的文本资料来“学习语言”,而是像军事家一样“破译”一种新的语言,因此翻译过程是轻装上阵,更加干净利落。 特别是,“解码外语”可以将其运用到任何一种语言中,给机器翻译打开了一条新的思路。因为不需要任何既有的文本为基础,这种翻译方法还可以对非人类的动物语言如“海豚音”进行翻译,甚至可以对我们至今闻所未闻的“外星人语言”进行破译,虽然这种翻译方法目前只能翻译一些短句,尚未运用到长句或片段翻译中,但它所开辟的“万能”翻译之路就已经令人兴奋不已了(6月27日《新京报》)。 而被称为“万能细胞”的诱导多功能干细胞(iPS),也正行进在“自我证明”的路途中。 2007年,日本东京大学的科学家山中伸弥首次利用病毒载体将4个转录因子(也合称为“山中基因”)的组合转入体细胞中,得到了类似胚胎干细胞的一种细胞类型——诱导多功能干细胞iPS,使其可以变成任何类型细胞的“万能细胞”,在干细胞研究领域激起了巨大波澜,之后,iPS的发展就是一路高歌,相关研究层出不穷。但最近数月以来,iPS的发展却遭遇不和谐之音:iPS细胞重组的效率可能很低,或许还会诱发基因变异,尤其是培育各种细胞或组织时,癌变几率较高,其安全性能受到质疑。 令人欣慰的是,一则好消息开始传来,山中伸弥教授领导的研究团队的五岛直树研究员与前川桃子助教找到了一种名为G-isI的新基因,与山中教授自己发现的4个基因结合,可以使万能细胞的安全性大为提高。 iPS之所以“不安全”,就是在细胞转化为“万能细胞”的过程中,同时会有一些难以分离的“缺陷细胞”生成,这些“缺陷细胞”就是最后演变为“癌细胞”的罪魁祸首。这次从1437种基因里发现的活跃在未受精卵中的G-isI基因,可作用于尚未成为万能细胞的“缺陷细胞”,有效防止其增殖并置其于死地,由此可避开癌变的风险。 山中教授将G-isI的基因称为“魔术基因”,用它与其他4个基因一起制作iPS细胞不仅可剔除缺陷细胞,制作效率也比以前提高了4倍到10倍,至于转入基因所用病毒还存在诱发癌变的风险问题,研究人员将继续寻找替代办法来解决(6月7日Nature杂志)。 虽然没有人怀疑iPS拥有的转化为各类细胞的“万能潜力”,但是,由于各种困难的出现,科学界最初怀抱的对iPS过于“狂热”的情绪现在已开始慢慢降温。不过,这对于万能细胞的研究也许是个好事:因为问题的浮现正是研究已达到某种成熟阶段的标志。 无独有偶,英美两国的研究人员在征服癌症的道路上,也正在开发出一种可用于治疗多种癌症的“万能”疫苗。 这种“万能疫苗”不是像其它抗癌药物一样攻击癌症细胞,而是一种利用人体防御功能阻止肿瘤生长的新型药物。与传统疫苗不同,治疗性疫苗含有可以刺激免疫系统生成蛋白质抗原的基因,能激活免疫系统从而杀死癌细胞,而且免疫系统可以“自行选择”癌症抗原来作出响应,而不会排斥肌体中的其他健康部位,可作用于多种类型的癌症。此外,更让人欣慰的是,这个“新发明”还不会像其它癌症药物一样导致副作用,例如头晕和掉头发,这对备受癌症治疗煎熬的病人实在是个利好的消息。 虽然在早期试验中,实验性疫苗已经可以使患有前列腺癌的老鼠的肿瘤缩小,但这项研究尚处于初级阶段,还需要好几年时间才能研制出可用于人体试验的疫苗。不过,此项研究的领导者之一、英国利兹大学的Allen Melcher对未来充满 信心:“这是一种建立在充满希望的 基础之上的新方法。”(6月19日Nature Medicine 杂志) 在中国的传统语境中,“万能”意味着无所不能,而在科学方法中,“万能”其实代表着一种最普世、最简单、最直接的解决方式。不过,要达到这一“最简单”的目标,寻解过程反而也许是最不简单的。例如,在诱导多功能干细胞iPS刚出现时,人们就认为诱导多功能干细胞很容易制造,并且无所不能,可以治疗所有疾病,但现在的研究表明,事情的发展从来没有那么简单,相关的研究才是“刚刚开始”。■
个人分类: 科技风云|3091 次阅读|0 个评论
Internet of things----one of the top 10 predicted technology
lhj701 2011-5-30 23:44
Internet of things----one of the top 10 predicted technology (罗汉江) Cisco chief futurist Dave Evans said that the Internet of Things is one of the fundamental technologies will really change and influence how people work, play and learn in the next decade. According to Evans, " The World Wide Web has arguably gone through four distinct changes in its nearly 20-year history, but the Internet has remained fundamentally the same since the early days. Technologies have changed, standards have come and gone, but the Internet really hasn’t evolved at its base level since the days when it was usedin the academiaand government ". The Internet of things alsocalled WuLianWang (物联网) in Chinesewhich means a new internet structurewith more sensors that willhelp us creating a more smarter world around us. It is also featured with more smart sensors which make the internet more proactive and less reactive. " The world has hit a point where there are more devices connecting to the Internet than people doing so ". Andthose sensors generate data automatically without our interference which make the real-time monitoring of things a reality in our life. Dave Evans also said that our internet is becoming more mobile than before because we use more mobile sets now with internet connection ability such as wifior 3G. Reference: 《 Cisco chief futurist: The Internet of Things is here 》 http://www.channelbuzz.ca/2011/05/cisco-chief-futurist-the-internet-of-things-is-here-1887/
个人分类: 物联网|3053 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Opinion: 6 impossible things The Scientist 2011年1月5日 03:0
xupeiyang 2011-1-5 08:22
Opinion: 6 impossible things Why biomedical research is stressful, and how it can be slightly less so By Douglas R. Green Top 7 in biochemistry A snapshot of the most highly ranked articles in the field, from Faculty of 1000 By Cristina Luiggi The coming health crisis Indirect effects of global climate change threaten the health of hundreds of millions of people. The very uncertainty that shrouds this issue must serve as an organizing principle for adaptation to its ill effects By Samuel S. Myers and Aaron Bernstein Three deadly sins of grant writing Tips for getting a positive gut reaction to your grant proposal By Morgan Giddings News in a nutshell Science funding boost; shark finning banned; animals dying in Arkansas By Megan Scudellari Mining bacterial small molecules As much as rainforests or deep-sea vents, the human gut holds rich stores of microbial chemicals that should be mined for their pharmacological potential By L. Caetano M. Antunes, Julian E. Davies and B. Brett Finlay Editor's choice in immunology Basophils play a role in immunological memory, not in the primary response to parasitic infection, as previously assumed By Richard P. Grant Top 5 papers in medicine, 2010 The year's most highly ranked articles in all of medicine, according to the Faculty of 1000 By Jef Akst New gut bacteria regulate immunity Another example of commensal microbes that affect host immunity may hold implications for the treatment of autoimmune diseases and other ailments By Jef Akst Ring in 2011 with a stem cell calendar Need a last minute gift? Try a calendar of stem cell scientists, which will also support the research By Cristina Luiggi Model organisms up close New research from the frontlines of the modENCODE Project reveals the most comprehensive genomic picture of the worm and the fruit fly By Cristina Luiggi African elephants: 2 for 1 deal Savanna and forest elephants in Africa are two distinct species, according to new genetic data, settling a long-standing controversy By Jef Akst Scientific smear campaign? An anonymous agitator upsets a German misconduct investigation By Megan Scudellari
个人分类: 科学杂志|1886 次阅读|0 个评论
some sentences I collect and like
liangqunlu 2010-11-6 11:13
@ 徐若瑄 VIVIAN :好久好久以前 我深愛過一個人 ... 後來他 .. 愛上別人了 那個痛 我早已放下 但是那個痛化成一股強大的力量 讓我更努力的想把自己變的更好 而那努力的過程 也是我感到最踏實的美好 因為收穫是自己的 謝謝你 ..... @ 汪涵 V :【懵懂爱情】总会有那么一个人,或许他很优秀,他很好看;又或许他什么都没有,长得也不好看,可是我们就是爱他;我们就是会为他付出,为他等待,为他连自己都不认识自己。 在我们懵懂的时候,总会有这么个人,让我们为他犯贱很多年。最后幡然醒悟,往回看:这个人不过如此,只是我们的 固执 在爱他。 @ 星座小巫:【 当今社会最容易被淘汰的十二种人】 1 ,没有想法的; 2 ,不懂合作的; 3 ,适应能力差的; 4 ,犹豫不决的; 5 ,不愿沟通的; 6 ,不重资讯的; 7 ,没有礼貌的; 8 ,小肠鸡肚的; 9 ,知识贫乏的; 10 ,忽视健康的; 11 ,思维呆板的; 12 ,自我设限的。 @ 微波经典语录: 做一个温暖的女子。做一个爱笑的女子。 快乐并懂得如何快乐。快乐并感染身边的人快乐。尽力做到更好。偶尔任性,却不犀利。偶尔敏感,却不神经质。乐意和大家分享所有开心和不开心的事情。高兴,就笑,让大家都知道。悲伤,就哭,然后当做什么也没发生。 @ 围脖心情心语:有些事不愿发生,却不得不接受;有些人不可失去,却不得不放手。 ------ 有时候,我们等的不是什么人、什么事,我们等的是时间,等时间,让自己改变。 @ 精彩语录:学会爱自己,我们都不是完美的人,但我们要接受不完美的自己。 在孤独的时候,给自己安慰;在寂寞的时候,给自己温暖。学会独立,告别 依赖,对软弱的自己说再见。生活不是只有温暖,人生的路不会永远平坦,但只要你对自己有信心,知道自己的价值,懂的珍惜自己,世界的一切不完美,你都可以坦然面对。 @ 蘇慧倫 :想到朋友說過的一句話:智商和智慧是不一樣的。 嗯 智商或許是與生俱來,可以當做面對生活的工具, 但是智慧是我們可以去學習,用來面對生活的態度。 @ 汪涵 V :箴言:不要随意发脾气,谁都不欠你的;不要总是倾诉你的困境袒露你的脆弱;和有恶意的人绝交,人有绝交,才有至交;过去的事情可以不忘记,但一定要放下;爱笑的孩子,运气不会太差;做自己的决定,然后准备好承担后果;想得到一样一定会失去另一件东西;痛苦是一个挑战,它让人成长,是进步的一个机会 @ 乐子铺 :美国哈佛大学图书馆馆训 1 .现在睡觉的话,会做梦;而现在学习的话,会让梦实现; 2 .我无所事事的度过了今天,是昨天死去的人们所期望的明天; 3 .学习不是人生的全部,但学习都征服不了,那你还能做什么? 4 .今天不想走,明天就要跑了; 5 .此刻睡觉的口水将变成明天流下的泪水。 @ 香豔日記:所谓门槛,过去了就是门,没过去就成了槛。 把事情变复杂很简单,把事情变简单很复杂。时间是治疗心灵创伤的大师,但绝不是解决问题的高手。世界上只有想不通的人,没有走不通的路 @ 经典语录: 热恋时爱情,可以什么都不在乎。只要你要,只要我有,因为我爱你,所以我愿意。一旦 感情平复了下来,心中就会出现接连不断的计较,为什么我付出的比你多;为什么我什么都可以给你,你却要有所隐瞒 ... 然后 冷战,争吵,分手,和好,冷战 ... 。走得过的就是执子之手,走不过的就只能缅怀当初。 @ 经典语录坊:可能毁掉我们的十样东西:一、没有责任感的享乐;二、不劳而获的财富;三、没有是非观念的知识;四、不道德的生意;五、没有人性的科学;六、没有牺牲的崇拜;七、随性而出的暴躁;八、没有理性的盲从;九、没有克制的喜欢;十、恣意付出的恋爱。 @ 经典语录坊:不论你在什麽时候开始,重要的是开始之後就不要停止。 不论你在什麽时候结束,重要的是结束之後就不要悔恨。有理想在的地方,地狱也是天堂;有希望在的地方,痛苦也成欢乐;从绝望中寻找希望,人生终将辉煌! @ 经典语录坊:生活,是用来经营的,而不是用来计较的;感情,是用来维系的,而不是用来考验的;爱人,是用来疼爱的,而不是用来伤害的;金钱,是用来享受的,而不是用来衡量的;谎言,是用来击破的,而不是用来粉饰的;信任,是用来沉淀的,而不是用来挑战的。 @ 精彩语录: 一个人的世界:病了,一个人扛;烦了,一个人藏;痛了,一个人挡;街上,一个人逛;路上,一个人想;晚上,一个人的床 慢慢地习惯了一个人的生活,变得沉默、变得冷落、没了想理、不想说、不想看 我不是高傲,也不是胡闹,是厌倦了所有的依靠。 @ 汪涵 V :【戏说男女】女人在丧失青春后 开始追求青春,男人在丧失青春后 开始追求别人的青春;如果女人在外甩男人巴掌 大家都认为是男的有错,男人甩女人巴掌 没错也万错;吸引住男人的办法,就是让他一直得不到;吸引女人的办法,就是总让她得到;男人把生活当戏 所以处变不惊,女人把戏当生活 所以看戏流泪。 @ 精彩语录:【管理自己的情绪】看别人不顺眼,是自己修养不够。 人愤怒的那一个瞬间,智商是零,过一分钟后恢复正常。人的优雅关键在于控制自己的情绪,用嘴伤害人,是最愚蠢的一种行为。我们的不自由,通常是因为来自内心的不良情绪左右了我们。一个能控制住不良情绪的人,比一个能拿下一座城池的人强大。 @ 香豔日記:跟恋人讲道理,是不想爱了;跟老婆讲道理,是不想过了;跟同事讲道理,是不想混了;跟上司讲道理,是不想干了。 人生在世,有许多地方是没道理可讲的,讲啥也别讲道理。 @ 微波经典语录:生活总是让我们遍体鳞伤,但到后来,那些受伤的地方一定会变成我们最强壮的地方。( by 海明威) @ 早安 - 晚安 - 心语: 我宁愿与他是平行线,永远不会相交,却可以一直相望保持美好。 因为如果 旦相交,过了那个点就会越离越远。 @ 精彩语录: 别人可以替你开车,但不能替你走路;可以替你做事,但不能替你感受。人生的路要靠自己行走,成功要靠自己去争取。天助自助者,成功者自救。 @njuyi :窗前明月光,我爸是李刚;试问卷帘人,却道我爸是李刚;日日思君不见君,我爸是李刚;假如生活欺骗了你,不要悲伤,因为我爸是李刚;蒹葭苍苍,我爸李刚。所谓伊人,被我撞伤;洛阳亲友如相问,就说我爸是李刚;拔剑四顾心茫然,原来你爸是李刚;前世五百年的回眸,才换来今生的我爸是李刚 @ 微博经典语录:一个人听歌,一个人走路;一个人难过,一个人开心;一个人自言自语,一个人自哼自唱;一个人坐栏杆上看夜景,一个人等待月落晨起。 习惯一个人独坐,没有忧伤,没有烦恼,因为没有思念;习惯一个人睡,忘记时间,忘记存在, 忘记没有忘记的过去;习惯一个人的世界,因为一个人的世界,只有自己懂。 @ 经典语录坊:你可以沉默不语 不管我的着急;你可以不回信息 不顾我的焦虑;你可以将我的关心 说成让你烦躁的原因;你可以把我的思念 丢在角落不屑一顾;你可以对着其他人微笑;你可以给别人拥抱;你可以对全世界好 却忘了我一直的伤心;你做什么都可以,不过是因为仗着我喜欢你,而那却是唯一让我变得卑微的原因。 @ 经典语录堂:有些人一直没机会见,等有机会见了,却又犹豫了,相见不如不见。 有些事一直没机会做,等有机会了,却不想再做了。有些话埋藏在心中好久,没机会说,等有机会说的时候,却说不出口了。有些爱一直没机会爱,等有机会了,已经不爱了。人生有时候,总是很讽刺。一转身可能就是一世。 @ 汪涵 V :【女孩独白】家世好的女孩,会有爸妈铺好华丽的金砖大道;相貌好的女孩,会有男友老公鞍前马后尽献殷勤;运气好的女孩,会有贵人相助而平步青云;真是 不幸 ,我似乎哪个都排不上,但我有幸知道 靠山山会倒,靠人人会跑 我虽平常,但不愿当被附属,我坚信:让自己强大就是最大的幸运。 @ 经典语录坊:明明很想哭,却还在笑;明明很在乎,却装作无所谓;明明很痛苦,却偏偏说自己很幸福;明明忘不掉,却说已经忘了;明明很脆弱,却装作很坚强;明明说的是违心的假话,却说那是自己的真心话;明明已经无法挽回,却依然执着;明明知道说这样的话会受害,却忍着疼轻松说出。 @ 经典语录坊: One day someone will walk into your life, then you realize love was always worth waiting for. 有一天那个人走进了你的生命,你就会明白,真爱总是值得等待的。 @ 小野牛徐小疼欧耶:老妈说,除了原则和品德上的问题,她从来不批评我,哪怕我不想去上课、考试考了倒数第一,也从来不会对我恶言相向。 老妈觉得,称赞是最好的育儿方式,不仅可以为孩子营造一个温暖的家庭环境,更能够增强孩子对赞赏的免疫力,不至于被表扬一句就轻飘飘。所以,你们再怎么夸我,我也不会开心的啦混蛋~~ @ 新周刊 :问:台湾的陈文茜跟李敖对你的重炮抨击,你不予回应,这代表的意思是?韩:我给自己制定了一个规则,七十岁以上老人,二十岁以下小孩与全年龄段的女人,一概不动手。 李敖,陈文茜,李敖的儿子正好卡在这三个原则之中。(摘自韩寒接受《商业周刊》访谈) @ 精彩语录: 有些心事只能自言自语,有些秘密只能讲给朋友。有些痛苦只能默默承受,自己还是要靠自己拯救。 @ 星座爱情 001 :我的痛,只有我自己懂 ------ 总是喜欢在如此孤独的夜里,翻起过去,那些被自己深埋心底的往事,得到的,拥有的,失去的,有种恍然如梦的感觉。一直都很明白,自己是不该沉迷于过去的。其实,我是害怕深夜的,会有一种无尽的寂寞袭向我;我却又喜欢深夜,因为只有周围漆黑一片,我和我的泪才是安全的。 @ 经典语录坊:我不想长大,可是必须要面对长大,一个人更要照顾好自己,天冷了给自己加件外套,饿了给自己买个面包,病了给自己一份坚强,即使是一个人,也要好好地开心生活。 @ 经典语录坊:已经习惯了一个人,习惯了现在的生活,习惯躺在床上静静的想,习惯一个人呆在房间,习惯了深夜失眠,让自己的伤口在心里一点点蔓延。 @ 早安 - 晚安 - 心语:有个懂你的人,是最大的幸福。 这个人,不一定十全十美,但他能读懂你,能走进你的心灵深处,能看懂你心里的一切。 最懂你的人,总是会一直的在你身边,默默守护你,心疼你,不让你受委屈。 真正爱你的人不会说许多爱你的话,却会做很多爱你的事。 @ 精彩语录: 慢慢才知道 , 很多东西是可遇而不可求的 , 很多东西只能拥有一次;慢慢才知道 , 人的性格可以差异到如此之大;慢慢才知道 , 两个天天在一起的人不一定是朋友 , 有可能什么都不是; 慢慢才知道 , 手机是别人有事找你时用的 , 并不是为交流感情的;慢慢才知道 , 快乐常常来自回忆 , 而痛苦常常来自于回忆与现实的差距。 @ 经典语录坊: You cannot appreciate happiness unless you have known sadness too. 不知道什么是忧伤,就不会真正感激幸福。 @ 歪小点创意工作室: I just want someone who will understand me even when no words are spoken. 我只是想有一个人明白我,即使我什么都没说。 @ 经典语录坊:人生如梦,岁月无情。 蓦然回首,才发现人活着是一种心情。穷也好,富也好,得也好,失也好。一切都是过眼云烟。想想,不管昨天、今天、明天,能豁然开朗就是美好的一天。不管亲情、友情、爱情,能永远珍惜就是好心情。 @ 经典语录坊:让你心情变好的六种方法: ⑴ 走一走,散散步,让自然荡涤心胸。 ⑵ 读一读,温馨的文字让人沉静。 ⑶ 放一放,不是急事大事索性放下,回头再说。 ⑷ 乐一乐,想想开心事,看一看笑话。 ⑸ 唱一唱,回忆过去似水年华,温暖你自己。 ⑹ 让一让,人生如狭路行车,眼光放远,让一步海阔天空。 @ 汪涵 V :小语丝: ⑴ 我们要蠢笨一些 因为聪明已严重供大于求。 ⑵ 许多失败,都不是败在自己的劣势上 而是败在不合理地使用优势上。 ⑶ 人生最大的浪费 是浪费了自己唯一的道路。 ⑷ 坚强就像牙齿 一定要把困难咬得粉碎。 ⑸ 不能让早晨的一粒沙子 硌自己一天的脚。 ⑹ 快乐就是 能忘记痛苦却能记住痛苦的来源 @ 经典语录坊:真正的爱情,不是一见钟情,而是日久生情;真正的缘份,不是上天的安排,而是你的主动;真正的自卑,不是你不优秀,而是你把她想得太优秀;真正的关心,不是你认为好的就要求她改变,而是她的改变你是第一个发现的;真正的矛盾,不是她不理解你,而是你不会宽容她 @ 汪涵 V :人生行进的过程中 得到和失去是交互进行的:有了满天艳阳 缺了雨丝飞舞,涨了春潮 落了秋红,多了喧嚣 少了静谧,投身忙碌 远离悠闲 我们应该多一些经历:有了苦恼的包围 才有解脱的快意,有了病痛的煎熬 才有痊愈的喜悦,有了忧愁的缠绕 才有忘却的美好,感觉今天不足 所以憧憬明天 @ 汪涵 V :【人生悖论】 ⒈ 我们能原谅我们讨厌的人,但却不能原谅讨厌我们的人。 ⒉ 人开始时往往为梦想而忙,后来却因忙碌失去梦想; ⒊ 你越是担心的事,越是有可能成真; ⒋ 越是输不起的人,越喜欢下大赌注; ⒌ 人生中,有时不去冒险比冒险更危险; ⒍ 人最理智的时候,往往是别无选择的时候。 @ 经典语录坊:有些伤口,时间久了就会慢慢长好;有些委屈,受过了想通了也就释然了;有些伤痛,忍过了疼久了也成习惯了,然而却在很多孤独的瞬间,又重新涌上心头。 其实,有些藏在心底的话,并不是故意要去隐瞒,只怕一说出来,就是一个永远的错误,要知道,并不是所有的疼痛,都可以呐喊。 @ 精彩语录: To forgive is not to forget, nor remit, but let it go;to be lonely is not because you have no friends, but no one is living in your heart. 宽恕、原谅并不代表忘记,也不代表赦免,而是放自己一条生路。 孤单不是有没有朋友,而是有没有人住在你心里。 @ 经典语录坊:怎样培养你沉稳的气质: 1. 不要随便显露你的情绪; 2. 不要逢人就诉说你的困难和遭遇; 3. 在征询别人的意见之前,自己先思考,但不要先讲; 4. 不要一有机会就唠叨你的不满; 5. 重要的决定尽量有别人商量,最好隔一天再发布; 6. 讲话不要有任何的慌张 @ 新浪每日英语推荐 :【匆匆】 If swallows go away,they will come back again. If willows wither,they will turn green again.If peaches shed their blossoms, they will flower again 。 But, tell me,you the wise, why should our days go by never to return? 聪明的 , 你告诉我 , 我们的日子为什么一去不复返呢 ? @ 微博经典语录:有时候,我们愿意原谅一个人,并不是我们真的愿意原谅他,而是我们不愿意失去他。 不想失去他,惟有假装原谅他。 ------ 不管你爱过多少人,不管你爱得多么痛苦或快乐。最后,你不是学会了怎样恋爱,而是学会了,怎样去爱自己。 @ 经典语录坊:真正的可悲,不是你已不爱她,而是你不爱她却还骗着爱她;真正的风度,不是分手时潇洒地向她挥手,而是分手后她有困难时你热情的伸手;真正的遗忘,不是把一切关于她的东西砸碎,而是心里真正放下她;真正的永恒,不是她时刻在你身边,而是她一直在你心里 @ 经典语录:不甘心只是朋友!很多的感情,都因为一厢情愿,最后连朋友都当不成了。 一些本来很好的友情,最后却因为对方的一句喜欢你,如果你没有反应,这一段友情似乎也难以维持下去了。表白了之后不是成了男女朋友,要不就连朋友都当不成了。然而你可能永远都不甘心只是朋友 @ 经典语录坊:有一种人,偶尔和你打架斗嘴,但也爱护你比谁都多,这叫手足;有一种人和,总嘱咐多穿衣注意安全,你觉得烦却也窝心,缺钱时总说赚钱不易但总塞钱给你,这叫父母;有一种人,不见面一直惦记着,让你无法忘怀,这叫情人;有一种人,在父母保护中成长,在手足中定位自己,在情人呵护中找到真爱,这叫自己 @ 汪涵 V :人生最痛苦的,不是没有得到一个所爱的人,而是所爱的人一生没有得到幸福;人生最卑鄙的,并不是点燃了一根导火索,而是想看到爆炸后的效果;人生最悲哀的,并不是昨天失去得太多,而是沉浸于昨天的悲哀之中;人生最伟大的,并不是创造了这个世界,而是创造了创造这个世界的人。 @ 经典 - 电影 - 台词:我们每个人都生活在各自的过去中,人们会用一分钟的时间去认识一个人,用一小时的时间去喜欢一个人,再用一天的时间去爱上一个人,到最后呢,却要用一辈子的时间去忘记一个人。 《廊桥遗梦》 @ 汪涵 V :小时候,有过很多梦想,一会想当科学家、发明家,一会想做医生、老师 长大了才发现,人这一生,就是不断地剔除掉一些梦想,也不断地甩掉一些包袱的过程,不断地舍弃,才能把自己雕刻成你真正想成为的人,还原成自己的本质 这其实就是精华,就是真实的自己,也正是人生的大境界 @ 香豔日記: 20 岁以后,故乡与外地都一样; 30 岁以后,白天与晚上都一样; 40 岁以后,有没有学历都一样; 50 岁以后,漂亮与丑陋都一样; 60 岁之后官大官小都一样; 70 岁之后,房多房少都一样; 80 岁以后,钱多钱少都一样; 90 岁以后,男人与女人都一样; 100 岁以后起床与不起床都一样。 @ 精彩语录:曾经,为谁放肆的哭泣!你是吹进我眼里的沙子,模糊了双眼,看不清天空的样子。 这一场末路繁华,不倾城,不倾国,却倾我所有。 你要的是什么。一生相守。还是一晌贪欢。 我要的。只是简单却安稳的生活而已。 爱到绝路,覆水难收。 最好的幸福,是你给的在乎。 @ 经典语录堂:着急不过人等人,难受不过人想人,温暖不过人帮人,感动不过人疼人,残酷不过人害人,阴险不过人算人,郁闷不过人气人,耻辱不过人戏人,为难不过人求人,生气不过人比人,和谐不过人让人,幸福不过人爱人! @ 精彩语录:一个女孩失恋分手了哭着。上帝出现了,上帝问她你为什么这么难过? 他离开了我。 你还爱他吗? 女孩重重地点头。 那他还爱你吗? 女孩想了想哭了。上帝笑着说: 那么该哭的人是他,你只不过是失去了一个不爱你的人,而他失去的是一个深爱他的人。 不愧是上帝,讲话真有水平! @ 武明泉 Wilson : 我们一直觉得妥协一些、将就一些、容忍一些可以得到幸福。但当你的底线放得越低,你得到的就是更低的那个结果!不是吗? 我只想说 每个人的忍耐都有极限 就算我多么的宽容 多么的容忍 多么的甘愿受委屈 只是因为我爱你 可是我的忍耐依然有极限 @ 经典语录坊:我总是掩藏真正的自己,害怕别人一眼看穿,如果你在人群中觉得我陌生,别惊讶,那不是真正的我,我还是你从前认识的我。所以,请别离我太远,让我找得到你。 几米 @ 经典语录坊:忘记那个人,不如忘记自己,告诉自己,不是怕他忘记,而是怕他有一天重新把你想起。 岁月带走的是记忆,但回忆会越来越清晰。真的有一天,他回过头来告诉你,他一直在惦记你,千万不要相信,因为,他已经不是原来的他,而你,也不再是过去的你。 @ 汪涵 V : ⑴ 幸福犹如空气,只要不捂住自己,她总会有。 ⑵ 大部分痛苦开始于心里说 不行 而嘴上说 行 的时候。 ⑶ 一步不能登天,但登天必须一步一步来完成。 ⑷ 整天和猪在一起,就别抱怨自己进步慢。 ⑸ 同一种东西,乐观的人把它叫青春痘,悲观的人把它叫痤疮。 ⑹ 自己吃成胖子,不能怪东西太好吃了 @ 经典语录坊: There are things that we don't want to happen but have to accept,things we don't want to know but have to learn,and people we can't live without but have to let go. 总有一些事 我们不愿它发生 却必须接受;总有些东西 我们不想知道 却必须了解;总有些人 我们不能没有 却必须学着放手。 @ 早安 - 晚安 - 心语:有时候,莫名的心情不好,不想和任何人说话,只想一个人静静的发呆;有时候,突然觉得心情烦躁,看什么都觉得不舒服,拼命想寻找一个出口;有时候,感觉自己与世界格格不入,曾经一直坚持的东西一夜间面目全非;有时候,别人突然对你说,我觉得你变了,然后自己开始百感交集。 @ 汪涵 V :人生最愚蠢的,并不是没有发现眼前的陷阱,而是第二次又掉了进去;人生最可恨的,并不是他拔掉了一棵树,而是没有埋掉树下的挖开的坑;人生最高尚的,并不是别人还记着他的好处,而是自己忘了给予别人的好处;人生最寂寞的,并不是想等的人还没有来,而是这个人已从心里走了出去。 @ 经典语录 999 :做人的底线 ------ 1. 不做第三者,即使再喜欢; 2. 骗我可以,如果被我知道超过两次,请你有多远滚多远; 3. 如果你拿我不当回事,我会以同样的方式对你; 4. 我可以装傻,但别以为我真傻; 5. 我可以容忍,但别超过我的底线; 6. 我不是没脾气,只是不轻易发脾气; 7. 任何的真话,我都能接受。 @ 汪涵 V :旅途中,背着一个沉重的包袱的人很难有心情观看沿途的风景,更会落后于别人的步伐。 包袱沉重必将心情沉重,双重重压下怎能去感受到一路上的鸟语花香?又怎能让自己自由自在,尽情挥洒?何不主动轻装,去放下你心中的一切沉重。放下就是快乐!很多时候,跟自己过不去的,不是别人,而是我们自己。 @ 早安丶晚安丶心语:过去的一页,能不翻就不要翻,翻落了灰尘会迷了双眼。 有些人说不出哪里好,但就是谁都替代不了 ! 那些以前说着永不分离的人,早已经散落在天涯了。收拾起心情,继续走吧,错过花,你将收获雨,错过这一个,你才会遇到下一个 @ 经典语录坊:不要说,离开以后还会想念;不要说,分手以后还是朋友。 离开一个地方,风景就不再属于你;错过一个人,那人便与你无关。落花本来有意,流水本也无情。 转身的那一秒开始,我的幸福,便与你无关。 @ 健康顾问微博:人之所以会烦恼,就是我们时常记住了应该忘掉的事,忘掉了应该记住的事。 有人说傻子可爱、可笑,因为他忘记了人们对他的嘲笑与冷漠,忘记了世间的恩恩怨怨,忘记了世俗的功名利禄,忘记了这个世界的一切,他活在自己的世界里随心所欲地快乐着。可是人们宁愿让自己不快乐,谁也不愿意去做傻瓜。
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[转载]Getting Things Done(GDT):四个工具
jhongbing2 2010-8-16 13:06
在此系列的前两篇文章中,我们回顾了GTD的 基本概念和习惯 ,以及其 缺失与局限 。本文想研究一下如何改进与个性化我们自己的GTD系统。其实众多Blogger在这方面的思考已经为我们找到了工具的最佳实践以及问题的解决方案,我们只需要拿来就可以了。这里我希望本文能激发有经验GTDer的灵感,也希望本文能成为众多刚开始接触GTD(或者完全不了解GTD)的朋友的开端。 所谓GTD,是Getting Things Done的缩写,基本相当于中文里面今日事要今日毕里面的事毕,也就是把事情搞定。这里不多做介绍。想了解的同学可以移步GTDLife仔细读一读 什么是GTD 。这里我综合了前面对GTD的分析以及众多对GTD的改进,并总结成四个工具和四个习惯(其实我有点想叫它事毕系统,哈哈)。这里的工具其实是概念,你用什么实现它都可以(纸笔、手机、互联网或者客户端软件,只要你喜欢)。工具基本上是可以马上应用起来的。习惯则需要一定的时间来建立和适应。毕竟掌握一个新工具也需要时间去习惯它嘛~ 这四个工具是: 工作篮,下一步行动,项目,日历。 四个习惯则是: 收集,处理,行动,计划和回顾。 当然,这4+4并不一定适合所有人。希望朋友们多多留言与我们讨论。 写完发现文章太长,分两部分发吧,先是四个工具:) 1. 工作篮(Inbox) 工作篮是这个系统开始的地方。工作篮可以是一个纸质的笔记本,可以是PC桌面上的一个文本文档,可以是Outlook里的任务,或者专业GTD工具里的Inbox。不管是老板丢过来一项新工作,还是想到一个创业的好点子,或者准备愚人节来一个大点的整人计划,别管那么多,统统先丢进工作篮里面。设置工作篮的目的是清空大脑,从而达到心如止水的状态。因为做一件事情的时候不停提醒自己另外一件事情确实是一件很烦人的事情。注意把任何进入我们生活的事情都丢进去,这样才能清空大脑。关于工作篮,有一些小提示: 注意至少有一个工作篮是随身携带,方便快捷的。 这样才能随时随地记下我们的想法,像我这种记忆力不好的人尤其有用。关于这点 yibie比我说的好 : 相信我,这个是在GTD中最重要的工具。 通过这个我们才能捕捉大脑里面那稍纵即逝的想法,才能知道自己一直以来想做什么,想要什么。 这个工具的要求是,稳定、便捷,呼之即来挥之即去,没有过多的环节,你所要做的就是记录。除此之外,这个工具,不必拥有其它任何用途。 而且这个工具最好不会阻碍你把想法变成工作篮里的输入。比如我就比较习惯用纸笔,这样输入没有障碍。 你可能会有不止一个工作篮,但是最好越少越好。 这点是Lifehack的 Back to Basics: Your Inbox 里面讲到的,下面那一点也是。比如说你没有必要把你的电子邮件全部抄写同步到你的纸质笔记本上(想想那个工作量),否则就有点强迫症了 但是最好减少你的邮箱的数量,把所有邮件转发到同一个邮箱里会是一个不错的主意。 ZTD(简单做) 里面讲,最好把你的工作篮减少到4-7个(他把装纸的盒子,装脏衣服的袋子,信箱什么都算上了)。 光弄一个工作篮并不能帮你提高效率。 也就是说我们还得建立起来一些习惯处理工作篮。一方面我们要信任工作篮,把所有东西都放进去。另一方面我们又要及时处理工作篮。否则一个塞满了任务的工作篮跟堆得乱七八糟的桌面并没有什么差别。四个习惯的第一个和第二个都和工作篮有关,稍后会讲到。 如果放进工作篮的时候能区分一下任务的轻重缓急就更好了。 前面我们分析到GTD的一个问题是不能区分轻重缓急,如果在把任务放进工作篮的时候加上轻重缓急,至少可以为我们处理的时候提供依据。 2. 下一步行动(Next Actions) 下一步行动是你行动的参考,是一个清晰且可执行的行动的列表。在GTD中这个列表非常长,长到我们需要加上情境,并且依照多个原则(环境,时间,精力,重要性)去从中选择适合当前做的工作。GTD这么做的逻辑是生活中太多突发事件,而这些突发事件是不能被计划,所以提前安排工作的重要性是不可能的。但是我觉得并不是所有人都忙到每一个突发事件都需要马上处理。这些事情往往只需要及时处理就可以了。关于下一步行动, ZTD 里面取消掉了这个列表,而是 计划 这个习惯中提到: 最重要的任务 :每天早上,马上决定今日最重要的任务。这和你的重大事件很相似,每日选择1-3个最重要的任务,而这其中可能包括一个你已经安排了的重大事件和其它几个最重要的任务。同样的,尽量将它们安排在尽可能早的时段。如果安排的太晚,你常常会被其他的任务干扰,而导致任务失败。 我觉得下一步行动这个列表蛮好的,只是太长这个毛病需要修正一下。那么就每天只放进去第二天计划的任务就行了(假设你每天晚上会处理收件箱。其实这样下一步行动就变成了明日事项^^)。而放进去的过程中,把重要的任务(也就是ZTD中讲的Most Important Things, MITs)放到前面,如果你喜欢的话,再把前面标个星号。这样的话每天完成列表上的任务, 今日事今日毕 ,岂不快哉?不过要做到这一点,肯定要做到准确估计自己的工作效率和工作量,您得 是时间很好的朋友 ,这需要长时间的训练咯(yibie 昨天的文章 里有相关讨论)。至于如何按照这个列表行动,在后面的行动这个习惯里会有详细讨论。 那么每天丢进工作篮的事情太多,多到你放进下一步行动的时候赛都塞不下,怎么办?一个可能是你往自己背上背负的东西太多了,那么试着放下一些东西吧。看看我们以前提到的这句话: 假如按这种方法你无法完成全部的重要工作,那么即使运用任何其他方法,你也同样无法完成它们;而且倘若不借助某一件事优先的次序,你可能甚至连哪一种工作最为重要都不清楚。 另外一种情况,则是你可能把本来是一个项目的事情,当做了一个可执行的行动放进了这个列表。这会导致你分配给它的时间也比较多,也容易导致你的拖延和时间估计失误。这就要用到项目这个工具了。 3. 项目(Projects/Lists) 任何不能一步完成的任务,其实都可以作为一个项目。在GTD中,则是用的清单这个概念。因为项目基本上也是由一步步行动组成,所以基本上也可以列成一个清单。但是在GTD中,项目是和下一步行动写到一章中的,所以难免让人有点迷惑。再加上有时/也许清单,等待清单,就更让人迷惑了。其实正如Steve Pavlina在 GTD缺失的另一半 里面所说的,他们是不同层次的东西。关系可以描述为这样: 项目,以及各种各样的清单 工作篮,下一步行动 为什么这么分?其实是由我们使用它们的频率决定的。工作篮和下一步行动我们会每天多次用到,是执行层面上的工具。虽然它们本质上也是清单,但是因为这种频繁的使用而跟其他清单区别开来。而项目和各种清单,我们可能每天回顾一次,比较懒的时候可能2-3天甚至一周才能回顾一次。它们很大程度上起到计划和备忘的作用。在工作中,我们很有可能需要同时推进多个任务(比如一个朋友的7个跨国项目:P)。那么每一个任务就可以作为一个项目。再加上各种各样的列表,比如有时/也许清单,比如购物清单,如此等等。 至于用什么工具来管理项目?我倾向于认为个人项目一般都不那么复杂,所以不用动用很重的项目管理工具。实际上动用这种杀牛刀的结果往往是计划赶不上变化。因此任何能方便你管理列表的工具都可以用来管理项目。比如我喜欢的纸笔工具,比如天方喜欢的 toodledo ,以及各种各样根据GTD设计出来的软件和工具。 4. 日历(Calendar) 剩下的就是日历了。GTD中讲到: 日程表应该只显示重要而艰巨的工作,围绕着它推进你其余的行动。 然而,根据人们记录每天工作计划的老习惯,许多人希望把行动放在他们有心情去完成这件事情的那一天的日程安排中,比如星期一。但是到那时,也许情况就会发生变化了,因此这件事又不得不一再地拖延下去了。要抑制住这种种情况。你需要依赖你的日程表,把它视为一块圣域。它界定了你每天所有的责任的严格精确的界限。当你忙碌的时候,这些工作也应该能够一目了然。如果日程表中包括你必须在某一天搞定的工作,事情也就简单多了。 ZTD中鼓励把每周的大石头放进日历里面。不过我觉得上面这段话说的有道理,还是不要提前一周把石头放进日历里面比较好。提前一天放也许比较有预见性。不过既然我们已经在下一步行动清单中确定了重要的事情,也就没有必要重复了。还是把日历看得神圣一点吧^^ 另外,你还可以把一些需要每天完成的常规事项放进日历里面。我觉得这个日历最好是电子形式的,这样它可以在需要的时候自动提醒我们(比如手机上的日历工具,Google Calendar的SMS和Email提醒等等)。我们在 日程表,提醒,以及截止日期 里曾经详细讨论过这方面的内容,以及日程表的形式问题。有兴趣的话点击链接看看咯。 四个工具介绍完了,这是我们读完之后可以马上建立起来的系统。至于用什么实现,那并不是最重要的。当然,得选你自己喜欢,用起来舒服的工具。不过要熟练使用这些工具,以及形成相应的习惯,可能需要一定时间。李笑来老师说: 养成任何一个新的习惯都不容易。需要多久才能真正成为习惯,与天生的一样自然呢?我的经验告诉我,一般需要五年的时间。对,是五年的时间。我看到过很多书籍上说,两个星期就可以养成一个习惯;我想,也许是我笨吧。 至于要形成那四个习惯,才能更好的今日事今日毕,以及有哪些注意事项和行动指南,我们下篇接着讨论。 您的GTD经验和思考会给我们及其他读者带来新的视角。您觉得这篇文章有什么问题或者需要改进的地方,在留言里跟我们讨论咯^^
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Important things I need to do in the next two months
WangShanShan 2009-2-15 16:25
1. Follow the time table 2. Try my best to more experiment 3.Finish the next paper in one month 4.Finish my doctoral dissertation innext two month 5.Improve my Chinese and English listen, oral, writting level 6. Exercise 7.Make a video CV 8. Keep on read papers 9. Save timeand refrainfromamusing myself on net.
个人分类: 生活点滴|217 次阅读|0 个评论

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