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热度 3 liuyingxiang 2012-5-21 00:34
俺家小朋友现在高中读书,非常辛苦,压力山大。想着怎么为孩子减轻压力呢?适逢广州珠江数码集团有限公司推出高清互动电视业务“甜果时光”,就是换了一个高清互动电视机顶盒。在点播节目中,我发现了梅丽尔斯特里普主演的电影《妈妈咪呀》,非常好看。里面还有瑞典ABBA合唱团的20来首歌,而且ABBA合唱团两位男乐手还出现在电影中。孩子还到网上寻找《妈妈咪呀》的背景资料。比如,2001年,为减轻“911”恐怖事件给孩子带来的心理压力和阴影,梅丽尔斯特里普专门带孩子及其小伙伴到百老汇观看音乐剧《妈妈咪呀》,孩子非常高兴和快乐,梅丽尔斯特里普见到此状,还第一次专门以“粉丝”的名义写信给剧组,感谢他们给孩子带来的快乐时光。时隔7年,电影摄制组拿着那封信登门来找梅丽尔斯特里普请她主演影片《妈妈咪呀》,梅丽尔斯特里普非常惊讶,连声问:你们确定是我吗。 下面是我在网上找到的英文电影简介(文中 蓝色字体 为影片中演唱的ABBA合唱团的歌曲,非常好听): On a Greek island called Kalokairi, 20-year-old bride-to-be Sophie Sheridan posts three wedding invitations (" I Have a Dream ") to different men, who set off for the wedding. Sophie's bridesmaids and best friends, Ali and Lisa, arrive before the wedding. Sophie reveals that she found her mother's diary and learned she has three possible fathers: New York-based Irish architect Sam Carmichael, Swedish adventurer and writer Bill Andersson, and British banker Harry Bright. She invited them without telling her mother, believing that after she spends time with them she will know who her father is (" Honey, Honey "). Villa owner Donna Sheridan is ecstatic to reunite with her former bandmates, wisecracking author Rosie and wealthy multiple divorcée Tanya, and reveals her bafflement at her daughter's desire to get married. Donna shows off the villa, rumored to be built on the legendary fountain of Aphrodite , and explains her precarious finances to Rosie and Tanya (" Money, Money, Money "). The three men arrive, and Sophie smuggles them to their room and explains that she, not her mother, sent the invitations. She begs them to hide so Donna will have a surprise at the wedding: seeing the old friends of whom she "so often" favorably speaks. They overhear Donna working (humming " Fernando ") and swear to Sophie they will not reveal her secret. Donna spies them and is dumbfounded to find herself facing former lovers she could never forget (" Mamma Mia "), and is adamant that they leave. She confides in Tanya and Rosie (" Chiquitita ") a secret she has kept from everyone — she is uncertain which of the three men is Sophie's father. Tanya and Rosie rally her spirits by getting Donna to dance with the female staff and islanders (" Dancing Queen "). Sophie finds the men aboard Bill's yacht, and they sail around Kalokairi (" Our Last Summer ") and tell stories of Donna as a carefree girl. Sophie musters up the courage to speak with her fiancé Sky about her ploy, but loses her nerve. Sky and Sophie sing to each other (" Lay All Your Love on Me "), but are interrupted when Sky is snatched for his bachelor party. At Sophie's hen party , Donna, Tanya and Rosie perform as Donna and The Dynamos (" Super Trouper "). Sophie is delighted to see her mother rock out, but becomes nervous when the festivities are interrupted by the arrival of Sam, Bill and Harry. She decides to talk with each of her three prospective dads alone. While her girlfriends dance with the men (" Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight) "), Sophie learns from Bill that Donna received the money to invest in her villa from his great aunt Sofia. Sophie guesses she must be Sofia's namesake and Bill is her father. She asks him to give her away and to keep their secret from Donna until the wedding. Sophie's happiness is short-lived as Sam and Harry each tell her they must be her dad and will give her away (" Voulez-Vous "). A shocked Sophie cannot tell them the truth and, overwhelmed by the consequences of her actions, faints. In the morning, Rosie and Tanya reassure Donna they will take care of the men. On Bill's boat, Bill and Harry are about to confide in each other, but are interrupted by Rosie. Donna confronts Sophie in the courtyard, believing Sophie wants the wedding stopped. Sophie says that all she wants is to avoid her mother's mistakes and storms off. An upset Donna is accosted by Sam, concerned about Sophie getting married so young. Donna confronts him and both realize they still have feelings for each other (" SOS "). Down on the beach, Tanya and young Pepper continue their flirtations from the previous night (" Does Your Mother Know "). Sophie confesses to Sky and asks for his help. He reacts angrily to his fiancée's deception and Sophie turns to her mother for support. As Donna helps her daughter dress for the wedding, their rift is healed and Donna reminisces about Sophie's childhood and how quickly she has grown (" Slipping Through My Fingers "). Sophie asks Donna to give her away. As the bridal party walks to the chapel, Sam intercepts Donna and begs her to talk. She reveals the pain she felt over losing him (" The Winner Takes It All "). When Sophie and Donna are walking down the aisle, the band plays the tune of " Knowing Me, Knowing You ". Donna tells Sophie that her father is present but he could be any of the three men, whom Sophie admits to inviting. Sam reveals that although he left to get married, he did not go through with it, and returned only to find Donna with another man. Harry confesses that Donna was the first and last woman he loved. The three men concur that they would be happy to be one-third of a father for Sophie. She tells Sky that they should postpone their wedding and travel the world as they have wanted. Sam proposes to Donna (" I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do "). She accepts and they are married. At the wedding reception, Sam sings to Donna (" When All Is Said and Done "), which prompts Rosie to make a play for Bill (" Take a Chance on Me "). All the couples present proclaim their love (" Mamma Mia " reprise), as their raucous dancing causes the ground to crack and erupt with water from the fountain of Aphrodite. Sophie and Sky bid farewell to Kalokairi and sail away (" I Have a Dream " reprise). During the principal credits, Donna, Tanya and Rosie reprise "Dancing Queen", followed by " Waterloo " with the rest of the cast. Amanda Seyfried sings " Thank You for the Music " over the end credits. 最后是我在网上找到的关于ABBA合唱团的博客( http://abbamikory.blogs.com/ ),里面有很多照片,其中有梅丽尔斯特里普等电影演员与ABBA合唱团两名女歌手的见面照片,挺有意思的。
个人分类: 生活点滴|8062 次阅读|4 个评论
[转载]Friends or 'Enemies?'
liyanwu 2012-4-20 08:49
Friends or 'Enemies?' 发布时间:2012-04-15 文章出自:www.huffingtonpost.com 原文链接: 点击查看 When I was younger, my Dad used to tell me: "Boys don't want to be your friend." He then left the rest to my imagination. At the time, I didn't agree. I thought: I can crack a good joke, I know how to shoot a hoop, and I'm a cheerful person (but not in an annoying way). What kind of boy wouldn't want to be around that kind of girl? Turns out, my Dad was right. Not to be all "Samantha Brick" about it, but in my experience, single, heterosexual men aren't actively looking for an exclusively platonic relationship with a woman they find sexually attractive. This of course is not a revolutionary concept. In fact, it seems pretty natural to me. Now, I will be the first to say that it is really and truly the most wonderful thing in the world if the attraction is mutual. But the Powers That Be seem to like to play these complicated little mating games with humans where the guy we want to re-enact scenes from 9½ Weeks with sees our attractiveness level as akin to that of a discarded dishcloth, and the most physical we could see ourselves being with the guy who actually likes us is a game of ping pong over an especially long table. All of which means that someone usually ends up getting rejected. I'm sure I'm not alone when I say I have struggled with the scenario where I am not interested in a man romantically, but I want to keep him as a friend because he is funny and I enjoy his company, or he has shown himself to be that rare specimen known as "a nice, genuine person, " or he simply doesn't mention his therapist in every other sentence. Rather than string him along and give him hope, I feel compelled to somehow communicate to him sooner rather than later that we'll just be staying friends, nothing more. Otherwise, I think I am being unfair to him. Why should he waste his romantic stamina on me when there are loads of other single women out there who might fall instantly in love with him? The thing is, it can sometimes be tricky to reject a man and keep him as a friend. If the operation is not executed carefully, you may end up creating a "menemy." It requires a certain amount of skill to be able to turn down a man's sexual advances or romantic gestures and then get him to agree to meet you for blueberry pancakes the following weekend and chat about the latest Woody Allen film. Some men aren't satisfied with just that. I'm not clear why. What's so bad about friendship? Everyone needs buddies. But I've seen men react poorly or simply fall off the face of the earth. I get it -- their feelings are hurt. None of us likes getting rejected. But in my experience, some men find it especially soul-crushing. I am only bringing all of this up because I recently had to go through this scenario again. I had spent some time cultivating a friendship with a man who, in my defense, I thought was gay. So I didn't see the harm in him buying me the occasional falafel, or accepting an invitation to see a film with him. Isn't that what friends are for? But a mutual friend shed light on his sexual orientation (straight) and suggested that his intentions -- and attentions -- weren't platonic. He had never "made the moves" but now it was all crystal clear -- that explains the way he had looked at me that time the tahini sauce dribbled down my chin! Since he had clearly been too timid to express his feelings, I thought I would be clever this time and subtly mention the dates I had been going on, focusing on the one guy I was kind of keen on, so that he would know that I was "unavailable" for heavy petting and those sorts of activities, but that I was available for things like roller skating, falafel-eating and shooting the breeze. Doesn't that sound nice? That way, he would known not to try to lean in for a kiss, and I wouldn't have to pull the Stevie Wonder dance and dodge him went he went for it. It was like pre-rejection, yet I was sparing his feelings because he didn't even have to put himself out there! I really thought I was being brilliant. It backfired, of course. Said man ended up sending me an email rant accusing me of being insensitive by talking about other men when he had "feelings for me." As if I am psychic, by the way, just because I am a woman! How was I supposed to know that? I think in his mind we were dating. In my mind, he was my new gay BFF. In the end, I got mad at him for getting mad at me, and now the friendship has ended. And I have created yet another "menemy." Look, I have also tried the direct thing: "I really like you, but only as a friend, " but you can only do that when the guy has made his intentions clear, and in my experience, they either cope okay (though rarely do I feel much enthusiasm for friendship after that), or they really don't cope well. I also tried the thing where you make them think they are rejecting you, but it gets quite confusing and only works if the guy isn't very sharp, and why would I -- or you -- be hanging out with someone not that sharp in the first place? As we all remember, Billy Crystal's character says men and women can't be friends in When Harry Met Sally because the sex stuff gets in the way. I do have single, male, heterosexual friends with whom I have an easy, non-romantic rapport, but I honestly don't know if they would walk away if I was sprawled naked on a bed calling out to them. I may not be everybody's cup of tea, but sometimes, I wonder if they wonder. And they may wonder if I wonder. If so, I hope they'll keep it to themselves.
个人分类: 生活锦囊|1253 次阅读|0 个评论
I should take today off...
热度 2 zuojun 2012-3-29 01:49
I have too many social activities today, lunch outing at the Outrigger's (where The Descendants was filmed), afternoon tea, and dinner followed by a movie (The Hunger Games). Plus, I have quite a few email messages to reply... But, I will go to work first, because I want to finish this never-ending project! ps. I treated myself by taking half a day off on my birthday, even when I was in college and studied very hard.
个人分类: Tea Time/Coffee Break|3083 次阅读|5 个评论
[转载]Zuckerberg 'friends' Harvard during visit
whyhoo 2012-3-3 16:34
Mark Zuckerberg returned to the Harvard campus on Monday to recruit students for jobs and internships at Facebook, the popular social networking site that he started when he was an undergraduate. “There are a lot of really smart people here,” Zuckerberg said during an appearance with about four dozen members of the media in front of Houghton Library. “A lot of them are going to be making their decision — about where they want to work after they graduate — in the next few weeks, so it’s a great time to come.” Zuckerberg was greeted by President Drew Faust and other University officials, who met with him briefly at Loeb House. Faust said that Harvard was a good place to look for the next generation of technology entrepreneurs. “I enjoyed welcoming Mark back to campus,” she said, “and certainly share his view that Harvard is a great place to recruit innovative, creative, talented people.” It was Zuckerberg’s first official visit to campus since he left as an undergraduate in 2004. Accompanied by Mike Schroepfer, Facebook’s vice president of engineering, Zuckerberg held a discussion attended by more than 200 computer science (CS) and engineering students. The event, which was held at Farkas Hall and was closed to the media, was organized by the Office of Career Services (OCS) and moderated by lecturer David J. Malan, the current leader of the popular Computer Science 50 (CS 50) course. Attendees said they were thrilled and inspired to interact with executives from the world’s top social media site, who also toured the new Harvard I-Lab in Allston during their visit. “I really enjoyed seeing how much love they have for their product,” said Scott Crouch ’13, a student at the School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS). “At the end of the day, it’s not the money or the management experience, it’s what they create. They’re engineers at heart.” Luis Duarte ’13, who collaborated with Crouch on the new Harvard app for OCS, said his biggest takeaway from the discussion was Zuckerberg’s advice to College students on choosing a career. “It was when he said that you have to find whatever it is that you’re passionate about and follow it, if you feel that it’s right,” Duarte said. “Follow your heart, and things will fall into place. It worked for him.” Malan said that Zuckerberg’s impact on students’ academic and career plans was easy to see. “It was quite the sight to see a roomful of hands in the air when we polled the audience as to who was planning to study computer science,” he said. “Facebook has certainly inspired an interest in computer science at Harvard and well beyond.” Michael D. Smith , dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FAS), met with Zuckerberg at Loeb House and accompanied him to the meeting with students. Smith, the former leader of CS 50, said that current students could learn much from the Facebook founder’s experience at Harvard, and beyond. “The Facebook story provides many lessons about the benefits of taking risks and following your passions,” he said. “Above all else, it shows that a college education — particularly a Harvard education — should help you discover what you love and encourage you to pursue it.” Harvard College Dean Evelynn M. Hammonds said the College is more supportive than ever of student entrepreneurs, thanks in part to the success of former students such as Zuckerberg. “Harvard College actively strives to give students the kind of opportunities that produce the next generation of innovators in science, technology, the arts, and public service,” she said. “From the Harvard College Program for Research in Science and Engineering to Hack Harvard , an on-campus seminar for web applications that improve student life, we support the kind of innovation and collaboration that is the lifeblood of technology pioneers like Facebook.” 原文见 http://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2011/11/zuckerberg-%E2%80%98friends %E2%80%99-harvard-during-visit/
个人分类: 科学|1052 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 dongzg101 2012-1-16 19:46
Spring Greetings!” Please pass Spring Greetings to your Blog friends at sciencenet请把春节的祝福传给您在科学网的朋友。
1567 次阅读|1 个评论
Are you ready for the New Year?
热度 3 zuojun 2011-12-31 18:27
About 24 hours before the New Year arrives in Hawaii, I received a call from a good friend. I was surprised, because hardly anyone calls this late unless it's from China, from someone who cannot figure out the time difference correctly. Oh, she is stuck at the NRT due to flight cancellation. Luckily, she has Skype. So, she called me, without knowing exactly what time it is here (almost midnight). Immediately, I gave her my good friend's phone number, the one who lives in Chiba. A good friend's good friend's friend, at least. Right? I should be in bed by now, but I don't want to go to sleep. Why? I just finished the book, "The Hunger Games." The ending is so heavy. I don't know if I want to read Book 2. Do I?
个人分类: Uniquely Hawaii|2606 次阅读|6 个评论
Keep on smiling
热度 3 zuojun 2011-12-25 18:04
I have been receiving Christmas letters from some of my friends for years. I thought of writing one myself, and even tried a couple of times in the past, but was never able to finish one until this year. I guess 2011 has been a very special year, in more than one way; so writing such a letter was not too demanding. I am still debating whether or not to send a New Year's e-card to some of my "old clients," to thank them for entrusting me with their manuscripts, a total of 106. (Yeah, I spent much of today editing one.) In the mean time, I have received a few "Thank-You" email from my clients, which made me smile. Smile, you will look younger. Don't ever forget that.
个人分类: Tea Time/Coffee Break|2367 次阅读|8 个评论
Merry Christmas to my friends overseas and in China
duke01361 2011-12-24 15:24
Merry Christmas to my friends overseas and in China
个人分类: Life a Bit|2616 次阅读|0 个评论
It is time to go home...
热度 2 zuojun 2011-12-12 16:41
Hangzhou is my hometown, but it is no longer my home. My visit is too short to meet all of my old friends from childhood, especially with the cold weather and terrible city traffic. Hopefully, I will be back before long. Good-bye, freezing cold Hangzhou.
个人分类: Tea Time/Coffee Break|3749 次阅读|6 个评论
博士论文的致谢 (英中稿互译)
热度 6 cosismine 2011-11-26 18:11
博士论文的致谢 (英中稿互译)
博士 论文 后记 Encouragement and inspiration from friends have been very important to achieve my academic goals. Though I registered in Antwerp University to pursue my doctoral degree, I studied most of the time on my own in my spare time after work in Tongji University Library. Conflicts among work, academic pursuit and family were so fierce that, at times, I became hopeless and felt like someone wandering in a marsh land, in vain struggling to move on. I really felt lucky that so many friends lend me a hand here and there on the road to make my dream come true. I would like to express my profound thanks to all of them. First, I would like to thank Prof. Dr. Rousseau. He led me to explore the hidden regularities in the unknown world of informetrics. By his scientific and linguistic support I acquired the skills to verify, prove and communicate scientific ideas. Moreover, he trained me in every aspect of scientific research: not only formulating scientific ideas and performing investigations, but also presenting work at conferences and informing about scientific competitions. With great patience and tolerance, he broadened my horizon and opened my mind. Thanks are also extended to the other members of my doctoral committee: professors Pierre Delsaerdt, Sven De Maeyer and Tim Engels, for their guidance along the way towards a doctoral degree. I further thank professors Wolfgang Glnzel and Loet Leydesdorff for their valuable comments and helpful suggestions. Their critical remarks made me reflect deeper about my research goals. Thanks also given to Prof. Liang Liming and Prof. Wu Yishan, whom I consider my Chinese advisors. During my scientific training I had the opportunity to collaborate with Raf Guns, Dilruba Mahbuba and Ismael Rafols, among others. I thank them for sharing their thoughts and expertise with me. I also would like to thank Song Yongli from the mathematical department of Tongji University, and Shen Xinyao, Zhang Sanjiu, Li Shude, Nie Yumei and other colleagues from Tongji university library for the truth they talked about me in times of crises. Many friends from the blogsphere http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog.html are thanked for their support, among them I mention Cao Cong, Ren Shengli, Liu Li, Zhao Xing, Li Ning, Zhang Tianyi, Gai Xinlei, Wang Haihui, Zhou Chunlei, Chen Guowen, Liang Jin, Wang Fang and many others who have given comments and recommended my blog articles. The organizers of the international STIMULATE program, in particular Prof. Paul Nieuwenhuysen, and the institutes and organizations involved in this program (VLIR, VUB, Leuven University and Antwerp University) are thanked for giving me the opportunity to study abroad. Other institutes which I visited such as Fudan University, Shanghai University, National Science Library CAS, Zhejiang University and Wuhan University are thanked for giving me a place to continue my studies. In particular I thank professors Guan Jiancheng, Shan Shi, Ye Ying, Qiu Junping, Yang Liying and her colleagues Zhou Qiuju and Yue Ting for their hospitality. I very much thank my son for the Hard Work Nobel Prize he awarded me and also for the meals he made for me when I was too busy working on my thesis. I thank my husband for the trust he has in me. Special thanks are also given to the clusters of fragrant white flowers that, from the garden of neighbors, hung over into my parents’ garden and which attracted me, as a child, to go further to a place that I didn’t know and could not reach immediately. Through his pictures the famous photographer Li Xuekuan from my hometown evoked the road I walked, and the roads I further intend to walk to a bright and happy future. For this reason I include a photograph made by him special for my doctoral degree. 正是朋友们的鼓励和激发,才使我不断地走向新的学术研究目标。虽然我在安特大学注册,并试图在那里获得博士学位,但大多数时间我都是利用我在同济大学图书馆工作后的业余时间自学的。工作、学术追求和家庭之间的冲突如此强烈,我有时甚至感到我就像是在沼泽地里挣扎,徒劳地想要前行,但希望却离我渐行渐远 …… 我是如此幸运,如此多的朋友时不时地伸出手来,拉我一把,使我没有沉入沼泽地,而最终实现了自己的梦想。我想在此,对他们的帮助,表示深深的谢意。 首先,我要感谢鲁索教授,是他引导着我去探索那些隐藏在未知后面的规律。因为他在科学和语言方面所提供的支持,我能够提出、证明并传播科学理念。在涉及科学研究的每一个方面,包括阐述科学理念,进行调研、会议上宣读论文、科学竞争等等方面,他都耐心细致地培养我。以极大的耐心和宽容,他打开了我的思维,拓宽着我的眼界。感激之情进一步延展到我博士答辩委员会的其他成员: Pierre Delsaerdt, Sven De Maeyer and Tim Engels 教授,是在他们的指导下,我走过那条长长的通向博士学位的道路。 感谢博士评判委员会成员 Wolfgang Glnzel 和 Loet Leydesdorff 教授,感谢他们提出的宝贵意见和有益建议。他们富有建设性的话语,让我进一步思考我的研究目标。也感谢梁立明和武夷山教授,他们是我的中国导师。 在我读博期间,我有幸和很多科学家合作,其中我要特别感谢 Raf Guns, Dilruba Mahbuba and Ismael Rafols ,感谢他们和我分享他们的真知灼见。我也非常感谢同济大学数学系的 Song Yongli 老师,和同济大学图书馆的同事沈新耀老师,张三九老师,李淑德老师,聂玉美老师和其他老师,是他们在一些危机时刻所表现出来的诚实品德,让我相信这个世界还有真善美的一面。 我深深地感谢科学网的众多博友。其中我要特别提到曹聪老师,任胜利老师,刘立老师,赵星老师,李宁老师,张天翼老师,盖鑫磊老师,王海辉老师,周春雷老师、陈国文老师,梁进老师,王芳老师和很多曾经评论和推荐我博文的博友。 我谢谢国际 STIMULATE 项目的组织者,尤其是 Paul Nieuwenhuysen 教授,和涉及到这个项目的机构和组织,包括 VLIR, 鲁汶大学,安特大学,布鲁塞尔自由大学。是这个项目让我有机会在国外学习。我也感谢我在读博期间访问的中国机构,包括复旦大学、上海大学、科学院、浙江大学和武汉大学,谢谢这些机构让我有机会进一步学习。我尤其感谢这些机构的官建成老师,山石老师,叶鹰老师,邱均平老师,杨立英老师、周秋菊老师和岳亭老师,谢谢他们的热情接待。 我深深地感谢我儿子,不仅仅为他曾经颁发给我的诺贝尔辛苦奖,也为他在我忙于写论文时,给我准备的晚餐。也谢谢我的丈夫,谢谢他的信任。 最后,我要特别感谢幼时从邻家伸展到我父母庭院里的那一串串芬芳的白色花朵,是他们用盛开的美好,吸引着孩童时的我,走向一个又一个未知而不能立即到达的地方。著名摄影家李学宽老师,用这张来自家乡的美丽图片,勾起我对往事的深深怀恋,并引导我走向明媚而幸福的将来。我因此附一张他特意为我的博士学位而拍摄的照片。 Epilogue @Li Xue Kuan
5922 次阅读|11 个评论
To mentor or not to mentor...That's the question
热度 2 zuojun 2011-10-18 10:50
Right now, I am a sandwich, because my parents still try to "mentor" me while I try to "mentor" my son. Even before my son turned 18, he told me not to "lecture" him about dating, since "it's all old school stuff." I couldn't agree more, but whenever I had a chance I would sneak in a sentence or two about "how to." More than a year ago, I asked a young woman whether or not I could mentor her. That turned out to be more than I asked for, because she and I are friends now. I help her sometimes, and she helps me sometimes. This week, I was asked by a Ph.D. candidate to have a chat. I gladly said "sure." We had a nice lunch today, and agreed to meet again. Because the conversation was about first years living in the US, it brought back a lot of memories of my own experience, which I almost forgot (or too busy to think about it anymore). Maybe it's time to go back, and re-exam what I did right and what I did wrong? I hope being a mentor does not mean I am “successful” enough to guide a young person. I clearly sense the generation gap. Even so, it might be fun to “talk stories” (a very local expression in Hawaii). I will only go as far as “this is what I did or didn’t do,” but I will never say “You should do this and that.” Mom, Dad, do you read my Blog?
2236 次阅读|4 个评论
Good night, Shanghai...
热度 2 zuojun 2011-7-20 23:29
It's past 11 pm now. I will have another busy morning tomorrow, before taking a high-speed train to Hangzhou at 2 pm. Good night to all my old and new friends in Shanghai. It is you who will bring me back again and again...
个人分类: Tea Time/Coffee Break|2358 次阅读|4 个评论
[转载]Birthday messages for St Andrews University 600 anniversary
grig 2011-3-8 00:43
The University of St Andrews 600th Anniversary Campaign has now launched, with the support of alumni and friends around the world including former US President Bill Clinton, James Bond icon Sir Sean Connery, Scotland’s First Minister Alex Salmond, and Harvard President, Drew Gilpin Faust. Here you can read their warm words: President Clinton said: “Congratulations to all those gathered to launch the 600th anniversary of the University of St Andrews. “In its six-century history, the University of St Andrews has remained dedicated to creating an academic home for people of all ethnic, religious, socio-economic and national backgrounds. As new generations of students have entered its halls, the school has adapted to serve new interests and emerging areas of study. But throughout its history, St Andrews has remained true to values of academic excellence for which it was established. “I’d like to thank this fine school for creating opportunities for students from around the world to study in Scotland. St Andrews has helped guide and inspire America’s past and future leaders throughout our history; three signatories of our Declaration of Independence held a connection to the University, and thousands of American students are welcomed here each year for study abroad. “I am confident that the University will continue to build on its impressive legacy, endowing future generations with the honor of a St Andrews education. Best wishes for a wonderful celebration.” Bond star and St Andrews honorary graduate Sean Connery offered his congratulations to a university “dear to his heart”. He said: There is nothing like a challenge to bring out the best in man, and for six centuries St Andrews has been challenging established wisdom and challenging its students and teachers to push the boundaries of knowledge. “Scotland has a few precious claims to be world class – her first university is one of them. “This university will always be dear to my heart and I’m proud to be an honorary graduate of a place where good is never good enough. Ever to be the best. Happy Birthday St Andrews, lang may your lum reek.” First Minister Alex Salmond said: “The University of St Andrews is globally recognised as an institution of academic excellence and it is important that we celebrate its achievements and proud history. “As a St Andrews graduate, I am delighted to support the University’s 600th Anniversary celebrations and appeal. The Appeal aims to create scholarship opportunities which will help young people, of all backgrounds, have the opportunity to study at Scotland’s oldest University. “Scotland’s reputation for innovation and world-class research is founded on the work and intellectual achievements of our academic institutions. I wish St Andrews every success in the future as it reflects on its achievements over the past 600 years.” Actor and presenter Nicholas Parsons said: “I look back on the three years I spent as Rector of the University of St Andrews with huge pleasure. It was a most rewarding experience being associated with such an eminent seat of learning. St Andrews is unique, a most attractive town with wonderful buildings and an atmosphere which is inducive to study and research. Any student who is accepted there feels special and to be involved in the academic side of this great University, is a privilege I will always treasure. “Best wishes for the success of the Anniversary Campaign.” Joanna Lumley said: “I send my warmest good wishes and congratulations on this momentous celebration. May this pre-eminent seat of learning go from strength to strength; I look forward to visiting the university in the near future, and until I can deliver them in person I send my fondest thoughts to all who teach, and learn, in this fabulous establishment.” Dame Judi Dench said: “Happy Birthday St Andrews! I am inordinately proud to be an Honorary Graduate of Scotland's foremost University, and to be a tiny part of its sensational history. I shall be with you in spirit for all the celebrations.” Poet and novelist Jackie Kay said: “The University of St Andrews is a rare place: a place of deep learning that also has a lovely family-feel. The university has all the passion and history of the nearby sea, but also a lovely way of incorporating the current. It is a place which allows its students to look back to the past with pride and forward to the future with confidence.” Ernest L Ransome, III said: “It is my honour to extend the University of St Andrews congratulations on their 600th Anniversary. My association with St Andrews has been marked with events that have served to become some of my most cherished memories. At the top of this list is the scholarship trust a group of my friends in 1994 established in my name. Each year four graduate and four undergraduate students attend the University of St Andrews under The Ransome Scholarship. The scholarship provides each student their full tuition fees, housing, book allowance, spending allowance and two roundtrip airfare tickets back to their home each year. “Almost every student has told me that the opportunity to be able to attend this wonderful university and receive such an outstanding education was a life changing experience. It is one of my great pleasures to keep in contact with many of the students and to follow their career after graduation. Knowing that they might not have had the opportunity to pursue their dreams and fine careers without the help of this scholarship is unbelievably rewarding for me. “So again, Happy 600th Birthday St Andrews. May you continue to provide excellence in teaching and academics for another 600 years.” Harvard University President Drew Gilpin Faust said: “This magnificent milestone will deservedly be the cause of tremendous celebration for everyone associated with this storied place of learning. Six centuries of academic excellence, a still growing record of groundbreaking contributions in medicine, astronomy and mathematics, and an intellectual roster that has included minds as varied as John Stuart Mill and JM Barrie are distinctions unique to St Andrews but from which every university can take inspiration. “The students and alumni of St Andrews can be proud of their alma mater’s reputation as not only one of the world’s oldest institutions of higher learning, but as a truly twenty-first century university with a diverse and international student body and faculty.” Former Presiding Officer Lord David Steel of Aikwood said: “St Andrews is unique. Heartiest congratulations and here's to our next 600 years!” Sir Tom Farmer said: “For 600 years the University of St Andrews has been a centre of learning and academic excellence. I am proud to be an Honorary Graduate and wish the University every success with its Anniversary Campaign, and for the next 600 years.” Composer Craig Armstrong said: “I would like to wish the University of St Andrews a very happy 600th Anniversary. It's a great honour for me to be associated with the university. Long may it continue its high standard of learning, teaching and inspiring academic excellence.” Dame Bridget Ogilvie said: “I congratulate St Andrews and wish it continued success as it begins to celebrate 600 years since foundation. Universities are one of the most enduring human institutions and their value is best illustrated by the lives of their alumnae. I write this from the region of Australia south of Sydney where a St Andrews alumnus, Alexander Berry settled in the 19th century, contributed greatly to the community, and prospered so much that in 1897 he gave St Andrews £100,000, used to endow Berry Chairs. “In the fiercely competitive university world of this century, St Andrews is flourishing. I admire its history, its leaders and think it is a perfect size both from the undergraduate point of view and that of its staff. “These comments illustrate why I regard my honorary degree from St Andrews such a privilege and am so glad to be asked to send this message at the start of this important three years.” John Kerr (Lord Kerr of Kinlochard) said: “Congratulations on six triumphant centuries of expertise in International Relations.” Kay Redfield Jamison, Professor of Psychiatry, said: “Since my undergraduate days, St Andrews keeps a place in my heart that is in equal parts beauty, learning and imagination; a place whose essence is ancient and modern.” The Very Reverend Professor Iain R Torrance, President of Princeton Theological Seminary and Professor of Patristics, said: “My experience at St Andrews, of which I am proud to be a double graduate (BD 1974 and DD 2005), has been one of the greatest gifts in my life. “Long may St Andrews flourish, and may God bless her and all who study within her walls.” Dr Renee Powell said: “I am thrilled as an honorary graduate of the University of St Andrews to be able to share in the 600th year celebration of the oldest university in Scotland and one of the most prestigious universities in the world. It is my plan to return during the Anniversary Campaign. “Having received an Honorary Doctor of Law was the highlight of my life and having my 91 year old father who had served in Scotland during WWII witness such an occasion was just as special.” Professor Sir Alan Peacock said: “May later generations of students tangibly benefit from present efforts to secure the future of our beloved Alma Mater.” Lord Mackay of Clashfern said: “I started my working life in our great university. I treasure the atmosphere of learning and history that prevailed, enhanced by a tour of the Cathedral with Ronald Cant which left me feeling I had seen the monks carrying out their services.” American author and journalist Adam Hochschild: “From one third of the way around the world, from a nation little more than one third as old as St Andrews, I send you warmest greetings on this momentous anniversary. Your university is an example to us all, not just in longevity, but, more important, in excellence. Best wishes for the next 600 years!” Sir John Sunderland said: “A 600th anniversary celebration is a rare privilege but one that will be shared by many. As one of that many I wish St Andrews every success in the activities that attend this important milestone” 2006 St Andrews Honorary Doctorate, Environmentalist, Nature Writer and Lecturer Sir John Lister-Kaye OBE said: “For 600 years the University of St Andrews has held its own as one of the finest seats of academic excellence in the world. I am immensely proud to be listed among its keenest supporters. St Andrews I salute you: ‘Quo non praestantior alter’ – Than whom none more excellent!” Sir Craig Reedie, Executive Board Member of the International Olympic Committee, said: “I wish the University of St Andrews the warmest congratulations and best wishes on this momentous birthday. The contribution made by the University to education and to the well-being of young people over these six centuries has been a huge contribution to the quality of life of Scotland and St Andrews graduates have made similar contributions all round the world. “The Olympic values of excellence, respect and friendship fit well with the ethos of the University and will guide it as it moves into an exciting future.” Lord Brian Gill said: “The years 2011 to 2013 will be a time of deserved celebration at St Andrews. For six centuries this famous University has been one of Scotland's most important institutions. Today it is one of the world's leading universities. It is a centre of excellence in teaching and research noted for its imaginative and innovative approach. I send every good wish to the staff and students for the success of the Anniversary Campaign and for the continued prosperity of the University.” Broadcaster Sheena McDonald said: “As a humble honorary graduand of the University, I am delighted that this anniversary campaign is being launched! It is a great opportunity for everyone with any association with St Andrews to celebrate the invaluable contribution that the university has made to the intellectual and social wealth of the world's nations through educating innumerable men and women, and enabling them to broadcast further what they have learned in this extraordinary town. No donation is too small or too large - and every penny given represents a well-targeted and genuinely lively investment!” Sir Bob Reid said: “St Andrews is a magic place edged by sea and golden sands, mystical in its saintly name and blessed six hundred years ago to host a University; a University which would send its students to contribute to the commonweal of the countries from which they came. It is for this we give thanks and celebrate.” Chief Rabbi Lord Sacks said: “I am delighted to send my blessings and congratulations to you on this remarkable milestone celebration. In its 600th year, the University of St Andrews remains one of the finest institutions of its kind, not only in Scotland, but in Europe and the world. “I am proud to count myself as one of its honorary graduates, and I have found my visits to the university inspirational, in terms of its academic fellowship and breadth of horizons. “I wish you every blessing in the coming year and success for many generations to come.” Professor Sir David King, University of Oxford, said: “As an honorary graduate of the University I am delighted to join the chorus of congratulations on your 600th Anniversary. The University has developed a remarkable global reputation for excellence in teaching and research. I wish it well in developing the global thought leaders we need to fortify us for the challenges we now face.” Alison Elliot OBE, Associate Director of the Centre for Theology and Public Issues at the University of Edinburgh, said: “Congratulations to the University of St Andrews for keeping the flame of academic excellence burning brightly for 600 years. St Andrews is a byword for first class research, committed students and graduates who gain distinction in their later careers. I am proud to be associated with the university and am confident that it will continue to nurture a spirit of enthusiastic intellectual curiosity at the heart of Scottish society for generations to come.”
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[转载]Nature Science 来函介绍: NS Selected Papers in 2010
热度 3 Fangjinqin 2011-2-28 08:07
NS Selected Papers in 2010 近日,收到"自然科学"(Nature Science) 来函介绍: NS Selected Papers in 2010.希望我转载,现特在此义务宣传了,看对网友有没有帮助,经常有些国内外杂志希望我转载,请各位发表意见,看以后还有没有必要介绍这类杂志? Dear Fang Jin-qing, We have selected the most popular papers published by NS in the year 2010 for you. You are welcome to forward this message to your colleagues and friends in the related areas. Vol.2 No.1 (Click to view the issue) Review on nano-drugs Yong Liu, Tian-Shui Niu, Long Zhang, Jian-She Yang Predicting numerically the large increases in extra pressure drop when boger fluids flow through H. R. Tamaddon-Jahromi, M. F. Webster, K. Walters Study of some Indian medicinal plants by application of INAA and AAS techniques Ram Lokhande, Pravin Singare, Mahadeo Andhele, Raghunath Acharya Vol.2 No.2 (Click to view the issue) Optical nonlinearity in measurement of urea and uric acid in blood A. N. Dhinaa, P. K. Palanisamy Disinfection of swimming pools with chlorine and derivatives: formation of organochlorinated and organobrominated compounds and exposure of pool personnel and swimmers Maria-Cristina Aprea, Bruno Banchi, Liana Lunghini, Massimo Pagliantini, Antonio Peruzzi, Gianfranco Sciarra Metal ion-binding properties of L-glutamic acid and L-aspartic acid, a comparative investigation S. A. A. Sajadi Vol.2 No.3 (Click to view the issue) The antioxidant activity and hypolipidemic activity of the total flavonoids from the fruit of Rosa laevigata Michx Yue-Tao Liu, Bi-Nan Lu, Li-Na Xu, Lian-Hong Yin, Xiao-Na Wang, Jin-Yong Peng, Ke-Xin Liu Solid polymeric electrolyte of poly(ethylene)oxide-50% epoxidized natural rubber-lithium triflate (PEO-ENR50-LiCF3SO3) Siti Aminah bt. Mohd Noor, Azizan Ahmad, Mohd. Yusri bin Abd. Rahman, Ibrahim Abu Talib Investigation of nonlinear temperature distribution in biological tissues by using bioheat transfer equation of Pennes’ type Ahmed Lakhssassi, Emmanuel Kengne, Hicham Semmaoui Vol.2 No.4 (Click to view the issue) Study the effect of formulation variables in the development of timed-release press-coated tablets by Taguchi design Chikkanna Narendra, Mayasandra SrinavasaIyengar Srinath Effect of Ba2+ in BNT ceramics on dielectric and conductivity properties Konapala Sambasiva Rao, Kuan China Varada Rajulu, Bollepalli Tilak, Anem Swathi Review: the charnockite problem, a twenty first century perspective Samarendra Bhattacharya Vol.2 No.5 (Click to view the issue) Stability analysis of primary emulsion using a new emulsifying agent gum odina Amalesh Samanta, Durbadal Ojha, Biswajit Mukherjee Extraction, identification and adsorption-kinetic studies of a natural color component from G. sepium Konaghatta Narayanachar Vinod, Putta Swamy, Kurikempanadoddi Ninge Gowda, R. Sudhakar Kinetic spectrophotometric determination of certain cephalosporins using iodate/iodide mixture Salwa R. El-Shaboury, Fardous A. Mohamed, Gamal A. Saleh, Azza H. Rageh Vol.2 No.6 (Click to view the issue) Finite element modelling of the pull-apart formation: implication for tectonics of Bengo Co pull-apart basin, southern Tibet Ganesh Raj Joshi, Daigoro Hayashi Optical properties for N,N'-bis (lnaphyhly)N,N'-diphenyl-1,1'-biphenyl-4,4'-diamine and tris (8-hydroxyquinolinato) aluminum in organic light emitting devices Mei Yee Lim, Wan Mahmood Mat Yunus, Zainal Abidin Talib, Anuar Kassim Thermophysical properties of dunite rocks as a function of temperature along with the prediction of effective thermal conductivity Aurang Zeb, Tayyaba Firdous, Asghari Maqsood Vol.2 No.7 (Click to view the issue) Review on dermatomycosis: pathogenesis and treatment Deepika T. Lakshmipathy, Krishnan Kannabiran Synthesis, structural characterization and formation mechanism of giant-dielectric CaCu3Ti4O12 nanotubes Nirupam Banerjee, Saluru Baba Krupanidhi Synthesis and characterization of an amphiphilic chitosan bearing octyl and methoxy polyethylene Guanghua Liu, Jianqun Gan, Aimin Chen, Qian Liu, Xusheng Zhao Vol.2 No.8 (Click to view the issue) Spectophotometric method for determination of certain cephalosporins using 4-chloro-7-nitrobenzo-2-oxa-1,3-diazole (NBD-Cl) Azza H. Rageh, Salwa R. El-Shaboury, Gamal A. Saleh, Fardous A. Mohamed Assessment of biotechnological potential of phosphate solubilizing bacteria isolated from soils of Southern Kazakhstan Rakhilya Aipova, Svetlana A. Aitkeldiyeva, Askar A. Kurmanbayev, Amangeldy K. Sadanov, Olga B. Topalova Self-repairing material systems―a dream or a reality? Hartmut Fischer Vol.2 No.9 (Click to view the issue) Spectroscopic, thermal and magnetic properties of some transition metal complexes derived from 1-Phenyl-3-Substituted-4-Nitroso-5-Pyrazolones Samir A. AbdelLatif, Yousry M. Issa Smell reduction and disinfection of textile materials by dielectric barrier discharges Siegfried Müller, Rolf-Jürgen Zahn, Torsten Koburger, Klaus-Dieter Weltmann Thermal buckling analysis of ceramic-metal functionally graded plates Ashraf M. Zenkour, Daoud S. Mashat Vol.2 No.10 (Click to view the issue) Cell-PLoc 2.0: an improved package of web-servers for predicting subcellular localization of proteins in various organisms Kuo-Chen Chou, Hong-Bin Shen Transient response of multilayered hollow cylinder using various theories of generalized thermoelasticity Daoud S. Mashat, Ashraf M. Zenkour, Khaled A. Elsibai Preparation and characterization of genipin-cross-linked chitosan microparticles by water-in-oil emulsion solvent diffusion method Jesada Karnchanajindanun, Mangkorn Srisa-ard, Prasong Srihanam, Yodthong Baimark Vol.2 No.11 (Click to view the issue) On the recovery from the Little Ice Age Syun-Ichi Akasof Is it plausible to expect a close encounter of the Earth with a yet undiscovered astronomical object in the next few years? Lorenzo Iorio Chiral palladium complexes based on derivatives of benzylamine and 2α-hydroxypinan-3-one Olga A. Zalevskaya, Yana A. Gur'eva, Larisa L. Frolova, Igor N. Alekseev, Alexander V. Kutchin Vol.2 No.12 (Click to view the issue) The earth dynamic system: the earth rotation vs mantle convection Shuping Chen Zinc oxide nanocomposites with antitumor activity Emma Arakelova, Ashot Khachatryan, Karapet Avjyan, Zoya Farmazyan, Alvard Mirzoyan, Lilia Savchenko, Sedrak Ghazaryan, Flora Arsenyan Synthesis of some new Indeno pyrazolo -1,2,4-triazin-6-one and Indeno pyridazine-4-carbonitrile Derivatives Hamdi M. Hassaneen, Nada M. Abunada, Huwaida M. Hassaneen Natural Science (NS) is an international refereed journal dedicated to the latest advancement of natural sciences. The goal of this journal is to keep a record of the state-of-the-art research and promote the research work in these fast moving areas. The journal publishes the highest quality, original papers included but not limited to the fields: Astronomy Space Sciences Astronomy Astrophysics Atmospheric Science Space Physics Chemistry Analytical Chemistry Biochemistry Computational Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry Organic Chemistry Physical Chemistry Earth Science Geography Geology Geophysics/Geochemistry Oceanography Life Science Cell Biology Computational Biology Genetics Immunology Medicine/Diseases Microbiology Molecular Biology Neuroscience Pharmacology/Toxicology Physiology Psychology Virology Physics Applied Physics Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics Biophysics High Energy/Particle Physics Material Science Plasma Physics others Education History of Science Science and Innovations We are also interested in short papers (letters) that clearly address a specific problem, and short survey or position papers that sketch the results or problems on a specific topic. Authors of selected short papers would be invited to write a regular paper on the same topic for future issues of the NS. You are welcome to submit your manuscripts! Reply Reply to all Forward
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A green way to keep in touch with your friends...
zuojun 2009-11-8 03:40
There are many e-card sites, and some are free. Two years ago, a friend introduced me this one: http://www.jacquielawson.com. Though not free, I still use it to keep in touch with my friends. Check it out yourself. Happy Holidays!
个人分类: Tea Time/Coffee Break|3559 次阅读|0 个评论
【转】 英音VS美音
edisonlou 2009-2-20 09:40
英国人像绵绵细雨,一点点与你友好;美国人像倾盆大雨,一开始就可以很热情,却难成真正朋友。    英音 VS 美音   英国人高度重视自己的传统,这是根深蒂固的民族性,从他们古凿的发音中就可以感受的。一次,我搭乘英国航班,英国空中 uncle (几乎没见到空中小姐)个个肃穆的表情,很难见到笑容。其中一位先生问我喝什么,我说 Tomato (这个词我当时说的是美式发音) juice , please ,可他却一再问我,我又重复了两遍,于是他不耐烦地回应我说 Tomato (此刻他发了标准的英式发音)校正我后再问我,我重复了他的发音后,终于得到我的番茄汁。似乎他们骨子里就认为美式发音有不准确的嫌疑,他们受不了美国英语的口音,但是却又不好直说。   英国人给我的印象是较为怀旧的那种,英语叫 Nostalgic ,这种传统就是不断地延续和传承,保护传统可以说是不代价的(这点美国最不像他们了)。比如说伦敦街头那些近百年的红色老电话亭、红色邮箱,人们手上永远拿着的大雨伞、粗呢大衣、惠灵顿皮靴、温布登网球,都是英国人情感中不可动摇的东西,他们的城市,特别是伦敦,简直就是一个建筑博物馆,从罗马时代开始,直到二十一世纪的,应有尽有,第二次大战中给德国炸毁的建筑,战后整新如旧,为的就是这个 Nostalgia 。   这种怀旧,也表现在行为中和语言中。议员们戴古老的大礼帽,法官戴假发套,皇家仪仗队的士兵的那顶黑色羔皮高帽,好像三百年没有换过一样。人们之间彬彬有礼,敬语用得比美国人多十倍不止,从来不在人面前炫耀自己的职位和头衔,在公众场合绝不喧闹。有专门的词描述这种在公众场合制造喧闹的情况, hoo-hah 、 hullabaloo ,或者称那些闹事的人为 Palaver , Kerfufle ,都是含有藐视意思的。不过他们也崇尚中庸,大凡出现这样的喧闹,特别是有人喝醉酒的时候,他们一般保持沉默,仅仅是冷眼看看,或者选择走开而已。   喝酒是英格兰的一种风情,下午开始酒吧就有人了,夏天很多人就在 PUB 里闲懒着,这样悠闲境界如同早上英国人带狗散步一样。类似这样情景在中国的大城市,尤其是竞争压力和人才积聚的北京平时很少见到,一般只有到了周末才会出现,大家也只是放松调节,很少有人内心真正能达到慢慢品位和享受的心境。而英国人则是如此从容淡定,也许他们不为老了以后的经济发愁,因为在英国,退休后国家给的福利待遇非常优厚。就我在剑桥的一对老夫妇家住的半月期间,他们告诉我他们的生活杂费都是政府支付,包括水电费、医疗费、交通费等。用他们的话说,这比年轻时挣钱还多,也更滋润,所以他们根本不用为老了后的生计而发愁,反到可以更加幸福地享受生活。   英 国人对个人隐私非常重视,因为他们都很守法,所以法律之外的空间就是自己的,如果在伦敦看电影,即便人多他们也会尽量在座位上和你隔开一个,你身边的位置总是空着的。英国人不喜欢表露自己的感情,如果你坐飞机,旁边一个美国人,他在几个小时里面可能把祖宗十八代的事情都告诉你,而如果是一个英国人,你听到的是彬彬有礼的客套,然后最多问问你天气如何而已,喜怒哀乐不是他们的表达方式。他们虽然把爱尔兰、苏格兰、威尔士视为低等一点的民族,但是比较欧洲大陆的其他民族来说,他们还是会把他们视为自己人。他们对法国人爱恨交加,他们喜欢法国的葡萄酒、美食佳肴,还有比他们优秀的气候,他们蜂拥去法国度假,我看他们骨子里可能认为法国人不值得住在这么好的地方吧;而德国人太严肃刻板,意大利人情绪化,俄罗斯人简直郁闷透顶,东方人则是危险和好像谜一样的神秘。他们对加拿大人、澳大利亚人非常喜欢,因为都是他们的后代,并且保持了英国人的气质和习惯。而美国人则太强势,一般英国人把美国人也看作自己人,就是觉得他们英语讲得太差了。 (本文选自《新东方精神》总第十期)
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