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U.S. Foreign Policy Shield of the Republic
黄安年 2019-2-9 10:57
U.S. Foreign Policy Shield of the Republic 【Walter Lippmann(沃尔特.李普曼) 《 美国外交政策 》 1943 年版 】 【黄安年个人藏书书目(美国问题英文部分编号 170 )】 黄安年文 黄安年的博客 / 2019 年 2 月 09 日 发布(第 20871 篇) 自2019年起,笔者将通过博客陆续发布个人收藏的全部图书书目,目前先发布美国问题英文书目,已经超过159本,每本单独编号,不分出版时间先后与图书类别。 这里发布的是 Walter Lippmann( 沃尔特.李普曼) 著 U.S. Foreign Policy Shield of the Republic ( 《 美国外交政策 》), Pocket Books Inc., 1943 年版,128页。 照片15张拍自该书 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5, 6, 7 , 8 , 9 , 10. 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
个人分类: 个人藏书书目|2050 次阅读|0 个评论
Foreign Policy By Congress
黄安年 2019-1-21 10:51
Foreign Policy By Congress 【Thomas M. Franck, Edward Weisband 《 国会控制外交政策 》1979年版】 【黄安年个人藏书书目(美国问题英文部分编号 055 )】 黄安年辑 黄安年的博客 /2019 年 1 月 21 日 发布(第 20687 篇) 自2019年起,笔者将通过博客陆续发布个人收藏的全部图书书目,目前先发布美国问题英文书目,每本单独编号,不分出版时间先后与图书类别。 这里发布的是T homas M. Franck, Edward Weisband 著 Foreign Policy By Congress ( 《 国会控制外交政策 》) Oxford University Press, 1979 年版,357页。ISBN 0-19-502637-46 照片21 张拍自该书, 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 ,
个人分类: 个人藏书书目|1322 次阅读|0 个评论
Soviet Foreign Policy Since World War II
黄安年 2019-1-19 07:11
Soviet Foreign Policy Since World War II 【Joseph L. Nogee, Robert H. Danaldson著 《 第二次世界大战以来的苏联对外政策 》1981年版】 【黄安年个人藏书书目(美国问题英文部分编号 042 )】 黄安年辑 黄安年的博客 /2019 年 1 月 19 日 发布(第 20665 篇) 自2019年起,笔者将通过博客陆续发布个人收藏的全部图书书目,目前先发布美国问题英文书目,每本单独编号,不分出版时间先后与图书类别。 这里发布的是 Joseph L. Nogee, Robert H. Danaldson 著 Soviet Foreign Policy Since World War II 《 第二次世界大战以来的苏联对外政策 》Pergamon Press 1981年版,319页。ISBN 0-08-025997-9 照片 10 张拍自该书, 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 ,
个人分类: 个人藏书书目|1264 次阅读|0 个评论
A History of United States Foreign Policy
黄安年 2019-1-16 10:36
A History of United States Foreign Policy 【Julius W. Pratt等著 《美国外交政策史》1980年第四版 】 【黄安年个人藏书书目(美国问题英文部分编号 026 )】 黄安年辑 黄安年的博客 /2019 年 1 月 16 日 发布(第 20641 篇) 自2019年起,笔者将通过博客陆续发布个人收藏的全部图书书目,目前先发布美国问题英文书目,每本单独编号,不分出版时间先后与图书类别。 这里发布的是 Julius W. Pratt( 朱利叶斯 ·W· 普拉特 ) 、 Vincent P. De Santis 、 Joseph M. Siracusa 著 A History of United States Foreign Policy , Prentice-Hall, Inc. 1980 年第四版( 1955 年第一版), 553 页, ISBN 0-13-392282-0 照片 18 张拍自该书, 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12. 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 ,
个人分类: 个人藏书书目|1482 次阅读|0 个评论
Essays on the History of American Foreign Relations
黄安年 2019-1-13 16:14
Essays on the History of American Foreign Relations (Lawrence E. Gelfand 编《论美国对外关系史》 1972 年版 ) 【黄安年个人藏书书目(美国问题英文部分编号 014 )】 黄安年辑 黄安年的博客 /2019 年 1 月 13 日 发布(第 20615 篇) 自2019年起,笔者将通过博客陆续发布个人收藏的全部图书书目,目前先发布美国问题英文书目,每本单独编号,不分出版时间先后与图书类别。 这里发布的是 Ed. by Lawrence E. Gelfand Essays on the History of American Foreign Relation 《 论美国对外关系史 》1972年Holton, Rinehart Winston Inc。 照片 11 张拍自该书 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 ,
个人分类: 个人藏书书目|1399 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]A letter to a foreign professor
plgongcat 2013-9-12 09:01
Dear Mr/Miss/Ms + Last name, Hello, I am first name + last name(名和姓). Nice to meet you. I am reading your article/book, 书名(斜体). I am a great fan of it. I like it very much. 之后谈谈你喜欢的部分 如主题,内容等. However, there are some issues I am a little confused. For example, 把你想要问的问题写出来. Could you please help me to solve them out? Thank you very much. I am looking forward for your answers. Thank you. Best wishes/Regards. Yours sincerely, 名 姓
个人分类: 书信交流|1469 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]A letter to a foreign professor
plgongcat 2013-9-12 08:59
Dear Mr/Miss/Ms + Last name, Hello, I am first name + last name(名和姓). Nice to meet you. I am reading your article/book, 书名(斜体). I am a great fan of it. I like it very much. 之后谈谈你喜欢的部分 如主题,内容等. However, there are some issues I am a little confused. For example, 把你想要问的问题写出来. Could you please help me to solve them out? Thank you very much. I am looking forward for your answers. Thank you. Best wishes/Regards. Yours sincerely, 名 姓
个人分类: 科研|0 个评论
[转载]A letter to a foreign professor
plgongcat 2013-9-12 08:58
Dear Mr/Miss/Ms + Last name, Hello, I am first name + last name(名和姓). Nice to meet you. I am reading your article/book, 书名(斜体). I am a great fan of it. I like it very much. 之后谈谈你喜欢的部分 如主题,内容等. However, there are some issues I am a little confused. For example, 把你想要问的问题写出来. Could you please help me to solve them out? Thank you very much. I am looking forward for your answers. Thank you. Best wishes/Regards. Yours sincerely, 名 姓
个人分类: 科研|1 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]China-US Relations Are Now at A New Juncture
whyhoo 2012-12-29 21:31
In the first ten years of the century, China took advantage of a favorable international environment and achieved unprecedented economic growth through the country’s modernization efforts. From an economic perspective, China’s accession into the World Trade Organization (WTO) occurred during an increased globalization of the world economy, allowing China’s foreign trade to double every three years. In 2001, China’s gross domestic product (GDP) accounted for 12.8% of US GDP, equal to $1.15 trillion, and ranked sixth in the world. However, in 2011, China’s GDP reached $7.3 trillion, accounting for 48% of US GDP, and ranked second in the world. Given China’s territory, population and economic size, this development was unprecedented in the and quite naturally garnered worldwide attention, including that of the United States. While a small minority of people in the United States continue to talk about the “coming collapse of China”, the overwhelming majority of Americans have reached a consensus that China’s economic size will catch up to or even surpass that of the United States. The United States has long been the world’s lone super-power, and American people do not know, as former President Richard Nixon once said, “how to be the second, or even first among equals.” American people would feel uncomfortable being the world’s second largest economy, behind China. Over the past decade, the United States has faced numerous challenges that have constrained the country’s economic growth. The sub-prime debt crisis began in early 2007, and American economists generally expected it over within two years. Unfortunately, in September 2009, it turned into a financial crisis, which throughout the globe. Now, the country is plagued by high sovereign debt, a weak economic recovery, and high unemployment. Whether the United States is declining or not remains a point of debate. Yet, in spite of so many difficulties, the United States remains the strongest country in the world, and will be so for several decades to come. However, one fact that is beyond controversy is that the gap between the two countries’ strength is narrowing. In fact, American’s sense of being “threatened” has become astute. A public opinion poll conducted by the Pew Research Center has tracked Americans’ changing attitude towards China. In March 2011, 53% Americans surveyed thought that it was more important to build a strong relationship with China compared to 40% that wanted to get tougher on China. Nevertheless, by October 2012, more Americans (49%) supported a tougher attitude towards China than a stronger relationship with China (42%). Thus explaining why in the US election this year both candidates were relying on tough China rhetoric. The controversy this year solely focused on economic and trade relations between the two countries. Political issues, security issues and Taiwan were not mentioned. While the gap between China and the United States is narrowing, the gap between China and other new economies, such as BRIC nations is widening. India, Russia and Brazil’s GDP is less than 1/3 of China’s GDP respectively, and the financial crisis’ negative impact on their economic development is serious. Given the current environment, the bilateral relationship between China and the United States now more clearly resembles a typical relationship between a rising power and an established power. While there are various schools of thought in the US and China that interpret this relationship differently, most scholars, both in China and the United States, agree that competitiveness has become an important feature of the relationship. To use the word “juncture” is to emphasize the competitiveness and uncertainty of future bilateral relations. To deal with this new situation in China-US relations, the Chinese side puts forward the notion of building a new type of great power relationship. While this needs innovation and combined efforts from both countries, these efforts should be made in the three following areas: to expand common ground, build mutual respect and implement a crisis management mechanism. Although competitiveness between China and the US is palpable, cooperation is still at the basis of this bilateral relationship and common ground is still larger than their differences. Therefore, it is correct to assume that in the future the two countries will share more common interests while maintaining some differences on issues, whether bilateral, regional or global. By strengthening their ties through cooperation, both countries will achieve real results and real benefits while overcoming difficulties. Additionally, by expanding on common ground, the two countries can increase mutual respect of each other’s core interests and engage in sincere dialogue to consult, negotiate, compromise and accommodate. Finally, by establishing a crisis management and damage control mechanism to prevent unexpected incidents from damaging the bilateral relationship, China and the US can limit the scope and duration of damage. In the past, unexpected international incidents did harm bilateral relations, but China and the US have learned from those incidents, which should help us cope with future challenges in a more rational and reasonable way. Tao Wenzhao is a researcher with the Institute of American Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. 原文见 http://www.chinausfocus.com/foreign-policy/china-us-relations-are-now-at-a-new- juncture/
个人分类: 外交|1526 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]$23 billion per year business and growing
热度 1 zuojun 2012-11-13 14:33
$23 billion annual injection into the US economy… http://news.yahoo.com/us-colleges-especially-midwest-see-record-number-foreign-230404565.html
个人分类: From the U.S.|1511 次阅读|1 个评论
热度 2 junyichai 2012-9-22 11:01
值得关注的美国智库  1、 http://www.cfr.org 美国外交关系协会    全称为Council on Foreign Relation。成立于1921年,是美国非政府性的研究机构,致力于对国际事务和美国外交政策的研究。由该协会主办的《外交事务》杂志曾刊登过乔治· 凯南、基辛格和斯坦利·霍夫曼等美国知名外交家、国际政治学者的论文。      2、 http://www.rand.org 美国兰德公司    全称为Research and Development Corporation。成立于1948年,是美国著名的非盈利性的研究、咨询机构。早期从事对航空器、火箭和卫星等军事设备的研究,现已发展为一个对美国国家安全、国际事务、反恐以及能源与环境、教育等多领域进行研究和分析,提供决策建议的咨询机构。      3、 http://www.aei.org 美国企业研究所    成立于1943年,自称为代表美国保守主义、新保守主义与保守的自由主义者的思想库。      4、 http://www.brookings.org 布鲁金斯学会    全称为The Brookings Institution 。美国著名思想库,1924年由政府研究学会的支持人罗伯特·S·布鲁金斯创立。致力于对经济、外交事务和行政管理等公共政策的研究和教育。      5、 http://www.carnegieendowment.org 美国著名思想库卡内基国际和平基金会      6、 http://www.csis.org 美国战略与国际研究中心    全称为The Center for Strategic International Studies。总部位于美国首都华盛顿,是一个无党派的研究机构。该中心成立40余年来,主要从事包括评估美国的政策风险,分析欧盟、东盟等地区性事务,研究国际安全与稳定以及建立国家长期战略等研究活动,致力于为美国内外事务提供战略性政策,培养政治精英。      7、 http://www-hoover.stanford.edu 斯坦福大学胡佛中心    全称为Hoover Institution。1919年由美国总统胡佛创立。早期专门进行第一次世界大战的研究,现已成为一个研究国家政策的学术机构,研究领域涉及国内外的政治、经济以及政治经济事务。      8、 http://www.heritage.org/ 传统基金会 (观点偏向共和党的智库,对中美关系多持保守和审慎悲观的态度)    全称为The Heritage Foundation 。成立于1973年,是一个兼有教育性和研究性的智囊团,云集了当前活跃于美国政坛的保守主义代表人物。 补充: 9. http://www.cnas.org/ 新美国安全中心 (观点偏向民主党的智库,对中美关系多持较乐观和积极的态度) 新美国安全中心(简称CNAS)是一家小型智库,创建于2007年,是思想库中相当“年轻”的一员,然而该思想库正迅速成为奥巴马政府对外政策的“风向标”之一。其独特的管理层和研究团队是该中心发挥影响力的关键所在。该中心的管理层和研究人员中有很多人有军方背景,甚至有军职研究人员。
3821 次阅读|2 个评论
The Chinese Economy via Foreign Eyes
热度 4 何毓琦 2012-7-12 21:17
For new readers and those who request to be “ 好友 good friends” please read my 公告 栏 first. A friend of mine brought my attention to the followingarticle http://econintersect.com/b2evolution/blog2.php/2012/07/11/the-macroeconomics-of-chinese-kleptocracy which tries to explain 1. The economic miracle of China in the past 30years 2. The high saving rate of the Chinese public 3. Why China continues to buy U.S. Bond even if itpays so little interest 4. How the Chinese public is funding the prosperityof the State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) 5. How wide spread corruption is making a fewChinese very rich at the expense of the public Since there are no quantitative data given in the article,one cannot determine whether or not these explanations given are the principletruth and reason. But I don’t doubt their basic validity. Don’t mind therhetoric of the article but read it as an eye opener.
个人分类: 生活点滴|8866 次阅读|4 个评论
leejian 2012-4-1 16:23
技术外溢、知识外溢的影响因素、研究方法文献综述 李剑 说明:对于过去一段时间的研究进行概览式文献回顾,综述并梳理一下思路。 关键词:技术外溢、技术溢出、知识溢出、知识外溢、度量、测度、研究模式、影响因素、产出回归、技术回归、收益率回归、外商直接投资、FDI,Foreign Direct Investment, technology spillovers, externalities, Knowledge spillovers 技术外溢,或者知识外溢,就是不需要付费,也能获得他人的技术或知识。有不可避免的外溢,例如新的设计方案。别人一看就学会了。也有故意的外溢,例如微软纵容中国的盗版破解。不管怎样,从他人那里免费获得技术,可以在一定程度上提高自身的技术水平,进而提高生产能力。 这个领域的关键问题是:技术外溢是不是存在?有哪些因素影响技术外溢?如何度量外溢程度?下面是一些关键文献。 一、技术外溢的影响因素 外资参股、行业特征、吸收能力、制度转型、地理因素。 代表性文献有:Aitken and Harrison(1999)、Cohen and Levinthal(1989)、Keller(2002)等。 二、技术外溢的研究模式 1.产出回归模式 Y=f(E,X)+u Y是本国的产出,E为外溢相关类指标(如FDI被怀疑具有外溢效应,则采用FDI的研发指标),X为控制变量。如果回归方程中E对Y具有显著正相关,则有技术外溢。(考虑内生性问题后) 优点:直接获得E外溢引起的增长效应。 缺点:增长效应是一个综合效应,无法甄别纯粹技术溢出的效应。 代表性文献:Aitken and Harrison(1999)。 该模式的拓展:以独特方法定义并计算出E。例如E定义为间接RD。采用投入产出表计算行业相似度,进而生成间接RD的数据。代表性文献:潘文卿等(2011)。 2.技术回归模式 TECH= (E,X)+u TECH为本国技术(可用TFP,专利数据等代理),如果回归方程中E对TECH有显著正相关,则有技术外溢。(考虑内生性问题后) 优点:甄别技术溢出效应 缺点:TECH的度量问题不完善,没有考虑到知识外部性对经济的本质影响——外部性引起收益率差异 代表性文献:Caves(1974), Coe and Helpman(1995), Keller(2002) 3.收益率度量模式 通过度量收益率差异来度量知识外部性。没有外部性,则收益率没有差异;外部性越强,收益率差异越大。但是在2009年以前,学术界只度量技术的社会收益率,没有度量过外部性引起的收益率差异——技术开发者的私人收益率和该项技术的社会收益率之间的差异。一项技术,即使社会收益率再高,如果保密得好,照样没有技术外溢。因此社会收益率虽然重要,但是用来度量技术外溢并不恰当。必须要用收益率差异来研究技术外溢。 3.1.社会收益率度量的代表性文献 :Jones and Williams(1998)。 3.2.收益率差异度量的代表性文献 :沈坤荣、李剑(2009),Li,et.al.(2011)。 前者在研发和外部性驱动的经济中利用C-D生产函数得到了度量收益率差异的方法;后者将沈坤荣、李剑(2009)的方法推广到一般化的知识外溢模型,并且不需要了解企业具体的生产函数形式。实际数据采集中,生产函数、生产成本等信息往往被认为商业机密,即使可用问卷调查获取,也不太可信。这就是私有信息采集难题。该方法巧妙克服了私有信息采集难题。 文献综述 关于技术外溢的影响因素和研究模式的文献综述见 李剑等(2009); 关于知识外溢对空间集聚、创新、区域增长等因素的影响的文献综述见 赵勇、白永秀(2009)。 相关技术扩散英文综述见 Keller(2004) 参考文献 Aitken, Brian J., and Ann E. Harrison. Do Domestic Firms Benefit from Direct Foreign Investment? Evidence from Venezuela . The American Economic Review, 1999, 89(3): 605-618. Caves, Richard E. Multinational Firms, Competition, and Productivity in Host-Country Markets Economica, 1974, 41(162): 176-193. Coe, David T., and Elhanan Helpman. International RD Spillovers . European Economic Review 1995, 39(5): 859-887. Cohen, Wesley M., and Daniel A. Levinthal. Innovation and Learning: The Two Faces of RD The Economic Journal, 1989, 99(397): 569-596. Jones, Charles I., and John C. Williams. Measuring the Social Return to RD . The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1998, 113(4): 1119-1135. Keller, Wolfgang. Geographic Localization of International Technology Diffusion . The American Economic Review, 2002, 92(1): 120-142. Keller, Wolfgang. International Technology Diffusion. Journal of Economic Literature, 2004, 42(3): 752-782. Li, Jian, Kunrong Shen and Ru Zhang, Measuring Knowledge Spillovers: A Non-appropriable Returns Perspective , Annals of Economics and Finance, 2011, 12(2): 265-293. 潘文卿,李子奈,刘强. 中国产业间的技术溢出效应:基于35个工业部门的经验研究 . 经济研究 . 2011,(07) . 赵勇,白永秀, 知识溢出:一个文献综述. 经济研究,2009,(1). 李剑等.技术外溢的影响因素及其研究模式 ,现代经济探讨.2009,(6)。 沈坤荣 , 李剑 . 企业间技术外溢的测度 . 经济研究 . 2009, (04) 。
4337 次阅读|0 个评论
On Foreign Translation of Chinese Names
热度 6 何毓琦 2012-2-20 03:32
Fornew readers and those who request to be “ 好友 good friends” please read my 公告 栏 first. I submit that Chinese names when translated phonetically into, sayEnglish, suffer a distinct disadvantage. Namely, the name becomes ameaningless string of symbols that is difficult to pronounce and to remember.On the other hand, names, such as John or Mary, do not have this problembecause they have been regularly used and culture-laden. Similarly, I canremember and understand a Chinese name such as 王鴻飛 but ordinary readers, Caucasian or otherwise,except those of ScienceNet or possibly of biochemicalworld, will not know anything about “Hong-Fei Wang”. One cannot help wondering to what extent this difficulty hashindered the individual development of Chinese in the outside world. (Note added Apr, 12, 2012: One more difficulty I forgot to mention in phonetic translation of Chinese name into English or other language is the loss of gender information. One cannot tell for example, Yu-Chi Ho is a female or male name while there is no problem with John Smith or Mary Smith. )
个人分类: 生活点滴|14436 次阅读|10 个评论
[转载]The Fight against Foreign Bribery: New Laws, New Challenges
whyhoo 2012-1-1 23:18
Remarks by Angel Gurría, OECD Secretary-General, delivered at 9th Annual Anti-Corruption Conference of the International Bar Association Paris, 24 June 2011, 09:00 – 09:15 (As prepared for delivery) Ladies and gentlemen, good morning: It is an honour to welcome you to the OECD for this meeting. We thank the International Bar Association for recognising the OECD as a partner in the fight against international corruption. It is also an honour for us that you have entrusted the chairmanship of your Anti-Corruption Committee to the OECD’s Director of Legal Affairs, Nicola Bonucci. Combating bribery and corruption has become a top global priority, and it is central to our mission. This is the reason why I have identified the fight against corruption as one of my strategic priorities and launched an initiative, “clean.gov.biz”. This initiative will enhance our anti-corruption efforts, strengthen their coherence and improve cooperation with other important actors, like the legal profession practitioners. Indeed, we cannot fight corruption without the active participation of the legal profession. I am thus particularly happy to count on your support. The OECD has been for long at the forefront of the fight against corruption . It is here, at the OECD, where we signed the first international instrument to focus on foreign bribery. And, it is also here where, four times per year, countries come together to hold each other accountable to this pledge. These countries have recognised the risks foreign bribery poses to international business and have made it a criminal offence. They have joined together under the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention and taken decisive actions: since the entry into force of this Convention in 1999, 290 companies and individuals have faced criminal sanctions for foreign bribery. 54 of those individuals face prison time. These countries have also become members of the Working Group on Bribery, and include emerging economies like Brazil and South Africa. The Group has now a 39th member —Russia—which will soon join the Convention. At the OECD we have also addressed the demand side of bribery through different initiatives and bodies, like the 1998 OECD Council Recommendation on Improving Ethical Conduct in Public Service, the work of SIGMA advising Central and Eastern European countries on improving accountability, efficiency, management and transparency in public administration; or the efforts of our Financial Action Task Force, confronting the illegal laundering of proceeds derived from bribery. We have also introduced ground breaking instruments like the OECD Principles for Integrity in Public Procurement to promote good governance in the entire procurement cycle, or the 2010 OECD Recommendation on Principles for Transparency and Integrity in Lobbying , the first international policy instrument to provide guidance for policy-makers on how to promote good governance principles in lobbying. All of you know that corrupt practices like foreign bribery have serious implications. However, the knowledge of international tools to combat this peril is still low. Last year, the IBA, OECD and UNODC conducted a survey of legal professionals in 95 countries to measure their awareness of the risks of bribery and corruption. Nearly half of all respondents said corruption was an issue in the legal profession in their jurisdiction; while a third said they had lost business to corrupt law firms or individuals. You may be surprised to know that nearly 40% had never heard of the major instruments that make up the international anti-corruption framework: The OECD Anti-Bribery Convention and the UN Convention against Corruption, the UNCAC. This is dangerous for clients and dangerous for the legal profession. As advisers on business deals, lawyers need to know about these instruments and the national laws implementing them. Lawyers can also become attractive agents in illicit transactions because of the power of their advice and the semblance of legitimacy they lend to these dealings. Consequently, lawyers who have not done their homework run the risk of being caught in the web of foreign bribery prosecutions. This could mean heavy fines or even prison time. OECD and IBA are Joining Forces to Help Lawyers Combat Corruption Last year, our organisations, with the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, launched the Anti-Corruption Strategy for the Legal Profession. We are proud of the progress we have made. Since it was launched in April 2010, we’ve co-organised nearly a dozen training seminars for lawyers in as many countries across the world. We are also working on academic materials for law schools to make sure the next generation of legal professionals know the risks of foreign bribery. At the OECD, we also have a wide range of resources to help lawyers protect themselves and their clients from the risks of foreign bribery. Our Good Practice Guidance is the only guidance adopted by governments. It provides advice for companies on how to prevent and detect bribery and corruption in their business dealings. We also have the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises , which have set global standards for good business behaviour. These were just updated in May. These instruments are part of our new OECD initiative Clean.gov.biz. I encourage you to study and promote this initiative. Ladies and gentlemen: We are moving in the right direction. But there is still a lot of work to do. The OECD and our member Governments remain committed to fighting foreign bribery. This conference shows that this commitment also exists in the legal profession. Thank you very much for playing such an important part in this effort. 原文见 http://www.oecd.org/document/50/0,3746,en_21571361_44315115_48332146_1_1_1_1,00.html
个人分类: 政治|1428 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 3 毛宁波 2011-11-1 17:33
China again warns foreign oil firms on South China Sea exploration Oct 31 (Reuters) - China on Monday warned foreign energy companies against exploration in the disputed South China Sea after U.S. oil giant Exxon Mobil Corp said it had discovered hydrocarbons in August off central Vietnam, in an area also claimed by China. The potentially significant gas discovery was made off the coast of Danang city, bringing a territorial row over the resource-rich South China Sea back into focus. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei reiterated at a regular briefing that "China has indisputable sovereignty over the Spratly Islands and adjacent waters," referring to the South China Sea. "We hope foreign companies do not get involved in disputed waters for oil and gas exploration and development. This position has been consistent," Hong said, when asked whether China plans to ask Exxon Mobil to withdraw from its oil and gas deal with Vietnam. He did not elaborate, nor single out Exxon Mobil by name. Exxon Mobil has a licence from the Vietnamese government to explore blocks 117, 118 and 119 off the Danang coast, falling within what Vietnam claims is its 200-mile exclusive economic zone under international maritime law, the Financial Times reported last week. But the blocks also fall within China's vast claim to almost the entire South China Sea, also claimed in part by Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines and Taiwan. The sea and areas such as the Spratly Islands and other atolls are believed to have rich deposits of oil and gas and is also a rich fishing ground. One of China's most popular newspapers, the Global Times, cautioned last week that nations involved in territorial disputes in the waters should "mentally prepare for the sounds of cannons" if they remain at loggerheads with Beijing. 引自: http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/10/31/china-vietnam-exxon-idUSL4E7LV0QM20111031?feedType=RSSfeedName=marketsNewsrpc=43
个人分类: 世界能源|2546 次阅读|2 个评论
[IELTS Writing] Accommodation for Foreign Students
estudy 2011-4-29 08:48
Increasing large numbers of oversea students are seeking to pursue their higher education in Great Britain. As a result, they are confronted with a serious accommodation problem. In order to remedy this situation, we need to explore the problem and try to figure out what we can do about it. First of all, the colleges and universities in UK provide quite limited on-campus accommodations. Therefore, most of the international students have to find houses and flats off campus. In particular, this makes it more difficult for the freshmen to start their oversea college lives. Furthermore, the rents of the houses close to the campus are intolerably high due to the competition on the house rental market. Thus, it is extremely challenging for the students to enjoy a cheap and desirable accommodation during the days in the UK, especially for those living in flourishing cities, such as London. In addition, the property in the room is usually poorly furnished or even unfurnished, which demand the tenants to buy furniture themselves. This, undoubtedly, raises the cost of housing and increases the living pressure for the international candidates. In consequence of the above factors, it is necessary for us to place great emphasis on the accommodation of the foreign studiers. On the one hand, the tertiary colleges should supply early for on-campus accommodations. On the other hand, relevant institutions should build effective platform for the exchange of information about renting a house, so that the students could find a group to share the cost of housing with.
个人分类: 学习笔记|3646 次阅读|0 个评论

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