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Mech 2013-7-31 15:54
所谓经典,往往是当时的流行文学,我觉得莎士比亚的剧作就是如此。四大悲剧中,《奥赛罗》的故事离王室最远,其实就是个凤凰男与孔雀女的悲剧。近日重读一遍,对其中人情世故的揭示更感兴趣。 从小看电影就有个印象,坏人说的话往往更有道理,至少更能让人记住。这次从看《奥赛罗》,仍是如此。头号也是唯一反派 Iage 说 When devils will the blackest sins put on They do suggest at first with heavenly shows, (Act II, Scene III, 348-349) 这话真是太有道理,魔鬼们干大坏事时总要扮成天使。用鲁迅先生的话说,就是“假借大义 , 窃取美名”。或者用纪晓岚的话说,“外有余必中不足”。甚至更抽象意义上也是如此, The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Iage 还有关于名声的说法也很耐人寻味。 Reputation is an idle and most fales imposition; oft got without merit, and lost without deserving: you have lost no reputation at all, unless you repute yourself such a loser. (Act II, Scene III, 265--268) 似乎有些过于虚无,但也能让人避免过于热衷。 Iage 类似的话还有对女主角的评论, Her honour is an essence that’s not seen; They have it very oft that have it not (Act III, Scene IV, 16-17) 女二号 Emilia 的话,给剧本主题很好的解释,就是剖析嫉妒。 But jealous souls will not be answer’d so; They are not ever jealous for cause, But jealous for they are jealous; ‘tis a monster Begot upon itself, born on itself. (Act III, Scene IV, 157-160) 再给女一号 Desdemona 个发言机会,她也发现一个人性的弱点。 Men’s natures wrangle with inferior things, Though great ones are their object. (Act III, Scene IV, 142-143) 难怪孔子要把“不迁怒”作为与“好学”和“不贰过”并列的美德。 至于男主角 Othello ,没有什么特别的话。不过,他的台词中有 chaos 一词。 But I do love thee! And when I love thee not, Chaos is come again. (Act III, Scene III, 91-92)
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