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热度 1 cgh 2016-4-15 03:22
睡觉,落枕。 看电脑,颈椎疼。 脖子不好保护啊。 可是长颈鹿脖子那么长,又如何睡觉?挂在树上? 今天才知道,长颈鹿也确实睡觉,不过只需要几分钟。 他们真是能屈能伸,将头枕在自己背上睡觉。 长颈鹿是最高的动物,居然脖子不够长,喝水都是困难的事情。 ------------------------- http://www.boredpanda.com/giraffes-shortest-sleeping-animal/ In fact, despite being the tallest animal, giraffes have the shortest sleep requirements of any mammal, sleeping an average of just 30 minutes per day. And when they do sleep, usually it's just for a few minutes; until the 1950s, researchers believed that giraffes don't sleep at all. The giraffe is a prey animal, so many of its habits have evolved out of necessity. Since it's difficult to lie down or get up quickly, sleeping is a huge liability; drinking water is another struggle, since the giraffe's neck is too short to reach the ground. For this reason they get most of their water from the plants that they eat, and only need to drink water every few days. So while these sleeping beasts might not seem very impressive, you're witness something few people have ever seen! Vote on the one you think looks the comfiest!
个人分类: 杂谈|6547 次阅读|2 个评论
热度 4 dongping2009 2013-8-17 23:18
领子袖子与脖子 魏东平 刚刚在那儿说,我们属于那“沟命海心”——吃地沟油的命,操中南海的心——之一族。这不,我也没说啥呀,编辑MM的手是真快,连与领(Ling)子,袖(Xiu)子,以及脖(Bo)子之类有关的评论与回复,你们都删呀? 相关链接: 莫言让北师大在世界大学排行榜上前进了100名
个人分类: 闲谈科网|1642 次阅读|8 个评论

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