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热度 1 rwmf 2014-9-30 23:12
2014 年度吴瑞奖学金 顾孝诚学术奖颁奖典礼暨第五届吴瑞纪念研讨会隆重举行 9 月13-14 日, 2 014 年度吴瑞奖学金/ 顾孝诚学术奖颁奖典礼暨第五届吴瑞纪念研讨会在中国科技大学生命科学学院隆重举行。11 名来自中国科学院、北京大学、中国科技大学、复旦大学、厦门大学、中山大学医学院等国内九所高等院校和研究所的优秀博士研究生获得本年度吴瑞奖学金,来自清华大学的优秀青年学者——欧广硕获得顾孝诚学术奖,各位获奖者在今年的吴瑞纪念研讨会上发表了精彩的学术报告。 吴瑞奖学金被誉为“华人生命科学在读博士生最高奖项”。吴瑞纪念基金会根据参选人在生命科学研究工作的创新能力、独立思考能力、研究贡献和发展潜力,每年评选出10-20 位“吴瑞奖”获得者。奖励除包含奖金、奖章、奖状和吴瑞纪念基金会证书外,获奖者还可另外获得旅费资助,用于参加国际学术会议或高级课程进修等。更为重要的是,获奖学生能获得与吴瑞纪念基金会成员及更多的国际知名学者直接交往的机会并能从中不断受益,这是吴瑞奖区别于其它奖项最显著的特点之一。 设立于2009 年,吴瑞奖学金旨在鼓励博士研究生努力将自己塑造成未来生命科学领域的学术带头人,同时也为纪念华裔生物学家吴瑞教授在培养中国新一代生物学家方面所做出的杰出贡献。吴瑞奖学金迄今已颁发超过六十人次,许多获奖者通过吴瑞纪念基金会与对口专业的国际顶尖学者和实验机构对接,进入如斯坦福大学、哈佛大学、耶鲁大学、索尔克研究院、霍华德- 休斯研究院等世界一流大学与研究机构进一步深造。诚挚感谢今年吴瑞纪念奖学金的捐助者:The Xu and Chen Foundation ; The Yu and Wei Foundation ;Crown Bioscience Inc. ;Drs. Jianing Chen and Xiaoqiao Jiang; Promega Corporation and Chinese Biological Investigator Society 。 顾孝诚学术奖设立于2012 年,旨在纪念原北京大学生物系系主任,CUSBEA 项目中方协调人顾孝诚先生为中国生命科学研究走向世界做出的杰出贡献而设立,每年评选1 名学成归国的青年学者。 吴瑞纪念研讨会发起于2010 年,宗旨是促进亚洲生命科学发展、推动青年生物学家的事业进程。今年研讨会的主题是——“Frontiers of Biological Research ”。受邀嘉宾是:袁钧瑛(Harvard Medical School) 、骆利群(Stanford University, HHMI )、邓宏魁(Peking University) 、朱冰(National Institute of Biological Sciences )、任兵(University of California )和何川(University of Chicago )。吴瑞纪念研讨会每年由一个中国或亚洲地区的大学或研究所主办,2015 年吴瑞纪念研讨会将在武汉大学举行。 袁钧瑛: CUSBEA and my career 骆利群: Wiring specificity of neural circuits 管俊林教授 (University of Cincinnati College ) 主持颁奖典礼 2014年度吴瑞奖获奖人合影
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2013 Ray Wu Symposium
rwmf 2013-9-3 14:46
2013 Ray Wu Symposium The Ray Wu Memorial Fund is pleased to announce that the 4th Ray Wu Symposium will be held at Fudan University on October 20 and 21, 2013. This symposium series is dedicated to promoting the advancement of biological sciences in Asia and nurturing the careers of young scientists, two center pieces of Dr. Ray Wu’s life-long passion. Dr. Ray Wu was a true scholar and a strong advocate for life sciences throughout Asia. He developed the first method for DNA sequencing and pioneered recombinant DNA technology, and later devoted to genetic engineering of rice. The theme of the 2013 symposium is “Developmental biology and diseases”. The Ray Wu Symposium is hosted annually by an institution in China or other parts of Asia. The symposium speakers include winners of the Ray Wu Prize, selected annually from graduate students in Asia, as well as world leaders in different fields of biological sciences. In addition, the symposium will also present Gu Xiaocheng Lectures, which was established in memory of Professor Gu who worked tirelessly to promote the advancement of biological sciences in China and the careers of young Chinese scientists. Date: October 20 and 21, 2013 Address: Guanghua Building Room 102, Fudan University , Shanghai Co-organizers: The Ray Wu Memorial Fund, Inc. Fudan University Organizing Committee: Hong Ma, Xiang-Dong Fu, Jun-Lin Guan, Kun- L iang Guan, Yang Shi, Xiao-Hong Sun, Junying Yuan, Yimin Zou Invited Speakers: Dr. Xinnian Dong Arts Sciences Endowed Professor of Biology, Duke University Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute Dr. Jun-Lin Guan Professor of Cell Developmental Biology, University of Michigan Dr. Yishi Jin Professor of Neurobiology, University of California, San Diego, Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute Dr. Ling- Ling Chen Principal Investigator , Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences Chinese Academy of Sciences Dr. Nan Liu Investigator, Interdisciplinary Research Center for Biology and Chemistry, ShangHai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences Dr. Boxun Lu Lab Head/Professor, School of Life Sciences, Fudan University Contact: Dr. 马红 Hong Ma , Professor and Dean S c hool of life Sciences, Fudan University, 220 Handan Road, Shanghai 200433 Tel: 86-21-65642800 Email: hongma@fudan.edu.cn 梁晓华 Xiaohua Liang Tel: 86-21-65642800 Fax: 86-21-65643794 Email: liangxh@fudan.edu.cn Schedule: 2013 Ray Wu Symposium.doc
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