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yarongchen 2012-12-26 21:16
Annals of Operations Research 4OR-A Quarterly Journal of Operations Research Controlling Management International Journal of Game Theory Journal of Scheduling Transportation Mathematical Programming Statistical Methods and Applications Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery International Review of Economics
3378 次阅读|0 个评论
[温故知新]《新概念》英语:it is none of your business
热度 1 liuli66 2012-12-16 18:36
The full text is quoted as follows: A private conversation Last week I went to the theater. I had a very good seat. The play was very interesting. I did not enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly. I got very angry. I could not hear the actors. I turned round. I looked at the man and the woman angrily. They did not pay any attention. In the end, I could not bear it. I turned round again. ‘I can’t hear a word!’ I said angrily. ‘ It’s none of your business’ the young man said rudely. ‘ this is a private conversation!’
个人分类: 杂感|571 次阅读|5 个评论
[转载]$23 billion per year business and growing
热度 1 zuojun 2012-11-13 14:33
$23 billion annual injection into the US economy… http://news.yahoo.com/us-colleges-especially-midwest-see-record-number-foreign-230404565.html
个人分类: From the U.S.|1511 次阅读|1 个评论
crossludo 2012-11-5 16:07
几段DNA可以帮助解决暗物质之谜。 为利用DNA来解决目前暗物质探测器所不能解决的矛盾点,新近推出了一款新的探测器。 人们认为暗物质大约占宇宙中物质的85%。人们称的大质量弱相互作用粒子是罪魁祸首。大质量弱相互作用粒子不受电磁和强大核力量的影响。理论上,大质量弱相互作用粒子只在引力和弱核力上对正常物质产生作用。 对大质量弱相互作用粒子所进行的各种探测实验却提出了不一致的结果。 在支持暗物质存在方,有两个实验--美国明尼苏达州苏丹市的CoGeNT项目和意大利格兰萨索的DAMA/LIBRA项目。这两个实验都看到了假定的暗物质粒子在6月比在12月对探测器的撞击次数更多。在其他的月份都相等。这种例外要归功于地球穿越存在于我们星系的暗物质团的相对速度。 6月,地球公转和太阳自转的运行方向一致,与暗物质逆风而行,容易碰撞,因此撞击次数更多。而12月地球公转的方向正好相反。 但关键是,其他一些更大型更有说服力的实验,例如CDMS-II 实验(二期低温暗物质搜寻) 以及XENON100实验等,都没有看见这样的暗物质粒子。解决矛盾的一种方法是,探测暗物质粒子的方向性,看看他们是不是真的和太阳在银河系中自转的运行方向一致,正如DAMA/LIBRA和CoCeNT实验所要求的那样。 目前生物足迹公司的Andrzej Drukier(生物足迹是一家生物技术公司,总部在弗吉尼亚州的赫恩登市)和一群宇宙学家和生物化学家建议用DNA来解决这一矛盾,打破僵局。 他们推荐的探测器由一张一平方米大的金箔片和一簇单链DNA分子组成。DNA分子像牙刷上的刷毛一样有序的悬浮在金箔片的正下方。当一个大质量弱相互作用粒子撞击箔纸里的金原子时,大质量弱相互作用粒子会驱走金原子,使其猛冲向DNA序列,这样就可以给它经过的DNA分子提供能量。事实证明如宇宙射线的高能粒子碰撞并破坏DNA链,尽管大质量弱相互作用粒子的能量将会少很多。 被破坏的DNA分子将要经收集,放大和分析,最后得以确定具体哪一股得到了能量。由于知道构成每股DNA的基的顺序,也就是每股DNA的切点位置,因此可以三维立体追踪到金原子的路径,精度精确到纳米,这种方法比目前的探测器大约要精确1000倍。 “更精确的方法意味着一个大质量弱相互作用粒子实验我们将得到更多的数据”哈佛大学的组员乔治.丘奇说到。 这种三维方法将让宇宙学家推断出一个大质量弱相互作用粒子的能量和方向,因而反过来证实预测的太阳系在银河系中运行产生的“大质量弱相互作用粒子风”的存在。 研究组称,基于DNA的探测器还有其他的优点。实验可在室温进行,与目前的探测器要求的将近绝对零度相反。且通过改变箔纸的材料,可以寻找不同能量的粒子,包括CoGeNT和DAMA/LIBRA实验公开探测过的大质量弱相互作用粒子.研究组正在测试此设计的可行性. 芝加哥大学的CoGeNT组员吉安.科拉(Juan Collar)并不参与此提议,他说基于DNA的大质量弱相互反应探测器很有趣, 不过定向探测暗物质在我们这个领域还是最好的方法.
个人分类: 集粹点滴|1414 次阅读|1 个评论
热度 2 wuxiyouke 2012-10-11 19:32
1.签证类型的选择 花了几天才弄明白应该走什么样的签证类型,可能是去英国的人比美国的少很多。 打电话到英国签证申请中心,他们也只是告诉你有Business 中的Academic visitor 以及工作签证Tire 5 中的亚类Government authorised exchange。但你应该选择哪种类型,他们不作任何建议,完全由你自己决定。 究竟应该走哪种?实在不清楚,从字面上看似乎Academic vistor 更合适。结果网上一番苦查,终于查出应该签Government authorised exchange。 因为前者是指申请人去英国进行学术思想、研究成果的交流,若是只是进行合作交流,不用做实验的,签这个类型即可;若是要进行合作研究,要做实验的就要签Tire 5 中的亚类Government authorised exchange。两者缴费不同,后者比前者高很多,2035元。 2.签证材料的准备 1. 签证预约信 (在线申请完成后,在英国签证中心网站预约) 2. visa 照片(3张,最后只用了1张,要求见英国签证中心网站) 3. 签证申请表 (在线填写完成,注意:此外还需完成附表6 APPENDIX 6: TIER 5 (TEMPORARY WORKER) SELF-ASSESSMENT, 我们是在签证中心递交材料时候被告知需填此表) 4. 英方邀请信 5. CoS letter (certificate of sponsorship, 最关键的是对方学校发来的CoS letter中的CoS number) 6. 博士学位证书 7. 银行存款证明(至少900英镑,递材料前3个月前存入,要求见英国签证中心网站) 8. 资助证明 附证材料: 9.个人及学校简介、英方合作者的网页简介 10. 研究工作计划 11. 曾经出国工作的证明 3. 签证过程一波三折 还好国庆期间有一天10月5号可以签证,提前1天到签证中心附近的酒店住下,并探路,第二天上午出发去签证中心,为了抄近路,选择另一条没有走过的路线,结果迷路,只好赶紧打的到签证中心。进了签证中心,拿号,等叫号,交材料,对方指出相片有些模糊(自己用家里的喷墨打印机打的),在签证中心重照10 分钟后取照。对方指出我的存款上没有存入日期,是的建行开具的证明没有,所以一定要拿中行的定期存折开证明,中行的有显示存入日期。对方问我所去的大学是否是具有Tire 5 Government authorised exchange A 级资格,即保证在英国期间能够衣食无忧。我真不知道,我说在哪查?他说要你自己查。另一个波折是:除了上交在线填写的申请表外,对方告知还要填写附表6 APPENDIX 6: TIER 5 (TEMPORARY WORKER)SELF-ASSESSMENT。我说我已经完成网上申请,没有要求我填写这个表,能否帮我打印一份我手工填写。还好对方给打印了一份,我手工填写了。对方一项项清理材料,把没有英文翻译的如税单等退给我们,说要么附上翻译,要么不交。然后对方拿了个递交材料的英文清单,一项项说明有或无,最后让你确认(这应该是签证官首先会看的一个单),结果仔细一看,发现最重要一项CoS number的有无选项被勾成无了,赶紧让对方更改,有可能签证官一看这清单,这个最基本的都没有,可能连剩下的材料看都不看就给拒签了。最后一个波折,按了指纹,走出来签证中心,脑中突然一闪,我附表6中要求填写的CoS number没有填上去。马上又折回签证中心,要回刚才的附表6添上。 4.等待签证结果 提交完材料,回酒店休息一会,结果一个电话打过来没有接到,然后回拨过去没法接通。于是想是不是签证材料的问题。打签证中心的咨询电话,回答说如果要联系的话,会通过邮件联系。只好回家等待。结果10月8号查状态,已经到英国大使馆了,10月10号查状态,护照已经往回寄了,今天忐忑的等着快递的到来,下午4点收到后打开护照一看,已经是UK visa贴在上头了。真是很快。 回来后在网上搜附表6,搜到小木虫上一篇关于该类签证的准备,链结如下 http://emuch.net/html/201205/4239363.html ,相信对后来者有帮助。
7704 次阅读|2 个评论
It's nice to have a business partner
zuojun 2012-7-23 14:58
I have been doing English editing alone for five years now. Ever since I started editing, I was hoping for a business partner. Finally, the opportunity presented itself, and now I can truly take a vacation when I want to. Thank you, J.A.P., for sharing the workload and the pain and joy.
个人分类: Scientific Writing|2677 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Remarks at the U.S.-ASEAN Business Forum
whyhoo 2012-7-14 10:41
Remarks Hillary Rodham Clinton Secretary of State Siem Reap, Cambodia July 13, 2012 SECRETARY CLINTON: (In progress.) It’s a pleasure to welcome you to the U.S.-ASEAN Business Council Forum: Commitment to Connectivity. And we are so honored to have three distinguished leaders here with us tonight. You will be hearing from each of them about the importance of advancing the ASEAN connectivity agenda and steps we can all take in government and in business, in ASEAN and in our individual countries to advance integration and economic engagement. I’m very grateful to Prime Minister Hun Sen for hosting us and being with us. Cambodia has just completed the ASEAN ministerial, and we are grateful that you would find the time to come here and be with us, Prime Minister. I also want to thank President Thein Sein, who has moved his country such a long distance in such a short period of time. And we are very much looking forward to hearing your comments. And Prime Minister Yingluck, it is always a pleasure to be with you and to work with you. Thailand is our oldest ally in the region, one of our oldest allies in the world, and we are honored that you are here. I want to thank the ministers and ambassadors from across ASEAN who have joined us here in this historic city. And I especially want to thank Myron Brilliant from the Chamber of Commerce and Alex Feldman from the U.S.-ASEAN Business Council. And finally, a very warm welcome to all the representatives from the private sector. Here tonight are dozens of leaders of ASEAN companies from all over the ASEAN region, in addition to dozens of leaders from American companies. By our count, this is the largest U.S.-ASEAN business event ever assembled. And I assume that will be a challenge so that the next events will be even bigger as we see the results of our efforts. As Myron said, you know that we are certainly elevating our engagement across the board with Asia, and we’re paying particular attention to ASEAN and Southeast Asia. We’re pursuing a economic statecraft and jobs diplomacy agenda to promote sustainable growth and prosperity across the region and, of course, we know that by doing so it will help the countries of ASEAN, but it will also help the United States. Our economic ties are already strong. ASEAN and the United States are large trading partners. Last year, U.S. exports to ASEAN exceeded $76 billion, and that was up 42 percent since 2009. We have more than twice as much investment in ASEAN as we do in China. So there is a great deal of potential for continuing to grow our economic activity. We want to do more to deepen our economic partnership. For example, with our ASEAN Single Window and other ADVANCE programs, we are working with ASEAN to develop a fully integrated market by harmonizing customs and improving regulatory standards. And later this fall, our trade ministers will gather here in Siem Reap to discuss ways to advance our Trade and Investment Framework Agreement, the operating system of our economic partnership. I’m also very convinced that by promoting economic activity in the region, it is not only about encouraging businesses to invest and trade, it is also about building relationships. And the best way to do that is to be sure that we promote a rules-based system, because the difference between a region on the path to sustainable growth and one whose gains will be more short term are the norms and the standards for intellectual property protection, for predictability in setting rules, and enforcing laws to try to ensure a level playing field for everyone. And we want ASEAN and the Asia Pacific to be open for business to everyone willing to work hard and make those investments. And we want especially to encourage entrepreneurs, because after all, that’s where the new ideas come from; that’s where the new businesses start; that’s where small and medium-sized enterprises really get their impetus for growth. I gave a speech in Hong Kong last July describing what we hoped will be a thriving economic system across the Asia Pacific. It came down to four key attributes: openness, freedom, transparency, and fairness. And we believe that those all go together. So let us work and try to determine the best way to increase that connectivity, increase those relationships, make those investments, and really build sustainable economies, jobs here, jobs back home in the United States, and the kind of future that we want in the 21 st century for the people of the ASEAN nations. Let me just set the stage for all three speakers. We will hear first from the Prime Minister of Cambodia. Cambodia has achieved tremendous economic progress during the tenure of Prime Hun Sen, and the United States is proud of our economic partnership. The United States is the number one importer of Cambodian-made garments – and this is a shameless plug, but I will say it anyway – thanks to trade deals we did back in the 1990s. (Laughter.) And those trade deals included labor and workplace standards, so the now 350,000 Cambodians, 90 percent of whom are young women, working in the textile industry in Cambodia have seen tremendous advances. Now, Cambodia will see the first to say they have more to do and they are working on that, but we want to continue to support their economic progress. We also want to point to one other example of an innovative partnership with American business – General Electric is finalizing a rice-husk biomass integrated power project, the first in the region. What a great idea for ASEAN countries, particularly in the Lower Mekong, to use rice husks to generate energy. So this has got great potential. We’ll next hear from the Prime Minister of Thailand, whose leadership has helped her country recover from the effects of the devastating floods last year and achieve economic growth at the start of this year. We are working to link Thai and American businesses through several public-private partnerships: Google is helping to connect more than 100,000 small and medium-sized businesses throughout Thailand; MasterCard is working with the Bank of Thailand to promote electronic mobile banking training; and Coca-Cola is creating an upcoming women’s entrepreneurship fund. So we’re very pleased that Prime Minister Yingluck could join us. And finally, we will hear from President Thein Sein. This week has been a milestone in the relationship between our two countries. Just two days ago, President Obama announced that the United States is easing restrictions to allow more U.S. companies to do business there. And a few months ago in Washington, I urged American businesses to invest and to do it responsibly. Under Secretary Bob Hormats, who is here today, will be taking the largest U.S. business delegation – over 70 businesses – tomorrow to meet with officials, to meet with businesses, to meet with civil society. And we’re excited by what lies ahead, and we’re very supportive of President Thein Sein’s economic and political reforms. And finally, I want to thank everyone from the private sector and the organizations involved and ASEAN and my team at the State Department, led by Assistant Secretary Kurt Campbell, for understanding that connectivity is a word that has to have meaning. And much of that meaning comes from greater relationships between our governments, between our private sectors, between our civil societies, and most importantly, between and among our people. So it’s very exciting to see everything that is happening here. And now it is my pleasure to introduce our host this evening, Prime Minister Hun Sen. (Applause.) 原文见 http://www.state.gov/secretary/rm/2012/07/195013.htm
个人分类: 外交|2721 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Bashful in Business
lilinxu83 2012-7-1 19:08
John Whiting has risen to the rank of tax partner at PwC and takes part in regular TV broadcasts on financial matters, but he is also a self-confessed introvert who finds social situations deeply uncomfortable. “I still can’t work a roomful of strangers, nor am I a natural glad-hander or someone who would have found it easy to lead a big client account,” he says. “But although it is still quite a struggle at times, I refuse to let my innate shyness get the better of me or allow it to limit my career.” While being ill at ease in company does not preclude you from success – Sir Richard Branson of Virgin and Duncan Bannatyne of the BBC series Dragons’ Den are two examples of self-confessed introverts – social awkwardness is, for many people, an increasingly unwelcome trait. Parties: the bane of the bashful“Being uncomfortable around people and preferring my own company has cost me a directorship and at least £40,000 a year,” says one IT manager with a large retail company. He says he has seen many similarly competent, though notably more extrovert, contemporaries rise through the ranks with ease. “I’ve found that technical skill and an ability to think logically have got me a fairly long way up the ladder but in my experience you are unlikely to reach the top unless you can conquer your shyness and enjoy engaging with people – which I fundamentally do not,” he says. Psychologists say that introverts, or “social phobics”, are more likely to be drained than fired up by social occasions. At its extreme, shyness can turn even everyday work situations such as client lunches and company parties into ordeals, while on a more everyday level it can close the door on all but the most junior or back-room functions. Yet it can be overcome, says Rob Yeung, a business psychologist at Talentspace, a leadership consultancy. He argues that, while acceptable in a support function, introverted behaviour is increasingly difficult to sustain in more senior functions, where networking and personal relationship building come as part of the job specification. “For the majority of us, the ability to engage with others and keep conversations going when they flag will always be a vital skill, whether it involves talking to clients or enthusing a whole department,” says Mr Yeung. The good news for introverts, he says, is that evidence suggests training can help. Words of advice for shrinking violets Rob Yeung, a psychologist at consultancy Talentspace, offers some advice for businesspeople suffering from shyness: ● Set graduated goals to build your confidence. Begin with presentations to your team, then perhaps the department. ● Correct your posture. Imagine a piece of string attached to the top of your head, pulling you up and making you walk tall. People will treat you more positively. ● Speak louder, slower and deeper to get your point across. ● Try to arrange to speak within the first half-hour of any presentation. ● Practise smiling. You may be feeling stressed inside. But smiling will trick your brain into thinking that you are feeling happy and relaxed. “By refusing to allow your in-built reserve to ruin your life and by practising more sociable habits on a daily basis, I would argue that talking to colleagues and feeling relaxed about it can become as natural as brushing your teeth.” For Mr Whiting, being an introvert inevitably means extra preparation. “If I’m in my professional role, I find I can talk, present and even broadcast with very few qualms because I make sure in advance of any event that I know my stuff really well. What I can’t do is off-the-cuff talk, either with strangers or with people I know,” he says. But he stresses that being reserved has its compensations, particularly in his ability to manage people. “Introverts like me are no good at breaking into conversations, introducing ourselves to clients or spending all evening chatting,” he says. “But when it comes to going away and coming up with solutions to a business problem, or hearing people out when they have issues, we will often excel.” Gerard Burke heads Cranfield School of Management’s Business Growth and Development Programme for owner-managers, yet describes himself as “absolutely useless in social situations”. For him, coping with shyness involves acting a part. “When I’m at work, I have a figurehead role to live up to and I usually find I can play that particular character very well. But when I go out to dinner with friends I invariably find myself sitting in silence because I feel self-conscious and don’t want to draw attention to myself,” he says. “Even at the age of 48, if I’m removed from my comfort zone I simply don’t know what to say to people, or how to say it.” While authentic leadership is a popular notion, play-acting at being an extrovert, even when you are trembling inside, is inevitable and even desirable, says Mr Yeung. “If you are not prepared to fit in with your company’s expected behaviour, I would argue that it is best for both of you if you ship out. Feeling out of step with everyone else in the organisation can be a very alienating business.”
个人分类: 精彩文章|1538 次阅读|0 个评论
ljxm 2012-3-31 08:35
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2250 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 fameszhang 2012-3-19 06:02
金玉满堂: Treasures fill the home 生意兴隆: Business flourishes 岁岁平安: Peace all year round 恭喜发财: Wishing you prosperity 和气生财: Harmony brings wealth 心想事成: May all your wishes come true 吉祥如意: Everything goes well 国泰民安: The country flourishes and people live in peace 招财进宝: Money and treasures will be plentiful 一帆风顺: Wishing you every success 步步高升: Promoting to a higher position 出入平安: Safe trip wherever you go 郎才女貌 talented guy and beautiful lady 天缘巧合 a destiny given by heaven and a wonderful match 天作之和 a match by heaven 心心相印 a complete meeting of minds 永结同心 to be of one mind forever 相亲相爱 to be kind and love to each other 百年好合 a harmonious union lasting a hundred years 永浴爱河 bathe in a river of love forever 佳偶天成 an ideal couple 百年琴瑟 married couple for a hundred years 百年偕老 (of a married couple) to stick to each other for a hundred years 花好月圆 the flowers are in full bloom, and the moon is full-ideal time for wedding 福禄鸳鸯 a happy wealthy couple 天缘巧合 a destiny given by heaven and a wonderful match 美满良缘 a happy and wonderful marriage 夫唱妇随 the man sings, the wife follows - domestic harmony 珠联璧合 an excellent match 凤凰于飞 a couple of phoenixes on the wing-happy marriage 美满家庭 a happy family 琴瑟和鸣 marital harmony; happy married life 相敬如宾 (of a married couple) to respect each other as if the other were a guest 同德同心 to be of one mind 宜室宜家 to make a harmonious and orderly home breath 鸾凤和鸣 harmony in marriage 白头偕老 (of a married couple) to stick to each other till the hair turns gray 情投意合 to be congenial; to agree in taste and temperament 花开并蒂 a good marriage 美满良缘 A happy and wonderful marriage
个人分类: 教育|2179 次阅读|1 个评论
[转载]Are Entrepreneurs Business Artists? Wynton Marsalis Says Yes
whyhoo 2012-3-3 16:59
Internationally acclaimed musician, composer, bandleader, educator and a leading advocate of American culture Wynton Marsalis came to the i-lab today as our first guest in the panel series, "Artists as Entrepreneurs." Marsalis answered questions about the overlap of artists and entrepreneurs in personality, behavior, history and perception. The panel, comprised of Harvard Business School faculty members and moderated by Senior Associate Dean for Planning and University Affairs, and Mizuho Financial Group Professor of Finance Mihir Desai, touched on three concepts: How entrepreneurs, always in search of new ideas, can learn from artists; How artists ARE entrepreneurs if you apply the definition that they pursue opportunities without considering resources under their control at the moment of an idea's conception, but instead make that idea happen despite circumstances; and How both art and entrepreneurship are collaborative; how organizations and institutions take a role in the careers of both types. While undoubtedly some artists are born with their gifts (hello, Mozart!), Marsalis highlighted another kind of artist: the entrepreneurial artist. He gave a little musical context to guests, telling the story of Duke Ellington; surely one of music's greats, but really a man who employed entrepreneurial vision to his art and succeeded as a result. Ellington was able to synthesize ideas to create completely novel ones, and used his personality and people skills to create an environment for his idea to thrive. His determination to his goals ultimately succeeded in helping father jazz. Would a man like Ellington succeed today? The scale and pace of change in our time is unprecedented. "Turbulence is the new normal," said James E. Robison Professor of Business Administration Nancy Koehn. The people who will make changes in our times will be those who can adapt between disciplines, between left and right, and distill ideas, not information. Artists fall into this camp, she posited, and so do entrepreneurs, but what makes this true? Marsalis's answer: the ability to thrive in chaos. Artists, including musicians, have traditionally fit a stereotype of volatile or emotional people who then distill that into something higher or bigger than themselves. "Jazz is chaos. It's about being able to adapt and ride the wave of chaos to the calm center," he said, describing the melee in his own house while he composes. In a world of emails and information overload, this quality will become more and more important to create find higher meaning. Sebastian S. Kresge Professor of Marketing Rohit Deshpande focused on the current challenges that musicians have in common with entrepreneurs: that of branding and consumers. Marsalis agreed that they are both heavy issues for artists, but that they have to approach them just as entrepreneurs do: with specific missions and visions, goals and practical plans of how to achieve them while maintaining integrity to their fundamentals. The correlation between art and business has historically been seen as transactional. Associate Professor of Business Administration and Marvin Bower Fellow Mukti Kaire asked Marsalis about the traditional divide between art and business. While in the past, artists were seen as lofty thinkers and businessmen focused on bottom lines, now we can see parallels: perseverance to bring a vision to fruition, working under intangible measurements, and the joy of creating something new. Marsalis pointed out that while the perception has always divided artists and entrepreneurs, artists have always been entrepreneurial. "A score is a business plan." A sheet of music contains so much information, and artists require education to read that plan and execute it to the highest standards possible. "There is specificity in both art and music," he explained. Comparing spreadsheet metrics to a 75-piece orchestra's symphony sheet music may be new, but the need for accuracy they share has always existed. It may have been the most poetic description of a spreadsheet we've ever heard. 原文见 http://i-lab.harvard.edu/2012/02/08/are-entrepreneurs-business-artists-wynton-marsalis-says-yes
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有research out of curiosity 的空间么
spiegboy 2011-12-13 03:22
research 有两种,一种是research out of curiosity, 一种是application (or business)-driven research. 经济不好的今天, application-driven research 更容易拿到funding. 更容易得到支持。那么我们可不可以就做一个兴趣研究呢? 了解,探知,寻找,发现,但是可能是无意义的。 在写grant proposal的时候,有明确的significance 或者 impact的session,无需困惑; 如果没有条条框框,可不可以在impact那一栏就写着,out of curiosity.
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[转载]土鳖发TOP SSCI,上经验回报论坛!(更新经验)
zhao1198 2011-12-9 09:20
我也算是论坛老人了,硕士、博士都是国内读的。2006年就开始在论坛一直潜水,5年只升到了本科生级别,惭愧惭愧。从考研到考博,从发“季刊”到和导师 合作发英文TOP期刊“Marketing Science”(SSCI Business类影响因子前3),论坛给了大量的宝贵信息,我的英文书基本上都是从论坛上下载的。借发论文的机会,回馈一下论坛,也希望大家不要把眼光 老放在《经济研究》上,固步自封。我认识的很多土鳖同学、海龟中国博士已经开始发SSCI、GEB,乃至AER。 09年博二,独立作者发了“季刊”,这时候的我最大的愿望是发《经济研究》,然后找份好工作。但这时候我碰到了后来的导师,他的研究基本上都是奔着国际顶 尖期刊去的。我知道发这类期刊周期很长、要花大量的经历和时间,在毕业前也不一定能出成果。如果不能出SSCI成果或者《经济研究》的话,作为一个土鳖, 很多985大学的教职就此不会向你敞开。犹豫了很久,决定给自己一个机会冲击SSCI,也相信导师一把。 从09年秋季学期开始加入导师这个课题,当时不是作为Co-Author身份,是作为助研身份。导师一上来就把最核心理论推导部分扔给了我,我只花了2个 月就解决了理论推导部分。然后又花了6个月解决了计量模型部分,再加上七七八八的修改总共用了一年多的时间,期间从来没提过要做Co-Author的事 情。直到导师有一天突然说,你的贡献已经可以作为Co-Author了,回头一看,才发现自己在导师的指导下已经做了不少新东西出来,而他的指导绝对不是 无的放矢。 这一段时间,我最大的收获总结起来,就是计量模型必须为理论模型服务,而理论模型必须为数据服务。换句话说,从数据中发现与经典理论不符合的部分,不要强 行解释,要尽量用规范的框架把它纳入分析中,建立新的数学模型。之所以要建立数学模型,是为了通过数据来推翻或者证伪,也是为了能推广到其他更广泛的情 况。像“只有XX才能救XX”的文字理论,是根本无法证伪的,你怎么知道没有另外一个XX可以救XX。这些数学模型有两个来源,一是现有经典模型,二是从 数据中得到的观察。 SSCI期刊的几次审稿是一个很漫长的过程,一般都是6个月。审完再修改,又是一年过去。期间做了另外两篇英文论文,都是这篇论文的延伸和新应用,其中一 篇基本上是自己做的。得到Marketing Science录用的消息是在长途BUS上,虽然想过多遍自己回多兴奋,但实际完全没有想象中的激动,因为在投稿之初我和导师就一致认为这篇论文的水平在 Marketing Science之上了。忘了是哪个教授说的,“Keep Writing”就行了,相信自己的论文,别太纠结投稿录用的问题。 回到最开始的问题,我觉得SSCI并不是高不可攀,在于两点:第一,是否找到了一个真正的经济学问题;第二,是否有时间有精力有耐心能苦逼的做下去。我觉 得对绝大部分土鳖而言,第二点可能更是困难。虽然我自己能在毕业前得到录用的消息,纯属幸运。但我真心希望土鳖们不要太妄自菲薄了,好好打好基础,博士阶 段冲击一篇SSCI并非不可能。对英文没信心的话,可以利用访学机会或者专门的英文编辑,这不是关键。 关键是你能不能给自己一个机会,借此文与大家共勉! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 看到大家这么踊跃的讨论,我也再谈一下我们土鳖群体离世界顶级水平差多远。给大家推荐AER上面的一篇论文,这篇论文是由蔡洪斌等几个老师09年发的 “Observational Learning: Evidence from a Randomized Natural Field Experiment”,上传到附件中了。这篇论文两年前我读过多次,也做presentation,想通过这篇论文总结下看法。首先,这篇论文讨论的问 题,每个去过馆子的中国人见过,结论大家都能猜到;其次,这篇论文的计量,学过计量的人都会做的OLS;而且,这篇文章就是在中国做的,没有任何迹象表明 其他土鳖中国人不能做这篇文章。 但为什么它就发了AER? 因为它从日常生活中提炼出了一个真正的经济学问题,把餐馆的菜单和经济学里面的Learning问题结合了一起,用了一个很巧妙地实验证明了大家的猜想。 更进一步的,它把Observation和Herding给区分开了。这才是它的贡献,计量不是贡献,实验也不是贡献,idea才是真正的贡献!这篇文章 真正说明了:大家在日常生活中,多观察,多思考才能出idea,而只有对经济学理论和文献掌握到一定的深度,才能出真正顶级的idea。 PS:因为是两年前看的文章,所以可以有些地方记乱了,大家多多包容啊!欢迎拍砖。 Cai_Chen_Fang_AER_2009_observationallearning.pdf
个人分类: Writing|2919 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 wuqiang198 2011-10-22 11:19
长相美丽或英俊的人在生活中往往会占到更多“便宜”,因为端正的相貌似乎是身心强健、富有才华的象征,正所谓“一表人才”。然而美国期刊《哈佛商业评论》(Harvard Business Review)近日刊发的一篇科研文章阐释称,其实反而是那些外表不对称的人更能够成为杰出的领袖。典型的例子包括美国前总统林肯、英国前首相丘吉尔以及英国皇家海军上将霍雷肖-纳尔逊。 该结论的提出者卡尔·西尼尔博士在英国阿斯顿大学进行了两次实验,每次他都提前测量了志愿者左右手手指长度、手腕宽度和左右耳的长度等,他们中包括外表不对称的人。第一次实验主要是对80位志愿者进行心智测验;第二次则是让来自阿斯顿大学商学院的42位同学分组完成一项售车任务,这些小组需自行选出本组的领导者。 两次研究结果均表明,一个人的领导素养高低与外表对称与否存在很强的相关性。第二项研究的结果尤为明显,相貌不对称的小组领导者不但赢得了组员们的高度评价,也确实在售车方面取得了更好的业绩。负责为各组表现进行评估的商学院老师们并不知道研究者的研究意图,他们所给出的评估结果显示,外表不对称的同学领导的小组的得分要比其他小组高出20%。 西尼尔表示:“长相对称的人通常被认为是更优秀的,过着更快乐的生活,有更多的朋友,是有才华的、聪慧的、魅力十足的,已有成千上万的文献资料为这种外表的对称性与积极的社会特征间的关联提供支持。我们的研究一开始也是着眼于这些在遗传基因上便先行胜出的天使们,但结果却让我们大为吃惊,根本不是我们所预想的那样。” 西尼尔介绍,他的研究强调的是“交际式领导力”,包括善于以沟通、鼓励的方式带动团队成员自发地、欣然地达到团队目标,更注重于感化团队成员。与之相反的是“交易式领导力”,即通过奖惩制度,以买卖的模式来运作团队,这种领导力通常显得更为专横,也常常在团队中造成恐惧气氛。两种类型的领导力分别适用于不同的团队,例如对于军队来说,后者就更为适用。 西尼尔回忆称:“在研究中我发现,我们可以借助一个人外表的不对称性来预测他所带领的小组的最终表现,这让我兴奋得彻夜难眠,因为长相的不对称很可能就是‘交际式领导力’突出的潜在生物符号。”谈到为何会出现此种情况时,西尼尔表示,也许是因为并不好看的外表使得他们需要加倍的努力才能赢得别人的认可,这使得他们在人际交往、组织领导方面的才能越发得到开发、锻炼。 此前有关于人体形态的不对称性的研究表明,面部及身体外形不对称的人当被激怒时往往具有更强的攻击性。人体的不对称被认为是在母亲子宫发育阶段中受挤压所造成。(
个人分类: 生活点滴|1411 次阅读|1 个评论
Made for China 创业大赛
热度 4 储成才 2011-9-9 12:41
女儿现在在美国UC-Berkeley上大学二年级,主修Business Administration和Operations Research。 今年四月她们在加州成功主办了第一届主题为“Made for China”的创业大赛。这个创业大赛的特色是:要求参赛队伍将自己的创业点子与中国市场和现状结合。女儿是现任Made for China创业大赛策划方的主席。 这个创业大赛得到 EFactor--World's largest entrepreneurial community 和包括联想集团等众多企业界的赞助与支持。为了把“Made for China”创业大赛持久地一届一届办下去,并通过这一活动,将创业精神传播给更多祖国的年轻人,他们决定把第二届的规模扩大到硅谷湾区之外的哈佛、MIT、宾大等多个美国著名大学,以及中国的北大、清华、复旦、上海交大等,并把总决赛放在扬州。 在她暑假中我和她谈过,为什么不把中科院的上万名学生也包括在其中,经过多方努力,中科院研究生院也在其中。的确,从我女儿在美国学习的这段时间,我发现中美大学本科教育的差距的确很大。国内学生普遍缺少创业精神,这也是女儿为什么想把第二届创业大赛延伸到中国,并把决赛放在扬州的原因。希望所有中国的大学生及研究生(不分大学、并欢迎团队参加)踊跃报名参加,而且 一等奖50万元,二等奖20万元 等奖金对于学生来说,应该还是很有吸引力的。 有关大赛的详情,包括大赛宗旨、背景、合作方、奖金以及具体流程和时间,请访问大赛网站 ( http://madeforchina.efactor.com/ )。
4118 次阅读|7 个评论
[转载]什么是科学工作流(scientific workflow)
LiangliangNan 2011-9-9 09:40
科学家们,例如天文研究者,要想协作科研的话,就需要共享大规模的数据,相当于做些分布式计算。这个数据的流动过程随着研究机构的增多可能越来越复杂,以至于需要独立出来专门管理,这就是scientific workflow的大概意思。scientific workflow貌似是一个新方向,讨论班上听别人讲了一篇,后来帮人审稿看到一篇,今天发现12月的Computer杂志上还登了一篇文章。 Computer杂志上这篇介绍scientific workflow的文章全是文字,几乎连个数字都没有,读完之后觉得有点空洞。这scientific workflow跟business workflow的区别说大也大,说小也小。列举几个scientific workflow的特色/需求: 可重复性:这是科学研究的基本要求,但其实很难做到,因为系统是分布式的,数据也是分布式的,谁也不好说哪个数据能一直存在。说不定过几年系统一升级,以前的程序就不能运行了;谁叫计算机软件的基础架构天天改呢? 著作权问题:科学家的数据都很珍贵,workflow的流程、以及每个端点运行的程序也是不能随便公开的,不然被人剽窃了怎么行。但是又要把自己的研究结果给别人看,至少要给评审的人看,不然怎么让别人赞同你的工作呢?而分布式的workflow意味着最后的成果是大家共享的,因此更要算清楚每部分工作都是谁的成果。所以,每次运行所得到的数据上要附有元信息以说明这个数据是运行了谁的workflow,都用到了谁提供的数据。最好有一种抽象机制,能自动提取出个大概,让人看了很佩服却无法复制。 著作权问题也说明scientific workflow的异构性,需要处在不同地理位置的多方共同合作。 探索性的经常修改:科学家需要不断地调整workflow的参数甚至是修改控制流程来尝试得到新结果,但他们又不像流程设计师那么专业,所以要提供一个易用的接口。 其他的特性就是一些无聊的buzzword,像“更灵活(flexibility)”、“更好的伸缩性(scaling)”、要考虑security之类的问题。 总结:虽然没有本质的新东西,但在搞CS的人眼里看来,sci workflow毕竟是计算机研究这个大bbs开的一个新版,正是灌水的好地方,大家快去抢位置吧。把workflow旧版里的帖子稍加处理一下转载过来,又是一篇新文章,说不定还有人给你m一下呢。
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[转载]Top 25 Articles Business, Management and Accounting April to June 2010
xupeiyang 2010-9-2 14:29
http://top25.sciencedirect.com/subject/business-management-and-accounting/4/archive/27/ Business, Management and Accounting April to June 2010 RSS Blog This!