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Harvard Guide to American History
黄安年 2019-1-28 19:56
Harvard Guide to American History 【 Oscar Handlin, Arthur Eliot Schlesinger, Samuel Eliot Morison,Frederick Merk, Arthur Meier Schlesinger Jr., Poul Herman Buck 著 《 哈佛美国史指南 》】 【黄安年个人藏书书目(美国问题英文部分编号 095 )】 黄安年辑 黄安年的博客 /2019 年 1 月 28 日 发布(第 20757 篇) 自2019年起,笔者将通过博客陆续发布个人收藏的全部图书书目,目前先发布美国问题英文书目,每本单独编号,不分出版时间先后与图书类别。 这里发布的是 Oscar Handlin, Arthur Eliot Schlesinger, Samuel Eliot Morison,Frederick Merk, Arthur Meier Schlesinger Jr., Poul Herman Buck 著 Harvard Guide to American History ( 《 哈佛美国史指南 》),The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press,1954版,689页。照片 23 张拍自该书, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 , 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 , 21 , 22 , 23 ,
个人分类: 个人藏书书目|1282 次阅读|0 个评论
多学科思想国际期刊2010-5- at Harvard
geneculture 2018-10-26 19:33
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Thought by Xiaohui Zou
个人分类: 融智学前期探索|2 次阅读|0 个评论
ACS Photonics: 零折射率波导研究有新发现
zhpd55 2017-10-10 16:47
ACS Photonics : 零折射率 波导 研究有新发现 诸平 据美国哈佛大学 约翰 · A · 保尔森工程和应用科学学院 ( Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences , Harvard SEAS ) 2017 年 10 月 9 日 提供的消息 , SEAS 的研究人员 首次直接 看到 无限长 的 波长 , 而且零折射率 波导 ( zero-index waveguide ) 可以与目前的 硅光子技术兼容 。 2015 年 , 哈佛大学 SEAS 的研究人员 研发 出 了折射率为零第一片超材料 ( metamaterial ) , 这意味着光的相位可以延伸无限长。 超材料代表 了 一种 可以 来操纵光 的 新方法 , 而且是向 光子集成电路 ( integrated photonic circuits ) 迈出 的重要一步 , 光子集成电路 是 使用光 子 而不是电子来执行各种各样的功能。 现在 ,SEAS 的 研究人员进一步推动 此项 技术 向前发展 , 正在 开发一 种可以 与目前硅光子技术兼容 的零折射率 波导。在这一过程中 , SEAS 研究 小组观察 到一种 物理现象 , 而且 通常是 在 驻波 光 难以观察到的现象。相关研究结果已经在美国化学会主办的《 ACS 光子学》( ACS Photonics ) 杂志网站上发表, 哈佛大学科技 开 发办公室 ( The Harvard Office of Technology Development ) 已经 提交了一份专利申请 , 并 正在探索商业化 之路 。 当 一种 波长 的 光穿过 一种 材料 时 , 其波峰和波谷 会受到 压缩或拉伸 , 这取决于材料的性质。 究竟一种光波有多少 波峰 被压缩, 表示为一 种 比例被称为 折射率( the refractive index ),折射率 越高 , 波长越扁平。 当折射率减少到零 时, 光不再表现 为 像一 种 移动的波 , 而是以 一系列的波峰和波谷在空间穿越 。 将一系列的波峰和波谷称为相 。相反 , 此 波 被 无限延长 , 创建 了 一 种 固定相 ( constant phase ) 。 而此相仅仅随 时间 而 震荡 , 不会因为 空间 变化而震荡 。 这对集成光子学 来说 是令人兴奋的 , 因为大多数光学设备使用两 种 或两 种 以上的波之间的相互作用 , 因此当其 穿过电路 时,就 需要 不同波之间必须 同步传播。如果 波长 无限长 , 光的波长 相 匹配 就 不是一个问题 , 因为 光 场无论在何处 都是一样的。 但在 2015 年的最初突破 之后 , 研究小组遇到了 “ 第 22 条军规 ( catch-22 ) ” 。 因为 研究 团队使用棱镜测试芯片 上的光 是否确实是 被 无限延伸 了 , 所以 所有的设备都 要搞成 棱镜形 的 。但 对于 集成电路 来说, 棱镜并不是特别有用的形状。团队想要开发一种设备 , 而且该设备 可以直接插入到已有的光子电路 之中 , 为此 最有用的形状 就 是一个直导线 ( straight wire ) 或波导 ( waveguide ) 。 Real-time, unprocessed video of standing waves of light in a 15-micrometer-long, zero-index waveguide taken with an infrared camera. The perceived motion is caused by atmospheric disturbances to the free- standing fibers that couple light onto the chip, changing the relative phase between the two incoming beams. Credit: Harvard SEAS 网络上也有哈佛 SEAS 提供的 用红外相机 拍摄的 15 μ m 长、零折射率 波导 的 实时、未经处理的 光 驻波视频 。认为 感观 运动是由大气 对独立纤维 扰动 而 引起的 。独立纤维将光映射到特定 芯片上 ,改变了 两个入射光束之间的相对相位。 由哈佛 SEAS 巴尔坎斯基物理学教授( Balkanski Professor of Physics ) 埃里克 · 马祖尔( Eric Mazur ) 领导的研究 小组 , 建立了一种无需 棱镜帮助的波导 , 但是,尚未有 一 种 简单的方法来证明 是否其 折射率 为零。 此外 , 博士后研究人员 奥拉德 ·雷瑟夫( Orad Reshef ) 和菲利普 · 穆尼奥斯 ( Philip Camayd-Muñoz ) 提出 了一个主意。通常 , 因为光的 波长太小 , 振动又太快以至于无法进行 测量 , 只能取其 平均 值 。看到 某 波长的唯一方法 就将 两波 组合使其产生干涉 。 可以想象为 吉他 上的琴 弦 , 任意一端都需要固定。当妙手弹拨时就会发出一连串的音符,是波穿过弦受到固定一端的影响会再次返回,创建了两种运动方向相反而频率相同的波。 这种干涉称为驻波。 奥拉德 ·雷瑟夫 和菲利普 · 穆尼奥斯 将 同样的想法应用到光波导。他们通过创建一 种 驻波设备 , 使用 相反方向的光束照射 来 “ 牵制 ” 光。个 体 波仍迅速振荡 , 但 它 们 的振荡频率相同, 振荡 方向 相反 , 意 味着 在特定点 它 们相互抵消 , 而在 其 它一些 点 它 们 有相互叠加 , 创建 了 一 种全亮 或 全 黑模式。 因为零折射率 材料 , 哈佛 SEAS 研究 团队 已经看到可以使 波长 伸展 足够大。 这可能 就是前所未见的具有 无穷长波长 的 驻波 , 也是首次看到的 , 之前 从来没有见过 的 。 最近 已经 在 加拿大 渥太华大学 ( University of Ottawa ) 得到了一职 的奥拉德 ·雷瑟夫博士 说 : “ 我们能够观察 到零折射率的一种惊人演示 。 以如此低的折射率 通过 一种 媒介传播 , 可使 这些波 的特征得以拓展 , 人们可以用 普通显微镜 就可以看到。是因为这些波的特征以 光 的形式 通常太小 , 无法 直接检测 到 。 ” 菲利普 · 穆尼奥斯 博士 说 : “ 这 对于 硅光子学工具箱增加了的一个重要工具。 在零折射率体系内存在 奇异的物理 学, 现在我们将 其引入 集成光子学 ( integrated photonics ) 。这是重要的 一 步 , 因为它意味着我们可以直接插入到传统 的 光学设备 之中,为零折射率 现象 ( zero-index phenomena ) 找到真正的用途。在未来 , 量子计算机可能是基于 激发态 原子 网络,而激发态原子 通过光子 进行沟通 的。原子的相互作用范围大致 上与光的波长 相等。通过 使 波长 延伸变得更长 , 我们可以 按比例 扩大量子设备 , 启用远程交互。 ” 更多信息请注意浏览原文或者相关报道。 A zero-index waveguide: Researchers directly observe infinitely long wavelengths for the first time To infinity and beyond: Light goes infinitely fast with new on-chip material
个人分类: 新科技|4975 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 4 liwei999 2015-4-14 15:50
哈佛是何等尊贵神圣的学府,她在天上,遥不可及,引 人向往 。她是世界人民心中不可动摇的学术标杆。各种世界名校排名,无论是美国的,欧洲的,中国的还是其他地方,无论使用什么标准,哈佛始终是天字第一号,很多排名是以哈佛的满分(100),来给其他学府打分排座次,往往是大幅度拉开第二名的得分,以彰显哈佛的完美。 就是这样一所天上人间的学术殿堂,开启了此次朝圣之旅。天公作美,此行日丽风和,春回大地,一扫过去数月美东暴风雪肆虐的阴冷,校园格外富有生气。哈佛所在的剑桥镇,有如旧大陆的时空穿越,优雅安详,古色古香,让人流连忘返。 Download 【相关】 MIT 掠影 2015-04-14
个人分类: 留学资讯|5213 次阅读|4 个评论
[转载] Sustainability Science Fellowships at Harvard Univ.
zuojun 2011-11-9 07:17
Doctoral, Post-doctoral, and Mid-career Fellowships Due date for applications: January 15, 2012 The Sustainability Science Program at Harvard University invites applications for resident fellowships in sustainability science for the academic year beginning in September 2012. The fellowship competition is open to advanced doctoral and post-doctoral students, and to mid-career professionals engaged in research or practice to facilitate the design, implementation, and evaluation of effective interventions that promote sustainable development. So me of the most serious constraints to sustainable development lie in the interconnections among sectors: energy’s growing need for water; the impacts of water use on human health; the competition for land among food, energy and conservation initiatives; and the cumulative impact of all sectoral initiatives on climate and other key environmental services. A central challenge moving forward is to develop an integrated understanding of how sectoral initiatives for sustainability can compete with and complement one another in particular regional contexts. The 2012-13 fellowship competition will therefore focus on regional initiatives pursing an integrated perspective on sustainable development in India, China and Brazil. It will also include a cross-cutting research initiative to integrate work focused on the theme of Innovation for Sustainable Development. Preference in this year’s competition will be given to applicants whose proposals complement one or more of these four initiatives. The Initiatives (see below), are led by Professors William Clark , Michael Kremer , Henry Lee , Paul Moorcroft , and Rohini Pande . The Program is also open, however, to strong proposals in any area of sustainability science. In addition to general funds available to support this fellowship offering, special funding for the Giorgio Ruffolo Fellowships in Sustainability Science is available to support citizens of Italy, Brazil, China, India or developing countries who are therefore especially encouraged to apply. For more information on the fellowships application process see http://www.cid.harvard.edu/sustsci/fellowship . Applications are due January 15, 2012 and decisions will be announced by March 2012. India: Building public-private partnerships to promote sustainable development in India Faculty leader : Rohini Pande , Mohammed Kamal Professor of Public Policy Sustainable development, by its nature, requires government and private actors to work together. Externalities from rapid growth, such as the depletion of subsidized resources, widespread air and water pollution or unsustainable energy use, arise from a joint failure of government and industry to create an economy where the most profitable action is also best socially. The India Initiative will address sustainability problems in India of both national and global import. The motivation for this research program is to work with governments to channel the enterprising potential of the private sector to correct such externalities. The research will address questions in sustainable environmental regulation and provide evidence on how public-private partnerships can contribute to solving existing challenges. We focus on three research areas. First, existing environmental regulations are weakly enforced by possibly under-resourced regulators, leading to poor environmental quality. Second, traditional regulations, even if strengthened, are not the right tools to address many of India’s pollution problems. Third, from the perspective of sustainability of resource use, India’s inefficient and rapidly growing energy consumption threatens to undermine its own development by contributing to global climate change. The research team will partner with government and private institutions in order to conduct field trials of innovative environmental policies to provide rigorous evidence on the impact of these policies for sustainable development. Doctoral, post-doctoral, and mid-career candidates are encouraged to apply. China: Energy in China: Environmental implications and management for sustainable development Faculty leader : Henry Lee , Jassim M. Jaidah Director, Environment and Natural Resources Program The China Initiative will address the environmental implications of electrification and other energy policies in China and explore how China can manage these implications. Fellows will work to identify and promote policies that will contribute to thoughtful use of China's natural resources (e.g., water, land) and/or the adoption of cleaner and less carbon-intensive industrial and energy technologies. Research areas include, but are not limited to: analyzing the impact of energy and industrial policies on water scarcity; assessing barriers to the development or deployment of cleaner energy technologies; and studying the impact of industrialization on health and fragile ecosystems. Post-doctoral and mid-career candidates, especially those who speak Chinese, are particularly encouraged to apply. Brazil: Sustainable Development of the Amazon and its surrounding regions: The interplay of climate, hydrology, and land use Faculty leader: Paul Moorcroft , Professor of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology Ongoing agricultural expansion and other land use changes in Amazonia and the surrounding regions are expected to continue over the next several decades as global demand for food and biofuel increases and regional economies expand. The conversion of natural forest and cerrado ecosystems to pastureland and agricultural crops creates warmer and drier atmospheric conditions than the native vegetation. In addition, human induced climate change arising from increasing levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is also expected to push the Amazon region towards a warmer and drier state. In a number of recent climate modeling studies, the Amazon has been shown to exhibit two contrasting states for the water cycle and ecosystems of the region: a moist forested state, and an alternate drier and warmer state with sparser vegetation. This has raised the question of whether deforestation and conversion to agricultural land cause the atmosphere-vegetation-hydrologic system of the Amazon to switch from its current moist state to the warmer and drier one? And if so, will this new state have sufficient precipitation to sustain the native forest and productivity of adjacent agricultural areas? In this study we propose to answer these questions by developing a coupled vegetation-atmosphere model to investigate the stability of the Amazonian hydrologic system (“rivers in the sky” as well as flows on the ground) to scenarios of land use and climate change . We expect to come closer to capturing the true response and thresholds of the Amazonian system than previous studies because our model has a more realistic representation of the dynamic response of the native vegetation, and the study will incorporate a range of land change scenarios. By doing so we will be able to answer the question: How much deforestation is too much? Post-doc candidates who have experience with integrated land-water-climate models and/or experience analyzing patterns and trends of land use and land use change are particularly encouraged to apply. Innovation for Sustainability: Enhancing the Production of Essential Global Public Goods Faculty leaders : William Clark , Brooks Professor of International Science, Public Policy and Human Development Michael Kremer , Gates Professor of Developing Countries and Professor of Economics This Initiative seeks to transform our understanding of the processes governing innovation in the production of global public goods (GPGs) needed for a transition toward sustainability. In particular, we aim to discover how innovation systems can be designed that will simultaneously stimulate needed inventions and promote widespread and equitable access to the fruits of those inventions. The last two decades have served up a surprising number of ad-hoc operational experiments in improving the production of sustainability GPGs on topics as different as anti-retroviral medicines for HIV/AIDS, the development of gene banks, and the deployment of famine early warning systems. Those experiments, however, are generally poorly described, little known beyond their respective sectors and therefore not contributing as much as they might to understanding or promoting the production of GPGs essential for sustainability. This project is an effort to move to the next level of integrated and synthetic understanding. We propose a 3 track approach: 1 ) Reconceptualizing innovation of global public goods for sustainability: We will construct, apply, evaluate and revise an integrated framework for understanding the innovation process involved in the production of sustainability GPGs. 2) Comparing sectoral experiences : We will analyze a global cross-section of ad hoc experiments in new ways of providing sustainability GPGs using a template. 3) Conducting in-depth empirical studies : We will carry out a set of detailed empirical studies to test specific hypotheses about successful production of sustainability GPGs that arise from our sectoral comparisons. This research will employ our conceptual framework to pose similar questions across sectors and countries about how the system of GPG provision has responded to the full range of “push” and “pull” mechanisms that we will have identified through our sectoral comparisons. Doctoral, post-doctoral, and mid-career candidates are encouraged to apply.
个人分类: News|1917 次阅读|0 个评论
geneculture 2011-6-28 18:37
Why Be Rational? Niko Kolodny + Author Affiliations 313 Emerson Hall, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA kolodny@fas.harvard.edu Abstract Normativity involves two kinds of relation . On the one hand, there is the relation of being a reason for . This is a relation between a fact and an attitude . On the other hand, there are relations specified by requirements of rationality . These are relations among a person's attitudes , viewed in abstraction from the reasons for them. I ask how the normativity of rationality —the sense in which we ‘ought’ to comply with requirements of rationality—is related to the normativity of reasons—the sense in which we ‘ought’ to have the attitudes what we have conclusive reason to have. The normativity of rationality is not straightforwardly that of reasons, I argue; there are no reasons to comply with rational requirements in general. First, this would lead to ‘bootstrapping’ , because, contrary to the claims of John Broome, not all rational requirements have ‘wide scope’. Second, it is unclear what such reasons to be rational might be. Finally, we typically do not , and in many cases could not, treat rational requirements as reasons. Instead, I suggest , rationality is only apparently normative, and the normativity that it appears to have is that of reasons. According to this ‘Transparency Account’, rational requirements govern our responses to our beliefs about reasons. The normative ‘pressure’ that we feel, when rational requirements apply to us, derives from these beliefs: from the reasons that, as it seems to us, we have. Kolodny 2005 http://mind.oxfordjournals.org/content/114/455/509.abstract Oxford Journals Humanities Mind Volume 114, Issue 455 Pp. 509-563. Recent Work on Normativity Analysis ( 2010 ) 70 ( 2 ): 331 - 346 Full Text (HTML) Full Text (PDF) Select this article Discussion : Niko Kolodny Reply to Bridges Mind ( April 2009 ) 118 ( 470 ): 369 - 376 doi: 10.1093/mind/fzp059 Abstract Full Text (PDF) Select this article Discussion : Niko Kolodny State or Process Requirements? Mind ( April 2007 ) 116 ( 462 ): 371 - 385 doi: 10.1093/mind/fzm371 Abstract Full Text (PDF) Book Review : Niko Kolodny Review: Reason and Value: Themes from the Moral Philosophy of Joseph Raz Mind ( April 2006 ) 115 ( 458 ): 498 - 502 doi: 10.1093/mind/fzl498 Full Text (PDF) Select this article Article : Niko Kolodny Why Be Rational? Mind ( July 2005 ) 114 ( 455 ): 509 - 563 doi: 10.1093/mind/fzi509 Abstract Full Text (PDF) Philosophy 108 Spring 2008 Number Title Instructor Days/time Room 108 Contemporary Ethical Issues Kolodny TuTh 9:30-11 102 Wurster As a thoughtful person , living in this country, at this time, you have at some point asked yourself some of the following questions. Should torture be allowed? Is there any difference between terrorism and “collateral damage”? May we kill enemy soldiers or even civilians to protect ourselves? Is capital punishment moral? Is abortion? Whether or not it’s moral, should it be legal? Should we let the majority or the courts decide? Is the government allowed to take your money and use it in ways you don’t want? If you have better grades and higher test scores, do you deserve a spot at UC more? Are you allowed to buy yourself an iPod when you could use the money to save people from starving? Should you buy a hybrid, rather than an SUV, when your individual choice is just “a drop in the bucket” and won’t really affect global warming? These questions can be difficult for many different reasons. Self- interest, prejudice, and fear can cloud our judgment. Religious authorities that we accept on faith, such as the Bible, can give unclear or conflicting directions. Finally, it can be hard to be sure of relevant facts: for example, whether information gained through torture tends to be reliable, whether the justice system applies the death penalty consistently, or whether burning fossil fuels leads to climate change. This course, however, is about another set of difficulties , which persist when we set aside our personal feelings, we see how far we can get without relying on faith, and we assume that we know the relevant facts. We may not be able to decide , by our own reflection and reasoning, which answers are correct, and even when we are sure that certain answers are correct, we may not be able to justify them. Our ethical ideas may seem not up to the task. Our aim in this course is to come to terms with these difficulties and to see to what extent they can be overcome. http://philosophy.berkeley.edu/courses/detail/271 Philosophy 104 Fall 2010 Number Title Instructor Days/time Room 104 Ethical Theories Kolodny MWF 10-11 105 Northgate This course will survey major treatments of the foundational questions of moral philosophy. We will discuss the work of some or all of the following philosophers: Aristotle, Hobbes, Hume, Kant, Nietzsche, Sidgwick , Moore, Scanlon and Korsgaard . http://philosophy.berkeley.edu/courses/detail/468 Philosophy 2 Spring 2011 Number Title Instructor Days/time Room 2 Individual Morality Social Justice Kolodny TuTh 8-9:30 160 Kroeber We will survey the basic questions of moral and political philosophy, as well as some classic attempts to answer them . We will ask, among other things: What is the morally right thing for me to do? Why should I do it? Is there a fact of the matter what it is, or does it just depend on my feelings or upbringing? Why should I do what the government tells me to? Why should I tolerate alien moral beliefs and practices? We may read, among others : Plato, Aristotle, Hobbes, Locke, Bentham , Mill, and Nietzsche . http://philosophy.berkeley.edu/courses/detail/490 http://philosophy.berkeley.edu/people/detail/15 Niko Kolodny Associate Professor of Philosophy Undergraduate Advisor Office: 245 Moses Office hours: W 1-2, Th 1-2 Phone: (510) 984-3533 (Ph.D., University of California–Berkeley). His main interests are in moral and political philosophy. He is currently working on papers about partiality, rationality, promises, and Rousseau. His publications include “Why Be Rational?” ( Mind , 2005) and “Love as Valuing a Relationship” ( The Philosophical Review , 2003). http://sophos.berkeley.edu/kolodny/ I am Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of California, Berkeley, and a member of the New York Institute of Philosophy's Project on New Directions in Political Philosophy. My B.A. (1994) is from Williams, my M.A. (1996) is from Oxford, and my Ph.D. (2003) is from Berkeley. Before returning to Berkeley as Assistant Professor in 2005, I was Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Harvard University and Research Associate at the Research School of Social Sciences of the Australian National University. My main interests lie in moral and political philosophy. The wet burritos in the picture are Colette and Eddie Kolodny. My wife, Jessica Cross, is behind the camera. Here's a Bloggingheads diavlog between Simon Keller (Victoria University of Wellington) and me. CV: html / pdf My hobbies . Selected Abstracts Abstract 1 Discussion : Niko Kolodny Reply to Bridges Mind ( April 2009 ) 118 ( 470 ): 369 - 376 doi: 10.1093/mind/fzp059 Abstract Full Text (PDF) Abstract 2 Discussion : Niko Kolodny State or Process Requirements? Mind ( April 2007 ) 116 ( 462 ): 371 - 385 doi: 10.1093/mind/fzm371 Abstract Full Text (PDF) Abstract 1 of 2 Discussion Reply to Bridges Bridges (2009) argues that the ‘Transparency Account’ (TA) of Kolodny 2005 has a hidden flaw. The TA does not, after all, account for the fact that (1) in our ordinary, engaged thought and talk about rationality; we believe that, when it would be irrational of one of us to refuse to A , he has, because of this, conclusive reason to A . My reply is that this was the point. For reasons given in Kolodny 2005, (1) is false. The aim of the TA is to o.er an interpretation of our engaged thought and talk that is compatible with the falsity of (1) and that helps to explain why, when reflecting on our thought and talk, we are so prone to misrepresent what it involves. After making these points, I consider alternative senses in which rationality might be, or be taken by us to be, ‘normative’ and conclude that these alternatives have little bearing on the TA. Kolodny 2009 Full Text (PDF) Abstract 2 of 2 Discussion State or Process Requirements? In his ‘Wide or Narrow Scope?’, John Broome questions my contention in ‘Why Be Rational?’ that certain rational requirements are narrow scope. The source of our disagreement, I suspect, is that Broome believes that the relevant rational requirements govern states, whereas I believe that they govern processes. If they govern states, then the debate over scope is sterile. The difference between narrow - and wide -scope state requirements is only as important as the difference between not violating a requirement and satisfying one. Broome's observations about conflicting narrow-scope state requirements only corroborate this. Why, then, have we thought that there was an important difference? Perhaps, I conjecture , because there is an important difference between narrow- and wide-scope process requirements, and we have implicitly taken process requirements as our topic. I clarify and try to defend my argument that some process requirements are narrow scope, so that if there were reasons to conform to rational requirements, there would be implausible bootstrapping. I then reformulate Broome's observations about conflicting narrow-scope state requirements as an argument against narrow-scope process requirements, and suggest a reply. Kolodny 2007 Full Text (PDF)
个人分类: 美国大学|1293 次阅读|0 个评论
Harvard ;375
yhy188 2011-5-26 21:53
H arvard 将在今年秋天举办 375的校庆活动, 以歌颂她辉煌的历史和光明的未来。重要的是,每一个纪念活动都是基于过去所取得的成就。 Normal 0 7.8 磅 0 2 false false false EN-US ZH-CN X-NONE /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:普通表格; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-font-kerning:1.0pt;} 这不能不是我们记起,在1636,哈佛的办学初衷: “to advance Learning and perpetuate it to Posterity.” 在1642,哈佛发展成为一个学院,并在同年的9月23日毕业了她的首批学生。殖民总督 John Winthrop的日志记载提到,他们是九个满怀希望的年轻人“young men of good hope”。 Normal 0 7.8 磅 0 2 false false false EN-US ZH-CN X-NONE /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:普通表格; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-font-kerning:1.0pt;} Since that modest beginning, Harvard has grown from a training school for ministers to a global institution that promotes public service; from a school that forbade music outside of chapel services to a University where the arts are integral to scholarship; from an institution where learning “letters” followed strict classical models to one where a rainbow of humanities options reflect a diverse world; and from a place that focused on Latin and Greek to one that embraces science, technology, and innovation. 下图为1936年哈佛300年校庆的历史照片。 (http://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2011/05/harvard-at-375/)
2826 次阅读|0 个评论
geneculture 2010-4-10 21:01
潘文国 a 、周上之 b 、邹晓辉(主笔) c 、邹顺鹏(校稿) 华东师范大学、上海外国语大学 、 清华科技园融智文化基因工程研究所(筹)、 中国地质大学(北京) 上海市中山北路 3663 号 200062 wgpan@hanyu.ecnu.edu.cn 上海市大连西路 550 号 200083 zhoushangzhi@hotmail.com 北京市 海淀区 圆明园东路厢白旗 53 号 100084 qhkjy@yahoo.com.cn 北京市海淀区学院路 29 号 100083 zspfriendship@yahoo.com.cn 本文旨在通过系统综述近年汉语字本位理论与应用的主要研究成果进一步阐明字本位立论的基础。其意义在于不仅可与非字本位学者进行对话而且也利于字本位学者相互交流从而更好地推动汉语字本位理论与应用两方面的研究向前发展。徐通锵先生说字是汉语的基本结构单位。与之不谋而合者有之,积极响应者也有之;不甚理解者有之,观望质疑者也有之。可喜的是先 后 两次学术会议分别在字本位学者内部和与非字本位学者之间进行了两次富有成效的对话。可以认为目前条件下这是汉语字本位理论提出以来较好的局面。因为汉语字本位理论的立论基础已从逻辑理论上确立起来了,其要点从以下三点展开论述。 a .从字本位与词本位对立的角度,可论证本文的一个分论点即指出字本位希望解决的不只是语法研究的基本单位问题而是整个语言研究出发点的问题。 b .从字与语素对立的角度,可论证本文的另一个分论点即指出 字素对立的实质是标准不同,其中对待无意义但有功能的字的不同态度是双方争论的焦点。 c .从汉语是组字成语的规则系统这一论断的角度,可论证本文又一分论点,即指出字类和语类的迭交原理可从更高的层面来解决前述上前述两个对立。 这一 研究是很有意义的,因为汉语字本位理论一定要体系化、理论化,而且要找到与普通语言学的契合点 (a评c) 。 上述原理和规则系统就是这一契合点。 在字本位学者的体系里,从字到句的过渡单位有不同划分方法,有用辞统一称呼,有细分为辞、链和块,与英语的词与短语之间有迭交。让它们可分可合是为了避免困扰了汉语语法学界一百年的词和短语划界问题。本来就没有那么严格的界线,故可灵活对待它。汉语的词,如文言的词、离合词、缩略词、成语等等,明明无法用西方词的理论解释,非要称作词而加上一大堆解释,说明其特殊性,只能让人觉得以往的此类理论的破碎,好比是头痛医头、脚痛医脚,必须从根本上对以往的这类理论基础加以修正!这从对立面再次说明了字本位提出得恰当。 我们认为首先在字本位学者与非字本位学者两个群体来普及经过充分交流幷验证的基本观点、基本术语(含:概念、原理、法则、方法)和典型实例,要找出哪些是汉语字本位理论中已经确立的东西,明确哪些是还有待进一步发展的领域或研究的课题。只有做过这样的高级科普之后,汉语字本位理论才能进一步推广到汉语教学、对外汉语教学和中文信息处理等具体的应用领域中去。现在,无论在汉语教学还是在对外汉语教学甚至在中文信息处理上也都有了一些非常可喜的突破(如戴汝潜、吕必松和百乐桑的汉语教学和新的中文操作系统 c )。这说明汉语字本位理论的提出和实际应用的需要之间是相辅相成的。 关键词:普通语言学 汉语理论 字本位 2004-12 青岛会议,其成果是徐通锵等著,杨自俭编《汉语字本位理论与应用》 2008 山东教育出版社。徐通锵在给汉语字本位丛书做的总序中说人们将以字为汉语基本结构单位的语言研究思路称为字本位。 2009-12 上海会议,其成果是上海外国语大学汇编的《首届汉语独特性理论与教学国际研讨会》论文摘要。陆俭明做了题为我关于字本位的基本观点的大会发言,并在双方辩论会上多次公开明确表示认同字是音义结合的最小单位这样的字本位观点,同时高度评价了百乐桑等对外汉语字本位教学路子。 潘文国做了题为我们为什么主张字本位?的大会发言,并强调研究汉语必须承认字的地位从字出发。 Re: 回复: Alternate notification 候補通知 03-10-2010 2010 年 3 月 13 日 周六下午 1:31 发件人 : 域名密钥已经确定发件人地址 IACL-NACCL Organizing Committee iacl18.2010@gmail.com 将发件人添加到联系人 收件人 : xiaohui zou qhkjy@yahoo.com.cn Dear author, We have taken the paper by 潘文國、周上之、鄒曉輝 ( 主筆 ) 、邹顺鹏 ( 校 稿 )as an alternate (with no guarantee that a presenting slot will be available). We have mailed the hard copy of the invitation letter to ZHOU Shangzhi, and we will mail the hard copy to ZOU Xiaohui immediately. If PAN Wenguo and ZOU Shunpeng also plans to attend the conference, please let us know his address so that we can mail the hard copy soon. Best, IACL-18 NACCL-22 Organizing Committee 尊敬的作者, 我们大会所接受作为候选报告的文章是由潘文国、周上之、邹晓辉 ( 主笔 ) 、邹顺鹏 ( 校 稿 ) 合写的字本位立论的基础。我们已给周上之发出了邀请函,我们即将给邹晓辉寄出邀请函,如果另外一位合写作者潘文国和邹顺鹏 ( 校 稿 ) 也希望出席会议的话,请告知其地址,以便尽早寄出邀请函。 国际中国语言学学会第十八届年会暨北美洲汉语语言学第二十二次会议组委会
个人分类: 语言学基础研究|215 次阅读|0 个评论
Harvard 计算机科学与经济学交叉研究组20100104
huangfuqiang 2010-1-4 22:21
Current Topics of Interest incentive-based environment design dynamic mechanisms the design of mechanism infrastructures and currencies for distributed and peer-to-peer systems preference elicitation information aggregation applications to e-commerce and social computing cryptographically secure auctions network formation games 主页
个人分类: 其它方面|4068 次阅读|0 个评论
Everything you ever wanted to know about Harvard
何毓琦 2009-10-17 16:01
Fornew readers and those who request to be “ 好友 good friends” please read my 公告 栏 first. Every ten years, most universities and colleges in the US go through what is known as an accreditation process. An outside group of scholars and administrators unconnected with the school in question are asked to visit the school for three days, ask questions, and issue a verdict/report about whether or not the school meet the standards to award the undergraduate and other graduate degrees. The process is quite a rigorous one and requires a great deal of preparation on the part of the university/college being thus examined. In preparation for the accreditation process for Harvard next month, the university did a 141 pages two year self study and evaluation report which is a treasure drove of information about every aspect of the University you can think of. It even contains information, historical and/or obscure, that I did not know after being here for 50 years (employed for 47 years). The URL for this report is http://www.provost.harvard.edu/institutional_research/HarvardUniversitySelf-Study.pdf Take a look if interested.
5551 次阅读|2 个评论
wangyk 2009-8-29 18:14
王 应 宽 2009-08-29 UTC-6 CST UMN, St Paul 美国访学见闻( 16 ):雾中游波士顿 7 月 2 日 ,游览一个新旧文化交融、充满活力的历史文化名城波士顿。因为天降中雨,加之港口城市水雾弥漫,整个城市笼罩在迷雾丛中。这是此次游程的最后一天,我们预订从波士顿返航,旅游大巴需要在下午 6 点以前赶到纽约,因此只有半天时间,主要参观了红砖碧瓦的哈佛大学、培养高科技人才的麻省理工学院、乘船在雨中游览了诗情画意的查理士河,最后去了昆西市场( Quincy Market )就餐和购物,然后作鸟兽散,各奔东西。 波士顿的唐人街 本人是学农的,在麻省理工也找到其技术应用的领域包括农业
个人分类: 游学美国|5707 次阅读|1 个评论
lincbacon 2009-6-12 23:40
Harvard Medical School in Ethics Quandary 最近在网上读到了一篇原发于纽约时报(NYtimes.com)的文章。文中对哈佛医学院学术道德的堕落进行了谴责。 感慨曾几何时, 世人仰视的哈佛,已深陷在道德泥潭中不可自拔。 文中说:哈佛医学院最近被全美医学生联合会给以F的评价。该组织主要针对医学院控制和监管来源于医药产业资金的能力进行评级。哈佛医学院的竞争对手们获得的评价要好一些,宾西法尼亚大学获得A级,斯坦福大学、哥伦比亚大学和纽约大学获得B,耶鲁大学则得到一个C。 联系 发生在哈佛医学院的一起严重学术造假 一事中,哈佛医学院主管科研诚信的副院长Margaret Dale和相关官员,千方百计,包庇学术造假。哈佛医学院为了金钱利益,已堕落到了基本放弃对学术不端的控制和监管。 排名第一的哈佛医学院,在美国医学生心目中,在如此重要的学术诚信指标上,已坠落至不及格的F级。 可能会有一些不知情的国人觉得匪夷所思。但美国医学生们告诉公众,这是实情。 在文中结尾, 《新英格兰医学杂志》的前主任编委 Marcia Angell博士说, ,如果哈佛这样的学校都不能遵守行业道德规矩,谁还能? 陷入道德泥潭的哈佛医学院(ZZ) Matt Zerdan 现在是哈佛医学院一名四年级的学生,他回想第一年在哈佛医学院的药理学课堂上,教授好像过多地讲述了降脂药物的好处,却不理会学生对药物副作用的提问。    Matt Zerdan的很多同学也有同感。 他后来从网上得到的资料验证了这种感觉那位教授不仅是哈佛医学院的全职工作人员,还是10家公司的收费顾问,其中包括5家生产降脂药物的公司。他说自已感觉受到了冒犯:我认为,这位教授传授给我们的信息是带有倾向性的。    Matt Zerdan等学生的反感情绪在不久前演变成了一场全校性的大型运动,200多名学生和有同感的教职员工参与其中,要求在哈佛医学院的17家附属教学医院 和研究所中降低医药产业对他们的课堂和实验室的影响。他们认为这些来源于医药产业,帮助建立学校世界性地位的资金实际上会损害学校的声誉,影响学校的教学。    这一由哈佛医学院师生发起的活动使哈佛医学院陷入了备受争议的药企门旋涡,也将迫使哈佛医学院对博士和研究者采取更加强硬的利益冲突政策。   哈佛医学院最近被全美医学生联合会给以F的评价。该组织主要针对医学院控制和监管来源于医药产业资金的能力进行评级。哈佛医学院的竞争对手 们获得的评价要好一些,宾西法尼亚大学获得A级,斯坦福大学、哥伦比亚大学和纽约大学获得B,耶鲁大学则得到一个C。   学生们认为学校应该对此感到不安。   哈佛医学院确实已经在这个方面落在了后面,许多教授和管理人员认为主要原因在于:首先,哈佛医学院的教学医院不完全属于医学院,其改革非常复杂;其次,该学院院长刚刚上任,而前任院长是医药产业的积极推动者,并长期担任一家大型制药公司董事会成员;其三,对这种资金的突然打压,可能会使学院在资金和人事方面造成损失。   而一些可能发生的难堪局面,诸如,联邦启动对几位重要教授关于利益冲突的调查,马萨诸塞州的新法律将实施所有医生必须公开医药公司赠予的超过五十美元的礼品等,也对哈佛医学院造成了强大的压力。哈佛医学院变革迫在眉睫。   上任不久的院长Jeffrey S. Flier认为必须学习其他医学院的好经验。2009年1月,他宣布成立了一个19人的委员会重新检查学院的利益冲突政策,委员会中包括三名学生。领导该委员会的是前任斯坦福医学院院长David Korn博士,四个月前他在哈佛上任担任副教务长,去年他曾帮助全美医学院联合会起草了一个医学院利益冲突政策的草稿。   哈佛学生的一项诉求已经实现所有的教授和讲师必须在课堂上公布和自己有商业联系的医药公司,这是其他医学院都还没有实行的一项政策(一个教授在课堂上公布了47家与自己相关的公司)。   24岁的Kirsten Austad是一位哈佛医学院一年级学生,他也是此次运动的领导者之一。他认为:哈佛必须树立自己的声 誉,我们不能在进入医学领域的初期就被灌输这些越来越商业化的专业知识。   David Tian同样是一位一年级的学生,他说:在来哈佛之前,我对医药公司影响医学教育之事并没有概念,现在看来有许多上不了台面的事情存在,许多信息以教育的名义提供给我们,但实际上带有明显的商业痕迹。   学生们说,他们担心制药产业近几年的丑闻包括一些刑事犯罪、大额罚款、发表有倾向性的研究论文、不当的市场宣传等,都会对医学专业造成错误的影响。学生们认为,比起其他医学院,哈佛在监管潜在的利益冲突方面缺乏警觉性。   但哈佛医学院的Flier院长却有自己的难处:学院从政府和慈善基金会接受资金,但也同时接受很多医药公司的资金。他不想也不能收紧这个口 子,学院资金的一个重要来源就是产业资金,但必须正确使用。他说。哈佛医学院的许多官员认为来自产业的支持是至关重要的,因为经济衰退导致广大的捐赠人捂紧了腰包,学院接受的捐赠自从2008年7月以来已经损失22%。   哈佛医学院目前没有能力统计所有医药产业流向学院的资金。已经知道的是,在来自制药公司的资金中,去年有超过860万美元用于基础研究,300万美元用于校内的继续教育,但绝大多数资金都给予了哈佛医学院相关教学医院的教授们,院长办公室没有办法跟踪全部记录。   但没有人怀疑许多哈佛医学院的教授可以通过咨询和讲课从医药公司获得数万或数百万美元。根据该学院的公开透明政策,8900名教授中已有 1600名教授和讲师向院长办公室发出公开声明:自己或家庭成员和某个与自己教学、研究或临床业务相关的公司有商业来往,其中149人和辉瑞有关,130 人和默沙东有关。   然而该学院的公开透明政策并不要求员工们提供讲课费或咨询费的具体数据,只要求提供一个大致范围,如超过3万美元。对于许多领导基础研究、教学或临床研究的专家,该政策会有一个大致的限制每年不超过3万美元的股票或每年2万美元的费用。但对于公司提供的奢侈礼物如免费晚餐、门票、旅行等 并没有具体限制。   来源于制药公司的资金还包括:产业资金捐助的学校基金会,比如三个由睡眠研究公司赞助的超过800万美元的基金会;激励奖金,如以百时美施贵宝 公司命名的5万美元的员工奖金;奖学金,如辉瑞公司每年出资100万美元奖励20名医学博士,鼓励他们进行一项为期两年的临床研究并获得哈佛医学科学硕士学位,其中包括学习一些辉瑞公司科学家讲授的课程。   现任哈佛医学院院长的Flier博士,之前也接受过百时美施贵宝公司旗下50万美元的研究经费,他还是三家生物技术公司的高级顾问,但他说他已经结束了这些商业联系,并且没再有新的产业联系。   Flier和他的前任B.Martin博士形成了鲜明对比。哈佛允许B.Martin在领导医学院期间长期担任百特公司的董事会成员,百特公司 每年支付给他的薪水高达19.7万美元。B.Martin目前仍然在哈佛医学院任职,是哈佛神经研究中心的创建者和联合主席,主要研究退行性疾病。他至今仍然在积极寻求产业资金来进行研究。   事实上,并不是所有的师生都反对医学院和医药公司的联系。与Matt Zerdan等师生的态度不一样,哈佛医学院学生中有一个更小的团体,征集了100个签名,主要目的是支持哈佛医学院内继续保持产业和医学的联系。   22岁的Vijay Yanamadala是这个团体的领导人之一。他认为,来源于产业的资金先天具有偏向性的说法是有问题的。   鼓励他们的是Thomas P. Stossel博士,他曾经担任默沙东、BIOGEN IDEC和DYAX等公司的高级顾问,写过许多科研和产业联系的文章,他认为如果真实地来看,产业和科研之间的联系产生的好处远远大于害处,哈佛医学院绝对可以从产业中得到更多资金,并且会非常容易,现在是一个很好的发掘机会。   26岁的哈佛医学院二年级医学生Brian Fuchs认为,制药公司对许多重要医学成果有很多支持。他指着哈佛医学院附近一座12层的楼说:实际上,默沙东一直在那里。   2004年,默沙东公司在哈佛医学院新的医学研究中心附近建立了一个公司研究中心,而且在哈佛医学院内也作了很多工作,如帮助建设 Glimcher博士领导的免疫研究室。同时,Glimcher博士又是百时美施贵宝公司的顾问委员,2007年她从百时美施贵宝公司获得27万美元收 入。   Glimcher博士认为,来自产业的资金不仅是正确的而且是必要的。她在最近一次学生和员工关于产业联系的论坛上说:如果没有产业资金的支 持,我们将没有办法建立实验室的骨干队伍。默沙东公司希望她的团队可以帮助公司开发Fosamax的后续产品。Fosamax每年有30亿美元的销售 额,但是其专利于2008年到期。   然而,对此,《新英格兰医学杂志》的前主任编委,哈佛医学院教授Marcia Angell博士则认为,医药产业的利润动力不符合医学研究的科学目的,许多产业联系不仅需要公布,更需要禁止。许多教授对此非常支持,他们认为很多医学院现在和制药公司之间已经签订了一份浮士德契约。   如果哈佛这样的学校都不能遵守行业道德规矩,Marcia Angell博士说,谁还能? (本报道英文原版出自New York Times, http://www.nytimes.com/2009/03/03/business/03medschool.html 中文版本转自搜狐网站) Harvard Medical School students like Kirsten Austad, left; Lekshmi Santhosh, Kim Sue and David Tian, members of the American Medical Student Association, object to the influence of drug companies in the schools educational curriculum.
个人分类: 学术和造假|10969 次阅读|0 个评论
Harvard Computer Science Technical Reports
huangfuqiang 2009-5-19 14:30
来源: ftp://ftp.deas.harvard.edu/techreports/tr.html Title, author, and abstract information for technical reports from the Harvard Computer Science program from 1987 to date are indexed below. Many, especially since 1994, include pointers to the on-line papers themselves. In addition, Harvard technical reports are indexed through the Unified Computer Science Technical Report Index , which also includes keyword searching capability. To obtain copies of technical reports not available directly through this WWW service, contact Gordon McKay Library ( library@seas.harvard.edu ). Last update: April 23, 2009 11:08:04 am. 1987 reports 1988 reports 1989 reports 1990 reports 1991 reports 1992 reports 1993 reports 1994 reports 1995 reports 1996 reports 1997 reports 1998 reports 1999 reports 2000 reports 2001 reports 2002 reports 2003 reports 2004 reports 2005 reports 2006 reports 2007 reports 2008 reports 2009 reports
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Focusing on Senior Talent Training and Profound Knowledge Management
geneculture 2009-3-3 17:41
Zou Shun Peng , China University of Geosciences (Beijing), China, 100083 Zou Xiao Hui , visiting scholar, guest professor Abstrac t: This paper gives a clear boundary of thought by using the terms of College Education and College Management instead of existing ambiguous terms of Higher Education Administration or Higher Education Management. Consequently, the using of the terms not only regulates these two growing disciplines but also define Education-Management in broad sense and in narrow sense respectively from the perspective of College Education, College Management and their upper and subordinate logical relations. Among them, the former research object is Education and Management in college, while the latter research object is the Teaching and Management in college together with the Research and Management in college and the Service and Management in college. The significance of using such clear boundary terms lies not only in itself but also in helping to express clear concepts focusing on senior talent training and profound knowledge management. Keywords : College Education, College Management, Education-Management. http://www.conferencealerts.com/highed.htm Higher Education Conferences Worldwide May 2010 31 Global Conference for Academic Disciplines at Harvard Boston Conference at Harvard: HAR323 2010年3月10日 周三上午3:04 发件人: conference@internationaljournal.org conference@internationaljournal.org 将发件人添加到联系人 收件人: qhkjy@yahoo.com.cn 包含附件的邮件 1 个文件 (51KB) HAR323.pdf This is to share with you theacceptance letter (attached)about yoursubmission for the International Journal of Arts and Sciences' conference at Harvard University, which has been accepted by the reviewers. Congratulations! Tomorrow we will airmail you a copy of it. We will also attempt to fax it to you. Please do not hesitate to contact me in case of any questions. Sincerely, Mark Bridge Conferences Department International Journal of Arts and Sciences 99 Sleepy Hollow Dr Cumberland RI 02864-3236 USA http://www.internationaljournal.org/ P Please consider the environment before printing this email
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