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[转载]Data: Wild & Human Influence
lixujeremy 2015-2-7 14:46
Last of the Wild (IGHP), v2 (1995 – 2004) Last of the Wild (Geographic), v2 (1995 – 2004) Global Human Influence Index (IGHP), v2 (1995 – 2004) Global Human Influence Index (Geographic), v2 (1995 – 2004) Global Human Footprint (IGHP), v2 (1995 – 2004) Global Human Footprint (Geographic), v2 (1995 – 2004)
个人分类: Data|986 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 4 fs007 2011-4-24 11:53
寻正 在剽窃史上,因为他的名气与剽窃的方式,斯蒂芬 * 安蒙布罗斯( Stephen Ambrose )占据重要地位。 安蒙布罗斯是著名的美国历史学家,著述等身,撰写过许多文笔优美的畅销历史书,曾在露易斯安娜州立大学、约翰霍普金斯大学、罗格斯大学、加州大学伯克莱分校等名校中任教,曾为尼克松与爱森豪威尔总统写传记,获得过全国人文科学奖、国防部特别公共服务奖、西奥多 * 罗斯福奖等多项重要荣誉。他在多个历史剧中担任历史顾问,包括大多数国人看过的《拯救大兵雷恩》,他是《兄弟连》的执行制片人,该片获得六项艾米大奖( Emmy Award )。 在 2002 年,安蒙布罗斯因患癌症去世,但在去世前,他的作品中存在大量剽窃现象被人爆光,让他光辉的一生在遗憾中结束。不象不少中国剽窃者,安蒙布罗斯与其出版商及时回应了剽窃指控,承认了自己在写作中的失误并为之道歉,还进一步采取了补救措施,比如重新较对被指控有剽窃的书。然而,公众对其剽窃行为仍未轻易原谅,揭露剽窃者顺藤摸瓜,追查出了其更多的剽窃,包括他在当初学位论文中的剽窃。 在国外剽窃丑闻中,如果不是在法庭中打官,几乎从不发生否认剽窃事实的争议,因为剽窃就是剽窃,稍有良知的人入眼便能判断什么是剽窃,什么是正当写作。安蒙布罗斯为自己的剽窃行为道歉,强调自己无意偷窃他人学术与写作成果,但不为别人发现公布的剽窃事实狡辩。 同事的事发生在中国,剽窃者的首要反应多半是极力否认剽窃事实,会有一帮子同情者置自己公共信誉于不顾,巅倒学术与写作伦理中的是非判断,用种种混淆污染视听的方式,千方百计抹煞剽窃与正当复述等之间的有如鸿沟般的界限,来抵赖剽窃事实,推脱剽窃责任。美国作者与出品商往往会回收并销毁剽窃作品,公开向读者致歉,中国剽窃者与出版商甚少这么做。 安蒙布罗斯的剽窃的典型特点是注明出处的剽窃。他一般会注明其引用资料的来源,并将原文的话稍做修改,变成自己的创作。中国著名“科普”作家与“打假斗士”方舟子曾写过一篇文章,强调抄剽行为在定量上的严格,“抄一小段也是抄”。事实上,剽窃的定义比这句话更为严格, 抄一句话也是抄 。 安蒙布罗斯的剽窃被爆光后,多家杂志加入了声讨行列,我在这里摘录来自福布斯( Forbes.com )的两篇文章中的为西方媒体认定的部分安蒙布罗斯抄袭文字,希望以此可以提高中国读者与作者对剽窃的分辨能力,提高写作素养,不蹈覆辙。 《野蓝》( The Wild Blue )是安蒙布罗斯在 2001 年发表的一本描述第二次世界大战盟军战士亲身亲历的历史普及读物,是安蒙布罗斯被爆光剽窃行为的开始。安蒙布罗斯在原书中基本上都对原始资料有交待,但他仍然因为直接复制了原文而未加(引号)注明而陷入剽窃指责中。他的剽窃文字在许多中国人眼中几乎可以忽略不计,不少只有一句话,还有掩盖性的改写。限于篇幅,我只摘取部分抄袭文字与原文的对照,进一步了解,请参考 《安蒙布罗斯写了〈野蓝〉,还是只进行了编辑?》 (作者: Mark Lewis )。 原始文献 安蒙布罗斯抄袭文字 "Just as we reached the bomb-release point, the high box of six ships drifted right over our box, and a bombardier from the 716th released his stick of 500-pound bombs. I was looking out my window at the time and saw the first bomb strike our wing man right at the top turret. There was a tremendous explosion, and the plane carrying Pickard's crew disintegrated into little flaming pieces. It happened in an instant, and it was hard to believe that these guys who trained with us and who lived in the next tent to us were gone." 出处:Currier, 69页 "On another mission, Lt. Donald Currier reached the bomb release point when a B-24 drifted right over his squadron. Over Currier's head, the plane dropped its stick of 500-pound bombs. Currier was looking out his window at the time and saw the first bomb strike his wingman at the top turret. There was a tremendous explosion and the plane disintegrated into flaming pieces. It happened in an instant. Currier found it hard to believe that the guys who had trained with him and occupied the tent next to him were gone. Just gone." 182-183页 "Merritt banked the plane steeply to the left and headed toward the rally point and home." 出处:Merritt,33页 "After dropping the bombs, he banked steeply to the left and headed toward the rally point and home." 162页 "In the top turret, Carbo breathed easy and said to himself: 'We've made this one." 出处: Merritt, 33 页 "The gunner in the top turret, Sgt. Nick Carbo, had just breathed easy and said to himself: 'We've made this one,' when the bursts came." 162 页 "In the cockpit, a piece of shrapnel exploded through the flight deck and blew out one of the plexiglass panels overhead. Merritt fought the wheel as the plane heaved and slowed to the brink of stalling; then she began dropping..." 出处: Merritt, 33 页 "One piece of shrapnel exploded through the flight deck...Merritt fought the wheel as the plane heaved and slowed to the brink of stalling. Then it began dropping." 162 页 "One day as we drove into his farmyard we saw Art sitting on the steps of his back porch, tears streaking down his dusty face. I had seldom seen an adult cry. Art Kendall explained to my dad that he had just received a check from the stockyards for a year's production of pigs. The check did not cover the cost of trucking the pigs to market." 出处: McGovern, 10 页 "Once, while hunting with his father, he saw a farmer named Art Kendall sitting on the steps of his back porch, tears streaming down his face. Kendall explained to McGovern's father that he had just received a check from the stockyards for that year's production of pigs. The check did not cover the cost of trucking the pigs to market." 30 页 "Rounds was a bouncy, wisecracking prankster from Kansas, the very image of a devil-may-care flyboy." 出处: Anson, 40 页 "He was a wisecracking prankster, the image of a devil-may-care flyboy." 35 页 "It was only then that he (McGovern) noticed that the mechanic had an English overall with RAF insignia on it and a cap with a red star. 'What are you doing here,' he asked him, still holding him by the shoulders. 'I'm a partisan squadron aircraft mechanic, Section B.' 'Good boy!' praised McGovern, shaking his hand once more." 出处 Selhaus, 187 页 "Then he noticed that Sever had on English overalls with RAF insignia on it, plus a cap with a red star. 'What are you doing here?' McGovern asked. 'I'm a partisan squadron aircraft mechanic, Section B,' Sever answered. 'Good boy,' McGovern replied, shaking his hand once again." 195-196 页 注,原始作者清单: Anson : McGovern , by Robert Sam Anson (Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1972): Currier : 50 Mission Crush , by Donald R. Currier (Burd Street Press, 1992): McGovern : Grassroots: The Autobiography of George McGovern (Random House, 1977): Merritt : Goodbye, Liberty Belle: A Son's Search for His Father's War , by J.I. Merritt (Wright State University Press, 1993): McGovern : Grassroots: The Autobiography of George McGovern (Random House, 1977): Selhaus : Evasion and Repatriation , by Edi Selhaus (Sunflower University Press, 1993): 安蒙布罗斯的抄袭被爆光后,记者还追查到他的从前作品有剽窃行为,大部分是注明了出处,但在使用别人的文字时,并未以引号等方式注明。他的剽窃行为还被追查到了其博士毕业论文,下面是针对 《安蒙布罗斯问题追述至其博士学位论文》 (作者: Mark Lewis )剽窃文字对比的部分摘录。 原始文献 安蒙布罗斯抄袭文字 "That is to say, the general staff agreed to call for a regular army of 281,000 men with veteran reserves to raise it to 500,000, plus a 'Continental Army' of part-time trainees roughly on the Swiss model. The Continental Army was to be a federal rather than a state force, but secured through volunteering." 出处: Weigley, 218 页 "They asked for a regular Army of 281,000 men with enough reserves to raise it to 500,000 plus a 'Continental Army' of part-time trainees. The Continental Army was to be a federal rather than a state force, secured through volunteering." 158 页 "The gunners sent double charges of canister plowing through the Confederate ranks, and at close range the effect was fantastic." 出处: Catton, 126 页 "The gunners sent a double charge of canister through the Confederate ranks." 35 页 "Although badly wounded in the thigh by a fragment of shell, which laid bare the femoral artery..." 出处: Wison, 第一部 554 页 "It tore his thigh muscle open and laid bare the femoral artery..." 41 页 "Rigid though it was at times, yet the chastisement was always given in love rather than in anger." 出处: Michie, 24 页 "They were, he admitted, rigid, but their chastisement was given in love rather than anger..." 12 页 "He and his suite were mounted and preceded by a platoon of dragoons, as an escort." 出处: Michie, 23 页 "The Prince and his suite were mounted and, proceeded (sic) by a platoon of dragoons serving as an escort..." 10 页 "The ignorant people of Italy are now fighting for liberty; the chivalrous South is fighting for slavery." 出处: Michie, 33 页 "Even the ignorant people of Italy were fighting for liberty while the 'chivalrous' South fought for slavery." 13 页 "He is energetic, and he is drawing all the talent he can from our army." 出处: Michie, 33 页 "Davis was drawing all the talent he could from the Army..." 13页 "He was punctilious in the discharge of his social obligations...Exacting the strictest discipline, he tempered it with kindness and consideration." 出处: Michie, 466 页 "His sister Sara kept house for him, and she insisted upon a punctilious discharge of his social obligations...He exacted the strictest discipline from his troops..." 137 页 注:安蒙布罗斯博士论发表成书,此表页码指其单行本中页码。下面为原始作者清单: Weigley : Towards an American Army , by Russell Weigley (Columbia University Press, 1962): Catton : A Stillness at Appomattox , by Bruce Catton (Doubleday, 1953): Wilson : Under the Old Flag , by James Harrison Wilson (D. Appleton, 1912): Michie : The Life and Letters of Emory Upton , by Peter Michie (D. Appleton, 1885): 结论 注明出处的剽窃,仍然是剽窃,只要是直接复制,如果未加特别注明(一般用引号注明,但也可用其它形式,比如着色,段落缩进等方式),就是抄袭。更多理论的讨论,见拙处 《科普作者应知剽窃规范》 。抄袭并没有量上的限制,抄一句话也是抄。安蒙布罗斯多在原文稍有变动,但此类变动断然不可视为复述,仍然是直接复制式的抄袭。
个人分类: 伪劣科普打假|3053 次阅读|3 个评论
carldy 2010-4-29 23:25
Is it advantageous to use cloning technology for wild animal protecting 反方: 英语(商务方向) 0802 1 ,王萍: Recently , the issue of is it advantages to use cloning technology for wild animal protecting is a controversial one . And we firmly believe that it is disadvantages to use cloning technology for wild animal protecting. There are four reasons to support my view. 1. The problem with experiment. Do you want to use wild animals to experiment cloning technology? Of course not .So how to deal with this problem. 2. Cloning does not increase species diversity. Survival of the fittest is a rule of nature. If the disappearance of wild animal is not because of human, it means this kind of animal does not fit for the nature. 3. The cloning technology isn't so mature. It is short of theory basics and practical conditions. People still have a long way to go. 4. We should protect wild animal rather than use cloning technology. One of the professor in IZ, CAS said , It is insignificant to use cloning technology to protect wild animal . We should have more World Natural Heritages site to protect wild animal , so it will promote the protecting of species diversity . Nowadays , the habitat of the wild animal suffer a lot because of human's destruction . In order to gain more so called maximum benefit , human killed a lot of wild animal and force them into extremity . The main reason for wild animals 's near extinction is human .So the dominant measures to deal with this problem is protecting . If everyone thinks that use cloning to protect wild animal , the problem will become worse .It just like Due to a wrong approach , success is impossible . 2 ,庄淑娟: One of important reasons why the wild animals are endangered is man-made, humans want to use cloning technology for his mistake to protect the wild animals. But wild animals in nature survive themselves in the competition and maintain the balance of nature. Cloning animals will not only break between the food chains,but also break the balance of nature, even cause greater disaster. 3 ,萧楚霞 The definition of Cloning: Cloning refers to a scientific technique that involves creating a genetic duplicate of an already existing animal or person. It can also mean making a genetic copy or duplicate of a DNA sequence, a cell, not just the entire organism. i kind of sympathize with your point of view, but what we mustnt overlook is the fact that the cloning technology will in all likelihood bring up some more complicated diseases 0f genes , and some balance of genes thereby be shattered., let me give you an example, in 2000, China cloned the first goat ,but it died from the abnormal lungs in 36 hours. And many cases like this kept occurring, then how can we call this method advantageous if the individual cant be kept alive as normal ones? another example, in 2003, Dolly s lung was seriously infected ,finally ,the mercy killing was carried out on her . and her premature death posed a warn against the cloning research of deficiency and danger. So why we have to hang on this method? So it's better to focus on the two effective measures , that are the local preserve and alien preserve s measures , rather than investing countless fund and attention on the project of less prospects. And set on sth more meaning , just like YaoMing declared about rejecting eating shark fins in the press conference . Yes I can see the point of yours, but have you ever noticed that cloning will be bound to decline the genetic diversity. Try to imagine ,when some certain wild animals become endangered, cloning bring the identical individuals to earth , they will confront with the intermarriage as well . thus the genes cant be optimized ,then eliminated by nature . in a word , we cant protect wild animals either by this way. I am opposed to Cloning technology in terms of many factors Firstly , in the ecological aspect , Cloning technology will threat genetic diversity , which do a considerable harm to the survival of creatures . Secondly, in the culture layer, animals cloning is an alternative to natural reproduction, which break the biological evolution of self-regulation, with the typical nature of the anti-natural. Yes , I wholeheartedly hope my deceased pet will be brought back to life ,and if I were the parent , I would also hope my kids to come back tome miraculously . but you have ignored the incidence of the sucessful outcome throughtout the way . after all , Dolly sucessfully befell on the earth after 276 failures. Besides ,although the product of cloning bear a incredible resemblence in the appearance , the blood type , the genes , their characters probably are quite the opposite , then I doubt you will the satisfied with the substitute. I want to remind you that if you are inclined to protect ocean creatures by means of cloning , the difficulty of transplanting embryos into the uterus is huge compare with the land animals . It was reported by reference news that among the 10 cows died 5, which demonstrated that to date , we can only turn to cloning technology when there is no other approach available , but never count on it to protect wild animals . Its impractical theoretically . One of the continuing obstacles in the attempt to clone extinct species is the need for nearly perfect DNA. Cloning from a single specimen could not create a viable breeding population in sexually reproducing animals. Furthermore, even if males and females were to be cloned, the question would remain open whether they would be viable at all in the absence of parents that could teach or show them their natural behavior. Essentially, if cloning an extinct species were successful it must be considered that cloning is still an experimental technology that succeeds only by chance it is more likely than not that any resulting animals, even if they were healthy, would be little more than curios or museum pieces. Cloning endangered species is a highly ideological issue. Many conservation biologists and environmentalists vehemently oppose cloning endangered species mainly because they think it may deter donations to help preserve natural habitat and wild animal populations. The rule-of-thumb in animal conservation is that, if it is still feasible to conserve habitat and viable wild populations, breeding in captivity should not be undertaken in isolation. In a 2006 review, David Ehrenfeld concluded that cloning in animal conservation is an experimental technology that, at its state in 2006, could not be expected to work except by pure chance and utterly failed a cost-benefit analysis. Furthermore, he said, it is likely to siphon funds from established and working projects and does not address any of the issues underlying animal extinction (such as habitat destruction, hunting or other overexploitation, and an impoverished gene pool). While cloning technologies are well-established and used on a regular basis in plant conservation, care must be taken to ensure genetic diversity. He concluded: Vertebrate cloning poses little risk to the environment, but it can consume scarce conservation resources, and its chances of success in preserving species seem poor. To date, the conservation benefits of transgenics and vertebrate cloning remain entirely theoretical, but many of the risks are known and documented. Conservation biologists should devote their research and energies to the established methods of conservation, none of which require transgenics or vertebrate cloning. 方艳 Its not advantageous to use cloning technology for wild animal protecting Our group holds the view that its not advantageous to use cloning technology for wild animal protecting. Firstly, natural selection is a process in which the proper exists, unwell eliminated. Thousands of years have proved it to be a process which is benefit for natural evolution .However ,we have learned from our high-school biology that cloning technology is not helpful for the diversity of genes .For example ,if a group of wild animals are infected with a disease ,cloning technology will not be helpful for the producing of disease-resistant genes .And then there is no doubt that it will also be harmful for the diversity of science .So we should not encourage cloning technology for the benefit of science evolution. Secondly, we all know that there exists food chains in science .Wild animals can live properly only when food chains are proper .Clone technology just clone the same more wild animals .It cant change the present situation that natural environment has been seriously damaged, food chains have been destroyed .So protecting wild animals, what we need to do is protecting food chains instead of using cloning technology. Thirdly, although cloning technology clones an amount of individuals, add to the numbers of wild animals. As we have learnt from high-school biology, we all know that these animals cloned are all close relatives .So they cant copulate and produce generations of high quality .So cloning technology is not useful at all. Last but not least, its said that animals cloned are easily to die .They happen to grow unhealthy, hard to live and hard to produce .The survival rate of wild animals cloned is low .Some cloned animals die as soon as they are produced .So we should not encourage clone .More often, what we chase should be quality but not quantity, shouldnt we? Jiangzhigang, the researcher of animals said in a forum that cloning technology is difficult to create a colorful colony. Its not useful and meaningful for protecting wild animals .Our country should have more worldwide natural animal-protecting terries to promote the protections of wild animals diversity .Its an original words of an animal expert .How can we deny that? 刘秋敏 Is it advantageous to use cloning technology for wild animal protecting Todays technology develops so quickly that many impossible things become true the cloning technology is the example. Scientists have been cloning animals for many years. This most commonly involves a technique known as somatic cell 体细胞 nucleus transfer (SCNT).In 1952, the first animal, a tadpole 蝌蚪 , was cloned. Before the creation of Dolly, the first mammal 哺乳动物 cloned from the cell of an adult animal, clones were created from embryonic 胚胎的 cells. Since Dolly, researchers have cloned a number of large and small animals including sheep, goats 山羊 , cows, mice, pigs, cats, rabbits, and a gaur 野牛 . See Cloned Animals above. All these clones were created using nuclear transfer technology. What is cloning?cloning is a way of makingon exact copy of another animal or plant.Different from the common propagate, cloning need only one cell and without sex.Animal cloning is about producing an animal that is essentially a copy of the original. Reproductive cloning could be used to repopulate endangered animals or animals that are difficult to breed. But it raised arguments. In my own opinion I disagree to clone the endangered animal. Although the cloning technology should be respected,cloning still has some problems. First, animal clones may develop the illnesses of older animals.Cloning represents a loss of genetic diversity. A major loss in genetic diversity can cause a species to be less disease resistant. The scientists found that the cloning animals has a little different from the common animal. If the clone comes from a breed that is free from certain diseases, the disease may be eliminated from the breed. Also, the best breeds and the highest quality meat and other products could be produced consistently. Potential benefits, however, have to be weighed against any possible risks. Second, animal clones may die younger than the donor animals.The fact proved that, the cloning sheep Dolly has died. It only has the half life of the common sheep.So the life will shorter than the real life. Third, Clones are not always exact replicas of the original. Randomness can cause genetic variations, even amongst clone offspring. It destroy the diversity of animals of the globe. Hundreds of cloned animals exist today, but the number of different species is limited. Attempts at cloning certain species such as monkeys, chickens, horses, and dogs, have been unsuccessful. In the end, I think cloning is new technology, it should be accepted. But it isn't advantageous to use cloning technology for wild animal protecting. We should know the effect of cloning for the animals. The most important thing we can do for protecting the wild animals is to build enough nature reserves and give the animals a comfortable space to live in. The easiest way to protecting wild animals is to make laws to reduce and stop people from hunting, buying and selling wild animals. We are supposed to refuse to eat wildlife animals and trying our best to plant some trees that can protect their environment. It is useful to achieve our dreams by telling more and more people why and how to protect the animals. Only in this way can we call on people from all over the world to protect the wildlife. One other useful thing is to punish anyone who hunts animals illegally by using poisoning chemical and other illegal hunting and buys and sells wild animals.
个人分类: 英语课堂素材 Materials from Classroom|9 次阅读|0 个评论
carldy 2010-4-29 23:25
Is it advantageous to use cloning technology for wild animal protecting 英语(商务方向) 0802 1 ,王萍: Recently , the issue of is it advantages to use cloning technology for wild animal protecting is a controversial one . And we firmly believe that it is disadvantages to use cloning technology for wild animal protecting. There are four reasons to support my view. 1. The problem with experiment. Do you want to use wild animals to experiment cloning technology? Of course not .So how to deal with this problem. 2. Cloning does not increase species diversity. Survival of the fittest is a rule of nature. If the disappearance of wild animal is not because of human, it means this kind of animal does not fit for the nature. 3. The cloning technology isn't so mature. It is short of theory basics and practical conditions. People still have a long way to go. 4. We should protect wild animal rather than use cloning technology. One of the professor in IZ, CAS said , It is insignificant to use cloning technology to protect wild animal . We should have more World Natural Heritages site to protect wild animal , so it will promote the protecting of species diversity . Nowadays , the habitat of the wild animal suffer a lot because of human's destruction . In order to gain more so called maximum benefit , human killed a lot of wild animal and force them into extremity . The main reason for wild animals 's near extinction is human .So the dominant measures to deal with this problem is protecting . If everyone thinks that use cloning to protect wild animal , the problem will become worse .It just like Due to a wrong approach , success is impossible . 2 ,庄淑娟: One of important reasons why the wild animals are endangered is man-made, humans want to use cloning technology for his mistake to protect the wild animals. But wild animals in nature survive themselves in the competition and maintain the balance of nature. Cloning animals will not only break between the food chains,but also break the balance of nature, even cause greater disaster. 3 ,萧楚霞 The definition of Cloning: Cloning refers to a scientific technique that involves creating a genetic duplicate of an already existing animal or person. It can also mean making a genetic copy or duplicate of a DNA sequence, a cell, not just the entire organism. i kind of sympathize with your point of view, but what we mustnt overlook is the fact that the cloning technology will in all likelihood bring up some more complicated diseases 0f genes , and some balance of genes thereby be shattered., let me give you an example, in 2000, China cloned the first goat ,but it died from the abnormal lungs in 36 hours. And many cases like this kept occurring, then how can we call this method advantageous if the individual cant be kept alive as normal ones? another example, in 2003, Dolly s lung was seriously infected ,finally ,the mercy killing was carried out on her . and her premature death posed a warn against the cloning research of deficiency and danger. So why we have to hang on this method? So it's better to focus on the two effective measures , that are the local preserve and alien preserve s measures , rather than investing countless fund and attention on the project of less prospects. And set on sth more meaning , just like YaoMing declared about rejecting eating shark fins in the press conference . Yes I can see the point of yours, but have you ever noticed that cloning will be bound to decline the genetic diversity. Try to imagine ,when some certain wild animals become endangered, cloning bring the identical individuals to earth , they will confront with the intermarriage as well . thus the genes cant be optimized ,then eliminated by nature . in a word , we cant protect wild animals either by this way. I am opposed to Cloning technology in terms of many factors Firstly , in the ecological aspect , Cloning technology will threat genetic diversity , which do a considerable harm to the survival of creatures . Secondly, in the culture layer, animals cloning is an alternative to natural reproduction, which break the biological evolution of self-regulation, with the typical nature of the anti-natural. Yes , I wholeheartedly hope my deceased pet will be brought back to life ,and if I were the parent , I would also hope my kids to come back tome miraculously . but you have ignored the incidence of the sucessful outcome throughtout the way . after all , Dolly sucessfully befell on the earth after 276 failures. Besides ,although the product of cloning bear a incredible resemblence in the appearance , the blood type , the genes , their characters probably are quite the opposite , then I doubt you will the satisfied with the substitute. I want to remind you that if you are inclined to protect ocean creatures by means of cloning , the difficulty of transplanting embryos into the uterus is huge compare with the land animals . It was reported by reference news that among the 10 cows died 5, which demonstrated that to date , we can only turn to cloning technology when there is no other approach available , but never count on it to protect wild animals . Its impractical theoretically . One of the continuing obstacles in the attempt to clone extinct species is the need for nearly perfect DNA. Cloning from a single specimen could not create a viable breeding population in sexually reproducing animals. Furthermore, even if males and females were to be cloned, the question would remain open whether they would be viable at all in the absence of parents that could teach or show them their natural behavior. Essentially, if cloning an extinct species were successful it must be considered that cloning is still an experimental technology that succeeds only by chance it is more likely than not that any resulting animals, even if they were healthy, would be little more than curios or museum pieces. Cloning endangered species is a highly ideological issue. Many conservation biologists and environmentalists vehemently oppose cloning endangered species mainly because they think it may deter donations to help preserve natural habitat and wild animal populations. The rule-of-thumb in animal conservation is that, if it is still feasible to conserve habitat and viable wild populations, breeding in captivity should not be undertaken in isolation. In a 2006 review, David Ehrenfeld concluded that cloning in animal conservation is an experimental technology that, at its state in 2006, could not be expected to work except by pure chance and utterly failed a cost-benefit analysis. Furthermore, he said, it is likely to siphon funds from established and working projects and does not address any of the issues underlying animal extinction (such as habitat destruction, hunting or other overexploitation, and an impoverished gene pool). While cloning technologies are well-established and used on a regular basis in plant conservation, care must be taken to ensure genetic diversity. He concluded: Vertebrate cloning poses little risk to the environment, but it can consume scarce conservation resources, and its chances of success in preserving species seem poor. To date, the conservation benefits of transgenics and vertebrate cloning remain entirely theoretical, but many of the risks are known and documented. Conservation biologists should devote their research and energies to the established methods of conservation, none of which require transgenics or vertebrate cloning. 方艳 Its not advantageous to use cloning technology for wild animal protecting Our group holds the view that its not advantageous to use cloning technology for wild animal protecting. Firstly, natural selection is a process in which the proper exists, unwell eliminated. Thousands of years have proved it to be a process which is benefit for natural evolution .However ,we have learned from our high-school biology that cloning technology is not helpful for the diversity of genes .For example ,if a group of wild animals are infected with a disease ,cloning technology will not be helpful for the producing of disease-resistant genes .And then there is no doubt that it will also be harmful for the diversity of science .So we should not encourage cloning technology for the benefit of science evolution. Secondly, we all know that there exists food chains in science .Wild animals can live properly only when food chains are proper .Clone technology just clone the same more wild animals .It cant change the present situation that natural environment has been seriously damaged, food chains have been destroyed .So protecting wild animals, what we need to do is protecting food chains instead of using cloning technology. Thirdly, although cloning technology clones an amount of individuals, add to the numbers of wild animals. As we have learnt from high-school biology, we all know that these animals cloned are all close relatives .So they cant copulate and produce generations of high quality .So cloning technology is not useful at all. Last but not least, its said that animals cloned are easily to die .They happen to grow unhealthy, hard to live and hard to produce .The survival rate of wild animals cloned is low .Some cloned animals die as soon as they are produced .So we should not encourage clone .More often, what we chase should be quality but not quantity, shouldnt we? Jiangzhigang, the researcher of animals said in a forum that cloning technology is difficult to create a colorful colony. Its not useful and meaningful for protecting wild animals .Our country should have more worldwide natural animal-protecting terries to promote the protections of wild animals diversity .Its an original words of an animal expert .How can we deny that? 刘秋敏 Is it advantageous to use cloning technology for wild animal protecting Todays technology develops so quickly that many impossible things become true the cloning technology is the example. Scientists have been cloning animals for many years. This most commonly involves a technique known as somatic cell 体细胞 nucleus transfer (SCNT).In 1952, the first animal, a tadpole 蝌蚪 , was cloned. Before the creation of Dolly, the first mammal 哺乳动物 cloned from the cell of an adult animal, clones were created from embryonic 胚胎的 cells. Since Dolly, researchers have cloned a number of large and small animals including sheep, goats 山羊 , cows, mice, pigs, cats, rabbits, and a gaur 野牛 . See Cloned Animals above. All these clones were created using nuclear transfer technology. What is cloning?cloning is a way of makingon exact copy of another animal or plant.Different from the common propagate, cloning need only one cell and without sex.Animal cloning is about producing an animal that is essentially a copy of the original. Reproductive cloning could be used to repopulate endangered animals or animals that are difficult to breed. But it raised arguments. In my own opinion I disagree to clone the endangered animal. Although the cloning technology should be respected,cloning still has some problems. First, animal clones may develop the illnesses of older animals.Cloning represents a loss of genetic diversity. A major loss in genetic diversity can cause a species to be less disease resistant. The scientists found that the cloning animals has a little different from the common animal. If the clone comes from a breed that is free from certain diseases, the disease may be eliminated from the breed. Also, the best breeds and the highest quality meat and other products could be produced consistently. Potential benefits, however, have to be weighed against any possible risks. Second, animal clones may die younger than the donor animals.The fact proved that, the cloning sheep Dolly has died. It only has the half life of the common sheep.So the life will shorter than the real life. Third, Clones are not always exact replicas of the original. Randomness can cause genetic variations, even amongst clone offspring. It destroy the diversity of animals of the globe. Hundreds of cloned animals exist today, but the number of different species is limited. Attempts at cloning certain species such as monkeys, chickens, horses, and dogs, have been unsuccessful. In the end, I think cloning is new technology, it should be accepted. But it isn't advantageous to use cloning technology for wild animal protecting. We should know the effect of cloning for the animals. The most important thing we can do for protecting the wild animals is to build enough nature reserves and give the animals a comfortable space to live in. The easiest way to protecting wild animals is to make laws to reduce and stop people from hunting, buying and selling wild animals. We are supposed to refuse to eat wildlife animals and trying our best to plant some trees that can protect their environment. It is useful to achieve our dreams by telling more and more people why and how to protect the animals. Only in this way can we call on people from all over the world to protect the wildlife. One other useful thing is to punish anyone who hunts animals illegally by using poisoning chemical and other illegal hunting and buys and sells wild animals.
个人分类: 英语课堂素材 Materials from Classroom|5371 次阅读|0 个评论
carldy 2010-4-29 23:25
Is it advantageous to use cloning technology for wild animal protecting 反方: 英语(商务方向) 0802 1 ,王萍: Recently , the issue of is it advantages to use cloning technology for wild animal protecting is a controversial one . And we firmly believe that it is disadvantages to use cloning technology for wild animal protecting. There are four reasons to support my view. 1. The problem with experiment. Do you want to use wild animals to experiment cloning technology? Of course not .So how to deal with this problem. 2. Cloning does not increase species diversity. Survival of the fittest is a rule of nature. If the disappearance of wild animal is not because of human, it means this kind of animal does not fit for the nature. 3. The cloning technology isn't so mature. It is short of theory basics and practical conditions. People still have a long way to go. 4. We should protect wild animal rather than use cloning technology. One of the professor in IZ, CAS said , It is insignificant to use cloning technology to protect wild animal . We should have more World Natural Heritages site to protect wild animal , so it will promote the protecting of species diversity . Nowadays , the habitat of the wild animal suffer a lot because of human's destruction . In order to gain more so called maximum benefit , human killed a lot of wild animal and force them into extremity . The main reason for wild animals 's near extinction is human .So the dominant measures to deal with this problem is protecting . If everyone thinks that use cloning to protect wild animal , the problem will become worse .It just like Due to a wrong approach , success is impossible . 2 ,庄淑娟: One of important reasons why the wild animals are endangered is man-made, humans want to use cloning technology for his mistake to protect the wild animals. But wild animals in nature survive themselves in the competition and maintain the balance of nature. Cloning animals will not only break between the food chains,but also break the balance of nature, even cause greater disaster. 3 ,萧楚霞 The definition of Cloning: Cloning refers to a scientific technique that involves creating a genetic duplicate of an already existing animal or person. It can also mean making a genetic copy or duplicate of a DNA sequence, a cell, not just the entire organism. i kind of sympathize with your point of view, but what we mustnt overlook is the fact that the cloning technology will in all likelihood bring up some more complicated diseases 0f genes , and some balance of genes thereby be shattered., let me give you an example, in 2000, China cloned the first goat ,but it died from the abnormal lungs in 36 hours. And many cases like this kept occurring, then how can we call this method advantageous if the individual cant be kept alive as normal ones? another example, in 2003, Dolly s lung was seriously infected ,finally ,the mercy killing was carried out on her . and her premature death posed a warn against the cloning research of deficiency and danger. So why we have to hang on this method? So it's better to focus on the two effective measures , that are the local preserve and alien preserve s measures , rather than investing countless fund and attention on the project of less prospects. And set on sth more meaning , just like YaoMing declared about rejecting eating shark fins in the press conference . Yes I can see the point of yours, but have you ever noticed that cloning will be bound to decline the genetic diversity. Try to imagine ,when some certain wild animals become endangered, cloning bring the identical individuals to earth , they will confront with the intermarriage as well . thus the genes cant be optimized ,then eliminated by nature . in a word , we cant protect wild animals either by this way. I am opposed to Cloning technology in terms of many factors Firstly , in the ecological aspect , Cloning technology will threat genetic diversity , which do a considerable harm to the survival of creatures . Secondly, in the culture layer, animals cloning is an alternative to natural reproduction, which break the biological evolution of self-regulation, with the typical nature of the anti-natural. Yes , I wholeheartedly hope my deceased pet will be brought back to life ,and if I were the parent , I would also hope my kids to come back tome miraculously . but you have ignored the incidence of the sucessful outcome throughtout the way . after all , Dolly sucessfully befell on the earth after 276 failures. Besides ,although the product of cloning bear a incredible resemblence in the appearance , the blood type , the genes , their characters probably are quite the opposite , then I doubt you will the satisfied with the substitute. I want to remind you that if you are inclined to protect ocean creatures by means of cloning , the difficulty of transplanting embryos into the uterus is huge compare with the land animals . It was reported by reference news that among the 10 cows died 5, which demonstrated that to date , we can only turn to cloning technology when there is no other approach available , but never count on it to protect wild animals . Its impractical theoretically . One of the continuing obstacles in the attempt to clone extinct species is the need for nearly perfect DNA. Cloning from a single specimen could not create a viable breeding population in sexually reproducing animals. Furthermore, even if males and females were to be cloned, the question would remain open whether they would be viable at all in the absence of parents that could teach or show them their natural behavior. Essentially, if cloning an extinct species were successful it must be considered that cloning is still an experimental technology that succeeds only by chance it is more likely than not that any resulting animals, even if they were healthy, would be little more than curios or museum pieces. Cloning endangered species is a highly ideological issue. Many conservation biologists and environmentalists vehemently oppose cloning endangered species mainly because they think it may deter donations to help preserve natural habitat and wild animal populations. The rule-of-thumb in animal conservation is that, if it is still feasible to conserve habitat and viable wild populations, breeding in captivity should not be undertaken in isolation. In a 2006 review, David Ehrenfeld concluded that cloning in animal conservation is an experimental technology that, at its state in 2006, could not be expected to work except by pure chance and utterly failed a cost-benefit analysis. Furthermore, he said, it is likely to siphon funds from established and working projects and does not address any of the issues underlying animal extinction (such as habitat destruction, hunting or other overexploitation, and an impoverished gene pool). While cloning technologies are well-established and used on a regular basis in plant conservation, care must be taken to ensure genetic diversity. He concluded: Vertebrate cloning poses little risk to the environment, but it can consume scarce conservation resources, and its chances of success in preserving species seem poor. To date, the conservation benefits of transgenics and vertebrate cloning remain entirely theoretical, but many of the risks are known and documented. Conservation biologists should devote their research and energies to the established methods of conservation, none of which require transgenics or vertebrate cloning. 方艳 Its not advantageous to use cloning technology for wild animal protecting Our group holds the view that its not advantageous to use cloning technology for wild animal protecting. Firstly, natural selection is a process in which the proper exists, unwell eliminated. Thousands of years have proved it to be a process which is benefit for natural evolution .However ,we have learned from our high-school biology that cloning technology is not helpful for the diversity of genes .For example ,if a group of wild animals are infected with a disease ,cloning technology will not be helpful for the producing of disease-resistant genes .And then there is no doubt that it will also be harmful for the diversity of science .So we should not encourage cloning technology for the benefit of science evolution. Secondly, we all know that there exists food chains in science .Wild animals can live properly only when food chains are proper .Clone technology just clone the same more wild animals .It cant change the present situation that natural environment has been seriously damaged, food chains have been destroyed .So protecting wild animals, what we need to do is protecting food chains instead of using cloning technology. Thirdly, although cloning technology clones an amount of individuals, add to the numbers of wild animals. As we have learnt from high-school biology, we all know that these animals cloned are all close relatives .So they cant copulate and produce generations of high quality .So cloning technology is not useful at all. Last but not least, its said that animals cloned are easily to die .They happen to grow unhealthy, hard to live and hard to produce .The survival rate of wild animals cloned is low .Some cloned animals die as soon as they are produced .So we should not encourage clone .More often, what we chase should be quality but not quantity, shouldnt we? Jiangzhigang, the researcher of animals said in a forum that cloning technology is difficult to create a colorful colony. Its not useful and meaningful for protecting wild animals .Our country should have more worldwide natural animal-protecting terries to promote the protections of wild animals diversity .Its an original words of an animal expert .How can we deny that? 刘秋敏 Is it advantageous to use cloning technology for wild animal protecting Todays technology develops so quickly that many impossible things become true the cloning technology is the example. Scientists have been cloning animals for many years. This most commonly involves a technique known as somatic cell 体细胞 nucleus transfer (SCNT).In 1952, the first animal, a tadpole 蝌蚪 , was cloned. Before the creation of Dolly, the first mammal 哺乳动物 cloned from the cell of an adult animal, clones were created from embryonic 胚胎的 cells. Since Dolly, researchers have cloned a number of large and small animals including sheep, goats 山羊 , cows, mice, pigs, cats, rabbits, and a gaur 野牛 . See Cloned Animals above. All these clones were created using nuclear transfer technology. What is cloning?cloning is a way of makingon exact copy of another animal or plant.Different from the common propagate, cloning need only one cell and without sex.Animal cloning is about producing an animal that is essentially a copy of the original. Reproductive cloning could be used to repopulate endangered animals or animals that are difficult to breed. But it raised arguments. In my own opinion I disagree to clone the endangered animal. Although the cloning technology should be respected,cloning still has some problems. First, animal clones may develop the illnesses of older animals.Cloning represents a loss of genetic diversity. A major loss in genetic diversity can cause a species to be less disease resistant. The scientists found that the cloning animals has a little different from the common animal. If the clone comes from a breed that is free from certain diseases, the disease may be eliminated from the breed. Also, the best breeds and the highest quality meat and other products could be produced consistently. Potential benefits, however, have to be weighed against any possible risks. Second, animal clones may die younger than the donor animals.The fact proved that, the cloning sheep Dolly has died. It only has the half life of the common sheep.So the life will shorter than the real life. Third, Clones are not always exact replicas of the original. Randomness can cause genetic variations, even amongst clone offspring. It destroy the diversity of animals of the globe. Hundreds of cloned animals exist today, but the number of different species is limited. Attempts at cloning certain species such as monkeys, chickens, horses, and dogs, have been unsuccessful. In the end, I think cloning is new technology, it should be accepted. But it isn't advantageous to use cloning technology for wild animal protecting. We should know the effect of cloning for the animals. The most important thing we can do for protecting the wild animals is to build enough nature reserves and give the animals a comfortable space to live in. The easiest way to protecting wild animals is to make laws to reduce and stop people from hunting, buying and selling wild animals. We are supposed to refuse to eat wildlife animals and trying our best to plant some trees that can protect their environment. It is useful to achieve our dreams by telling more and more people why and how to protect the animals. Only in this way can we call on people from all over the world to protect the wildlife. One other useful thing is to punish anyone who hunts animals illegally by using poisoning chemical and other illegal hunting and buys and sells wild animals.
个人分类: 英语课堂素材 Materials from Classroom|16 次阅读|0 个评论
in the wild!
丁dot 2009-3-4 22:41
个人分类: 万象|2734 次阅读|0 个评论

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