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xuyue 2018-5-4 10:26
大家都知道现在中美正在谈判,谈判的结果在某种意义上决定着世界的未来格局和走向,也会毫无疑问的影响到我们每个人,无论是美国人还是中国人,也无论你自己是否意识到这一点。 (图片来自于网络) 西方有句话叫“魔鬼存在于细节之中。”如同我们常说的“细节决定成败。” 我在中美大洋两岸经商十多年,对这两句话有着刻骨的理解,觉得应该在这个时候分享给大家。尽管多半儿是自己学识不够才导致的失误,但还是在这里晒晒,只期望对国人有所帮助,共勉共进吧。 这句话就是: ”What do you want? 中文是:“你(到底)想要什么?” 先说我们中国人在谈判的时候说这句话,通常的意思是说,至少潜台词是:“别说那些乱七八糟的,没有用的!我已经有些不耐烦了,你我如果还想做成买卖,你的底线到底是什么?” 但是,当你把这句话翻译成英文:“What do you want?之后,至少在我较为熟悉一些的美国文化里,这句话的意思是“我认输了!你说你要我做什么吧。” 这就是曾经和一个多年美国合作伙伴有了矛盾以后,谈到最后双方对这句话不同的理解。 我的这位美国商业伙伴,听到我说了这句“What do you want?之后第二天,用email给我列了一串儿10多个苛刻条件,而且在这10几个条件之上,先要满足一两个更加苛刻的条件。 结果自然是我这里义愤填膺,觉得对方毫无诚意,恃强凌弱,从此关闭沟通的大门了事。而美国那个公司也觉得我说话不算数,双方丧失了信任的基础,从此各奔东西。 但我们知道,中美两国虽然“在闹离婚”,但是双方的彼此还是需要沟通,需要协作的。那么对于国家,对于日益增长的对外交流的公司和国人来讲,重视语言和文化上的差异,学会如何避免这些细节里的魔鬼?我们可能还有较长的路要走!
个人分类: 时事评论|144 次阅读|0 个评论
三流体磁重联模型-X点Fractal sheet region
热度 1 cynosure 2016-6-11 10:21
What behind in the fractal current sheet region? 磁湍流精细拓扑结构演化不仅是随尺度降低拓扑结构满足分形规律这样简单——电流片主x点附近,等离子体运动将不再稳定流动。 e.g 扰动-湍流发育-湍流充分过程算例 1. Gif format file for macro-global scale turbulent magnetic topological structure evolution process: http://ddl.escience.cn/f/yDiB 2. Gif format file for micro-local scale turbulent magnetic fine topological structure evolution process: http://ddl.escience.cn/f/yDiV 3. General relationship between particle (e.g electron) flows, magnetic flux and Reconnection strucrure (Diffusion+separatrix regions) http://ddl.escience.cn/f/yDjg Relationship between the macro-global scale and micro-local scale: 1/4
个人分类: who am I?|2861 次阅读|3 个评论
热度 1 livingfossil 2014-4-11 23:03
伯特 兰 · 罗素 (1872--1970) 的人生追求 《罗素自传》 1951–1969. The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell , 3 vols.. London: George Allen Unwin. Vol 2 1956 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bertrand_Russell The Prologue to Bertrand Russell's Autobiography( 罗素自传的前言 ) 引自以下网页 ---- http://www.users.drew.edu/~jlenz/br-prolog.html What I have Lived For ----Bertrand Russell Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind. These passions, like great winds, have blown me hither and thither, in a wayward course, over a deep ocean of anguish, reaching to the very verge of despair. I have sought love, first, because it brings ecstasy-ecstasy so great that I would often have sacrificed all the rest of life for a few hours of this joy. I have sought it, next, because it relieves loneliness--that terrible loneliness in which one shivering consciousness looks over the rim of the world into the cold unfathomable lifeless abyss. I have sought it, finally, because in the union of love I have seen, in a mystic miniature, the prefiguring vision of the heaven that saints and poets have imagined. This is what I sought, and though it might seem too good for human life, this is what--at last--I have found. With equal passion I have sought knowledge. I have wished to understand the hearts of men. I have wished to know why the stars shine. And I have tried to apprehend the Pythagorean power by which number holds sway above the flux. A little of this, but not much, I have achieved. Love and knowledge, so far as they were possible, led upward toward the heavens. But always pity brought me back to earth. Echoes of cries of pain reverberate in my heart. Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people a hated burden to their sons, and the whole world of loneliness, poverty, and pain make a mockery of what human life should be. I long to alleviate the evil, but I can't , and I too suffer. This has been my life.I have found it worth living, and would gladly live it again if the chance were offered me. ------- Bertrand Russell (1872--1970) won the Nobel prize for literature for his History of Western Philosophy and was the co-author of Principia Mathematica . ========================================= 中文翻译 --(1)引自下面的网页(原创者不详)-- http://twcjclass1.blog.163.com/blog/static/18166465820120494731912/ 2012-01-04 21:52:56 我 为何而 生 — 伯 兰特 · 罗素自传前 言 对爱情的渴望,对知识的追求,对人类苦难不可遏制的同情 ,是支配我一生的 单纯而强烈的三种感情。这些感情如阵阵巨风,吹拂在我动荡不定的生涯中,有时甚至吹过深沉痛苦的海洋,直抵绝望的边缘 。   我所以追求 爱情,有三方面的原因。首先,爱情有时给我带来狂喜,这种狂喜竟如此有力,以致使我常常会为了体验几小时爱的喜悦,而宁愿牺牲生命中其他一切。其次,爱情可以摆脱孤寂 —— 身 历那种可怕孤寂的人的战栗意识,有时会由世界的边缘,观察到冷酷无生命的无底深渊。最后,在爱的结合中,我看到了古今圣贤以及诗人们所梦想的天堂的缩影,这正是我所追寻的人生境界。虽然它对一般的人类生活也许太美好了, 但 这正是我透过爱情所得到场最终发现 。   我曾以同 样的感情追求知识,我渴望去了解人类的。也渴望知道星星为什么会发光,同时我还想理解毕达哥拉斯的力量 。 爱情与知识的可能领域,总是引领我到天堂的境界,可对人类苦难的同情经常把我带回现实世界。那些痛苦的呼唤经常在我内心深处引起回响。饥饿中的孩子,被压迫被折磨者,给子女造成重担的孤苦无依的老人,以及全球性的孤独、贫穷和痛苦的存在,是对人类生活理想的无视和讽刺。我常常希望能尽自己的微薄之力去减轻这不必要的痛苦,但我发现我完全失败了,因此我自己也感到很痛苦 。 这 就是我的一生,我 发现人是值得活的。如果有谁再给我一次生活的机会,我将欣然接受这难得的赐予 。 ================================= 中文翻译 --(2) 伯特 兰 · 罗素: 我的人生追求 引自以下网页 ---- http://www.xys.org/fang/doc/religion/zhuiqiu.txt 方舟子 ( 译) (感 谢贤传、燕思的润色) 有三种 简单然而无比强烈的激情左右了我的一生:对爱的渴望,对知识的探索和对人类苦难的难以忍受的怜悯。这些激情象飓风,无处不在、反复无常地吹拂着我,吹过 深重的苦海, 濒于绝境。 我 寻找爱,首先是因为它使人心醉神迷,这种陶醉是 如此的美妙,使我愿意 牺牲所有的余生去换取几个小时这样的欣喜。我寻找爱,还因为它解除孤独,在可怕的孤独 中,一 颗颤抖的灵魂从世界的边缘看到冰冷、无底、死寂 的深渊。最后,我 寻找爱,还因为在爱的交融中,神秘 而又具体而微地,我看到了圣 贤和诗人们想象出的天堂的 前景。 这就是我所寻找的,而且,虽然对人生来说似乎过于美妙,这也是我终于找到了的。 以同 样的激情我探索知识。我希望能够理解人类的心 灵。我希望能 够知道群星为何闪烁。我试图领悟毕达哥拉 斯所景仰的数字力量,它支配着此消彼 涨。仅在不大的一 定程度上,我达到了此目的。 爱 和知识,只要有可能,通向着天堂。但是怜悯总把 我 带回尘世。痛苦呼喊的回声回荡在我的内心。忍饥挨饿 的孩子,惨遭 压迫者摧残的受害者,被儿女们视为可憎的负担的无助的老人,连同这整个充满了孤独、贫穷和痛苦 的世界,使人 类所应有的生活成为了笑柄。我渴望能够减 少邪 恶,但是我无能为力,而且我自己也在忍受折磨。 这就是 我的一生。我 发现它值得一过。如果再给我一 次机会,我会很高 兴地再活它一次。 (摘自 罗素自传的前言) ================================= Behind palaeobotany -- 伯特 兰 · 罗素 (1872--1970) 的人生追求 孙启高 2014年4月11日整理 ==========================
个人分类: Behind palaeobotany|3143 次阅读|2 个评论
借花獻佛!美国赵冈 锺毅先生What is '' 内 涵 '' ?
热度 1 黄安年 2012-12-24 09:31
借花獻佛!美国赵冈 锺毅先生What is '' 内 涵 '' ?
借花獻佛!美国 赵冈 锺毅先生 What is '' 内 涵 '' ? 黄安年文  黄安年的博客/ 2012 年 12 月 24 日 发布 倾接美国加州著名学者赵冈、锺毅先生给我们寄来的圣诞贺卡的回复,信中说 : “时光过得快, 一晃来到 2012 年的年尾了。在此也祝福你们圣诞及新年快乐!!身体健康”他们还专门发来一份令人深思的 What is '' 内 涵 '' ? ,现在在博客上发布与网友分享。 ███ What is '' 内 涵 '' ? ███ 眼睛看得到的地方叫視線 , 眼睛看不到的地方叫視野。 嘴裡說得出來的話叫内容, 嘴裡說不出來的話叫内涵。 臉上看得出的表情叫氣色 , 臉上看不出的表情叫氣魄。 脚下走得到的距離叫夢想 , 脚下走不到的距離叫幻想 。 鼻子聞得到的味道叫氣味 , 鼻子聞不到的味道叫氣息。 眉毛皺得出的形狀叫情绪 , 眉毛皺不出的形狀叫情感 。 手動比畫出来的叫作手勢 , 手動比畫不出來的叫手段 。 胸口摸得着的尺寸叫胸圍 , 胸口摸不到的尺寸叫胸襟。 背後摸得到的硬度叫脊椎 , 背後摸不到的硬度叫脊梁 。 腦子裡测的出的叫作智商 , 腦子裡测不出的叫作智慧 。 耳朵聽得到的動静是聲音 , 耳朵聽不到的動静是聲譽 。
4932 次阅读|1 个评论
[转载]SW or SF Phenomena in Internet: What Implications for NGN?
Fangjinqin 2012-12-13 09:22
Small-world or Scale-Free Phenomena in Internet: What Implications for the Next-generation Networks? Zouhaer M’Chirgui Euromed Management, LAREQUAD, Department of Information Finance Domaine de Luminy, BP 921- 13288 Marseille cedex 9, France Abstract The paper examines the large-scale topological structure of the Internet in order to see whether the structure exhibits some features that lead Internet Services Providers to go aside further collaboration for the deploymentof next-generation networks. The results indicate the existence of positive signs or early stages of possible movetowards more cooperative relationships, mainly among . These findings have implications for thenext-generation networks policy and strategy, particularly the move towards strategic alliances after the recentphase of mergers and acquisitions. Internet.pdf Keywords: Next-generation networks, Internet, Alliances, Small-world, Scale-free, Internet services providers1. Introduction
个人分类: 学术文章|2161 次阅读|0 个评论
What contents in my paper?我的论文解决了什么问题?
热度 2 zjafwangchong 2012-12-4 10:56
1、Where does the Planck constant come from? Whyis it suitable for all kinds of particle? 2、What is the wave function's physics meaning?Why it is always in plural form? What is it's real form? 3、Why particles have wave appearance? 4、How to explain particle's wave curves? 5、Why does the de Broglie equation hold? 6、Whydoes the Plank's quantum hypothesis hold? 7、Why does the |ψ|^2 describe the particle's density? 8、How to deduce the Schrodinger equation reasonably? 9、Why does the Feynman's path integral hypothesis hold? 1、普朗克常数的由来,为什么它对所有粒子都一样。 2、波函数的物理意义,为什么它是复数形式,与实数形式有什么对应关系。 3、粒子为什么呈现波动特征 4、粒子的衍射干涉特征曲线为什么是那样子的? 5、为什么德布罗易方程成立 6、量子假设为什么成立 7、为什么波函数的模方描述了粒子的密度 8、如何正确推导薛定谔方程 9、为何路径积分假设成立 我的论文靠谱吗?论文的逻辑支柱-最小作用量原理总是对的吗?
2280 次阅读|5 个评论
成功,So What?!
热度 5 张海霞 2012-10-19 18:10
在韩国开会,昨晚宴会结束后去酒店的游泳池游泳,人很少,很清静,游累了在池边休息,礼貌地跟隔壁泳道上的一位老外打个招呼,顺便就聊了起来,他是秘鲁人,问我从哪里来?我说中国北京,北方。 他很好奇地问:广东在中国的什么方? 他在秘鲁的一位亲戚是来自广东的,说广东话,他说了个地名,我实在猜不出来是哪里,就说:中国南北方差异很大,广东话对我来说还不如英语好懂(实话,我确实听不懂,除了周星驰的电影里的话),他就很好奇:那你说说南北方的特点? 这可把我难住了,一直生活在北方,跟南方人接触比较少,去南方的机会也比较少,怎么比较,也不好意思不回答他,就那我了解的几个南方同学、学生和北方的特点做个比较,说:南方人聪明,头脑灵活,很会赚钱,比较富有;北方人老实,顾家,不太会赚钱。 没想到,他来一句:Rich, So What?! 我一时窘在那里,是呀:Rich, So what?! 于是我只好回答说:They can enjoy much more interesting things. 他摇摇头:No, rich doesn't mean theyhave moreenjoyablelife, theyspend toomany money and effortsfor wastingthings. 想想也是,物质富有和精神富有不是一个层次的问题,更何况绝大多数富起来的中国人过的真的不幸福,于是回答他:Yes, as I fromnorth china, soI still can enjoy swimming. 我们一起大笑起来,yes, enjoy swimming! 他先走了,我继续游,直到感到累了才上岸,从健身中心出来的时候正好遇到密西根大学的倪军教授也刚锻炼完出来,和晚宴上做报告时那个西装革履的他相比(他在德国参加完世界经济论坛的制造专题会议,赶来在晚宴前做的主题报告),这个便衣运动装显得很有活力,虽然是汗流浃背的样子可是感觉很精神,大家不约而同地感慨:平时太累了,需要锻炼,感觉挺好的。 是呀,成功,So What?!无论何时何地何人,保持身心健康才是总重要的,不要羡慕那些外在的光鲜,注重自身的内在修炼吧!记着下次有人再显摆的时候,也有勇气对他/她说:So What?!
个人分类: 生活点滴|5396 次阅读|9 个评论
[ACT-01]What is critical thinking and why is it important?
xianglee 2012-5-24 14:11
What is critical thinking? Critical thinking is the ability to think clearly and rationally. It includes the ability to engage in reflective and independent thinking. Someone with critical thinking skills is able to do the following: l Understand the logical connections between ideas l Identify, construct and evaluate arguments l Detect inconsistencies and common mistakes in reasoning l Solve problems systematically l Identify the relevance and importance of ideas l Reflect on the justification of one’s own beliefs and values Critical thinking is not a matter of accumulating information. A person with a good memory and who knows a lot of facts is not necessarily good at critical thinking. A critical thinker is able to deduce consequences from what he knows, and he knows how to make use of information to solve problems, and seek relevant sources of information to inform himself. Critical thinking should not be confused with being argumentative or being critical of other people. Although critical thinking skills can be used in exposing fallacies and bad reasoning, critical thinking can also play an important role in cooperative reasoning and constructive tasks. Critical thinking can help us acquire knowledge, improve our theories, and strengthen arguments. We can use critical thinking to enhance work processes and improve social institutions. Why study critical thinking? 1. Critical thinking is a domain-general thinking skill. The ability to think clearly and rationally is important whatever we choose to do. If you work in education, research, finance, management or the legal profession, then critical thinking is obviously important. But critical thinking skills are not restricted to a particular subject area. Being able to think well and solve problems systematically is an asset for any career. 2. Critical thinking is very important in the new knowledge economy. The global knowledge economy is driven by information and technology. One has to be able to deal with changes quickly and effectively. The new economy places increasing demands on flexible intellectual skills, and the ability to analyze information and integrate diverse sources of knowledge in solving problems. Good critical thinking promotes such thinking skills, and is very important in the fast-changing workplace. 3. Critical thinking enhances language and presentation skills. Thinking clearly and systematically can improve the way we express our ideas. In learning how to analyze the logical structure of texts, critical thinking also improves comprehension abilities. 4. Critical thinking promotes creativity. To come up with a creative solution to a problem involves not just having new ideas. It must also be the case that the new ideas being generated are useful and relevant to the task at hand. Critical thinking plays a crucial role in evaluating new ideas, selecting the best ones and modifying them if necessary. 5. Critical thinking is crucial for self-reflection. In order to live a meaningful life and to structure our lives accordingly, we need to justify and reflect on our values and decisions. Critical thinking provides the tools for this process of self-evaluation. Although most people would agree that critical thinking is an important thinking skill, most people also do not know how to improve their own thinking. This is because critical thinking is a meta-thinking skill . It requires careful reflection on the good principles of reasoning and making a conscious effort to internalize them and apply them in daily life. This is notoriously hard to do and often requires a long period of training. References: 1. http://www.virtualschool.edu/mon/SocialConstruction/Logic.html 2. http://atheism.about.com/od/criticalthinking/a/deductivearg.htm
个人分类: Critical Thinkings|6640 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]What I Know About Beauty Now That I'm in My 30s
liyanwu 2012-4-24 09:21
What I Know About Beauty Now That I'm in My 30s 发布时间:2012-04-09 文章出自:www.huffingtonpost.com 原文链接: 点击查看 I spent more than 10 years in women's magazines, and I write a beauty blog with a critical slant. But my real qualification for sharing my thoughts on beauty is 35 years of womanhood. I spent more than 10 years in women's magazines, and I write a beauty blog with a critical slant. But my real qualification for sharing my thoughts on beauty is 35 years of womanhood. From dabbling in my grandmother's makeup kit at age 5 to trying anti-aging creams for the first time last year, navigating the messages I send with my appearance -- to myself and those around me -- has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. For just as long, I've been asking what goes on behind the scenes in the ways any of us present ourselves. Here's some of what I've learned. How you feel has little to do with how you look. At age 20 I felt near-constant panic about the circumference of my thighs. At 35, I look at photos from 15 years ago and -- well, you know the punch line. My thighs looked fine. I haven't released all insecurities, but I now recognize that self-image reflects mood and psyche, not actual appearance. Wincing about some flaw is a convenient funnel for stress, and it's certainly easier than unpacking Jungian angst. My own psychology aside, I've witnessed this in extensive interviews I've conducted with dozens of women. I've talked with a former model who couldn't look in the mirror at times; I've talked to women with quotidian looks who have no problems proclaiming, "I am beautiful." The way the world treats a woman may differ depending on how closely she matches an idealized beauty standard. But that treatment is secondary to your attitude toward your appearance. Part of the lesson here is that each of us has the power to dictate her own beauty. But the other part is that if women all over the beauty map are saying the same things, maybe beauty has less to do with how any of us look and more to do with how our culture regards women. Beauty is a shortcut to enchantment. Nearly every woman I've interviewed about beauty will mention the same person: her friend who isn't necessarily genetically blessed but who owns any room she walks into. You know that person, right? (Maybe you are her, in which case, mazel tov!) Call it je ne sais quoi, sprezzatura, or just "It" -- when you possess that quality and conduct yourself as though you're something to behold, you become something to behold. For all the hand-wringing over how women go to absurd lengths to look beautiful, I suspect most of us are after that luminous essence, not cookie-cutter beauty. But we use beauty as a route to that essence, and why wouldn't we? Magnetism only comes once you have a degree of comfort with yourself -- far more difficult to source than a nice shade of lipstick. Allure is possibly the best-named women's magazine out there, because it slices through beauty to get to what we're really after. The power of attractiveness is weaker than you think. There's plenty of chatter about how attractive people earn more money. That's true, but what's often overlooked is that the benefits of attractiveness are greater for men than for women -- and in some fields, attractive women are penalized for their looks. But even if beautiful women were universally earning more, when managerial positions are still more likely to be occupied by men, that boils down to women pecking around for crumbs left by people with real power, who can rescind the power of beauty at whim. I'm not saying life isn't easier in some ways for conventionally attractive people. But the power of pretty often boils down to little more than free drinks. Tip well. If you can't afford at least a 20% tip for your hairstylist, manicurist, or whoever is doing any sort of beauty work on you, you can't afford the service. You're in your 30s now. Be a lady. It's okay to mourn your youth. But there's plenty to celebrate, too. We get lots of messages about looking younger -- and we also get messages countering that notion. I've only recently developed early signs of aging -- under-eye bags, fine lines. Women older than me may say I don't know aging yet, but being new to it means I'm new to the emotions that accompany getting older. I'm thrilled there's a thriving pro-aging sentiment out there, but I sometimes feel like I'm wrong for having any sense of loss for my youth. I miss staying out until 4 a.m. and showing up at work resembling a homo sapien; I miss the radiance I had that I now only get with impeccable self-care. I'm making peace with those things, and age-positive sentiments are part of that. But if we don't allow permission to feel any sadness about the processes of time, we're not clearing the path for joys that lie ahead. And there are plenty of those, physical and otherwise: I look conventionally better now than I did 10 years ago. In my 30s, my skin stopped freaking out; I know what hairstyles and colors suit me. There's an undeniable beauty to youth, sure. There's also an undeniable beauty to maturity. Self-esteem isn't found in a jar -- but the jar doesn't wreck your self-esteem. Well-meaning people sometimes make the mistake of thinking makeup equals insecurity -- that women wear cosmetics to conceal shame about our natural selves. That can be the case, but many of us wear makeup because it creates a division between our private and public lives. I "put on my face" because I'm a social creature, and makeup is an internal signal that I'm functioning socially. It's an "on" switch as much as it is a cover-up. Nobody should feel pressured to wear makeup -- or be effectively fired for not doing so -- but we shouldn't feel ashamed about doing so either. You can't look your best unless you're comfortable, but comfortable can mean many things. If makeup helps you feel emotionally comfortable, dab and swipe away, my friend. Beauty is work. You already know this, of course; you understand exactly how much labor it takes to get ready in the morning, recalibrating depending upon how many times you hit snooze. But we often hide our beauty labor from men, and sometimes from one another. As much as I want to maintain a certain mystique, it's important to not hide behind-the-scenes "dirty work." We may think we poke fun at women who go over-the-top in chasing the beauty standard because they look silly or vain, but it's more that they're exposing the work many of us do on a lesser level: We laugh at Snooki's tan because it reveals our private application of graduated tanning cream; we snark at Kardashianesque eyelashes because we have the good taste to stop at one coat of Sable Brown. Maybe if we were more transparent about the preparations we took for the performance of public life, we might better be able to understand what we're after with all our careful work. Most beauty tips don't matter. Here are 21 that do. A manicure always helps. Good primer is worth the money. A dab of retinoid cream does wonders. Eat vegetables, drink water, get enough calories. Find a concealer that perfectly matches your skin. Stop with the photo face. Know the lipstick corollary. Get the best haircut you can afford. If you don't feel great in it, don't wear it. Grooming your eyebrows will brighten your face, and so will letting them grow naturally if you feel shame creep over you every time you tweeze. Exercise. Find your best colors, but don't be limited by them. Shoulders back, pelvis tucked. Red wine makes for a great lip stain. Don't gawk at yourself in every reflective surface available. Quit shampooing so much. Remember that it's called beauty sleep for a reason. Remember sunscreen. And remember that it's impossible to look your best when you're trying to look like someone else. 三十而立时,我开始明白何谓美。 发布时间:2012-04-09 文章出自:译言 原文链接: 点击查看 十多年来我一直坚持看女性杂志,而且我还开了个批判性的博客探讨女性美的问题。但是,我发现我到了35岁的年纪时,才真正有资格对于什么是美发表意见。从5岁时,我就开始偶尔翻翻祖母的化妆包,往自己的小脸上涂涂抹抹,直到去年我第一次使用抗衰老面霜,在我的记忆里,我总是在关注自己以何种形象示人,又以何种形象面对自己。而这,已经成为我生命中的一部分了。其实,长久以来我也一直在思考,表面形象之外,也就是我们的身体和我们的肌肤,又在发生什么样的变化呢。下面我要说的就是我找到的答案。 你的真实容貌与你的心境关系不大。 20岁的时候,我似乎时刻都在为大腿太粗而烦恼。35岁的时候,我看着15年前的照片,好笑的是,如今再看,我觉得当时的腿并不粗,看上去没那么糟。现在虽然我还没办法完全摆脱焦虑不安的感觉,但是我开始意识到外观容貌并不能反应出一个人的情绪和心态,而一个人的自我印象、自我感觉才表现了此人的情绪和心态。抓住某个缺点不放,总是为此感到不安,这似乎是一个减轻压力的好办法。这总比剖析荣格所谓的焦虑,要简单很多。除了我自己的心理状态,通过与数十名女性的交谈,我还见证了她们的心理状态。其中有一名女性,模特出身,却曾经一度不敢照镜子看自己;还有的女性,长相平平,但是却可以自信满满的说“我长得很漂亮”。这个世界对待女性的容貌可能是不公的,有的人长得标致,有的人差一些。但是,与这种先天差别相比,更重要的是你自己如何看待自己。到这儿我们只得到了半个答案,那就是每个女性都可以决定自己是否美丽。而另外一半答案就是,如果关于女性的美总是陈词滥调,老一套观念,那么美不美可能与我们的容貌关系不大了,我们的文化怎养对待女性才更重要吧。 要想变的充满魅力,美丽是条捷径。 关于美这个话题, 几乎所有我访问过的女性都提到过身边有这样一个人:她的长相并不算姣好,但是无论她走到哪儿,总是散发出迷人的魅力,众人为之倾倒。你一定也认识这样一个人,不是吗?(可能,你就是这样一个人,那么恭喜你了!)把这种魅力叫做什么好呢,sprezzatura(意语,潇洒),或者干脆简称“它”好了。一旦你拥有这种气质,你的行为举止便仿佛会成为众人的焦点,那么你也变成了一个有魅力的人。很多女性用了过于极端的办法想要变得美丽迷人,但是我想大多数人还是在追求那种散发着光芒的本质的美,而并非美得雷同,美得缺乏特点。但是容貌美是我们追求本质美的手段,是呀,为什么不可以呢?一旦你认同自己,对自己的容貌感到满意,你便自然而然的有了吸引力。这种由内而外散发的吸引力可比一抹口红困难的多。“魅惑”这个词可能是女性杂志最好的名称,因为它剔除了美丽的外衣,直达我们真正追求的本质美。 拥有魅力没有你想象的那么无所不能。 总是有人说有魅力的人通常能赚到更多的钱。没错,但其实男性有魅力比女性有魅力的获得的益处更多,这点却往往被人忽视——在一些领域,有魅力的女人因为其姣好的容貌还会受到惩罚。但是总的来说,即使美女赚钱更多,大多数管理职位还是由男性占据,而他们才是享有大权的人,女性只不过是“啄食”他们残留的面包屑而已,他们可以随心所欲的就将女性的美丽贬的一文不值。我并不是否认在某些方面有魅力的人更容易获得成功这个事实。但是拥有魅力并不意味着无所不能,有时候不过意味着能得到几杯免费的饮料喝而已。 多给小费。 如果做完美容之后,你都没给发型师或者美甲师20%的小费,那么说明你没有资格接受美容。如今你也三十而立了,做个大方得体的女人吧。 当然,缅怀你的青春这无可厚非。但是,不用太悲哀,到了这个年纪,其实也有很多值得庆祝的事情。 年轻的特征有很多,同样,慢慢变老时,也有很多征兆。最近我的身体才开始慢慢有衰老的症状,比如说眼袋和细纹开始出现。比我年龄大的女性或许会说这根本不算什么衰老,但是对于我来说,这是第一次体会到这样的心情,而这种心情也会一直伴随着我走向衰老。在衰老前期,我开始有了点儿积极向上的小伤感,这让我有些激动。但有时候我认为我不应该为逝去的青春而感到任何的失落。虽然我怀念年轻时熬夜到清晨4点钟,之后像个山顶洞人一般蓬头垢面的就去上班;我怀念年轻时精力充沛、容光焕发,而如今我只能依靠良好的保养才能重新获得活力。现在的我正在努力认同这些变化,对于衰老怀有积极向上的小伤感也是我的努力之一。但是若是我们不允许自己为逝去的时光而感到一丝难过,又怎么能张开双臂拥抱日后的快乐生活。那种快乐不仅是身体方面,还有心理上,比如说,我现在觉得我比10年前还要好看。到了30岁,我的皮肤也不再会失控,变胖;我也开始知道什么样的发型、发色适合自己。不可否认,年轻就是美,但是别忘了成熟美也并不逊色。 化妆品当然不是自信心的来源,但是它也并不会减弱你的信心啊。 有些思想简单的人认为女性通过化妆来掩饰天生的不足之处,这说明对自己不自信,对自己的容貌感到不安,而他们对此误解了。当然有时是这种情况,但是大多数女性化妆是为了让自己的公共生活与私生活划清界限。我每天化妆出门是因为我是一名社会成员,化妆就好像提醒了自己要注意社交的行为举止。化妆是种掩饰,更像是个从私人生活进入社交生活的“开关”。任何人都不应该对化妆而感到有压力,当然也不必为没有化妆而感到不安,不论怎样,我们都不该感到羞愧。如果你不能感到自在舒服,也就不能表现出你最好的一面,但是对自己感到自在舒适的方法有很多。如果化妆让你心情上感觉很舒服自在,那么我的朋友,果断的化妆吧! 美丽是种工作。 当然你肯定已经明白了,你很清楚每天早上要花多长时间才能梳妆打扮好,你也很清楚要想恢复精力得休息多久才够。但是我们不会让男人甚至是其他女性看到我们梳妆打扮的过程。我很想保持一种神秘感,但是这并不需要隐藏化妆的“幕后过程“,虽然有时很狼狈。我们嘲笑那些过度追求美的女性,因为我们认为她们看起来很蠢,很肤浅,但是我想更多是因为大多数人都低调隐瞒的做这些事情,而她们比较高调吧。我们嘲笑史努基(女影星)棕褐色的皮肤因为她的高调,暴露了我们私下购买的那些自然日晒乳。如果我们能把这些为公众生活所做的准备工作更加透明,不加掩饰,我们可能会对我们所追求的目标更加清晰吧。 大多数美容小诀窍都没什么用。下面提到的21条诀窍却至关重要。 美甲很关键。好用的隔离霜再贵也值得。搽一点维他命A酸乳效果会令你吃惊。多吃蔬菜,多喝水,摄取足够的热量。选择一款适合你肤色的遮瑕膏。多笑笑,别那么严肃。了解口红的分类。在你的经济条件允许范围内做一个最美的发型。如果穿的衣服让你感觉不舒服,以后不要再穿。好的眉形会使整张脸看上去很有光彩,但是如果你认为每次用镊子修眉是件令人难堪的事情,那么就让眉毛肆意生长好了。多做运动。找到最适合你的颜色,但也不要太过单调。挺胸抬头,收臀。适量的喝点红酒,会让你面色红润,唇色饱满。不要总在镜子前盯着自己的妆容看有没有问题。洗发不要太频繁。记住”美容觉“名称的由来是有道理的。出门不要忘记涂防晒霜。记住这点,如果你总是在努力模仿他人,那么你永远也不可能展现出你最美的一面。 本文由由译言网cocojessicaxie提供
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也谈What a shame
Bobby 2010-11-1 20:27
我发表一下我的意见,如有不妥,请各位批评指正。 对一个短语或成语的理解,主要还是注意根据语境(上下文)来理解,尤其是一个词是多义词时。脱开语境(上下文)讨论不易说清。有时即使在同一语境(上下文)也会产生歧义,这种情况即使是母语人士也不例外。 一个词语或短语会随时间而有所变化,或者在意义方面,或者在外延方面。字典中含义往往落后于当下该词的含义。如果对不同词典的编篡时间或编写特色加以注意,则容易厘清在那种字典中可查到该词目前的恰当含义。 梁实秋 先生主编的《远东英汉大词典》、上海译文出版社的《英汉大词典》、《牛津现代高级英汉双解词典》可能编写时间较早,所据的版本较旧。因此之故,我更愿查网络词典。当然,理解某词或短语当下的含义,生活在英美国家的人士更有优势。 具体到 What a shame ,在目前的口语中,意思应该是表示同情、失望或惋惜之义( used for expressing sympathy or disappointment )。 Shame 作为 单数( singular )名词 时,意义同上(表示同情、失望、遗憾或惋惜) ; Shame 表示 不可数( uncountable )名词 时,意思是耻辱、可耻、羞耻、羞愧(感)。
个人分类: 科学感想|3891 次阅读|1 个评论
[转载]周末欣赏: What a wonderful world!
fangjinqin 2010-7-24 10:58
周末欣赏: What a wonderful world(1) ! 周末欣赏: What a wonderful world(2) !
个人分类: 科学论坛|2659 次阅读|1 个评论
WHAT IS SPUTTERING 何为溅射?[译稿-未完成]
xiangxing 2010-5-29 16:27
http://www.ajaint.com/whatis.htm A technique used to deposit thin films of a material onto a surface (a.k.a. substrate). By first creating a gaseous plasma and then accelerating the ions from this plasma into some source material (a.k.a. target), the source material is eroded by the arriving ions via energy transfer and is ejected in the form of neutral particles - either individual atoms, clusters of atoms or molecules. As these neutral particles are ejected they will travel in a straight line unless they come into contact with something - other particles or a nearby surface. If a substrate such as a Si wafer is placed in the path of these ejected particles it will be coated by a thin film of the source material. 溅射是一种在表面(又称为基片,衬底)沉积薄膜材料的技术。首先,形成气态的等离子体,然后将等离子的离子在电场下加速,导向源材料(又名靶材,目标)。等离子的离子轰击碰撞靶材,发生能量转移,使得靶材以中性粒子的形式开始喷射出来,这些中性粒子要么是单个原子,要么就是原子簇团或分子簇团。 当这些中性粒子喷出时,它们将在一直一条直线上运动,除非他们接触到的东西,(中学物理学的弹性碰撞)这些东西可能是其他粒子或附近的表面。如果衬底例如硅晶片,被放置在这些喷射出的粒子的运动路径上,衬底就会覆盖一层源材料的薄膜。 Although SPUTTERING as described above seems relatively intuitive, familiarization with the following terms / concepts will give a more comprehensive understanding of this process: 虽然溅射如上所述似乎比较直观,但是,熟悉一下以下的术语或概念将会使得你对溅射过程有一个更全面的了解: Sometimes described as the fourth state of matter (the first three being solid, liquid, gas), a gaseous plasma is actually a dynamic condition where neutral gas atoms, ions, electrons and photons exist in a near balanced state simultaneously. An energy source (eg. RF, DC, MW) is required to feed and thus maintain the plasma state while the plasma is losing energy into its surroundings. One can create this dynamic condition by metering a gas (e.g. Ar) into a pre-pumped vacuum chamber and allowing the chamber pressure to reach a specific level (eg. 0.1 Torr) and introducing a live electrode into this low pressure gas environment using a vacuum feedthrough. 气态的等离子体有时被描述为物质的第四态(排在前三位的是固体,液体,气体),气态等离子实际上是一种动态条件,其中中性气体原子,离子,电子和光子在接近平衡状态同时存在。等离子体会损失能量在其周围环境中,因而必须通过提供能量来源(如射频,直流,兆瓦)从而保持等离子体状态。待续 POWERING THE ELECTRODE WITH DCV WILL RESULT IN: 1. Ever present free electrons will immediately be accelerated away from the negatively charged electrode (cathode). These accelerated electrons will approach the outer shell electrons of neutral gas atoms in their path and, being of a like charge, will drive these electrons off the gas atoms. This leaves the gas atom electrically unbalanced since it will have more positively charged protons than negatively charged electrons - thus it is no longer a neutral gas atom but a positively charged ion (e.g. Ar +). See animation WhatIs_Sputtering1Anim.swf http://www.ajaint.com/Images/PHOTOGRAPHS/Other/WhatIs_Sputtering1Anim.swf 2. At this point the positively charged ions are accelerated into the negatively charged electrode (a.k.a. cathode) striking the surface and blasting loose electrode material (diode sputtering) and more free electrons by energy transfer. The additional free electrons feed the formation of ions and the continuation of the plasma. See animation WhatIs_Sputtering2Anim.swf http://www.ajaint.com/Images/PHOTOGRAPHS/Other/WhatIs_Sputtering2Anim.swf 3. All the while free electrons find their way back into the outer electron shells of the ions thereby changing them back into neutral gas atoms. Due to the laws of conservation of energy, when these electrons return to a ground state, the resultant neutral gas atom gas gained energy and must release that same energy in the form of a photon. The release of these photons is the reason the plasma appears to be glowing. See animation WhatIs_Sputtering3Anim.swf http://www.ajaint.com/Images/PHOTOGRAPHS/Other/WhatIs_Sputtering3Anim.swf MAGNETRON SPUTTERING The diode sputtering example given above has proven to be a useful technique in the deposition of thin films when the cathode is covered with source material (sputtering target). Diode sputtering however has two major problems - the deposition rate is slow and the electron bombardment of the substrate is extensive and can cause overheating and structural damage. The development of magnetron sputtering deals with both of these issues simultaneously. By using magnets behind the cathode to trap the free electrons in a magnetic field directly above the target surface, these electrons are not free to bombard the substrate to the same extent as with diode sputtering. At the same time the extensive, circuitous path carved by these same electrons when trapped in the magnetic field, enhances their probability of ionizing a neutral gas molecule by several orders of magnitude. This increase in available ions significantly increases the rate at which target material is eroded and subsequently deposited onto the subtrate. See animation WhatIs_MagnetronSputtering.swf http://www.ajaint.com/Images/PHOTOGRAPHS/Other/WhatIs_MagnetronSputtering.swf WHAT IS A MAGNETRON SPUTTERING SOURCE? See photo WhatIs_A_MS_Source.jpg A tool to deposit thin film that mounts to a vacuum chamber by means of either flanges or feedthroughs and consists of a water cooled cathode/target holder with an imbedded magnet array and appropriate grounded shielding. Numerous designs and magnet configurations are employeed to address particular requirements. MODULAR MAGNET ARRAY - MAGNETRON SPUTTER SRC. A special magnetron sputtering source feature developed by AJA International, Inc. in 1991 to allow the end user to convert the specific magnetic field of the source to a variety of configurations. For example, each source can be configured to operate in the: ●Balanced mode to minimize substrate ion / electron bombardment ●Unbalanced mode to utilizing simultaneous ion bombardment to enhance film properties ●Magnetic material mode to help the magnetic field saturate and overcome the shunting effect of magnetic target materials allowing the magnetron sputter deposition of high permeability targets such as Fe. CONFOCAL SPUTTERING See photo WhatIs_Confocal_Sputtering.gif A sputtering system configuration where multiple magnetron sputtering sources are arranged in a specific circular pattern and are aimed at a common focal point. When a substrate is placed in the vicinity of this focal point and rotated on its own axis, it is possible to deposit highly uniform single layers, multi-layers and co-deposited alloy films. It is an extremely popular technique for the following reasons: ●Exceptional deposition uniformity on substrates twice the diameter of the source targets. ●Ability to easily control the growth of successive layers ranging in thicknesses from less thanone atomic monolayer to thousands of Angstroms. ●Minimizes time delay between subsequent layers since the substrate does not have to be re-positioned for each layer. In a con-focal multi-layer deposition, every source shutter opens about one second after the previous shutter has closed thereby keeping the deposited film surface on the substrate in the plasma. This keeps the interface surface free from contamination by residual gas and prevents nucleation of the next layer material. ●Complete freedom to easily grow alloys of any number of materials in any ratio with precise control. This is ideal for combinatorial chemistry applications and for optimization of compound material target stoichiometries for production applications. ●The con-focal sputtering configuration is compact and maintains the substrate holder in an axial orientation. This allows for much more freedom and sophistication in substrate holder design and keeps overall costs down. ●For low deposition rate materials it is possible to boost the rate by running 2-3 targets of this material simultaneously from a single power supply. IN-SITU TILT SOURCES IN A CONFOCAL SPUTTERING SYSTEM See photo WhatIs_Anim_InSitu.gif In powerful RD sputtering systems with the maximum level of flexibility, end users like to have the ability to operate at different working distances (distance between target and substrate). In order maintain high deposition uniformity, the focal point of the magnetron sputtering sources must be variable by adjusting the source head angle. Also, the deposition profile of materials deposited with DC, with RF and with magnetic materials are all different, so the optimal angle for each material is not identical even if the working distance remains unchanged. In 1991 AJA International, Inc. invented the world's first UHV and HV magnetron sputter sources with IN-SITU TILT. Without breaking vacuum, each source head angle could be individually set with a precision micrometer to a specific angle. If removed for service or cleaning, it could be returned to the system and set to precisely the same angle - this is much more difficult to accomplish with manually adjustable, source head tilt assemblies. IN-SITU TILT combined with a load-lock on the sputtering system also saves a significant amount of time in performing quick test runs in succession to zero in on the optimal source angles. What can be done in a few hours on a system with load-lock and IN-SITU TILT can take weeks on a system with manual source head tilt since adjustment requires venting the chamber each time to reset the angle. Finally, IN-SITU TILT permits the user to tilt the source away from the substrate and grow gradient or wedge films which are popular in combinatorial chemistry applications. DIRECT SPUTTERING See photo WhatIs_Anim_Direct.gif A sputtering system configuration where the substrate is positioned or moving directly in front of and parallel to the magnetron sputtering source targets. As a rule, target diameters (or lengths as in the case of rectangular magnetron sputtering sources) should be about 20% to 30% larger than the substrate to achieve reasonable uniformity. For example a 100 mm wafer would require a 150 mm sputter target to achieve +/- 5% deposition uniformity. Although this configuration is much less flexible and generally more expensive than con-focal sputtering, it has its place in production applications which require maximum deposition rates (semiconductor wafer metallization), applications which utilize large substrates (e.g. flat panel displays) and a few techniques that demand line-of-sight deposition (e.g. lift-off). Utilizing a direct sputtering configuration for RD is justified in certain instances, but often is chosen because it is what the researcher has seen before. Like diode sputtering, this was the original sputter system configuration and old habits die hard. It is important to clearly evaluate your needs before choosing between direct and con-focal deposition orientation. AJA - THE CUTTING EDGE IN SPUTTERING TECHNOLOGY http://www.ajaint.com/ By focusing on high quality, innovative design, product flexibility, customer support and affordability, AJA International, Inc. is the undisputed leader in RD sputtering equipment. The company has pushed the envelope since its founding in 1989 and continues to drive the market. Its designs are often copied but never equaled. http://www.ajaint.com/whatis.htm
个人分类: 磁控溅射|9 次阅读|0 个评论
What is a Computer Scientist?
huangfuqiang 2009-12-6 11:54
Copyright belongs to The University of Newcastle What is a Computer Scientist? The title computer scientist can be applied to a wide range computer professionals who generally design computers and the software that runs them, develop information technologies, and develop and adapt principles for applying computers to new uses. Computer scientists are distinguished from other computer professionals by the higher level of theoretical expertise and innovation they apply to complex problems and the creation or application of new technology. Computer scientists must be able to think logically and have good communication skills. They often deal with a number of tasks simultaneously; the ability to concentrate and pay close attention to detail is important. Although many computer specialists sometimes work independently, they often work in teams on large projects. They must be able to communicate effectively with computer personnel, such as programmers and managers, as well as with users or other staff who may have no technical computer background. Computer scientists employed in industry may eventually advance into managerial or project leadership positions . Those employed in academic institutions can become heads of research departments or published authorities in their field. Computer professionals with several years of experience and considerable expertise in a particular subject area or application may find lucrative opportunities as independent consultants or choose to start their own computer consulting firms. Technological advances come so rapidly in the computer field that continuous study is necessary to keep skills up to date . Continuing education is usually offered by employers, hardware and software vendors, colleges and universities, or private training institutions. Additional training may come from professional development seminars offered by professional computing societies.
个人分类: 其它方面|3363 次阅读|2 个评论
What is the Philosophy of Information (PI)?
huangfuqiang 2009-3-5 19:47
来自: InfoSciPhi What is the Philosophy of Information (PI)? April 25th, 2006 Before I get much further along in discussions of the various topics and issues in this field, perhaps a short definition and some background information would be in order. I will try not to get too esoteric and technical with philosophical jargon in my writings on PI, since I want to keep you as readers. However, I have to do justice to the topic and to you as thinkers and educated, literate professionals by at least dealing with the basics of the discipline in the somewhat complex vernacular required. As early as the 1950s there was speculation about computers and intelligence as mathematician Alan Turing developed his Turing Test . He said, I propose to consider the question Can machines think? This should begin with definitions of the meaning of the terms machine and think. The advent of the computer has forced philosophers and computer scientists to consider new theoretical positions about the mind, cognition, consciousness, metaphysics , language, and much more. Until a few decades ago, professional philosophers have avoided the topics of PI and left them to other disciplines. The interdisciplinary nature of the issues in PI made it so that no particular specialty perceived these issues to be their own. Luciano Floridi , Associate Professor of Logic and Epistemology at Oxford , was incremental in defining the Philosophy of Information and has written extensively on various topics in the field. In his essay titled What is the Philosophy of Information he defines it thusly: Philosophy of information (PI) is the philosophical field concerned with a) the critical investigation of the conceptual nature and basic principles of information, including its dynamics, utilization, and sciences, and b) the elaboration and application of information-theoretical and computational methodologies to philosophical problems. The dynamics of information could refer to such things as information life cycles (the various stages in form and functional activity through which information can pass), the constitution and modeling of information environments (one of which could be the library), or computation. Floridi says PI is prescriptive about what may count as information, and how information should be adequately created, processed, managed, and used. He goes on to state that that PI can be discussed through the perspectives of the ancient, classical, and modern authors such as Descartes , Plato , and Nietzsche , who wrote well before the current information age . I know that this is pretty dense subject matter, but I hope you can see why an informed discussion of PI is relevant to Library and Information Science. Floridi makes its importance clear as he concludes this essay with this paragraph: PI, understood as a foundational philosophy of information modeling and design, can explain and guide the purposeful construction of our intellectual environment, and provide the systematic treatment of the conceptual foundations of contemporary society. It enables humanity to make sense of the world and construct it responsibly, reaching a new stage in the semanticization of being. If what has been suggested here is correct, the current development of PI may be delayed but remains inevitable, and it will affect the overall way in which we address both new and old philosophical problems, bringing about a substantial innovation of the philosophical system. This will represent the information turn in philosophy. Clearly, PI promises to be one of the most exciting and fruitful areas of philosophical research of our time.
个人分类: 信息&工程&逻辑哲学|3836 次阅读|0 个评论

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