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liangjie74 2013-9-30 18:07
2857 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 melius 2013-8-29 23:29
个人分类: [Photo album] 光与影|3138 次阅读|1 个评论
热度 1 hongyuhuang2011 2013-8-19 16:20
接着上一篇,从此网站 获得下列仪器的比对: Table 1: Participating TLS and their specifications. Instrument DWEL SALCA RIEGL VZ400 UMB CBL (RIT SICK) FARO FOCUS 3D Institution Boston University University of Salford, UK DSITIA TERN (University of Queensland) University of Massachusetts, Boston University of Southern Queensland Contact Alan Strahler Crystal Schaaf Mark Danson Rachel Gaulton Steve Hancock John Armston Kasper Johansen Crystal Schaaf Zhenyu Zhang Ranging Technique Time-of-flight Time-of-flight Time-of-flight Time-of-flight Phase-shift Recorded Data Waveform Waveform Multiple discrete return Waveform 1st and 2nd discrete return Single discrete return Scan Configuration 0-119 zenith 0-360 azimuth 1.6-97.6 zenith 0-360 azimuth 30-130 zenith 0-360 azimuth 0-135 zenith 0-360 azimuth 0-160 zenith 0-360 azimuth Wavelengths 1063.85 nm 1547.76 nm 1063.4 nm 1545.4 nm 1550 nm 905 nm 905 nm Angular Resolution 1 mrad 2 mrad 4 mrad 1.05 mrad zenith 1.05, 2.1, 4.2 mrad azimuth 0.04-5.03 mrad zenith 0.04-8.73 mrad azimuth 0.25 deg 0.50 deg ≥0.157 mrad Waveform Sampling Interval 7.5 cm 15 cm 30 cm N/A N/A Beam Divergence 1.25 mrad 2.5 mrad 5 mrad 0.56 mrad 0.35 mrad 15 mrad 0.16 mrad Beam Exit Diameter 6 mm 2.4 mm 3.6 mm 7 mm 8 mm 3.8 mm Detector FOV 5 mrad 2.67 mrad Not available Not available Not available Pulse Length (FWHM) 5.1 ns 5.12 ns 1 ns 3 ns 3 ns Not available N/A (CW) Pulse Energy 0.6 μJ 0.6 μJ 0.5 μJ (1664 nm) 5 μJ (1550 nm) 0.48 μJ Not available Not available Laser Class 3R 3R 1 1 3R Pulse Rate 20 kHz 5 kHz 100 kHz 300 kHz 50 Hz 25 Hz Not available Effective Measurement Rate 2,000 p/sec Not available 42,000 p/sec 122,000 p/sec Not available 976,000 p/sec Weight 22 kg 15 kg 9.6 kg 1.1 kg 5 kg Min. Range ~0 ~0 0.5-1.5 m Not available 0.6 m Max. Range 100 m (10% ρ) 150 m (10% ρ) 105 (10% ρ) 200 m (10% ρ) 120 m (10% ρ) 18 m (10% ρ) 20 m (10% ρ) 此外,文中提到比对的数据将来会放在网上,让大家自由下载、研究。
个人分类: LiDAR|2336 次阅读|2 个评论
热度 1 hongyuhuang2011 2013-8-19 11:18
前几天在澳大利亚Brisbane进行了激光扫描仪在森林中的联合实验,仪器有UK的SALCA(Salford Advanced Laser Canopy Analyser,双光谱地基激光扫描仪)、DWEL (dual waveform Echidna LiDAR,又一双光谱地基激光扫描仪)、Riegl 和Faro 等。 具体情形可参见: http://storify.com/TERN/tlsiig-in-brisbane http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-08-16/laser-vision-reveals-queensland-forests-in-new/4893664?goback=%2Egde_4408378_member_266648538#%21(视频)
个人分类: LiDAR|4517 次阅读|2 个评论
热度 7 Hongbolu 2013-8-2 23:42
2013.07.17 我们清晨出发,空中还滴着稀疏的雨点,不时有云雾笼罩着山头。然而,从伊尔施镇到火山地质公园的路上还是有很多美景让游人不得不停车拍照。 先上几张图供大家欣赏!
个人分类: 生活点滴|5738 次阅读|16 个评论
[转载]First High-resolution National Carbon Map—Panama
hongyuhuang2011 2013-7-24 13:55
http://carnegiescience.edu/news/first_highresolution_national_carbon_map%E2%80%94panama First High-resolution National Carbon Map—Panama Monday, July 22, 2013 Watch the Carnegie Airborne Observatory make the world's highest resolution carbon map of a country (Panama) in less than one minute http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_fQwv4coRR8 Washington, DC—A team of researchers has for the first time mapped the above ground carbon density of an entire country in high fidelity. They integrated field data with satellite imagery and high-resolution airborne Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data to map the vegetation and to quantify carbon stocks throughout the Republic of Panama. The results are the first maps that report carbon stocks locally in areas as small as a hectare (2.5 acres) and yet cover millions of hectares in a short time. The system has the lowest demonstrated uncertainty of any carbon-counting approach yet—a carbon estimation uncertainty of about 10% in each hectareoverflown with LiDAR as compared to field-based estimates. Importantly, it can be used across a wide range of vegetation types worldwide. The new system, described in Carbon Balance and Management, will greatly boost conservation and efforts to mitigate climate change through carbon sequestration. It will also inform our understanding of how carbon storage can be used to assess other fundamental ecosystem characteristics such as hydrology, habitat quality, and biodiversity. The approach provides much-needed technical support for carbon-based economic activities such as the United Nations Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) program* in developing countries. Panama has complex landscapes, with variable topography, and diverse ecosystems (ranging from grasslands and mangroves to shrublands and dense forests). As a result, Panama is an ideal laboratory to develop and test a method for quantifying aboveground carbon. Lead author Greg Asner commented: “Three things make this national-scale study unique. First, Panama is an outstanding place for testing carbon mapping approaches due in part to the long-term forest studies that have been undertaken by our partners at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI). Second, we have applied the very latest techniques using high-performance instrumentation, resulting in demonstrably high accuracy at fine spatial resolution. And third the partnership permitted us to estimate our errors in a novel way, and we did so over every point on Panamanian soil.” In addition to Carnegie and STRI researchers, scientists from McGill University and UC-Berkeley combined measurement methods—an extensive and essential network of ground-based plot sampling, satellite imagery, and LiDAR measurements from the Carnegie Airborne Observatory—to achieve the unprecedented accuracy. LiDAR uses reflected laser light to image vegetation canopy structure in 3-D. The scientists calibrated the LiDAR measurements, taken at one-meter resolution throughout nearly one million acres (390,000 hectares), to the carbon density in 228 regional field plots, established and sampled by the collaborating scientists. They used 91 other plots to validate the LiDAR’s aboveground carbon density estimates. “Rarely has such a large number of field plots been available to validate LiDAR calibration independently,” remarked Asner. “Our collaboration with STRI and its partners was vital to assess the accuracy of what we achieved from the air.” Traditional carbon monitoring has relied upon on-the-ground sampling of field plots, but this approach usually represents just small areas of land and is time-consuming. “There has been growing interest in using satellite imagery to cover larger areas, but it is low resolution both spatially and in terms of the structural information about the vegetation,” described Carnegie author Joseph Mascaro. “In some parts of Panama, different global methods disagree by more than 100% at square-kilometer scale.” That’s where the airborne LiDAR comes in. It directly probes the ecosystem’s physical structure, which Carnegie scientists have repeatedly proven to be tightly linked to tropical carbon stocks. These measurements are the bedrock for mapping and estimating the amount of carbon locked up in plants from dense forests to shrublands. The researchers then were able to scale up the plot and LiDAR data with freely available satellite data on topography, rainfall and vegetation to model carbon stocks at the national level. The LiDAR and satellite combination were able to account for variations in the carbon pattern from differences in elevation, slope, climate, and fractional canopy cover over the entire country. For instance, the scientists found that highest carbon levels are in humid forests on the Caribbean side of Panama, often exceeding 110 tons of carbon per hectare (2.5 acres). In contrast, large regions were deforested to very low carbon levels, such as in the developed regions outside the protected watershed of the Panama Canal. Human activity is the overwhelming driver of carbon stock patterns in Panama. “Panama is one of the first UN REDD partner countries, and these new maps put the country at the forefront of high-resolution ecosystem management.” said co-author and STRI’s director Eldredge Bermingham, “The new carbon mapping approach could be the model for other tropical nations.” --------------------- *The objective of UN-REDD+ is to create a financial incentive for developing countries to protect their forest resources in order to offset increasing carbon emissions. By creating financial value for the carbon stored in trees, the aim is to make forests more valuable standing than they would be harvested or destroyed. The Carnegie Airborne Observatory is made possible by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, the Andrew Mellon Foundation, the Grantham Foundation for the Protection of the Environment, Avatar Alliance Foundation, W. M. Keck Foundation, the Margaret A. Cargill Foundation, Mary Anne Nyburg Baker and G. Leonard Baker Jr., and William R. Hearst III. The Department of Global Ecology was established in 2002 to help build the scientific foundations for a sustainable future. The department is located on the campus of Stanford University, but is an independent research organization funded by the Carnegie Institution. Its scientists conduct basic research on a wide range of large-scale environmental issues, including climate change, ocean acidification, biological invasions, and changes in biodiversity. The research reported in this article was based on funding to the CAO described above, a Grantham Foundation for the Protection of the Environment grant to STRI, in addition to Grantham funding for the CAO, SIGEO/ForestGEO funds from the Smithsonian Institution and STRI, and support to the CAO Panama project from William R. Hearst III. The Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, headquartered in Panama City, Panama, is a unit of the Smithsonian Institution. The institute furthers the understanding of tropical nature and its importance to human welfare, trains students to conduct research in the tropics, and promotes conservation by increasing public awareness of the beauty and importance of tropical ecosystems. See www.stri.si.edu
个人分类: LiDAR|1810 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 5 ZhangSH62 2013-7-20 16:12
周末了,完成重大活动之后,团队成员一起来到辽宁新宾满族自治县,这里是满清皇家的发源地。 第一次来到这里的和睦国家森林公园。入住的和睦宾馆确实不错,整个山里没有多少游客,沿小溪走了两个小时才见到三伙游客。山里处处是郁郁葱葱的山谷,森林茂盛,松树有几十米高,看来有几十年以上的历史,文革应该没有遭到破坏。山中溪水白花花,见了都想喝一口,或洗洗手。路边的灌木、野花惹人怜爱。 这里确实是一个休闲度假的好去处。 无名小花 雾气中的三国八挂城 路旁树丛 雾气缭绕的小溪 吊桥 小瀑布 宾馆门前 离开前合一个
3864 次阅读|10 个评论
[转载]WWF and Thailand government launch TREEMAPS
hongyuhuang2011 2013-6-17 06:20
WWF and Thailand government launch TREEMAPS, the first high-precision forest carbon mapping initiative in South-east Asia Bangkok, Thailand - The Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation (DNP) and WWF-Thailand formally launched on June 6th the joint project, TREEMAPS - Tracking Reductions in Carbon Emissions through Enhanced Monitoring and Project Support - which aims to establish Thailand’s first forest carbon basemap and monitoring system, as well as establishing a sub-national REDD+ project. Presiding over the launch ceremony at the Rama Gardens Hotel were Mr. Chote Trachu, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment which oversees all of Thailand’s conservation agencies, Dr. Ingo Winkelmann, Minister and Deputy Head of Mission of the German Embassy in Bangkok who represented the project’s major donor – the German government, and Mr. Petch Manopawit, Manager of WWF’s Conservation programme in Thailand. TREEMAPS’ overriding objective is for Thailand to develop the capacity at the national level - and, in one region, at the sub-national level - to measure and monitor change in forest carbon and to take advantage of the full range of emerging forest carbon financing and benefit opportunities. Data will be collected from three sources: satellite imagery, on-the-ground surveys and through the use of groundbreaking LiDAR technology. “WWF is introducing cutting-edge LiDAR technology to help Thailand survey carbon levels in forests to establish its first carbon basemap with accurate data on carbon inventory and a reliable system of monitoring carbon level in forests,” said Mr. Justin Foster, Project Director of TREEMAPS with WWF-Thailand. LiDAR, which stands for Light Detection and Ranging, utilizes a highly sensitive airborne sensor that bounces laser beams off foliage in forests and ground below to measure ground topography, forest height and structure at the highest precision available today. LiDAR will be the key technology employed in developing Thailand’s first forest carbon basemap. LiDAR scanners will be fitted to aircraft conducting aerial surveys. The aerial surveys will collect data that will subsequently be processed to produce 3D (three dimensional) images of the surveyed forest. The data collected will provide highly accurate information, which will form the basis of a forest carbon basemap. The creation of the forest carbon basemap will allow for ongoing monitoring of changes in Thailand’s forests. Thailand is the first country in Southeast Asia to adopt and employ LiDAR technology for forest conservation through this WWF initiative. According to Dr. Songtham Suksawang, Director of the National Park Research Division, and an expert in forest and wildlife conservation, the TREEMAPS project does not solely focus on the collection of scientific data but attracts involvement of local stakeholders such as forest dependent communities in how the project is run. “Promoting the involvement of people to actively plant trees supports the creation of a carbon credit market,” said Dr. Songtham. “At the same time, other environmental services such as water resources management, tourism, wildlife conservation are also included in the project’s mission statement and this mutually benefits all aspects of conservation work simultaneously.” The TREEMAPS project will initiate a pilot initiative in the Dong Phayayen Khao Yai (DPKY) Forest Complex in the northeast of Thailand. The area, which includes several national parks, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and host to globally important forest ecosystems and more than 800 species, including tigers, elephants and gibbons. But the forest area has suffered severe impacts from deforestation and encroachment. Over the past 20 years, Thailand lost 577,000 hectares of forest, at an average rate of 0.15% per year. Estimates of forest degradation are currently not available Prior to the TREEMAPS project, the available approaches for measuring forest carbon in Thailand were not capable of delivery the level of accuracy required by REDD+ or private sector voluntary carbon markets. REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation in Developing Countries) is an initiative of the United Nations (UN) to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, promote conservation and sustainable management of forests and enhancement of forest carbon stocks. TREEMAPS provides an opportunity for Thailand to receive funding support through REDD+ and various other payment for ecosystem services (PES). However, in order to benefit from the REDD+ programme and receive funding from these mechanism, Thailand must first establish a system to measure and monitor changes in forest carbon levels, that meets the highest level of accuracy (tier 3) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). TREEMAPS hopes to play a key role in conserving forests for Thai people to receive the full benefits of REDD+ initiatives, exchange knowledge, skills, experiences and lessons learned with other countries and regions. Additionally, various co-benefits and environmental services will be experienced, such as climate change mitigation as well as the creation of new opportunities for Thai people to maximize benefits from managing forests sustainably. WWF’s TREEMAPS project has received financial support from the Germany’s Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) under the its International Climate Initiative (ICI) framework. 引自: http://wwf.panda.org/what_we_do/where_we_work/greatermekong/news/?208960goback=.gde_1317037_member_249792412
个人分类: LiDAR|1731 次阅读|0 个评论
wanzb626 2013-6-16 19:39
1075 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 34 lixuekuan 2013-6-15 10:10
雨后的森林,生机勃勃 树上,有百灵鸟在歌唱 只闻其声不见其影 那遍地盛开的野玫瑰 还有星星点点的野罂粟 散发着幽幽的香 踩在松软的松针上 胜过羊毛地毯 清甜的空气 让人不由自主地大口呼吸 吐出城市里吸进来的浊气 走在松涛阵阵的山间小道 流连忘返 突然,在浓密碧绿的松针里 看见有宝石闪着晶莹的光泽 难道松树上可以长出钻石? 我紧赶两步走到树下 原来闪着钻石一样光芒的 竟然是她! ( 赵美娣 老师修改 ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (原文字缺少韵律) 雨后的森林是生机勃勃的。 树上百灵鸟在歌唱,只闻其声不见其鸟。 遍地盛开的野玫瑰、野罂粟散发出幽幽的香味。 脚踩在松软的松针上感觉胜过羊毛地毯。 空气好的让你不由自主地大口呼吸,吐出在城市里吸进来的浊气。 走在松涛阵阵的山间小道上让人流连忘返。 突然,发现在浓密、碧绿的松针见发出宝石一样的光泽。 难道松树上可以长出钻石? 紧赶两步走到树下,发现发出钻石一样光芒的竟然是她! 常见的松塔 红色的松塔
个人分类: 美图欣赏|6139 次阅读|110 个评论
热度 2 ldzpwtbob 2013-5-23 11:53
个人分类: 生活点滴|2960 次阅读|3 个评论
热度 4 学数学的苹果 2013-4-6 20:56
话说今天有点让人受不了哈,蓝天白云的,我在客厅给面包整形的时候一次又一次问自己:我这是在那个国家呢?美国?还是法国?还是我老家? 面包出炉后,我们一家三口往森林公园走去,沿着河边15分钟就可到公园北院。人真多啊,真多啊,我和女儿比赛跑步,她总是趁我不注意先跑出去 。期间发生了一件事情,心理特别难过,我和女儿正在跑步的时候,前面有一对龙凤胎,8岁左右的样子在轮滑,速度很快。男孩子没事,女孩子忽然摔倒了,我本能的跑上去把她抱起来,小女孩一个劲的说腿疼。大约3分钟后,小男孩估计看小女孩没跟上折回来,这时候她爸妈也追上来了。结果小男孩第一句话是谁把你碰倒了?谁啊,然后看着我 那一刻,幸好姑娘妈妈说谢谢你啊谢谢你,然后我把小姑娘抱给了她,俺就几乎要落泪了:怪不得现在人摔倒了不愿意管呢,小姑娘也不说自己摔倒的,幸好小姑娘妈妈没赖着我。老公见我郁闷,说没事,那么多人看着呢。 很快就释然了,接着跑步去,否则怎么对得起这蓝天白云的。
2145 次阅读|12 个评论
lao2004 2013-4-2 22:34
白胸苦恶鸟身材不错,飞翔技术有点笨拙、行走姿态有点趑趄,孤单一只掠走后,山野又成了优雅滑翔鸟儿们的天下,在鸠鸽咿唔中盈然起来。 “小母鸡一定是太孤单了!”有个小孩声音响起。说的是刚才匆匆飞过的白胸苦恶鸟,称为小母鸡。 “天地这么大,孑然一身绝对不好受!”又有个小孩声音响起,充满同情口气。 “你们看,小绵羊、小马驹好白好美啊,它们好像越飘越高了,离咱们越来越远了。”先前说话小孩的大嗓门,引着众人都眺望天空。 “秋季的天空,空旷空旷的,蔚蓝蔚蓝的,几朵孤零零白云,划着长长雁影,确实寂寞惆怅。”与慕紫灵坐在一堆的男孩子轻轻说道。 “云朵离咱们越来越远真的不是好事,它们可别真的一去不复返了。宇宙膨胀速度在加快,云朵跟着走远高飞,没有了它们,咱们的世界可就少了很多烂漫遐想了。”又一个孩子对着天边浮云发出感慨,是一个早熟的孩子。 “科学家们正在研究布设一个能量罩,可惜无从获得超重量黑物质,万事俱备只欠东风了。”另一个男孩低沉音调轻轻说道。 席地围坐的一群孩子们仰望天空,话题越扯越远,不由忧虑起地球和人类生存空间的问题来了。 “我说吗,天旷寂寥、云淡飘渺、雁影思乡、乌啼忆年,秋日最不宜独自凭栏啦!”慕紫灵婉转悦耳声音再次响起,镇住一大帮少男少女。 看着一双双明亮眼睛灼炙而来,慕紫灵不得不认真地说下去:“天地有大美,秋色独佳。蔚蓝蔚蓝的天、色彩斑斓的地,不管是风轻云淡、狂风骤雨,或者是几丛绿、一堆黄、连片狼藉,都经得起轻啜慢品,都是一幅幅画、一首首诗、一篇篇绝佳散文、一串串丰硕果实啦。” 似乎说不下去了,她语调一转,问道:“最美的秋色在哪里?你们知道吗?” 一时没人回答,想一想,秋色无处不美。欢也美、悲也美;聚也美,分也美;枯木也美,浮云也美。真是难以抉择! 没人接过话题,慕紫灵自己作答:“依俺看,当属于皑皑群山和茂密森林。森林的美啊,最具发散性的美,繁荣、自由、浪漫、蛮荒、无拘无束;它们是非对称的、立体的、参差的、错落的;在其中,不会觉得寂寥、孤独,无时不刻都充满生气和活力。俺特喜欢森林,特别是秋水盈盈群林尽染,好美好美的。” 魏民道、孔明溪和詹小洁听到紫灵姑娘老气横秋像宣誓般,不由莞尔,心想小紫灵陪着父母亲在崇岭大山里转了一段时间,关键时刻还派上用场了。 田野不远处,是郁郁葱葱原始森林。与大海一样,大森林是古岛巨大聚宝瓶,有取之不完、用之不竭无穷财富,果蔬、菌草、粮药比比皆是。更因懂得珍惜、倍加葆有,在秋天果蔬成熟时,拣取一小部分,便可积草囤粮享用无尽。 相对于森林中出入自如的机器人,人类娇弱得多,为了避免给自然界太多干扰,古岛的森林都归巴爷惹娘管理。人们选择固步自封,不随意进入森林深处里,只在林缘欣赏。 要欣赏最美的秋色,通过傻瓜系统,每个人都可以很容易知晓林中一切事宜。金秋时节,森林里热闹非凡,一团团、一簇簇,满眼是五彩缤纷,处处是忙碌景象: 松鼠、花鼠、青鼬,会飞会跳,忙着收集松果,猴群在枝桠上蹦来串去,林蛙和老蛇忙着收拾冬眠洞房;巴爷和惹娘全副武装,脚是开山刀,手是镰和剪,一身赭红和桔黄皮袄亮堂堂,如灵猴似虎王,是山林的绝对保育者,不仅采摘果实,也清除冗杂枯树腐叶。 观看巴爷惹娘和野生动物们辛勤劳作和天真表演,除了感动就是感恩,为生灵和谐相处祈祷、祝福。没有锈蚀斑斑机器马达声,没有一堆堆一叠叠横放竖放栋梁之材,森林里呈现一派古朴也蓬勃,秋日更是锦上添花,又增加了浓墨重彩,林草依依摇曳娇姿。 再看看田边林缘劳动的人们:近林而止,自觉旁观于林外,或席坐、或漫步,逍遥自得像蝴蝶、似花朵、如浮云,和着丛丛翠绿,傍着几杆赤橙,点钿着大地和原野,融进流金季节,与天地共享丰收岁月。有哲者曰:“地球上最美的花朵是思维着的精神。”若此,融入流金季节的人类,该为最美之秋色! 正午过后,在深山里劳作的机器人巴爷惹娘陆续归来,它们是离林缘最近一伙,顺便带些它们采撷的果蔬回来,用各种篮和筐装着。携盛果蔬种类繁多,坚果、浆果、柑果琳琅满目;野菜种类更多,青翠的、桔黄的,一捆叠一捆,沁出诱人芳香。 当机器人巴爷惹娘辛勤归来,走至林缘时,大家赶紧靠近帮忙,观赏着鲜美野菜野果,亲切招呼问候,喊着阿爷阿娘、红爷黄娘。没人在乎于它们手脚熏黑染黄,一身湿湿黏黏邋遢相,一起捡拾身上毛毛虫般藤丝蓓蕾,欢快地呼喊着各种果蔬芳名,深深吸上几口漫溢果蓏醇香。 收工时候,斜阳夕照,众人齐心协力把收获庄稼和果蔬搬上板车,与巴爷惹娘一道运回村里,筹措着过一个隆重的节日——古古节,古岛很特别的节日,末日之节。 一路上,大人小孩咸为期盼,算计如何如何过节,烧菜煮饭煲粥,还要建各种美观大方砖塔石塔,晚上还要点几根蜡烛,来个梦幻烛光晚会等等。 上一章 下一章 第一章
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热度 4 laserdai 2013-3-28 07:19
现在的巴西,印度,中国,俄罗斯和南非组成“金砖五国”(BRICS)。 美国投资银行高盛首席经济师奥尼尔2001年首先提出“金砖四国”的概念。四国是巴西(Brazil)、俄国(Russia)、印度(India)和中国(China)。取每个国家英文名称第一个字母,加起来成为BRIC。因发音近似英文Brick(砖),中文名称被巧妙译成“金砖”。 金砖国家在2010年和2009年在俄国和巴西分别召开了两次峰会,2011年在中国举行的峰会上邀请南非加入,变成“金砖五国”(BRICS)。 现在,“金砖五国”占全球人口43%,占全球贸易额17%。用购买力平价衡量,“金砖五国”占全球GDP25%。 联合国开发计划署在最近发表的一份报告中表示,到2020年,金砖五国中的三个大国 -- 巴西、中国和印度的经济产出总合将超过加拿大、法国、德国、意大利、英国和美国等 经济产出总合。经济实力相当的时候,挑战自然而然升起。 2008世界经济危机以来, 老牌发达市场经济国家危机四起,难领国际风骚,风光不在;金砖国家异军突起,顶惊涛战恶浪,独占鳌头,为世界经济发展做出了历史性的贡献。随着下一步国际新秩序的形成,金砖国家将成为影响世界经济的重要新兴力量。” 现在, 金砖五国” 在南非第二大城市德班举行峰会。 五国领导人要在峰会上强调世界经济秩序正在发生本质变化,“金砖五国”已成为这场变革的中心。 金砖五国同意建立1000亿美元应急基金 金砖五国峰会的财长们发起筹备创建1000亿美元应急储备基金, 中国拟出资410亿美元,占比近半,巴西、俄罗斯、印度分别出资180亿,南非50亿。 这一基金资金来源于各国央行储备,用以防范各国国际收支或外汇危机。 这一应急储备基金实际是区域性国际货币基金组织“IMF”,是构建金砖国家“ 布雷顿森林体系 ”的重要一步,能够改变目前国际金融秩序的不合理,加强新兴经济体的经济自主性。看来就是要挑战美元帝国的金融体系。 金砖五国中最大的两个经济体:巴西和中国3月26日签署了互换规模高达约300亿美元的中巴双边本币互换协议,显示了它们改革世界贸易和金融结构的决心。 这一协议将减少两国在双边贸易中对美元的依赖 ,以及减轻未来国际金融危机对它们的冲击。 美元帝国的衰亡,开始了倒计时。
个人分类: 社会文化历史|2327 次阅读|6 个评论
lao2004 2013-3-6 22:16
魏民道、薛噱谑、弗雪莱三人同行到长途旅行站,位于纵沿区大帽山东南麓,因为建造遮天蔽日伞,原来车站拆建成了一个完全露天驿站。 三人到达驿站时,正是夕阳西挂,景色美如画。海拔高,已有秋凉,空气清新。驿站以大帽山群峦为城阙,极尽幽微要眇之美。早来的,在林中散步、荡秋千,孩子们在林中奔跑,追嬉。 夕阳斜照,山野满是金黄。粗枝大叶之下,碧草似兰如菊,紫色小花娇俏绽放,阔叶林芳香四溢。高大树木,有枫、榆和梧桐,长得飘逸婀娜,灿烂奇艳。 长途旅行站方圆几千米,人们在其中休闲、等候或者宿住,放松身心,呼吸清新空气。高大阔叶林把山野撑成一小间一小间、整齐翠绿犹如帐篷和馆吧。旅客们悠闲躺在大自然怀抱里摇晃,在自然中享受宁静。一座座塔楼里有面包、馒头,有日常用具,成了风物融入自然。 不久,慕紫灵和孔明溪一家三口、杰克曼夫妇从山口处走来。头戴淡黄色草帽,像赶往田野的老农。孔吼身材小,扣上大盖帽,一摇一晃像机器人巴爷。进入林子,摘下帽子,露出笑脸。 孔明溪两手空空徘徊瞻眺。詹小洁背一个大猫猫头单肩包,整体暗色,正面白色毛线绣着一只可爱大肥猫,大耳大眼,小嘴巴长出了几撮八字胡,头上顶只银色小鲤鱼。慕紫灵一身素色短裙,斜佩两条长长亮黑链带淑女型毛绒小包,粉红色叠层上绣只美丽黑蝴蝶,展翅翩然。杰克曼拎着他的绿色大背包,石樱子一袭粉红,娇小淡雅,两手空空。几人行囊简洁,包比 绿杨瘦 , 清闲逛荡,不像远行,倒是游园散步。 一起到东边塔楼取出宿夜行当。杰克曼、石樱子、孔明溪、詹主洁要了地窨子,可以依坡放置的纱寮。慕紫灵要了两件梭型秋千。魏民道、薛噱谑要了船型马架子。寻找一块空旷林地,选了几株姿态称意枫树,搭起小摇床,摇来晃去。 山林里的夜晚,不热闹,也不寂静。松风呜咽,竹影婆娑,鸟鼾虫啾。晚归鸟雀,偶有鬼哭狼嚎,凄怆且惆怅。 在大森林里,人类是客人,主人是昆虫鸟兽。人人轻声细语,不惊、不喧嚣。三三两两,散步、休憩,有人铺块绫绸、放块小板,静静弈着七彩棋。 慕紫灵带着孔吼,伙同新认识几个小孩,顺着蹊径,追寻发光小虫子。魏民道和孔明溪跟在后面,边走边欣赏森林里各式各样小生灵。有独角、长鼻、眼睛似灯笼,数量众多、堆聚一起,在草丛中逡巡,大口咀嚼绿叶。 天上一眉弯月,在云层出没。没了月儿,山林格外安静。夜更深,四周幽幽绰绰,偶有 光斑 高深莫测。每当这个时候,魏民道和孔明溪把步伐迈快点,让沙沙脚步声更清脆些,时而 调侃挪揄 几句, 靠近照看孩子们。 森林里,树叶哗哗响,天空 压过来一片乌云和周围有些怪异山影 也 显狰狞。 前面孩子席地而坐,一个大胖男孩有模有样地学小白兔沙哑嗓门,唱道: “我们不怕狼,我们不怕虎,我们害怕狡猾狡猾的狐狸。” 一个胖胖的小女孩接着学小夜莺,唱道: “我们不怕风,我们不怕雨,我们害怕鬼鬼祟祟的魅藜。” “紫灵姨姨,该紫灵姨姨了!”孔吼喊道。 慕紫灵故意学起孔吼的腔调,奶声奶气唱道: “我们不怕山高,我们不怕路远,我们害怕远古神话的魔鬼。” “我们怕魔鬼,我们害怕魔鬼,我们最害怕魔鬼。” “哈哈哈、喀喀喀、呵呵呵……”笑声驱走了天空讨厌的乌云,唤回了弯弯月芽。月儿弯弯星儿廖若。 休息时,几个小孩悠哉地躺在秋千上咣荡,个个精神抖擞,小鸟般唧唧喳喳。 孔吼刚躺下不久,轻轻喊道:“紫灵姨姨,星星又出来了,我找到了十五颗。”紫灵姑娘转个身,笑道:“害怕吧?”孔吼撅嘴道:“才不,人家喜欢星星眨眼睛。”小男孩艾岿哲跟着说:“咱们都说一件自己害怕的事,看谁胆量大,好吗?”孔吼马上爬起来,拍手应道:“好啊,紫灵姨姨先说。”慕紫灵坐起,悄声说:“我最害怕的是小臭虫。”孔吼接道:“我也怕小臭虫,到处乱跑,我和奶奶经常驱赶它们,奶奶说它们很脏。”慕紫灵摆手道:“不是那种,我说是一种很漂亮的蝉儿,翠绿翠绿的,会放臭气。”接着问道“该你了,小孔吼不会害怕小蚂蚁吧?”孔吼道:“不,我害怕乌云。乌云会拐走小星星,月亮也怕它们,太阳公公会被吓哭了。” 小孩们一阵大笑。轮到了小女孩连莜礼,她想了一会,轻语:“奶奶说她怕不懂,我也跟她一样,怕不懂。”艾岿哲哄说:“怕不懂,不懂有什么好怕的,不懂的事多着,没有人会害怕的。”连莜礼窘了,轻辨道:“奶奶说日月盈昃、鸟语花香都在诉说着某种秘密。听不懂、猜不透,经常会误事,让人揪心、让人害怕。人类要学习的知识太多,虚度时光不应该。”慕紫灵帮忙说:“奶奶说的,是对的。” 艾岿哲拍着胸膛说:“其实,我不会真害怕的。但有一件事,那是秘密,说了也许你们会害怕。爷爷悄悄告诉我,在很远很远的地方,太遥远了,乘飞船也要走很久。那里也有像我们一样的外星人,穷凶极恶又诡计多端、穷兵黩武。总有一天,他们会窥伺我们的星球,会来抢劫我们。我们要努力点,千万别懈怠。爷爷整天忙啊忙,都没有时间陪我玩了。所以,我担心外星人,我要当一名战士,时刻准备战斗!” 大家一时都没有声音,一个个躺在秋千摇来晃去的,透过漆黑的树叶,寻找着爷爷所说的星星。孩子们都睡着了。魏民道反而难以入睡,琢磨孩子们的话语,童言无忌,却也让人深思。人生旅途浑浑噩噩,本无可非议。但是该有所畏惧,有所害怕。怕什么呢?怕无知,愚昧无知不仅对不起自己,更多是做了很多有害地球的事,南辕北辙不能自知自醒,确实可怕;怕无能,当亲人、家园受到未知怪物肆虐时,无能为力,毛骨悚然。魏民道相信宇宙如此之大,有外星人在情理之中。他自个儿推测,那怪物“阴鲨”是外星人派出骚扰地球,也在情理之中;宇宙大得可怕,什么都可能有。 上一章 下一章 第一章
个人分类: 小说习作|3243 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 2 blownsand 2013-3-5 07:14
2924 次阅读|6 个评论
热度 1 马雷 2013-1-17 21:18
偶得一梦,名之曰“弯月追风”,记录如下: 1 .森林中,一大胡子将军跨大马,配弯刀,正带一队人马追杀一少年逃犯。大胡子将军对左右说:“那厮已突破第一道防线,皆因那女子鼎力相助。若不除之,我们不知还要死多少兵士。”将军遂决定派一少年将军前往谈判,择机除之。 2 .绿荫片片,红花点点。一白衣美少女端坐其中,秀发飘逸,气质非凡。少年将军一人一马至,拴马驻足,盘坐一棵大树下。美少女遥视之,但见他人高马大,方面大耳,一身素衣,似曾相识,好生奇怪。原来,少年人乃美少女宗族远房亲戚。
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