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Andrew2010 2016-1-25 02:24
Hydrogen Hydrogen 发现历史: TheophrastusParacelsus 在 16 世纪就发现铁置于硫酸之中会产生气泡,但是他并没有进行进一步的研究那气泡的性质。 1650 年, Turquet De Mayerne 重复了上述实验,并发现产生的气体可燃。 1670 年,英国化学家 Robert Boyle 发现那气体只能在空气中燃烧。直到 1766 年英国化学家 Henry Cavendish 用锌和盐酸反应获得同样的气体,而且可以在空气中燃烧并生成水。 1783 年法国化学家 Antoine Lavoisier 命名这种新发现的元素为 hydrogen 。来自于希腊词 hydro 【水】 + genes 【生成】,当时的化学家就给了一个非常直白的名称:能生成( generate/form/produce )水 (hydro/water) 的元素 hydrogen 。 H 原子由一个质子( proton )和一个电子( electron )组成,是宇宙间最大量存在的元素,大概占宇宙总质量的 90% 。他有三个重要的同位素氕( protium ),氘 ( deuterium )氚( tritium )。 Hydrogen 同源词 从 hydrogen 的发现和命名可知,词干 hydro- 表示“水 ” 。 Biohydrology n. 生物水文学 Carbohydrate n. 碳水化合物,糖类; 淀粉质或糖类食物 Hydrophobia n. 恐水病,狂犬病 Dehydrate v. 使脱水 Dehydrogenate v. 使脱氢 Geohydrology n. 地下(水) 水文学 Hydrant n. 消防栓 Hydrate n. 水合物, v. 水合 Hydroelectricity n. 水力电 Hydrography n. 水文地理学,水体或水体在地图上的图示 Hydrometer n. 液体比重计 Hydronaut n. 美 (海军中从事水下搜索、救生或科研工作的)深水潜航器工作人员,深水潜航器驾驶员 Hydropathy n. 水疗法 Hydrophyte n. 水生植物
个人分类: 化学元素词源|4180 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]ITM Power Releases Improved Electrolytic Hydrogen Cost Proje
dchzyf 2013-8-13 23:41
ITM Power has released an updated cost structure for hydrogen generated by its electrolyser products, one year on from its last update . Efficiency improvements, electrolyser cost reduction and more accurate vehicle refuelling data provided by Hyundai have all helped reduce the projected cost of hydrogen. This year’s cost structure is based upon a 1 MW, 446 kg/day, HGas system comprising sixteen individual HGas stacks and the accompanying balance of plant. For comparison, last year’s cost structure was based on a 100 kg/day HFuel system. ITM Power’s assumptions for the 2013 HGas system are as follows: Generation capacity: 446 kg/24 h Amortisation period: 10 years Electricity price: 3.5 p/kWh Water price: 0.13 p/litre System efficiency: 55 kWh/kg Annual service: 5% of sale price Utilisation factor: 70% With all that in mind, ITM Power projects a hydrogen cost of 4.19/kg within a 10 year capital amortisation period and 2.69/kg thereafter. These are 33% and 23% reductions on last year’s projections, respectively, and represent good progress in terms of efficiency and cost reduction. Importantly, the European cost targets for hydrogen generation (as published in ‘A portfolio of power-trains for Europe’ ) are
个人分类: 新能源技术(燃料电池混合动力列车)|2232 次阅读|0 个评论
H-bond local potential mapping
ecqsun 2013-7-21 13:11
Text-130721.pdf Acombination of the Lagrangian mechanics of oscillator vibration, moleculardynamics decomposition of volume evolution, and Raman spectroscopy of phononrelaxation has enabled mapping of the V H (r) and the V L (r)potential paths for hydrogen-bond length symmetrization in ice undercompression. Results show that both oxygen atoms in the O:H-O bond shift initiallyoutwardly with respect to the coordination origin (H), which lengthens the O—Odistance from 0.2597to 0.2733 nm by 0.0136 nm. Both oxygen atoms then move forward inthe right along the O:H-O bond by different amounts upon being compressed, approachingidentical lengths of 0.112 nm . Evidencing the essentiality of theasymmetric short-range interactions (the minimal V L (r) for the O:H isat -0.25 eV, and the minimal V H (r) for the H-O is at -3.97 eV) andthe inter-electron-pair Coulomb repulsion in determining the O:H–O relaxationdynamics, findings may complement the “double well potential” mechanism for the“hydrogen proton frustration” in deepening the understanding of water and ice.
个人分类: 水之魂|316 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 孙学军 2009-8-8 17:41
这是来自日本的会议摘要,尽管比较简单,但很全面,可贵的是提出了氢治疗疾病的新机制。 Neuroprotective effects of Hydrogen gas on brain in three types of stress models: a 3p-NMR study
个人分类: 氢气生物学|8555 次阅读|0 个评论
孙学军 2009-8-4 15:36
题目如何翻译请多指教。 这是发表在实验生物学上的一篇评论性文章,是对我们首次发表使用氢气盐水治疗疾病的,给我们的评价比较高,我们认为是比较客观。毕竟 真金不怕火炼。 HYDROGEN SALINE A REAL GAS 网上全文: First published online July 17, 2009 Journal of Experimental Biology 212, v-a (2009) Copyright 2009 The Company of Biologists Limited doi: 10.1242/jeb.021592 This Article Full Text (PDF) Alert me when this article is cited Alert me if a correction is posted Services Email this article to a friend Similar articles in this journal Alert me to new issues of the journal Download to citation manager Google Scholar Articles by Milton, S. L. PubMed Articles by Milton, S. L. Social Bookmarking What's this? Outside JEB HYDROGEN SALINE A REAL GAS Sarah L. Milton Florida Atlantic University smilton@fau.edu