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WeiqiangChen 2018-1-20 17:14
1. 岗位描述 1 )岗位 1 :博士后,负责金属材料的物质流分析、生命周期评价与产业发展研究; 2 )岗位 2 :研究实习员,负责研究组的日常工作,包括财务、外事、后勤及其他日常事务;同时适度参与科研工作。 2. 对您的期待 1 )岗位 1 : a) 博士学位获得者; b) 具有良好的中英文听说读写能力; c) 在中文核心期刊和英文 SCI 期刊均发表过学术论文; d) 具有环境系统分析、材料科学或产业生态学的学科背景与研究基础; e) 具有良好的系统建模和数据管理与分析能力。 2 )岗位 2 : a) 具有硕士学历; b) 具有良好的中英文听说读写能力; c) 熟练使用各种办公软件; d) 思维清晰,办事有条理; e) 具有城市学、地理学、经济学或者生态学背景。 3. 联系方法 请于 2018 年 2 月 28 日之前发送邮件到如下地址: wqchen@iue.ac.cn 邮件题目为:应聘科研岗位 + 姓名。邮件中请阐述您的意向,并提供简历一份。应聘博士后者请同时提供中英文学术论文代表作至少各一篇和一份有针对性的研究计划。 4. 研究组简介 定位: 面向城市、国家以及全球等中宏观社会经济系统,模拟和预测城市化时代由人类活动导致的物质和能量的代谢,探索和识别代谢过程的科学规律及其驱动机制,核算和分析相关的生态与环境效应,为发展循环经济、建设生态文明和推动可持续发展寻求科学基础和决策依据。 研究组长: 陈伟强(博士、研究员); 2010 年博士毕业于清华大学环境学院; 2010 年 -2015 年在耶鲁大学森林与环境学院产业生态学研究中心工作; 2015 年至今在中科院城市环境研究所任研究员。 感谢支持!
个人分类: 招聘通知|3347 次阅读|0 个评论
slonethu 2017-2-19 19:55
第12届国际生态学大会 将于2017年8月20-25日在北京召开。这是国际生态学大会首次在中国召开!届时,生态学领域国内外专家将欢聚北京,共同分享生态学的学术成果。作为生态学的一支新生力量,产业生态学也首次在国际生态学大会上亮相!我们组织了一个专题 (Theme7: Industrial ecology and green economy) ,热烈欢迎国内外同行展示分享产业生态学的研究进展,并期待与生态学其它分支领域碰撞出火花。 摘要提交截止日期: 2017年3月1日 会议链接: http://cloud.healife.com/Intecol2017/en/1.asp#t7 会议简介 The 12th International Congress of Ecology (INTECOL2017Beijing) organized by INTECOL will be held in Beijing, August 20-25, 2017. As the host of the congress, the Ecological Society of China warmly welcome you to join this meeting together with leaders in ecology from the globe, as well as scientists, educators, practitioners and policy-makers, who are dedicated to protecting and preserving our planet. 会议主题 The theme of the congress is Ecology and Civilization in a Changing World , which will focus on harmonious and sustainable development among people, nature, and society in the context of global development. During the congress, the issues on the following fields will be thoroughly discussed, i.e., ecosystem service valuation and sustainable development, culture conservation and human well-being, global change, environmental change in urbanization, ecosystem restoration and management, biodiversity conservation and ecosystem health, ecological civilization, molecular ecology and ecological genomics. We do hope you can join us for discussing the issues faced by human and finding solutions to them, as well as making new friends from the other regions. We are looking forward to seeing you in Beijing in August 2017! Theme7: Industrial ecology and green economy Organizer: Lei Shi (Tsinghua University, China) slone@tsinghua.edu.cn Co-organizers: Jingru Liu, liujingru@rcees.ac.cn; Ming Xu, mingxu@umich.edu; Weiqiang Chen, wqchen@iue.ac.cn Chao Zhang, chao_zhang@tongji.edu.cn; This symposium will discuss how to make industrial ecology as a problem-driven and policy-oriented new branch of ecology to facilitate sustainable transition of socio-economic system. Industrial Ecology is a fasting growing branch of ecology focusing on materials and energy metabolism of anthropogenic systems at various scales such as production processes, industrial parks, cities and national economies. It has developed a number of core methodologies, for example, life cycle assessment (LCA), material flow analysis (MFA), input-output analysis (IOA), network analysis, and ecological design, for addressing an array of practical problems facing the sustainable development of socio-economic system. Ecological civilization requires a transition of the socio-economic development from grabbing ecosystem for the satisfaction of human desire to harmonizing human well-being and ecosystem well-being. This depends on changing today’s production and consumption mode so as to improve resources and energy efficiency, to minimize environmental impacts, and to achieve sustainable utilization of ecosystem services. Industrial ecology can find its place in facilitating such transition by providing solid scientific analysis on the performance of anthropogenic systems. This symposium will focusing on how to make industrial ecology to better support the sustainable transition of development. The objectives of this symposium are as following: 1. to understand the research status of problem-driven and policy-oriented studies in the field of industry ecology, and pros and cons of current methodologies and tools in addressing these problems. 2. to identify chances and challenges of applying industrial ecology in technology policies, industry policies and environmental policies, especially in developing countries such as China. 3. to discuss how to develop the field of industrial ecology to integrate it into decision making tools and processes. ↓↓↓ 欢迎关注“产业生态学”,识别下面二维码即可关注
个人分类: 广而告之|6138 次阅读|0 个评论
WileyChina 2015-12-18 10:04
产业生态学报 (JIE, www.wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/jie ) 是一本经过同行审议的国际科学期刊,为耶鲁大学所有,总部位于 耶鲁大学林业和环境学院 。本领域通常被叫做循环经济,强调闭环的概念,广义的说就是回收利用来提升资源利用效率来达到环境可持续的经济。因为中国在国际经济和环境中的重要地位,以及产业生态学和循环经济的紧密联系,所有产业经济学报的摘要均被翻译成了中文,每一期翻译过的 PDF 版摘要都被发表在了产业生态学报网站上。除此之外, 过去 20 年的翻译文档,均可以从 http://jie.yale.edu/chinese 上获取。 精华文章分享 大数据技术与产业生态学 Big Data and Industrial Ecology 作者:Ming Xu, Hua Cai, Sai Liang 相依产业共生网络的弹性: 以宜兴经济技术开发区为例 The Resilience of Interdependent Industrial Symbiosis Networks: A Case of Yixing Economic and Technological Development Zone 作者:Yang Li, Lei Shi 全球虚拟碳网结构:揭示减少排放的重要环节和群落 Structure of the Global Virtual Carbon Network: Revealing Important Sectors and Communities for Emission Reduction 作者:Sai Liang, Yu Feng, Ming Xu 未来轻型车辆温室气体法规中充电式电池电动车标准的区域方法之评价 Evaluation of a Regional Approach to Standards for Plug-in Battery Electric Vehicles in Future Light-Duty Vehicle Greenhouse Gas Regulations 作者:Nathan D. MacPherson, Gregory A. Keoleian, Jarod C. Kelly 快速发展背景下中国污水处理设施的绿化: 基于截至2050年物料存量和流量的分析 Greening China's Wastewater Treatment Infrastructure in the Face of Rapid Development: Analysis Based on Material Stock and Flow through 2050 作者:Wanxin Hou, Xin Tian, Hiroki Tanikawa 住宅照明选择的涌现效应:能源节约的视角 Emergent Effects of Residential Lighting Choices: Prospects for Energy Savings 作者:Andrea L. Hicks, Thomas L. Theis, Moira L. Zellner 将职业安全和健康融入生命周期评价的方法: 工作环境特征因子的开发与应用 An Approach to Integrating Occupational Safety and Health into Life Cycle Assessment: Development and Application of Work Environment Characterization Factors 作者:Kelly A. Scanlon, Shannon M. Lloyd, George M. Gray, Royce A. Francis, Peter LaPuma 在寒冷气候下空气源热泵和创新的地源空气热泵的能源利用和温室气体排放 Energy Use and Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Air-Source Heat Pump and Innovative Ground-Source Air Heat Pump in a Cold Climate 作者:Maija K. Mattinen, Ari Nissinen, Sampsa Hyysalo, Jouni K. Juntunen 城市为何增长?来自城市和全球尺度非平衡态热力学的洞见 Why Do Cities Grow? Insights from Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics at the Urban and Global Scales 作者:David Bristow, Christopher Kennedy 粉煤灰是制造新碳酸钙型水泥合适的碱性材料吗?系统分析评价 Is Coal Fly Ash a Suitable Alkaline Resource for Manufacturing New Calcium Carbonate–based Cements? A Systems Analytical Evaluation 作者:Matthias Achternbosch, Ulrich Dewald, Eberhard Nieke, Gerhard Sardemann
个人分类: Life Science|2291 次阅读|0 个评论

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