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热度 2 jiasf 2014-11-14 02:04
美国地质调查局每5年评价和公布一次美国的用水状况。11月5日,美国地质调查局发布了2010年美国用水数据,结果显示:美国总用水量、各部门用水量继续呈下降趋势,总用水量降低到(稍早于)1970年以来的最低水平! 有很多人担忧页岩气开采用水会大大增加用水量,从而加剧水资源紧张状况,但从美国的情况来看并不如此。美国是世界最早、最大的页岩气开采国。 2010年 页岩气 产量达到1378亿立方米,占天然气产量的22.6%, 2012年 页岩气产量 就达到了2653亿立方米,占其天然气总产量的37%; 2013年美国页岩气产量为2764亿立方米,占美国天然气总产量约40%。 据说,美国欲通过大规模廉价页岩气开采, 压低国际能源价格,来达到打击俄罗斯的目的。估计在可预计的未来,世界上没有一个国家可以达到美国如此巨大的页岩气开发规模。不过,即使在美国如此大的页岩气开发规模下,页岩气开发用水也没有改变美国用水量继续下降的趋势。 National Water-Use at Lowest Levels since before 1970 Released: 11/5/2014 9:16:23 AM Contact Information: U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey Office of Communications and Publishing 12201 Sunrise Valley Dr, MS 119 Reston, VA 20192 Ethan Alpern Phone: 703-648-4406 Tweet 255 Water use across the country reached its lowest recorded level in nearly 45 years. According to a new USGS report , about 355 billion gallons of water per day (Bgal/d) were withdrawn for use in the entire United States during 2010. This represents a 13 percent reduction of water use from 2005 when about 410 Bgal/d were withdrawn and the lowest level since before 1970. “Reaching this 45-year low shows the positive trends in conservation that stem from improvements in water-use technologies and management,” said Mike Connor, deputy secretary of the Interior. “Even as the U.S. population continues to grow, people are learning to be more water conscious and do their part to help sustain the limited freshwater resources in the country.” Total water withdrawals by State and barchart showing categories by State from west to east, 2010.( Larger image ) In 2010, more than 50 percent of the total withdrawals in the United States were accounted for by 12 states in order of withdrawal amounts: California, Texas, Idaho, Florida, Illinois, North Carolina, Arkansas, Colorado, Michigan, New York, Alabama and Ohio. California accounted for 11 percent of the total withdrawals for all categories and 10 percent of total freshwater withdrawals for all categories nationwide. Texas accounted for about 7 percent of total withdrawals for all categories, predominantly for thermoelectric power, irrigation and public supply. Florida had the largest saline withdrawals, accounting for 18 percent of the total in the country, mostly saline surface-water withdrawals for thermoelectric power. Oklahoma and Texas accounted for about 70 percent of the total saline groundwater withdrawals in the United States, mostly for mining. “Since 1950, the USGS has tracked the national water-use statistics,” said Suzette Kimball, acting USGS director. “By providing data down to the county level, we are able to ensure that water resource managers across the nation have the information necessary to make strong water-use and conservation decisions.” Trends in total water withdrawals by water-use category, 1950–2010.( Larger image ) Water withdrawn for thermoelectric power was the largest use nationally, with the other leading uses being irrigation, public supply and self-supplied industrial water, respectively. Withdrawals declined in each of these categories. Collectively, all of these uses represented 94 percent of total withdrawals from 2005-2010. Thermoelectric power declined 20 percent, the largest percent decline. Irrigation withdrawals (all freshwater) declined 9 percent. Public-supply withdrawals declined 5 percent. Self-supplied industrial withdrawals declined 12 percent. A number of factors can be attributed to the 20 percent decline in thermoelectric-power withdrawals, including an increase in the number of power plants built or converted since the 1970’s that use more efficient cooling-system technologies, declines in withdrawals to protect aquatic habitat and environments, power plant closures and a decline in the use of coal to fuel power plants. Irrigation withdrawals in the United States continued to decline since 2005, and more croplands were reported as using higher-efficiency irrigation systems in 2010,” said Molly Maupin, USGS hydrologist. “Shifts toward more sprinkler and micro-irrigation systems nationally and declining withdrawals in the West have contributed to a drop in the national average application rate from 2.32 acre-feet per acre in 2005 to 2.07 acre-feet per acre in 2010. For the first time, withdrawals for public water supply declined between 2005 and 2010, despite a 4 percent increase in the nation’s total population. The number of people served by public-supply systems continued to increase and the public-supply per capita use declined to 89 gallons per day in 2010 from 100 gallons per day in 2005. Declines in industrial withdrawals can be attributed to factors such as greater efficiencies in industrial processes, more emphasis on water reuse and recycling, and the 2008 U.S. recession, resulting in lower industrial production in major water-using industries. In a separate report , USGS estimated thermoelectric-power withdrawals and consumptive use for 2010, based on linked heat- and water-budget models that integrated power plant characteristics, cooling system types and data on heat flows into and out of 1,290 power plants in the United States. These data include the first national estimates of consumptive use for thermoelectric power since 1995, and the models offer a new approach for nationally consistent estimates. In August, USGS released the 2010 water-use estimates for California in advance of the national report. The estimates showed that in 2010, Californians withdrew an estimated total of 38 Bgal/day, compared with 46 Bgal/day in 2005. Surface water withdrawals in the state were down whereas groundwater withdrawals and freshwater withdrawals were up. Most freshwater withdrawals in California are for irrigation. The USGS is the world’s largest provider of water data and the premier water research agency in the federal government.
个人分类: 水是杂谈|3329 次阅读|6 个评论
[转载]北京城区用水量超290万方 逼近百年来极值
redtree 2014-5-25 22:01
北京城区用水量超290万方 逼近百年来极值 作者:饶沛 来源:新京报 发布时间:2014-5-25 10:27:33 新京报讯 (记者饶沛)随着入夏后气温不断升高,北京城区自来水供水量连续五天增加,其中5月22日城区供水量达291.9万立方米,这一数字已接近百年来北京自来水供水记录的极值。 自来水集团统计显示,5月下旬,北京自来水供水量明显超过近年来的5月同期供水量,达到了往年7月份用水高峰期的供水量。5月18日城区供水量达到276.3万立方米,此后几天持续上升。 5月22日,城区供水量达291.9万立方米,接近1.5个昆明湖。当天出现供水高峰时段为早9:00-10:00,每小时供水量为16.7万立方米,晚上又出现了第二个高峰,晚21:00-22:00小时用水量为15.4万立方米。这一天的用水量距北京自1908年以来创下的用水记录298万吨已经相当接近。据了解,298万吨的记录创造于2013年8月26日。 北京市自来水集团相关负责人分析,今年入夏早,气温迅速攀升,洗澡等降温用水就显著增加,而北京的人口基数越来越大,也导致生活用水量随着气温的起伏越来越明显。 虽然昨天的降雨让北京变得清凉,最高温度下降到25℃,但是根据天气预报,从明天开始,最高气温又将连续保持在三十四五度的高温,据自来水集团工作人员判断,城区供水量下周将持续高位运行的态势。 ■ 提醒 市民遇水压不足可打96116 市自来水集团呼吁社会各界和广大市民节约用水,同时呼吁用水量大的行业适当控制用水量,注意错峰用水,避开居民用水高峰时段(早6:00-9:00,晚17:00-22:00);城市园林绿化、道路喷洒等行业应尽量减少自来水的使用,多使用再生水。 为了确保北京城区供水安全,市自来水集团采取了多种措施保障供水。城区各水厂也最大限度发挥供水能力,采取夜间在清水池尽可能多地储水,白天供水高峰时供出的措施,确保供水量。 此外,集团客户服务中心热线96116重点关注用户反映水压不足的来电,及时进行处理。用户在用水过程中遇到问题可随时拨打24小时服务热线96116。 ■ 相关新闻 输水环路贯通 汛后南水进京“解渴” 南水北调中线工程北京段地下输水环路全线贯通,主要水厂将具备双水源 新华社电 昨日,北京市南水北调东干渠工程全线打通,标志着南水北调中线工程北京段地下输水环路全线贯通。今年汛期后,南水北调来水将通过这条环路输送至北京各大水厂,满足首都百姓用水需求。 昨日上午,随着最后一环管片拼装完成,直径6米的盾构机破洞而出,东干渠工程第22个盾构区间顺利打通。至此,东干渠工程与南水北调总干渠进城段、南干渠工程、团城湖至第九水厂输水工程一起,构成一条基本沿北五环、东五环、南五环及西四环而成的输水环路。 这条总长107.3公里的闭合输水环路将使北京实现南水北调来水,密云水库、官厅水库等地表水以及地下水的联合调度,保证主要水厂具备双水源,提高首都供水保证率。 据了解,东干渠工程主要沿北五环、东五环修建输水隧洞,是北京南水北调配套工程供水环路的重要组成部分,承担着为北京东北部及东部地区提供南水北调和密云水库水源的任务。 按计划,2014年汛期后,通过南水北调工程,每年将有10.5亿立方米的长江水弥补北京供水方面的巨大缺口。(原标题:城区用水量攀升 接近百年极值连续五天供水量增加,5月22日达291.9万立方米,接近1.5个昆明湖;市自来水集团呼吁节约用水)
个人分类: 生活与健康|1081 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 jiangming800403 2014-4-7 12:05
个人分类: 水利工程与水域生态|3575 次阅读|3 个评论

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