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Bearjazz 2019-7-23 13:51
# 编者信息 熊荣川 明湖实验室 xiongrongchuan@126.com http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/Bearjazz Current procedures for delimiting species from sequence data aggregate populations lacking discrete differences into a single species (Cracraft, 1983; Davis and Nixon, 1992; Sites and Marshall, 2003; Wiens and Penkrot, 2002). These “smallest detected sample of self-perpetuating organisms that have unique sets of characters” ( Nelson and Platnick, 1981 ) can be recognized based on fixed nucleotide differences unique to such (sets of) populations (the criterion of “diagnosability”; Cracraft, 1983 ), implemented in population aggregation analysis ( PAA; Davis and Nixon, 1992 ). A tree-based variant of this procedure ( cladistic haplotype analysis; CHA ) also considers homoplastic character states as diagnostic if they are shown to be uniquely derived for a particular group (Brower, 1999). The Wiens-Penkrot (WP) method (Sites and Marshall, 2003; Wiens and Penkrot, 2002) is also a tree-based method for delimiting phylogenetic species but uses the topology (rather than character polarity, as in CHA) to assess whether or not clades are restricted to a (set of) populations to the exclusion of clades elsewhere (criterion of “exclusivity”). 当前从序列数据界定物种的程序将缺乏离散差异的种群聚合为单个物种( Cracraft, 1983; Davis and Nixon, 1992; Sites and Marshall, 2003; Wiens and Penkrot, 2002 )。这些具有独特特征集的自我延续生物体的“最小检测样本”( Nelson and Platnick, 1981 )可根据这些(组)种群特有的固定核苷酸差异(鉴别性标准; Nelson and Platnick, 1981 )加以识别,该标准包含在种群聚集分析中( Paa ; Davis 和 Nixon , 1992 )。该程序中一个基于树的变异(支序单倍型分析; CHA )也将同形性特征状态视为鉴别特征,如果它们被证明是在特定类群唯一衍生出来的( Brower, 1999 )。 Wiens-Penkrot (WP) 方法( Sites and Marshall, 2003; Wiens and Penkrot, 2002 )也是一种基于树的方法,用于划分系统发生物种,但使用拓扑结构(而不是特征极性,如 CHA )来评估支系是否限制在具有排他性的种群水平。 Pons J, Barraclough T G, Gomez-Zurita J, et al. Sequence-based species delimitation for the DNA taxonomy of undescribed insects . Systematic biology, 2006, 55(4): 595-609.
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Bearjazz 2017-11-28 06:30
DNA分类研究进展 Recent advances in DNA taxonomy 现生物种的大规模DNA测序为分类学提供了巨大前景,但一直存在争议。在本文中,我们回顾了随着数据的急剧增长而取得的最新进展。我们要把DNA分类和DNA条形码区分开来,其中前者使用进化物种概念直接关注物种的界限和界定,后者是一种通过序列相似性将先验实体识别出来的方法。最近动物学研究领域的一个关键成果是发现线粒体DNA(mtDNA)可分为一组紧密相关的基因型,并可以在很大程度上将标本按照传统公认的物种界限归类,并与核基因一致。这一发现提供了信心去使用序列变异作为对知之甚少的群体进行物种界定的主要信息。最近的一些大规模研究支持了线粒体DNA在物种识别上的力量,并且之前的分子生物学技术在分类复杂案例上的应用有可能导致高估拥有复系mtDNA单倍型物种数量。 参考文献 Vogler A P, Monaghan M T. Recent advances in DNA taxonomy . Journal of Zoological Systematics Evolutionary Research, 2007, 45(1):1–10.
个人分类: 翻译作品|5092 次阅读|0 个评论
xtmtd 2014-4-12 16:34
转载下,我自己还没想过写这玩意呢。 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-536560-784150.html
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