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[转载]布朗斯通电池组件厂扩建生产2015雪佛兰Spark EV新电池系统
林凡 2014-6-8 13:56
General Motors Brownstown Battery Assembly Plant worker Tina Oaks attaches wiring harnesses on a Spark EV battery pack. Click to enlarge. General Motors will bring all its electric vehicle battery pack building capabilities in-house with production of battery systems for the 2015 Chevrolet Spark EV at its expanded battery assembly plant in Brownstown, Mich. A newly designed battery system features an overall storage capacity of 19 kWh and uses 192 lithium ion cells. The cells are produced at LG Chem’s plant in Holland, Mich. The battery system weight of 474 lbs (215 kg)—86 pounds (39 kg) lighter than the system in the 2014 Spark EV. The Spark EV battery is built on a dedicated production line at Brownstown, which also manufactures complete battery packs for the Chevrolet Volt, Opel Ampera and Cadillac ELR. Using our in-house engineering and manufacturing expertise enabled us to deliver a battery system that is more efficient and lighter than the 2014 Spark EV without sacrificing range. Our successful working relationship with LG Chem has allowed us to deliver a new battery system for the Spark EV that helps us to better leverage our economies of scale. —Larry Nitz, executive director of GM global transmission and electrification engineering Battery module for 2015 Spark EV battery pack. Click to enlarge. Changes in battery design will not affect the Spark’s MPGe, or gasoline equivalent, performance compared to the 2014 model. Range will remain at an EPA-rated 82 miles (132 km) and MPGe will remain at 119 (equivalent to 2.0 l/100 km). Priced at $19,995 with full federal incentives, Spark EV is currently on sale in California and Oregon. The 2015 Spark EV features technology including Siri Eyes Free, 4G LTE and DC Fast Charging. Brownstown Battery Assembly’s 479,000-square-foot, landfill-free facility south of Detroit also produces the lithium-ion battery packs for GM’s extended-range electric vehicles. It started mass production in October 2010 and is the first high-volume manufacturing site in the US operated by a major automaker for automotive lithium-ion battery production. The site was made possible with the help of American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funding through the US Department of Energy.
个人分类: 储能电池|1334 次阅读|0 个评论
gyp7047121 2012-4-18 15:14
据有关消息透露:美国通用汽车公司技术中心——汽车电池研究实验室发生了爆炸事件,造成了部分人员受伤,通用汽车相关负责人表示:这次事件主要是由于对原型电池的极端试验所引起的。 事件之前,科研人员正在对一节实验 锂电池 进行极端测试,测试是在密闭的实验室里,电池中的化学气体释放并发生燃烧,而电池本身完好无损,有关记者进行了访问,可是通用拒绝谈论事故细节,国为这关系到整个产业的进展,消息人士这起爆炸事件很有可能涉及的电池很可能使用了某种锂离子技术,这种电池中使用的原材料易燃且具有潜在的爆炸隐患, 锂离子电池 本身燃点较低,只要达到熔化铝的温度它就能点燃。 这次爆炸事件让人们回起去年雪佛兰在联邦安全管理机构对其进行碰撞试验后继而发生几起起火事件,据说是一辆雪佛兰沃蓝达在国家公路交通安全管理局对其进行碰撞测试几周后,发生了起火事故,连续两次都出现同样的问题,当时交管局对事故展开初步调查,很快给雪佛兰沃蓝达澄清,称事故引发的主要原因是测试流程有问题。 aaa镍氢电池 内部人员介绍:美国通用汽车的技术中心是其研发工作的主要地点,它拥有大量加工和设计操作间,同出在研发未来产品的高级电池的设备及一些纯电动车型,虽然还有一款雪佛兰小型Spark电动车,但这于去年雪佛兰沃蓝达插电式油电混合动力车和这起事故无关,虽是如此通用很快宣布其计划进一步加强用来保护雪佛兰电池的包装壳,以减少电池起火的风险。 自事故发生后,有关人士初步了解到还是因为车用 动力电池 测试中流程入错所引起,但没有证实,通用也对技术中心的电池起火事件做太多的定论,也可是新生问题的出现,这一事故对美国通用汽车产业也有一定的影响,数据指出雪佛兰沃蓝达今年一月份的销量暴跌,但在几个月内就开始回温,关于次此爆炸事宜并没有完结,还在进一步追究中。 CR2032锂电池 文章出自于 http://www.juda.cn/news/2680.html
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zlhua 2011-10-11 10:42
Management Information Systems for the Information Age 信息时代的管理信息系统(英文原书第8版) 哈格(Hagg,S.), 卡明斯(Cummings,M.)著2010.11 严建援译注 北京机械工业出版社.2011.1 P159 总体框架 先行案例:通过信息系统开发和系统集成拯救生命 引言 1.资源内包系统开发生命周期:计划-分析-设计-开发-测试-实施-维护 2.基于组件的开发方法:快速应用开发法-极限编程法-敏捷开发法-面向服务架构:一种体系结构透视图 3.资源自包(最终用户开发):过程-优点-潜在缺陷和风险-哪种IT应用不适合采用此方法-适合于资源自包的正确工具 4.原型法:过程-优点-缺点 5.资源外包:过程-服务水平协议-地缘政治学的资源外包选择-优点缺点 综合案例1:通用汽车获得了正确的库存跟踪 综合案例2:组织的资源外包会安全吗? 关键术语和概念 问题思考 作业训练 问题探讨 章节项目 初步印象:书买了有半年了吧,现在才静下来品读... 1.从框架来看,感觉很不错,首先案例的名字就很有吸引力... 2.至于其中的内容,里面有三个词引起了我的兴趣:内包-自包-外包.其实,在"世界是平的"以及另一本Leondard Jessup著的数字时代的信息系统-技术、管理、挑战及对策(第3版)书里也见到过相关概念... 3.有点奇怪,为什么不直接以管理信息系统建设策略之内包-自包-外包为脉络写,中间为什么要插入两种方法论呢?难道是因为这些方法论引领了管理信息系统策略的改变么?有点意思,但还是拿不准...还需要继续琢磨一下... 4.感慨,什么时候才能写出这样一看就觉得好看的教材呢?期待中...继续努力....
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[转载]车联网10年为何难以成功? (转)
dennyxie 2011-8-4 00:08
  世界各国都在进行车联网及其衍生产品的研发和推广。例如,通用汽车整合了GPS、车与车通信、无线通信及远程感应技术的EN-V电动联网概念车;日本的VICS(道路交通信息通信系统)。   中国虽然有一些局部应用案例,但是车联网已经发展10年了,为何一直没有全局性应用案例呢?中国移动通信研究院首席科学家杨景在“2011中国汽车电子国际论坛暨汽车半导体应用峰会”上指出,此前车联网是按照四种不同的路线在发展,不同的模式产生了不同的应用系统,彼此间信息不能共享,显然没有达到车联网的要求。   这四条路线分别是:第一,乘用整车厂主导型(如通用的OnStar)。车企主要为新车型和高端车型安装联网设备,导致大部分中、低端车型无法联网。第二,商业车队主导型(如物流公司),主要是通过M2M方式。在商业利益主导下,车联网会在一些领域实现,但与公共利益可能存在一些矛盾。第三,公共服务主导型(如智能交通),目前这种模式在局部会有不错的效果,但是也出现了局部与整体的矛盾。第四,消费电子主导型,基本以导航和娱乐为目标,大部分系统没有和总线相连,获取不了汽车数据,安全存在不足。另外,信息服务业自身的孤立也影响了车联网的进程。 车联网面临的五大问题   中国拥有规模与覆盖范围全球第一的移动通信网络和丰富的带宽资源,汽车保有量很大,发展车联网具有一定优势。不过,也面临诸多问题。   第一,缺乏核心技术,应用出现同质化倾向。车联网要攻克的关键技术包括信息协同技术及标准问题。   第二,没有明确有效的商业模式。前装与后装市场各有优劣势,但都面临很多挑战,用户规模小,渗透率低。   第三,缺少行业标准。中国车企在研发相关系统时,并没有统一的平台和接口作为参考。各自为政造成了系统之间的兼容问题,并可能导致资源浪费。   第四,安全和隐私问题。车联网系统收集的大量数据,包括整个车辆的零部件、运行状态及线路,需要妥善处理。个人客户出于对隐私的保护,对车联网的接受度还有待提升。   第五,中国的车联网行业刚刚起步,电信运营商暂时只能起到管道作用。三大电信运营商出于各自的利益,都没有推出相应的服务资费标准,且通讯资费价格普遍较高,现有的技术在网络覆盖与连接、计算能力、响应速度等方面与车联网的要求还有一定差距。 突破点在哪里?   “实现车联网并非易事,不同利益主体形成了博弈格局,产业环境异常复杂,求同存异考验着业内人士包括政府部门的能力。”杨景如是说。突破技术瓶颈、完善产业链以及健全商业模式是推进车联网发展的关键因素。   首先,车企要考虑到车主的实际需求,而不是把自认为好的应用强加给用户。车载信息服务产业应用联盟理事长吴建会曾表示,智能交通和医疗急救是目前车联网应用的突破点。长安汽车汽研总院先期技术研究中心总工程师黎予生表示:“让顾客愿意续约交费的服务模式是产业发展的关键。”   其次,需要解决政策体制问题,建立良好的科研体制、人才激励机制和市场氛围很重要。应该重建在网络经济框架下汽车、交通运输、信息服务和政府行政管理的产业格局。   第三,政府、企业、科研机构和行业协会应加强合作,促进研发公共服务平台的建设。   第四,学习苹果及谷歌的经验,缩短应用与用户之间的距离。杨景表示:“要以用户为中心,从技术和产业角度推动车联网发展。”其中的技术要素包括高响应速度、可靠安全连接的V2I、V2V和V2R通信网络;丰富的传感器、控制器、车载平台操作系统和人机界面;基于云计算的信息共享平台;安全的多用户信息接入和处理;开放的服务和应用开发工具。(特约记者 贾子昂 成都报道) Keywords: 中国移动 通用汽车 物流公司 科学家 半导体
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[转载]激光技术在汽车工业的应用(2011慕尼黑上海激光、光电展 新闻)
oxidpl 2011-3-21 15:46
20世纪70年代,美国进行了两大研究:一是福特汽车公司进行的车身钢板的激光焊接;二是通用汽车公司进行的动力转向变速箱内表面的激光淬火。这两项研究推动了之后的工业制造业中的激光加工技术的发展。到80年代后期,激光加工的应用实例有所增加,其中增长最迅速的是激光切割、激光焊接和激光淬火。这3项技术目前已经发展成熟,应用也很广泛。 随着激光加工技术的不断完善和提高,国内外各类制造业逐渐加快了产品的更新换代。通用、福特、奔驰、大众、丰田等汽车制造商运用激光技术进行表面硬化、焊接切割。 一、激光技术在汽车工业中的应用 汽车工业是激光加工应用最多的领域之一。激光加工通常以切割和焊接为主。在汽车样车和小批量生产中大量使用三维激光束切割机,对普通铝、不锈钢等薄板、带材的切割加工。应用激光加工,不仅大幅度缩短了生产准备周期,并且使车间生产实现了柔性化,加工面积减小了一半。由于它的加工效率高,比机械加工方式的加工费用减少了50%。激光焊接在汽车工业中已成为标准工艺,主要用于车身拼焊、焊接和零件焊接。由于激光拼焊具有减少零件和模具数量、减少点焊数目、优化材料用量、降低零件重量、降低成本和提高尺寸精度等好处,其被用于如前档风玻璃框架、车门内板、车身底板、中立柱等的生产中。而激光焊接主要用于车身框架结构的焊接,例如顶盖与侧面车身的焊接。用激光焊接技术,工件连接之间的接合面宽度可以减少,既降低了板材使用量也提高了车体的刚度,目前已经被世界上部分生产高档轿车的大汽车制造商和领先的配件供应商所采用。 laserfair.com 第一次激光拼焊试验是在1981年的英国莱兰,而真正的使用是在1983年——德国汽车制造商奥迪需要足够大的金属板材冲压进轿车底盘,这次才是公认的首次关于激光拼焊板的生产。由于德国钢厂没有合适尺寸的钢板,Thyssen Steel公司采用Rofin Sinar 1.5千瓦CO2激光器将两块现有的钢板焊接在一起,以满足冲压所需要的尺寸。因此诞生了激光拼焊的业务,现在全球各大汽车生产商广泛采用此技术加工的零部件。1984年丰田公司震惊了全球的汽车业,该公司在凯美瑞车上推出了激光焊接五片式车轮挡圈,允许选择金属的厚度,以减少重量,从而能节省更多的燃料。由于汽车业对拼焊部件的需求逐年上升,兴起了一批生产拼焊板的分包商,他们需要购买更高功率(高达8kW)的CO2激光器。激光拼焊用来设计和生产更轻、更节能的交通工具,贡献巨大。其将不同种类、厚度的钢材接合起来的能力使得设计师能够极大地提升车身设计;在最大限度减少标准组件数量的情况下,仍能满足严格的碰撞标准。 另外,其他激光技术在汽车行业中也得到了广泛应用。激光表面处理被用于汽车的发动机阀座、车顶外壳与框架等零部件的制造中,如钢套、曲轴、活塞环和齿轮等的热处理,在经激光热处理后,不必再进行后处理,可直接送到装配线上安装。激光测量可以快速和非常精确地检验每一个成品零部件的尺寸是否与设计尺寸完全一致;汽车车身的激光在线检测,及时反馈产品的误差信息,大量程、直观、快速、精度高;无接触激光测量系统被用于无接触激光测量的最佳解决方案。而且,激光测量仪能够最迅速地将一个零部件或物理模型转变为数字化文件,这种文件可以用各种方法处理并同其他文件进行比较。激光快速成型技术是突破了制造业的传统模式,成为当前最具吸引力的技术。激光快速成型技术可使新产品及早投放市场,极大地提高了汽车生产企业对市场的应用能力和产品的竞争能力。 本 文来自激光制作网 laserfair.com 国内领先的激光技术门户 本文来自激光制作网 laserfair.com 国内领先的激光技术门户
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COMSOLFEM 2011-2-18 11:42
GM and Maplesoft to Collaborate on Electric Vehicle Technologies at the University of Waterloo Maplesoft October 15, 2010 A new five-year, $10.5-million partnership between General Motors of Canada, Waterloo-based Maplesoft Inc., and a multidisciplinary research team at the University of Waterloo is tackling the challenges of next generation electric vehicles. Through model-based design and prototype testing, the team will investigate crucial technologies for achieving more widespread use of electric vehicles. “Vehicle electrification is a key pillar of our energy diversification strategy,” said Kevin Williams, president and managing director of GM of Canada. “Building on our leading RD commitments in Canada, this project better positions us to exceed customers' expectations with respect to the performance, safety, and sustainability of our electric vehicle technologies.” The research is being supported by the Automotive Partnership Canada (APC) with the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) as the lead agency. APC is contributing $3.6 million, in addition to $2.5 million from the Ontario Research Fund. “The Harper government's continued commitment to RD in Canada is bringing long-term benefits to our automotive industry, and is helping to keep us on the cutting edge of innovation,” said Peter Braid, Member of Parliament for Kitchener-Waterloo, on behalf of The Honourable Tony Clement, Minister of Industry. “This technology is an exciting example of made-in-Canada innovation resulting from the Automotive Partnership Canada program." “We're very excited about the APC project,” added Dr. Tom Lee, Maplesoft's vice-president, engineering applications. “This project will result in powerful new software tools that will speed up the design and analysis of electric vehicles.” The development and validation of key enabling technologies such as vehicle stability control, power management systems, and battery monitoring and charging devices will be important focus areas for the research team, led by Dr. Amir Khajepour from the University of Waterloo. Importantly, the technologies originating from Waterloo will also be tested by GM vehicle development teams. Engaging the research team in the vehicle development process will provide them with a unique opportunity to gain insight into bringing new technology concepts to market, and help transform the research findings into a truly integrated technological solution. "Electrification of automotive systems presents complex challenges for a vehicle's powertrain, control systems, battery health monitoring, thermal management, and safety,” added Dr. Khajepour. “With the APC funding and the support of General Motors, we plan to tackle these challenges to develop the next generation of key electric vehicle technologies.” Maplesoft, a leading developer of high performance physical modeling and simulation software, will incorporate the researchers' innovative ideas into new design tools that GM's staff can apply during their routine engineering work. Maplesoft is particularly interested in using its modelling capabilities to help improve the batteries deployed in electric vehicles. About General Motors of Canada Limited Headquartered in Oshawa, Ontario, General Motors of Canada Limited (GMCL) employs over 9,000 people across the country and is a recognized leader in green manufacturing. GMCL markets the full range of fuel-efficient Chevrolet, Buick, GMC and Cadillac vehicles and related services through Canada's largest automotive dealer network, which employs over 23,000 people dedicated to delivering a top customer experience. GMCL also plays a leadership role in automotive design and engineering, engaging in innovative research and development partnerships with leading Canadian universities and research institutes. In addition, through its Canadian Engineering Centres, GMCL conducts development activities ranging from cold weather testing to the advancement of key electric vehicle and green technologies. www.gm.ca About Maplesoft Maplesoft™, provider of high-performance software tools for engineering, science, and mathematics, offers a product suite that reflects the philosophy that given great tools, people can do great things. Maplesoft's core technologies include an advanced symbolic computation engine and revolutionary physical modelling techniques. Combined together, these technologies enable the creation of cutting edge tools for design, modelling, and high-performance simulation. Engineers, scientists, and mathematicians use Maplesoft's products to reduce errors, shorten design times, lower costs, and improve results. The Maplesoft product suite includes Maple™, the technical computing and documentation environment, and MapleSim™, the high-performance, multi-domain modelling and simulation tool for physical systems. Visit www.maplesoft.com to learn more. CONTACT(S): GM Canada Jason Easton 905-441-5782 Maplesoft Kathleen McNichol 519-747-2373 Options Tell a Colleague about this Media Release
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chemicalbond 2010-7-23 20:31
今天一大早就收到一个朋友转来的新闻。下面网页里面有照片。 新闻里面说偷窃的商业机密被用来和中国的汽车公司做交易。 这种事情似乎也不少见了。早先北大有个搞化学的海归也被查出偷窃杜邦的机密。这些也算是诚信问题。 http://abcnews.go.com/Business/wireStory?id=11227232 Ex-GM Worker, Husband Accused of Stealing Secrets Former GM employee, husband, indicted in alleged scheme to steal hybrid car secrets for profit The Associated Press By ED WHITE Associated Press Writer DETROIT July 22, 2010 (AP) A former General Motors engineer and her husband conspired to steal trade secrets about hybrid technology and use the information to make private deals with Chinese competitors, according to a federal indictment unsealed Thursday. Shanshan Du and Yu Qin, both of Troy, were indicted on conspiracy, fraud and other charges. They had been under scrutiny for years and were charged in 2006 with destroying documents sought by investigators, a case that was dropped while a broader probe was pursued. The indictment says Du, who was hired at GM in 2000, purposely sought a transfer in 2003 to get access to hybrid technology and began copying documents by the end of that year. In 2005, she copied thousands of documents, five days after getting a severance offer from the automaker, according to the indictment. By that summer, Qin was telling people he had a deal to provide hybrid technology to Chery Automobile, a GM competitor in China, the indictment says. The couple had set up their own company, Millennium Technology International. Outside court, Assistant U.S. Attorney Cathleen Corken said there's no indication the Chinese benefited. Du, 51, and Qin, 49, were arrested Thursday and remained mostly silent during a court appearance where they waived a reading of the indictment. Not-guilty pleas were entered for them. The maximum penalty if convicted is 20 years in prison. Theft of trade secrets is a threat to national security, Andrew Arena, head of the FBI in Detroit, said in a statement. Du's attorney, Robert Morgan, declined to comment. Qin's attorney, Frank Eaman, said he was completely surprised by the indictment. This investigation has been going on so long I figured if they had a basis they would have charged them a long time ago, Eaman said. Corken said GM learned about the alleged theft and called the FBI. GM estimates the value of the stolen information at $40 million. In May 2006, Du and Qin were charged with destroying records to stifle an investigation of them. FBI agents followed them to a major grocery store where Qin approached a Dumpster, according to a court filing at the time. Agents later retrieved shredded documents. That criminal complaint was dropped less than two months later, a common move when investigators want to further develop a case. The indictment includes an obstruction of justice charge against Qin for the alleged Dumpster incident. Du and Qin, both U.S. citizens, were released on bond and ordered to mostly stay in the Detroit area. 【Copyright 2010The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.】
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cwhm 2009-7-29 08:29
报纸行业的最低端是路边的报刊摊,报童。似乎一百年了还是如此。解放前,上海滩常常听到的是“卖报了,卖报了,号外,号外”。 汽车行业最低端是什么呢?大概就是我们经常去买车的地方,要比路边的报刊亭高档多了。低端外延的是汽车维修,汽车清洗,算是稍微低档些的。据说通用汽车整个产业链波及的人群多达100多万,而且造就了美国蓝领中产阶级一代。 对比两个产业链,是不是可以说汽车行业要比报纸业的产业链长,而且也高档些。那么再换个思路来说,能否说一个产业的产业链越长,越传统,越没有拓展的前景,通用的危机是不是个例证。 电视行业最低端说不上,貌似没有最低端吧,也没有最高端吧,都是记者采编,节目录制和报道。外延产业,大概就是电视广告了。它的拓展空间是不是就大些,比如现在电视的低端的已经在涌现,汽车电视,电梯电视等等。 何为商业契机,商业空间,是不是就是拓展产业链的长度,提升产业链的等级。
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等离子体科学 2009-3-21 13:33
昨天写完了 AIG 门的文章,联想去年底三大汽车公司因为无法解除与工会签订的工资和福利待遇的协议,美国政府和国会就不肯伸出援手。那么 AIG 得到的待遇为什么冰火两重天?美国政府和国会到底是和工人亲还是和资本家更亲?!想起毛泽东时代一句名言:亲不亲,阶级分!觉得该再写篇文章。今早看中新网上一篇香港《大公报》文章的摘要,觉得基本说出了笔者要说的话。就偷点懒,直接转一下: 同为大企业 AIG 与通用金融待遇差得太远 来源:中国新闻网 原文在: http://www.chinanews.com.cn/gj/fxpl/news/2009/03-20/1611194.shtml 中新网 3 月 20 日 电 美国国际集团 (AIG) 花红门事件闹得沸沸扬扬,人们对美国金融体制的弊端也有了更深切的体会。香港《大公报》发表评论文章,对美国金融援助中的不公现象进行了分析评论。摘录如下:   一边是美国老百姓要面对失业、住房被银行收回等各种艰难困苦,另一边是濒临破产的跨国集团得到 1700 百亿美元政府注资,然后转手向几十位高管每人发放过百万美元的花红。如此巨大的反差、如此的不合情理,怎能不让美国人顿生一股无名火?   美国是一个法治国家,政府与 AIG 签订的注资协议并未规定禁止向 AIG 高管发放花红,因此从法律的角度来看, AIG 只是照章办事。但这样做合理不合情,缺乏起码的道德,因此必然会激起公愤,招致全社会的谴责。如果做更进一步的分析,不仅可以看到美国社会一些长期存在的不公平现象,而且可以看到政客们是何等的虚伪。   布什政府去年在与 AIG 谈判注资协议时,并未对发放花红一事做出规定。为什么没有限制发放花红?是参与谈判的财政部官员、联邦储备局官员缺乏常识,还是他们有意眼睁眼闭?如果是前者,为什么到了拯救汽车工业时,联邦政府却坚持要求三大汽车公司降低工人的工资标准并修改涉及退休金和福利待遇的有关条例?   挣小时工资的三大汽车厂工人在薪金、福利和退休待遇上,与收到过百万美元花红及延聘奖金的 AIG 高管无法相比,通用汽车接受的政府注资与 AIG 相比更是小巫见大巫,但政府官员似乎心安理得地对昔日的华尔街精英网开一面,让他们有机会在正常高薪之外再领取纳税人支付的巨额花红。等到三大车厂陷入破产危机时,不论是布什政府的主管官员还是美国国会的两党议员,无不异口同声地要求车厂领导人保证修改原有的雇用条款,令接受注资的车厂强制瘦身。为何会有如此不公平的双重标准?   财政部长盖特纳如今正受到舆论的猛烈抨击,有人认为他失职,也有人指责他故意偏帮华尔街金融家,因为他此前曾任纽约联邦储备银行主席,与华尔街头面人物交往频繁,而且去年还直接参与制定了拯救华尔街金融公司的一系列注资方案。据美国传媒披露,在 AIG 发放花红之前盖特纳已经得到了相关消息,但在征求律师的意见后,没有阻止 AIG 如期发放,于是有国会议员和金融界人士要求盖特纳引咎下台。但奥巴马总统公开强调,对盖特纳有绝对信心,并为盖特纳解围说,盖特纳并没起草与 AIG 的协议,他正在努力打好手上的一副坏牌,有人说这是民主党的错误,有人认为是共和党的错误,我要承担责任,我是总统。   奥巴马动用自己的政治资本力挺盖特纳,是因为人才难得。盖特纳目前基本上是光杆司令,获提名的财政部高官大多尚未获得参议院的确认,商讨拯救全球经济的二十国集团首脑峰会下月初便将在伦敦举行,如果没有盖特纳,奥巴马岂不是要单刀赴会? 【编辑 : 吴翔】
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