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北航教授在《Reviews of Modern Physics》发表综述文章
热度 5 pukin 2014-5-19 17:26
2012 年 8 月份,科学网知名博主刘全慧老师发表了一篇博文:“ 中国物理学家 Reviews of Modern Physics 论文知多少 ? ”从这刘老师这篇博文里了解到,《 Reviews of Modern Physics 》是国际公认物理类最高水平评论类刊物,影响因子超过 CNS 。 《 Reviews of Modern Physics 》自 1929 年创刊以来,截止到 2012 年,中国拥有或部分拥有知识产权的文章才区区 7 篇!而发表的 CNS 文章,最近几年,每年都接近或超过了 3 位数。 2014 年 5 月,北航孙茂教授以唯一单位、唯一作者身份在《 Reviews of Modern Physics 》发表长篇综述论文: Ins ect flightdynamics:Stability and control 。 http://news.buaa.edu.cn/dispnews.php?type=1nid=110098s_table=news_txt 文章回顾了昆虫飞行力学的发展历史,系统阐述了拍动飞行的运动方程和求解方法、拍动飞行的动稳定性和可控性、机动飞行的控制等问题,并展望了昆虫飞行的空气动力学和飞行力学的未来发展趋势。 《 Reviews of Modern Physics 》以综述为主,目前为季刊。基本不接受自由投稿,投稿必须经过美国物理学会邀请,作者基本是引领一个领域的泰斗级人物。中国物理学界目前主要希望攻下 PRL ,对 RMP 还只能仰望。
个人分类: 博客新闻|13999 次阅读|12 个评论
Book reivew: The Fall of Faculty
热度 1 susilila 2014-4-9 02:05
The fall of faculty: the rise of all administrative university and why it matters Author: Benjamin Ginsberg, Oxford University Press, 2011 April 8, 2014 It is well recognized that higher education institutions are adding more and more administrators to their payrolls over years. The reasons for doing so are allegedly numerous, ranging from meeting government mandates, serving new student demands to creating jobs for faculty spouses, among some others. So far, the consequences of more administrators on campus have not been well addressed. This book draws on much of the author’ personal experience and professional training to discuss why the rise of administrators on campus matters and how it relates to power distribution between administrators and faculties. The book starts with numerous cases where faculty members have been more and more disadvantaged in exercising power on campus issues and the shared governance model has not been well respected by incumbent administrators. A good case in point has been the strong attacks on faculty tenure from higher education administrators. In contrast, universities have demonstrated a universally sharp increase in deploying the number of administrators, with the rates being as high as 240% during the past four decades. Numerically speaking, higher education institutions are now dominated by administrators, with a shrinking share going to faculties. This numerical imbalance has significant implications. The author proceeds to discuss the functions of administrators on campus. Not without personal bias, it is claimed that administrators are mainly engaged in the following activities: meetings, retreats and conferences, planning, polishing image and fundingraising. Satirically, the author presents a great deal of cases in these regards, which expose the negative sides of administrative efforts. The book adopts the theory of public choices, contending that administrators are self serving individuals, who maximize their own power and resources at the cost of other groups, mainly faculties’. All the functions administrators engaged in are to serve their best interest and expand their power and resource basis. The author ignores the positive functions from administrators, despising them as unwanted, self serving grits on campus. Along the same line, more cases are presented regarding managerial pathologies, including administrative sabotage,shirking, squandering, corruption, theft and academic fraud, among others. Scandals after scandals are used to prove that all administraitve university will suffer significant management problems due to administrators being full time and fully dedicated to their own interests, which often come at the expense of faculty autonomy and public interests. No doubt that administrators may be engaged in these activities and that monitoring and better governance may be needed, nevertheless it would be too arbitrary to judge the group purely based on their negative efforts. The discussion further touches on sensitive issues such as race and gender. The proliferation of women studies programs, African American studies, and multicultural programs are argued as efforts on the part of administrators to please those well organized groups and efforts to expand their own control over academic issues. To further expand their power basis, administrators are claimed to encroach the traditional territories that faculties often are protected with: faculty recruitment. By imposing faculty diversity, administrators now are able to wield more power on recruitment decisions. Administrators also resort to speech and civility codes to mitigate possible reluctance and lack of cooperation among faculties, even these codes may not be supported by the courts. Administrators create shadow curriculum to rip faculties of power in core academic functions. Together, the traditional autonomy faculties enjoy are largely encroached by administrators, who use these opportunities to further marginalize faculties’ power on campus. One of the most controversial issues on campus is tenure. Both proponents and opponents have legitimate reasons. Chapter 5 explains how the tenure system evolves and has been institutionalized on campus. The main driving forces are that administrators, in face of great increase on student enrollment in the first half 20th century, need faculties to be cooperative in either performing core functions, or serving parttime management duties. The tenure is the reward and motivation for faculties members to be cooperative and committed to higher education institutions. Now, with more fulltime administrators, the need of faculty cooperation is lessened, and the attacks on tenure rise.Regarding teaching and research, significant shift is being witnessed on campus with all administrative nature. Teaching is being asked to incorporate out of classroom teaching, which is largely coordinated by administrators. Core curriculums are reduced, more shadow curriculums are created. Students are now being more and more taught by adjunct professors and even administrators. Research is pressed to be more geared toward funding and income sources like paten and licensing. Alladministrative universities are claimed to push research in certain ways to maximize their overhead cost and income flows. It is certainly arguable whether the focus on more funding and revenues in research areas is purely driven by all administrative nature. Some evidence is posed suggesting that the shift toward more commercial consideration is shaped by multiple general social forces, including policy changes and others out of university domains. Pessimistically, the author argues that it is too late to do anything for a large part of universities. However, he does offer some prescriptions, including that board members reassert public values, faculties fight for more power, alumnus be more attentive to ongoing status and parents and students demand better educational benefits. No doubt, the author has nostalgic feelings for those good old times. However, judging administrators with the old benchmark may per se is not a legitimate activity. As a political science professor, it reflects his own laments that he is lost in all administrative universities. There is certainly some truth there and the book is provocative and awakening, however, truth is still a little further away. end! The fall of faculty.docx
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wnt signaling pathways reviews
LuWen0911 2013-6-18 16:20
wnt in disease and developmentalreview.pdf wnt3.pdf Wntb-catenin signaling.pdf An Updated Overview on Wnt Signaling Pathways A Prelude for More.pdf
1970 次阅读|0 个评论
我的Critical reviews in biotechnology投稿之路
热度 4 cjd007cn 2013-1-12 16:22
Critical reviews in biotechnology是生物工程与应用微生物学科SCI期刊排名第9的国际顶级的综述性学术期刊,该期刊2012年影响因子6.5,全年出版3期,每期发表20篇左右的论文, 主要刊登涉及生物技术某一研究领域最新研究进展的权威性评述论文. 自2012年4月份投稿,一直等到9月17号获得第一次审稿意见,但只有一个Reviewer的意见,期间问过主编,主编说只找到一个Reviewer,这个Reviewer很负责,也很严厉,在肯定了论文的新颖性方面的同时也提出了28个问题,结果主编给了修改后重投的决定.认真修改论文,并仔细的回答了Reviewer的28个问题.于2012年9月28号投出.接着又是漫长的等待,一直到12月17号得到两个Reviewers的意见,还好主要是写作方面的问题,主编给了minor revision的决定,于是又仔细改论文,并于2012年12月27号投出,等到1月3号,收到主编的回信,接受录用.本论文从投稿到录用共用了9个月时间,是我所有发表的英文论文中用的时间最长的一次.
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majmco 2012-10-2 17:17
创举: 用假的审稿人意见来发表论文。下文提到了韩国,中国和伊朗的几位科研人员: Hyung-In Moon 韩国 Guang-Zi He, 中国 Akbar Tayebi, of the University of Qom, and Esmaeil Peyghan, of Arak University, 伊朗 http://chronicle.com/article/Fake-Peer-Reviews-the-Latest/134784/?key=HDogcFNtYClGN3trNjoWMDlTb3JuZEt7Y39FYn0obl1dGA%3D%3D Fake Peer Reviews, the Latest Form of Scientific Fraud, Fool Journals Dong-A U. Suspicions that Hyung-In Moon, a professor at Dong-A U., in South Korea, wrote his own peer reviews have prompted several journals to retract his papers. Enlarge Image Dong-A U. Suspicions that Hyung-In Moon, a professor at Dong-A U., in South Korea, wrote his own peer reviews have prompted several journals to retract his papers. By Josh Fischman Scientists appear to have figured out a new way to avoid any bad prepublication reviews that dissuade journals from publishing their articles: Write positive reviews themselves, under other people's names. In incidents involving four scientists—the latest case coming to light two weeks ago—journal editors say authors got to critique their own papers by suggesting reviewers with contact e-mails that actually went to themselves. The glowing endorsements got the work into Experimental Parasitology, Pharmaceutical Biology, and several other journals. Fake reviews even got a pair of mathematics articles into journals published by Elsevier, the academic publishing giant, which has a system in place intended to thwart such misconduct. The frauds have produced retractions of about 30 papers to date. "I find it very shocking," said Laura Schmidt, publisher in charge of mathematics journals at Elsevier. "It's very serious, very manipulative, and very deliberate." This "has taken a lot of people by surprise," wrote Irene Hames, a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics, in an e-mail to The Chronicle. The committee is an international group of science editors that advises journals on ways to handle misconduct. "It should be a wake-up call to any journals that don't have rigorous reviewer selection and screening in place," she wrote. Blame lies with those journals, she said, that allow authors to nominate their own reviewers and don't check credentials and contacts. What's worse, said Ivan Oransky, co-publisher of the blog Retraction Watch, which first uncovered this pattern, is that some editors saw red flags but published the papers anyway. Later retractions don't undo the harm created by introducing falsehoods into the scientific literature, he said, noting that some of these papers were published years ago and have been cited by several other researchers. 'Do-It-Yourself' Reviews Claudiu Supuran, editor in chief of the Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry, became suspicious that one of his authors was engaged in "do-it-yourself" peer review in 2010. Hyung-In Moon, now an assistant professor at Dong-A University, in Busan, South Korea, had submitted a manuscript along with the names of several potential reviewers. Mr. Supuran, then an associate editor at the journal, duly sent the article out for review and became suspicious when good reviews came back in one or two days. "Reviewers never respond that quickly," he said. So he sent the manuscript to two scientists whom he picked himself. Their reviews suggested revisions but were also positive, so the article was published. But he was still skeptical of Mr. Moon. The following year, Mr. Moon was still submitting manuscripts and Mr. Supuran, promoted to the top editing job, decided to look harder at the latest one. Mr. Moon "listed names of reviewers and affiliations, like the University of Florida, but he gave a Gmail or Yahoo e-mail address as the contact," Mr. Supuran said. "And once again the positive reviews came back within two days. But this time I called some contacts at the University of Florida, and they said they never heard of Moon's supposed reviewers." Mr. Supuran then e-mailed Mr. Moon. "It was a very difficult conversation," he said. "I told Moon I really needed to speak to these people directly. First he said he didn't have any other contact information. But I persisted. Then he said that they didn't exist. He also admitted to me that he falsified data in his papers." Anyone can open a Gmail or similar account under a name that isn't his or her own, as long as that name hasn't been taken by another user. For instance, Haroldvarmus@gmail.com was available last week, but e-mail sent there will not reach Mr. Varmus, the Nobel Prize-winning virologist and director of the National Cancer Institute. Mr. Moon, said Mr. Supuran, must have done something similar and then written the reviews himself. "I asked him if he realized how serious this was," Mr. Supuran said. "He said yes, he did. I told him I couldn't publish his paper under these circumstances. He then said I was going to destroy his career." ( The Chronicle attempted to contact Mr. Moon and the other scientists whose papers have been retracted but did not get any responses.) Mr. Supuran, a professor of pharmaceutical sciences at the University of Florence, alerted the journal publisher, Informa Healthcare, about these problems. He also contacted several other journal editors to warn them about Mr. Moon. Informa began an investigation of articles that Mr. Moon had written. That was last December. The first retraction notices appeared this past August: "The peer-review process for the above article has been found to have been compromised and inappropriately influenced by the corresponding author, Professor HI Moon." To date, 28 papers have been retracted, with Mr. Moon's agreement. (His papers prompted seven earlier retractions as well, but the reasons for those are vague.) The medicinal-chemistry journal has now changed its policy to require that every paper have two reviewers not suggested by an author. 'Something Suspicious' A retraction notice published in July highlighted another case. It recanted a paper published in February in Experimental Parasitology by Guang-Zi He, a researcher at the Guiyang College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, in China. The paper identified a potential target for a vaccine against a bacterial infection. Mr. He gave e-mail addresses of several suggested reviewers, but all of the e-mail services were in China, while some of the reviewers were not, which raised editors' eyebrows. That and some other oddities triggered an investigation, which led to the retraction. An unusual feature of that incident was that the journal is published by Elsevier, which has a database of reviewers. Even if an author suggests a reviewer, editors are supposed to use contact e-mails from that database. Elsevier officials say they do not want to reveal details of how the database may have been accessed or manipulated. They do say that the company discovered a vulnerability in the system and has corrected it. But not, apparently, before that vulnerability may have been exploited to the advantage of two mathematicians—Akbar Tayebi, of the University of Qom, and Esmaeil Peyghan, of Arak University, both in Iran. Retraction notices for three of their papers, published this year in the Journal of Geometry and Physics and the Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Application, appeared in mid-September. "We were alerted by another publisher in May that there was something suspicious about these two authors," said Elsevier's Ms. Schmidt. She looked at the reviewers of their papers for the Elsevier journals "and noticed they had generic e-mail contacts, not institutional e-mails. So I contacted these referees at their institutions. ... They said they were not even aware of the papers." Then she contacted the authors and told them what she had found. "The authors did not provide any convincing evidence to the contrary," she said. It is possible that someone else planted the false reviews. But the end result was retraction. Pressure on both authors and journal editors is a major factor in this new type of fraud, observers say. Authors need publications to advance their careers, and as grant money and the job market tighten, some appear willing to lie. "I think this is probably on the rise, but we don't really know the extent," Ms. Schmidt said. On the journal side, editors are handling more submissions than ever—Mr. Supuran said he and three other editors work on 500 to 600 papers each year, about 20 percent more than when he started—and due diligence can be a casualty. When swamped, said Lance W. Small, a member of the ethics committee and a professor emeritus of mathematics at the University of California at San Diego, "editors may cut corners."
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My favorite reviews
LuWen0911 2012-4-12 10:36
Immunology: annurev-physiol-021909-135846 .pdf Macrophages are a heterogeneous population of cells..pdf The ins and outs of phospholipid asymmetry in the plasma..pdf Functional plasticity of macrophag.pdf REGULATION OF IMMUNE CELLS BY..pdf Neurobiology: Shulman et al._ ARP 11.pdf
2555 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]今日科研动态 4月11日
xupeiyang 2012-4-11 10:43
http://www.ebiotrade.com/newsf/ · Nature reviews:抗体介导肿瘤细胞杀伤机制 (4-11) · PNAS:揭示侵袭性前列腺癌病因 (4-11) · 管轶发Nature文章 提出H5N1新观点 (4-11) · 东南大学最新封面文章解析疾病机理 (4-11) · 研究破译水稻分蘖调控分子机理 (4-11) · 抗生素可免去单纯性阑尾炎患者的手术之苦 (4-11) · 心电图异常的老年人冠心病事件发作的风险可 (4-11) · 心衰病人服用高血压药物与死亡风险的增加没 (4-11) · 英国科学家利用卵巢干细胞培育出卵子 (4-11) · 英纳米技术有望将厕所废水变饮用水 (4-11) · 英研究说不用止痛药更利心脏病康复 (4-11) · 看!癌细胞在干嘛? (4-10) · Nature reviews:癌症抗体疗法 (4-10) · 厦门大学Cell Res新文章解析糖代谢机制 (4-10) · NIBS朱冰论文登JBC年度最佳论文 (4-10)
个人分类: 热点前沿|1517 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Writing Technical Reviews
LiangliangNan 2012-2-13 18:12
Writing Technical Reviews In many professions, people give back to their community by doing volunteer work. In technical fields such as computer science, we volunteer our time by reviewing papers that are written by other researchers in our field. I recommend that you approach your reviews in this spirit of volunteerism. Sure, your reviews make you a gatekeeper in helping decide which papers are ready for publication. Just as important, however, is to provide feedback to the authors so that they may improve their work. Try to write your review in a way that the authors can benefit from your review. I like reading a paper and then thinking about it over the course of several days before I write my review. "Living" with a paper for a few days gives you time to make thoughtful decisions about it. This is the best way to come up with helpful suggestions for improving the paper. To do this, you need to carve out some time in your day to think about the paper that you are reviewing. The tone of your review is important. A harshly written review will be disregarded by the authors, regardless of whether your criticisms are true. If you take care, it is always possible to word your review diplomatically while staying true to your thoughts about the paper. Put yourself in the mindset of writing to someone you wish to help, such as a respected colleague who wants your opinion on a concept or a project. Here are some specific issues to keep in mind as you write your reviews: Short reviews are unhelpful to the authors and to other reviewers. If you have agreed to review a paper, you should take enough time to write a thoughtful and detailed review. Be specific when you suggest that the writing needs to be improved. If there is a particular section that is unclear, point it out and give suggestions for how it can be clarified. Don't give away your identity by asking the authors to cite several of your own papers. If you don't think the paper is right for the SIGGRAPH Technical Papers program, suggest other publication possibilities (journals, conferences, workshops) that would be a better match for the paper. Avoid referring to the authors by using the phrase "you" or "the authors." These phrases should be replaced by "the paper." Directly talking about the authors can be perceived as being confrontational, even though you do not mean it this way. Be generous about giving the authors new ideas for how they can improve their work. Your suggestions may be very specific (for example, "this numerical solver would be better for your application") or may be more general in nature. You might suggest a new dataset that could be tried, or a new application area that might benefit from their tool. You may tell them how their idea can be generalized beyond what they have already considered. A thoughtful review not only benefits the authors, but may well benefit you, too. Remember that your reviews are read by other reviewers, including several who know your identity. Being a helpful reviewer will generate good will toward you in the research community. Greg Turk, March 2008
2435 次阅读|0 个评论
与Nobel Laureate in Physics Prof. Cohen-Tannoudji 亲切交流
gcshan 2012-1-28 13:29
与Nobel Laureate in Physics Prof. Cohen-Tannoudji 亲切交流
Nobel Laureate in Physics reviews major breakthroughs in atomic physics By Mirror Fung The renowned physicist and Nobel Laureate Professor Claude Cohen-Tannoudji gave a lecture at City University of Hong Kong (CityU) on major breakthroughs in the evolution of atomic physics during the last few decades on 13 January as part of the France–Hong Kong Distinguished Lecture series. Professo r Arthur Ellis , Acting President of CityU, and Professor Gregory Raupp , Vice-President (Research Technology), welcomed the guests, staff and students attending the lecture. “ Professor Cohen-Tannoudji is Honorary Professor of Atomic and Molecular Physics at the Collège de France and was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1997 for the development of methods to cool and trap atoms using laser light ,” Professor Ellis said. “He has shown creativity, innovation and determination that is fully emblematic of what we at CityU are hoping to inspire our students to do when we officially launch the D iscovery-enriched curriculum this fall, ” he added . At the beginning of his lecture, titled “Advances in Atomic Physics f rom Optical Pumping to Quantum Gases ”, Professor Cohen-Tannoudji presented a comprehensive overview of the significant advances made in atomic physics from 1950 to 2010 , such as the development of optical pumping methods first proposed 60 years ago, the availability of laser sources 50 years ago, the invention of new methods, such as laser cooling and trapping, evaporative cooling, and Feshbach resonances. Professor Cohen-Tannoudji played a major role in these developments . His research into radiative forces on atoms in laser light fields, laser cooling and trapping has had a deep impact on many aspects of physics , enabl ing researchers to observe atoms for a longer period of time, increasing considerably the precision of many different kinds of measurements and helping to better understand the interaction of radiation with matter. “The possibility to achieve ultra-cold gaseous samples of strongly interacting atoms and to control all experimental parameters allows one to explore new physical situations, to realise simple models of more complex quantum systems found in other fields of physics, and to get a better understanding of their behaviour,” he explained. H is contributions and achievements have won him many awards, medals and prizes, including the Gold Medal from the French National Center of Scientific Research , the Research Award from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, and the Harvey Prize in Science and Technology from the Technion Isral Institute of Technology. He is now an active researcher at the Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, cole Normale Supérieure in Paris, and a Member of the French Academy of Sciences and a Foreign Member of many academies, including the US National Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Sciences. Mr Arnaud Barthelemy , Consul General of France in Hong Kong , thanked CityU for co-organising the France–Hong Kong Distinguished Lecture series. “France and Hong Kong have a long and fruitful partnership in research and higher education, and CityU is the cornerstone of this booming higher education cooperation ,” he said. Th is lecture series is co-organised by the French Academy of Sciences, the Consulate General of France in Hong Kong, and CityU.
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[转载]Nature Reviews Drug Discovery contents November 2010 Volume
xupeiyang 2010-10-30 08:53
NATURE REVIEWS DRUG DISCOVERY November 2010 Volume 9 Number 11 Visit Nature Reviews Drug Discovery online to browse the journal. Now available at http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=19m=35933506r=NDU1MzI2NDExMwS2b=2j=ODUzNDU0OTQS1mt=1rt=0 Please note that you need to be a subscriber to enjoy full text access to Nature Reviews Drug Discovery online. 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Nigel Borshell and Tibor Papp p831 | doi:10.1038/nrd3310 http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=118m=35933506r=NDU1MzI2NDExMwS2b=2j=ODUzNDU0OTQS1mt=1rt=0 PATENT WATCH Triggering generics market exclusivity | Lead compounds not based on structure alone | Sphingosine 1-phosphate Charlotte Harrison p832 | doi:10.1038/nrd3312 http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=50m=35933506r=NDU1MzI2NDExMwS2b=2j=ODUzNDU0OTQS1mt=1rt=0 AN AUDIENCE WITH Patrick Vallance p834 | doi:10.1038/nrd3307 The Senior Vice President of Medicines Discovery and Development at GlaxoSmithKline discusses the rationale for the recent evolution of the company's research and development strategy. http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=111m=35933506r=NDU1MzI2NDExMwS2b=2j=ODUzNDU0OTQS1mt=1rt=0 FROM THE ANALYST'S COUCH Location of pharmaceutical innovation: 2000-2009 Yali Friedman p835 | doi:10.1038/nrd3298 http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=102m=35933506r=NDU1MzI2NDExMwS2b=2j=ODUzNDU0OTQS1mt=1rt=0 FRESH FROM THE PIPELINE Velaglucerase alfa Johannes M. F. G. Aerts, Uma Yasothan and Peter Kirkpatrick p837 | doi:10.1038/nrd3311 http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=100m=35933506r=NDU1MzI2NDExMwS2b=2j=ODUzNDU0OTQS1mt=1rt=0 ---------------------- RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS ---------------------- Analgesics: Pain control at the periphery p839 | doi:10.1038/nrd3300 http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=93m=35933506r=NDU1MzI2NDExMwS2b=2j=ODUzNDU0OTQS1mt=1rt=0 Inflammatory disorders: Constraining the complement cascade p840 | doi:10.1038/nrd3302 http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=97m=35933506r=NDU1MzI2NDExMwS2b=2j=ODUzNDU0OTQS1mt=1rt=0 Fibrotic disease: Targeting the microenvironment p840 | doi:10.1038/nrd3303 http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=95m=35933506r=NDU1MzI2NDExMwS2b=2j=ODUzNDU0OTQS1mt=1rt=0 Cancer: Targeting mutant BRAF in metastatic melanoma p841 | doi:10.1038/nrd3304 http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=39m=35933506r=NDU1MzI2NDExMwS2b=2j=ODUzNDU0OTQS1mt=1rt=0 Antimalarial drugs: Speeding to a new lead p842 | doi:10.1038/nrd3301 http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=41m=35933506r=NDU1MzI2NDExMwS2b=2j=ODUzNDU0OTQS1mt=1rt=0 IN BRIEF Pulmonary disorders | Anticancer drugs | Biotechnology | Neuordegenerative disease p842 | doi:10.1038/nrd3305 http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=51m=35933506r=NDU1MzI2NDExMwS2b=2j=ODUzNDU0OTQS1mt=1rt=0 ---------------------- PERSPECTIVES ---------------------- OPINION Utilizing targeted cancer therapeutic agents in combination: novel approaches and urgent requirements Shivanni Kummar, Helen X. Chen, John Wright, Susan Holbeck, Myrtle Davis Millin, Joseph Tomaszewski, James Zweibel, Jerry Collins and James H. Doroshow p843 | doi:10.1038/nrd3216 Developing optimal combination strategies for molecularly targeted anticancer drugs is substantially more complex than for traditional chemotherapies. Here, Doroshow and colleagues discuss the lessons learned from the evaluation of combinations of molecularly targeted anticancer agents by the US National Cancer Institute (NCI), and highlight several new approaches that the NCI has initiated to improve the effectiveness of such combinations. Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=52m=35933506r=NDU1MzI2NDExMwS2b=2j=ODUzNDU0OTQS1mt=1rt=0 Article: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=32m=35933506r=NDU1MzI2NDExMwS2b=2j=ODUzNDU0OTQS1mt=1rt=0 OPINION Developing drug prototypes: pharmacology replaces safety and tolerability? Adam F. Cohen p856 | doi:10.1038/nrd3227 Currently, drug development is based on a consecutive phase model and Phase I clinical trials often have tolerability as their primary objective. Here, Cohen advocates new concepts for drug development that are based on pharmacological knowledge about the effects of the drug and an adaptive, cyclical development process. Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=53m=35933506r=NDU1MzI2NDExMwS2b=2j=ODUzNDU0OTQS1mt=1rt=0 Article: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=23m=35933506r=NDU1MzI2NDExMwS2b=2j=ODUzNDU0OTQS1mt=1rt=0 ---------------------- ANALYSIS ---------------------- The importance of new companies for drug discovery: origins of a decade of new drugs Robert Kneller p867 | doi:10.1038/nrd3251 Understanding the factors that promote drug innovation is important both for improvements in health care and the future of organizations engaged in the field. To investigate these factors, Kneller identifies the inventors of 252 new drugs approved by the US Food and Drug Administration from 1998 to 2007 and their places of work, and classifies these drugs according to innovativeness. This article presents a comprehensive analysis of these data, which highlight the strong contribution of biotechnology companies, particularly in the United States, to innovative drug discovery, and discusses potential contributing factors to the trends observed. Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=91m=35933506r=NDU1MzI2NDExMwS2b=2j=ODUzNDU0OTQS1mt=1rt=0 Article: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=5m=35933506r=NDU1MzI2NDExMwS2b=2j=ODUzNDU0OTQS1mt=1rt=0 ---------------------- REVIEW ---------------------- Fingolimod (FTY720): discovery and development of an oral drug to treat multiple sclerosis Volker Brinkmann, Andreas Billich, Thomas Baumruker, Peter Heining, Robert Schmouder, Gordon Francis, Shreeram Aradhye and Pascale Burtin p883 | doi:10.1038/nrd3248 In September 2010, fingolimod (FTY720/Gilenya; Novartis) became the first oral disease-modifying therapy to be approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for relapsing-emitting multiple sclerosis. Brinkmann and colleagues describe its discovery and development, and how elucidation of its effects on sphingosine 1-phosphate receptors has improved the understanding of the biology of these receptors. Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=54m=35933506r=NDU1MzI2NDExMwS2b=2j=ODUzNDU0OTQS1mt=1rt=0 Article: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=1m=35933506r=NDU1MzI2NDExMwS2b=2j=ODUzNDU0OTQS1mt=1rt=0 ---------------------- CORRESPONDENCE ---------------------- Correspondence: Understanding transport through pharmacological barriers - are we there yet? Balazs Sarkadi and Gergely Szakacs p897 | doi:10.1038/nrd3187-c1 http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=63m=35933506r=NDU1MzI2NDExMwS2b=2j=ODUzNDU0OTQS1mt=1rt=0 Corrigendum: Microtubule-binding agents: a dynamic field of cancer therapeutics Charles Dumontet and Mary Ann Jordan p897 | doi:10.1038/nrd3313 http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=57m=35933506r=NDU1MzI2NDExMwS2b=2j=ODUzNDU0OTQS1mt=1rt=0 =========================== ADVERTISEMENT =========================== The Natureevents Directory 2011 http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=81m=35933506r=NDU1MzI2NDExMwS2b=2j=ODUzNDU0OTQS1mt=1rt=0 Inform a potential 1 million scientists about your scientific events. Contact us now to be included in the 12th edition of the Natureevents directory: mailto:c.paulsen@us.nature.com T: +1 202 626 2522 ===================================================================== You have been sent this Table of Contents Alert because you have opted in to receive it. 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[转载]Nature Reviews Immunology Contents November 2010 Volume 10 N
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NATURE REVIEWS IMMUNOLOGY November 2010 Volume 10 Number 11 Visit Nature Reviews Immunology online to browse the journal. Now available at http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=80m=35916564r=NDU1MzI2NDExMQS2b=2j=ODQ5OTk1NTIS1mt=1rt=0 Please note that you need to be a subscriber to enjoy full text access to Nature Reviews Immunology online. 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FREE access to the Collection is available for a limited time. http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=25m=35916564r=NDU1MzI2NDExMQS2b=2j=ODQ5OTk1NTIS1mt=1rt=0 Produced with support from BD Biosciences http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=48m=35916564r=NDU1MzI2NDExMQS2b=2j=ODQ5OTk1NTIS1mt=1rt=0 ===================================================================== =========================== ADVERTISEMENT =========================== The Natureevents Directory 2011 http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=84m=35916564r=NDU1MzI2NDExMQS2b=2j=ODQ5OTk1NTIS1mt=1rt=0 Inform a potential 1 million scientists about your scientific events. Contact us now to be included in the 12th edition of the Natureevents directory: mailto:c.paulsen@us.nature.com T: +1 202 626 2522 ===================================================================== This month's FEATURED article: Antigen-presenting cell function in the tolerogenic liver environment Angus W. Thomson and Percy A. Knolle p753 | doi:10.1038/nri2858 http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=34m=35916564r=NDU1MzI2NDExMQS2b=2j=ODQ5OTk1NTIS1mt=1rt=0 ===================================================================== From the editors p745 | doi:10.1038/nri2885 http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=69m=35916564r=NDU1MzI2NDExMQS2b=2j=ODQ5OTk1NTIS1mt=1rt=0 ---------------------- RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS ---------------------- Toll-like receptors: Two for the price of one p746 | doi:10.1038/nri2872 Spatial and temporal regulation of TLR9 signalling determines response pathway. http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=70m=35916564r=NDU1MzI2NDExMQS2b=2j=ODQ5OTk1NTIS1mt=1rt=0 B cells: Survival centre p747 | doi:10.1038/nri2879 The anti-apoptotic protein MCL1 is crucial for germinal centre B cell responses. http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=74m=35916564r=NDU1MzI2NDExMQS2b=2j=ODQ5OTk1NTIS1mt=1rt=0 T cell responses: Exhaustion through BATF p747 | doi:10.1038/nri2881 Activation of BATF by PD1 contributes to T cell exhaustion in HIV infection. http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=77m=35916564r=NDU1MzI2NDExMQS2b=2j=ODQ5OTk1NTIS1mt=1rt=0 Inflammation: IAPP stokes the pancreatic fire p748 | doi:10.1038/nri2874 Islet amyloid polypeptide (IAPP) activates the NLRP3 inflammasome for IL-1 production. http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=82m=35916564r=NDU1MzI2NDExMQS2b=2j=ODQ5OTk1NTIS1mt=1rt=0 Innate immunity: A new vein of TLR biology p748 | doi:10.1038/nri2875 Inflammatory responses generate endogenous TLR2 ligands that promote angiogenesis. http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=61m=35916564r=NDU1MzI2NDExMQS2b=2j=ODQ5OTk1NTIS1mt=1rt=0 STRUCTURE WATCH How the pre-TCR self-associates | Immunoreceptor complex assembly p749 | doi:10.1038/nri2883 http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=41m=35916564r=NDU1MzI2NDExMQS2b=2j=ODQ5OTk1NTIS1mt=1rt=0 Neuroimmunology: The TH17 kiss of death for neurons p750 | doi:10.1038/nri2876 TH17 cells form contacts with neurons in EAE, resulting in neuronal dysfunction. http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=54m=35916564r=NDU1MzI2NDExMQS2b=2j=ODQ5OTk1NTIS1mt=1rt=0 Metabolism and immunology: Macrophages yo-yo during weight loss p750 | doi:10.1038/nri2880 Adipose tissue macrophages contribute to mopping up excess lipids during weight loss. http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=51m=35916564r=NDU1MzI2NDExMQS2b=2j=ODQ5OTk1NTIS1mt=1rt=0 IN BRIEF T cell memory | Inflammation | Transplantation p751 | doi:10.1038/nri2884 http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=40m=35916564r=NDU1MzI2NDExMQS2b=2j=ODQ5OTk1NTIS1mt=1rt=0 Immune regulation: Controlling neutrophil plasticity p752 | doi:10.1038/nri2877 A systemic acute-phase protein and crosstalk with NKT cells modulate neutrophil activity. http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=86m=35916564r=NDU1MzI2NDExMQS2b=2j=ODQ5OTk1NTIS1mt=1rt=0 Innate immunity: One-two blow alerts immune system p752 | doi:10.1038/nri2882 Biphasic MAPK signalling discriminates between safe and dangerous forms of fungi. http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=88m=35916564r=NDU1MzI2NDExMQS2b=2j=ODQ5OTk1NTIS1mt=1rt=0 ---------------------- REVIEWS ---------------------- Antigen-presenting cell function in the tolerogenic liver environment Angus W. Thomson and Percy A. Knolle p753 | doi:10.1038/nri2858 The mechanisms by which local antigen-presenting cells, such as myeloid and plasmacytoid dendritic cells, liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, Kupffer cells and hepatocytes, mediate tolerance to antigens metabolized in the liver are described here. These insights into hepatic tolerance may be harnessed in the clinic for the treatment of various diseases. Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=34m=35916564r=NDU1MzI2NDExMQS2b=2j=ODQ5OTk1NTIS1mt=1rt=0 Article: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=76m=35916564r=NDU1MzI2NDExMQS2b=2j=ODQ5OTk1NTIS1mt=1rt=0 The tipping points in the initiation of B cell signalling: how small changes make big differences Susan K. Pierce and Wanli Liu p767 | doi:10.1038/nri2853 Binding of antigen to the B cell receptor (BCR) on the cell surface results in B cell activation. But how is the information that antigen binding by a BCR has occurred translated across the cell membrane to trigger signalling cascades? And what are the implications for B cell tumorigenesis and autoimmunity? Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=44m=35916564r=NDU1MzI2NDExMQS2b=2j=ODQ5OTk1NTIS1mt=1rt=0 Article: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=22m=35916564r=NDU1MzI2NDExMQS2b=2j=ODQ5OTk1NTIS1mt=1rt=0 The importance of natural IgM: scavenger, protector and regulator Michael R. Ehrenstein and Clare A. Notley p778 | doi:10.1038/nri2849 Natural IgM has many roles in the immune system, from protection against infection to regulating autoimmunity. The authors discuss the pleiotropic properties of natural IgM, and the implications for B cell-targeted therapy. Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=42m=35916564r=NDU1MzI2NDExMQS2b=2j=ODQ5OTk1NTIS1mt=1rt=0 Article: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=27m=35916564r=NDU1MzI2NDExMQS2b=2j=ODQ5OTk1NTIS1mt=1rt=0 Vaccine delivery: a matter of size, geometry, kinetics and molecular patterns Martin F. Bachmann and Gary T. Jennings p787 | doi:10.1038/nri2868 When designing the best delivery system for a vaccine, a lot can be learnt from viruses. Here the authors propose that vaccines that mimic key properties of viruses induce optimal immune responses with minimal harmful side effects. Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=46m=35916564r=NDU1MzI2NDExMQS2b=2j=ODQ5OTk1NTIS1mt=1rt=0 Article: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=11m=35916564r=NDU1MzI2NDExMQS2b=2j=ODQ5OTk1NTIS1mt=1rt=0 ---------------------- PERSPECTIVES ---------------------- TIMELINE The Immune Tolerance Network at 10 years: tolerance research at the bedside Jeffrey A. Bluestone, Hugh Auchincloss, Gerald T. Nepom, Daniel Rotrosen, E. William St. Clair and Laurence A. Turka p797 | doi:10.1038/nri2869 The ITN was founded in 1999 with the goal of achieving ... a robust state of immune tolerance in the absence of ongoing immunotherapy while maintaining a competent immune system. What are the challenges that have been met along the way and the lessons learnt for future translational research? Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=45m=35916564r=NDU1MzI2NDExMQS2b=2j=ODQ5OTk1NTIS1mt=1rt=0 Article: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=39m=35916564r=NDU1MzI2NDExMQS2b=2j=ODQ5OTk1NTIS1mt=1rt=0 =========================== ADVERTISEMENT =========================== Nature Immunology Poster on therapeutic effects of interferon-beta for multiple sclerosis Recent data have shown that IFN-beta works on several levels to inhibit the MS disease process; proposed mechanisms include inhibiting cell trafficking to the inflamed CNS, inhibiting antigen presentation and modulating the TH17 response. 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[转载]Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology contents November 2010
xupeiyang 2010-10-23 08:15
NATURE REVIEWS MOLECULAR CELL BIOLOGY November 2010 Volume 11 Number 11 Visit Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology online to browse the journal. Now available at http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=10m=35910783r=NDU1MzI2NDEwOAS2b=2j=ODQ3OTUyMjkS1mt=1rt=0 Please note that you need to be a subscriber to enjoy full text access to Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology online. 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Two different TRAPP complexes tether coated vesicles during endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi and intra-Golgi traffic, respectively, and a third complex functions in autophagy. The TRAPP complexes thereby connect GTPase activation to unique membrane-tethering events. Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=26m=35910783r=NDU1MzI2NDEwOAS2b=2j=ODQ3OTUyMjkS1mt=1rt=0 Article: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=76m=35910783r=NDU1MzI2NDEwOAS2b=2j=ODQ3OTUyMjkS1mt=1rt=0 ---------------------- REVIEWS ---------------------- Article series: 10-year anniversary series http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=4m=35910783r=NDU1MzI2NDEwOAS2b=2j=ODQ3OTUyMjkS1mt=1rt=0 Clocks not winding down: unravelling circadian networks Eric E. Zhang and Steve A. Kay p764 | doi:10.1038/nrm2995 Organisms can anticipate environmental changes owing to an intrinsic molecular clock. Our molecular understanding of circadian oscillators has advanced over the past decade with the deployment of systems biology approaches, enabling a multiscale view of circadian systems from the molecular level to the intact organism. Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=27m=35910783r=NDU1MzI2NDEwOAS2b=2j=ODQ3OTUyMjkS1mt=1rt=0 Article: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=80m=35910783r=NDU1MzI2NDEwOAS2b=2j=ODQ3OTUyMjkS1mt=1rt=0 Cellular strategies for controlling protein aggregation Jens Tyedmers, Axel Mogk and Bernd Bukau p777 | doi:10.1038/nrm2993 The aggregation of misfolded proteins is associated with the perturbation of cellular function and ageing. However, protein aggregation can also be a regulated process that deposits aggregates at specific cellular sites. This is protective as it facilitates aggregate solubilization, refolding and degradation by the protein quality-control network. Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=41m=35910783r=NDU1MzI2NDEwOAS2b=2j=ODQ3OTUyMjkS1mt=1rt=0 Article: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=1m=35910783r=NDU1MzI2NDEwOAS2b=2j=ODQ3OTUyMjkS1mt=1rt=0 Generating and navigating proteome maps using mass spectrometry Christian H. Ahrens, Erich Brunner, Ermir Qeli, Konrad Basler and Ruedi Aebersold p789 | doi:10.1038/nrm2973 Proteomes are typically analyzed by mass spectrometry, and recent advances have greatly increased the fraction of the proteome that can be identified and quantified in a single study. Mapping complete proteomes and using such maps for targeted quantitative proteomics will increase the impact of proteomics on biological and clinical research. 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[转载]Nature Reviews Microbiology contents November Volume 8 Numbe
XUPEIYANG 2010-10-16 07:05
NATURE REVIEWS MICROBIOLOGY November 2010 Volume 8 Number 11 Visit Nature Reviews Microbiology online to browse the journal. Now available at http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=45m=35886209r=NDU1MzI2NDE0MgS2b=2j=ODQyNTMyNjAS1mt=1rt=0 Please note that you need to be a subscriber to enjoy full text access to Nature Reviews Microbiology online. 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Reay p779 | doi:10.1038/nrmicro2439 http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=88m=35886209r=NDU1MzI2NDE0MgS2b=2j=ODQyNTMyNjAS1mt=1rt=0 ===================================================================== In this issue p753 | doi:10.1038/nrmicro2471 http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=65m=35886209r=NDU1MzI2NDE0MgS2b=2j=ODQyNTMyNjAS1mt=1rt=0 Editorial: A Nobel endeavour p755 | doi:10.1038/nrmicro2470 A look back at the microbiologists who have won a Nobel Prize, and at those who have been overlooked, provides a wonderful view of the recent history of microbiology and reveals the central place of microbiology in past and current biological science. Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=7m=35886209r=NDU1MzI2NDE0MgS2b=2j=ODQyNTMyNjAS1mt=1rt=0 Article: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=67m=35886209r=NDU1MzI2NDE0MgS2b=2j=ODQyNTMyNjAS1mt=1rt=0 ---------------------- RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS ---------------------- Bacterial physiology: Bacterial lipid rafts discovered p756 | doi:10.1038/nrmicro2455 The identification and characterization of bacterial lipid rafts and their role in the signalling pathways that regulate biofilm formation in Bacillus subtilis. http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=79m=35886209r=NDU1MzI2NDE0MgS2b=2j=ODQyNTMyNjAS1mt=1rt=0 Virology: Severing the bud p757 | doi:10.1038/nrmicro2458 Influenza buds by an ESCRT-independent mechanism that involves the matrix protein M2. http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=82m=35886209r=NDU1MzI2NDE0MgS2b=2j=ODQyNTMyNjAS1mt=1rt=0 Parasitology: Theileria survival and the spindle p757 | doi:10.1038/nrmicro2468 A new paper in PLoS Biology reveals the mechanism used by the apicomplexan parasite Theileria annulata to usurp the host cell mitotic apparatus. http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=77m=35886209r=NDU1MzI2NDE0MgS2b=2j=ODQyNTMyNjAS1mt=1rt=0 Virology: Greasing the wheels of replication p758 | doi:10.1038/nrmicro2463 A screen for host factors involved in the formation of the dengue virus replication complex reveals links to localized fatty acid biosynthesis http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=29m=35886209r=NDU1MzI2NDE0MgS2b=2j=ODQyNTMyNjAS1mt=1rt=0 Bacterial virulence: Gaining an edge in the gut p758 | doi:10.1038/nrmicro2464 Two articles identify the metabolic niches of two pathogens that provide them with a growth advantage. http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=31m=35886209r=NDU1MzI2NDE0MgS2b=2j=ODQyNTMyNjAS1mt=1rt=0 Symbiosis: A helping hand p758 | doi:10.1038/nrmicro2466 A new paper in the ISME Journal provides the first evidence for a role of a bacterial type III secretion system (T3SS) in an interaction between a bacterium and a fungus. http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=39m=35886209r=NDU1MzI2NDE0MgS2b=2j=ODQyNTMyNjAS1mt=1rt=0 IN BRIEF Plant disease resistance | Bacterial physiology | Genomics p759 | doi:10.1038/nrmicro2469 http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=22m=35886209r=NDU1MzI2NDE0MgS2b=2j=ODQyNTMyNjAS1mt=1rt=0 ---------------------- NEWS AND ANALYSIS ---------------------- GENOME WATCH Genome annotation: man versus machine Nicola K. Petty p762 | doi:10.1038/nrmicro2462 Following on from last month's discussion of sequence assembly and correction, this month's Genome Watch examines genome annotation in the context of advances in second-generation sequencing. http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=50m=35886209r=NDU1MzI2NDE0MgS2b=2j=ODQyNTMyNjAS1mt=1rt=0 DISEASE WATCH In the news p763 | doi:10.1038/nrmicro2467 Our monthly round up of infectious diseases news, which this month includes an outbreak of chikungunya fever in France, the origin of human malaria and the first description of an intrinsic mechanism of retrovirus recognition. http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=48m=35886209r=NDU1MzI2NDE0MgS2b=2j=ODQyNTMyNjAS1mt=1rt=0 ---------------------- REVIEWS ---------------------- Protein glycosylation in bacteria: sweeter than ever Harald Nothaft and Christine M. Szymanski p765 | doi:10.1038/nrmicro2383 Glycosylation, the most abundant polypeptide chain modification in nature, was first identified in bacteria and archaea in the 1970s. Here, Nothaft and Szymanski review recent progress in our understanding of the bacterial N-glycosylation and O-glycosylation systems. Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=21m=35886209r=NDU1MzI2NDE0MgS2b=2j=ODQyNTMyNjAS1mt=1rt=0 Article: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=61m=35886209r=NDU1MzI2NDE0MgS2b=2j=ODQyNTMyNjAS1mt=1rt=0 Microorganisms and climate change: terrestrial feedbacks and mitigation options Brajesh K. Singh, Richard D. Bardgett, Pete Smith and Dave S. Reay p779 | doi:10.1038/nrmicro2439 Climate change can affect microbial processes, which are, in turn, known to affect greenhouse gas flux. Singh and colleagues review the feedback responses between climate change and terrestrial microbial processes and discuss the potential to exploit microorganisms to mitigate anthropogenic climate change. Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=88m=35886209r=NDU1MzI2NDE0MgS2b=2j=ODQyNTMyNjAS1mt=1rt=0 Article: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=56m=35886209r=NDU1MzI2NDE0MgS2b=2j=ODQyNTMyNjAS1mt=1rt=0 Organotypic 3D cell culture models: using the rotating wall vessel to study host-pathogen interactions Jennifer Barrila, Andrea L. Radtke, Aurlie Crabbe, Shameema F. Sarker, Melissa M. Herbst-Kralovetz, C. Mark Ott and Cheryl A. Nickerson p791 | doi:10.1038/nrmicro2423 Organotypic three-dimensional (3D) cell culture models are becoming more widely used in infectious-disease research, as they mimic the 3D architecture of in vivo tissues more faithfully than traditional 2D cell culture. Cheryl Nickerson and colleagues review one such 3D model system, the rotating wall vessel bioreactor, and its applications in the study of microbial pathogenesis and host-pathogen interactions. Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=19m=35886209r=NDU1MzI2NDE0MgS2b=2j=ODQyNTMyNjAS1mt=1rt=0 Article: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=64m=35886209r=NDU1MzI2NDE0MgS2b=2j=ODQyNTMyNjAS1mt=1rt=0 Identifying genetic markers of adaptation for surveillance of viral host jumps Kim M. Pepin, Sandra Lass, Juliet R. C. Pulliam, Andrew F. Read and James O. Lloyd-Smith p802 | doi:10.1038/nrmicro2440 Transmission of viruses between species can lead to severe disease in the new host. However, little is known about the requirements for cross-species transmission. Pepin and colleagues describe the experiments required to improve our understanding of this process and how this can identify markers that can be used to predict transmission. Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=24m=35886209r=NDU1MzI2NDE0MgS2b=2j=ODQyNTMyNjAS1mt=1rt=0 Article: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=90m=35886209r=NDU1MzI2NDE0MgS2b=2j=ODQyNTMyNjAS1mt=1rt=0 Developing vaccines to combat hookworm infection and intestinal schistosomiasis Peter J. Hotez, Jeffrey M. Bethony, David J. Diemert, Mark Pearson and Alex Loukas p814 | doi:10.1038/nrmicro2438 In terms of disability-adjusted life years, the disease burden resulting from hookworm infection and schistosomiasis is considerable. In this Review, Hotez and colleagues outline the pathology of these parasitic infections and discuss recent progress in vaccine development. 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[转载]冯新华教授在Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology
crickxiang 2010-10-13 16:45
冯新华教授2010年7月1日在 Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology 杂志发表Journal Club文章“ The changing faces of cancer cells ”。该文作为篇科学论文的读书报告,综述了癌症干细胞的特征,形象地将癌症细胞的多面性比喻成川剧的变脸。变脸的表演艺术技巧是川剧的核心古老艺术形式。它的表演者在数秒之内变出大量的多彩的脸谱,去表现他们人物情绪的变化。就像这种艺术一样,癌症也有变化非常快的“脸”,少量的癌症干细胞(CSC)能够自我更新,并且再生出所有构成肿瘤的细胞类型。 转录因子可以用于制造诱导的多能干细胞(iPS),那么,可不可以用同样的方法将不同的细胞转换成癌症干细胞呢?Mani等对这一问题提供了肯定的回答。迫使转录因子Snail或者Twist的表达,引起了在永久性乳腺上皮细胞里的“上皮细胞至间质细胞转换” (EMT),这种EMT的细胞具有干细胞特征。Creighton等也揭示了人类乳腺癌症干细胞充分表达EMT标记基因。这些研究发现,EMT和干细胞之间有直接联系,表明癌症干细胞可能由分化的细胞产生。这不仅维持了发育过程中的组织动态平衡,而且在癌症的EMT中都有重要的意义。 有人认为,癌症干细胞的存在和富集可能是导致癌症复发的原因。用标准的药物疗法去治愈癌症病人只能消灭非癌症干细胞群,于是增加了抗药的癌症干细胞群,这将不能从根本上治疗癌症。另外,药物治疗也有可能会促使EMT并积极地增加癌症干细胞的数量。干细胞和EMT的关联已经让我们对癌症细胞如何在“变脸”艺术中表现完美有了新的彻底认识,将让我们更好地理解癌症的转移,并针对来自EMT的癌症干细胞作为分子靶向来彻底治疗癌症。
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[转载]Nature Reviews Neuroscience contents October 2010 Volume 11 Number 10 pp 661
xupeiyang 2010-9-21 07:24
NATURE REVIEWS NEUROSCIENCE October 2010 Volume 11 Number 10 Visit Nature Reviews Neuroscience online to browse the journal. Now available at http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=99m=35805165r=NDU1MzI2NDEwNgS2b=2j=ODIzODAwNjIS1mt=1rt=0 Please note that you need to be a subscriber to enjoy full text access to Nature Reviews Neuroscience online. 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Krugers, Casper C. Hoogenraad and Laurent Groc p675 | doi:10.1038/nrn2913 Glucocorticoid hormones modulate the acquisition and consolidation of memories of stressful events. Krugers and colleagues review recent evidence that glucocorticoids achieve this through rapid and persistent effects on AMPA receptors by activation of mineralocorticoid receptors and glucocorticoid receptors, respectively. Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=10m=35805165r=NDU1MzI2NDEwNgS2b=2j=ODIzODAwNjIS1mt=1rt=0 Article: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=31m=35805165r=NDU1MzI2NDEwNgS2b=2j=ODIzODAwNjIS1mt=1rt=0 ---------------------- REVIEWS ---------------------- Synaptic versus extrasynaptic NMDA receptor signalling: implications for neurodegenerative disorders Giles E. Hardingham and Hilmar Bading p682 | doi:10.1038/nrn2911 Activation of NMDARs can both promote neuronal health and kill neurons. In this Review, Hardingham and Bading discuss the downstream effects of stimulation of synaptic NMDARs and extrasynaptic NMDARs that result in promotion of neuroprotection and cell death, respectively. Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=9m=35805165r=NDU1MzI2NDEwNgS2b=2j=ODIzODAwNjIS1mt=1rt=0 Article: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=30m=35805165r=NDU1MzI2NDEwNgS2b=2j=ODIzODAwNjIS1mt=1rt=0 Neural bases of the non-conscious perception of emotional signals Marco Tamietto and Beatrice de Gelder p697 | doi:10.1038/nrn2889 Emotional stimuli, such as a fear-expressing face, can be processed without being consciously perceived and can influence behaviour. Tamietto and de Gelder describe the subcortical pathway that processes such stimuli, and discuss whether subcortical versus cortical processing of stimuli translate into non-conscious versus conscious perception. Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=2m=35805165r=NDU1MzI2NDEwNgS2b=2j=ODIzODAwNjIS1mt=1rt=0 Article: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=57m=35805165r=NDU1MzI2NDEwNgS2b=2j=ODIzODAwNjIS1mt=1rt=0 ---------------------- PERSPECTIVES ---------------------- OPINION The crucial role of pulsatile activity of the HPA axis for continuous dynamic equilibration Stafford L. Lightman and Becky L. Conway-Campbell p710 | doi:10.1038/nrn2914 Lightman and Conway-Campbell review findings showing that, superimposed on its well-known circadian rhythm, the HPA axis shows ultradian, oscillatory activity. They describe how the resulting pulsatile release of glucocorticoids maintains optimal responsiveness of the HPA axis and the brain processes regulated by these hormones. Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=1m=35805165r=NDU1MzI2NDEwNgS2b=2j=ODIzODAwNjIS1mt=1rt=0 Article: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=53m=35805165r=NDU1MzI2NDEwNgS2b=2j=ODIzODAwNjIS1mt=1rt=0 VIEWPOINT Ten years of Nature Reviews Neuroscience: insights from the highly cited Liqun Luo, Eugenio Rodriguez, Karim Jerbi, Jean-Philippe Lachaux, Jacques Martinerie, Maurizio Corbetta, Gordon L. Shulman, Daniele Piomelli, Gina G. Turrigiano, Sacha B. Nelson, Marian Joels, E. Ronald de Kloet, Florian Holsboer, David M. Amodio, Chris D. Frith, Michelle L. Block, Luigi Zecca, Jau-Shyong Hong, Robert Dantzer, Keith W. Kelley and A. D. (Bud) Craig p718 | doi:10.1038/nrn2912 To celebrate the first 10 years of Nature Reviews Neuroscience, we invited the authors of the most cited article of each year to look back on the state of their field at the time of publication and the impact their article has had, and to discuss the questions that might be answered in the next 10 years. Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=3m=35805165r=NDU1MzI2NDEwNgS2b=2j=ODIzODAwNjIS1mt=1rt=0 Article: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=23m=35805165r=NDU1MzI2NDEwNgS2b=2j=ODIzODAwNjIS1mt=1rt=0 Erratum: Somatosensation in social perception Christian Keysers, Jon H. Kaas and Valeria Gazzola p726 | doi:10.1038/nrn2919 http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=48m=35805165r=NDU1MzI2NDEwNgS2b=2j=ODIzODAwNjIS1mt=1rt=0 =========================== ADVERTISEMENT =========================== FREE ARTICLES FROM SciBX NEUROLOGY Targeting LRRK2 in Parkinson's disease Full text: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=19m=35805165r=NDU1MzI2NDEwNgS2b=2j=ODIzODAwNjIS1mt=1rt=0 PDF: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=41m=35805165r=NDU1MzI2NDEwNgS2b=2j=ODIzODAwNjIS1mt=1rt=0 DISEASE MODELS The role of prostatic basal cells in prostate cancer Full text: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=39m=35805165r=NDU1MzI2NDEwNgS2b=2j=ODIzODAwNjIS1mt=1rt=0 PDF: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=46m=35805165r=NDU1MzI2NDEwNgS2b=2j=ODIzODAwNjIS1mt=1rt=0 ENDOCRINE DISEASES Treating obesity with peripheral CNR1 inhibitors Full text: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=45m=35805165r=NDU1MzI2NDEwNgS2b=2j=ODIzODAwNjIS1mt=1rt=0 PDF: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=44m=35805165r=NDU1MzI2NDEwNgS2b=2j=ODIzODAwNjIS1mt=1rt=0 GET ACCESS TO MORE THAN 40 FREE ARTICLES from the SciBX Cover Story Archive http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=14m=35805165r=NDU1MzI2NDEwNgS2b=2j=ODIzODAwNjIS1mt=1rt=0 ===================================================================== You have been sent this Table of Contents Alert because you have opted in to receive it. 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[转载]Nature Reviews Genetics Contents October 2010 Volume 11 Number 10 pp 663-739
XUPEIYANG 2010-9-18 08:42
NATURE REVIEWS GENETICS October 2010 Volume 11 Number 10 Visit Nature Reviews Genetics online to browse the journal. Now available at http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=64m=35800562r=Mzg0ODUxNzcyNQS2b=2j=ODIxNzczODES1mt=1rt=0 Please note that you need to be a subscriber to enjoy full text access to Nature Reviews Genetics online. 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Pritchard and Anna Di Rienzo p665 | doi:10.1038/nrg2880 There has been recent progress in identifying selective sweeps underlying a range of adaptations. Jonathan Pritchard and Anna Di Rienzo argue that many adaptive events in natural populations may occur by polygenic adaptation, which would largely go undetected by conventional methods for detecting selection. http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=25m=35800562r=Mzg0ODUxNzcyNQS2b=2j=ODIxNzczODES1mt=1rt=0 ---------------------- RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS ---------------------- Development: Patterning factor poises genes for expression p668 | doi:10.1038/nrg2869 http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=16m=35800562r=Mzg0ODUxNzcyNQS2b=2j=ODIxNzczODES1mt=1rt=0 Disease genetics: SNPs and the structural deficit p669 | doi:10.1038/nrg2871 http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=19m=35800562r=Mzg0ODUxNzcyNQS2b=2j=ODIxNzczODES1mt=1rt=0 Regulatory elements: Predicting functional modules p669 | doi:10.1038/nrg2872 http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=33m=35800562r=Mzg0ODUxNzcyNQS2b=2j=ODIxNzczODES1mt=1rt=0 Functional genomics: Vitamin D and disease p670 | doi:10.1038/nrg2873 http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=7m=35800562r=Mzg0ODUxNzcyNQS2b=2j=ODIxNzczODES1mt=1rt=0 Genetic variation: Y variants tip the chromatin balance p670 | doi:10.1038/nrg2874 http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=10m=35800562r=Mzg0ODUxNzcyNQS2b=2j=ODIxNzczODES1mt=1rt=0 Gene expression: Small but dominant RNA p670 | doi:10.1038/nrg2875 http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=12m=35800562r=Mzg0ODUxNzcyNQS2b=2j=ODIxNzczODES1mt=1rt=0 IN BRIEF Human genomics | Development | Population genetics | Genetics of gene expression p671 | doi:10.1038/nrg2876 http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=79m=35800562r=Mzg0ODUxNzcyNQS2b=2j=ODIxNzczODES1mt=1rt=0 Small RNAs: Targeting transcripts for destruction p672 | doi:10.1038/nrg2870 http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=42m=35800562r=Mzg0ODUxNzcyNQS2b=2j=ODIxNzczODES1mt=1rt=0 IN BRIEF Functional genomics | Quantitative traits | Complex disease | Cancer genomics p672 | doi:10.1038/nrg2877 http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=91m=35800562r=Mzg0ODUxNzcyNQS2b=2j=ODIxNzczODES1mt=1rt=0 ---------------------- REVIEWS ---------------------- Article series: Applications of next-generation sequencing http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=56m=35800562r=Mzg0ODUxNzcyNQS2b=2j=ODIxNzczODES1mt=1rt=0 Evaluating genome-scale approaches to eukaryotic DNA replication David M. Gilbert p673 | doi:10.1038/nrg2830 This article reviews the increasing range of genome-scale methods that are being used to analyse eukaryotic DNA replication. Studies in different species and of replication timing or origin location have yielded varying degrees of success; technical hurdles remain, but important biological insights have been gained. Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=90m=35800562r=Mzg0ODUxNzcyNQS2b=2j=ODIxNzczODES1mt=1rt=0 Article: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=54m=35800562r=Mzg0ODUxNzcyNQS2b=2j=ODIxNzczODES1mt=1rt=0 Article series: Applications of next-generation sequencing http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=56m=35800562r=Mzg0ODUxNzcyNQS2b=2j=ODIxNzczODES1mt=1rt=0 Advances in understanding cancer genomes through second-generation sequencing Matthew Meyerson, Stacey Gabriel and Gad Getz p685 | doi:10.1038/nrg2841 Cancer is fundamentally a disease of the genome and so high-throughput sequencing technologies offer great potential for improving our understanding of the biology and treatment of cancer. Experimental strategies, computational approaches and cancer-specific considerations for detecting different types of genomic alterations are discussed. Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=88m=35800562r=Mzg0ODUxNzcyNQS2b=2j=ODIxNzczODES1mt=1rt=0 Article: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=62m=35800562r=Mzg0ODUxNzcyNQS2b=2j=ODIxNzczODES1mt=1rt=0 Genomics and the future of conservation genetics Fred W. Allendorf, Paul A. Hohenlohe and Gordon Luikart p697 | doi:10.1038/nrg2844 This article discusses how genomic techniques are expected to provide new insights into important problems in conservation and to allow questions to be addressed that have previously not been tractable. The authors also offer advice on choosing the most appropriate genomic approaches for studying different aspects of conservation. Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=87m=35800562r=Mzg0ODUxNzcyNQS2b=2j=ODIxNzczODES1mt=1rt=0 Article: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=66m=35800562r=Mzg0ODUxNzcyNQS2b=2j=ODIxNzczODES1mt=1rt=0 Advances in understanding tissue regenerative capacity and mechanisms in animals Kenneth D. Poss p710 | doi:10.1038/nrg2879 What determines whether a tissue or organism can regenerate? What are the cellular sources of regeneration? How are regenerative signals initiated and targeted, and what controls proliferation and patterning during regeneration? Studies in a range of model systems are addressing these key questions. Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=86m=35800562r=Mzg0ODUxNzcyNQS2b=2j=ODIxNzczODES1mt=1rt=0 Article: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=68m=35800562r=Mzg0ODUxNzcyNQS2b=2j=ODIxNzczODES1mt=1rt=0 ---------------------- PERSPECTIVES ---------------------- VIEWPOINT Ten years of genetics and genomics: what have we achieved and where are we heading? Edith Heard, Sarah Tishkoff, John A. Todd, Marc Vidal, Gunter P. Wagner, Jun Wang, Detlef Weigel and Richard Young p723 | doi:10.1038/nrg2878 To celebrate the first 10 years of Nature Reviews Genetics, we asked eight leading researchers for their views on the key developments in genetics and genomics in the past decade and the prospects for the future. Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=58m=35800562r=Mzg0ODUxNzcyNQS2b=2j=ODIxNzczODES1mt=1rt=0 Article: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=69m=35800562r=Mzg0ODUxNzcyNQS2b=2j=ODIxNzczODES1mt=1rt=0 OPINION Tackling the widespread and critical impact of batch effects in high-throughput data Jeffrey T. Leek, Robert B. Scharpf, Hector Corrada Bravo, David Simcha, Benjamin Langmead, W. Evan Johnson, Donald Geman, Keith Baggerly and Rafael A. Irizarry p733 | doi:10.1038/nrg2825 Batch effects can lead to incorrect biological conclusions but are not widely considered. The authors show that batch effects are relevant to a range of high-throughput 'omics' data sets and are crucial to address. They also explain how batch effects can be mitigated. Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=20m=35800562r=Mzg0ODUxNzcyNQS2b=2j=ODIxNzczODES1mt=1rt=0 Article: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=81m=35800562r=Mzg0ODUxNzcyNQS2b=2j=ODIxNzczODES1mt=1rt=0 =========================== ADVERTISEMENT =========================== SUBSCRIBE to Nature Reviews Genetics TODAY and receive your own personal copy delivered directly to your door each month. PLUS you will gain full online access to the entire archive since launch. http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=39m=35800562r=Mzg0ODUxNzcyNQS2b=2j=ODIxNzczODES1mt=1rt=0 Nature Reviews Genetics is the no. 1 monthly review journal in genetics and heredity*. Ensure you have access. ===================================================================== You have been sent this Table of Contents Alert because you have opted in to receive it. 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[转载]Nature Reviews Microbiology contents October 2010 Volume 8 Number 10 pp 675-
xupeiyang 2010-9-17 13:48
NATURE REVIEWS MICROBIOLOGY October 2010 Volume 8 Number 10 Visit Nature Reviews Microbiology online to browse the journal. Now available at http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=19m=35799024r=NDU1MzI2NDE0MgS2b=2j=ODIxNDgxMDUS1mt=1rt=0 Please note that you need to be a subscriber to enjoy full text access to Nature Reviews Microbiology online. To purchase a subscription, please visit: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=84m=35799024r=NDU1MzI2NDE0MgS2b=2j=ODIxNDgxMDUS1mt=1rt=0 Alternatively, to recommend a subscription to your library, please visit http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=28m=35799024r=NDU1MzI2NDE0MgS2b=2j=ODIxNDgxMDUS1mt=1rt=0 ********************************************************************* Nature Reviews Microbiology Impact Factor: 17.644* *2009 Journal Citation Report (Thomson Reuters, 2010) ********************************************************************* =========================== ADVERTISEMENT =========================== Studying Microbiomes? 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To learn more, go to http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=55m=35799024r=NDU1MzI2NDE0MgS2b=2j=ODIxNDgxMDUS1mt=1rt=0. http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=89m=35799024r=NDU1MzI2NDE0MgS2b=2j=ODIxNDgxMDUS1mt=1rt=0 =========================== ADVERTISEMENT =========================== Unmissable Dermatology Podcasts from Journal of Investigative Dermatology Join us for the latest basic and clinical research in cutaneous biology and skin disease from the #1 Dermatology journal*. Listen now at http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=26m=35799024r=NDU1MzI2NDE0MgS2b=2j=ODIxNDgxMDUS1mt=1rt=0 *2009 Journal Citation Report (Thomson Reuters, 2010) =========================== ADVERTISEMENT =========================== This month's FEATURED article: Interactions between bacterial pathogens and mitochondrial cell death pathways Thomas Rudel, Oliver Kepp and Vera Kozjak-Pavlovic p693 | doi:10.1038/nrmicro2421 http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=56m=35799024r=NDU1MzI2NDE0MgS2b=2j=ODIxNDgxMDUS1mt=1rt=0 ===================================================================== In this issue p675 | doi:10.1038/nrmicro2450 http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=35m=35799024r=NDU1MzI2NDE0MgS2b=2j=ODIxNDgxMDUS1mt=1rt=0 Editorial: Biting back against rabies p676 | doi:10.1038/nrmicro2451 World Rabies Day, on 28 September, focuses our attention on a horrific, preventable disease that still kills tens of thousands of people each year. Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=77m=35799024r=NDU1MzI2NDE0MgS2b=2j=ODIxNDgxMDUS1mt=1rt=0 Article: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=37m=35799024r=NDU1MzI2NDE0MgS2b=2j=ODIxNDgxMDUS1mt=1rt=0 ---------------------- RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS ---------------------- Innate immunity: TRIM5 : the tie that binds p677 | doi:10.1038/nrmicro2447 TRIM5 can restrict the spread of SIV in a natural setting, as it does in cell culture. http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=49m=35799024r=NDU1MzI2NDE0MgS2b=2j=ODIxNDgxMDUS1mt=1rt=0 Bacterial physiology: Life on the ropes p678 | doi:10.1038/nrmicro2441 EHEC and EPEC produce large macromolecular structures that exhibit adhesive and cytopathic properties and might act as a substratum for biofilm formation. http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=51m=35799024r=NDU1MzI2NDE0MgS2b=2j=ODIxNDgxMDUS1mt=1rt=0 HIV: Crucial crossing p678 | doi:10.1038/nrmicro2443 A recent PLoS Pathogens paper provides direct evidence to support the hypothesis that the systemic immune activation that occurs during chronic HIV-1 infection is linked to the translocation of microbial products from the intestinal lumen. http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=46m=35799024r=NDU1MzI2NDE0MgS2b=2j=ODIxNDgxMDUS1mt=1rt=0 Bacterial pathogenicity: Vitamin B6 hits H. pylori sweet spot p678 | doi:10.1038/nrmicro2444 The vitamin B6-dependent glycosylation of flagella is required for full Helicobacter pylori motility and virulence. http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=8m=35799024r=NDU1MzI2NDE0MgS2b=2j=ODIxNDgxMDUS1mt=1rt=0 IN BRIEF Antimicrobials | Microbial ecology | Symbiosis p679 | doi:10.1038/nrmicro2449 http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=76m=35799024r=NDU1MzI2NDE0MgS2b=2j=ODIxNDgxMDUS1mt=1rt=0 Bacterial pathogenesis: Messing up the membrane p680 | doi:10.1038/nrmicro2442 Vibrio parahaemolyticus VPA0450 contributes to host cell death by interfering with phosphatidylinositol signalling. http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=15m=35799024r=NDU1MzI2NDE0MgS2b=2j=ODIxNDgxMDUS1mt=1rt=0 Bacterial physiology: Bacillus takes the temperature p680 | doi:10.1038/nrmicro2445 Bacillus subtilis uses a ruler-like mechanism to sense temperature according to membrane thickness. http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=18m=35799024r=NDU1MzI2NDE0MgS2b=2j=ODIxNDgxMDUS1mt=1rt=0 ---------------------- NEWS AND ANALYSIS ---------------------- GENOME WATCH Seeking perfection Thomas D. Otto p681 | doi:10.1038/nrmicro2446 This month's Genome Watch discusses ways to automatically produce 'base-perfect' genome sequences. http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=23m=35799024r=NDU1MzI2NDE0MgS2b=2j=ODIxNDgxMDUS1mt=1rt=0 DISEASE WATCH In the news p682 | doi:10.1038/nrmicro2448 Our monthly round up of infectious diseases news, which this month includes an antisense therapy for Ebola virus infection, a transcriptional signature for active tuberculosis, and the spread of carbapenem antibiotic resistance. http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=21m=35799024r=NDU1MzI2NDE0MgS2b=2j=ODIxNDgxMDUS1mt=1rt=0 ---------------------- REVIEWS ---------------------- The ParMRC system: molecular mechanisms of plasmid segregation by actin-like filaments Jeanne Salje, Pananghat Gayathri and Jan Lowe p683 | doi:10.1038/nrmicro2425 The plasmid-encoded ParMRC system is one of the best characterized plasmid segregation systems and comprises just three components: an actin-like protein, ParM, a DNA-binding adaptor protein, ParR, and a centromere-like region, parC. Here, the authors review the molecular mechanisms by which the components of this system interact to achieve bipolar DNA segregation. Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=75m=35799024r=NDU1MzI2NDE0MgS2b=2j=ODIxNDgxMDUS1mt=1rt=0 Article: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=33m=35799024r=NDU1MzI2NDE0MgS2b=2j=ODIxNDgxMDUS1mt=1rt=0 Interactions between bacterial pathogens and mitochondrial cell death pathways Thomas Rudel, Oliver Kepp and Vera Kozjak-Pavlovic p693 | doi:10.1038/nrmicro2421 Pathogenic bacteria have evolved numerous effectors and toxins to specifically interact with host cell death signalling pathways, many of which act directly at the mitochondria. Here, Thomas Rudel and colleagues summarize our understanding of the interactions between bacterial pathogens and mitochondrial cell death pathways. Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=56m=35799024r=NDU1MzI2NDE0MgS2b=2j=ODIxNDgxMDUS1mt=1rt=0 Article: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=30m=35799024r=NDU1MzI2NDE0MgS2b=2j=ODIxNDgxMDUS1mt=1rt=0 Article series: Applied and Industrial Microbiology http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=88m=35799024r=NDU1MzI2NDE0MgS2b=2j=ODIxNDgxMDUS1mt=1rt=0 Microbial electrosynthesis - revisiting the electrical route for microbial production Korneel Rabaey and Rene A. Rozendal p706 | doi:10.1038/nrmicro2422 Electrical current can be used to drive microbial metabolism, opening the door to a range of applications, including the electricity-driven synthesis of chemical compounds. Here, Rabaey and Rozendal introduce the principle of microbial electrosynthesis and discuss the associated challenges and opportunities. Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=79m=35799024r=NDU1MzI2NDE0MgS2b=2j=ODIxNDgxMDUS1mt=1rt=0 Article: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=36m=35799024r=NDU1MzI2NDE0MgS2b=2j=ODIxNDgxMDUS1mt=1rt=0 Advantages and limitations of current network inference methods Riet De Smet and Kathleen Marchal p717 | doi:10.1038/nrmicro2419 Network inference is the construction of biological networks using an algorithm to assess biological data. Many different programs taking various approaches are available, and here De Smet and Marchal review these programs and provide a guide to using the right one for a particular data set. Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=80m=35799024r=NDU1MzI2NDE0MgS2b=2j=ODIxNDgxMDUS1mt=1rt=0 Article: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=43m=35799024r=NDU1MzI2NDE0MgS2b=2j=ODIxNDgxMDUS1mt=1rt=0 ---------------------- ANALYSIS ---------------------- Evolution of diverse cell division and vesicle formation systems in Archaea Kira S. Makarova, Natalya Yutin, Stephen D. Bell and Eugene V. Koonin p731 | doi:10.1038/nrmicro2406 In this Analysis article, Makarova and colleagues provide an overview of the cell division and membrane budding systems of the Archaea. They show that at least four different systems regulate these processes, providing insight into the evolutionary history of archaeal and eukaryotic cells. Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=81m=35799024r=NDU1MzI2NDE0MgS2b=2j=ODIxNDgxMDUS1mt=1rt=0 Article: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=59m=35799024r=NDU1MzI2NDE0MgS2b=2j=ODIxNDgxMDUS1mt=1rt=0 ---------------------- PERSPECTIVES ---------------------- OPINION The origin of eukaryotes and their relationship with the Archaea: are we at a phylogenomic impasse? Simonetta Gribaldo, Anthony M. Poole, Vincent Daubin, Patrick Forterre and Celine Brochier-Armanet p743 | doi:10.1038/nrmicro2426 The evolutionary relationship between the Archaea and the Eukarya remains unclear. Here, Gribaldo and colleagues provide an overview of seven recent studies that investigate the problem but that reach different conclusions. Furthermore, they provide a framework for future studies. Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=82m=35799024r=NDU1MzI2NDE0MgS2b=2j=ODIxNDgxMDUS1mt=1rt=0 Article: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=69m=35799024r=NDU1MzI2NDE0MgS2b=2j=ODIxNDgxMDUS1mt=1rt=0 ---------------------- CORRESPONDENCE ---------------------- Correspondence: History of science is good for you Mathias Grote and Maureen A. O'Malley p752 | doi:10.1038/nrmicro2435-c1 http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=66m=35799024r=NDU1MzI2NDE0MgS2b=2j=ODIxNDgxMDUS1mt=1rt=0 =========================== ADVERTISEMENT =========================== Nature Reviews Microbiology is the no. 1 monthly review journal in microbiology*. 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个人分类: 自然杂志|2462 次阅读|0 个评论
wanyuehua 2010-8-12 05:23
万跃华 全球著名的Annual Reviews出版社成立于1932年,专注于出版权威综述期刊,出版了11种社会科学年度综述类期刊。Annual Reviews每年邀请各学科领域最权威、顶尖的科学家撰写综述,回顾本学科最前沿的进展,为科学研究提供方向性指导。Annual Reviews文章的半衰期显著长于一次文献,Annual Reviews系列是引证率最高的出版物,所有期刊在其相应领域均排名前十。新出版的2009年JCR 7347 种期刊的影响因子中, Annual Review of Immunology的影响因子高达37.902(排名第5位)。2009年9月、10月、12月Annual Review先后创刊了3种 经济学年评系列期刊 ( Economics、Financial Economics、Resource Economics),2010年均被SSCI收录。 详细情况如下: 2009 年9月创刊的《经济学年评》(Annual Review of Economics),ISSN: 1941-1383,年刊,美国年评出版社(ANNUAL REVIEWS, 4139 EL CAMINO WAY, PO BOX 10139, PALO ALTO, USA, CA, 94303-0139 )出版,2010年入选 Web of Science的Social Sciences Citation Index,目前在SSCI数据库可以检索到该期刊2009年的第1卷共22篇论文。 22 篇文章包括评论11篇、学术论文10篇、社论1篇。 22 篇文章的作者单位涉及25个研究机构,在该刊发表论文主要研究机构为 哈佛大学 (HARVARD UNIV)5篇、 美国国家经济研究局 (NBER)4篇、 纽约大学 (NYU)3篇、麻省理工学院(MIT)2篇、 普林斯顿大学 (PRINCETON UNIV)2篇、斯坦福大 学 (STANFORD UNIV)2篇、芝加哥大学(UNIV CHICAGO)2篇、瑞士苏黎世大学(UNIV ZURICH)2篇等。 Annual Review of Economics 网址: http://arjournals.annualreviews.org/loi/economics 2009 年12月创刊的《金融经济学年评》(Annual Review of Financial Economics ), ISSN: 1941-1367,年刊,美国年评出版社(ANNUAL REVIEWS, 4139 EL CAMINO WAY, PO BOX 10139, PALO ALTO, USA, CA, 94303-0139 )出版,2010年入选 Web of Science的Social Sciences Citation Index,目前在SSCI数据库可以检索到该期刊2009年的第1卷共16篇论文。 16 篇文章包括评论8篇、学术论文7篇、社论1篇。 16 篇文章的作者单位涉及21个研究机构,在该刊发表论文主要研究机构为 哈佛大学 (HARVARD UNIV)3篇、芝加哥大学(UNIV CHICAGO)3篇、 康奈尔大学 (CORNELL UNIV)2篇、麻省理工学院(MIT)2篇、 美国国家经济研究局 (NBER)2篇、 宾夕法尼亚大学 (UNIV PENN)2篇等。 Annual Review of Financial Economic s网址: http://arjournals.annualreviews.org/loi/financial 2009 年10月创刊的《资源经济学年评》(Annual Review of Resource Economics), ISSN: 1941-1340,年刊,美国年评出版社(ANNUAL REVIEWS, 4139 EL CAMINO WAY, PO BOX 10139, PALO ALTO, USA, CA, 94303-0139 )出版,2010年入选 Web of Science的Social Sciences Citation Index,目前在SSCI数据库可以检索到该期刊2009年的第1卷共30篇论文。 30 篇文章包括学术论文18篇、评论11篇、社论1篇。 30 篇文章的作者单位涉及42个研究机构,在该刊发表论文主要研究机构为 加州大 学伯克利分校(UNIV CALIF BERKELEY)5篇、杜克大学(DUKE UNIV)3篇、斯坦福大 学 (STANFORD UNIV)3篇等。 Annual Review of Resource Economics 网址: http://arjournals.annualreviews.org/loi/resource
个人分类: SSCI投稿|6797 次阅读|0 个评论
How to Respond to Critical Reviews
zuojun 2010-7-15 09:23
At the end of my two lectures on scientific writing, I am sometimes asked: How should I deal with reviews that are critical? Well, I am prepared for such a question, in two ppt slides. 1. Allow yourself a break, and come back (to deal with the reviews) when you are no longer as upset; 2. Go over the comments carefully, and ask yourself if the reviewers indeed have valid points; 3. Assume the reviewers intend to make your paper better, which is true most of the time; 4. Answer honestly what you could and could not do --that's right, you don't have to do everything asked ; 5. Summarize the main points in the cover letter to the journal editor . What I do not include in those ppt slides are: 1. Do draft your responses as emotionally as you would like, using f-word, s-word, etc.; 2. Revise the draft many times to make sure the writing is clear; 3. After you get tired of seeing those colorful words, delete them and tune down your emotion; 4. Produce a final version of your reply as professional as you can. Good luck to you!
个人分类: Scientific Writing|4248 次阅读|5 个评论
[转载]Nature Reviews Drug Discovery contents June 2010 Volume 9 Number 6 pp 413-49
xupeiyang 2010-6-1 20:49
NATURE REVIEWS DRUG DISCOVERY June 2010 Volume 9 Number 6 Visit Nature Reviews Drug Discovery online to browse the journal. Now available at http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=19m=34936816r=NDU1MzI2NDExMwS2b=2j=NzQ4NjI1MzkS1mt=1rt=0 Please note that you need to be a subscriber to enjoy full text access to Nature Reviews Drug Discovery online. To purchase a subscription, please visit: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=76m=34936816r=NDU1MzI2NDExMwS2b=2j=NzQ4NjI1MzkS1mt=1rt=0 Alternatively, to recommend a subscription to your library, please visit http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=46m=34936816r=NDU1MzI2NDExMwS2b=2j=NzQ4NjI1MzkS1mt=1rt=0
个人分类: 药学研究|2444 次阅读|0 个评论
systematic reviews Clinical Evidence - May 2010
xupeiyang 2010-5-28 19:58
Welcome to the Clinical Evidence email alert -May 2010 Dear Xu Peiyang , Since the last Clinical Evidence email alert we have updated4 systematic reviews, helping to keep you up to date with the latest evidence across a variety of medical conditions. You can access all the updated systematic reviews and evidence-based articles on the Clinical Evidence website. Kind regards, Dr Rubin Minhas Editor, Clinical Evidence BMJ Evidence Centre Featured update: Colorectal cancer New evidence from one systematic review indicates that preoperative radiotherapy in people with rectal cancer may be more effective than surgery alone at improving survival and recurrence. However, the review found that the improvement in survival was small (estimated increase in survival from 75% to 77% at 5 years and from 60% to 62% at 8 years), and there is evidence for significant late toxicity with preoperative radiotherapy compared with surgery alone. Visit the Clinical Evidence website to see the full review. Other systematic reviews updated this month: Ankle sprain Squamous cell carcinoma of the skin (non-metastatic) Pancreatic cancer To see the full list of updates on all the above conditions visit the Clinical Evidence website. Guest editorial: Application of meta-analysis in systematic reviews At Clinical Evidence , we present an overview of the best available evidence, with a view to answering clinical questions of interest. Frequently, the evidence we identify includes systematic reviews that have meta-analysed data from RCTs. Synthesising data from multiple small RCTs can improve confidence in the effects, or confirm the believed lack of effect, of a particular intervention, thereby accelerating acceptance or rejection of that treatment. However, as Carl Heneghan and Rafael Perera outline in their Editorial, producing a reliable meta-analysis may not always be as simple as combining all the RCTs for the treatment of interest. To read the full editorial click here . 12-step guide to a primary care systems approach for smoking cessation: FREE Featured Clinical Evidence resource In addition to up-to-date systematic reviews, the Clinical Evidence website also contains a range of resources and tools to help you practice evidence based medicine. Why not take a look at our report on smoking cessation , which includes a 12-step guide to a primary care systems approach for smoking cessation on Page 38? Click here to access the report. Register for your Clinical Evidence alerts If you have been forwarded this email and would like to receive the Clinical Evidence monthly alert, please register here. If Clinical Evidence has made a significant difference to your clinical practice, or if you have any other feedback about this alert, then please feel free to email us with yourcomments . About BMJ Group Privacy policy Terms and conditions Contact us The BMJ Group is one of the world's most trusted providers of medical information for doctors, researchers, health care workers and patients. The recipient should check this email and attachments for viruses because the BMJ Group accepts no liability for any damage caused by viruses. Emails sent or received by the BMJ Group may be monitored for size, traffic, distribution and content. Use of our content is governed by our website terms and conditions http://group.bmj.com/group/about/legal/terms . BMJ Publishing Group Limited trading as BMJ Group. A private limited company, registered in England and Wales under registration number 03102371. Registered office: BMA House, Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9JR, UK. To stop receiving these emails, unsubscribe here . Your unsubscribe request may take up to five working days to process.
个人分类: 循证医学|1563 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Nature Reviews Immunology Contents June 2010 Volume 10 Number 6 pp 377-460
xupeiyang 2010-5-26 13:10
NATURE REVIEWS IMMUNOLOGY June 2010 Volume 10 Number 6 Visit Nature Reviews Immunology online to browse the journal. Now available at http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=83m=34916515r=NDU1MzI2NDExMQS2b=2j=NzQ0Njc3OTMS1mt=1rt=0 Please note that you need to be a subscriber to enjoy full text access to Nature Reviews Immunology online. To purchase a subscription, please visit: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=32m=34916515r=NDU1MzI2NDExMQS2b=2j=NzQ0Njc3OTMS1mt=1rt=0 Alternatively, to recommend a subscription to your library, please visit http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=61m=34916515r=NDU1MzI2NDExMQS2b=2j=NzQ0Njc3OTMS1mt=1rt=0 ********************************************************************* Nature Reviews Immunology Impact Factor: 30.01* (*2008 Journal Citation Report (Thomson Reuters, 2009)) *********************************************************************
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[转载]Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology contents June 2010 Volume 11 Number 6
xupeiyang 2010-5-25 06:22
NATURE REVIEWS MOLECULAR CELL BIOLOGY June 2010 Volume 11 Number 6 Visit Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology online to browse the journal. Now available at http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=11m=34914366r=NDU1MzI2NDEwOAS2b=2j=NzQ0MjE0MjES1mt=1rt=0 Please note that you need to be a subscriber to enjoy full text access to Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology online. To purchase a subscription, please visit: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=35m=34914366r=NDU1MzI2NDEwOAS2b=2j=NzQ0MjE0MjES1mt=1rt=0 Alternatively, to recommend a subscription to your library, please visit http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=70m=34914366r=NDU1MzI2NDEwOAS2b=2j=NzQ0MjE0MjES1mt=1rt=0 ********************************************************************* Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology Impact Factor: 35.423* *2008 Journal Citation Report (Thomson Reuters, 2009)
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Nature Reviews Genetics Contents June 2010 Volume 11 Number 6 pp 385-450
xupeiyang 2010-5-19 08:55
NATURE REVIEWS GENETICS June 2010 Volume 11 Number 6 Visit Nature Reviews Genetics online to browse the journal. Now available at http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=64m=34895286r=Mzg0ODUxNzcyNQS2b=2j=NzQwNzIwODkS1mt=1rt=0 Please note that you need to be a subscriber to enjoy full text access to Nature Reviews Genetics online. To purchase a subscription, please visit: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=39m=34895286r=Mzg0ODUxNzcyNQS2b=2j=NzQwNzIwODkS1mt=1rt=0 Alternatively, to recommend a subscription to your library, please visit http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=74m=34895286r=Mzg0ODUxNzcyNQS2b=2j=NzQwNzIwODkS1mt=1rt=0 Sign up to Twitter for updates from Nature Reviews Genetics: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=33m=34895286r=Mzg0ODUxNzcyNQS2b=2j=NzQwNzIwODkS1mt=1rt=0
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Nature Reviews Microbiology contents June 2010 Volume 8 Number 6 pp 383-460
xupeiyang 2010-5-18 09:53
应读者要求,我选择和推荐的期刊信息。许培扬 NATURE REVIEWS MICROBIOLOGY June 2010 Volume 8 Number 6 Visit Nature Reviews Microbiology online to browse the journal. Now available at http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=41m=34891771r=NDU1MzI2NDE0MgS2b=2j=NzM5Mzc4MDQS1mt=1rt=0 Please note that you need to be a subscriber to enjoy full text access to Nature Reviews Microbiology online. To purchase a subscription, please visit: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=32m=34891771r=NDU1MzI2NDE0MgS2b=2j=NzM5Mzc4MDQS1mt=1rt=0 Alternatively, to recommend a subscription to your library, please visit http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=56m=34891771r=NDU1MzI2NDE0MgS2b=2j=NzM5Mzc4MDQS1mt=1rt=0
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Nature Reviews Microbiology Focus on Antimicrobial Resistance
xupeiyang 2010-5-12 08:15
科学网编辑:这是信息资源推荐和介绍,不是转载。许培扬 Nature Reviews Microbioloy Focus on Antimicrobial Resistance Resistance to antimicrobials is becoming increasingly common, raising the concern that bacterial infections that can currently be controlled could become a major health threat again, as well as undermining efforts to combat diseases such as malaria. To highlight the problem of resistance to antimicrobials, Nature Reviews Microbiology present a set of specially commissioned articles that focus on key issues in the field. Visit http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=6m=34873775r=Mzg0ODUxNzc1NgS2b=2j=NzM1NDcyMTYS1mt=1rt=0 to access the Focus.
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Annual Reviews 2010年新添食品科学和技术分刊
weizhaojun 2010-1-1 07:33
Annual Reviews 2010年新添食品科学和技术分刊 ( Annual Review of Food Science and Technology ) 2010年的文章包括: Food Safety: What Can We Learn from Genomics? Mire Begley , Colin Hill Annual Review of Food Science and Technology - New (2010) Abstract | PDF (1041 KB) Genetics of Yeast Impacting Wine Quality Linda F. Bisson , Jonathan E. Karpel Annual Review of Food Science and Technology - New (2010) Abstract | PDF (815 KB) Phage and their Lysins as Biocontrol Agents for Food Safety Applications Brid Coffey , Susan Mills , Aidan Coffey , Olivia McAuliffe , R. Paul Ross Annual Review of Food Science and Technology - New (2010) Abstract | PDF (1453 KB) Fate of Starch in Food Processing: From Raw Materials to Final Food Products Jan A. Delcour , Charlotte Bruneel , Liesbeth J. Derde , Sara V. Gomand , Bram Pareyt , Joke A. Putseys , Edith Wilderjans , Lieve Lamberts Annual Review of Food Science and Technology - New (2010) Abstract | PDF (1231 KB) Genomic Evolution of Domesticated Microorganisms Grace Douglas , Todd R. Klaenhammer Annual Review of Food Science and Technology - New (2010) Abstract | PDF (1010 KB) A Promise Kept W. James Harper Annual Review of Food Science and Technology - New (2010) Abstract | PDF (2727 KB) Anthocyanins: Natural Colorants with Health-Promoting Properties Jian He , M. Monica Giusti Annual Review of Food Science and Technology - New (2010) Abstract | PDF (1277 KB) Whole Grains: Benefits and Challenges Julie Miller Jones , Jodi Engleson Annual Review of Food Science and Technology - New (2010) Abstract | PDF (1070 KB) Food Powders Flowability Characterization: Theory, Methods, and Applications Pablo Juliano , Gustavo V. Barbosa-Cnovas Annual Review of Food Science and Technology - New (2010) Abstract | PDF (1167 KB) Biochemistry and Genetics of Starch Synthesis Peter L. Keeling , Alan M. Myers Annual Review of Food Science and Technology - New (2010) Abstract | PDF (2386 KB) Water-Solids Interactions: Deliquescence Lisa J. Mauer , Lynne S. Taylor Annual Review of Food Science and Technology - New (2010) Abstract | PDF (1565 KB) Emulsion Design to Improve the Delivery of Functional Lipophilic Components David Julian McClements Annual Review of Food Science and Technology - New (2010) Abstract | PDF (2353 KB) Mechanisms of Microbial Hydrogen Disposal in the Human Colon and Implications for Health and Disease Noriko Nakamura , Henry C. Lin , Christopher S. McSweeney , Roderick I. Mackie , H. Rex Gaskins Annual Review of Food Science and Technology - New (2010) Abstract | PDF (1382 KB) Functional Oligosaccharides: Application and Manufacture R.A. Rastall Annual Review of Food Science and Technology - New (2010) Abstract | PDF (855 KB) Glass Transition Temperature and Its Relevance in Food Processing Yrj H. Roos Annual Review of Food Science and Technology - New (2010) Abstract | PDF (2118 KB) Food Formats for Effective Delivery of Probiotics Mary Ellen Sanders , Maria L. Marco Annual Review of Food Science and Technology - New (2010) Abstract | PDF (1000 KB) An Update on the Health Effects of Tomato Lycopene Erica N. Story , Rachel E. Kopec , Steven J. Schwartz , G. Keith Harris Annual Review of Food Science and Technology - New (2010) Abstract | PDF (1069 KB) Cross Linking Food Proteins for Improved Functionality Johanna Buchert , Dilek Ercili-Cura , Kristiina Kruus , Hairan Ma , Chiara Gasparetti , Evanthia Monogioudi , Greta Faccio , Harry Boer , Riitta Partanen , Emilia Selinheimo , Raija Lantto Annual Review of Food Science and Technology - New (2010) Abstract Nutrigenomics: What Does It Bring to Food Science? J. Bruce German Annual Review of Food Science and Technology - New (2010) Citation Melamine and its Degradants as Pet Food Contaminants George P. Daston Annual Review of Food Science and Technology - New (2010) Citation Applications of Food Biotechnology: The Case of Healthy Oils Anthony J. Kinney Annual Review of Food Science and Technology - New (2010) Citation Emerging Technologies in Food Processing Dietrich Knorr Annual Review of Food Science and Technology - New (2010) Citation Edible Packaging Material John M. Krochta , Theerajun Janjarasskul Annual Review of Food Science and Technology - New (2010) Citation Advances in Hyperspectral Imaging for Quality and Inspection of Food and Agricultural Products Renfu Lu Annual Review of Food Science and Technology - New (2010) Citation Pros and Cons of Mathematical Modeling of Pathogen Destruction Bradley P. Marks Annual Review of Food Science and Technology - New (2010) Citation Functional Genomics for Food Fermentation Processes Eddy J. Smid , Jeroen Hugenholtz Annual Review of Food Science and Technology - New (2010) Abstract
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Annual Reviews
crickxiang 2009-5-4 19:03
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30多卷《Catalysis Reviews Science and Engineering》期刊
xuyuebing 2009-3-27 23:42
说明:每一卷的内容不完全,已标明已有页数,缺失的欢迎大家提供...... 期刊检索地址 : http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~content=t713597232 Vol 1(1968)(p165-206,233-255) http://www.namipan.com/d/1.rar/6 ... 784ace0c0b9a2222a00 Vol 2(1969)(p129-160,323-331) http://www.namipan.com/d/2.rar/5 ... 39223ed95ec66ae1e00 Vol 3(1970)(p37-60,93-109,175-205) http://www.namipan.com/d/3.rar/1 ... 0a671defdaa89d03100 Vol 4(1971)(p1-113,161-318) http://www.namipan.com/d/4.rar/b ... cb41182a562b61eb700 Vol 5(1972)(p1-53,159-198) http://www.namipan.com/d/5.rar/e ... bcd0cc44b3a8df23500 Vol 6(1972)(p293-322) http://www.namipan.com/d/6.rar/3 ... af2fe60145a7f041000 Vol 7(1972)(p1-49,213-289) http://www.namipan.com/d/7.rar/f ... e097a12538342085f00 Vol 8(1974)(p29-63,117-157,211-239) http://www.namipan.com/d/8.rar/d ... b66a660188a46a04300 Vol 11(1975)(p1-40) http://www.namipan.com/d/11.rar/ ... 136107ffddcdff01b00 Vol 14(1976)(p211-239) http://www.namipan.com/d/14.rar/ ... 8298b4830121d6f1b00 Vol 15(1977)(p249-292) http://www.namipan.com/d/15-1977 ... 4e0e62504ddbb081900 Vol 16(1977)(p111-154) http://www.namipan.com/d/16-1977 ... c82a0a1a254b6001a00 Vol 21(1980)(p135-181,255-274) http://www.namipan.com/d/21.rar/ ... 36cb4923847cf2e4000 Vol 22(1980)(p197-259,371-429) http://www.namipan.com/d/22.rar/ ... d6fda2696f099aa5100 Vol 23(1981)(p127-149) http://www.namipan.com/d/23-1981 ... a789af95c0cac240f00 Vol 26(1984)(p361-420,485-502) http://www.namipan.com/d/26.rar/ ... a41bc2762d38e832900 Vol 27(1985)(p207-372,425-460) http://www.namipan.com/d/27.rar/ ... a25a2ec0673d0056900 Vol 28(1986)(p265-333) http://www.namipan.com/d/28-1986 ... 67298acea2e809b2e00 Vol 29(1987)(p269-321) http://www.namipan.com/d/29-1987 ... e670ab7ad1b83242100 Vol 30(1988)(p117-160,281-338,457-499) http://www.namipan.com/d/30.rar/ ... 9a2bb16ba2c4fd95800 Vol 33(1991)(p1-70,109-168) http://www.namipan.com/d/33.rar/ ... 4a57368b7dd1b0d5c00 Vol 34(1992)(p55-178,226-300,321-371) http://www.namipan.com/d/34.rar/ ... 7eec44148190afec300 Vol 35(1993)(p1-127,457-481) http://www.namipan.com/d/35.rar/ ... e49f42c8e9451816e00 Vol 36(1994)(p75-123,305-384,433-457,507-615) http://www.namipan.com/d/36.rar/ ... fedb75e3b5af71acc00 Vol 37(1995)(p227-309,353-423,699-731) http://www.namipan.com/d/37.rar/ ... 174bd510438786da300 Vol 38(1996)(p69-100,161-188,249-296,329-412,439-520) http://www.namipan.com/d/38.rar/ ... 003c3c8c2d67960dd00 Vol 40(1998)(p329-407,415-570) http://www.namipan.com/d/40.rar/ ... d44377e03d7fef7ab00 Vol 41(1999)(p1-113,255-318,389-428) http://www.namipan.com/d/41.rar/ ... 8726bb6e43698121300 Vol 42(2000)(p71-278,323-402,481-510) http://www.namipan.com/d/42.rar/ ... f06dbbabd4e871e2c00 Vol 43(2001)(p1-146,199-289,345-564) http://www.namipan.com/d/43.rar/ ... bc154617218f2993b00 Vol 44(2002)(p1-374,455-498,593-735) http://www.namipan.com/d/44.rar/ ... c60d81e016fc14a4900 Vol 45(2003)(p97-319) http://www.namipan.com/d/45-2003 ... 02852999f5e4c222a00 Vol 46(2004)(p53--150,163-492) http://www.namipan.com/d/46.rar/ ... e65c0f5ea0e45f09400 Vol 47(2005)(all) http://www.namipan.com/d/47-2005 ... 2984956d13ee5da5500 Vol 48(2006)(all) http://www.namipan.com/d/48-2006 ... 471e0e9864e97566000 Vol 49(2007)(all) http://www.namipan.com/d/49-2007 ... 058b5ffcc336e5a7700 Vol 50(2008)(all) http://www.namipan.com/d/50-2008 ... e1d605abe032fb45b00 Vol 51(2009)(1-145) http://www.namipan.com/d/51-2009 ... 91553d782f077fd2000
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