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热度 1 ZJUlijiang 2014-9-10 09:31
既然“睡美人”在诺贝尔奖获得者的论文中出现的概率更高,常常蕴含惊人发现,那么哪些论文更容易成为“睡美人”呢?其实,多数论文发表之初都是沉睡状态,甚至有相当一部分论文遭遇“零被引”,即便是在诺贝尔奖获得者的论文中,也有10%左右的论文从未被引用。“沉睡”状态的被引次数分布有很多种,如果能够计算出不同分布的“睡美人”过去出现的概率,那么,就可以基于此推断当前正处于沉睡期的论文未来成为“睡美人”(或者说“被唤醒”)的概率。 基于上面的逻辑,我们课题组提出论文沉睡期的“心跳谱”,借助Gini系数测度“心跳谱”中被引次数的均衡性,最终发现 最容易成为“睡美人”的“心跳谱”中心跳均匀、重心靠后 ,例如:(0,2,0,2,0,2),相比而言,(2,0,2,0,2,0)、(1,1,1,1,1,1)成为“睡美人”的概率更低;最难成为“睡美人”的情况是“零被引”,也就是说,没有心跳。当“睡美人”连续五年没有心跳,“被唤醒”的概率低至0.2%,如果连续十年没有心跳,“被唤醒”的概率低至0.05%,如果连续二十年没有心跳,基本就成了植物人。 论文发表在Journal of Informetrics(SSCI收录), 附论文标题与摘要。全文参见: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1751157714000418 。 A study of the “heartbeat spectra” for “sleeping beauties” Abstract: We first introduced interesting definitions of “heartbeat” and “heartbeat spectrum” for “sleeping beauties”, based on van Raan's variables. Then, we investigated 58,963 papers of Nobel laureates during 1900–2000 and found 758 sleeping beauties. By proposing and using G s index, an adjustment of Gini coefficient, to measure the inequality of “heartbeat spectrum”, we observed that publications which possess “late heartbeats” (most citations were received in the second half of sleeping period) have higher awakening probability than those have “early heartbeats” (most citations were received in the first half of sleeping period). The awakening probability appears the highest if an article's G s index exists in the interval [0.2, 0.6).
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