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热度 2 lidawning 2018-10-20 14:12
近日,我参加了在美国加州阿纳海姆( Anaheim )举行的第 88 届勘探地球物理学家( Society of Exploration Geophysicists, SEG )协会年会。会议规模很大,分为 151 个分会场报告,共有口头报告和海报报告 1080 个。这是我第一次参加这样大规模的国际学术会议,并做口头报告。现将所见所闻记录如下。 10 月 14 日,吴老师、谢老师还有实验室的博后、联合培养博士共 7 人从圣何塞机场飞橘郡( Orange County )机场。到了会场报道后,下午 6 点就开始了所谓的“ Ice Break ”活动。这是会议举办方提供的一个让与会代表相互认识、交流的机会,举办方还准备了食物,每位代表还可凭券领取 2 瓶酒水。几乎每位老外都西装革履的,只有少数人着休闲装,这使穿着运动鞋、牛仔裤的我感到几分尴尬。 Ice Break 之后,展商们就开始布置自家的展位了。展厅位于会议中心的一楼,面积很大。全球各大知名石油公司都有参展,中国的中石油、中石化、东方物探等都在醒目的位置租了较大面积的展位。除了企业展商,一些知名高校和研究所也有参展。我们实验室也注册了展位,三张宣传海报往展板上一贴,瞬间感觉很有学术范。 从 14 日到 17 日,展厅里的企业展商用各种小礼品、食物、演讲等形式吸引与会代表的注意力。食物有零食、饮料、午餐、早餐等。礼品的种类就更多了,有帽子、文具、玩具等。如果想感受一下免费拿礼品和食物的快感,这个展览一定不会让你失望。 会议报告主要安排在 15 日到 18 日。根据不同的主题将报告划分到了不同的分会场。对于口头报告,每个分会场由 8 场报告组成,配有 2 名分会场主席。每个报告时长 25 分钟,其中 20 分钟演讲, 5 分钟问答。我只听了口头报告,总的来讲,报告的质量还是不错的,会议中提出的一些新方法能给人以启发。对于一些热门的报告, 5 分钟的问答时间显得有点少。经过听这几天的报告和自己做报告,我有以下几点感想: ( 1 ) 参加学术会议能轻易感受到研究热点 。这次会议光口头报告就有近百个分会场,有的专题设了多个分会场,每个分会场参加的人都很多,而且会场气氛活跃。而有的却门可罗雀,冷冷清清。让我印象深刻的是:有一个主题为“ Recent Advances and the Road Ahead ”的专题,全都是讲人工智能、机器学习等新方法在勘探地球物理中的应用的。这个会场选在了最大的一个报告厅,现场却座无虚席,还有不少人站在两边的过道和报告厅后部的空地上听。足见这个研究方向之热。 ( 2 ) 成为“问霸”是给大牛留下深刻印象的重要方式 。在我 17 日上午听报告的会场,有一位华人女博士,刚博士毕业,操着一口流利但有明显中式口音的英语。几乎每个演讲者讲完报告,她都第一个提问,而且能问到点子上。那个女博士也是那个分会场的一位报告人。现场有不少那个领域的专家在听报告,他们应该对这位“问霸”博士印象深刻。 ( 3 ) 思想比语言更重要 。会议代表来自世界各地,除了英美两国人讲的正宗的英式和美式英语之外,其他母语非英语的学者讲的英语都或多或少带有他们本国语言的特点。欧洲除英国外的其他国家的学者讲的英语给人一种方言的感觉。印度、伊朗学者讲的英语口音也很重。我们的邻居韩国和日本的学者讲的英语就更加难懂了。但是,只要他们用心讲、速度稍稍慢点、配合着 PPT ,还是能听懂大多数内容。一场能给观众带来新思想的演讲,即使英语不太好,照样有吸引力。 我在 16 日上午的“ Frequency Dependence and Inversion Methods ”分会场做了题为“ Seismic acoustic impedance inversion using total variation with overlapping group sparsity ”的口头报告。时间安排在最后一场,那时候听众已经不多了。主要是几个来自企业界的代表和身着中东风格服饰的学者,还有我们实验室来捧场的几个同学。得益于我在会前几天自己演练了多次,在台上没有出大的差错,还算比较顺利的完成了演讲。 参加这次会议的收获挺大的。在此,谢谢我的导师彭老师和外导吴老师对我的支持,也要感谢学校对博士生参加国际学术会议的支持。
个人分类: 学术讲座|7972 次阅读|4 个评论
热度 3 chrujun 2015-3-28 21:44
秘鲁美国之行总结/陈儒军 上周,我们一行3人到了秘鲁首都利马。 拜访了中国在秘鲁主要矿业公司的老总和秘鲁一家本地公司的负责人,向他们介绍了我们研发的地球物理仪器及勘探成果。本周,我们主要在美国参加SAGEEP2015国际会议,在会议上做了2个口头报告,介绍了我们在地球物理仪器研发和应用的最新进展。 在秘鲁,中国公司和来自中国的地质队曾经投入大量人力物力找矿,但收效甚微,主要还是开采从别人手上直接买的矿。一位在秘鲁多年经营的老总和我说,就他还找到几个矿,但都是鸡肋。 秘鲁基础设施不全,矿产资源丰富的西部又极度干旱,在国内开采赚大钱的矿在秘鲁往往要亏本。并且秘鲁工会势力强大,罢工是家常便饭。因此,在秘鲁只有开采位置好、品位高的矿才挣钱。要在秘鲁找到富矿,难度很大。秘鲁公司的老总们对我们在中国取得的勘探成果很感兴趣,希望我们在秘鲁能有所作为。然而,我们目前对秘鲁勘探条件不明,生搬硬套可能同样没有勘探效果。如果能根据当地的情况有针对性的量身定做一套探测仪器,估计会起到显著效果。 在美国,我做了两个报告。一个是关于如何在强电磁干扰矿山采集高质量频谱激电数据的。这个成果获得了Jean Legault博士的高度赞扬。Jean Legault博士在加拿大一家著名地球物理公司当总工,是SEG年会和EEGS年会的常客。会后我们交换了联系方式,对一些地球物理问题进行了深入探讨。另外一个报告是如何提高标本频谱激电测量精度的,我们将一项关键指标比现有水平提升了1000倍以上,有了这个工作可以做很多现有仪器无法做的事儿,对找矿意义重大。这项工作获得了俄罗斯莫斯科大学和美国怀俄明大学双博士 、两家美国公司的总裁Larisa博士的高度赞扬。Larisa博士也做电法勘探仪器,她做的电法仪器只用1块9号电池,可以探测30多米深,主要用于土壤盐碱化监测。我对这位女强人肃然起敬,她的赞扬给了我极大信心。会后我们交换了联系方式,体会了她开发的别具一格的小巧电法勘探仪器。俄罗斯人的创新能力还真令人畏惧,不服不行。 通过会议认识了不少朋友,也了解到本行业的最新进展。一些PPT和张贴报告真做得漂亮,值得认真欣赏和借鉴,赶快拍照珍藏。 通过这两周的美洲之行,在做人做事上都有新的收获和体会。特别是在海外打拼的老总们,他们乐观向上的精神值得终身学习,无论碰到多大的困难,信心要坚持。在美国,看见下一届EEGS主席Lee Slate教授认真听他感兴趣的报告、积极提问,还是单纯做学问好。人单纯了,才能真正成功。 私心杂念只会使人五心不定、手忙脚乱。
个人分类: 科研心得|4811 次阅读|2 个评论
毛宁波 2012-12-16 12:58
以下资料来自SEG网站,是SEG标准的地震数字记录格式,可以下载,希望对大家有所帮助! http://www.seg.org/resources/publications/misc/technical-standards In 2009, SEG transferred custodianship of positioning standards to the International Association of Oil and Gas Producers (OGP). These standards, some of which are under revision by OGP, are available through the OGP's Geomatics Committee Web site . MS Word PDF Data Recording 2009 2012 SEG-D rev 3.0 Update SEG Technical Standards Committee; SEG-D Rev. 3.0 subcommittee June 2012 update release letter MS Word PDF Ancillary Data Exchange 2006 SEG SPS rev 2.1 SEG Technical Standards Committee on Ancillary Data Formats, Shell Processing Support Format for Land 3-D Surveys. MS Word PDF Data Recording 2006 SEG-D rev 2.1 Lewis, Firth, Aatland, Hagelund, Svenkerud, Hamon, Lansley, Stott, Al-Ghambi, Richard, and Hubbell, SEG-D, Rev 2.1 SEG Field Tape Standards. MS Word PDF Data Recording 2002 SEG-Y rev 1 The SEG Y Data Exchange Format (rev 0) was published in 1975, and has achieved widespread usage. However, since 1975, the nature of seismic data acquisition, processing, and seismic hardware has changed significantly. SEG Y rev 1 addresses these changes and updates the format for modern usage. Executable Ancillary Data Exchange 1999 SEG ADS reading sample Approved by the SEG Executive Committee, scheduled for publication in Geophysics . Michael Hares, Sample Code to read an SEG ADS Dataset, 1999. This is a self extracting archive containing C source code. MS Word PDF Ancillary Data Exchange 1999 SEG ADS Trace Attribute Norris, Hares, Faichney, 2001, SEG-UKOOA Ancillary Data Standard - ADS Trace Attributes: Geophysics , 66, no. 06, 1999-2039. MS Word PDF Ancillary Data Exchange 1999 SEG ADS Trace Edit Norris, Hares, Faichney, 2001, SEG-UKOOA Ancillary Data Standard - ADS Trace Edit: Geophysics , 66, no. 06, 2040-2054. MS Word PDF Ancillary Data Exchange 1999 SEG ADS Faichney, Norris, Hiscox, Hovde, Bingham, Stigant, Racer, Reynolds, Hares, 2001, SEG-UKOOA Ancillary Data Standard - Metafile Format Description: Geophysics , 66, no. 06, 1961-1998. MS Word PDF Data Archival 1997 SEG Rode Updated version of RODE format with amended SEG Y example. This document is an updated version of Booth, Algan, Duke, Guyton, Norris, Stainsby, Theriot, Wildgoose and Wilhelmsen, SEG Rode Format Record Oriented Data Encapsulation: Geophysics , 61, no. 05, 1545-1558. MS Word PDF Data Recording 1997 SEG-D rev 2 Wood, Behn, Borresen, Guyton, Miles, O?Neill, Oishi and Scales, SEG-D, Rev 2 SEG Field Tape Standards, Geophysics , 62, no. 03, 1004-1031. MS Word PDF Data Archival 1996 SEG Rode Booth, Algan, Duke, Guyton, Norris, Stainsby, Theriot, Wildgoose and Wilhelmsen, SEG Rode Format Record Oriented Data Encapsulation: Geophysics , 61, no. 05, 1545-1558. MS Word PDF Ancillary Data Exchange 1995 SEG SPS SEG Technical Standards Committee on Ancilliary Data Formats, Shell Processing Support Format For Land 3-D Surveys, Geophysics , 60, no.2, 596-610 MS Word PDF Data Recording 1994 SEG-D rev 1 SEG Comm. Field Tape Std., 1994, Digital field tape standards - SEG-D, revision 1 (special report): Geophysics , 59, no. 04, 668-684. MS Word PDF Polarity 1993 SEG Polarity 1993 Landrum, R. A., Brook, R. A. and Sallas, J. J., 1994, Polarity convention for vibratory source and recording systems (special report): Geophysics , 59, no. 02, 315-322. MS Word PDF Data Recording 1990 SEG-2 Pullan, S. E., 1990, Recommended standard for seismic (/radar) files in the personal computer environment: Geophysics , 55, no. 09, 1260-1271. MS Word PDF Digital recorders 1988 Digital recorders Badger, A. S., 1988, Special report on Digital Seismic Recorder specification standards by SEG Subcommittee on digital seismic recorder specifications: Geophysics , 53, no. 03, 415-416. MS Word PDF Marine energy sources 1988 Marine energy sources Johnston, R. C., Reed, D. H. and Desler, J. F., 1988, Special report on marine seismic energy source standards *: Geophysics , 53, no. 04, 566-575. (* Errata in GEO-53-7-1011) MS Word PDF Marine streamers 1987 Marine streamers Reed, D. H., Selsam, R. L. and Knox, A. E., 1987, Special report on SEG standards for marine seismic hydrophones and streamer cables *: Geophysics , 52, no. 02, 242-248. (* Errata in GEO-52-5-0720) MS Word PDF EM 1987 MT/EMAP MT/EMAP Data Interchange Standard, Revision 1.0, Dec 1987, David E. Wight. This standard was never published in Geophysics . MS Word PDF Positioning 1983 SEG-P1 SEG-P2 SEG-P3 Morgan, J. G., Spradley, L. H., Worthington, G. A. and McClelland, I. J., 1983, Special report on SEG standard exchange formats for positional data: Geophysics , 48, no. 04, 488-490. MS Word PDF Units 1980 SEG SI Metric Fred Hilterman, Franklyn Levin, Norman Neidell, Robert Sheriff, Lee Lenz, The SI Metric System of Units And SEG Tentative Metric Standard, 1980, This document was not published in Geophysics . MS Word PDF Polarity 1975 SEG Polarity 1975 Thigpen, Ben B., Dalby, A. E. and Landrum, Ralph, 1975, Report on Subcommittee on Polarity Standards *: Geophysics , 40, no. 04, 694-699. (* Discussion in GEO-41-02-0324-0324; Reply in GEO-41-02-0324-0324) MS Word PDF Data Recording 1975 SEG-D Barry, K. M., Cavers, D. A. and Kneale, C. W., 1975, Report on recommended standards for digital tape formats: Geophysics , 40, no. 02, 344-352. MS Word PDF Data Recording 1975 SEG-Y Barry, K. M., Cavers, D. A. and Kneale, C. W., 1975, Report on recommended standards for digital tape formats: Geophysics , 40, no. 02, 344-352. MS Word PDF Data Recording 1972 SEG-C Meiners, E. P., Lenz, L. L., Dalby, A. E. and Hornsby, J. M., 1972, Recommended standards for digital tape formats: Geophysics , 37, no. 01, 36-44. MS Word PDF Data Recording 1967 SEG-A SEG-B SEG-EX Northwood, E. J., Weisinger, R. C. and Bradley, J. J., 1967, Recommended standards for digital tape formats: Geophysics , 32, no. 06, 1073-1084.
个人分类: 地震勘探原理国家精品课程|7712 次阅读|0 个评论
SEG 维基(SEG Wiki)-应用地球物理的百科辞典
热度 1 毛宁波 2012-4-13 18:19
SEG 维基(SEG Wiki)-应用地球物理的百科辞典
SEG(美国勘探地球物理学家学会)推出了SEG 维基(SEG Wiki)。大家有兴趣可以访问 wiki.seg.org 网站,肯定对大家有帮助的。SEG维基有以下4个特点: SEG has launched the new SEG Wiki—An Encyclopedia for Applied Geophysics . Breaking new ground in the geosciences industry, the SEG Wiki is a designed to serve up technical content to meet the needs of researchers worldwide. Go to wiki.seg.org to experience these four benefits of the SEG Wiki. The SEG Wiki is a simple, intuitive research tool Navigating through the SEG Wiki is a snap. With consistent navigation links and a handful of contextual "Toolbox" links to help you drill down, the SEG Wiki makes it easy to uncover valuable information. And when the general navigation doesn't get you where you want to go quickly enough, opt for the Wiki's intuitive Search tool. The SEG Wiki focuses exclusively on geosciences topics The SEG Wiki is the first true Wiki that is devoted exclusively to the geosciences. As you browse, there is no need to weave and dodge through irrelevant topics and commentary. The SEG Wiki is committed to providing only focused, pertinent geophysical content. The SEG Wiki is moderated by your peers The SEG Wiki is moderated by members of the geosciences community. SEG President Bob Hardage notes: "The SEG Online Committee developed the vision for this outstanding resource, establishing from its ranks an Online Technical Content Board to steward the project and team with SEG's IT staff to make it happen." Moderators and members of the SEG Online Committee are charged with protecting the valuable information housed in the Wiki, creating a safe browsing environment of legitimacy and integrity. The SEG Wiki is populated by your peers…and Sheriff's Encyclopedic Dictionary The SEG Wiki is a member-content-driven resource site. While its foundational content is built on the foundation of the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Applied Geophysics by Robert Sheriff, continued content contributions come directly from members of and subject matter experts in the geophysical community. "The new SEG Wiki an opportunity for all SEG members to contribute their specialized technical knowledge in a quickly accessible format to the entire SEG Community," said Bill Dragoset, SEG Online Technical Content Board Chairman. Its content is as current as the last commentary posted. Apache Corporation has made a five year, US $250,000 commitment to support the ongoing development of the SEG Wiki. Mike Bahorich, Apache's executive vice president/chief technology officer notes: "Apache started down the path of developing an internal EP Wiki but firmly believes that the natural owners are professional societies. Congratulations to SEG for being the first among the EP-focused societies to have a working wiki. We are pleased to support ongoing development." After spending even a short amount of time on the SEG Wiki, you'll surely be able to add to this list of benefits. Point your browser to the SEG Wiki today at wiki.seg.org .
个人分类: 地球物理勘探进展|6336 次阅读|1 个评论
热度 1 毛宁波 2012-4-6 21:23
2012年4月6日 SEG 荣誉讲师东南亚巡回演讲在湖北荆州举行。演讲题目是“ 经济弹性信息:岩石物理和保幅处理综合影响下的叠前反演 ”主讲人:中国石油大学(北京)孙赞东 教授。长江大学有约200师生聆听了孙教授的演讲。 http://www.seg.org/education/lectures-courses/honorary-lecturers/asia/sun/sunschedule 2012 Honorary Lecturer South East Asia Sam Z. Sun China University of Petroleum, Beijing, China The cheapest elastic information: How rock physics models and amplitude processing affect prestack PP inversion Reservoir characterization and fluid prediction often require elastic information such as P- and S-wave impedance or V p /V s . This information can be obtained from 3C data but they are quite often not available. PP-wave prestack inversion is the cheapest way to obtain elastic information, and it is widely available. Because of high acquisition costs, prestack PP-wave data should be worked harder and employed more often to extract elastic information for reservoir and fluid mapping. But, implementing proper prestack inversion requires integration of a rock physics model with amplitude processing that includes amplitude-preserved migration into the prestack inversion. There are many different rock physics models. But, they must be employed properly. Often, people are not aware of the application conditions or prerequisites needed to use a certain model. Amplitude-preserved prestack migration is not critical for prestack inversion of flat reflectors. But today, amplitude-preserved prestack migration for CRP gather extraction has become routine. It is not only because almost all reflectors are structurally related but also because the CRP gather is better for determining the Fresnel zone. This presentation will focus on three key factors of prestack inversion: rock physics, amplitude processing, and inversion algorithms. The talk will illustrate how to define a better or best rock physics model. It will cover existing and newly developed rock physics models, including the time-average equation, Gassmann equation, Kuster-Toksoz model, Xu-White model, AS-Xu-White model (3D Xu-White model), and DEM-Gassmann model. Berryman (1992) proposed a differential effective medium (DEM) model, in which pores are incrementally added into the matrix, satisfying the demand of "dilute pores," DEM-Gassmann model is a dispersion-corrected Kuster-Toksoz model and has wide application for characterizing reservoirs with sophisticated pore structure and geometry. The talk will also cover amplitude processing, including Kirchhoff and RTM algorithms. Different inversion algorithms will also be analyzed. The talk will include many field examples and case studies. Schedule Date City Host **Please contact Host Sections for lecture locations and times** 15 February Korla, China CNPC Tarim Oilfield 17 February Urumqi, China CNPC Xinjiang Oilfield 14 March Beijing, China China University of Petroleum Geophysical Society 21 March Zhuozhou Hebei, China BGP 28 March Beijing, China China University of Geosciences Geophysical Society 5 April Wuhan, China China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) 6 April Wuhan, China Yangtze University 9 April Chengdu, China Chengdu University of Technology Geophysical Society 10 April Chengdu, China Southwest Petroleum Institute Geophysical Society 12 April Guangzhou, China CNOOC Shenzhen, China 23 April Kyoto City, Japan Kyoto University Geophysical Society 3 May Shanghai, China CNOOC Shanghai Branch 4 May Hangzhou, China CNPC Hangzhou Institute 7 May Hefei, Anhui, China University of Science Technology of China SEG Student Chapter 9 May Xi'an, China Northwest University Geophysical Society 18 May Beijing, China Peking University Geophysical Society 12 June Bangkok, Thailand Thailand SEG 4 September Dhanbad, India University of Indian School of Mines Geophysical Society 6 September Kolkata, India Jadavpur University SEG Student Chapter 7 September Varanasi, India Banaras Hindu University Geophysical Society 10 September Roorkee, India Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee Geophysical Society 12 September Bangalore, India Shell India 19 September Beijing, China Chinese Academy of Sciences 24 September Daqing, China Daqing Petroleum Institute 25 September Daqing, China CNPC Daqing Oilfield Research Institute of Exploration and Development **Please contact Host Sections for lecture locations and times**
个人分类: 地球物理勘探进展|7717 次阅读|1 个评论
热度 1 毛宁波 2011-5-3 12:07
请地球物理同行关注SEG(美国勘探地球物理学家学会)新浪微博 http://t.sina.com.cn/segchina SEG中文介绍请你访问 http://www.seg.org/seg/seg-facts/offices/china/about-china
个人分类: 地球物理勘探进展|3109 次阅读|2 个评论
韩国地球物理学家Jung-Ho Kim四月将在中国讲学
毛宁波 2011-4-6 09:15
韩国地球物理学家Jung-Ho Kim四月将在中国讲学
根据美国地球物理学家学会(SEG)安排,韩国地球物理学家将来中国讲学。他在四月上中旬先后会在中国石油大学、中国地质大学、BGP和成都理工大学访问讲学。讲学内容围绕四维地球物理综合解释方面的最新进展,有兴趣朋友可以联系参加。 题目“ Incorporating the Fourth Dimension into Geophysical Data Interpretation” 内容简介 Most geophysical methods aim to obtain spatially varying information concerning subsurface material properties. As a result their measured data and interpreted results are expressed in terms of spatial coordinates. However, in some special geophysical approaches, in addition to the spatial domain, the variations of material properties in non-spatial dimensions are studied. Typical techniques of this kind are time-lapse geophysical monitoring and the Spectral Induced Polarization (SIP). These two different methods can be viewed under the same interpretation angle in the sense that nonspatial dimension (time or frequency) is incorporated into the data measurement and interpretation procedures. This lecture introduces a new interpretation approach in which both the spatial and nonspatial dimensions are jointly considered within the geophysical processing procedure. Common practice was to treat this type of "complex" geophysical data as an assembly of individual spatial datasets. Consequently, individual interpretation of each dataset leads to retrieving individual spatial parameter models which are difficult to correlate along the new axis. In the new approach, both measured data and the subsurface model are considered in a unified coordinate system defined in both spatial and nonspatial domains. Subsequently the sets of the individual structural models and data in the space domain become respectively a single model and a single data set in the new global coordinate system. This allows us to obtain a subsurface structure in both space and nonspace domains using just a single inversion process, and furthermore to introduce á priori information along the nonspatial axis. Overall the new approach provides a more solid tool to interpret this type of data and allows the more realistic representation of the subsurface structure. The lecture will be balanced between presentation of the theoretical development and the demonstration of the practical applicability. This will be achieved mostly by presenting practical application of the approach into resistivity monitoring and SIP data coming from various environmental and engineering case studies such as hydro-geophysical experiments, assessment of ground re-enforcement works, ground condition changes caused by tunnel construction works, landslide, etc. 中国访问和讲学时间安排 12 April Beijing,China China University of Petroleum (Beijing) Geophysical Society 13 April Beijing,China China University of Geosciences, Geophysical Society (Beijing) 14 April Beijing,China BGP 18 April Chengdu,China Chengdu University of Technology 韩国地球物理学家Jung-Ho Kim简介 Jung-Ho Kim received a B.Eng. (1980) in mining engineering, an M.Eng. (1982) and a Ph.D. (1987) in applied geophysics from Seoul National University, South Korea. In 1982 he joined the Korean Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources (KIGAM) where he is currently working as a tenured researcher. His research interests were mainly focused in the modeling and inversion of electrical and electromagnetic methods and their applications to engineering and environmental problems. His early research efforts in the 90's on resistivity inversion have contributed to rendering 2D- and 3D- resistivity imaging popular and the most common geophysical method in the Korean geophysical community in 90s. Further, Kim's research in radar methods involved addressing borehole and directional radar techniques. His research interests also extended into addressing geophysical problems in more complicated environments, such as water covered areas, anisotropic environments, etc. His recent research interests lie with multiparametric and multidomain interpretation of electrical and electromagnetic data. As a result of his research achievements, the Ministry of Science and Technology of Korea selected his research group, Geo-electric Imaging Lab., to become a National Research Laboratory. He served the Korean Society of Exploration Geophysicists (KSEG) as the editor-in-chief from 2005 to 2007 and as a special guest editor of the journal jointly published by KSEG, the Society of Exploration Geophysicists of Japan and the Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists from 2004 to 2007. He has been awarded the distinction of "Researcher of the Year" from three institutions: the Korean Institute of Mineral and Energy Resources Engineering (1998), KIGAM (2007) and KSEG (2009). He is also an adjunct professor at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, where he is teaching geophysical imaging techniques.
个人分类: 地球物理勘探进展|4202 次阅读|0 个评论
毛宁波 2011-3-30 15:54
据SEG中国微博报道( http://t.sina.com.cn/segchina ),SEG页岩气技术论坛今天在成都开幕。会议将举行3天:3月30-4月1日。我们会跟踪SEG中国微博,转载此次论坛的基本情况。由于博主教学任务在身,没有前去参加,预祝大会圆满成功!
个人分类: 地震勘探原理国家精品课程|2448 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 2 tianfei906 2010-5-12 20:47
现在各个专业期刊杂志繁多,对于一般的研究人来说,没有时间去看每一本杂志,但是,作为一个研究人员来说,不仅要专注自己的小领域,而且要关注本专业及相关专业的发展情况。因此,有必要收藏几本专业综合性杂志。现在网络的信息社会,为我们收藏资料提供了方便。在此,分享几个物探专业期刊的公开网站,大多期刊都可以在线浏览或下载,与需要人的同享。让你足不出户,也不用花钱,就能够了解本专业的发展前沿。 1. 勘探地球物理学会( SEG ), 其中包括 geophysics 和 The Leading Edge 两本杂志。这两本杂志在 SEG 网站都可以查看每期的目录和摘要,相信大多数有地质专业的学校的数字图书馆都定有这两本杂志。如果万一没有定,可以联系我帮你现在你要的论文。 http://www.seg.org/ 。 2. Geophysical Prospecting ,网站链接: http://www.wiley.com/bw/journal.asp?ref=0016-8025 3. Geophysical Journal International : http://www.wiley.com/bw/journal.asp?ref=0956-540Xsite=1 4. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics ,专注于地球科学中非线性科学的研究,而且是开放性期刊,网站链接: http://www.nonlin-processes-geophys.net/recent_papers.html 5. Geophysical Research Letters :能够迅速反映地球物理最新研究成果的刊物,发表研究简报、科研方法、工作进展、研究结果及问题的讨论等;网站链接: http://www.agu.org/journals/gl/ 6. 中国地球物理学会 ,其中包括地球物理学报中文版和英文版,地球物理学进展, AppliedGeophysics 。其中球物理学报中文版和地球物理学进展是开放的,可以直接在网站上阅览。网站链接: http://www.cgs.org.cn/drupal/?q=node/85 7. 勘探地球物理 ,主要是石油勘探中方法。网站链接: http://www.ogp-cn.com.cn/cn/index.asp 暂时介绍这些,多了也没有时间看完。而且以上期刊都偏向于理论研究及其物探在石油勘探中应用。我一般的做法:就是看每期的题目和摘要,再有选择性看自己感兴趣的文章。这样就能够扩大自己对物探前沿知识的了解。如果,是对某一问题的具体研究,只在以上基本期刊上找相关的领域的文章,那将永不够。相信各位都会利用数字图书馆收集到更多相关领域的研究,在此不再啰嗦。
个人分类: 地球物理资料收藏|6537 次阅读|1 个评论
chrujun 2009-10-24 13:14
本月23号~11月1号在美国休斯敦参加SEG年会,可能无法及时回复各位朋友留言,请大家谅解。 刚到洛杉矶机场,找到一个可以无线上网的连接。特此说明。
个人分类: 生活点滴|7670 次阅读|2 个评论
chrujun 2009-4-27 21:45
每四年举行一次的我国勘探地球物理学界盛会-CPS/SEG 北京2009国际地球物理会议暨展览 -于2009年4月24日~4月27日在北京国际会议中心举行。作为从事勘探地球物理研究的我,通过参观展览和听报告,体会到勘探地球物理有如下一些发展趋势。 1. 无线通信技术将在勘探地球物理仪器中有更加广泛和深入的应用。无线通信技术是目前正在飞速发展的通信技术,各种无线通信技术如雨后春笋般大量涌现。ZIGBEE、蓝牙、WI-FI、、WLAN、3G、3.5G、4G等各种无线通信技术为解决勘探地球物理仪器的需求提供了可能。会上有公司在推广无线地震勘探仪器,并有若干应用实例。有不少地球物理仪器生产商也在秘密开展无线地球物理仪器研制。5~10年后,基于无线通信技术的勘探地球物理仪器必将大量涌现。 2. 大规模并行计算技术将在勘探地球物理中取得更加广泛和深入的应用。很长一段时间,并行计算只在勘探地球物理中的地震勘探中采用。自从海洋电磁法在油气勘探中的显示良好效果后,并行计算在电磁法中的应用逐步开始。与地震勘探相比,三维电磁法更加无情地消耗计算资源。即使是当今最强大的超级计算机,也无法满足精密三维电磁法反演需求。2008年3月,美国最大的石油公司在IBM超级计算机-蓝色基因-上反演三维海洋电磁法数据。最近两年,欧洲的EMGS公司购置了大量刀片服务器,建立了欧洲最大的电磁数据处理中心。随着大量学者涌入海洋电磁法勘探领域,以及石油资源的逐步短缺, 电磁法在油气勘探中的应用规模会更大,并行计算在解决三维电磁法数据中将发挥重大作用。 3. 三维或四维数据可视化技术将在勘探地球物理的各个领域普及。随着计算机技术的发展,三维或4维可视化技术得以低成本实现。由于地球物理勘探目标的复杂性,三维勘探和勘探目标的三维动态监测将成为标准技术,这就对数据可视化技术提出了必然要求。这几年数据可视化在勘探地球物理的应用发展很快,其应用的广度和深度将进一步扩大。 4. 勘探地球物理仪器向低功耗、小型化、高精度和智能化发展。一方面是地球物理勘探技术对地球物理勘探仪器不断提出要求,另一方面,MEMS、无线通信、计算机技术和电子技术不断向前飞速发展,为新一代勘探地球物理仪器的实现提供了可能。最后一点是矿产资源的不可再生性,新的矿产资源必须依赖更强大的仪器才能探测到。这就为勘探地球物理仪器的发展提供了强大的动力。 综上所述,由于勘探地球物理的极端重要性,以及计算机技术的飞速发展,无线通信技术、并行计算、数据可视化、和仪器智能化将在勘探地球物理中取得更加广泛和深入的应用。
个人分类: 地球物理及仪器|6991 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 weah0500 2009-3-30 11:06
1- 经济地质学家学会( Society of Economic Geologists ,简称 SEG ): 1920 年创立于美国, 该组织的学术刊物为创立于1905年的《 Economic Geology 》。 投稿网址: http://www.editorialmanager.com/seg/ 官网: http://www.segweb.org/ 2- 国际矿床地质学会( Society of Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits ,简称 SGA ): 1965 年创立于海德堡,是欧洲地质学家创建的学术组织,该组织的学术刊物为《 Mineralium Deposita 》。 投稿网址: http://www.editorialmanager.com/mide/ 官网: http://www.e-sga.org/ 3- 国际矿床成因协会( The International Association on the Genesis of Ore Deposits ,简称 IAGOD ): 1964 年创立于新德里,以第三世界地质学家广泛参加为特点, 该组织的学术刊物为《 Ore Geology Reviews 》。 投稿网址: http://ees.elsevier.com/orgeo/default.asp 官网: http://www.iagod.org/ P.S.: 立志于矿床学和矿床地球化学的菜鸟们,共同努力吧!
个人分类: 科研笔记 |16390 次阅读|6 个评论

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