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[转载]李丽苹:麻醉先锋Cornelis R.Ritsema van Eck
fqng1008 2019-9-30 17:07
CornelisR.Ritsema van Eck 他是麻醉历史运动先锋 他是世界麻醉学协会创始人 他是麻醉界元老 他是临床麻醉开拓者 他是麻醉医生 他是麻醉讲师 他是学者 他是科学家 他是一个时代的伟人 他是 Dr.CornelisR.RitsemavanEck Dr.CornelisR.RitsemavanEck是首批涉足麻醉专业的学者,不仅是荷兰的麻醉先锋,在国际上也称得上一位杰出的麻醉领军人物。 1905年C.R. Ritsema van Eck出生于荷兰东印度群岛,他是一个博学多闻的人,于Utrecht学习临床医学,1930年毕业,在这之后他对医学的学习贯穿基础与临床的各个领域。他曾学习微生物和热带卫生,并发表该领域论文,之后还作为一名微生物学家在Paramaribo医学院任教;他还学习外科和妇科,并成为一名优秀军医。这些经历对 C.R. Ritsema van Eck 是非常有意义的,为他以后在麻醉道路上所向披靡打下了很好的基础,在很大程度上帮助了他发展麻醉事业。 当时的麻醉门槛很低,麻醉又云里雾里,谁也不知道麻醉这条路到底有多长,尽头在哪里,无论是对病人还是外科医生都非常不利,这种现象令 C.R. Ritsema van Eck 十分担忧。 二次世界大战以后 , C.R. Ritsema van Eck 迅速在 Groningen大学附属医院成立麻醉科并展开临床研究,取得的研究成果使 C.R.Ritsema van Eck 在国际上享有盛名!他带麻醉前往不同地方,甚至是世界上那些偏远罕见角落。他做的这些工作成为现代围手术期麻醉监护的开端。 Groningen 大学, C.R.Ritsema van Eck 麻醉工作开始的地方 基于 C.R. Ritsema van Eck 在麻醉领域做出的突出贡献,1954年他被任命为Groningen大学的麻醉学讲师。这之后 C.R. Ritsema van Eck 更加积极参与荷兰和全世界的麻醉普及工作。经过多方努力1948年荷兰麻醉学协会成立,一年以后, C.R. Ritsema van Eck 当选为会长。在这之后是世界麻醉学协会成立(WFSA)成立。基于专业领域的巨大贡献 C.R. Ritsema van Eck 成为副会长之一。世界麻醉学协会在Amsterdam的合法注册,极大的鼓舞了全世界麻醉学专业的蓬勃发展,特别是在欧洲。 C.R. Ritsemavan Eck 对麻醉始终怀有巨大兴趣充满激情,在众多世界级麻醉学组织的繁多工作好像丝毫没有影响到他。很多事情看似自己找上门来,他的团队在全世界率先参与低体温和心脏手术麻醉;率先使用呼吸器;更在在全世界首次使用人工心肺机,并取得巨大成果。 人工心肺机工作原理图 人工心肺机又称体外循环装置主要用于心脏直视手术时,代替人体心脏和肺脏的功能。人工心肺机最核心的部件为血泵和氧合器,分别替代人心脏和肺脏的功能。将上下腔静脉或右心房的静脉血通过管道引出,流入氧合器(即人工肺)进行氧合,再经过血泵(即人工心脏),将氧合后的血液输入动脉系统,以维持机体在循环阻断时的生理功能。 患者被麻醉之后好像显着光亮,希望冉冉升起的感觉在全世界泛滥着,像毒药一样侵蚀着 C.R. Ritsema van Eck 渴望的心。 C.R. Ritsemavan Eck 的麻醉团队在麻醉基础实验和临床麻醉工作方面也做出巨大突破。出版大量相关文献,为我们学习相关麻醉知识留下丰富而宝贵的资源。 然而我们与麻醉的战斗从未停止,路漫漫其修远兮 ……
个人分类: 医学史话|2024 次阅读|0 个评论
斯宾诺莎租住 Hendrick van der Spijck 的房子
zlyang 2019-7-31 19:03
斯宾诺莎租住 Hendrick van der Spijck 的房子 俺不懂斯宾诺莎。 网上说:巴鲁赫·德·斯宾诺莎(Baruch de Spinoza,1632年11月24日—1677年2月21日),犹太人,近代西方哲学公认的三大理性主义者之一,与笛卡尔和莱布尼茨齐名。 俺知道斯宾诺莎,是因为A·爱因斯坦似乎喜欢斯宾诺莎。斯宾诺莎属于唯物论阵营。 在哲学家李侠老师 2010-12-21 的精选博文《善良的温度》里,提到“斯宾诺莎在年轻的晚年在海牙时的房东:画家范德斯皮克(Van der Spijk)”。 于是搜搜范德斯皮克的信息。 (1)Hendrick van der Spijck, 1667 ? -1715 https://spinozaweb.org/people/37 (2)The Hague, Paviljoensgracht, nos 72–74 是斯宾诺莎租住 Hendrick van der Spijck 的房子: https://spinozaweb.org/locations/8 范德斯皮克 Hendrick van der Spijck 是一位 decorative painter 装饰画家? (3)Johan Louckers 里说: http://spinozaweb.org/people/397 On 8 July 1677, Hendrick van der Spijck files a statement of claim to the Vierschaar of The Hague. The purpose of that claim is a verdict in his financial conflict with Rebecca de Spinoza and Daniel de Casseres to repay him the sum of about 250 guilders advanced for Spinoza’s debts. In the deed, he requests procurator Johan Louckers to take appropriate legal measures if the Amsterdam heirs remain unwilling to make payment. The document of July 8, confirms that all of Spinoza’s goods were still stored in at the Paviljoensgracht: Hendrik van der Spijck, painter here, claimer and seizer of all those goods not excluded those stored on his ground belong to the joint heirs of late Benedictus Spinoza. the same heirs, and all others who represent the defendants and the defaulting party, reimbursement of the sum of 250 guilders, 14 stuivers and 2 penningen . advanced money, room rental overdue, paid funeral debts, .... In the matter, claimer requests legal advice ... (4)一个荷兰语(?)介绍该房子的网站: http://monumentenfondsdenhaag.nl/project/studiezaal-spinozahuis Van Spinoza tot Spinozahuis Van der Spijck verhuurde in 1671 het dakkamertje aan de voorzijde voor fl. 80,- per jaar aan de wijsgeer Benedictus de Spinoza. Tot aan zijn dood op 21 februari 1677 op 44-jarige leeftijd leefde Spinoza daar op een zeer sobere wijze. Hij legde in dit huis de laatste hand aan zijn 'Ethica' en voerde van daaruit met tal van andere beroemdheden in Europa een intensieve briefwisseling. De Duitse filosoof Gottfried Wilhelm Leibnitz (1646-1716) zocht Spinoza in zijn zolderkamer in 1676 op. Vanuit het huis aan de Paviljoensgracht werd Spinoza op 28 februari 1677 in de Nieuwe Kerk aan het Spui in een huurgraf begraven. Sinds 1880, toen in de voorgevel een gedenksteen werd aangebracht, die de herinnering levend houdt aan het feit, dat Spinoza in dit huis had gewoond, staat het huis bekend als het Spinozahuis. Op de middenberm van de Paviljoensgracht bevindt zich een beeld van Spinoza in zittende houding. Het bronzen beeld, dat tot 1957 voor het Heilige Geesthofje stond, werd in 1880 door F. Hexamer vervaardigd. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 这是里面的照片。 感谢您的指教! 感谢您指正以上任何错误! 感谢您提供更多的相关资料!
3556 次阅读|5 个评论
[转载]【Laurens van der Maaten】基于t-SNE的数据可视化
lcj2212916 2019-3-13 09:16
完整文档下载地址: http://page2.dfpan.com/fs/elcja221f291a6902d5/ 更多精彩文章请关注微信号:
1632 次阅读|0 个评论
Plant anatomy-17b: Antony van Leeuwenhoek FRS (1632—1723)
livingfossil 2017-6-2 21:28
Plant anatomy-17b: Antony van Leeuwenhoek FRS (1632—1723) Outline of Antony van Leeuwenhoek FRS (1632—1723) and plant anatomy Antony van Leeuwenhoek FRS (1632—1723) ∮ 1 Brief life chronology and relevant backgrounds --1629: ; --1632 (October 24): Antony van Leeuwenhoek (1632—1723) was born in Delft of the Netherlands; --1634 (April9): ; --1638 (January 8): (6 years old) Father Philips Thonis Leeuwenhoek buried in Nieuwe Kert; --1640 (December 1): Mother Margriete Jacobs van de Berch (1594--1664) married Jacob de Molijn (1594--1649); --1641 (January 1): (9 years old) Began to attend school in Warmond; --1646 (January 1): Apprenticed with his uncle ( Pieter Douchy ) in Benthuizen; --1646 (May8): ; --1648 (January1): (16 years old) Apprenticed with Scottish linen merchant William Davidson(??1616--??1689) in Amsterdam; --1649 (May2): ; --1654 (July29): (22 years old) Married his first wife Barbara de Meiji (c.1629--1666); --1654(October 12): ; --1655 (February 16): (23 years old) Bought a house and shop on the west side of the Hippolytursbuurt and worked as a draper to support his family; --1655 (September 15): Son Philips (first so named) baptized; --1656 (September 24): Daughter Maria Thonis Leeuwenhoek (1656--1745); --1660 (March26): Appointed as an official of city magistrate’s court; --1664 (September 3): Mother Margriete Jacobs van de Berch (1594--1664) buried in OudeKerk; --1665 (September 1): ; --1666 (June27): Son Philips (third) buried in Oude Kerk; --1666 (July14): (34 years old) First wife Barbara de Meij (c.1629--1666) buried in OudeKerk; --1666 (October 10): Appointed as a district supervisor; --1667 (May18): Appointed as a curator of estate of Simon de Bourbon (1633--??); --1668 (January 1): (36 years old) Traveled to England; --1669 (February 4): Certified as a surveyor after passing the oral examination; --1671 (January 25): (39 years old) Married second wife Cornelia Johannes Swalmius(1634--1694); --1673 (April28): (41 years old) Wrote letter to German theologian Henry Oldenburg FRS(1619--1677), who is an original fellow of the Royal Society (RS) in London,the first secretary of the RS, the founding editor and publisher of the journal PhilosophicalTransactions of the Royal Society andthe creator of scientific peer review; --1673 (May18): (41years old) First letter was published in the Philosophical Transactions ; --1673 (August 17): ; --1674 (August 1): (42 years old) First observed microbes; --1675 (September 15): (43 years old) First observed microbes in the rain water; --1676 (November 18): Visited by Gottfried Wilhelm ( von ) Leibniz ( 戈特弗里德 · 威廉 · 莱布尼茨 ,1646--1716); --1677 (September 5): ; --1677 (November 15): Robert Hooke FRS ( 罗伯特 · 胡克 ,1635—1703) demonstrated the discovery of microbes observed by Antony vanLeeuwenhoek; --1678 (March18 and 31): Wrote letters to British microscopist and plant anatomist Nehemiah Grew FRS (1641—1712); --1679 (August 15): Appointed as city inspector of imported and exported liquids orwine gauger; --1680 (January 29): (48 years old) Elected to the Royal Society (London) on January 29, 1680; --1680 (February 17): ; --1680 (April5): British physicist and microscopist Robert Hooke FRS ( 罗伯特 · 胡克 , 1635—1703) send Leeuwenhoek official notice of the election as fellow of the Royal Society; --1694 (June6): (62 years old) Second wife Cornelia Johannes Swalmius (1634--1694) died; --1685 (February 13): Visited by Thomas Molyneux FRS (1661--1733) on behalf of theRoyal Society; --1685 (August 27)--1692: British astronomer Edmond Halley FRS (1656--1742) once served as editor of the Philosophical Transactions and he did not publish any of Leeuwenhoek’s letters in thescientific journal from 1685 to 1693; --1692 (February 1): Robert Hooke FRS ( 罗伯特 · 胡克 ,1635—1703) called Leeuwenhoek the microscope’s “single votary”; --1693 (January 1): English naturalist Richard Waller FRS (c.1646--?1715) served as secretary of the Royal Society from 1691 to 1693 and again from 1710 to 1714, and he edited the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society from 1691 to1693. Richard Waller resumed to publish Leeuwenhoek’s letters; --1693 (November 30): Irish physician andentrepreneur Hans Sloane FRS (1660—1753) was elected secretary to the Royal Society; From then on, he edited the Philosophical Transactions of theRoyal Society for the following 20 years when he published a total of 68letters written by Leeuwenhoek; --1694 (November 29): ; --1698 (January 1): Visited by Tsar Peter theGreat of Russia ( 彼得大帝 ,1672--1725); --1700 (January 1): Visited by Irish physicianand entrepreneur Hans Sloane FRS (1660—1753), who was editor of t he PhilosophicalTransactions of the Royal Society; --1701 (August 1): (69 years old) 50 th publications in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society in London; --1703 (March3): ; --1704 (January 1): Tried to resign from the city inspector / wine gauger job; --1711 (December 23): Delft’s mayors annulled Leeuwenhoek’s position of district supervisor; --1712 (March25): ; --1721 (May1): (89 years old) 100 th publications in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society in London; --1722 (July13): Received payment from the city for inspector / wine gauger duties; --1723 (August 26): (91 years old) Died in Delft of the Netherlands at age of 91. ∮ 2 Botanical observations and publications 2-2 A list of plant materials observed by Antony van Leeuwenhoek FRS (1632—1723) using microscopes (1) Grains Meal Shoot, grass blade, and root of barley Grain of barley Meal of wheat, rye, and barley Meal of oat and bean Meal of bean and green pea (2) Fruit / Seeds Seed and vessels of pear Seeds of pear; vessels of trees Seeds of apple and bean Seeds of Cotton, Palm, or Date-Stones, Cloves, Nutmegs, Goose-Berries, Currans, Tulips, Cassia, Lime-Tree Seeds of Figs, Strawberries Seeds of Oranges Seeds of Polypodium. (3) Tropical plants Nut of coconut / Nut and rind of coconut Vessels and sheath of coconut / Wood of coconut tree Ebony / lignum vitae / cinchona / cinnamon / nutmeg (4) Other plants cork from Quercus suber Wood of Fraxinus (ash) Iris florentina Smilax Elm Spruce Bark of Trees Willow Leaves Celandine 2-2 An incomplete list of letters published in the Philosophical Transactions 1673 Leeuwenhoek, A. van The Figures of some of Mr. Leeuwenhoecks Microscopical Observations, formerly publish't (in Numb. 94. p. 6037.6038) together with their Explication 1673 Leeuwenhoek, A. van A Specimen of Some Observations Made by a Microscope, Contrived by M. Leewenhoeck in Holland, Lately Communicated by Dr. Regnerus de Graaf 1675 Leeuwenhoek, A. van Other Microscopical Observations, Made by the Same, about the Texture of the Blood, the Sap of Some Plants, the Figure of Sugar and Salt, and the Probable Cause of the Difference of Their Tasts 1676 Leeuwenhoek, A. van Extract of a Letter Written to the Publisher by Mr. Leewenhoeck from Delft, April 21. 1676; Concerning the Texture of Trees ... 1677 Leeuwenhoek, A. van An Extract of a Letter from Mr. Anthony Van Leeuwenhoek, to the R. S. Containing His Obseruations on the Seeds of Cotton, Palm, or Date-Stones, Cloves, Nutmegs, Goose-Berries, Currans, Tulips, Cassia, Lime-Tree: On the Skin of the Hand, and Pores, ... 1677 Leeuwenhoek, A. van Mr. Leewenhoecks Letter Written to the Publisher from Delff the 14th of May 1677, Concerning the Observations by him Made of the Carneous Fibres of a Muscle, and the Cortical and Medullar Part of the Brain; as Also of Moxa and Cotton 1683 Leeuwenhoek, A. van An Abstract of a Letter from Mr. Anthony Leewenhoeck of Delft to Mr. R. H. concerning the Appearances of Several Woods, and Their Vessels 1693 Leeuwenhoek, A. van An Extract of a Letter from Mr. Anth. Van. Leeuwenhoek, containing Several Observations on the Texture of the Bones of Animals Compared with That of Wood: On the Bark of Trees: On the Little Scales Found on the Cuticula, etc. 1693 Leeuwenhoek, A. van A Letter from Mr. Anth. Van Leeuwenhoek concerning the Seeds of Plants, with Observations on the Manner of the Propagation of Plants and Animals 1694 Leeuwenhoek, A. van The Extract of Another Letter from Mr. Anthony van Leuwenhock, to the Royal Society; Concerning the Difference of Timber Growing in Different Countries, and Felled at Different Seasons of the Year 1696 Leeuwenhoek, A. van An Extract of a Letter from Mr. Leewenhoek, Dated the 10th of July, An. 1696. Containing Microscopical Observations on Eels, Mites, the Seeds of Figs, Strawberries, etc. 1697 Leeuwenhoek, A. van Part of a Letter of Mr. Anthony van Leeuwenhoeck, Dated Delst, Sept. 10. 1697. concerning the Eggs of Snails, Roots of Vegetables, Teeth, and Young Oysters 1701 Leeuwenhoek, A. van Part of a Letter of Mr Anthony van Leuwenhoeck, F. R. S. concerning Excrescencies Growing on Willow Leaves, etc 1702 Leeuwenhoek, A. van Part of a Letter from Mr Antony van Leeuwenhoek, F. R. S. concerning Green Weeds Growing in Water, and Some Animalcula Found about Them 1702 Leeuwenhoek, A. van A Letter from Mr Anthony van Leuwenhoek, concerning the Seeds of Oranges, etc. 1704 Leeuwenhoek, A. van A Letter from Mr Anthony Van Leeuwenhoek, F. R. S. concerning the Barks of Trees 1704 Leeuwenhoek, A. van A Letter from Mr Antony Van Leeuwenhoek, concerning the Tubes or Canals That Convey the Yellow Sap in the Herb Called Chelidonium Majus, or Celandine, etc. 1704 Leeuwenhoek, A. van Observations on the Seed-Vessels and Seeds of Polypodium. In a Letter from Mr Anthony Van Leeuwenhoek, F. R. S. 1704 Leeuwenhoek, A. van A Letter from Mr Antony Van Leuwenhoek, F. R. S. Concerning Some Fossils of Swisserland, etc 1706 Leeuwenhoek, A. van Microscopical Observations on the Seeds of Several East-India Plants, by Mr Anthony van Leeuwenhoek, F. R. S. 1720 Leeuwenhoek, A. van Observations upon the Vessels in Several Sorts of Wood, and upon the Muscular Fibres of Different Animals. By the Same Curious and Inquisitive Person 1720 Leeuwenhoek, A. van Observations upon the Seeds of Plants. By the Same. Translated by John Chamberlayne, Esq; ∮3 Julius von Sachs’(1832--1897) degrading comments in 1875 Julius von Sachs (1832--1897), 1875. Geschichte der Botanik vom 16. Jahrhundert bis 1860.München : R. Oldenbourg. I—XII, 1—612 ∮ 4 Antony van Leeuwenhoek FRS (1632—1723) and plant anatomy 4-1 Ford B.J., 1981a.Leeuwenhoek's specimens discovered after 307 year. Nature 292: 407. Ford B.J. 1981b. Thevan Leeuwenhoek specimens. Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London. 36:37–59 Ford B.J.,1982. The Origins of plant anatomy—Leeuwenhoek’s cork sections examined. IAWA Bulletin n.s., 3 (1):7-10 4-2 Baas P., 1982. Antoni van Leeuwenhoek and his observation on the structure of the woody cell wall . IAWA Bulletin n.s., Vol. 3 (1):3-6 --------------------------- Qigao Sun ( 孙启高 ): 古今植物学大讲堂 Lectures on Neobotany Palaeobotany 植物演化生物学讲座 -17b Lectures on Evolutionary Biology of Plants (17b) 植物形态解剖学 : Neo Paleo- 植物学( 17b ) 结构植物学 : Neo Paleo- 植物学 (17b) Morphology Anatomy: Neobotany+Paleobotany (No.17b) Structural Botany: Neobotany+Paleobotany (No.17b) Antony van Leeuwenhoek FRS (1632—1723) and plant anatomy (English Part) 为何显微镜宗师列文虎克 (1632--1723) 的植物学贡献被忽略? 2017 年 5 月 相关阅读: Lectures on Neobotany and palaeobotany: a teaching project and catalogue 古今植物学大讲堂 ( 工作目录 ) http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-1031964.html 2017-2-6 21:44 Dutch businessman and microscopist Antony vanLeeuwenhoek FRS ( 安东尼 · 列文虎克 , 1632—1723) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antonie_van_Leeuwenhoek http://lensonleeuwenhoek.net http://lensonleeuwenhoek.net/category/bibliography/Philosophical%20Transactions Delft city of the Netherlands( 荷兰 代尔夫 特市 ) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delft Timeline of microscopes 显微镜的时间表 https://www.nobelprize.org/educational/physics/microscopes/timeline/ ( 转载 -- http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-1055400.html 2017-5-17 09:46) 植物形态解剖学 : Neo Paleo- 植物学( 2 ) 结构植物学 : Neo Paleo- 植物学 (2) Morphology Anatomy: Neobotany+Paleobotany(No.2) Structural Botany: Neobotany+Paleobotany(No.2) Macroscope( 宏观镜 ) vs Microscope( 显微镜 )(in English with Chinese introduction) http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-951574.html 2016-1-21 00:16 --------- Julius von Sachs (1832--1897), 1875. Geschichte der Botanik vom 16. Jahrhundert bis 1860.München : R. Oldenbourg. I—XII, 1—612 ------- Ford B.J., 1981a.Leeuwenhoek's specimens discovered after 307 year. Nature 292: 407. Ford B.J. 1981b. The van Leeuwenhoek specimens. Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London. 36:37–59 Ford B.J.,1982. The Origins of plant anatomy—Leeuwenhoek’s cork sections examined. IAWABulletin n.s., 3 (1):7-10 ------ Baas P. , 1982. Antoni van Leeuwenhoek and his observation on the structure of the woody cell wall . IAWA Bulletin n.s., Vol. 3 (1):3-6 Pieter Baas, Systematic, phylogenetic, and ecological wood anatomy—History and perspective, pp.23--58 In: New Perspectives in WoodAnatomy / edited by P. Baas. Published on the occasionof the 50th anniversary of the International Association of Wood Anatomists (IAWA) The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff / Dr W. Junk Publishers, 1982. I—vi, 252 ---- Lane N., 2015. The unseen world: reflections on Leeuwenhoek (1677) ‘Concerning little animals’. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 370:20140344. http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rstb.2014.0344 -------- 结构植物学 : Neo Paleo- 植物学 (12) Morphology Anatomy: Neobotany+Paleobotany (No.12) Structural Botany: Neobotany+Paleobotany (No.12) OUTLINE: Robert Hooke FRS ( 罗伯特 · 胡克 , 1635—1703) and the great discovery of cell Robert HookeFRS ( 罗伯特 · 胡克 , 1635—1703) 与细胞之伟大发现 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-1011524.html 2016-10-29 02:00 ---------- Structural Botany: Neobotany+Paleobotany (No.14) English plant anatomist Nehemiah Grew FRS (1641--1712), a founder of plant anatomy 植物解剖学奠基人 Nehemiah Grew FRS (1641--1712) http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-1035175.html 2017-2-21 23:06 Structural Botany: Neobotany+Paleobotany (No.13) 解剖学和胚胎学先驱 Marcello Malpighi FRS (1628--1694) Marcello Malpighi FRS (1628--1694)—a pioneer of anatomy and embryology http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-1033090.html 2017-2-12 03:21 -- 古植物学的故事( 84 ): 钻研古植物学要读《维管植物比较形态学》 Story of Palaeobotany Series (84): Graduate students majored in palaeobotany should spend enough time in perusal of Comparative Morphology of Vascular Plants co-authored by A. S. Foster and E. M. Gifford. http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-396369.html 发表于 2010-12-23 7:17:57 ============================= 古今植物学大讲堂 Lectures on Neobotany Palaeobotany 植物演化生物学讲座 -17a Lectures on Evolutionary Biology of Plants (17a) 植物形态解剖学 : Neo Paleo- 植物学( 17a ) 结构植物学 : Neo Paleo- 植物学 (17a) Morphology Anatomy: Neobotany+Paleobotany (No.17a) Structural Botany: Neobotany+Paleobotany (No.17a) Antony van Leeuwenhoek FRS (1632—1723) and plant anatomy (Chinese Part) 为何显微镜宗师列文虎克 (1632--1723) 的植物学贡献被忽略? http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-1057189.html 2017-5-26 09:56 ===========================
个人分类: Structure: Neobotany & Paleobotany|4176 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 2 zhpd55 2016-5-17 10:14
物理学家首次测量单原子范德华力 诸平 范德华力 ,是中性原子之间通过瞬间静电相互作用产生的一种弱的分子之间的力。当两个原子之间的距离为它们的范德华半径之和时,范德华引力最强,强的范德华排斥作用可以防止原子相互靠近。根据荷兰物理学家约翰尼斯·迪德里克·范·德·瓦尔斯( Johannes Diderik van der Waals , 1837–1923 )命名。 约翰尼斯·迪德里克·范·德·瓦尔斯 曾获1910年诺贝尔物理学奖。 范德华 力是存在于 分子 间的一种吸引力,它比 化学键 弱得多。一般来说,某物质的范德华力越大,则它的 熔点 、 沸点 就越高。对于组成和结构相似的物质,范德华力一般随着相对分子质量的增大而增强。 氨气,氯气,二氧化碳等气体在降低温度、增大压强时能够凝结成液态或固态,就是由于存在分子间作用力。 范德华力也叫 分子间力 。分子型物质能由气态转变为液态,由液态转变为固态,这说明分子间存在着 相互作用力 ,这种作用力称为分子间力或范德华力。分子间力有三种来源,即 色散力 、 诱导力 和 取向力 。色散力是分子的瞬时偶极间的作用力,它的大小与分子的变形性等因素有关。一般分子量愈大,分子内所含的电子数愈多,分子的变形性愈大,色散力亦愈大。诱导力是分子的固有偶极与诱导偶极间的作用力,它的大小与分子的极性和变形性等有关。取向力是分子的固有偶极间的作用力,它的大小与分子的极性和温度有关。极性分子的偶极矩愈大,取向力愈大;温度愈高,取向力愈小。 在极性分子间有色散力,诱导力和取向力;在 极性分子 与 非极性分子 间有色散力和诱导力;在非极性分子间只有色散力。实验证明,对大多数分子来说,色散力是主要的;只有偶极矩很大的分子(如水),取向力才是主要的;而诱导力通常是很小的。 在物质的聚集态中,分子间存在着一种较弱的吸引力,作用能的大小一般只有每摩尔几千焦至几十千焦,比化学键的键能小1~2个数量级,亦称范德华引力或范氏力。它由三部分作用力组成:①当极性分子相互接近时,它们的固有偶极将同极相斥而异极相吸,定向排列,产生分子间的作用力,叫做取向力。偶极矩越大,取向力越大。②当极性分子与非极性分子相互接近时,非极性分子在极性分子的固有偶极的作用下,发生极化,产生诱导偶极,然后诱导偶极与固有偶极相互吸引而产生分子间的作用力,叫做诱导力。当然极性分子之间也存在诱导力。③非极性分子之间,由于组成分子的正、负微粒不断运动,产生瞬间正、负电荷重心不重合,而出现瞬时偶极。这种瞬时偶极之间的相互作用力,叫做色散力。分子量越大,色散力越大。当然在极性分子与非极性分子之间或极性分子之间也存在着色散力。范德华引力是存在于分子间的一种不具有方向性和饱和性,作用范围在几百个皮米之间的力。它对物质的沸点、熔点、气化热、熔化热、溶解度、表面张力、粘度等物理化学性质有决定性的影响。 据《 自然通讯 》( Nature Communications , DOI: 10.1038/ncomms11559 )杂志网站2016年5月13日报道,日本、芬兰、瑞士、德国以及瑞典的科学家联合,首次测定了单个原子的范德华作用力 ( Van der Waals force ) 。 更多信息请浏览: Physicists measure van der Waals forces of individual atoms for the first time Abstract Van der Waals forces are among the weakest, yet most decisive interactions governing condensation and aggregation processes and the phase behaviour of atomic and molecular matter. Understanding the resulting structural motifs and patterns has become increasingly important in studies of the nanoscale regime. Here we measure the paradigmatic van der Waals interactions represented by the noble gas atom pairs Ar–Xe, Kr–Xe and Xe–Xe with a Xe-functionalized tip of an atomic force microscope at low temperature. Individual rare gas atoms were fixed at node sites of a surface-confined two-dimensional metal–organic framework. We found that the magnitude of the measured force increased with the atomic radius, yet detailed simulation by density functional theory revealed that the adsorption induced charge redistribution strengthened the van der Waals forces by a factor of up to two, thus demonstrating the limits of a purely atomic description of the interaction in these representative systems. 更多信息可以下载原文进行浏览: Van der Waals interactions and the limits of isolated atom models at interfaces
个人分类: 新科技|12579 次阅读|3 个评论
地球的第三辐射带,Van Allen,他的belts,人类的空间时代(2)
热度 2 等离子体科学 2013-4-12 11:18
下面这一段引自1959年《时代》周刊的报道: In 1950 an event occurred that began small but was to affect the future of Van Allen and all his countrymen. In March, British Physicist Sydney Chapman dropped in on Van Allen remarked that he would like to meet other scientists in the Washington area. Van Allen got on the phone, soon gathered eight or ten top scientists ( Lloyd Berkner , S. Fred Singer , and Harry Vestine ) in the living room of his small brick house. ‘It was what you might call a pedigreed bull session,’ he says. ... The talk turned to geophysics and the two ‘ International Polar Years ’ that had enlisted the world’s leading nations to study the Arctic and Antarctic regions in 1882 and 1932. Someone suggested that with the development of new tools such as rockets, radar and computers, the time was ripe for a worldwide geophysical year. The other men were enthusiastic, and their enthusiasm spread around the world from Washington DC. From this meeting Lloyd Berkner and other participants proposed to the International Council of Scientific Unions that an IGY be planned for 1957-58 during the maximum solar activity). ... The International Geophysical Year (1957-58) stimulated the U.S. Government to promise earth satellites as geophysical tools. The Soviet government countered by rushing its Sputniks into orbit. The race into space or Space Race may be said to have started in Van Allen’s living room that evening in 1950. ——著名的英国空间学家Chapman(现在的国际空间物理系列学术会议就是以他命名的)给Van Allen打了个电话,Van Allen找了几个华盛顿地区的空间科学家在他家客厅开了个“小会”,人类的空间时代就这么开始了。。。 ——影响人类生存发展的科学发现和科学进步,好多都是从这样非正式的“聊天”开始的! 第一步,是Van Allen主持的美国的V2探空火箭计划。 这个计划并非一帆风顺。 最初的探空方案是把火箭绑在探空气球下面,升到一定高度(16公里)后点火。Van Allen把这种运载工具叫做“Rackoon”——Rack-et+Ball-oon,与他的家乡Iowa常见的小动物raccon谐音。但是开始的实验并不成功——火箭在16千米的高度打不着火!因为在这样的高度上,点火的clockwork被冻住。怎么办呢?传说是Van Allen把橙汁(不知为什么用这种“液体”)加热后灌到绑在气球下面承载火箭的“小舟 ”里,然后用热绝缘材料包好,再把Rackoon升空——一次成功,并探测到了辐射带的最初迹象。
个人分类: 学海无涯|5114 次阅读|4 个评论
Vincent van Gogh 的 The Starry Night 成了数学名著封皮
热度 1 zlyang 2010-10-21 21:02
Vincent van Gogh 的 The Starry Night 成了数学名著封皮 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:VanGogh-starry_night_ballance1.jpg Vincent van Gogh. The Starry Night. Saint-Rmy. June 1889. Oil on canvas. The Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY, USA. http://img08.taobaocdn.com/bao/uploaded/i8/T1GHdpXjpCXXb5KXQY_025305.jpg 这幅画出现在《试验应用统计 设计、创新和发现 = Statistics for experimenters design, innovation, and discovery》 (美) George E. P. Box, J. Stuart Hunter, William G. Hunter著 张润楚 ... 译 eng,北京:机械工业出版社,2010。 翻译自:George E. P. Box, J. Stuart Hunter, William G. Hunter. Statistics for Experimenters: Design, Innovation, and Discovery , 2nd Edition, 2005, John Wiley Sons, Inc., New York.
个人分类: 科学 - 艺术 - 社会|4620 次阅读|2 个评论
科技与钱:想起了van Gogh
热度 3 zlyang 2010-3-9 10:57
科技与钱:想起了 van Gogh 上面的画,真的很好吗? 文森特·梵高 (文森·威廉·梵谷, Vincent Willem van Gogh , 30 March 1853 – 29 July 1890 ),一位最终成为疯子并自杀的荷兰画家。生前属于丐帮污衣派的无产阶级。 死后,使别人成为富翁。 按照《世界名画拍卖排行榜前 18 名列表》: http://special.artxun.com/news/zhongxifanghuihuashenduPK/shijieminghuapaimaipaixingbangqian18ming/ ( 1 )世界名画拍卖排行榜 第十八名,《向日葵》, 1987 年,作者:凡·高,价格: 3985 万美元; ( 2 ) 世界名画拍卖排行榜 第十五名,《鸢尾花》,作者:荷兰凡·高,价格: 5390 万美元 ; ( 3 )世界名画拍卖排行榜 第十一名,《没有胡子的自画像》, 1998 年 11 月 19 日 ,作者:荷兰凡·高,价格: 7150 万美元; ( 4 )世界名画拍卖排行榜 第五名,《加歇医生的肖像》,作者:荷兰凡·高,价格: 8250 万美元。 光这 4 幅就是 24775 万美元。 《鸢尾花》在 http://vangogh.com.cn/vdb/show.asp?p_no=651 里的介绍: 中文名称 鸢尾花 英文名称 Irises 创作时间 1889 年 5 月 创作地点 圣雷米 Saint-R é my 类型 画布油画 Oil on canvas 尺寸 71x93cm 现存 洛杉矶 Los Angeles ,GettyCenter 编号 F 608 , JH 1691 《鸢尾花》于 1889 年 5 月完成。同向日葵一样,凡高似乎也喜欢画这种植物。 1892 年,唐基(凡高的朋友)以 300 法郎的价格将这幅画卖给了评论家奥克塔夫·米尔博——凡高最早的赏识者之一。这幅画像许多其他的凡高的画一样,在他死后不断地买卖。 1988 年在拍卖会上,有人叫出了 5300 万美元的天价。“这件事为现代美术家的成功定下了新的标准”(见《凡高的历程》)。 1990 年 7 月 29 日 的《纽约时报》上出现了一则匿名公告。(见下) “公告坚决主张文化和商业之间要保持道义上的距离,并且代表凡高对人们提出严厉的劝告:‘艺术的价值与金钱毫不相干’”(见《凡高的历程》) Vincent van Gogh : Died 100 years ago today. We owe it to memory of his achievement, and the manner in which it was achieved, to remember the following: artists must search for truth with integrity; dealers must keep in mind that the importance of art has nothing whatsoever to do with money; critics must recognize their responsibility to make every effort to be correct in their judgements; appreciators must experience works of art with the same degree of effort and integrity as the artists who created them. Vincent van Gogh 在 Olga's Gallery http://www.abcgallery.com/V/vangogh/vangogh.html 以下图片出自Olga's Gallery,无商业用途。 Vincent van Gogh . Self-Portrait in a Grey Felt Hat. 1887. Oil on card. Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, Netherlands. 《向日葵》 http://www.vggallery.com/painting/p_0455.htm Still Life: Vase with Twelve Sunflowers, Oil on canvas, 92.0 x 72.5 cm. Arles: January, 1889, F 455, JH 1668, Philadelphia: The Philadelphia Museum of Art. 3985万美元 《没有胡子的自画像》 http://www.vggallery.com/painting/p_0525.htm Self-Portrait, Oil on canvas, 40.0 x 31.0 cm. Saint-Rémy: September, 1889, F 525, JH 1665, Private collection. 7150万美元 《加歇医生的肖像》 Portrait of Dr. Gachet Seated at a Table. Auvers-sur-Oise. June 1890. Oil on canvas. Collection Ryoei Saito, Tokyo. 8250万美元 关联博文 《Grigori Perelman: Millennium Prize of Clay Mathematics Institute 与天才的心灵》 http://www.sciencenet.cn/m/user_content.aspx?id=304994 《傻评外星人来信(二):拜物主义》 http://www.sciencenet.cn/m/user_content.aspx?id=343279 《印象派绘画是认知科学》 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-107667-356440.html 祖乃甡《戏说中西画理》 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=39061do=blogid=256432 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=107667do=blogid=300228
个人分类: 科学 - 艺术 - 本质|13534 次阅读|6 个评论
本瑟姆(Johan van Benthem)
huangfuqiang 2009-4-1 14:49
Johan van Benthem(约翰范本瑟姆) 信息哲学手册编者之一, 另一位是 Pieter Adriaans Home / Activities / Publications / Teaching / Research / Talks Prof.dr J. F. A. K. van Benthem Institute for Logic, Language Computation (ILLC) University of Amsterdam Plantage Muidergracht 24 1018 TV AMSTERDAM Netherlands Tel. +31 20 525-6051 Fax +31 20 525-5206 Email johan@science.uva.nl URL http://staff.science.uva.nl/~johan Spring quarters (April-June): Department of Philosophy Stanford University STANFORD, California 94305 USA Tel. +1 650 725-0108 Fax +1 650 723-0985 Email johan@csli.stanford.edu URL www-philosophy.stanford.edu/fss/jvb.html University Professor of pure and applied logic, University of Amsterdam, and Henry Waldgrave Stuart Professor of philosophy, Stanford University. In the 1990s, founding director of the Institute for Logic, Language Computation ILLC in Amsterdam, a joint venture of mathematics, computer science, philosophy, and linguistics, for studying the structure and flow of information. First chairman, and honorary member of FoLLI , a European organization with similar broad aims. Recipient of the national Spinoza Award, project 'Logic in Action' from 1997 to 2001 ( LiA ). Member of the Royal Dutch Academy of Arts and Sciences ( KNAW ), the Academia Europaea ( AE ), and the Institut International de Philosophie ( IIP ). Guest University Professor, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, and Weilun Professor 2008-2009, Tsinghua University, Beijing. Brief CV from a forthcoming volume Who's Who in Logic. Back to the top Back to Home
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