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pingguo 2017-10-22 21:55
我说的哪些所谓真话, 自以为有幽默感, 其实真的是蠢话。 我既不是医生,也不是老师, 那么较真干嘛, 显然是不成熟加缺心眼。 我跟整个世界较真, 也不能跟你较真。 我已经深刻地认识到, 语言应该像草木。 说话的目的, 在于用我的存在陪伴你的存在, 这是关于存在的真理。 自古以来,真理不外两种, 一种关乎于你, 其他的算是另一种。 今晚我只关心你, 关心月光与飘香的桂花, 我用意念采摘一二, 放入语言的陶瓷花瓶。 2017-10-14
个人分类: 诗歌|1383 次阅读|0 个评论
ahadan 2016-8-28 11:07
关于科学的话语与灵性向往 人在早年,灵性向往会伴随自身塑造,乃至自我欣赏。值得投身的灵性向往,并不就能简单搁定。它,就像稻谷壳儿似的。早有人把惟精惟一的灵性,形容为稻谷。稻谷发芽、生长,其中最具有活力的因子,却不是充实的部分,而是神秘的空出来的部分,被称做“谷神”。 人总希望,自己关于某事某物的问题和话语是在自身的“谷神”之上长出来的,是最生鲜的精神,而不是仅仅某种“研究”。 可以把这灵性、精神,称呼为问题、话头、道理,等等。名可名,你追随的话头总有了特殊的叫法。有人敏感公平、真理、自由;有人追随道理、信仰、大全。 有一天,我们追上了“科学”,要对它谈些什么。可是,玩意具有灵性向往吗?或者只有某种“研究价值”?时下,关于“科学”,貌似能说清的,都说的差不多了。在意识形态和常识之间,留下话头的机缘又不多了。 其实只是缺乏勇气,萦绕科学的很多东西,现在还名为权利、交往、娱乐、兴趣、XX,都可增值为“话头”。 这并非要造正统学术的反,哪些 不被识做“话语”的杂草,有时恰是在研究的问题板块之外,为灵性讲故事的素材。 当然,科学是一个“事物”,它和灵性的关系绝不是被拣选的。到那天,科学落听为灵性生活的背景,也就基本上没人再对它“本身”用激情了吧。
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carldy 2011-4-11 10:51
近段时间在读关于SFL(Systemic Functional Linguistics) 、CDA(Critical Discourse Analysis)、CL(Corpus-linguistics)及其与翻译相关的书籍,发现有很多定义不够明朗。 比如disourse一词,理解就很多种。 这里引述的是“ Key concepts in communication and cultural studies” (2nd edition) by: Montgomery, O’Sullivan, Hartley, Sauders, and Fiske (1994): discourse (adjective = discursive) * A term now quite widely used in a number of different disciplines and schools of thought, often with different purposes. Most uncontroversially, it is used in linguistics to refer to verbal utterances of greater magnitude than the sentence. * Discourse analysis is concerned not only with complex utterances by one speaker, but more frequently with the turn-taking interaction between two or more, and with the linguistic rules and conventions that are taken to be in play and governing such discourses in their given context. However, the concept of discourse has also developed, separately, out of post- structuralism and semiotics . Here it really represents an attempt to fix, within one term, some of the theoretical ground gained in the early days of the structuralist enterprise. To grasp its significance you have to remember that in this early period structuralism/semiotics was above all an oppositional intellectual force, whose proponents were attempting to criticize and transform the inherited habits of thought and analysis about the question of where meaning comes from. Traditionally, and even now most ‘obviously’, meaning was ascribed to objects ‘out there’ in the world, and to the inner essences and feelings of individuals. Structuralism took issue with these ideas, insisting that meaning is an effect of signification , and that signification is a property not of the world out there nor of individual people, but of language . It follows that both the world out there and individual consciousness are themselves comprehensible only as products, not sources, of language/signification. We are what we say, and the world is what we say it is. But the problem with this conclusion is that it is too free-floating and abstract; it gives the impression that – not only in principle but also in practice – the world and the word can mean whatever we like. Life isn’t so simple. The abstract concept of ‘language’ proved inadequate to account for the historical, political and cultural ‘fixing’ of certain meanings, and their constant reproduction and circulation via established kinds of speech, forms of representation, and in particular institutional settings. This is the point at which the concept of discourse began to supplant the now flabby and imprecise notion of ‘language’. Unlike ‘language’, the term discourse itself is both a noun and a verb. So it is easier to retain the sense of discourse as an act, where the noun ‘language’ often seems to refer to a thing. In its established usages, discourse referred both to the interactive process and the end result of thought and communication. Discourse is the social process of making and reproducing sense(s). Once taken up by structuralism, largely through the writings of Michel Foucault, the concept of discourse proved useful to represent both a very general theoretical notion and numbers of specific discourses. The general theoretical notion is that while meaning can be generated only from the langue or abstract system of language, and while we can apprehend the world only through language systems, the fact remains that the resources of language-in-general are and always have been subjected to the historical developments and conflicts of social relations in general. In short, although langue may be abstract, meaning never is. Discourses are the product of social, historical and institutional formations, and meanings are produced by these institutionalized discourses. It follows that the potentially infinite senses any language system is capable of producing are always limited and fixed by the structure of social relations which prevails in a given time and place, and which is itself represented through various discourses. Thus individuals don’t simply learn languages as abstract skills. On the contrary, everyone is predated by established discourses in which various subjectivities are represented already – for instance, those of class , gender , nation, ethnicity, age, family and individuality. We establish and experience our own individuality by ‘inhabiting’ numbers of such discursive subjectivities (some of which confirm each other; others however coexist far from peacefully). The theory of discourse proposes that individuality itself is the site, as it were, on which socially produced and historically established discourses are reproduced and regulated. Once the general theoretical notion of discourse has been achieved, attention turns to specific discourses in which socially established sense is encountered and contested. These range from media discourses like television and news, to institutionalized discourses like medicine, literature and science. Discourses are structured and interrelated; some are more prestigious, legitimated and hence ‘more obvious’ than others, while there are discourses that have an uphill struggle to win any recognition at all. Thus discourses are power relations. It follows that much of the social sense-making we’re subjected to – in the media, at school, in conversation –is the working through of ideological struggle between discourses: a good contemporary example is that between the discourses of (legitimated, naturalized) patriarchy and (emergent, marginalized) feminism. Textual analysis can be employed to follow the moves in this struggle, by showing how particular texts take up elements of different discourses and articulate them (that is, ‘knit them together’). However, though discourses may be traced in texts , and though texts may be the means by which discursive knowledges are circulated, established or suppressed, discourses are not themselves textual. Further reading For discourse analysis in linguistics see Coulthard and Montgomery (eds) (1981) 看来,对discourse的探讨,可以涉及到社会文化维度的分析。 Fowler把话语视为个人有意识进入意识形态、经验和社会组织的语言工具。 (待续)
个人分类: 读书心得体会 Harvest|6599 次阅读|0 个评论
jinhejiang 2010-12-16 10:49
寒风刺骨好咆哮,春风暖人迟不到。 晨啼鸟儿雀欢悦,落日西晒黄鼠出。 狂人自语话江山,杳人轻舟虎难关。
个人分类: 个人原创|2586 次阅读|0 个评论
cgh 2009-12-8 16:37
《篱笆,女人和狗》据说是一部小说,还拍成了电视剧。我是看影视剧从来不记得情节的,好像看过一点电视剧,但是可以肯定没看完,也没看过原著,现在自然也不了解其故事情节和内涵了。我的标题却是有点盗用其格式的。 话筒,似乎无关乎权利么 哑巴,并不一定只是生理上的 有人闭口不言,却似 有人声不绝耳,却似 有人 猴,有人喜欢耍你,有人说你其实和人很近 人生有很多哲理,懂哲理的人并不一定生活就顺当,只有理解并熟练运用的人才是才人。
个人分类: 杂谈|14 次阅读|0 个评论
phd9992000 2009-10-30 10:21
每年 3 月开人代会的时候,总会听到各行业代表大谈自己行业的重要性、理应得到更多重视,等等。这是屁股决定脑袋的一个例子。通常,屁股决定脑袋的意思是,个人所处位置决定了自己的话语立场。 历史上的很多士即知识分子,代表了社会的良心,脑袋不是由屁股决定的。例如汉三国时代,袁绍手下的谋士、武将们,宁可舍弃身家性命,也要力谏主公的错误决定,所谓燕赵多慷慨悲歌之士,文臣死谏、武将死战,令人扼腕痛惜。他们能够如此,是士的信仰在支撑。相反,如果是屁股决定脑袋,根据自己利益说话,则为世人所不齿。后来的唐代,也出现了很多屁股不决定脑袋的人,例如魏征。 自明清以降,经过朱元璋的狂乱杀戮功臣,以及后来的嘉定三屠,屁股决定脑袋逐渐流行起来。因为人是聪明的动物,是会进化的。看到留发杀、不留发也杀,实在没有办法 ----- 除非人能够不留头。还是攀附权力,屁股决定脑袋来的安全些。命是保住了,士的信仰和精神却没有了,自然士也消亡了。 如此说来,屁股决定脑袋实在是将个人利益达到帕累托最优的选择。这是在外部环境压力下无奈而又聪明的举动。所以有了南京某救人变害人判决后坚决不做好人的感叹,也有了上海钓鱼执法后众口一辞的愤怒谴责。有了屁股决定脑袋的原因,个人自扫门前雪,失却了个人信仰,变成了向钱看,国家也变成了一麻袋土豆的社会。固然可以因此而谴责个人的缺少风骨,但外部环境是否也应当被改变呢? 外部环境的改变,又回到了那句老话,国家兴亡,匹夫有责。
2648 次阅读|2 个评论
胡业生 2009-4-1 15:52
个人分类: 他山之石|2204 次阅读|3 个评论

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