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ASIS&T 2010年会更多关注受控词表和分类表
xuechunxiang 2010-8-30 16:59
ASIST2010年会将于10月份在匹兹堡大学召开(http://www.asis.org/asist2010 /index.html),这次会议的主题是:Navigating Streams in an Information Ecosystem。从会议的seminar和workshop以及要求的keynotes来看,受控词表和分类法仍然是今年的焦点,此外还涉及信息检索和人机交互。 5个seminar,其中前两个是基于SKOS的受控词表构建与相关软件培训,第三和第四是关于分类工具和分类表设计的,第五个是关于意义建构的,涉及人机交互领域: (1)SKOS-2-HIVE: Part 1: Introductory Session: SKOS-2-HIVE (2)SKOS-2-HIVE: Part 2: Implementing HIVE (3)Taxonomy Tools: Requirements and Capabilities (4)Getting Started with Business Taxonomy Design (5)Sense-Making Methodology Interviewing Tutorial: Approaches for Research, Practice, Pedagogy, and Design 此外,workshop中也涉及了分类法研究与实践的。 * What in the World are We Talking About? Info Needs, Seeking And Use: Key Concepts: Convergences And Divergences - The Differences That Definitions Make in Core Concepts (SIGs SI USE) Organizers: Brenda Dervin, Howard Rosenbaum and Christine Urquhart * Defining the Limits of Classification Research Practice (SIG CR) Speakers: Diane Neal, Megan Winget, Molly Tighe, Grant Campbell, Joe Tennis, Abby Blachly * Assessing Research Data Needs at Your Institutiom (SIG DL) Speakers: Barrie Hayes, Susan Wells Parham, Jake Carlson, Brian Westra * Current Research and Thinking in Image Analysis, Descriptions, and Systems (SIG VIS) Speakers: Abby Goodrum, Samantha Hastings, Corinne Jorgensen, Krystyna Matusiak, Elaine Menard, Diane Neal, Brian O'Connor, Abebe Rorissa, Jaime Snyder * Intercultural Information Ethics in the Global Information Ecosystem: Opportunities and Challenges (SIG III) Speakers: Dennis Ocholla, Soraj Hongladarom, Rafael Capurro, Mohammed Aman, Thomas Froehlich, Toni Carbo (moderator) *Educating Information Professionals Around the World (SIGs III ED) Speakers: Gwen Alexander, Alexander Arbuthnot, Gail Bonath, Pascal Calarco, Anne Caputo, Rumi Graham, Guoqiu Li, Ann Prentice, Yukiko Sakai, Nancy Roderer (moderator) 这些能否说明受控和规范语言仍是信息组织与检索领域当前发展的不二法门呢?
个人分类: 学海泛舟|5403 次阅读|3 个评论
edisonlou 2010-5-9 18:39
汉英林学名词(1989) 3p 抽样||sampling with probability proportional to prediction, 3p sampling H因子||H factor PVC 贴面||PVC film overlay Z因子||Z factor 木方||flitch 活化炉||activating oven 撬||logging sledge, sled; 俗称 爬犁。 索道||skyline, cableway 索道集材||skyline yarding, suspended cable yarding 索道运材||cableway hauling 出材量||merchantable volume 齿料||tooth setting 河道整治||floating channel realignment 液压起重臂||hydraulic log loading boom 拌胶机||blender 干燥机||chip dryer 板材||panel 采伐机械||felling machinery 采伐联合机||forest harvesting combine, tree harvester; 完成伐木和其它一种或多种伐区作业的多功能自行式机械的总称。 采运机械||logging machinery; 又称木材生产机械。 采运机械化||logging mechanization 采运机械系统||logging machine system 干形 ||stem form 橙油||orange oil, sweet orange oil 造林||afforestation 交配室||nuptial chamber 海松酸||pimaric acid, dextropimaric acid 出材量||mill run 原产地||provenance, seed source; 又称种源。 三北防护林||Three North protection forest; 指我国东北西部、华北、西北地区的防护林体系。 ●儿茶素||gallocatechin ●酸||gallic acid; 又称五倍子酸。 ●望塔||lookout tower ●烯||limonene ●子单宁||Chinese tannin; 又称五倍子单宁。 纤维素||-cellulose 纤维素||-cellulose 纤维素||-cellulose 阿福豆素||afzelechin 阿拉伯半乳聚糖||arabinogalactan 阿拉伯胶||gum arabic 阿拉伯葡糖醛酸木聚糖||arabinoglucuronoxylan 矮林||coppice forest 矮林作业||coppice method 矮槲寄生||dwarf mistletoe 鞍座||saddle set, intermediate support 安息香树胶||gum benzoin 暗销||dowel pin 拔根机||stump extractor 白度||brightness 白腐||white rot 白蜡虫||white wax insect, pe-la insect 白泥||mud 白水||white water 白炭||white charcoal 白液||white liquor 白蚁||termite 白蚁道||termite runway 柏木脑||cedrol 柏木油||cedar oil 摆锯||swing saw 斑腐||mottled rot 板边欠厚||dubbing 板材||board 板坯横截锯||flying cut-off saw 板皮||slab 板条||strip 板英尺原木板积表||board-foot log rule 伴生树种||associated tree species 半成材||shop lumber 半干法||semi-dry process 半固定沙丘||semifixed dune 半化学浆||semi-chemical pulp 半环孔材||semi-ring-porous wood 半机械浆||semi-mechanical pulp 半浆||half stuff 半具缘纹孔 ||half bordered pit 半漂浆||partly bleach pulp 半乳葡甘露聚糖||galactoglucomannan 半散孔材||semi-diffuse porous wood 半纤维素||hemicellulose 半硬质纤维板||semi-hard board 半游离状打浆||semi-fast beating 半圆材||half-round wood 半圆饰||bead and reel 半致死剂量||lethal dosage 50%, LD50 胞壁物质||cell wall substance 胞间层||middle lamella 包歼法||containning method; 又称封闭法。 剥皮机||debarker 剥蚀||denudation 薄壁组织||parenchyma 薄壁组织细胞||parenchyma cell 薄木贴面||veneer overlay 暴发性火||blow-out 背板||back veneer 贝壳杉胶||kauri gum 贝壳杉油||kauri oil 被压木||suppressed tree 崩岗||collapsing hill 崩塌||collapse 绷索||guy line 庇荫树||shade tree 闭合陈化时间||closed assembly time 避心下锯法||side cut 边材||sapwood 边材腐朽||sap rot 编排||rafting, booming 编排机||rafting machine 标准采伐量||standard cut 标准木||sample tree; 又称样木。 标准收获表||normal yield table 表●儿茶素||epigallocatechin 表板||face veneer 表层破穿||show through 表儿茶素||epicatechin 表壳脑醇酸||epilaksholic acid 表裂||surface check 表面结合强度||surface bonding strength 表面硬化||casehardening 表紫胶壳脑酸||epilaccishelbolic acid 别墅||villa 濒危种||theratened species, endangered species 冰雪滑道||snow chute 病虫害综合治理||integrated pest management 播种苗||tree seedling; 又称实生苗。 播种造林||seeding,direct seeding; 又称直播造林。 拨料||briar dressing, spring set 补充营养||supplemental nutrition 补充主伐||supplemental final cut, relogging 补节||patching 补节机||patcher 补块毛糙||rough patch 补烧||reburn 补植||reinforcement planting 不规则式||informal style, irregular style 不透明度||opacity 步石||stepping stone 裁边锯||edger; 又称齐边机。 材面接合||face joint 材种||log assortment, log type 采伐带||cutting strip 采伐单元||cutting unit 采伐迹地||cutting blank, cut-over area 采伐迹地清理||slash disposal 采伐季节||felling season 采伐计划||cutting plan 采伐列区||cutting series, felling series 采伐剩余物||logging slash 采伐剩余物利用机械||slash utilization machinery 采伐顺序||cutting sequence 采伐限额||cutting limit, cutting quota 采伐许可证||felling licence 采伐作业||logging operation 采穗圃||cutting orchard 采脂||wood tapping 采种||seed collection 草地||turf 草皮泄水道||grass waterway 草坪||lawn 草坪植物||lawn plant 草田轮作||rotation of crops and grass 侧方遮荫||side shading 侧沟||side gutter 侧沟角||side gutter angle 侧面火||flank fire; 又称火翼。 侧面扑火||flank fire suppression 侧面图||side view 侧弯||crook, spring, edge bend 侧向侵蚀||lateral erosion 测高器||hypsometer 测皮器||bark gauge 测树器||dendrometer 层积||stacked volume 层积材||laminated wood 层楞||open pile, layered pile 插条机||cutting planter 插条造林||planting by cuttings 产地试验||provenance trial; 又称种源试验。 常绿阔叶林||evergreen broadleaved forest 常态侵蚀||normal erosion 常压纤维分离||atmospheric refining 常压纤维分离机||atmospheric refiner 长厚比||slenderness ratio 长宽比||aspect ratio 长条薄片刨花||strand 长网成型机||fourdrinier machine 长叶环烯||longicyclene 长叶松酸||palustric acid 长叶烯||longifolene 长叶蒎烷||longipinane 长叶蒎烯||longipinene 车辆材||timber for vehicle 沉淀 焦油||precipitated wood tar 沉木||deadhead, sweep wood 沉香木油||agilawood oil 沉园||sunken garden; 又称凹园。 陈化时间||assembly time 城市林业||urban forestry 城市绿地系统规划||urban green system planning 成材||lumber 成年材||mature wood, adult wood; 又称成熟材。 成熟林||mature forest 成型机||forming machine, former 成型胶合板||moulded plywood 成型铣床||molder 承载索||skyline 齿形饰||dentil, dentels 尺寸稳定性||dimensional stability 充脂材||resin-soaked wood, light wood; 对树木注射药物使之充脂。 冲洞||punching 冲洞机||puncher 虫白蜡||Chinese insect wax 虫眼||pinhole, wormhole 抽心||splinter pulling 抽心下锯法||box heart sawing 臭松油||apinclum, apinol 初期 害虫||primary insect 初期腐朽||incipient decay 初始采伐量||initial harvest 出材量表||timber assortment table 出材率||out-put, percentage of cut-turn 除灌机||scrub-clearing machine 除湿干燥||dehumidification 除蘖||tiller cutting 处理性||treatability 串坡||ground sliding, ball hooting 床作||bedding culture 创伤树脂道||traumatic resin duct, traumatic resin canal 锤式碎木机||hammer mill 纯林||pure forest 纯收益最大成熟||maturity of the highest income, maturity of maximum forest net income 刺槐定||robinetinidin 次林层||substorey 次期 害虫||secondary insect 次生林||secondary forest 丛林火||bush fire 丛枝病||witch's broom 丛植||bunch planting 粗放林业||extensive forestry 粗腐殖质||raw humus, mor 粗结构||coarse texture 粗锯材||unwrought timber 翠雀定||delphinidin 搭挂树||lodged tree, hang-up tree 打浆||beating 打浆比压||specific beating pressure 打浆度||degree of beating 打枝-造材-归堆机||delimber-bucker-buncher 打枝||trimming, branching 打枝机||delimber 大火控制||large fire control 大火团||mass fire 大面积皆伐||large area clearcutting 大片刨花||flake 大片刨花板||flake board 带播||belt sowing 带锯||band saw 带皮材积||volume outside bark 带皮直径||diameter outside bark, DOB 带土栽植||ball planting 带线||zone line 带状耕作||strip cropping 带状渐伐||strip-shelterwood cutting 带状皆伐||clearcutting in strips 带状烧除||strip burning 带状整地||strip soil preparation 单板层积材||laminated veneer lumber, LVL 单板带||veneer band 单板干燥||veneer drying 单板干燥机||veneer dryer 单板剪切机||veneer clipper 单板拼接||veneer splicing 单板拼接机||veneer splicer 单层林分||uniform stand 单宁||tannin; 又称鞣质。 单宁酸||tannic acid 单漂流送||river driving, floating; 俗称赶羊流送。 单纹孔 ||simple pit 倒木||blow-down, dead-and-down 导管||vessel 导管分子||vessel member, vessel element 导脂器||apron, gutter 道路防护林||road protection forest 等高草带||contour sod strip 等高耕作||contour tillage 等外材||cull 低得率浆||low yield pulp 低密度刨花板||low-density particleboard 低压短周期工艺||low pressure short cycle processing 地被植物||ground cover plant 地表火||surface fire 地带性顶极||zonal climax, primary climax 地况调查||description of locality 地区收获表||local yield table 地位级||site class 地位指数||site index; 又称立地指数。 地下灌溉||sub-irrigation; 又称心土灌溉。 地下火||ground fire 地形改造||topography reform 地形设计||topographical design 点播||spot sowing 点抽样||point sampling 点状用火||spot burning 电动链锯||electric powered chain saw; 简称电锯。 电视探火||television detection 电柱||telephone poles 钓樟油||kuromoji oil 调温调湿||conditioning 调整期||regulation period, regulatory period 跌水||cascade 跌水侵蚀||waterfall erosion 叠芯||overlap 钉接||nailed joint 定量疏伐||quantitative thinning 定期生长量||periodic increment 定向刨花板||oriented strand board, OSB 动物园||zoo 冻拔||frost heaving 冻板道||frozen road 冻裂||frost cleft, frost cracking 冻融侵蚀||freeze-thaw erosion 毒性极限||toxicity limit 毒性试验||toxicity test 杜仲胶||gutta percha 端裂||end check 端铣||end milling 端向切削||end grain cutting 端压法||Boucherie process; 又称树液置换法。 断面密度 ||profile density; 又称剖面密度。 断面图||cross section 断氧灭火||smothering 堆积材积||stacked volume 堆烧||pile burn 钝棱材||waney lumber 多段漂白||multistage bleaching 多酚||polyphenol 多年生溃疡||perennial canker 多伊尔原木板积表||Doyle log rule 儿茶素||catechin 儿童公园||children park 儿童游戏场||children's playground; 又称儿童乐园。 二次循环法||double Rueping process 二氢海松酸||dihydropimaric acid 二氢异海松酸||dihydroisopimaric acid 二氢枞酸||dihydroabietic acid 二元材积表||standard volume table, general volume table 伐倒木||felled tree 伐倒木集材||whole tree logging 伐根||stump 伐根腐朽||stump rot 伐根高||stump height 伐根削片机||stump chipper, stump cutter 伐木-打枝-归堆机||feller-delimber-buncher 伐木-打枝-造材-归堆机||feller-delimber-bucker-buncher 伐木-归堆机||feller-buncher 伐木-集材机||feller-skidder 伐木||felling 伐木场||logging headquarter, logging camp 伐木斧||felling axe 伐木机||feller, felling machine 伐木剪||tree shears 伐木锯||felling saw 伐期收入||final income; 又称主伐收入。 伐前更新||prefelling regeneration 伐区||cutting area 法正林||normal forest, balanced forest 法正林分排列||normal distribution of stand 法正龄级分配||normal age-class distribution, normal age-class arrangement 法正生长量||normal increment 法正收获量||normal yield; 又称法正年伐量。 法正蓄积法||method of regulating yield ; 又称数式法。 法正蓄积量||normal growing stock 芳樟醇||linalool 方材||square 防护成熟||protection maturity 防护带||protective belt 防护林||protection forest 防护林体系||protection forest system 防火带||fire belt 防火封禁季节||close fire-season 防火沟||fire trench 防火犁||fire plow 防火区||fire district 防火站||fire control station 防火障||fire barrier 防火植物带||living fire break 防弯压辊||back-up roller 仿形车床||copying lathe 放卷||unreeling 放卷机||unreeling machine 放牧地||pasture range 菲瑟定||fisetinidin 非地带性顶极||azonal climax 非林地||non-forestry land; 指林区内非林业用地。 非木材人造板||non-wood based panel 飞火||spotting 飞机播种||air seeding, aerial seeding; 简称飞播。 飞机种子撒播机||helicopter-mounted broadcaster 分层||delamination 分等||grading 分根造林||planting by rootcuttings 分级标准木法||class mean sample tree method 分泌细胞||epithelial cell 分丝||devillicate 分殖造林||planting 分蘖造林||planting by tillers 粉蠹||powder-pest beetle, dry wood beetle 封山育林||closing the land for reforestation 蜂窝裂||honeycombing 风景点||scenic spot 风景规划||landscape planning 风景林||amenity forest 风景区||scenic area 风景设计||landscape design 风力灭火机||pneumatic extinguisher 风蚀||wind erosion 风蚀程度||degree of wind erosion 风蚀强度||intensity of wind erosion 缝拼机||stitching machine 缝隙坝||slit dam 缝植法||slit planting, planting in notches 浮雕||embossing 浮油||tall oil 浮油松香||tall oil rosin 抚育采伐||intermediate cutting 覆盖||mulching 复层混交林||stratified mixed stand 复层林分||multi-storied stand 复合板||composite board 附生植物||epiphyte 改良土壤树种||soil improving tree species 改排||rerafting 改性木||improved wood, modified wood 干部腐朽||stem rot; 简称干腐。 干度||dryness 干法||dry-process 干旱||drought 干旱程度||degree of drought 干基腐||butt rot 干裂||check 干馏釜||retort 干流||stemflow 干砌石谷坊||mortarless stone check dam 干曲线||stem curve 干缩||dry shrinkage 干缩比||ratio of tangential to radial shrinkage 干燥基准||drying schedule, kiln schedule 干燥缺陷||drying defect 干燥应力||drying stress 钢丝锯||fret saw 钢丝绳集材拖拉机||cable skidder; 又称索式集材拖拉机。 高得率浆||high yield pulp 高低缝接合||ship-lap joint 高锰酸钾值||K value 高密度刨花板||high-density particleboard 高频干燥||radio-frequency drying, high-frequency drying 高山植物||alpine plant 高温干燥||high-temperature drying 戈壁||gobi 割灌机||brush saw 割面||tapping face 割脂刀||hack 格楞||package pile 格栅坝||horizontal grilled dam 格状沙丘||latticed dune 阁||loft 隔年作业||intermittent working 隔坡梯田||alternation of slope and terrace 根部腐朽||root rot; 简称根腐。 根蘖更新||regeneration from root suckers 更新成熟||regeneration maturity 更新期||regeneration period 更新修剪||renewal pruning 更新营养||regenerative nutrition 工艺成熟||technical maturity; 又称利用成熟。 供料||furnishes; 又称来料。 公园||public park 公园管理||park management 弓弯||bowing 拱桥||arch bridge 沟道防护林||gully erosion control forest 沟垄耕作||furrow and ridge tillage 沟头防护||gully head protection 沟壑密度||gully density 鼓泡||blister 古代侵蚀||ancient erosion 古代园林||ancient garden, historical garden; 又称历史园林。 古典园林||classical garden 古迹||historic site, historic relic 谷坊||check dam 固定苗圃||permanent nursery 固定沙丘||fixed dune 固定样地||permanent sample plot; 又称固定标准地。 固沙造林||dune fixation afforestation 刮 刀||bark shaver 刮 面||bark shaving face 刮光机||scrapper 刮皮||rossing 刮脂||dipping 挂耳||side notching 冠淋||crown wash 观果树木||ornamental fruit trees and shrubs 观赏树木||ornamental trees and shrubs 管胞||tracheid 管孔||pore 灌木林地||shrub land 广义法正林||generalized normal forest; 又称一般法正林。 规定火烧||prescribed burning; 又称计划火烧。 规则式||formal style, regular style 归堆||bunching 辊筒干燥机||roller dryer 辊涂机||roller coater 滚筒砂光机||drum sanding 国际原木板积表||international log rule 国家天然公园||national park 国土整治||land reclamation 国营林场||state owned forest farm 国有林||national forest 国有林区||national forest area 果篱||fruit hedge 过伐||over cut, excessive felling 过热蒸汽干燥||superheated steam drying 过熟林||overmature forest 哈迪网||Hartig net 海排||ocean-going raft 海松二烯||pimaradiene 海松酸型树脂酸||pimaric type acid 海松烷||pimarane 含水率梯度||moisture gradient 旱生树种||xerophilous tree species 汉兹利克公式||Hanzlik's formula 航空材积表||aerial volume table 航空护林||aerial forest fire protection 号锤||marking hammer 号印||log mark 合成樟脑||synthetic camphor 合排||joining rafts 河岸侵蚀||bank erosion 河绠||boom 褐变||brown stain 褐腐||brown rot 黑炭||black charcoal 黑心材||black heart 黑液||black liquor 横河绠||transverse boom 横截||cross cutting 横切面||cross section, transverse section; 又称横截面。 横纹抗剪强度||shear strength perpendicular to grain 横纹抗拉强度||tensile strength perpendicular to grain 横纹抗压强度||compression strength perpendicular to grain 横向切削||transverse-longitudinal cutting 恒续林||continuous forest 红变||red stain 红腐||red rot 红树林||mangrove forest 红外探火仪||infrared fire detector 红心材||red heart 后备长度||bucking allowance 后伐||removal cutting 后固化||postcure 后期腐朽||advanced decay 胡伯尔求积式||Huber's formula; 又称中央断面积求积式。 狐尾锯||drag saw 护岸林||stream bank protection forest 护牧林||pasture protection forest 互惠共生||mutualistic symbiosis 花格子架||trellis 花境||flower border 花篱||flower hedge 花棚架||pergola 花青定||cyanidin 花色素||anthocyanidin 花坛||flower bed 花园||garden 华夫刨花||wafer 华夫刨花板||wafer board 华夫刨花机||waferizer 滑道||chute, slide 滑道集材||chuting 滑坡||landslide, slip 划线下锯||pattern line sawing 化感作用||allelopathy; 又称异种克生。 化学 浆||chemical pulp 化学防治||chemical control 化学灭火||inhibition 化学磨木浆||chemical-ground pulp 化学透光伐||chemical cleaning 环靶性溃疡||target canker 环境绿化||environmental greening 环孔材||ring-porous wood 环裂||ring shake 环阻法||banding 荒地||waste land, wild land 荒漠化||desertification 荒溪侵蚀||torrent erosion 荒溪治理||torrent control 黄酮类化合物||flavonoids 黄烷醇||flavanol 灰板条||lath 回空索||haulback line 回色||color reversion 混交方法||pattern of mixture 混交类型||type of mixture 混交林||mixed forest 活地被物层||ground vegetation 活烧||live burning 活性炭||active carbon, activated carbon 火疤||fire scar 火暴||fire storm 火场型||burn pattern 火烈度||fire severity 火蔓延||fire spread 火强度||fire intensity 火烧迹地||burned area 火生态||fire ecology 火势||fire behavior; 又称火行为。指可然物着火、蔓延、扩大呈现的状态。 火头||fire head 火尾||fire rear 火险||fire danger 火险级||fire danger rating 火险频度||fire frequency 火险期||fire danger season 火险区||fire danger division 火险天气||fire danger weather 火险天气预报||fire weather forecast 火险图||fire risk map 火险指标||fire danger index 火旋风||fire whirl 火焰传播速度||rate of flame spread 火缘||fire edge 货币收获表||money yield table 基础种植||foundation planting 基因资源||genetic resources 机降灭火队||helitack crew 机械疏伐||mechanical thinning 吉丁虫||flatheaded borer 集材||skidding, yarding 集材场||upper landing, forest depot; 又称山上楞场。 集材道||skidding road, skidding trail 集材杆||spar 集材机械||skidding machinery 集材拖拉机||skidder, logging tractor 集成单板||integrated veneer; 又称集成薄木。 集体林||collectively owned forest 集约林业||intensive forestry 集运机||forwarder 挤涂机||extrusion coater 己聚糖||hexosan 纪念公园||memorial park 夹锯||binding, pinching 夹生浆||undercooked pulp 夹心板||sandwich panel 加拿大香胶||Canada balsam 加速侵蚀||accelerated erosion 加楔||wedging 加压纤维分离||pressurized refining 加压纤维分离机||pressurized refiner 假山||artificial hill 假植||heel in 价格生长||price increment; 又称腾贵生长。 价值平分法||value frame work 架杆兜卸机||frame unloader 架杆装车机||A-frame loader 架空可燃物||aerial fuels 架空园||hanging garden; 又称悬园。 坚木栲胶||quebracho extract 间断开沟植树机||intermittent furrow planter 间接扑火||indirect fire suppression 检查法||method of control, control method, check method, examination method; 又称稽核法。 检尺长||length class; 又称长级。 检尺径||diameter class 碱处理||alkaline treatment 碱法浆||alkali pulp 碱法蒸煮||alkaline cooking 碱耗||alkali consumption 碱回收||soda recovery 碱木素||alkali lignin 剪草坪||mowing 剪切||clipping 剪切机||clipper 减反率法||Gentan probability method 键||key 键接||keyed joint 渐伐||shelterwood cutting; 曾用名伞伐。 溅蚀||splash erosion 浆料||stuff 浆砌石谷坊||mortar stone check dam 降雨侵蚀||rainfall erosion 焦●酸||pyrogallic acid 胶斑||glue stain 胶合板||plywood 胶合板材||peeler log, veneer bolt 胶接||glued joint 胶膜 ||film adhesive 胶团||glue ball 交叉楞||cross pile 交错纹理||interlocked grain 交织||interfelting 脚手杆||poles for scaffold 角规||angle gauge 角规常数||basal area factor; 又称断面积系数。 绞盘机||winch 绞盘机集材||high lead yarding 较差法||difference method 接锯机||brazer 皆伐||clear cutting 街道花园||street garden 街道绿地||street green area 街道绿化||street planting 街坊花园||neighbourhood garden 截梢||topping 截头锯||trimmer 节腐||knot rot 节子||knot 解放伐||liberation cutting 金属箔贴面||metal foil overlay 紧度||closeness 进界生长||ingrowth 禁猎区||refuge, wildlife reserve 近熟林||near-mature forest 浸胶 压 木||compreg, compregnated wood 浸胶木||impreg 浸提松节油||steam distilled wood turpentine; 又称木松节油。 浸提松香||steam distilled rosin, wood rosin; 又称木松香。 浸注性||impregnatability 浸渍||dipping 荆树栲胶||wattle extract, mimosa extract 精磨机||refiner 精选树||elite tree 精油||essential oil 精制松香||refined rosin 经济成熟||economical maturity 经济林||non-timber product forest; 培育木材以外的其它林产品为主的森林。 经济蓄积||economic volume 经理期||working plan period; 又称施业期。 经验收获表||empirical yield table; 又称现实收获表。 经营类型||working group, working section, management class; 又称作业级。 经营择伐||management selection cutting, intensive selection cutting 径级择伐||diameter limit selection cutting, extensive selection cutting 径阶||diameter grade, diameter class; 又称径级。 径裂||radial shake 径流系数||runoff coefficient 径切面||radial section 径向下锯法||center sawn 净保持量||net retention 净面材||clear cutting board 居住区公园||residential district park 居住区绿地||residential district green area 居住小区花园||community park 局部分布区产地试验||limited range provenance trial 局部整地||partial soil preparation 聚合松香||polymerized rosin 拒受点||refusal point, virtual refusal 具缘纹孔 ||bordered pit 锯材||sawn timber 锯材原木||saw log 锯机||sawing machine 锯链锉磨机||saw chain filing machine 锯路||saw kerf 锯剖图||sawing pattern 锯切单板||sawn veneer 卷取||reeling 卷丝||curl 卷筒机||reeling machine 绝对形率||absolute form quotient 均匀渐伐||uniform shelterwood cutting 菌根||mycorrhizae 菌根真菌||mycorrhizal fungi 菌圃||fungus garden 开槽机||groover 开槽锯||grooving saw 开放陈化时间||open assembly time 开放性缺陷||open defect 开榫||tenoning 开榫机||tenoner 糠醛||furfural 抗旱保墒耕作||storing water tillage 抗张强度||tensile strength 柯黎勒酸||chebulinic acid 柯子酸||chebulic acid 壳脑醛酸||jalaric acid 可变密度收获表||variable density yield table 可变样地法||variable plot method 可燃物含水量||fuel moisture content 可燃物类型||fuel type 克-贝纤维素||Cross and Bevan cellulose 克拉夫特分级法||Kraft's tree classification 克拉松木素||Klason lignin 刻槽||impression 刻痕||incising 垦复||improvement of stand condition; 指深松土、压青、修枝、除蘖等综合抚育,主要用于经济林。 坑道系统||gallery pattern system 坑木||pit props, mine timber 空细胞法||empty-cell process 空心细木工板||hollow-core board 孔口拦沙坝||sediment storage dam with hole 枯立木||snag, dead standing tree; 又称站杆。 枯梢病||die-back 枯损量||mortality 枯损模型||mortality model 枯枝落叶层||litter 块状渐伐||group-shelterwood cutting 块状整地||spot soil preparation 快速蒸煮||high speed cooking 宽带砂光机||wide-belt sanding 狂燃火||conflagration fire 框锯||frame saw 捆木索||chocker 扩散法||diffusion process 扩散洗涤||diffuser washing 扩展性溃疡||diffuse canker 阔叶林||broad leaved forest 阔叶树材||hardwood 阔叶树害虫||pests of broadleaf trees 蓝变||blue stain; 又称青变。 拦木架||catching trestle 拦沙坝||sediment storage dam 拦水沟埂||retaining ditch and embankment 缆车道||cable-railroad 缆索起重机||cable crane 廊||gallery 劳动生产率最高成熟||maturity of largest labor productivity 涝池||pond 雷击火||lightning fire 棱镜角规||prism, optical wedge; 又称光楔。 楞堆||log pile, log stack 楞区||log pile area, stacking area 冷杉醇||abienol 冷杉酸||abieninic acid 冷杉香胶||abies balsam 篱架式整枝||espalier 离缝||gap, open joint 理财成熟||financial maturity; 又称财政成熟。 里克求积式||Riecker's formula 栗木栲胶||chestnut extract 利用率法||utilization percent method, rational method; 曾用名学理法。 立地||site 立地分类||site classification 立地类型||site type 立地评价||site evaluation 立面图||elevation 立木||standing tree 立木材积表||tree volume table 立木度||stocking percent 立木腐朽||decay of living tree 立木蓄积 ||growing stock 粒胶||seed lac 连年生长量||current annual increment 连年作业||annual working, current yield system 连续开沟植树机||continuous furrow planter 链锯||chain saw 链式输送机||chain conveyor 量尺||measuring for bucking 裂环||split ring 裂纹||craze 猎具||hunting tackles 林 地||forestry land; 与非林地相对应。 林班||compartment 林产化学产品||forest chemical products, silvichemicals; 简称林化产品。 林产化学加工学||chemical processing of forest products 林场||forest farm 林场经营档案||management archives of forest farm 林道||forest road 林道密度||forest road density 林道网||forest road network 林地清理机械||site preparation machinery 林地土壤改良||forest land amelioration 林分||stand 林分表||stand table 林分出材率||outturn of stand 林分调查因子||stand description factors 林分改造||stand improvement 林分更新方程||stand renewal equation 林分结构||stand structure 林分经营法||management by compartment; 又称林分经济法。 林分密度||stand density 林分密度控制图||stand density control diagram 林分密度指数||stand density index 林分起源||origin of stand 林分生长量||stand growth 林分收获模型||stand yield model 林分信息||stand information 林分质量||stand quality; 又称林位。 林分组成||stand composition 林副产品||forest by-product 林冠层||forest canopy 林火||forest fire 林火等级||forest fire size class 林火管理||forest fire management 林火破坏力||forest fire destructive power 林火探测||forest fire detection 林火通讯系统||forest fire communication system 林火巡护员||fire patrol 林火预测预报||forest fire prognosis and prediction 林火预防||forest fire prevention 林火种类||kinds of forest fire 林价||stumpage price, forest value; 又称立木价。 林况调查||stand description 林况公式||formula of forest condition 林龄||stand age 林龄空间||age-class space 林龄向量||age-class vector 林龄转移概率||age-class-transition probability 林木分级||tree classification 林木改良||forest tree improvement 林木清单文件||tree list file 林木生长预测系统||tree growth projection system 林木信息||tree information 林木选择||selection of tree 林木引种||introduction of exotic species 林木育种学||forest tree improvement, forest tree breeding 林木种子||forest tree seed 林区公路||forest highway 林相||forest form 林相图||stock map, stand map 林型||forest type 林学||forest science, forestry 林业||forestry 林业法规||forestry regulation 林业工程学||forest engineering 林业机械||forestry machinery 林业计划体系||forestry planning system 林业经济||forest economy 林业经济学||forest economics 林业局||forest enterprise; 指企业局。 林业局总体设计||overall project of forest enterprises 林业史||forestry history 林业政策||forest policy 林用龙门起重机||forestry gantry crane 林用装卸桥||forestry overhead travelling crane 林中空地||clearing 林种||forest category 临时苗圃||temporary nursery 临时样地||temporary sample plot; 又称临时标准地。 鳞片状侵蚀||squamose erosion 淋失||leaching 淋涂机||curtain coater 淋洗侵蚀||leaching erosion 菱形变形||diamonding 龄级||age class 龄级比例轮伐面积||proportionate area by age class 龄级表||age-class table 龄级法||age class method 龄级期||age-class period 龄阶||age gradation 龄组||age group 硫酸盐浆||kraft pulp, sulfate pulp 硫酸盐木素||kraft lignin 硫酸盐松节油||sulfate turpentine 留弦||holding wood, leave 瘤锈病||gall rust 流动沙丘||active dune 流沙||shifting sand 流域管理||watershed management 柳谷坊||willow pile check dam 龙脑||borneol 楼||storied building 漏窗||leaking window 漏刨||skip-in-planing 路牙||curbstone; 又称沿石。 氯化木素||chlorinated lignin 氯化松香||chlorinated rosin 滤水性||drainability 绿地||green area, green space 绿地覆盖率||green cover percentage 绿化||greening 绿泥||dregs 绿液||green liquor 绿洲||oasis 轮尺||caliper, diameter-gauge 轮伐期||rotation, regulatory rotation age 螺钉接合||screw joint 螺旋纹理||spiral grain 罗汉松烷||podocarpane 罗勒烯||ocimene 裸根苗||bareroot seedling 落叶阔叶林||deciduous broadleaved forest 落叶松栲胶||larch extract 落针病||needle cast 马来松香||maleated rosin 埋条造林||planting by layerings; 又称埋干造林。 满细胞法||full-cell process 芒果胶||mango gum 毛板下锯法||through-and-through sawing 毛边材||unedged lumber 毛布面||felt side 毛刺||fuzzy grain, woolly grain 毛方||cant 毛松香||barras 毛毡花坛||carpet bed 每木调查||tally; 又称每木检尺。 美国白蛾||American white moth 萌芽更新||regeneration from sprouts 免耕法||no tillage 面层||covering, surface layer 面积控制法||area control method, area regulation method 面积平分法||area frame work, area period method 面蚀||surface erosion 苗床||seedbed 苗木||nursery stock, planting stock 苗木包装||seedling packing 苗木出圃||outplanting 苗木打包机||seedling packing machine 苗木分级||seedling sorting 苗木移植机||seedling transplanter 苗木贮藏||seedling storage 明子||light wood, stump wood 名胜||famous site, tourist interest 模拟 调查数据更新||simulated inventory data updating 磨浆机||attrition mill 磨锯机||saw sharpener 磨木浆||groundwood pulp, mechanical pulp 磨木木素||milled wood lignin 抹头||heading back 母坑道||mother gallery 母树||seed tree 母树林||seed production stand 墓园||cemetery 木板道||plank road, fore-and-aft road 木材||wood 木材败坏||wood deterioration 木材保管||log preservation and management, wood protection in storag 木材保护||wood protection 木材变色||wood stain 木材标准||timber standard, log standard 木材叉车||log fork-lift truck 木材出河||dewatering, hauling up logs from water 木材船运||wood barging 木材的各向异性||anisotropy of wood 木材等级||log grade 木材调拨||log allotment; 又称木材支拨。 木材防腐||wood preservation 木材防腐剂||wood preservative 木材腐朽||wood decay 木材干馏||wood destructive distillation 木材干缩||wood shrinkage 木材干燥||wood drying 木材干燥窑||lumber dry kiln 木材工艺学||wood technology 木材构造||structure of wood, wood structure 木材归楞||piling, stacking, banking 木材过坝||transfer logs over dam 木材花纹||wood figure 木材化学||wood chemistry 木材化学变色||wood chemical stain 木材加工学||wood processing 木材检尺||log scaling 木材陆运||log land transportation 木材贸易||timber trade 木材膨胀||wood swelling; 又称木材润胀。 木材破碎||hogging 木材起重输送机械||log handling and conveying machinery 木材气化||wood gasification 木材切削||wood cutting, wood machining 木材热解||wood pyrolysis 木材蠕变||creep of wood 木材生产||timber production 木材识别||wood identification; 又称木材鉴别。 木材市场||timber market 木材水解||wood hydrolysis 木材水运||log transportation by water 木材炭化||wood carbonization 木材糖||wood sugars 木材提取物||wood extractives 木材卸车||timber unloading 木材学||wood science, wood technology 木材蛀孔害虫||wood boring insect 木材贮存||log storage 木材装车||log loading 木材装载机||log loader 木材综合利用||wood comprehensive utilization 木材阻燃||fire-retarding of wood 木材阻燃剂||wood fire retardant 木醋液||pyroligneous liquor 木段||billet, bolt 木段定心||centering 木段装机||log charging 木酚素||lignan; 又称木脂素。 木粉||wood flour 木蜂||carpenter bee 木腐菌||wood decay fungi 木工车床||lathe 木工机械||wood working machinery, wood processing machine 木工铣床||milling machine 木滑道||timber chute 木浆||wood pulp 木焦油||wood tar 木精||wood spirit; 又称甲醇。 木聚糖||xylan 木捆排运||bundle rafting 木沥青||wood pitch 木煤气||wood gas 木排||raft 木排拖轮||tug boat 木片||chip 木片打包机||chip packing machine 木片风送机||chip blower 木片料仓||chip bin 木片水洗||chip washing 木片运输车||chip van 木片蒸煮||chip steaming 木射线||wood ray, xylem ray 木丝||excelsior, wood wool 木丝刨切||wood wool machining 木素-碳水化合物复合体||lignin-carbohydrate complex 木素||lignin; 又称木质素。 木素分解||lignolysis 木素原体||lignin precursor 木炭||charcoal 木糖||xylose 木糖醇||xylitol 木心||core 木蚁||carpenter ant 木杂酚油||wood creosote 木制品||wooden article 木质部||xylem 木质醇||lignols 木质化||lignification 木质化纤维||lignified fiber 木质人造板||wood-based panel; 简称人造板。 木蠹蛾||carpenter moth 目标林||objective forest 耐寒树种||winter hardy tree species 耐火极限||limit of fire resistance 耐破度||burst 耐揉性||crumpling resistance 耐荫树种||shade-tolerant tree species 耐折度||folding endurance 耐皱性||crease resistance 内热 釜||internal gas-heated retort 内生菌根||endomycorrhiza 内外生菌根||ectendotrophic mycorrhiza 内莰烯||endocamphene 能源林||energy forest 泥流||mudflow 泥沙输移比||sediment delivery ratio, SDR 泥石流||debris flow 泥石流侵蚀||debris flow erosion 拟侵填体||tylosoid 逆铣||up milling, conventional milling 年伐量||annual cut, annual yield 年伐面积||annual coupe, annual cutting area 年轮||annual ring 鸟类保护区||bird sanctuary 鸟瞰图||bird's-eye view 柠檬油||lemon oil 牛顿求积式||Newton's formula 扭曲||twisting, winding 农林复合生态系统||integral agroforestry ecosystem 农田防护林||farmland shelter-belt 排节||raft section 排捆||raft bundle 排运||rafting; 俗称放排。 攀缘植物||climbing plants, twining plants 抛木机||log kicker, log ejecter 刨花板||particle board, chipboard; 又称碎料板。 刨花打磨机||chip grinder 刨花计量||chip metering 刨花模压||particle moulding 刨片||flaking 刨片机||flaker 刨切单板||sliced veneer 刨切机||veneer slicer 跑车||carriage 跑锯材||miss cut lumber 喷胶机||glue sprayer 喷泉||fountain 喷涂机||spraying coater 盆景||penjing, miniature landscape, bonsai 片蚀||sheet erosion 漂白||bleach 漂白浆||bleach pulp 漂白紫胶||bleached lac 漂率||bleachability 拼接||jointing 频压法||alternating pressure process 平板干燥机||plate-press dryer 平分法||frame work method, allotment methods; 又称分期法。 平衡含水率||equilibrium moisture content 平均标准木法||method of mean sample tree, mean tree method 平均木||average tree; 又称中央木。 平均年生长量||mean annual increment 平刨机||planer, surfacer 坡地植树机||steep slope tree planter 坡式梯田||sloping terrace; 又称宽埂梯田。 扑火||fire suppression 铺草皮||turfing 铺地设计||paving design 铺装||felting 铺装机||felting machine 葡聚糖||glucan, glucosan 葡糖醛酸木聚糖||glucuronoxylan 瀑布||water fall 期初蓄积||initial volume 期中数据更新||midcycle data updating 漆酚||laccol 漆蜡||lacquer wax 漆酶||laccase 漆叶栲胶||sumach extract 歧化松香||disproportionated rosin 齐边||trimming 起脊装车法||ridging loading method 起苗||lifting 起苗机||seedling lifter, plant lifter 起苗联合机||seedling harvester 起始剂量值||threshold value 起霜||bloom 气干材||air-seasoned timber 气球集材||balloon logging 气生植物||aerial plant 汽车列车运材||truck-trailer log hauling 汽车运材||log transportation by truck, truck hauling 汽射法||steam blow, vapour injection process; 又称蒸汽喷射法。 汽油动力链锯||gasoline powered chain saw, chain saw; 简称油锯。 牵引索||haul line, main line 浅色松香||pale rosin 枪注法||gun-injection process 墙园||wall garden 强化松香||fortified rosin 乔林||high forest 乔木层||tree stratum 翘曲||warp, warping, distortion 切根机||root cutter 切沟侵蚀||gully erosion 切碎机||cutter mill 切条机||cutting cutter 切削崩痕||chipped grain 切削波纹||raised grain 切削沟痕||torn grain; 又称毛刺沟痕。 窃蠹||furniture beetle, drug store beetle 侵蚀基准面||erosion basis 侵蚀模数||erosion modulus 侵填体||tylosis 轻度火烧||light burn 氢化松香||hydrogenated rosin 清理火场||mopping up 球果采集机||cone harvesting machine 球果采摘机||cone picking machine 球果干燥机||cone kiln 球果破碎机||cone breaker 球果脱粒机||seed extractor 球果锈病||cone rust 球蚜||gall aphid 区分求积||sectional measurement 区公园||district park 区划轮伐法||division into annual coupes 去翅机||dewinger 去劣种子园||rogued seed orchard 去皮材积||volume inside bark 去皮直径||diameter inside bark, DIB 全分布区产地试验||wide range provenance trial 全面用火||broadcast burning 全面整地||overall soil preparation 全烧||clean burn 全树利用||whole-tree utilization, complete-tree utilization 全树削片机||whole-tree chipper 缺胶接合||starve joint 群状配置||group spacing 群状择伐||group-selection cutting 燃烧过程||combustion process 燃烧阶段||combustion phases 燃烧失重率||rate of lostmass after fire 燃烧系统||combustion system 燃烧要素||components of combustion 惹烯||retene 热带雨林||tropical rain forest 热冷槽法||hot and cold bath process 热模法||thermodyn process 热磨机||defibrator 热压||hot pressing 热压机||hot press 人工促进更新||artificial measures promoting regeneration 人工干燥||artificial seasoning 人工更新||artificial reforestation 人工混交林||mixture plantation 人工林||forest plantation, man-made forest 人工区划法||artificial division method 人力集材||manual skidding 人为侵蚀||anthropogenic erosion 人造板机械||wood based panel manufacturing machinery 韧皮部||phloem, bast 韧皮纤维||phloem fiber, bast fiber 日灼||sunscald 融雪侵蚀||snow melt erosion 溶解 焦油||soluble wood tar 容器苗||container seedling 容器苗栽植器||planting tube 容器育苗装播机||filling and sowing equipment for containerset 容器制作机||containerset making machine 容许采伐单位||allowable cutting unit 容许采伐量||allowable cut 柔软性||softness 肉桂 油||cassia oil 肉食植物||carnivorus plant 软腐||soft rot 软浆||soft pulp 软木||cork; 又称栓皮。 软木板||cork board 软木纸||cork sheet 软木砖||cork block 软质纤维板||insulation board 软埝||broad-base terrace 撒播||broadcast sowing 三面下锯法||three-faced sawing 三元材积表||three-way volume table 散孔材||diffuse porous wood 桑寄生||parasite scurrula 森林||forest 森林保护||forest protection 森林保护机械||forest protection machinery 森林病理学||forest pathology 森林采伐||forest harvesting 森林采运||logging 森林采运工程||logging engineering, forest engineering 森林测计学||forest mensuration; 又称测树学。 森林成熟||forest maturity 森林成图||forest mapping 森林抽样调查||forest inventory by using sampling method 森林调查||forest inventory; 又称森林清查。 森林动物||forest animals 森林分布图||forest map 森林抚育机械||forest cultivation machinery 森林腐殖质||forest humus 森林覆盖率||forest coverage, percentage of forest cover 森林改良土壤||amelioration with protection forest 森林工业||forest industry 森林公园||forest park 森林航空调查||forest aerial survey 森林环境||forest environment 森林较利学||forest statics 森林经理调查||forest management inventory; 又称二类调查。 森林经理复查||revision of working plan, revision of forest management plan; 又称森林经营方案的修订。 森林经理规程||forest management rules 森林经理学||forest management 森林经营||forest management 森林经营方案||forest working plan, forest management plan; 又称森林施业案。 森林开发||forest exploitation 森林可及度||accessibility of forest 森林昆虫||forest insect 森林昆虫学||forest entomology 森林利用学||forest utilization 森林苗圃||forest nursery 森林能量平衡||energy equilibrium in forest 森林培育学||silviculture; 又称造林学。 森林评价||forest valuation; 曾用名林价算法。 森林期望价||expectation value of forest 森林气候||forest climate 森林气象学||forest meteorology 森林区划||forest division 森林群落||forest community 森林生态系统||forest ecosystem 森林生态学||forest ecology 森林生物学||forest biology 森林收获模拟模型||forest harvesting simulation model 森林水文||forest hydrology 森林铁路||forest railroad 森林土壤||forest soil 森林土壤学||forest soil science 森林无性更新||vegetative forest regeneration 森林物质循环||mineral cycling in forest, material cycling in forest 森林线||forest line, forest limit; 又称森林界限。 森林消防车||forest fire-fighting caravan 森林效益||forest effect 森林遗传学||forest genetics 森林永续利用||sustained yield of forest; 又称森林永续收获。 森林游乐||forest recreation 森林种子更新||forest regeneration from seeds 森林转移稳定性||forest transition stability 森林资源||forest resources 森林资源代码||forest resource code 森林资源档案||forest resource archives, forest resource record 森林资源连续清查||continuous forest inventory 森林资源评价系统||forest resources evaluation system 森林资源数据库||forest resource data base 森林资源信息系统||forest resource information system 森林作业法||silvicultural system 森铁机车||logging locomotive, dinkey 森铁台车||forestry railroad car, disconnected truck 森铁运材||forest railroad transportation 砂光||sanding 砂光机||sanding machine 沙漠||desert 沙漠化||desertization 沙丘||dune 沙丘链||chain of sand dunes 沙障||checkerboard protection 筛选机||screen, sieve machine 杉木油||san-mou oil 山苍子油||litsea cubeba oil, litsea citrata oil 山达海松酸||Sandaracopimaric acid 山洪排导工程||torrential flood drainage works 山洪侵蚀||torrential flood erosion 山坡防护林||slope protection forest 山坡截流沟||drainage ditch on slope 山坡水土保持工程||technical measures of soil and water conservation on slope 山水园||mountain and water garden 商品材||merchantable log 上 口||felling cut; 俗称上楂。 上层疏伐||crown thinning, thinning from above 上方遮荫||overhead shading 梢头木||topwood 烧碱法浆||soda pulp 射线管胞||ray tracheid 伸长率||tensile stretch 深耕法||deep ploughing 深栽钻孔机||deep planting auger 渗出性||leachability 生材||green wood 生长函数||growth function 生长量法||growth method 生长率||growth percentage 生长轮||growth ring 生长模型||growth model 生长应力||growth stress 生长锥||increment borer 生漆||Chinese lacquer; 又称大漆。 生物地理群落||biogeocoenosis 生物防治||biological control 生物圈||biosphere 生物圈保护区||biosphere reserve 生物资源||living resources 盛燃时期||burning period 施胶||glue blending, sizing 施业区||working unit, working circle 湿地松酸||elliotinoic acid 湿法||wet-process 湿润性||wettability 湿生树种||hygrophilous tree species 湿稳性||hygro-stability 石假山||rockery 石竹烯||caryophyllene 食菌小蠹||ambrosia beetle 食叶害虫||defoliator 实积||solid content 实际收获表||actual yield table 实楞||solid pile, close pile 实生苗种子园||seedling seed orchard 实体木材||solid wood; 简称实木。 实验形数||experimental form factor 适地适树||matching species with the site 室内花园||indoor garden, house garden 室内植物||house plant, indoor plant 收获表||yield table; 又称生长过程表。 收获调整法||method of yield regulation 收获预测||yield forecast, yield prediction 收漂工程||booming engineering 受光伐||light cutting 受脂器||tin, cup 输沙量||sediment discharge 疏伐||thinning 疏伐强度||thinning intensity 疏剪||thinning out 疏林地||open forest land 树||brood tree 树病学||tree-pathology 树丛||grove 树蜂||horntail 树干材积||stem volume 树干解析||stem analysis 树高||tree height 树高级立木材积表||height class volume table 树高曲线||height curve, diameter-height curve 树冠火||crown fire 树冠截留||crown interception 树冠竞争因子||crown competition factor 树冠烧焦||crown scorch 树胶道||gum duct, gum canal 树篱修剪机||hedge cutter 树木护罩喷雾器||tree-guard sprayer 树木生理学||tree physiology 树木提取物||tree extractives 树木挖掘机||tree balling machine 树木线||timber line; 又称树木界限。 树木修补||tree surgery 树木学||dendrology 树木移植机||tree transplanting machine, tree spade 树木育种||tree breeding 树木园||arboretum 树木造型||topiary; 又称绿雕塑。 树木造型艺术||topiary art 树皮||bark 树皮率||percent of bark 树脂道||resin duct, resin canal 树脂囊||pitch pocket 树脂酸||resin acid 树脂条纹||pitch streak 树脂障碍||pitch trouble 树种代码||species code 树种选择||choice of tree species 数量成熟||quantitative maturity 数式平分法||formula method of periods by area and volume combined 衰退病||decline disease 双扩散法||double-diffusion process 双戊烯||dipentene; 又称松油精。 双戊烯树脂||dipentene resin 双因素法||two-factor method, two-way method 双真空法||double vacuum process 双蒎烯||dipinene 水筏道||rafting channel 水合萜烯||terpene hydrate 水滑道||wet chute, flume 水化度||degree of hydration 水化纤维素||hydrated cellulose 水窖||water cellar 水解单宁||hydrolysable tannin 水解类栲胶||hydrolysable tannin extract 水解木素||hydrolytic lignin 水库防护林||reservoir protection forest 水泥木丝板||wood wool cement board 水泥刨花板||cement particle board 水平沟||horizontal ditch, level trench 水平阶||level bench 水平梯田||bench terrace 水芹烯||phellandrene 水禽保护区||waterfowl refuge 水上作业场||boomage 水生植物||aquatic plant 水蚀||water erosion 水蚀程度||degree of water erosion 水蚀强度||intensity of water erosion 水损失||water loss 水土保持措施||soil and water conservation measures 水土保持耕作措施||soil and water conservation tillage measures 水土保持工程学||soil and water conservation engineering 水土保持工作条例||Act of soil and water conservation 水土保持规划||soil and water conservation planning 水土保持林||soil and water conservation forest 水土保持林草措施||forest-grass measures for soil and water conservation 水土保持区划||soil and water conservation regionalization 水土保持效益||soil and water conservation benefits 水土保持学||soil and water conservation 水土流失||soil and water losses; 在水力、风力、重力的作用下,山丘及风沙区水土资源和土地生产力的破坏和损失。它包括 水线||dry line 水源涵养林||water conservation forest 水资源||water resource 顺风火||head fire 顺河绠||longitudinal boom 顺纹抗剪强度||shear strength parallel to grain 顺纹抗拉强度||tensile strength parallel to grain 顺纹抗压强度||compression strength parallel to grain 顺铣||down milling, climb milling 斯克里布纳原木板积表||Scribner log rule 撕裂||tearing 撕裂度||tear strength 死地被物||forest floor; 又称林褥。 死亡木||dead tree 四面下锯法||four-faced sawing 四旁植树||four-side tree planting; 指路旁、水旁、村旁、宅旁的植树。 四氢枞酸||tetrahydroabietic acid 饲料酵母||fodder yeast, feed yeast 松材线虫||pine wood nematode 松干蚧||Matsumura pine scale 松根油||pine root oil 松焦油||pine tar 松节油||turpentine 松紧式索道||slack line system 松毛虫||pine caterpillars 松散纹理||loosened grain 松突圆蚧||pine greedy scale 松香||rosin, colophony 松香胺||rosin amine 松香色级||color grades of rosin 松香酸||rosin acid 松香盐||rosin salt 松香油||rosin oil, retinol 松香腈||rosin nitrile 松香酯||rosin ester 松叶酸||pinifolic acid 松油||pine oil 松油醇||terpineol; 又称萜品醇。 松针油||pine needle oil 松脂||pine oleoresin, pine gum 松脂酚||pinoresinol; 又称松脂素。 速测镜||relascope 速生丰产林||fast-growing and high-yield plantation 速行火||running fire 塑合木||wood plastic composite 溯源侵蚀||headward erosion 酸法蒸煮||acid cooking 髓斑||pith fleck 髓心||pith 碎料||particle 碎木机||hog ; 又称粉碎机。 缩合类单宁||condensed tannin 缩合类栲胶||condensed tannin extract 索道绞盘机||yarder, skyline winch 索具||rigging 索式输送机||cable conveyor 索系||cable system 塔||pagoda 塔里夫材积表||Tarif table; 塔里夫材积表与一元材积表近似,Tarif源于阿拉伯语,最初应用于检查法。 台||terrace 台地园||terrace garden 台榭||terraced building 太阳能干燥||solar drying 探火热象仪||thermal imaging system for fire detecting 炭化长度||char length 糖醛酸||uronic acid 桃胶||peach gum 特别危险地段||area of special risk 特有种||endemic species 特种用途林||forest for special use 梯田||terrace 梯田埂造林||terrace ridge afforestation 体育公园||sports park 天际线||skyline 天牛 ||roundheaded borer 天牛||longhorn beetle 天然纪念物||natural monument 天然林||natural forest 天然木素||native lignin 天然树脂||natural resin 天然纤维||native fiber 条播||strip sowing, drill sowing 贴面||overlay 亭||pavilion 挺度||stiffness 通气孔||ventilation hole 通用土壤流失方程式||universal soil loss equation, USLE 桐油||tung oil 同龄林||evenaged forest 筒蠹||timber beetle 偷猎||poaching 头木作业||pollard method 透冠雨||throughfall 透光伐||cleaning, release cutting 透胶||bleed-through 透入度||penetrability; 又称透入性。 透榫||through tenon 突缘饰||nosing 涂布||coating 涂胶||glue spreading 涂胶机||glue spreader, glue coater 涂饰||finishing, coating 土崩||earth fall 土地期望价||land expectation value 土地资源||land resource 土耳其●子单宁||Turkish gallotannin 土方工程||earth work 土滑道||dirt chute 土壤保持||soil conservation 土壤抗冲性||soil anti-scouribility 土壤抗蚀性||soil anti-erodibility 土壤流失量||soil loss amount 土壤侵蚀||soil erosion 土壤侵蚀类型||soil erosion type 土壤养分流失||loss of soil nutrient 土炭窑||earth kiln 推河||dumping, watering, launching 推河楞场||launching site 推树机||tree dozer 推移质||bed load 拖拉机集材||tractor skidding 脱氢枞酸||dehydroabietic acid 脱色紫胶片||decolorized shellac 挖根犁||root plow 挖坑机||earth auger 挖穴式植树机||automatic injection planter 瓦形弯||cupping 外来植物||exotic plant 外生菌根||ectomycorrhiza 完满立木度||fully stocked, fully stocking percent 完全调整林||fully regulated forest 晚材||late wood, summer wood 万能圆锯||radial-arm saw 网带干燥机||wire belt dryer 望点||Pressler reference point 望高法||Pressler method 望远速测镜||tele-relascope 威氏模压法||Werzalit process 微薄木||micro-veneer 微波干燥||microwave drying 微晶纤维素||microcrystalline cellulose 微纤丝||microfibril 桅杆材||mast timber 围尺||diameter tape; 又称直径卷尺。 围猎||hunt units 伪年轮||false ring 卫生伐||sanitation cutting 卫星探火||fire detection by satellite remote sensing 文化公园||cultural park 纹孔||pit 纹孔闭塞||pit aspiration 纹孔道||pit canal 纹孔环||pit annulus 纹孔口||pit aperture, orifice 纹孔腔||pit cavity 纹孔塞||torus, pit torus 纹孔室||pit chamber 纹孔缘||pit border 握索器||clip, clamp 乌桕油||Chinese tallow 屋顶花园||roof top garden 无车立柱装车法||loading without car stake 无疵木材||clear wood 无定形纤维素||amorphous cellulose 无动力索道||gravity skyline system 无林地||non-stocked land 无屑切削||chipless cutting 无性系测定||clonal test 无性系种子园||clonal seed orchard 五倍子||Chinese gall, Chinese gallnut 五倍子虫||Chinese gall aphid 戊聚糖||pentosan 西马林求积式||Simalian's formula; 又称平均断面积求积式。 吸墨性||ink absorption 吸湿性||hygroscopicity 吸着水||bound water; 又称结合水。 稀有种||rare species 溪||stream 喜光树种||intolerant tree species; 曾用名阳性树种。 喜温树种||thermophilous tree species 铣削车床||shaping lathe 细班||subplot 细胞壁||cell wall 细胞腔||cell lumen, cell cavity 细腐殖质||mild humus, mull 细沟侵蚀||rill erosion 细浆||screened pulp 细结构||fine texture 细裂||hair crack, hair check 细木工板||lumber-core board, block board 细小可燃物||fine fuels 下 口||undercut; 俗称下楂。 下层疏伐||low thinning, thinning from below 下脚料||offcuts 下木层||undergrowth 下木栽植||underplanting 下种伐||seed cutting 先锋树种||pioneer 纤丝||fibril 纤维板||fiber board 纤维饱和点||fiber saturation point 纤维分级||fiber classification 纤维分离||defibration, fiberizing 纤维精磨||fiber refining 纤维刨花板||fiber particleboard 纤维束||fiber bundle 纤维素||cellulose 纤维素醚类||cellulose ethers 纤维素纤维||cellulose fiber 纤维素衍生物||cellulose derivatives 纤维素酯类||cellulose esters 弦切面||tangential section 弦向下锯法||plain sawing, flat sawing 现代侵蚀||recent erosion 现代园林||modern garden 现实林||real forest, actual forest 陷穴侵蚀||sinking hole erosion 陷阱||trap 线抽样||line sampling 线角||moulding 线状侵蚀||linear erosion 香叶烯||myrcene 箱体成型法||collipress process 乡村林业||rural forestry 乡土树种||indigenous tree species, native tree species 详细设计||design in detail 橡●宁酸||valoninic acid 橡●酸||valoneaic acid 橡●酸二内酯||valoneaic acid dilactone 橡●栲胶||valonia extract 橡●鞣花素酸||valolaginic acid 硝化木素||nitrolignin 硝酸纤维素||nitrocellulose 削边机||chipping edger 削度表||taper table 削片-锯解联合机||chipping headrig 削片||chipping 削片压痕||chip marks, bruising 销接||dowelling joint 销子||pin 小班||subcompartment 小班调查||in-place inventory, subcompartment investigation 小班经营法||subcompartment management method; 又称小班经理法。 小方材||butten 小复查||intermediate revision 小径木||undersized log, small wood 小块状皆伐||clearcutting in patches 小流域综合治理||small watershed management 小头直径||top diameter 小茴香油||fennel oil 小蠹||bark beetle 小蠹坑道||gallery 肖氏打浆度||degree Schopper-Riegler, S.R. 楔形栽植||wedge planting 斜角切削||inclined cutting 斜接||scarf joint 斜纹理||cross grain 斜纹木材||cross-grained wood 斜向切削||oblique cutting 斜榫||bevelled tenon 卸车台||unloading deck 泻溜||earth debris flow 薪材||fuel wood; 又称烧材。 薪炭林||firewood forest, fuelwood forest 芯板拼接机||core composser 新月形沙丘||barchane 新枞酸||neoabietic acid 心材||heartwood 心材腐朽||heart rot 形成层||cambium 形高||form height 形率||form quotient 形数||form factor 形质生长||quality increment 形状指数||form exponent 行道树||street tree 行状配置||strip spacing 胸 径||diameter at breast height, DBH 胸高断面积||basal area, cross-sectional area at breast height 胸高形率||artificial form quotient, breast height form quotient 胸高形数||artificial form factor, breast height form factor 休憩区||recreation area 修干枝||dry prunning 修活枝||green prunning 修正系数法||correction factor method 修枝||prunning 修枝机||pruner 蓄积控制法||volume control method, volume regulation method; 又称材积控制法。 蓄积配分法||volume-alloting method; 又称材积配分法。 蓄积平分法||volume frame work; 又称材积平分法。? 畜力集材||animal skidding 絮浆||flocculate 续燃时间||after flame time 悬移质||suspended load 旋切单板||rotary cut veneer 旋切机||veneer peeling lathe 旋切原木||peeler log, veneer log 选材||log sorting 选材台||sorting deck 选材自动线||automated log-sorting line 选苗机||seedling grading machine 穴植法||hole planting 雪枯病||snow blight 雪松烯||himachalene 熏黑高度||scorch height 循环式动力索道||endless cable system 压 坏||compression failure 压光||calendering 压料||swaging, swage set 压刨机||thicknesser 压缩木||compressed wood, staypak; 又称压定木。 亚硫酸盐浆||sulfite pulp 亚优势木||codominant tree 亚优势树种||subdominant tree species 岩生植物||rock plant 岩石侵蚀||rocky erosion 岩石园||rock garden; 又称岩生植物园。 沿海防护林||coast protection forest 燕尾榫||dovetail tenon; 又称鸠尾榫。 燕尾榫接合||dovetail joint 杨梅栲胶||myrica extract 样地法||sample plot method; 又称标准地法。 窑干材||kiln-dried timber 野生动物||wildlife 野生动物保护区||wildlife refuge 野生动物管理||wildlife management 野生动物区系||wild fauna 野生苗||wild ing 一年生溃疡||annual canker 一元材积表||local volume table, one way volume table; 又称地方材积表。 移植苗||transplant 宜林地||suitable land for forest 溢油||bleeding 异长叶酸||isolongifolic acid 异长叶烯||isolongifolene 异海松酸||isopimaric acid 异海松烷||isopimarane 异泪柏烯||isomanoene 异龄林||uneven aged forest 异龙脑||isoborneol 异香叶醇||isogeraniol 引洪漫地||irrigation with torrential flood 引水拉沙||diverting water for sluicing sand 隐燃火||smouldering fire 应拉木||tension wood 应力木||reaction wood 应力松弛||stress relaxation 应压木||compression wood 营林防治||silvicultural control 营林机械||silviculture machinery 营林机械化||silviculture mechanization 营林机械系统||silviculture machine system 营林区||forest range; 又称作业区。 营养繁殖苗||planting stock 迎面火||back fire 硬质纤维板||hardboard 用材林||timber forest 用碱量||alkali charge 优 油||super turpentine 优良林分||superior stand, superior plantation 优势木||dominant tree 优势木高度||dominant height 优势树种||dominant tree species 优树||superior tree 优树采集区||clonal archive 油柑栲胶||emblic extract 游乐场||amusement ground, pleasure ground 游离状打浆||fast beating, free beating 有害野生动物||noxious wildlife 有机溶剂载送法||Cellon process 有林地||forest land 有效碱||available alkali 有效氯||available chlorine 诱捕网||trap baiting net 诱导漂子||glancing boom, side boom 诱树||trap tree; 又称饵木。 幼林除草松土机||young stand cultivator 幼林抚育||tending 幼林检查||checking 幼龄材||juvenile wood 幼龄林||young growth 淤地坝||silt storage dam for farmland building, warp land dam 榆树荷兰病||Dutch elm disease 鱼鳞坑||fish scale pit 郁闭度||crown density 愈创木油||guaiac wood oil 育苗机械||seedling machinery 育种区||breeding zone 预备伐||preparatory cutting 预固化||precure 预热磨木浆||thermomechanical pulp; 又称热磨机械浆。 预压||prepressing 预压机||prepress 原花色素||proanthocyanidin 原浆||virgin pulp 原木||log 原木剥皮||log barking 原木材积||log volume 原木材积表||log volume table 原木集材||log-length logging, short wood logging 原木捆||log bundle 原木跑车||log carriage 原木素||protolignin 原木蒸煮||log cooking, log steaming 原木整形||log rough rounding 原始林||virgin forest 原条||tree-length, stem-length 原条材积表||tree-length volume table 原条集材||tree-length logging 原条捆||tree-length bundle 原纤丝||protofibril,elementary fibril 原野保留区||wilderness 园林||park and garden 园林工程||landscape engineering 园林规划||park and garden planning 园林建设||park and garden construction 园林建筑||garden structure 园林设计||park and garden design 园林坛庙||altar and monastery garden 园林学||landscape architecture 园林养护||park maintenance 园林艺术||garden arts 圆锯||circular saw 圆形浮雕||boss 月洞门||moon gate 云墙||wave-topped wall 云实素||brevifolin 允许土壤流失量||soil loss tolerance 运材||log transportation 运材岔线||spur road 运材干线||main road, truck line 运材挂车||logging trailer 运材机械||log hauling machinery 运材汽车||log truck 运材支线||minor road, branch road 运行式索道||running skyline system 凿孔机||mortiser 早材||early wood, spring wood 造材||bucking, slashing 造材链锯机||bucking chain saw 造材率||bucking percent, bucking recovery 造材台||bucking deck 造材圆锯机||bucking circular saw 造材自动线||automated bucking line 造船材||ship-building timber 造林||forestation 造林保存率||survival rate 造林成活率||survival rate 造林地||planting site, planted land 造林地清理||site preparation 造林地整地||site preparation, soil preparation 造林调查设计||plantation survey and project 造林方法||method of forestation 造林机械||afforestation and reforestation machinery 造林季节||planting season 造林密度||planting density 造林区划||silvicultural regionalization 造园||garden making 造纸材||pulpwood; 又称纸浆材。 择伐||selection cutting 择伐周期||cutting cycle, cutting interval; 又称回归年。 增力式索道||add-forced cable system, tyler system 增湿||humidification 增湿机||humidifier 宅园||home garden 粘板||fiber sticking 粘状打浆||shiny beating, slow beating 展览温室||conservatory 樟脑||camphor 樟烷酸||laurolanic acid 樟烯||laurolene 樟烯酸||laurolenic acid 樟油||camphor wood oil 折衷平分法||combined frame work, area and volume period method 真空干燥||vacuum drying 针叶林||coniferous forest 针叶树材||softwood 针叶树害虫||pests of coniferous trees 针叶锈病||needle rust 枕资||log for rail-road ties 振荡加压法||oscillating pressure process 振动采种机||tree shaker 蒸煮||cooking 蒸煮周期||digester cycle 整边机||jointer 整地方法||method of soil preparation 整形修剪树||clipped tree 拯救伐||salvage cutting 正号树||plus tree 正形率||normal form quotient 正形数||normal form factor; 又称标准形数。 枝枯病||shoot blight 枝条材积||branch volume, shoot volume 枝桠剥皮机||branchwood rosser 枝桠打捆机||branchwood baler 枝桠切碎机||slash chopper 枝桠收集机||branchwood collecting machine 枝桠推集机||forest rake 枝桠削片机||branchwood chipper 脂松节油||gum turpentine 脂松香||gum rosin 直角切削||orthogonal cutting; 又称正切削。 直接印刷||direct painting 直径分布||diameter distribution 直径整化范围||diameter rounding; 又称直径括约数。 直升机集材||helicopter logging 直升机灭火装置||helitanker 直纹木材||straight-grained wood 植被搔碎机||reforestation scarifier 植篱||hedge 植苗造林||tree planting 植树机||tree planter 植树锹||planting bar 植物单宁||vegetable tannin 植物纤维||plant fiber 植物园||botanical garden 植物鞣料||vegetable tanning material 指率||indicating percent 指形接合||finger joint 纸浆||pulp 纸质贴面||paper overlay 置换漂白||displacement bleaching 置换洗涤||displacement washing 置石||rock layout 制材||lumbering 制材产品||lumber product 制材工艺||sawing technology 制材机械||lumbering machinery 制浆||pulping 滞后现象||hysteresis 中板||core veneer, cross band veneer; 又称芯板。 中等木||intermediate tree 中度火烧||moderate burn 中沟||median gutter 中间楞场||intermediate landing 中林||composite forest 中林作业||coppice with standard method 中龄林||half-mature forest 中密度刨花板||medium-density particleboard 中密度纤维板||medium density fiberboard, MDF 中期腐朽||intermediate decay 中生树种||mesophilous tree species 中庭庭园||patio 中心硬化||reverse casehardening; 又称逆表面硬化。 中性亚硫酸盐半化学浆||neutral sulphite semichemical pulp 中央直径||mid-diameter 种实调制||seed processing 种植点配置||spacing of planting spots, spacing of seeding spots 种植计划||planting plan 种植设计||planting design 种子 催芽||seed stratification 种子包衣机||seed pelleting machine 种子采集处理机械||seed harvesting and processing machinery; 简称种子机械。 种子干燥机||seed drying machine 种子检验||seed testing, seed quality examination 种子清选机||seed cleaner 种子区||seed zone 种子园||seed orchard 种子证明书||seed certification 种子贮藏||seed storage 肿枝病||swollen shoot 重 油||heavy turpentine 重刀打浆||hard beating 重力侵蚀||gravitational erosion 重力侵蚀分级||classification of gravitational erosion 帚化||fibrillation; 又称纤丝化。 皱缩||collapse, washboarding; 又称溃缩。 珠缘||bead 竹编胶合板||bamboo mat plywood 竹材胶合板||bamboo plywood 竹滑道||bamboo chute 竹蝗||bamboo locust 竹排||bamboo raft 主伐||harvest cutting, final felling 主伐方式||system of cuttings 主伐年龄||cutting rotation age, cutting age; 又称伐期龄。 主锯||head saw, headrig 主林层||main storey 主林木数量成熟||quantitative maturity of principal tree 蛀孔||bore hole, borer hole 蛀屑||bore dust 贮木场||log yard 贮木场库存量||inventory of log yard 贮木场年吞吐量||annual input and output of log yard 贮木池||log pond, mill pond 筑山||hill making 抓钩集材拖拉机||grapple skidder 专用绿地||exclusive green space 桩木||pile timber 装车场||landing 装车绞盘机||loading winch 装饰单板||fancy veneer, decorative veneer; 又称装饰薄木。 装卸机||loader and unloader 追捕猎||battue 紫胶||lac 紫胶虫||lacca, laccifer lacca 紫胶梗||stick lac 紫胶壳脑醛酸||laccijalaric acid 紫胶壳脑酸||laccishellolic acid 紫胶蜡||lac wax 紫胶片||shellac 紫胶色素||lac dye 紫胶色酸||laccaic acid 紫胶酸||lac acid 子代测定||progeny test 子坑道||larvae gallery 自动检尺仪||autoscaler 自动雷电探测系统||lightning detection system 自动爬树修枝机||tree monkey 自然保护区||nature reserve 自然成熟||physical maturity; 又称生理成熟。 自然分化||natural differentiation 自然干燥||natural seasoning, air seasoning; 又称气干。 自然公园||natural park 自然侵蚀||natural erosion 自然区划法||natural division method 自然稀疏||self thinning 自然资源||natural resources 自行式绞盘机||mobile yarder 自由水||free water 自装集材拖拉机||self-loading skidder 综合防治||integrated control 综合公园||comprehensive park 综合区划法||combined division method, intergrated division method 综合疏伐||combined method of thinning 综纤维素||holocellulose 总碱||total alkali 总生长量||total increment 总体规划图||master plan, general plan 纵向切削||longitudinal cutting 纵向侵蚀||longitudinal erosion 阻燃剂||fire retardant 阻燃时间||duration of fire resistance 组合单板||reconstituted veneer; 又称组合薄木。 组坯||assembly, lay-up 组坯机||lay-up machine 钻孔机||drilling machine, boring machine 最小损失防火理论||minimum-damage fire-control theory; 使火灾损失控制在最低限度的防火概念。 左旋海松酸||levopimaric acid 作业调查||forest operational inventory; 又称三类调查。 匾额||inscribed tablet 垅作||ridge culture 茴脑||anethole 茴香油||anise oil 莰烯||camphene 萜酚树脂||terpene-phenolic resin 萜类化合物||terpenoid 萜品烯||terpinene 萜品油烯||terpinolene 萜烯||terpene 萜烯醇||terpenol 萜烯树脂||terpene resin 菟丝子||dodder 蒈烯||carene 蒎酸||pinic acid 蒎酮酸||pinonic acid 蒎烷||pinane 蒎烯||pinene 狩猎||hunting, game 狩猎场||game area 狩猎法||game law 狩猎期||hunting season 狩猎证||hunting licence 猝倒病||damping-off; 又称立枯病。 枞酸||abietic acid 枞酸型树脂酸||abietic type acid 枞烷||abietane 枞烯||abietene 栲胶||tannin extract 栲树栲胶||mangrove extract 桧油||sabina oil 桉叶脑||eucalyptol 桉叶油||eucalyptus oil 桉油素||cineole 梓樟油||tamala oil 楠木油||machilus oil, nanmu oil 楹联||couplets on pillar 榫槽接合||tongue and groove joint, mortice and tenon joint 槲寄生||mistletoe 橄榄油||olive oil 檩橼材||purlin and rafter 疱锈病||blister rust 褶层||pleat 羟甲基糠醛||hydroxymethyl furfural 鞣花单宁||ellagitannin 鞣花酸||ellagic acid
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Webster's New World Essential Vocabulary
yaoronggui 2009-4-27 12:14
Published date:2005 Pages:402 link: Webster's New World Essential Vocabulary
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Check Your English Vocabulary for Medicine
yaoronggui 2009-4-2 08:18
Check Your English Vocabulary for Medicine (Check Your English Vocabulary series) Updated to include new terms and references, this workbook helps nonnative English speakers improve their knowledge and understanding of core medical terminology. Students, nurses, doctors, and other medical staff can test and build their medical English vocabulary with a combination of self-study exercises, practical speaking activities, and amusing crosswords, puzzles, and word games. Ideal for home and class-based study, these exercises ensure that language is not a barrier for medical professionals whose first language is not English. download: Check Your English Vocabulary for Medicine
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