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ingzha 2015-1-8 01:52
当我九十年代初期任职于一家日本的中型上市公司时,曾被公司派去股东年会(日语称 “总会”)帮忙。公司总务部长特意交代我们这些年青男职员听从他的指挥,万一有股东闹事就由“服务员”变成“警卫队”维持秩序。日本的股东年会是所有公司头头们最难过的关头,为了防范所谓的“总会屋”(即专靠在“总会”期间闹事为职业的股东),所有的日本公司都选在同一天上午召开股东年会,使绝大多数公司得以逃脱无法分身的“总会屋”的攻击。会后,我们可以从报道中得知,有些大公司为了封口,暗地里支付了“总会屋”多少钱。为什么几乎所有的公司都害怕被描绘为黑社会的“总会屋”呢?因为他们都有什么把柄掌握在“总会屋”手中。 按照资本的逻辑,股东就是投票日必须被讨好的选民。 美国的“总会屋”则完全合法,实际上是由职业律师干的。例如,前不久有一个律师代表一个股东以公司的某个行为违反了股东的利益为由控告 citi(花旗)集团的董事会,citi无法公布相关的会议记录,只好请退休的纽约大法官私下调解,以支付两百万美元律师费了结,这实际上损害了绝大多数股东的利益。 日本的公司股份主要由公司之间相互控股,一般人很少直接购买股票。我在日本学习、工作十年,没有任何股票。日本的上市公司一年才公布一次业绩,公司对于股票市场的变化基本上无动于衷。但在美国,上市公司必须每季度公布一次业绩,实际上把公司的运营置于华尔街股票市场的操纵之下。美国复杂的税务制度又迫使婴儿也开始持有股票。特别是美国人的退休金,几乎都投入股票市场。象我这样的一般人因为持有的份额太小,对于股东大会、年度报告都置之不理,反正没有影响。不过,我因为近年侧重国际政治经济学的政策研究,开始阅读自己持有(微不足道)股份的超级大公司的报告。我立即注意到有不少与自己同样的、只有数十百股的“超微小股东”(一般在纽约上市的大公司发行上亿甚至上千亿股)以良知在挑战超级大公司的 corporate governance(公司治理):几乎每个公司的股东年会都有人提案限制高级主管的薪水等等。虽然这些提案获通过的机会不大,但从公司董事会的反对声明中,可以感受到股东提案是除了法律之外对公司运营最有效的监督方式。正如普通市民很难挑战政府但必须监督政府一样,微不足道的小股东也必须监督大公司的运营。实际上,象股东投票成功地影响过美国公司对南非种族制度制裁一样,细小的涓水也能汇成滔滔洪流。我的目标是改善美国公司在中国的运营。 我首先去参加 2003年Applied Materials公司年会。此公司的CEO说起来还是我的校友(UW-Madison),我也认识不少中国人在此工作。有两个还爬上高级职位。更有趣的是,原美国驻日大使也坐在其董事会的位子里,我过去还想就美日关系向他请教呢!虽然它与别的半导体公司一样越来越多地与中国打交道,但毕竟没有太大的政策性影响,我没有采取任何行动。 2004年,我去参加eBay的股东年会。一个黑人妇女代表其工会股东宣读提案,要求减少高层主管的报酬。公司的年青创始人很象一个普通软件工程师,不会应酬;但其CEO却是哈佛毕业的气派女性,很会控制会场,指点两个股东提了不痛不痒的问题就宣布散会把股东们打发掉了。eBay在中国并不成功,与阿里巴巴的官司还没有解决。从政策层面上看,它收购的Skype网络电话系统不存储通话记录,还没有造成通讯自由方面的受害案例。2006年6月4日,我们在圣荷西公共图书馆举办公开论坛,用Skype接通在中国的黄琦、赵昕、马步芳等维权人士,畅通无阻,还得感谢eBay呢! 2006年我出席Sun Microsystems的股东年会。会场气氛紧张,因为其股票下跌太厉害。几个老人在会场上发作,说对Sun公司及其热爱和坚信,把大部分退休金投入Sun舍不得抛售,现在落得如此下场。我原以为“投资者”都是精打细算的理性动物呢!其实大家都是摆不脱感情控制的人。那次股东年会后,Sun的创始人也只好下台。这有点像去年美国期中选举后被迫下台的原国防部长拉姆斯菲尔德。 2005年我出席Yahoo的股东年会,在会上口头发言询问其人权政策。Yahoo的CEO有点紧张,不流畅地花了近十分钟为其在中国的运营辩解,大意是必须服从当地法律等等。作为全球点击率第一、带有新闻性质的网站,Yahoo实际上同时也在制定网络通讯的规则,所以很有必要监督其公司治理。2006年4月7日,我与Ann Lau女士等伴随从欧洲飞来的“记者无疆界”记者们访问Yahoo总部,要求与其公共关系主管面谈其网络自由政策,被其警卫工人阻挡在外。我计划出席同年5月召开的股东年会,没想到在年会过后才接到相关的资料,看来Yahoo在提防我。这坚定我的决心,挑战Yahoo的公司运营。 AnnLau女士曾在Cisco Systems股东年会上提出人权提案,她介绍有经验的Carl Olson先生起草文稿,于2006年12月7日和10日向Yahoo提交我和Andrew Zhao的Resolution on Freedomof the Internet Worldwide(世界范围内互联网自由提案,附录)。12月21日我们接到Yahoo来信, 说根据美国证券交易委员会U.S. Securities Exchange Commission(简称SEC) 第14a-8条款,我们提交的TDAmeritrade 股票公司的复印不合格,要求我们14天内提交拥有Yahoo股份的新证明。这个要求并非刁难。我立即用电子邮件要求,并很快接到TD Ameritrade 电子邮件回复,确认我们于2004年购买了Yahoo股票并保有至今。我同时又从网上打印出我们的账号证明,显示我们持有包括Yahoo公司在内的股票,于12月27日传真给Yahoo。我打电话给Yahoo时,没人接听,就留言。2007年1月5日,我接到Yahoo的传真确认收到了我的上述传真。 过了一段时间,我们收到厚厚的一叠材料,打开一看,是 Yahoo于2月7日写给SEC的复印件,原件要求SEC就Yahoo忽视我们提案的愿望不采取任何行动。我才意识到,Yahoo在这一个月期间写出这么厚的材料,用SEC的条款14a-8(b),14a-8(f),14a-8(i)(7),14a-8(i)(10),14a-8(i)(6),14a-8(i)(11)和14a-9,14a-8(i)(3)分6个理由把我们的提案从2007年6月12日将要举行的股东年会上排除。我对于SEC条款完全没有知识,只能指望SEC能够秉公判断,但经验丰富的Olson 认为不能干等,必须反驳Yahoo的谬论。Yahoo在2月7日致SEC材料的6大理由,实际上有两个要点:⑴我们的股票证明虽然标明是从2004年拥有至今,却没有SEC条款14a-8(b)中要求的continuously(连续)一词。对此,我们除了诉诸SEC官员的逻辑判断能力(2004年购买了Yahoo股票至今没有卖掉,不是“连续”拥有吗?),又要求TD Ameritrade专门写一份“连续”拥有的证明;⑵Yahoo用别的SEC条款攻击我们的提案内容不值得反驳,因为那正是必须在股东大会上由股东投票才能决定的。所以,在收到“连续”拥有的证明后,我们又于2月20日、21日致函SEC并转Yahoo。 3月12日,Yahoo又致函SEC(并转我们),仍然坚持要排除我们的提案,但口气变得缓和。从其转印的名单上,可以知道Yahoo在雇用知名的O’Melveny Myers LLP律师事务所(该事务所有上千名专业律师,在中国也有分所)来处理我们的短短一页的卑微提案。另外,从Yahoo在2月7日致SEC的一大叠材料里,我们知道纽约市政府代表属下的行政、教育、警察、消防等广泛部门的退休基金股东也于2006年12月5日提交了类似的Internet Censorship(互联网检阅制度)提案, 而Yahoo同样阻挠将此提案提交股东年会。我于3月15日致函SEC并转Yahoo,建议Yahoo、我与Andrew Zhao和纽约市政府三者妥协,提出单一修正提案诉诸股东大会表决。与此同时,我们都在不安地等待着SEC的表态。 3月30日,Yahoo直接致函我和Andrew Zhao,准备了两份类似的董事会反对我们提案的声明,打算放到股东年会表决书中。我们的努力没有浪费,起码Yahoo董事会在倾听我们的要求了,在反对声明中也许下新的诺言。Yahoo董事会的反对立场并不离谱,我们完全放任所有股东的判断。但Yahoo的反对声明中罗列了一大堆公司、大学、非赢利机构,包括“记者无疆界”的名册作为同盟,真是又可气又好笑。我们分头联系其中的各机构,获得“记者无疆界”的回复,说他们与大赦国际准备联名就Yahoo滥用他们的名义阻挠我们的互联网自由提案表示抗议。我于4月4日再次致函SEC和Yahoo,要求Yahoo取消这一串机构的名字以免误导股东大会。 4月6日,我们接到等待已久的SEC的回复。这份来自SpecialCounsel(特别律师)的传真只转印了一个叫Derek B. Swanson的律师顾问3月29日写给SEC下属的公司财务部总律师的简短意见。这位律师顾问认为Yahoo在2月7日的材料表明提案者(我们)似乎没有在14天内提出令人满意的材料证明我们拥有Yahoo股票,所以如果Yahoo忽视我们的提案,他们(公司财务部)将不向SEC推荐强制要求Yahoo加入我们的提案。至此,老练的Olsen结论到:让我们明年再挑战吧(插图为笔者与友人在2007年雅虎股东大会上)。 当然,如果我们在政治上有足够强大的资源,可以直接游说 SEC的主席(从加州选出的国会议员Cox)。不过,我们的原则要求我们尽可能回避政治家,而这一次并没有同时也挑战SEC的准备。这次了解了整个过程,可以说达到了主要目的,没有必要与SEC计较。实际上,我的直觉告诉我:在这么多大公司的股东年会表决中,除了一两项公司董事会提案(主要表决新的董事、决定会计公司),大多数的良知提案都来自象我这样的“微小股东”,美国的企业界和其代理利益团体正在设法改变SEC的较民主的条款,提高提案所需的股份额(目前只是两千美元),以消除这次Yahoo为排除我的提案所付的“麻烦”。对我们而言,趁SEC还没有完全被大企业集团控制之前,除了联系更多的“经济公民”(股东 )继续挑战 Yahoo外,还准备对跑到美国股市来上市的中国大公司(如百度等)教育一番。 没有制约的超级大公司,与没有制约的政府一样,都会堕落成腐败的权力,我们必须尽一切可能的途径监督 、制约、改进他们。 补注:多伦多大学 University of Toronto 研究人员 Nart Villeneuve 于 2008 年 10 月 1 日发表在 Information Warfare Monitor 以及 Open Net Initiative-Asia 上的报告称,他们掌握的证据显示中国一家 Skype 合资企业一直在监控用户在互联网上的文字聊天纪录,并把那些包含了政治敏感内容的讯息储存在可以从公司外部进入的服务器上。这种监控和储存行为导致数百万条纪录被暴露,这些纪录包括 Skype 中国服务用户以及 Skype 语音通讯使用者的个人信息。此消息使人吃惊意外。 本文中提及的相关原始文件,都可在中日美比较政策研究所的网址 http://cpri.tripod.com/yahoo.html 上查到。
个人分类: 企业治理|1056 次阅读|0 个评论
yahoo email, enough is enough
zuojun 2013-8-28 07:52
I was sick of seeing university IT warning about what I can and cannot say in my university email. So, when I had trouble logged in from China, I opened a yahoo email account. I am not sure since when, it started to show ads along the right hand side of the screen when I work on my email. Ok, it's free email, and I will let you have it your way. However, today I noticed an extra line ABOVE my email list, and I don't know how to get rid of it. That is really annoy! Well, there is not much I can do to make yahoo behave, but I can move to gmail...
个人分类: Thoughts of Mine|5618 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 9 yuliping 2013-4-24 11:55
大概是97年, 最早在扬州电信申请了 pcstar@pub.yz.jsinfo.net ,就以为这个邮箱将会陪着自己一辈子,后来扬州电信邮箱整体升级,申请了 yuliping@yzvod.com ,该邮箱前段时间宣布不久后关闭,只得停用。期间也曾经申请过扬州网通的邮箱, yuliping@yzcn.net ,但后来扬州网通似乎也不存在了。 时间最长的邮箱是 chinayangzhou@yahoo.com.cn ,但遗憾的是该邮箱 8 月 19 就要关闭,我相信 YAHOO 商业策略出了问题, YAHOO 邮箱用户应该是天文数字,应该问一下,如果想保留该邮箱,用户愿意出多少钱?在差别化付费的情况下, YAHOO 收入几千万应该没有问题,说不定能救活 YAHOO 。可惜 YAHOO 和什么莫名其妙的 YUN (晕)合作,真是头晕,铜臭味太重,于是我决定放弃YAHOO邮箱。 其他免费邮箱申请过很多,如天堂鸟、搜狐、新浪、网易、 HOTMAIL 、 GMAIL 、 126、263 ……但因为不经常用,现在几乎都处于封闭状态,很多密码也忘记了。 逝去的已经逝去,还有什么是永恒的?也许人们对真理、正义、良知、美好事物等等的期望和追求是永恒的,而这些事物本身,很多是难以企及的。 2013.4.24 俞立平于宁波
个人分类: 生活其他|4823 次阅读|11 个评论
12/12/12: Yahoo mail gets a facelift
热度 1 zuojun 2012-12-13 10:29
... but it will never have an easy-to- pronounce name as Gmail does. Shall we try Omail?
个人分类: From the U.S.|2638 次阅读|2 个评论
google yahoo
jiangdm 2011-7-24 22:58
google yahoo
Contents 1 Google Bigtable: A Distributed Storage System for Structured Data Pregel: A System for Large-Scale Graph Processing PageRank vs HITS 2 Yahoo PNUTS: Yahoo!’s Hosted Data Serving Platform Data Challenges at Yahoo! Cloud Data Management @ Yahoo! 3 Microsoft Scale-Out Beyond Map-Reduce 1 Google三驾马车 Bigtable GFS beamer_bigtable_osdi06.pdf bigtable-osdi06.pdf Bigtable: A Distributed Storage System for Structured Data Fay Chang, Jeffrey Dean, Sanjay Ghemawat, Wilson C. Hsieh, Deborah A. Wallach Mike Burrows, Tushar Chandra, Andrew Fikes, Robert E. Gruber OSDI 2006 Abstract Bigtable is a distributed storage system for managing structured data that is designed to scale to a very large size: petabytes of data across thousands of commodity servers. Many projects at Google store data in Bigtable, including web indexing, Google Earth, and Google Finance. These applications place very different demands on Bigtable, both in terms of data size (from URLs to web pages to satellite imagery) and latency requirements (from backend bulk processing to real-time data serving). Despite these varied demands, Bigtable has successfully provided a exible, high-performance solution for all of these Google products. In this paper we describe the simple data model provided by Bigtable, which gives clients dynamic control over data layout and format, and we describe the design and implementation of Bigtable. 1 Introduction the organization of this paper: 1) Section 2 describes the data model in more detail 2) Section 3 provides an overview of the client API. 3) Section 4 briey describes the underlying Google infrastructure on which Bigtable depends. 4) Section 5 describes the fundamentals of the Bigtable implementation 5) Section 6 describes some of the renements that we made to improve Bigtable's performance. 6) Section 7 provides measurements of Bigtable's performance. 7) Section 8 describe several examples of how Bigtable is used at Google 8) Section 9 discuss some lessons we learned in designing and supporting Bigtable 9) Finally, Section 10 describes related work 10) Section 11 presents our conclusions. 2 Data Model 3 API 4 Building Blocks GFS: the distributed Google File System 5 Implementation three major components: -- a library that is linked into every client, -- one master server, -- many tablet servers. 5.1 Tablet Location a three-level hierarchy analogous to that of a B+-tree to store tablet location information (Figure 4). 5.2 Tablet Assignment 5.3 Tablet Serving The persistent state of a tablet is stored in GFS, as illustrated in Figure 5. 5.4 Compactions 6 Renements 7 Performance Evaluation 8 Real Applications 9 Lessons several interesting lessons: -- 10 Related Work 11 Conclusions Bigtable A Distributed Storage System for Structured Data.pdf Pregel: A System for Large-Scale Graph Processing Grzegorz Malewicz, Matthew H. Austern, Aart J. C. Bik, James C. Dehnert, Ilan Horn, Naty Leiser, and Grzegorz Czajkowski SIGMOD’10, June 6–11, 2010, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. ABSTRACT Many practical computing problems concern large graphs. Standard examples include the Web graph and various social networks. The scale of these graphs|in some cases billions of vertices, trillions of edges|poses challenges to their ecient processing. In this paper we present a computational model suitable for this task. Programs are expressed as a sequence of iterations, in each of which a vertex can receive messages sent in the previous iteration, send messages to other vertices, and modify its own state and that of its outgoing edges or mutate graph topology. This vertexcentric approach is exible enough to express a broad set of algorithms. The model has been designed for ecient, scalable and fault-tolerant implementation on clusters of thousands of commodity computers, and its implied synchronicity makes reasoning about programs easier. Distributionrelated details are hidden behind an abstract API. The result is a framework for processing large graphs that is expressive and easy to program. Keywords: Distributed computing, graph algorithms 1. INTRODUCTION The rest of the paper is structured as follows. 1) Section 2 describes the model. 2) Section 3 describes its expression as a C++ API. 3) Section 4 discusses implementation issues, including performance and fault tolerance. 4) Section 5 present several applications of this model to graph algorithm problems 5) Section 6 present performance results. 6) Finally, Sect.7 discuss related work and future directions. 2. MODEL OF COMPUTATION Pregel a system for large-scale graph processing.pdf PPT: 20100707_Pregel.ppt PageRank vs HITS 可参考:PageRank 彻底解说 中文版(www) http://www.kreny.com/pagerank_cn.htm wiki the n-by-n connectivity matrix G the transition probability matrix of the Markov chain A MATLAB 实现: 12 pagerank.pdf The PageRank Citation Ranking - Redone.ppt Origin paper: The PageRank Citation Ranking.pdf Netlogo Model Library: PageRank 2 Yahoo PNUTS: Yahoo!’s Hosted Data Serving Platform Brian F. Cooper, Raghu Ramakrishnan, Utkarsh Srivastava, Adam Silberstein,Philip Bohannon, HansArno Jacobsen, Nick Puz, Daniel Weaver and Ramana Yerneni VLDB ‘08 ABSTRACT We describe PNUTS, a massively parallel and geographically distributed database system for Yahoo!’s web applications. PNUTS provides data storage organized as hashed or ordered tables, low latency for large numbers of concurrent requests including updates and queries, and novel per-record consistency guarantees. It is a hosted, centrally managed, and geographically distributed service, and utilizes automated load-balancing and failover to reduce operational complexity. The first version of the system is currently serving in production. We describe the motivation for PNUTS and the design and implementation of its table storage and replication layers, and then present experimental results. 1. INTRODUCTION web applications The foremost requirements of a web application: -- Scalability. -- Response Time and Geographic Scope. -- High Availability and Fault Tolerance. PNUTS Yahoo!’s Hosted Data Serving Platform.pdf Data Challenges at Yahoo!》,2008 ABSTRACT: In this short paper we describe the data that Yahoo! handles, the current trends in Web applications, and the many challenges that this poses for Yahoo! Research. These challenges have led to the development of new data systems and novel data mining techniques. Problem: Storing and managing this ocean of data poses several important challenges. Four major interconnected trends: The emergence of structure Design and dynamics of social systems The Web as a delivery channel The Web as wisdom(Web mining) Data Platforms: Dynamo Two ongoing research projects Sherpa and PNUTS PIG 个人点评: 从工业界角度提出问题更值得一读! data challenges at yahoo.pdf Cloud Data Management @ Yahoo! Raghu Ramakrishnan Yahoo! Research, USA ramakris@yahoo-inc.com DASFAA 2010, Part I, LNCS 5981, p. 2, 2010. 一页短文,只有摘要, Abstract. In this talk, I will present an overview of cloud computing at Yahoo!, in particular, the data management aspects. I will discuss two major systems in use at Yahoo!–the Hadoop map-reduce system and the PNUTS/Sherpa storage system, in the broader context of offline and online data management in a cloud setting. Hadoop is a well known open source implementation of a distributed file system with a map-reduce interface. Yahoo! has been a major contributor to this open source effort, and Hadoop is widely used internally. Given that the mapreduce paradigm is widely known, I will cover it briefly and focus on describing how Hadoop is used at Yahoo!. I will also discuss our approach to open source software, with Hadoop as an example. Yahoo! has also developed a data serving storage system called Sherpa (sometimes referred to as PNUTS) to support data-backed web applications. These applications have stringent availability, performance and partition tolerance requirements that are difficult, sometimes even impossible, to meet using conventional database management systems. On the other hand, they typically are able to trade off consistency to achieve their goals. This has led to the development of specialized key-value stores, which are now used widely in virtually every large-scale web service. Since most web services also require capabilities such as indexing, we are witnessing an evolution of data serving stores as systems builders seek to balance these trade-offs. In addition to presenting PNUTS/Sherpa, I will survey some of the solutions that have been developed, including Amazon’s S3 and SimpleDB, Microsoft’s Azure, Google’s Megastore, the open source systems Cassandra and HBase, and Yahoo!’s PNUTS, and discuss the challenges in building such systems as ”cloud services”, providing elastic data serving capacity to developers, along with appropriately balanced consistency, availability, performance and partition tolerance. Cloud Data Management @ Yahoo!.pdf 3 Microsoft Scale-Out Beyond Map-Reduce Raghu Ramakrishnan, CISL Team Members KDD’13, August 11–14, 2013, Chicago, Illinois, USA. Keywords Analytics, Big Data, data science, Hadoop, YARN, REEF, Map- Reduce, SQL, Machine Learning, scale-out. 1. ABSTRACT scale-out architectures Hadoop Hive: 基于Hadoop的一个 数据仓库 工具 Apache Pig: 对mapreduce算法(框架)实现了一套SQL shell脚本 YARN: Apache Hadoop NextGen MapReduce Apache Mesos: a cluster manager that provides efficient resource isolation and sharing across distributed applications, or frameworks Scale-out beyond map-reduce.pdf
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pkuzeal 2009-4-15 15:51
Yohoo 这计划实施其在 14 个月内的第三次大规模裁员。 据纽约时报报道,公司将在周二发布首季收入时解雇数百人。根据公司上次在去年 12 月裁员时曾警告将有更多裁员的计划,根据经济情况及优先顺序实施。 这一财年对 Yahoo 来说并不妙。公司在去年 12 月裁员 1500 人,同时宣布在 1 月将停止对大多数员工的加薪。公司新的首席执行官 C arol Bartz 声称公司将瞄准主业发展,在 Bartz 的领导下, 公司取消了旅行搜索比较已经在线存储业务。据纽约时报报道公司先正打算将其在线招聘网站 HotJob 出售。 谷欣 2009-4-15 MSN : pkuzeal@hotmail.com 上海中式婚庆
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entomology 2009-4-5 15:54
GOOGLE和YAHOO在线翻译试验 (by 戴小华 Xiaohua Dai) 我们看资料写论文需要翻译,现在有了在线翻译系统,可以多多少少帮助我们理解和写作,但总得来说不能只依赖web translator。下面用8个例子做了一下翻译试验。其中前面6个为专业叙述,后面2个为诗歌。 汉译英部分:YAHOO好像就GPS那段(例子3)翻译得稍微好点,另外2个例子则GOOGLE稍好。至于诗歌翻译,例子7YAHOO好多了,GOOGLE翻译不知所云而且还出现中文。 英译汉部分:例子4 GOOGLE稍好。例子5两者都翻译得不好。例子6两者差不多。例子8的诗歌翻译得都不好,但YAHOO居然还出现英文单词。 例子1: 翻译: 中文 英语 原文:遥感是利用遥感器从空中来探测地面物体性质的,它根据不同物体对波谱产生不同响应的原理,识别地面上各类地物,具有遥远感知事物的意思。【来源:百度百科】 GOOGLE翻译:Remote sensing is the use of remote sensors to detect from the air, the nature of the ground objects, which according to different objects have different spectral response of the principles, identify various types of surface features on the ground, with remote sensing of the meaning of things. YAHOO翻译:The remote sensing is from airborne surveys the ground object nature using the remote sensor, it acts according to the different object to have the different response principle to the spectrum, distinguishes in the ground each kind of terrain feature, has the remote sensation thing meaning. 例子2:翻译: 中文 英语 原文:GPS全球卫星定位系统由三部分组成:空间部分GPS星座(GPS星座是由24颗卫星组成的星座,其中21颗是工作卫星,3颗是备份卫星);地面控制部分地面监控系统; 用户设备部分GPS 信号接收机。 【来源:百度百科】 GOOGLE翻译:GPS Global Positioning System consists of three parts: the space segment-GPS constellation (GPS constellation is composed of 24 satellite constellation, are the work of one of 21 satellites, three satellites are backed up); ground control segment - the ground monitoring system ; user equipment part-GPS signal receiver. YAHOO翻译:The GPS whole world satellite positioning system is composed of three parts: The space segment - GPS constellation (the GPS constellation is constellation which is composed of 24 satellites, 21 are work satellites, 3 are backup satellite); Ground control part - ground monitoring system; Subscriber's equipment part - GPS signal receiver. 例子3:翻译: 中文 英语 原文:生态系统管理是在对生态系统组成、结构和功能过程加以充分理解的基础上,制定适应性的管理策略,以恢复或维持生态系统整体性和可持续性 【来源:百度百科】 GOOGLE翻译:Ecosystem management is the ecosystem in the composition, structure and function of the process to be fully understood on the basis of the development of adaptive management strategies to restore or maintain ecosystem integrity and sustainability of YAHOO翻译:The ecosystem management is to the ecosystem composition, the structure and the function process performs the full understanding in the foundation, the formulation compatible management games, restore or maintain the ecosystem integrity and sustainable 例子4:翻译: 英语 中文(简体) 原文:Most remote-sensing technology uses light, whether infrared or visible, that falls at the middle to high end of the electromagnetic spectrum. By contrast, at least one important means of remote detection uses microwaves, which are much lower in energy levels 【来源: http://www.answers.com/ 】 GOOGLE翻译:大多数遥感技术利用光,无论是红外线或可见光,属于在中东高端的电磁频谱。相比之下,至少有一个重要手段,利用微波遥感探测,这是低得多的能量水平 YAHOO翻译:多数遥感技术是否使用光,红外或可看见,落在中部对高端电磁波频谱。 相反,一遥远的侦查至少重要手段使用微波,是低在能级 例子5:翻译: 英语 中文(简体) 原文:A system of satellites, computers, and receivers that is able to determine the latitude and longitude of a receiver on Earth by calculating the time difference for signals from different satellites to reach the receiver. 【来源: http://www.answers.com/ 】 GOOGLE翻译:一个系统的卫星,电脑和接收器,能够确定的纬度和经度,地球上的接收器通过计算时间差的信号来自不同卫星到达接收器。 YAHOO翻译:能通过计算信号的时差确定一台接收器纬度和经度在地球上的从不同的卫星到达接收器卫星、计算机和接收器的系统。 例子6: 翻译: 英语 中文(简体) 原文:Many people and organizations have defined ecosystem management. The following examples represent a cross-section of definitions. There are two themes common to most of these definitions of ecosystem management: (1) management should maintain or improve ecosystems; and (2) ecosystems should provide a range of goods and services to current and future generations. 【来源: http://silvae.cfr.washington.edu/ecosystem-management/EcoManFrame.html 】 GOOGLE翻译:许多个人和组织进行了定义,生态系统管理。下面的例子是一个跨部门的定义。有两个共同主题,其中多数生态系统管理的定义: ( 1 )管理部门应维持或改善的生态系统;及( 2 )生态系统应提供各种货物和服务的当前和未来的几代人。 YAHOO翻译:许多人民和组织定义了生态系管理。 以下例子代表定义的横断面。 有二个题材共同对大多生态系管理的这些定义: (1)管理应该维护或改进生态系; 并且(2)生态系应该提供货物和服务的范围给当前和下一代。 例子7:诗歌翻译: 中文 英语 原文:红豆生南国,春来发几枝? 愿君多采撷,此物最相思【来源: 唐诗 《 相思》 王维 】 GOOGLE翻译:Health and southern red beans, spring几枝hair? Eagle would like to gather many, the most complex crassicarpa YAHOO翻译:The red bean lives the southern part of China, how many spring sends? Is willing Mr. to pick, this thing most lovesickness 例子8:诗歌翻译: 英语 中文(简体) 原文:the more we live, more brief appear our life's succeeding stages; a day to childhood seems a year, and years like passing ages. 【来源:the river of life 生命之川,by Thomas Campbell 妥默司康沫尔 】 GOOGLE翻译:更为我们的生活,更简短的出现 我们生活的成功阶段; 每天的童年似乎一年, 和多年想通过年龄。 YAHOO翻译:越多我们居住,摘要更出现 our生活的成功的阶段; 对童年的a天似乎一年, and年喜欢通过年龄。 相关链接: (1)十大在线翻译系统准确性大评比 【测评时间2008年中】 http://www.quanyo.com/zt/shangwang/2008730233520.html (2)在线翻译谁更厉害四大流行系统对比 【测评时间2007年下】 http://bbs.it.com.cn/showtopic-279164.aspx (3)突破语言障碍 在线翻译系统横向评测 【测评时间2006年中】 http://publish.it168.com/2006/0817/20060817000201.shtml 备注:随便举了8个例子,样本数应该不够,可以参考上面3个链接选择你自己喜欢的在线翻译网站。此外,专业术语可以通过dict.cnki.net查到比较好的翻译。 (2009.4.5)
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