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Umbrella of German Palaeobotany-51: Ernst Louis Kalkowsky
livingfossil 2017-4-12 19:49
Umbrella of German Palaeobotany-51: Ernst Louis Kalkowsky (1851--1938 ) 德国地质学家 Ernst Louis Kalkowsky 院士 (1851--1938 ) 德国地质学家 Ernst Louis Kalkowsky (1851--1938 )于 1851 年出生在今属俄罗斯的 苏维埃茨克 ( Советск / Sovetsk) 。他在莱比锡大学 ( University of Leipzig) 师从地质学家 Ferdinand Zirkel 教授 (1838--1912) ,于 1874 年获得博士学位。 。 1886 年, Ernst Louis Kalkowsky 在 Jena 大学获得矿物学和地质学教授职位。 1894 年, Ernst Louis Kalkowsky 接替古生物学家 Hanns Bruno Geinitz (1814-- 1900) 在德累斯顿技术学院 ( Technische Hochschule Dresden) 的教授职位。 1898 年, Ernst Louis Kalkowsky 继任 Hanns Bruno Geinitz 的 德累斯顿矿物及地质博物馆 (The Museum für Mineralogie und Geologie Dresden) 的馆长职位。 Ernst Louis Kalkowsky 对叠层石 (Stromatolite) 开展了先驱性研究。他于 1888 年当选德国科学院地质古生物学科的院士。 --------------------------- Brief life chronology of German geologist Ernst Louis Kalkowsky (1851--1938 ) --1851: Born in Tilsit, east Prussia; Tilsit, east Prussia before 1946 (Currently known as Sovetsk, a town of Russia ) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sovetsk,_Kaliningrad_Oblast --1870: Attended the University of Leipzig; --1874: Completed a dissertation under the guidance of German geologist Ferdinand Zirkel (1838--1912), and received a doctorate degree with the thesis entitled “ Mikroskopische Untersuchungen von Felsiten und Pechsteinen Sachsensz ”; --1878: Passed the habilitation at the University of Leipzig with the paper entitled “ Die gneissformation des Eulengebirges ”; --1886: Appointed as professor Mineralogy and Geology at the University of Jena ( Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena ); --1886: Published-- Elemente der Lithologie: Für Studirende bearbeitet --1888: Elected to a member of the section of “Geologie und Paläontologie” of the German Academy of Sciences—Leopoldina; --1894: Appointed as professor of mineralogy and geology at Technische Hochschule Dresden (TH Dresden—later renamed as “Technische Universität Dresden”) so as to take over German palaeontologist Hanns Bruno Geinitz’s (1814--1900) teaching position; --1898: Took over Hanns Bruno Geinitz’s directorship position of Museum für Mineralogie und Geologie Dresden; --1919: Got retired; --1938: Died in Dresden at age of 87. --------------------------- Qigao Sun ( 孙启高 ): 古植物学的故事 529 期 Story of Paleobotany Series(No.529) The Epic of Palaeobotany-529 《德国古植物学之伞》 Umbrella of German Palaeobotany(51) German geologist Ernst Louis Kalkowsky (1851--1938 ) 德国地质学家 Ernst Louis Kalkowsky 院士 (1851--1938 ) Feb 2017 相关阅读 : Umbrella of German Palaeobotany--An overview catalogue 《德国古植物学之伞》:概览 目录 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-1036764.html 2017-3-1 07:44 German geologist Ernst Louis Kalkowsky (1851--1938 ) https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernst_Kalkowsky https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernst_Kalkowsky Kalkowsky, E., 1908. O ö lithund Stromatolith im norddeutschen Buntsandstein. Zeitschrift der Deutschengeologischen Gesellschaft 60: 68–125, pls 4–11 Stromatolite https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stromatolite 叠层 石 (原核生物所建造的有机沉积结构 ) http://baike.baidu.com/item/%E5%8F%A0%E5%B1%82%E7%9F%B3/1988176 Robert Riding, 2011. The Nature of Stromatolites: 3,500 Million Years ofHistory and a Century of Research. In:J. Reitner et al., Advances inStromatolite Geobiology, Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences 131, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-10415-2_3,# Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 古植物学的故事 498 期 Story of Paleobotany Series(No.498) The Epic of Palaeobotany-498 《德国古植物学之伞》 Umbrella of German Palaeobotany (23) German palaeontologist Hanns Bruno Geinitz(1814--1900) 杰出的德国古生物学家 Hanns Bruno Geinitz 院士 (1814--1900) http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-1006223.html 2016-10-1 22:46 ============ SPS-529-German Ernst Kalkowsky (1851--1938)-rev6.pdf
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German-Palaeobotany-Umbrella-34 Christian E. Weiss (1833-90)
livingfossil 2016-12-13 09:40
Umbrella of German Palaeobotany(34) ---- Christian Ernst Weiss (1833--1890) SPS-512-German Christian Ernst Weiss (1833--1890)-rev4.pdf ∮1 德国地质古生物学家 Christian Ernst Weiss 院士 (1833--1890) 德国地质古生物学家 Christian Ernst Weiss(1833--1890) 于 1833 年出生于萨克森州的 Eilenburg 镇。由于父母双亲过早离世, Christian Ernst Weiss 不到 10 岁成为孤儿,离开故乡到萨克森 - 安哈尔特州 ( Saxony-Anhalt ) 投靠亲戚, 继续求学。 Fig.1a. 德国诸州的中文名称和地理位置 https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%BE%B7%E5%9B%BD 1854 年 , Christian Ernst Weiss 就读于 Halle 大学学习矿物学、地质学。 1855 年,他到柏林洪堡大学学习。他的叔叔 Christian Samuel Weiss(1780--1856) 是一位著名的矿物学家,自 1810 起一直供职于这所大学。然而, 1859 年 Christian Ernst Weiss 在 Halle 大学获得博士学位。 Christian Ernst Weiss 在其 30 多年的职业生涯中服务多个学术机构,如:柏林洪堡大学 、 Kiel 大学 (University of Kiel) 、柏林地质调查局等。在从事教学工作的同时 , Christian Ernst Weiss 开展地质勘探、填图工作,且在古植物学研究领域做出了杰出贡献。关于化石植物的研究成果,请参见 Christian Ernst Weiss 的论著目录。 1882 年, Christian Ernst Weiss 当选为德国科学院地质古生物学科的院士 (Member of the Geologie und Paläontologie section of the German Academy of Sciences—Leopoldina) 。 1890 年, Christian Ernst Weiss 因病在萨克森州的 Schkeuditz 镇辞世 (Schkeuditz of the Free State of Saxony) ,享年 57 岁。 ∮ 2 Brief life chronology of German geologist and palaeobotanist Christian Ernst Weiss (1833--1890) Fig.1b. Geographical map of the sixteen federal states in modern Germany https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germany --1833: Born in Eilenburg of the Free State of Saxony( 萨克森自由州 ), Germany; --Attended a school for boys in Eilenburg; --Became an orphan before he was 10; --Attendeda high school in Saxony-Anhalt ( 萨克森 - 安哈尔 特 ); --1854: Began to study geology and mineralogy at the University of Halle; --1855: Attended the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin / Humboldt University of Berlin), where Christian Samuel Weiss (1780--1856) was working; --1858: Became qualified to teach at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin; --1859: Received a doctorate degree from the University of Halle; --1860--1867: Worked as a lecturer in Saarbrücken of the federal state Saarland (萨尔兰州) , southwest Germany; conducted geological explorations and palaeobotanical studies; --1868: Appointed as a member of the Geological Survey in Bonn and a lecturer of mineralogy and geology at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin; --1870: Promoted to full professor of mineralogy and geology at the University of Kiel in the federal state Schleswig-Holstein( 石勒苏益格 - 荷尔斯泰因州 ), northern Germany while German geologist Ferdinand Zirkel (1838 --1912) departed from Kiel to Leipzig; --1872: Served as professor of mineralogy and state geologist at the Bergakademie Berlin (mining academy); --1882 : Elected to the Geologie und Paläontologie section of the German Academy of Sciences—Leopoldina; --1888: Published palaeobotanical studies in 4 volumes book ( Beiträge zur fossilen Flora I–IV ); --1890: Died in Schkeuditz of the Free State of Saxony at age of 57. --------------------------- Qigao Sun ( 孙启高 ): 古植物学的故事 512 期 Story of Paleobotany Series (No.512) The Epic of Palaeobotany-512 《德国古植物学之伞》 Umbrella of German Palaeobotany (34) German geologist and palaeobotanist Christian Ernst Weiss (1833--1890) 德国地质古生物学家 Christian Ernst Weiss 院士 (1833--1890) November 30, 2016 相关阅读 : Christian Ernst Weiss (1833--1890), a German geologist and palaeobotanist https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_Ernst_Weiss https://de.wikisource.org/wiki/ADB:Wei%C3%9F,_Christian_Ernst --- 《德国古植物学之伞》 Umbrella of GermanPalaeobotany (1) 古植物学的故事 ( 46 ): 德国古植物学与古孢粉学发展史上的主要代表人物 Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.46): Renowned scientists in the history of palaeobotany and palynology in German http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-334861.html 发表于 2010-6-12 21:09:43 《德国古植物学之伞》 Umbrella of German Palaeobotany (5) 古植物学的故事 162 期 360 年以来德国科学院涉及古植物学研究的院士们 Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.162): Members of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina pertaining to the palaeobotanical studies since 1652 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-575639.html http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=225931do=blogquickforward=1id=575639 2012-5-27 23:26 Geology and palaeontology members of German Academy of Sciences (Leopoldina) since 1652 1652 年以来德国科学院地质古生物学院士名单 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-994993.html 2016-8-707:47 (Compiled by Dr Qigao Sun) https://www.leopoldina.org/en/members/members-since-1652/ ---- Botanik members of German Academy of Sciences (Leopoldina) since 1652 1652 年以来德国科学院植物学院士名单 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-994989.html 2016-8-7 07:29 (Compiled by Dr. Qigao Sun) https://www.leopoldina.org/en/members/members-since-1652/ 古植物学的故事 489 期 Story of PaleobotanySeries (No.489) The Epic of Palaeobotany-489 《德国古植物学之伞》 Umbrella of German Palaeobotany (17) German Palaeobotanist August von Schenk (1815--1891) 与中国有缘的德国古植物学院士 August von Schenk ( 欣克 , 1815--1891) http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-1001322.html 2016-9-7 05:33 ==================== ∮ 3 Appendix: Publications of Brief life chronology of German geologist and palaeobotanist Christian Ernst Weiss (1833--1890)
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