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热度 1 zhigangwu 2019-7-12 11:03
词汇是语言的基石。熟练掌握 3 万以上核心词语,是提高英语听、说和写作的关键。不然总是反复使用那些简单的词汇,英语写作水平便会停滞在初级阶段,不如英美国家的高中生。这是一个长期积累的过程,不能一蹴而就,需要持之以恒,以及实用有效的办法。 我在阅读或学习新词时,通常采用下面的步骤: ( 1 ) 正确读音 。首先要将这个单词的音读准。英语属于拼音文字,读音极其重要。许多常用词汇,如果读不准,很容易与其他词汇混淆,也让听众搞不清你说的究竟是什么。已经认识的词汇,要确保读音正确,不太肯定的,随时翻看词典,听计算机的读音。多高声朗读、多听有声书籍,随时纠正发音。学习新词汇时,先学会正确读音,不然这个词老是读错。不会读、对读音比较含混的词,容易忘记,这是因为缺乏对这个词的熟悉,从而大大减弱了使用这个词的信心,随后变得陌生、含糊,最后遗忘。 ( 2 ) 准确了解词义和用法 。两个含义相近的英语词,用法可能大相径庭。学习一个新词汇,要将这个词语放在它恰当的语言环境,也就是例句里面。朗文英语词典里的例句通常很棒。学习一个词,是学这个词在典型例句里怎么用。今后一想到这个词,就能立刻写出、说出几个规范使用这个词的句子。孤立学习一个词,常常会搞错它的真正含义,用在不恰当的地方,写的、说的英语不地道、不精确,也容易忘记,因为不大会用而很少使用。只有能够熟练、自信、毫不含糊地使用一个词,这个词才真正掌握了。 ( 3 ) 了解词根和词源 。词根和词源帮助理解这个词的来源和组成,和学汉字一样。我们学汉字时,不是记住一笔一划,而是将一个字分解成具有相关含义的几个组成部分(偏旁部首)。英语词汇也是一样,如果将它看作由一个个字母随机组成,那么很快就会忘记。英语词汇是由具有相关含义的前缀、词根、后缀组成的,将一个陌生的词,分解成认识的组成部分,联想、寻找一些自己熟悉的、由这些相同或相近的词根组成的词。这个新词的陌生感很快就会消失,许久之后都不会忘记,仿佛知根知底的老朋友那样熟悉,尤其那些比较生僻、字母很多的词。而常用的词汇,其词根和词源也须了解,以便区分一些读音或字母组合比较相近、容易混淆的词语。 比如 apostrophe, catastrophe, anastrophe, 这些词汇如果不知道词源和词根,恐怕一辈子也记不住。 -strophe 是 turn 的意思, apo- 是 from 的意思,加在一起, apostrophe 的字面意思是 ‘turn away', 这样就容易理解 apostrophe 表示英语的单引号,用于 I’m, can't 。而 cata 意思是 down, catastrophe 的字面意思是向下走,于是可以理解 catastrophe 是灾难的意思。 ana 意思是 back, anastrophe 是指说话逆反语句里词语顺序,像星球大战里的 Yoda 那样的说话方式。知道了这些,今后遇到 strophe 结尾的词,根据上下文肯定都能猜出它的意思,这些词再也不会忘记。 两个看起来近似的词根,意思可能大不相同。比如“ voc” 表示声音、说话、呼唤(衍生出词语的含义)。 vocal, vocation, vocabulary, vociferous, equivocal , revoke 这些词汇,都可以从这个词根来理解。而“ vac” 是 empty 的意思,如此可以理解这些词汇: vacuum, vacation, evacuate, vacancy 等等。了解这些,就不会混淆 vocation (职业,源自发自内心的呼唤 - 喜欢做的事情、一心向往的职业)和 vacation (假日, unoccupied )。 英语是大杂烩,汇集了大量希腊语、拉丁语、法语、西班牙语、德语等的词语和词根,会出现相同的词根或者拼写部分,意思并不相同。这是学习英文的一大难点。比如 rusty ( 生锈的 ) ,来自德语词 rost ,源于荷兰语 roest, 意思是红色,铁锈是红色的。而 rustic ( 乡村的 ) ,来自拉丁语 rusticus, ,意思是 the country 。又比如 vacillate ( 犹豫不决 ) 和 vaccinate( 接种疫苗 ) ,都和“ vac ”( empty )的含义无关。 vacillate 来自拉丁语词根 vacillat- 摇摆的意思( sway ), vaccinate 来自拉丁语 vacca, 意思是 “cow” ,因为早期的预防接种从种牛痘( cowpox )开始。再一个例子是 salary, 源自 ‘sal’ , salt ,古罗马士兵用他们的薪水买盐。但 salable (适合销售的)来自 saleable , sale-able 。 salacious ( 淫秽的 ) ,来自拉丁文 salax, salac-, salire, 意思是 ‘to leap’ ,超越了正常的道德尺度。 salvation (拯救)来自法语 salvacion, (from salvare ‘to save’) ,源自希腊语。 Mac 计算机自带的词典,对词根和词源的解释非常好,我遇到一些容易混淆的词,常常求助于其词源,从一个词串联到许多词,它们之间的联系非常有趣,也很有用。 了解一个词的历史和来源,就像听说一个陌生人的经历和故事,这个人从此便深入记忆,很难磨灭。
个人分类: 散文杂文|4507 次阅读|2 个评论
Andrew2010 2016-1-25 02:24
Hydrogen Hydrogen 发现历史: TheophrastusParacelsus 在 16 世纪就发现铁置于硫酸之中会产生气泡,但是他并没有进行进一步的研究那气泡的性质。 1650 年, Turquet De Mayerne 重复了上述实验,并发现产生的气体可燃。 1670 年,英国化学家 Robert Boyle 发现那气体只能在空气中燃烧。直到 1766 年英国化学家 Henry Cavendish 用锌和盐酸反应获得同样的气体,而且可以在空气中燃烧并生成水。 1783 年法国化学家 Antoine Lavoisier 命名这种新发现的元素为 hydrogen 。来自于希腊词 hydro 【水】 + genes 【生成】,当时的化学家就给了一个非常直白的名称:能生成( generate/form/produce )水 (hydro/water) 的元素 hydrogen 。 H 原子由一个质子( proton )和一个电子( electron )组成,是宇宙间最大量存在的元素,大概占宇宙总质量的 90% 。他有三个重要的同位素氕( protium ),氘 ( deuterium )氚( tritium )。 Hydrogen 同源词 从 hydrogen 的发现和命名可知,词干 hydro- 表示“水 ” 。 Biohydrology n. 生物水文学 Carbohydrate n. 碳水化合物,糖类; 淀粉质或糖类食物 Hydrophobia n. 恐水病,狂犬病 Dehydrate v. 使脱水 Dehydrogenate v. 使脱氢 Geohydrology n. 地下(水) 水文学 Hydrant n. 消防栓 Hydrate n. 水合物, v. 水合 Hydroelectricity n. 水力电 Hydrography n. 水文地理学,水体或水体在地图上的图示 Hydrometer n. 液体比重计 Hydronaut n. 美 (海军中从事水下搜索、救生或科研工作的)深水潜航器工作人员,深水潜航器驾驶员 Hydropathy n. 水疗法 Hydrophyte n. 水生植物
个人分类: 化学元素词源|4175 次阅读|0 个评论
panfq 2015-3-1 09:26
“佛”“菩提”“菩萨”“禅”“阿弥陀佛”“涅槃”“唵嘛呢叭咪吽”……这些都是从小到大被耳濡目染的一些佛教词汇,但是从未深究其词源本意。如今借助互联网,细究追至梵文,汇于此处。方知潜移默化中,早已有一些梵文词汇存于记忆库中。 要点:1. 佛 buddha, बुद्ध ,觉者,awakened one; 2. 菩提 Bodhi , बोधि ,觉悟;豁然开悟,enlightenment 3. 菩萨 bodhisattva बोधिसत्त्व 菩提萨埵,an enlightenment ( bodhi ) being ( sattva ). 求道求大觉之人 4 禅, Dhyāna ध्यान, meditation,静虑。 5. 涅槃 Nirvāṇa निर्वाण 圆寂、解脱. 6 阿弥陀佛 Amitābha अमिताभ, 无量佛。 南无阿弥陀佛 nā mó - 归命于无量寿觉。Namo-归命。 7. 唵嘛呢叭咪吽 om mani padme hum , ओं मणिपद्मे हूं 如意宝,如意莲花 呦。 jewel- lotus flower. 9. 舍利子, 舍利, शरीर śarīra 遗体 ;佛陀涅盘火化结晶体 ; body, the ashes of a cremated body 佛教 Buddhism is a nontheistic religion or dharma , right way of living, that encompasses a variety of traditions, beliefs and practices largely based on teachings attributed to Siddhartha Gautama , commonly known as the Buddha (the awakened one) ,as an awakened or enlightened teacher who shared his insights to help sentient beings end their suffering through the elimination of ignorance and craving by way of understanding and the seeing of Dependent Origination and the Four Noble Truths , with the ultimate goal of attainment of the sublime state of Nirvana.四圣諦:苦集灭道 1 Buddha 佛 音译“佛陀” , 意译为“觉者”、“知者”、“觉”。觉有三义:自觉、觉他(使众生觉悟)、觉行圆满,是佛教修行的最高果位。菩萨缺最后一项,只有佛才三项俱全。小乘讲的“佛”,一般是用作对释迦牟尼的尊称。大乘除指释迦牟尼外,还泛指一切觉行圆满者。 O 网页链接 Buddha means awakened one or the enlightened one. Buddha is also used as a title for the first awakened being in an era . In most Buddhist traditions, Siddhartha Gautama is regarded as the Supreme Buddha 2 菩提 Bodhi 音译,意思是觉悟、智慧,用以指人豁然开悟,突入彻悟途径,顿悟真理,达到超凡脱俗的境界等。菩提是大彻大悟,明心见性,证得了最后的光明的自性,也就是达到了涅盘的程度。涅盘实际上就是达到了无上菩提。断绝世间烦恼而成就涅盘之智慧 Bodhi (Sanskrit: बोधि ; and Pali ) in Buddhism is the understanding possessed by a Buddha regarding the true nature of things . It is traditionally translated into English with the word enlightenment and literally means awakened. (The verbal root budh means to awaken.) Bodhi is knowledge of the causal mechanism by which beings incarnate into material form and experience suffering . 3 菩萨 “菩提萨埵”之略称。 菩提 萨埵,bodhi-sattva, bodhisattva बोधिसत्त्व 巴利语 bodhi-satta。意译:道众生、觉有情、大觉有情、道心众生。意即求道求大觉之人、求道之大心人。 菩提 ,觉、智、道之意; 萨埵 ,众生、有情之意。与 声闻 、 缘觉 合称三乘。bodhisattva,is an enlightenment ( bodhi ) being ( sattva ). bodhisattva बोधिसत्त्व bodhisattva) is an enlightenment ( bodhi ) being ( sattva ). Traditionally, a bodhisattva is anyone who, motivated by great compassion, has generated bodhicitta, which is a spontaneous wish to attain Buddhahood for the benefit of all sentient beings. buddhahood बुद्धत्व buddhatva ) is the state of perfect enlightenment ( सम्यक्सम्बोधि samyaksambodhi ) attained by a buddha ( / ˈ b u d ə / ; In Theravada Buddhism (小乘佛教), Buddha refers to one who has become enlightened through his own efforts and insight, without a teacher to point out the Dharma Dharma धर्म 律法;教规;守教规;达摩(古印度圣僧) http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dharma is a key concept with multiple meanings in the Indian religions Hinduism, Buddhism..There is no single word translation for dharma in western languages. In Buddhism dharma means cosmic law and order,but is also applied to the teachings of the Buddha. In Buddhist philosophy, dhamma/dharma is also the term for phenomena. In Hinduism, dharma signifies behaviors that are considered to be in accord with rta , ऋतं the order that makes life and universe possible, and includes duties, rights, laws, conduct, virtues and 'right way of living. Ṛta ऋतं ṛtaṃ that which is properly/excellently joined; order, rule; truth. 4 禅 ,汉传佛教术语,梵文“禅那”略称 ,意译为“静虑”、“思维修”、“弃恶”等。就是在生活中静静过滤碎片,修正错误的思维,抛弃恶念。佛教普遍采用的一种修习方法,源于婆罗门经典《奥义书》所讲的即:静坐调心、制御意志、超越喜忧以达到“梵”的境界。修禅,可以静治烦,实现去恶从善、由痴而智、由染污到清净的转变。使修习者从心绪宁静到心身愉悦,进入心明清空的境界。 Dhyāna Sanskrit; Devanagari: ध्यान) or Jhāna (झान) means meditation in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. In Buddhism, it is a series of cultivated states of mind, which lead to state of perfect equanimity and awareness O 网页链接 zen 词源来自日语 禅 (zen ぜん), from 中古汉语 禪 (ɖjen) ,缩写of 禪那 (ɖjen-na), from 梵 ध्यान (dhyāna, “a type of meditation”). (religion) A denomination of Buddhism elaborated in Japan.(informal) A philosophy of calm, reminiscent of that of the Buddhist denomination教派 Devanagari /ˌdeɪvəˈnɑːɡəriː/ देवनागरी devanāgarī ,from Sanskrit 梵语 lit.divine town script 天城体,梵文字母deva God,and nāgarī town, also called Nagari नागरी. O 网页链接 Sanskrit (/ˈsnskrɪt/ संस्कृतम् saṃskṛtam , originally संस्कृता वाक् saṃskṛtā vāk, refined speech) vac- speak, tell O 网页链接 5. 阿弥陀佛 ē mí tuó fó ( Amitābha अमिताभ ),又名无量佛、无量光佛、无量寿佛等。 大乘经 载,阿弥陀佛在过去久远劫时曾立大愿,建立 西方净土 ,广度无边 众生 ,成就无量庄严功德,为 大乘佛教 所广为崇敬和弘扬。 amita 无极,无尽,无量。弥陀,mita 可量; amita buddha 意为无量佛。弥陀佛 mita buddha,意为可量佛。阿,梵文a ,表否定。 amita-ābha अमिताभ,無量光 Infinite Light ,( ābha 光) Amitābha is translatable as Infinite Light, hence Amitābha is often called The Buddha of Infinite Light.; amitāyus ,अमितायूस्,Infinite Life,无量寿佛(-āyus 寿命) 。In Japanese, also called Amida Nyorai (阿弥陀如来)。 阿弥陀佛 的阿字为译音用字,译自梵语的字根amita,教界一般发音为ā;e音则普遍存在于大陆影视剧中;ō wō存在于方言和地方普通话中。 Amitābha ( Sanskrit : अमिताभ, Amitābha ) is a celestial buddha described in the scriptures of the Mahāyāna school of Buddhism . Amitābha is the principal buddha in the Pure Land sect , a branch of Buddhism practiced mainly in East Asia , while in Vajrayana 密宗 Amitābha is known for his longevity attribute and the aggregate of distinguishing (recognition) and the deep awareness of individualities. According to these scriptures, Amitābha possesses infinite merits resulting from good deeds over countless past lives as a bodhisattva named Dharmakāra . Dharmakāya (Sanskrit: धर्मकाय, lit. truth body or reality body) 南无阿弥陀佛 nā mó ē mí tuó fó ,fromSanskrit: namo-' mitābhāya , 归命于无量寿觉及无量光觉也。归命者,众生一心仰赖阿弥陀佛,即众生之信心也。 namo An exclamation showing reverence; devotion. Often placed in front of the name of an object of veneration, e.g., a Buddha's name or a sutra ( Nam(u) Myōhō Renge Kyō ), to express devotion to it. Defined in Sino-Japanese as 帰命 kimyō : to base one's life upon, to devote (or submit) one's life to. Derivatives : Namo Amitabha, 南无阿弥陀佛 Jp: Namu Amida butsu Ko: Namu Amita Bul 南无观世音菩萨 Jp: Namu Kanzeon Butsu Ko: Namu Gwan Se Eum Bo Sal 6. 涅槃 निर्वाण Nirvāṇa 意译为圆寂、灭度、寂灭、无为、解脱、自在、安乐、不生不灭等。佛教教义认为涅槃是将世间所有一切法都灭尽而仅有一本住法圆满而寂静的状态,所以涅槃中永远没有生命的中的种种烦恼、痛苦。wiki nirvāṇa root √ vā 'blow' ,past participle vāna 'blown'; prefixed with the preverb nis which means 'out'. Hence the original meaning of the word is 'blown out,extinguished' http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nirvāṇa 7. 唵嘛呢叭咪吽 om mani padme hum , Oṃ maṇi padme hūṃ (Sanskrit: ओं मणिपद्मे हूं, IPA: ) is the six-syllabled Sanskrit mantra particularly associated with the four-armed Shadakshari form of Avalokiteshvara 四臂观音 ,the bodhisattva 菩萨 of compassion. Mani means jewel or bead宝珠 and Padma means the lotus flower莲花, the Buddhist sacred flower. 六字大明咒 唵嘛呢叭咪吽 ,是大慈大悲 观世音菩萨 咒,代表一切诸菩萨的慈悲与加持,特别启请大悲观世音菩萨的 加持 。 大明咒 其意为至高无上,包含了宇宙中大能力大智慧大慈悲。有人意译为:啊!愿我功德圆满,与佛融合!或译: 如意宝 啊,莲花呦!郭卓茂解释为:“ 如意莲花 呦,让我带你去 渡众生吧! ”// 唵(ong)嘛(ma)呢(ni)叭(bei)咪(mei)吽(hòng):“唵”,表示“佛部心”;“嘛呢”,梵文意为“ 如意宝 ”,表示“宝部心”;“叭咪”,梵文意为“莲花”,表示“莲花部心”, 喻法 性如莲花一样纯洁无瑕,出淤泥而不染;“吽”,表示“金刚部心”,祈愿成就之意,即必须依赖佛的力量,才能得到“正觉”,成就一切,普渡众生,最后达到成佛的愿望。 8. 观音; 观世音菩萨 ( 梵文 :अवलोकितेश्वर,Avalokiteśvara)观世音是 鸠摩罗什 的旧译, 玄奘 新译为 观自在 ,略称为观音。佛教中慈悲和智慧的象征。以观世音菩萨为主导的大慈悲精神,被视为大乘佛教的根本。观世音与 阿弥陀佛 有着特殊的关系。或说观世音就是阿弥陀佛的 化身 。 Guanyin originated as the Sanskrit Avalokiteśvara (अवलोकितेश्वर). means Observing the Sounds (or Cries) of the World. Commonly known in English as the Mercy Goddess or Goddess of Mercy , Guanyin is also revered by Chinese Taoists as an immortal . Guanyin is an East Asian deity of mercy, and a bodhisattva associated with compassion as venerated by Mahayana Buddhists . Some Buddhists believe that when one of their adherents departs from this world, they are placed by Guanyin in the heart of a lotus, and then sent to the western pure land of Sukhāvatī . Sukhāvatī . सुखावती 音译须摩提,西方极乐世界,西方净土。 Sukha happiness or ease or pleasure or bliss . preya (pleasure), where happiness (sukha) is a deep and authentic positive, fulfilling state of being that is lasting and not merely transient and ultimately unsatisfying, requiring constant modification, like preya. / vati Vati (Rhodes) (Greek: βάτι), a village on the Greek island of Rhodes . Avalokiteśvara (अवलोकितेश्वर lit. Lord who looks down) is a bodhisattva who embodies the compassion of all Buddhas. depicted as either female or male.A- is one of the more widely revered bodhisattvas in mainstream Mahayana Buddhism. The name Avalokiteśvara is made of the following parts: the verbal prefix ava means down; lokita , a past participle of the verb lok (to notice, behold, observe), here used in an active sense; and finally īśvara , lord, ruleror master. a+iśvara becomes eśvara . Combined, the parts mean lord who gazes down (at the world). The word loka (world) is absent from the name, but the phrase is implied. It was initially thought that the Chinese mis-transliterated the word Avalokiteśvara as Avalokitasvara which explained why Xuanzang translated it as Guānzìzài ( 觀自在) instead of Guānyīn ( 觀音). However, the original form was indeed Avalokitasvara with the ending a-svara (sound, noise), which means sound perceiver, literally he who looks down upon sound (i.e., the cries of sentient beings who need his help; a -svara can be glossed as ahr-svara , sound of lamentation). In Sanskrit, Avalokitesvara is also referred to as Padmapāni (Holder of the Lotus) or Lokeśvara (Lord of the World). Mahāyāna Buddhism relates Avalokiteśvara to the six-syllable mantra: oṃ maṇi padme hūṃ ... in Tibetan Buddhism, also called Shadakshari , which means Lord of the Six Syllables. Recitation of this mantra along with prayer beads, is the most popular religious practice 9. 舍利子 (佛陀涅盘火化结晶体)舍利是梵语 शरीर śarīra的音译,是印度人死后身体的总称。在 佛教 中,僧人死后所遗留的头发、骨骼、骨灰等,均称为舍利;在火化后,所产生的结晶体,则称为舍利子 śarīra,body, the ashes of a cremated 火花 body 10. 般若 ,般若波羅蜜多 (Buddhism) prajā pāramitā (Perfection of Wisdom) O 网页链接 prajāpāramitā (Sanskrit: प्रज्ञापारमिता) means the Perfection of (Transcendent) Wisdom in Mahāyāna Buddhism. prajā wisdom + pāramitā perfection. prajna (Buddhism) wisdom; understanding; insight .Etymology. Sanskrit प्रज्ञा (prajā) :प्र- (pra-, “in front of”) +‎ ज्ञ (√jā, “to know”) O 网页链接 / Mahāyāna महायान Great Vehicle./ bodhisattva (बोधिसत्त्व is an enlightened (bodhi) being (sattva). O 网页链接 Mahāyāna 大乘佛教 ( Sanskrit: महायान mahāyāna, literally the Great Vehicle) is one of the three main existing branches of Buddhism and a term for classification of Buddhist philosophies and practice. Two major branches of Buddhism are generally recognized: Theravada 小乘佛教(主要流传于斯里兰卡、缅甸、泰国和柬埔寨) (The School of the Elders) and Mahayana 大乘佛教(The Great Vehicle). Theravada has a widespread following in Sri Lanka and Southeast Asia (Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Myanmar etc.). Mahayana is found throughout East Asia (China, Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Singapore,Taiwan etc.) and includes the traditions of Pure Land 净土宗 , Zen 禅宗,Nichiren Buddhism日莲宗, Tibetan Buddhism藏传佛教,Shingon 真言宗(日本佛教的一派) , and Tiantai (Tendai 天台). 密宗,又名金刚乘(梵文:वज्रयान Vajrayāna,是大乘佛教的一个支派,在修行方式上有很多不许公开的秘密传授,又称密教。目前在日本和西藏最为兴盛。日本密教传承印度的前期、中期密教,有东密(真言宗)和台密(天台密教)两大分支,东密的道场在东寺、高野山,台密在比睿山。 Vajrayana —practiced mainly in Tibet and Mongolia, and adjacent parts of China and Russia—is recognized as a third branch, while others classify it as a part of Mahayana . Dalai Lama , a combination of the Mongolic word dalai meaning ocean and bla-ma meaning guru , teacher, mentor. 11 妙法莲华经 Lotus Sūtra ( सद्धर्मपुण्डरीकसूत्र Saddharma Puṇḍarīka Sūtra ) 後秦鸠摩罗什译,Saddharma「妙法」。Pundarika 意译为「白莲花」,以莲花(莲华)为喻,比喻佛法之洁白、清净、完美。Sūtra 意为「经」—是 佛陀 释迦牟尼晚年说教,宣讲内容至高无上,明示不分贫富贵贱、人人皆可成佛。 The Lotus Sūtra is one of the most popular and influential Mahāyāna sūtras , and the basis on which the Tiantai , Tendai Cheontae , and Nichiren schools of Buddhism were established. In English, shortened form Lotus Sūtra . Sanskrit: सद्धर्मपुण्डरीकसूत्र 妙法蓮華經, shortened to 法華經。 The earliest known Sanskrit title for the sūtra is the Saddharma Puṇḍarīka Sūtra , which translates to Scripture圣典 of the Lotus Blossom of the Fine Dharma . In English, the shortened form Lotus Sūtra is common. The Lotus Sūtra has also been highly regarded in a number of Asian countries where Mahāyāna Buddhism has been traditionally practiced. sutra 佛经,箴言,经典。 सूत्र, is an aphorism 格言 in the form of a manual or a text in Buddhism. Literally it means a thread or line that holds things together ,root siv -, meaning to sew. sutra were written down in books of palm leaves sewn together with thread. 佛教词典 http://dictionary.buddhistdoor.com/ http://www.wiktionary.org/
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