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What you said is what you said
hu565311907 2019-4-14 18:50
The collapse of a community lies in its failure to configure the world, esp. in the weighing of interest clashes.And no man is disinterested, and if anyone is with enough strength, there is the invision and dispute.So the crux is, who is to take a lead and who is to dig under others' feet.Therefore, the ups and downs are correlating with the correct constrcuting and deconstructing of foes.If we don't check them up and study their mentalites, there comes the disaster.However, Confucius suggests we not to guess what others' think.All craps! But what you said is what others' have heard.Here comes the game theory of loss or gain. If the gain is worthwhile, and you risk and get the truth, the detected fruit is priceless.Otherwise, you stake is too high. Since everyone has a perspective, who is to believe the narration?Any credulity brings forth the loss to the candid and the gains to liers.Therefore, we have some points to clarify here, that is why is one to lie or to act abusively?I believe, in addition to character, there is a motive to gain from the aggressive action. Therefore, on the one hand, there should be a strategy to pre-empt schemes, such as a lie or a purposeful bullying.On the other hand, there should be some disorders arise when the preemptive effort esclates into a war, and the one responding to a provocation loses much when defeated.When the latent snake is carefully controlled and we leave no chance for them to take a lead in a provocation, we are in the up wind. The point is, when the vigilence is accused of as a fuss, there is the collusion nearby.If people at hand are not carefully controlled, what is the value of human resources and management?We have to closely study the decision to make friends, that is, bad guys are possibly mixed in.First, it's not always a good reason to make friends.Moreover, it's not always a good reason to treat kindness as kindness.Second, it is neccessary break the limitations.But who is to be trusted?This is the rut.No plan is a plan.The unsaided is saided and a habit is a bad habit.An expectation is a bad habit.Here comes the truth underneath the seemingly peacefulness, if you want sth, you take the bait.A bait, and you are the fish. Any expectation of gains will make you a fish, but who is the Old Man?And the forks and ropes, where are they, why they are there.They are there because they want to be there.There must be something gathers them there.The whys hint that sth should be valueable to attract them there.But if you win and stay with the valueable, you will find there is still a net covering all, and behind the net is another hand.Or stay clean and no trivail in life. Or stay clear and no trivial to a lie. However, there should be some truth behind a lie.A lie, a story, a stroryteller and conflicts.If we cann't find anything in this planet, where the value of life lies?If there is a truth behind anything, why should we back off and take the rue?But there is the judgement and the scrupulous contact, perchance you win, perchance you lose.So the predetermined rule of nonaction should be complemented with rational practice.This is the paradox of life. translating and context, a narratve account Mona Baker
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[转载]机器学习几本书:my list of cool machine learning books
jiandanjinxin 2012-11-27 16:09
http://matpalm.com/blog/2010/08/06/my-list-of-cool-machine-learning-books/ 0) " Machine Learning: a Probabilistic Perspective " byKevin Patrick Murphy Now available amazon.com and other vendors. Electronic versions (e.g., for Kindle) will be available later in the Fall. Table of contents Chapter 1 (Introduction) Information for instructors from MIT Press . If you are an official instructor, you can request an e-copy, which can help you decide if the book is suitable for your class. You can also request the solutions manual. Errata Matlab software All the figures , together with matlab code to generate them 1) "programming collective intelligence" by toby segaran if you know nothing about machine learning and haven't done maths since high school then this is the book for you. it's a fantastically accesible introduction to the field. includes almost no theory and explains algorithms using actual python implementations. 2) "data mining" by witten and frank this book covers quite a bit more than programming c.i. while still being extremely practical (ie very few formula). about a fifth of the book is dedicated to weka, a machine learning workbench which was written by the authors. apart from the weka section this book has no code. i made a little screencast on weka awhile back if you're after a summary. 3) "introduction to data mining" by tan, steinbach and kumar covers almost the same material as the witten/frank text but delves a little bit deeper and with more rigour. includes no code (none of the books do from now on) with algorithms described by formula. has a number of appendices on linear algebra, probability, statistics etc so that you can read up if you're a bit rusty or new to the fields (the witten/frank text lack these). some people might argue having both of these books is a waste since they cover so much of the same ground but i've always found multiple explanations from different authors to be a great way to help understand a topic. i read the witten/frank text first and am glad i did but if i could only keep one i'd keep this one. intermission at this point you've probably got enough mental firepower to handle some of the uni level machine learning course notes that are floating about online. if you're keen to get a better foundation of the maths side of things it'd be worth working through andrew ng's lecture series on machine learning. (20 hours of a second year stanford course on machine learning) i also found andrew moore's lecture slides really great. (they do though require a reasonable understanding of the basics) 4) "foundations of statistical natural language processing" by manning and schutze not a machine learning book as such but great for learning to deal with one of the most common types of data around; text. since most of machine learning theory is about maths (ie numbers) this is awesome in helping to understanding how to deal with text in a mathematical context. 5) "introduction to machine learning" by ethem alpaydin covers generally the same sort of topics as the data mining books but with much more rigour and theory (derivations, proofs, etc). i think this is a good thing though since understanding how things work at a low level gives you the ability to tweak and modify as required. loads more formulas but again with appendixs that introduce the basics in enough detail to get by. 6) "all of statistics" by larry wasserman by this stage you'll probably have an appreciation of how important statistics is for this domain and it might be worth foccussing on it for a bit. personally i found this book to be a great read and though i've only read certain sections in depth i'm looking forward to when i get a chance to work through it cover to cover 7) "the elements of statistical learning" by hastie, tibshirani and friedman. with a bit more stats under your belt you might have a chance of getting through this one; the most complex of the lot. this book is absolutely beautifully presented and now that it's FREE to download you've got no reason not to have a crack at it. a remarkable piece of work and one i've yet to get through fully cover to cover, it's quite hardcore and right on the border of my level of understanding ( which makes it perfect for me :P ) ps. books i haven't read that are in the mail "machine learning" by tom mitchell have been wanting to read this one for awhile, i'm a big fan of tom mitchell , but couldn't justify the cost however just found out the other day the paperback is a third of the price of the hardback i was looking at!! the book's in the mail "pattern recognition and machine learning" by chris bishop all of a sudden seemed like everyone was reading this but me so it was time to jump on the bandwagon 《模式分类》如果是计算机、物理背景的 ,先看 Bishop的Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition ,然后看T. Hastie的 Elements of Statistical Learning 如果是数学、统计背景的,调转个顺序就可以了。Bishop的那本太厚推荐Jordan的统计学习的课件,全面,难度适中 http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~jordan/courses/281B-spring04/ 如果实在对英文没兴趣,可以看看李航的那本统计学习,比较基础 如果仅仅想看看这方面的应用情景,推荐吴军的数学之美 以上内容转自 http://www.zhizhihu.com/html/y2012/4019.html
2974 次阅读|0 个评论
一个best practice: 某杂志提醒您,您是否被合作者了?
热度 1 liuli66 2012-9-7 12:58
这是一个best practice。 形式和内容如下: —————————————————————— Dear Dr.XX You are listed as a coauthor on the above manuscript, which has recently been submitted to XXX . According toXXXpolicy, all authors must have seen and approved the submission of their manuscript. If you have seen the manuscript and approved its submission, no action is necessary. If you have not read this paper and do not approve its submission to XXX, please let us know as soon as possible. Please refer to the manuscript number listed above in any correspondence (you can just reply to this message). Your manuscript is now undergoing an initial screening to determine whether it will be sent for in-depth review. We will notify the corresponding author of our decision as soon as possible.
26 次阅读|2 个评论
cosismine 2012-4-9 20:53
想来,我该把我的主办的研讨会也写个记录了。 Sparkling synergies: bringing research and practice together Conference of the “American Society for Information Science Technology”, held from October 28 October till November 2 2005 (Charlotte, NC, USA). Keynote speakers: Matthew Szulik (Red Hat: Linux) and Pattie Maes (Flemish female scientist working at MIT – Multimedia Lab and one of the “100 Americans to watch for” according to Newsweek ; I wrote an article about software agents with her (in Dutch)). Besides these keynote presentations there were a number of social activities, among which the most important one was the awarding of some prestigious prizes. Yue Weiping received the ASIST award of best doctoral dissertation of the year. I am very happy for her. There were further 60 talks and panel discussions. They dealt with the following subjects: information behavior, foundations of information science, social informatics, interface design, multimedia, information resources, scholarly work and scientific communication, methods for studying online searching, digital libraries, standards, information organization, information science education, medical information, knowledge management and international issues in digital libraries. There were also more than 50 poster presentations. I gave a talk under Scholarly Work and Scientific Communication , with as title “Q-measures for binary divided networks: an investigation within the field of informetrics”. The conference proceedings are available on CD-ROM (I have a copy). Many Chinese studying or living in the USA and Canada were present, and also some from Mainland China and Taiwan. Most of them are not working in quantitative research so I do not know them. The ones I do know or talked to at the conference are: Yue Weiping (now ISI Beijing), Zhao Dangzhi (living now in Canada), Chu Heting, Fu Xin (male student at Chapel Hill, formerly Peking University where he attended a talk by me) and Hu Xiao (female student at University of Illinois, student of Qiu Junping).
2074 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载] 创新的源泉从哪里来?
duanrf 2012-3-7 13:21
创新的源泉从哪里来?(120307) 闵应骅 自从1999年当时的江泽民总书记批示中国科学院启动知识创新工程以来,“创新”一词时髦起来。科技界、工业界都在追求创新,尤其是信息产业界,到今天,离了创新,简直就难于活下去了。那么,创新究竟是来源于什么呢?一种说法说来源于想法(idea),另一说来源于实际(practice)。这在国际上也是一个问题。 德国应用科学院(GMD)院长Dennis Tsichritizis1997年说:科研的想法被采用只有四种办法: * 传播研究:公布你的想法,希望有人用之于实际。 * 建造工具:吸引人们用于实际。 * 教育培训:直接教人新的实践。 * 商业:开企业提供新的实践。 只有第一种办法是与想法有关的,其他都不把想法告诉使用者, 任何新产品,先要有想法。我们靠想法解决问题、出新产品、发表论文、得奖、凝聚团队。但是,一般的情况是:想法多,评价难,采用少。。自然产生一个问题:创新究竟是想法产生的,还是实际采用的?真正的发明者是企业家,还是发明家? 如果说想法是创新的关键,那你就会努力去产生想法、分析想法、选择想法、发表想法,以提高方案的创造性、想象力、借鉴和结合,产生新的想法。事实上,市场的许多产品和服务是从创新想法来的。即使有些想法的发明者并没有参加被采用的工作,但他仍然会誉为该创新的发明者。英才教育的理念认为:创新是最佳想法在许多想法竞争中胜出的过程。源于想法的创新是一个逐步发展的过程,从样机到产品开发、生产,再到市场,才能形成市场产品和服务,它由经济拉动,而由促进者和发明者推动。美国的自然科学基金委员会就是在这一概念基础上于1945年建立起来的。它认为想法的产生是创新的主要推动力。 但是,MIT的一个统计表明,产业界创新想法的成功率约为4%。现在产业界已经逐渐打破这个流水线过程,而采用交叉开发模式。它强调社会群体和公共关系对产品市场拓广的重要性。以太网的发明人Bob Metcalfe把这两种情况比做鲜花和杂草。他说:1976年发表的关于以太网的概念模型和详细分析是花,而他在杂草里花了10年时间给产业界领袖们宣传以太网。他花在杂草里的精力远远超过在花上的努力。以太网从想法到采用是一个漫长而又艰苦的过程。拿博客来说,1980年代,有人把日志放在Web页上,很快就被推广开来。人们于是开发博客软件,方便大家使用。有人开发跟踪服务,以方便搜索别人使自己感兴趣的博客。没有人追究究竟是谁发明的博客,也没有人在乎谁是发明者。苹果公司的app风潮是另一个例子。乔布斯看到出售可以定制iPhone的一个小的软件的商机,许多人跟进,2010年中就卖出去100万app。没有人在意这个想法产生的过程。事后诸葛亮们倒是在议论和诠释这实践后面的想法。所以,创新理论应该强调社会新实践的采用,不改变人们行为的想法只是一个发明,而不是创新。改变人们实践的创新者要经过5个步骤:感受到一个问题;作为一个难题而坚持不懈;发现产生这个问题的原因;提出解决这一问题的办法;提供解决该问题的途径。创新者的目的是要改变人们的实践,来解决该问题。这比产生和追求新想法复杂得多。许多创新是从实践开始的。当人们发现一个新东西比旧的好,就会很快推广开来。过一段时间,就会出现工具,以加快改变的进程,而形成市场。 实际上,想法和实践都很重要。但是,并不一定是想法在先,而可能是不起眼的实验在先,而后发展为惊人的实践,最后才抽出想法。所以,发表文章,提出想法是必要的。论文被采用的比率很低,这很正常,不必着急。这些想法恰恰可以给产业界提供参考。我们应该在培育想法和培育实践中找到一个平衡。不过,许多公司的经验表明,产生想法的努力占10%,而实践推向市场要占90%。所以,公司和政府应该以90%的精力采用和实践新技术,而绝不光是着眼于产生新想法。当然,对于科研人员来说,他们力所能及的事情恐怕还是产生想法、证明想法、试验验证想法。 本文引用地址: http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=290937do=blogid=544915
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请教xiaohong, zuojun等英文高手:这个ONLY如何理解?
热度 3 liuli66 2012-1-8 17:08
Plagiarism is incredibly common — 40% of students admit to doing it in written assignments4. Some offenders rationalize the practice by claiming ignorance about what distinguishes acceptable paraphrasing from plagiarism, or by complaining that “ there are only so many ways to say the same thing ”. Providing a footnote to verbatim text won’t suffice. 文中标示出来的句子中的only是什么意思?整句话是什么意思? 凭感觉,这句话应该是: 说同一个东西,就那么几种表达方式,我还能变出什么别的花样来? 原文见 任先生博文提供的 附件。 谢谢xiaohong, zuojun等,也谢谢任先生提供的一样理解。
个人分类: 杂感|680 次阅读|7 个评论
[转载]The role of NSF in engineering education practice
whyhoo 2012-1-7 16:47
JOHN L. DANIELS University of North Carolina at CharlotteCharlotte, NC SALLY L. WOOD Santa Clara UniversitySan Jose, CA and SUSAN C. KEMNITZER Directorate for Engineering Division of Engineering Education and Centers Arlington, VA APPENDIX Engineering education directly supports the nation’s capacity for economic growth, infrastructure renewal, and security, as well as environmental and human health. Numerous reports haverecommended federal support to advance our understanding of how students learn, how facultyteach, and how teaching and learning are assessed. The U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF)funded eight Engineering Education Coalitions comprising 49 universities from 1990 to 2005 toencourage implementation of report findings. The NSF Department Level Reform (DLR) programwas designed to build on the efforts of the coalitions with funding provided to 20 universitiesto reformulate and update their engineering programs from 2004-2008. In this paper, the authors provide a brief summary of the coalition effort, an overview of the DLR program, highlightsfrom selected DLR implementation efforts and comments on future directions of engineeringeducation and research. Keywords: Department level reform, National Science Foundation INTRODUCTION The state of research and practice in engineering education is the result of many individuals and organizations. Jesiek et al. (2009) provided a summary of the history and origins of U.S. engineering education research, noting the intertwined influence of key authors, reports and activities, many of which were associated with the National Academies, National Science Board, National Science Foundation, ABET Inc., Engineering Deans Council and American Society of Engineering Education. Seely (2005) has summarized changes in the practice of engineering education, noting thatperiodic calls for reform have been documented since the latter part of the nineteenth century. Aconvergence of such calls in the late 1980s (e.g., NRC 1985, NSB 1986, ASEE 1986, 1987, ABET 1986)led to the Belmont Conference (Willenbrock 1989) at which significant federal investment into “thedevelopment of consortia of educational institutions” was recommended “as a national imperative.” In response, the Division of Engineering Education and Centers within the Directorate for Engineering (EEC/ENG) and Division for Undergraduate Education in the Directorate for Education and Human Resources (DUE/EHR) at the NSF developed a program to fund several multi-institution Engineering Education Coalitions (NSF 1989). This funding model was changed in 2002 to focus on department level reform at individual institutions. The primary purpose of this manuscript is to provide an overview of the Department Level Reform (DLR) program. This manuscript also briefly summarizes the Engineering Education Coalitions program because it immediately preceded and influenced the DLR program. Background discussion is limited to the coalitions and DLR, although other NSF investments through the EEC/ENG Engineering Research Centers (ERC) program, various programs in the DUE/EHR (e.g., Course, Curriculum, and Laboratory Improvement (CCLI)) as well as other federal support (e.g., Department of Education Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE)) have all contributed to the development of engineering education. 原文见 http://advances.asee.org/vol02/issue04/papers/aee-vol02-issue04-p03.pdf
个人分类: 教育|1452 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]i.e.,etc., 和 e.g.的用法和区别
flyada 2011-11-12 16:11
i.e. 是拉丁文 id est 的缩写,它的意思就是“那就是说,换句话说”,等同于“that is,in other words” ,目的是用来 进一步 解释前面所说的观点。 e.g. 是拉丁文 exempli gratia 的缩写,它的意思是“举个例子,比如”,等同与“for example”,目的就是用几个例子来说明前面的观点。 etc.就比较好理解了,它是 etcetera 的缩写,意思是“等等”,相当于“and so on” e.g. 和 etc. 不能出现在同一句话中,因为 e.g. 是表示泛泛的举几个例子,并没有囊括所有的实例,其中就已经包含“等等”,如果再加一个 etc. 就画蛇添足了,例如下面这句话就是错的: Writing instructors focus on a number of complex skills that require extensive practice (e.g., organization, clear expression, logical thinking, etc.)
个人分类: 授业解惑|1916 次阅读|0 个评论
syfox 2011-10-2 13:20
diplomacy 外交 diplomatic practice 外交惯例 diplomatic immunity 外交豁免权 diplomatic barometer 外交晴雨表 diplomatic envoy 外交使节 diplomatic truce 外交休兵 downright distrust 完全不信任 complete equality 完全平等 stubborn ills 顽疾 seek a common good 为大众谋利 maintain the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong 维护香港的繁荣与稳定 justice-upholding 维护正义的 diplomatic practice 外交惯例 cultural exchange 文化交流 cultural ambassador 文化使节 cradle of civilization 文化摇篮 inexorable facts 无情的事实 disorder 无秩序状态 current state 现状 elaborate on 详细谈论 harmonize 协调 agreement 协定 alliance 结盟 protocol 协议 coordination 协作 hand-in hand 携手 a new world pattern 新的世界形态 neo-colonialism 新殖民主义 assert 宣称;维护 declaration 宣告,声明 the Asia-Pacific region 亚太地区 severe test 严峻的考验 message of condolences 唁电 consistent policy 一贯的政策 take history as guidance and look into the future 以史为鉴,面向未来 ideology 意识形态 never yielding 永不屈服 increase; strengthen; promote; expand; boost 增进 enhance mutual understanding 增进了解 strategic relationship 战略关系 strategic partnership of coordination 战略协作伙伴关系 normalization 正常化 correct foreign policy 正确的对外方针 an official visit 正式访问 transfer of government 政权交接 political dialogs 政治对话 political and moral support 政治和道义上的支持 medium and long term cooperation 中长期的合作 the Sino-Japanese Treaty for Peace and Friendship 中日和平友好条约 apartheid; racial segregation 种族隔离 racial tensions 种族矛盾 racial discrimination 种族歧视 approach (a problem) 着手处理 reevaluation 重新评估 sovereign states 主权国家 garrison 驻军 self-determination 自觉自主 self-reclusive 自我封闭 least-developed countries (LDCs) 最不发达国家 the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence 和平共处五项基本原则 equality and mutual benefit 平等互利 mutual respect for sovereignty, territorial integrity 互相尊重和主权领土完整 non-aggression 互不侵犯 non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries 互不干涉内政 peaceful coexistence 和平共处 Abstract Expressionism 抽象表现主义 Art Deco 装饰派艺术 Art Nouveau 新艺术主义 Ashcan School 垃圾箱画派 Assemblage (Collage) 装配艺术品 Barbizon School (Landscape Painting) 巴比松画派 Baroque 巴罗克艺术风格 Classicism 古典风格 Constructivism 构成派 Cubism 立体派 Dada达达主义运动 Expressionism 表现主义 Fauvism 野兽派 Futurism 未来主义 Genre 风俗画 Impressionism 印象主义 Mannerism 风格主义 Neoclassicism 新古典主义 Neoimpressionism 新印象主义,点描派 Op Art 光效应绘画艺术,欧普艺术 Pop Art 波普艺术 Realism 现实主义画派 Rococo 洛可可风格 Surrealism 超现实主义 Symbolism 象征主义 bas-relief (=bass-relief) 浮雕,浅浮雕 cameo 刻有浮雕的宝石或贝壳 caricature 漫画 cartoon (报刊上的)政治性漫画,讽刺画,卡通画,漫画 chiaroscuro 光影、明暗对比法 colors, complementary 补色;对比色 transition 转变;过渡 turmoil 动乱;冲突 tackle 处理;对付 take shape 成形 tense 紧张的 undermine 破坏 undesirable 不受欢迎的 union 联盟;工会 unswervingly 坚定不移地 vigorous 强健的;精力充沛的 volatile 不稳定的;多变的 going global “走出去”(战略) security; safety 安全 hegemony 霸权 closed-door past 闭关锁国的过去 closed-door policy 闭关政策 criteria 标准 extensive and profound 博大深远 non-confrontation 不对抗 irrationality 不合理 non-alignment 不结盟 insurmountable difficulty 不可克服的困难 inequality 不平等 unremitting efforts 不懈的努力 undertake concrete step 采取具体步骤 gap 距离 attempt 尝试 dynamism 充满活力 lofty cause 崇高的事业 grand ideal 崇高理想 address differences 处理分歧 shuttle diplomacy 穿梭外交 break down barriers 打破障碍 unilateral 单边的 unilateralism 单边主义 Deng Xiaoping’s diplomatic thoughts 邓小平外交思想 underestimate; underestimation 低估 regional conflicts 地方矛盾 regional disparity 地区差异 regional turmoil (conflicts) 地区动乱(冲突) independent foreign policy of peace 独立自主的和平外交政策 principles of independence 独立自主原则 holiday-making diplomacy 度假外交 opponent; rival 对手 external work 对外工作 multilateral diplomatic activities 多变外交 multilateralism 多变政策 global village 地球村 multi-polarization 多极化 multipolar times 多极时代 multipolar world 多极世界 multi-polarity 多极性 prosperity 繁荣 flourish 繁荣昌盛 imitation 仿效 division of responsibilities 分工 splittist activities 分裂活动 issues of difference 分歧 veto right 否决权 a complex and volatile international situation 复杂多变的国际形势 complication 复杂化 complexity 复杂性 ameliorate 改善,改进 high-level and all-directional dialogue 高层次、全方位的对话 summit(forum) 高峰论坛 senior officials 高级官员 estrangement 隔阂 well-being of all nations 各国人民的福祉 proclamation 公告 fairness 公平 justice 公正,正义 consensus 共识 all-win 共赢 the transitional period 过渡期 head of state 国家元首 state-to-state 国与国 go overboard 过分 the legitimate rights and interests 合法权益 cooperative relationship 合作关系 harmonious relationship 和睦关系 peace 和平 peaceful means 和平方式 peaceful coexistence 和平共处 peace diplomacy 和平外交 consequence 后果;结果 noninterference in each other’s internal affairs 互不干涉内部事务 non-communication 互不往来 reciprocal contract 互惠合同 partners of mutual benefit and cooperation 互利合作的伙伴 suspicion 怀疑 Pacific rim countries 环太平洋国家 buffer (conflicts) 缓解(冲突) resume the exercise of sovereignty (over…) 恢复行使主权 in retrospect 回顾过去 mechanism 机制 active defense 积极防御 positive impact 积极影响 cornerstone 基石 great expectation 极大的希望 aggregation 集合;凝聚 shoulder 肩负 arduous task 艰巨任务 a constructive strategic partnership 建设性的战略伙伴关系 exchange notes 交换意见 exchange views 交换观点 establish new contacts 结交新友 emulate 竭力仿效 resolve differences 解决分歧 progress; advancement 进步 world-renowned 举世闻名 military intelligence (secrets) 军事机密 test 考验 affirm old tradition 肯定传统 framework 框架 expand the common ground 扩大共识 hard-won 来之不易 optimism 乐观精神 reciprocity in courtesy; reciprocal (mutual) courtesy 礼尚往来 decencies 礼仪;行为准则 good faith 良好诚意 a favorable climate in areas around China 良好周边环境 conscience 良知 cross-strait relations 两岸关系 territorial integrity 领土完整 border or territorial disputes 领土争端 fulfill international obligations 履行国际义务 ally; allies 盟国 people-to-people diplomacy 民间外交 mode 模式 friction 摩擦 good-neighborliness 睦邻友好 good-neighbor relationship 睦邻友好关系 remove interferences and obstacles 排除干扰与障碍 exclusive group 排他性集团 exclusivism 排外主义 ratify 批准 equality and mutual benefit 平等互利 principle of equality and mutual benefit 平等互利原则 equal partnership 平等伙伴关系 equal consultation 平等协商 concerted effort 齐心协力 discrimination 歧视 make positive contribution to 起积极作用 millennium 千年 prospect; future 前景 condemn 谴责 power diplomacy 强权外交 power politics 强权政策 enforcement 强制执行 violate; encroach on; be an encroachment on 侵犯 seek common ground while reserving/shelving/putting aside differences 求同存异 twists and turns 曲折 yield to 屈服 trend 趋势 all-round cooperation 全方位合作 all-round; all-around 全面的;全方位的 comprehensive engagement 全面接触 all-round improvement 全面提高 globalization 全球化 the world at large; the world over 全世界 rights and interests 权利和义务 (make) concessions 让步 humanitarian 人道主义者 fusion 融合 trilateral 三边的 convey profound condolences to 深切哀悼 size up the situation 审时度势 mission 使命 undertaking; cause 事业 momentum 势头 build shared optimism 树立共有的乐观精神 bilateral 双边的 bilateral relations 双边关系 bilateral cooperation 双边合作 bilateral channels 双边渠道 encroachment 侵犯 endeavor 努力 enduring 持久的;不朽的 enrich 充实 equitable 公平的;公正的 era 纪元 erupt 突然爆发 escalation 升级 exacerbate 恶化,使......加剧 flaunt 炫耀;标榜 fluctuation 波动;起伏不定 foil 阻扰;挫败 formulation 明确表达;简洁陈述 foundation 基础;基金会 guarantee 保证 guidance 指导 gunboat policy (尖船利炮)强权政策 hamper 妨碍 harness 管理,支配,控制 hereby 在此 hostility 敌意;敌对状态 ideal arena 理想的场所,舞台 impair 损害 impetus 动力 implement 贯彻 in a friendly manner 以友好的方式 in a wide range of areas (就)广泛领域 incapacitate 使不能胜任 incentive 动机;动力 in-depth 彻底的;深入的 integral 整体的 international community 国际社会 intervention 干涉 interventionist 主张干涉他国内政者;干涉主义 intimidate 恐吓,威逼 intricacy 错综复杂 irresistible 不可抗拒的 jeopardize 危及 joint communiqué 联合公报 joint declaration 联合声明 joint efforts 协力 juncture 时刻,关头;接合点 jurisdiction 权限;管辖权;管辖区域 justice 正义 legitimate 合法的 maintain 维持;坚持认为 make great contribution to 对...有重大贡献 malignant 恶性的;致命的 manifold 多方面的 meddle 干涉 memorable 令人难忘的 mentality 心理,思维状态 might 势力,兵力 mighty 强大的 mimic 模仿 mistrust 不信任;疑心 multilateral 多边的 mutual benefit 互利互惠 mutual complementarities 互补 mutual confidence 互相信任 mutual consultation 共同协商 mutual courtesy 礼尚往来 mutual promotion 互相促进 mutual respect 互相尊重 mutual supervision 互相监督 mutual trust 互相信任 mutual understanding 互相理解 negotiation 谈判;协商 objective 目标;目的 obstacle 干扰;障碍 obstruct 阻碍 origin 起源;渊源 overshadow 弱化;使……黯然失色 paralysis 瘫痪,麻痹 partnership 合作;合伙关系 peace-loving 爱好和平的 perish 毁灭;死亡 permeate 浸透 phenomenal 非凡的;杰出的 pioneering 开拓性的 pool (efforts) 协力 potential 潜力;潜在的 prejudice 偏见;损害 prerequisite 先决条件;首要的,必要的 prescribe 指示;规定 prevailing 占优势的;盛行的 prior to 在……之前 profound 深刻的,意义深远的 proliferation 扩散 promising 有前途的,有希望的 promote/facilitate/enhance/strengthen/advance 加强;促进 prudence 审慎;慎重 pursue 追求 recognition 承认,认可 reflect 反映 refrain 节制;制止 regime 政权,体制 resentment 不满、怨恨 resolutely 决心;决议 respectable 可敬的 respective 分别的,各自的 restructure 重组;体制改革 reunification 统一 rhetoric 修辞;空话 rival 竞争对手 rivalry 竞争;敌对状态 safeguard 捍卫 sanction 体裁 score 取得(成果、成果……) setback 挫折;退步 signify 表征,意味着 solidarity 团结 sound 健全的 source 来源 sponsor 赞助;主办 stability 稳定 status quo 现状 steadfastly 踏实地;坚定地 straightforward 坦率的,直截了当的 strengthen the bond 加强联系;加固纽带 subordinate 次要、下属、从属的 subsequent 后来的,接着发生的,连续的 summit 峰会;首脑会议 symbol/symbolize 象征 thereby 从而 threat 威胁,恐吓 trailblazer 开拓者 trailblazing 开拓性 trample 践踏 tranquil 安静、宁静的 transcend 凌驾;超越 trans-century 跨世纪 courtesy call 礼节性拜会 dinner; dinner party 晚宴 distinguished guest 贵宾;嘉宾 draw to a close 即将结束 eloquent remark 雄辩的(动人的)演讲 entertain 招待 extraordinary arrangement 特殊安排;精心安排 eye salute 注目礼 farewell ceremony 欢送仪式 feel honored and privileged 感到荣幸 feel pleased and honored 感到愉快和荣幸 feel proud and honored 感到骄傲和荣幸 fellow citizens 同胞们 foreign affairs office 外事办 fulfill one’s ambitions 展鸿图,酬壮志 generous hospitality 盛情款待 genuine friendship 真挚友谊 give a dinner for a visitor from afar 接风洗尘 goodwill visit 友好访问 gracious invitation 盛情邀请 gracious remark 热情的演讲,评论 Guest of Honor 主宾 gun salute 礼炮 heartfelt gratefulness 由衷的感谢 hearty embrace 热烈拥抱 hearty gratitude 衷心的感谢 heritage 传统 hospitality 好客 host a farewell dinner for someone 为…饯行 host country 主办国,东道主国家 host 主人 I’ve long heard of you 久仰 impromptu speech 即席讲话 in the company of…;accompanied by… 在…的陪同下 inauguration 开幕式;就职典礼 incomparable hospitality 无比盛情的款待 itinerary 活动日程,路线 kind words of welcome 友好的欢迎词 lasting friendship 长久的友谊 long-awaited guest 盼望已久的客人 look back at the past回顾过去 look into the future 展望未来 luncheon 午餐会 motorcade 车队 nodding acquaintance 泛泛之交 occasion 场合;时刻 opening address 开幕致辞 opening ceremony 开幕式 pay a return visit 回拜 picnic party 野餐会 propose a toast 祝酒 receive; play host to 接待 receptionist 接待员 reception 招待会 regard 尊重;敬意 regards 问候 renew old friendships(and establish new contacts) 重温旧情(结交新友) seating arrangement 席位安排 signing ceremony 签约式 sincere gratitude 真挚的感谢 speech of welcome; address of welcome 欢迎词 state banquet 国宴 sworn friend 刎颈之交 take this opportunity 趁此机会 toaster 祝酒者 toast 祝酒词 unequalled 无与伦比的 unprecedented 前所未有的 warm reception 热情接待 warm welcome 热情欢迎 wedding reception 喜宴 welcoming banquet 欢迎宴会 welcoming ceremony 欢迎仪式 a resolution 决议 abundant accomplishment 丰硕的成果 accord with; agree with; conform to; meet 符合 acknowledge 承认 assert 宣称;维护 attempt 尝试 beckon 召唤 boost 促进,刺激,增进 bilateral 双边的 bilateral channels 双边渠道 bilateral cooperation 双边合作 bilateral diplomatic activities 双边外交 bilateral relations 双边关系 bully 欺侮;以强凌弱 cast off 丢弃,摆脱 cause 原因,理想,事业,目标 channel 渠道 channels of dialog 对话渠道 chaos 混乱 clash 冲突 coercion 强迫,高压政治 collapse 溃败;崩溃 commitment 承诺,义务 common aspiration 共同希望 common causes 共同目标;共同理想 common desire 共同愿望 common development 共同发展 common interest 共同利益 common prosperity 共同繁荣 communiqué 联合公报 community of nations 国际社会 compassion 同情,怜悯 consolidate 巩固 constrain 约束;强迫 containment 遏制,遏制政策 contradictory ; self-contradictory 矛盾 convention 大会;条约;协定;惯例 convergence 集中 counterpart 相应的、对等的人或物 counterproductive 起反作用的;反效果的 courtesy 礼貌 crises 危机;危险期 dawning 黎明;开端 decline 下降;衰落 defy 挑战;公然挑衅 delay 耽搁;拖延 decency 合宜,得体 delightful 令人愉快的 deteriorate 使恶化;变糟 deterioration 衰败 disparity 不等;不同 dispute 争端 diverse 多变的 diversity 多样化;气象万千 dominate 压倒;统治;占优势 emancipate 释放;解放 embody 体现 embrace 拥抱;信奉 encroach on 侵犯,蚕食 Apple Corporation 苹果公司 artificial intelligence (AI) 人工智能 artificial life (AL of Alife) 人工生命 ATM (Automated Teller Machine) 自动柜员机 audio card 声卡 audio conference 音频会议;电话会议 biotechnology 生物工程 B2B and B2C 企业对企业(商家对商家)及企业对消费者的电子商务 bandwidth 带宽 bar code 条形码 BBS (Bulletin Board System) 公告板系统,论坛 bookmark 电子书签 browser 浏览器 bullet train 子弹头列车 cache memory 高速缓冲存储器 caller ID display 来电显示 camcorder 便携式摄影机 CD burning 光盘刻录 CDMA/TDMA 码分多址(一种扩频多址数字式通信技术) CD-RW/CD-Rewritable 可重刻 chat lines; chat rooms 聊天室 CPU (Central Processing Unit) 中央处理器 cyberspace 电脑空间 conductor 导体 convection 对流 cortex 大脑皮层 cryonics 人体冷冻法 cutting-edge 优势;前沿,极其重要的状态或位置 database 数据库 desktop videoconference (桌面)视频会议 dial-up connection 拨号连接 Digital Video (DV) / Camcorder 数码摄像机 distance education (DE) 远程教育 E-learning; Web-based training 电子学习 encryption 加密 firewall 防火墙 Flash 由macromedia公司推出的交互式矢量图和Web动画的标准 frontier science and technology 科技发展前沿 FTP (File Transfer Protocol used for downloading files on the Internet) 文件传输协议 genetic engineering 遗传工程 hacker (phreaker) 黑客,骇客 hard drive 硬盘驱动器 hemisphere 大脑半球 high scientific and technological content 科技含量高
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A Favorite Book-Dream of The Red Chamber
vxy 2011-3-17 15:14
(I just want to do some practice to improve my poor English. Wish everyone help me!) One of my favorite books is Dream of the red chamber by Cao Xueqing, a very famous book in the world, which is one of Chinese Four Great Classical Novels. A lot of people have studied the book since it came out. There are many arguments about the main idea of the book; however, they do not hamper us to read it because we need to have our own opinions. What I appreciate most is the beautiful love descriptions in the book, so I'd prefer to treat it as a novel of love. With many different kinds of love in the dream, the author mainly describes the love story of Bao, Dai and Chai, the most important three people of hundreds of characters in this book. Every one of Twelve Beauties in Jinling represents a kind of love which Corresponding to a fate. Through these descriptions of different kinds of love, the author try to tell us that there are only one kind which should be considered as true love. As a reader of the stories which are unfolding in the novel, you should know the characteristics of the different kinds of love, and should be able to distinguish true love from the other kinds. True love should be mutual and without any post conditions but not be possessive and taking without giving, just like the love between Bao and Dai beautiful but sad. Of course, the book also contains many other wonderful points besides love. There are a lot of excellent writings about people’s clothing and daily life for ancient times in this book, which is very detailed and full of historical significance, so you will like the novel if you like history. We can say that it is not only a book but a precious deposit, because you can get a lot from it. In this book, you can enjoy great stories and taste what is the essence of love. Among the words and between the lines, you can find the great charm of our country. I hope more people can read this book “Dream of the red chamber”. Wish you can dig out many useful things belonging to your own from it.
个人分类: 生活点滴|4818 次阅读|0 个评论
some uesful websites for language skills
carldy 2010-4-19 14:27
汉英双语: http://www.bilinguist.com/ 译天下: http://www.translator.com.cn/index.asp 免费在线翻译: http://www.onlinetranslation.cn/ 华译网翻译公司——中国专家翻译网: http://www.chinatranslation.net/ 北京千言万语翻译公司: http://www.academytrans.com/ 科技术语数据库协同工作平台: http://www.anshanweb.com/index.php 21英语网 http://www.i21st.cn/ 1. http://www.texun.cn/addrso/index.htm 特训网:English Learning Websites 2. http://broadcast-live.com/ Live Radio and TV from Around the World 3. http://www.nxenglish.com/voa01_1.aspx VOA Special English Introduction 4. http://www.vocaboly.com/vocabulary-test/ Various Vocabulary Test online 20-40 quick- medium – thorough different levels of test 5. http://www.tomx.com/listen/vocabulary/1402.html VOA Special English Vocabulary 1500 6. http://tv.etshow.net/ ETSHOW 网络电视 各地的风土人情 http://www.adventuretv.com/ 纽约时报,网上看新闻的好地方 http://www.nytimes.com/ 英文MP3下载的好地方 http://www.mp3raid.com/archive/archive/m/2/ 英文剧本下载的好地方 http://huajun.com/juben.htm 从这里可以在线收听新东方的25盘磁带 http://www.intron.ac/study/toefl.html 英文锁定,每日读图 http://www.icansay.com/index.php?ChannelID=12 英文锁定,综合学习网站,全面的英语教堂 www.icansay.com 旺旺英语网,英语语音电子杂志 www.wwenglish.org Englishtown ,专业英语培训 www.englishtown.com 新东方网络课堂,名校在线 class.tol24.com 天英语,词汇中心 english.chinaschool.net 时尚英语,丰富的学习资料 www.oh100.com/huayuan/english 当当当,免费英语学习资料 www.downdowndown.net 英语时空,英语文章大全 www.yysk.net 英语麦当劳,英语教学快餐 english23.6to23.com Be Beyond,英美风土人情 www.bebeyond.com.cn 洪恩,英语学习的好去处 www.hongen.com 空中美语 http://www.englishtide.com 英国教育部和中国教育部联合搞的免费学习网站,适合初学英语者 http://www.in2english.com.cn/ GARFIELD官方网站 www.garfield.com 语法 http://www.dailygrammar.com/ 大量的資料﹐非常不錯 http://www.english.ac.cn/ 无忧雅思 ; 雅思的官方网站 http://www.ielts.org/ 英文电影剧本站专题 提供14部电影英文剧本 http://snowbear.3322.net/spelling/film.htm 提供了24部英文电影剧本 http://www.c2000.com.cn/mov/m4.asp 提供了10部英文电影剧本 http://goldnets.myrice.com/navi/50250.html 子曰电影网的电影剧本下载太多了 http://www.ziyue.com/downloads/s.php?type=s | http://www.21zx.net/movie/m4.htm 银海网 下载电影剧本好多啊 http://www.filmsea.com/download/_index.asp?swzm=a Screenplay电影剧本 http://www.babelcn.com/ebook/screen/index1.htm 这里的囊括了现在流行电影的剧本 http://www.english.ac.cn/movies/playwright.htm 一个教育网站提供的英文剧本下载 http://www.dreamabroad.net/chinese/html/download/movie_01.html 看电影学英语 听力专题 听力特快 http://www.listeningexpress.com 听世界,各级听力训练 www.icanlisten.com 一个很不错的英语学习网站,VOA资料很全 http://zflyingbird.myetang.com/index.htm http://www.quancheng.org/tabwork/catelist.asp?cateid=23 一些VOA新闻的文本 http://www.icanlisten.com/standard_english/index.htm 有一部分听力 http://www.englishabc.net/ae/ 《美国习惯用语 Words Idiom》是Voice of America推出的免费广播讲座 http://mpfree.org/english/voamain.htm 自由MP3的VOA资料下载不少哦 http://edu.china.com/zh_cn/elearn/second/test/index.html 中华网关于VOA的听力技巧的一些文章,当然也有别的好东东 http://www.cgeng.com/memberarea/listen/listen.asp 很不错的听力网站,有初级中级高级 http://www.22av.net/ 免费的听力新闻,带文本 http://www.xsrtvu.com/jiao/lgs/wangye/VOA1.htm VOA 英语广播收听技巧听VOA的朋友可以看看 http://www.xsrtvu.com/jiao/lgs/wangye/VOA1.htm VOA英语广播收听技巧很不错的技巧文本 http://www.english.ac.cn/listen/index.htm 超酷的英语听力站:新概念英语 听力入门 现代文阅读 ESL-Lab分级测试 CNNSF新闻测试 《圣经》在线 http://putclub.6to23.com/ 普特英语听力网站 http://www.oeol.net/ “牛津英语在线” ( Oxford English On line ) http://www.putclub.com/ 英语新闻听力Put English Club,网站主要由五个部分组成: A. 新闻英语;B. 英语教程;C. 资料下载; D. 科技英语; E. 普特论坛 通用英语百句(视频)*** http://www.ol.com.cn/class/train/english.htm CNN英语学习资源***** http://literacynet.org/cnnsf/ 现代交际英语(视频)**** http://www.gz.supergnet.com/local_content/zhang/edu/index.html
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[转载]免费循证医学文献(英国BMJ出版集团 Best Practice)
xupeiyang 2010-2-2 10:17
详细信息请连接: http://bestpractice.bmj.com/best-practice/marketing/free-trial.html?id=AB0002 Free trial You can try Best Practice for free. We offer both institutional and personal trials, allowing you to assess the evidence for yourself. Institutional Free Trial To set up an institutional free trial please contact us: consortiasales@bmjgroup.com Tel: +44 (0)20 7383 6693 Personal Free Trial Individuals can register online for a 30 day personal free trial. To access your trial you will require a BMJ MyAccount. You can register or use an existing account below, and then follow the steps to set up your free trial. A free trial will also give you access to Best Pratice Mobile . You can access this using your existing log in details. For more information about Best Practice Mobile click here . Register now for a personal free trial Flexible access to Best Practice Healthcare professionals need ready access to reliable, up-to-date information when making diagnosis and treatment decisions. Best Practice can be accessed via any internet-enabled mobile phone, PDA or handheld device, providing quick and easy access to the full content of Best Practice , including expert opinion, guidelines and evidence, whilst on the move. Institutional end-users can also set up a personal account to access their institutions subscription remotely when off site. To set up remote access or to get access to the Best Practice mobile platform, follow the steps below: Institutional subscribers Create a new My Best Practice account, or log into an existing account, whilst within the IP range of the institution (assuming IP authentication has been set up), or after being authenticated via a referral URL For remote access set-up to be successful, this initial process must take place from within the IP range of the institution, and the institution must allow remote access. Institutional administrators can enable remote access for their institution by contacting BMJ customer services. For security reasons it is not possible to set up an account from outside of the IP range of the institution. Your My Best Practice account will then automatically be linked to the institutional account, and remote access rights will be granted After setting up a My Best Practice account, you can also log in to the Best Practice mobile platform ( bp.bmjgroup.mobi ) using your My Best Practice email and password Remote access rights and access to the Best Practice mobile platform are based on the institutional subscription. Access will be granted for the remaining duration of the institutional subscription, or for six months (whichever period is shorter) If, after six months, you wish to renew your access, you can repeat the first step in this process Personal subscribers Personal subscriptions already allow remote access in that you can log in to your Best Practice account from anywhere. Simply visit the Best Practice mobile platform site at bp.bmjgroup.mobi and sign in using your existing My Best Practice username and password. If you havent already got a My Best Practice account, follow the steps above. Both roaming and mobile access are included within an institutional subscription at no extra charge. You can also access the Best Practice mobile platform with all personal subscriptions *Please note that we do not currently offer a standalone subscription to the Best Practice mobile platform. Visit our subscription page for details of personal and institutional subscriptions. Differential Diagnosis iPhone application To find out more about our new Differntial Diagnosis iPhone application please click here
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Good Laboratory Practice Regulations(Third Edition)[ZZ]
yaoronggui 2009-4-10 18:39
Good Laboratory Practice Regulations Third Edition, Revised and Expanded Sandy Weinberg ISBN: 0824708911 | Year 2003 | English 264pages | pdf | size:2,83Mb Exploring the role of Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) in the assurance of safety, quality, and control in regulated arenas, this reference details specific standards and general guidelines for the management of efficient and effective research environments-presenting essential theoretical principles for anticipating new and emerging interpretations of GLP in a variety of laboratory settings. The Third Edition of Good Laboratory Practice Regulations contains current material on the utilization and implementation of 21 CFR Part 11 guidelines for LIMS and other computerized laboratory system? the effects of automation of GLP practices??and the application of GLP standards to non-GLP laboratories??and analyzes GLP enforcement??the FDA`s GLP Inspection Program??the ability of GLP to advance along with the ever-changing functions of laboratory operation, supervision, and maintenance??and the impact of GLP on research, production, and clinical testing. Table of Contents: Historical Perspective by Jean M. Taylor and Gary C. Stein FDA/ GLP Regulations by Wendell A. Peterson Applying 21 CFR Part 11 to the Laboratory Environment by Sandy Weinberg The Good Automated Laboratory Practices by Gerald J. Whartenby, Paul L. Robinson, and Sandy Weinberg Implementing GLPs in a Non-GLP Analytical Laboratory by Stephanie A. Olexa Computer Systems Validation by Sandy Weinberg The FDAs GLP Inspection Program by George W. James The Future by Sandy Weinberg Bibliography Index Download: Good Laboratory Practice Regulations,Third Edition
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