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BJQXKY 2015-5-2 20:29
3D打印气管辅助呼吸,这一装置现在已挽救了三个孩子的生命。 这三个孩子患有一种罕见病—婴幼儿气管支气管软化症(tracheobronchomalacia),他们的气管易于塌陷,导致窒息。 3D打印的这种人工气管可根据个体情况订制,而且这种埋置物可以伴随孩子的身体生长改变形状。 这种人工3D打印气管装置根据每个病人而特制出来,由生物可吸收材料制成,通过放置在气管外形成一种不完全的环状支撑,从而避免气管的塌陷。截至目前,只有三个孩子使用了这一装置,还不便就此判定这个装置是否对所有类似的病例都成功、适用,不过对于别无选择的患者而言,无疑这就是希望所在。 约2000分之一的孩子有可能患这种罕见疾病,气管发育异常因而易于塌陷,从而阻滞空气入肺导致窒息,严重者无法存活下来。如果有幸活到三岁,则他们的气管已经很强壮,不再有塌陷窒息的风险。 名叫Kaiba Gionfriddo的孩子在三月大的时候接受了这一装置,他那是情况危重,别无选择。现在小Kaiba活泼可爱,非常健康,已经成功长大到三岁。 这种人工气管装置埋置在体内三年后能被吸收消解,现在,Kaiba体内这一装置也正如计划中那样已经呈现消融迹象,不过没关系,小家伙的气管现在已经足够强壮,能够担负起它应负的那份责任了。 Mitigationof tracheobronchomalacia with 3D-printed personalized medical devices inpediatric patients Abstract Three-dimensional(3D) printing offers the potential for rapid customization of medical devices.The advent of 3D-printable biomaterials has created the potential for devicecontrol in the fourth dimension: 3D-printed objects that exhibit a designedshape change under tissue growth and resorption conditions over time.Tracheobronchomalacia (TBM) is a condition of excessive collapse of the airwaysduring respiration that can lead to life-threatening cardiopulmonary arrests.We demonstrate the successful application of 3D printing technology to producea personalized medical device for treatment of TBM, designed to accommodateairway growth while preventing external compression over a predetermined timeperiod before bioresorption. We implanted patient-specific 3D-printed externalairway splints in three infants with severe TBM. At the time of publication,these infants no longer exhibited life-threatening airway disease and haddemonstrated resolution of both pulmonary and extrapulmonary complications oftheir TBM. Long-term data show continued growth of the primary airways. Thisprocess has broad application for medical manufacturing of patient-specific3D-printed devices that adjust to tissue growth through designed mechanical anddegradation behaviors over time. 群晓科苑 http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_7038ff370102vgef.html
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