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Deuteragenia ossarium的中文名
zhuchaodong 2015-5-26 08:00
自2015年十大新物种发布以来,蚁墙蜂再次成为国内外科普新闻的焦点之一。 2015年一般评出去年发表的100个物种,并发布前10种名单。中国学者发表的物种数量越来越大。希望来自中国的物种继续上榜。Quentin Wheeler教授, IISE的创始人,曾经是英国自然历史博物馆昆虫系的系主任,对分类学有不少引领性的思路。这个“十大物种”的思路,引起了国外媒体对分类学的广泛关注。这启发我们在研究新物种的同时,关注并挖掘生物学和故事,积极与其它行业专家、公众分享。 国外媒体不涉及翻译问题,并和 Michael Staab 博士、 Michael Ohl 博士等保持联系,文字上不存在什么大的问题。相较于 2014 年该物种发表之初,国内媒体这次给予了一定程度的关注。但是,绝大部分的媒体记者仅仅根据字面翻译,把 Bone-House Wasp 翻译成 “ 骨头屋胡蜂 ” 。在定名的时候,作者通过邮件进行了充分的讨论。德方专家考虑到西方 “ 万圣节 ” ,坚持 Bone-House Wasp ;我个人则认为翻译成中文,不符合中国人的习惯,提出蚁墙蜂。后者可以表达出用蚂蚁虫体保护蛛蜂幼虫的生物学特性。最后大家约定西方的俗名用 Bone-House Wasp ,中文用蚁墙蜂或者 蚁墙蛛蜂 。 在 2014 年发表论文以后,浙江开化新闻网的记者胡萍女士就和我取得了联系。虽然她没有生物学的背景,但是她写出的初稿,均和我进行了认真讨论,然后定稿。关于中文名,她也提出了疑问:为什么国内媒体大部分都用 “ 骨头屋胡峰 ” ?我的回答如下: 1 )蚁墙蜂在发表之前就约定为中文俗名; 2 )字面直译可以提及,但是要考虑到中西方习惯; 3 ) Bone-House 不是骨头屋,而是骨油炼制坊,主要要表达一种恐怖的意思; 4 ) Wasp 在英文中包括了膜翅目昆虫除蜜蜂和蚂蚁之外的其它类群,但是在中文中常见的意思却是胡蜂或者黄蜂。直译容易从科学上误导读者: Deuteragenia ossarium 是一种蛛蜂而不是胡蜂。 综上, Deuteragenia ossarium 的中文名以蚁墙蜂为宜。媒体报道科学新闻是好事,但建议尽量联系专家,对内容进行把关。这里我也给胡萍女士点个赞,希望越来越多的记者能更加深入求证,认真对待内容科学性。 Bone-house Wasp (Deuteragenia ossarium) 古田山发现的“蚁墙蜂”成为2015十大新发现物种之一 2015年5月25日 16:17   5月23日,美国纽约州立大学环境与林业学院(ESF)——全美规模最大的致力于环境研究的学院,公布了一份十大新发现物种排行榜,在开化国家公园古田山国家级自然保护区内发现的中文名为“蚁墙蜂”,学名: Deuteragenia ossarium (字面直译为:尸骨屋蛛蜂)的新物种名列其中。   据了解,2014年,科学家新发现约1.8万个物种,并从中选出十大最具特色的成员。“蚁墙蜂”因为拥有让人意想不到的绝技而入选。早在去年,PLoS ONE (公共科学图书馆·综合)上就曾经做过详细介绍。中国科学院动物研究所研究员朱朝东博士是作者之一,他介绍了这种新物种的绝技。“这种雌蜂在构建巢穴时,会用土墙隔出一个个的小空格,把自己产的卵和蜘蛛的尸体一同密封在一个空格内,然后为下一个空格产卵做猎杀蜘蛛的准备。蜘蛛尸体的作用是为其后代提供营养物质。蛛蜂在雌蜂所建巢穴的最后一个空格里,它会填补进多达13只蚂蚁的尸体。蚂蚁尸体释放的化学物质能掩盖幼虫的气味,保护幼虫免遭捕食者的攻击。”   朱朝东介绍,当时他们在全国各地设置了人工芦苇巢管,来研究土著蜜蜂物种多样性和传粉功能。这项发现是他参与的一支中德国际科研合作团队在古田山国家级自然保护区开展BEF-China项目——“中国亚热带森林生物多样性与生态系统功能实验研究”(简称BEF-China)研究时获得的。朱朝东说,到古田山的科研人员很多,是多个学科的合作团队。不过做亚热带森林传粉昆虫多样性及其传粉功能研究项目主要来自德国弗莱堡大学、柏林自然博物馆和中国科学院动物所的国际合作研究团队。而率先发现这一新物种的是弗莱堡大学的博士Michael Staab(迈克尔 · 斯泰伯)。   其实,除了蚁墙蜂这个令中外科学家们吃惊的发现,古田山国家级自然保护区一直就是“浙江天然基因库”和珍稀野生动物王国。“我们在古田山考察期间,感觉这里的生物多样性非常丰富,区系成份比较复杂。很多动物物种,特别是昆虫还有待发现。这次蛛蜂新物种的发现就是一个很好的例子。”中国科学院动物研究所研究员朱朝东博士在采访中指出。 来源: 开化新闻网   作者: 胡萍   编辑: 王欣
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[转载]蚁墙蜂(Deuteragenia ossarium)入选2015年10大新物种
zhuchaodong 2015-5-24 13:19
CLICK ON THE IMAGES ABOVE TO ACCESS SPECIES PAGES. The ESF Top 10 New Species for 2015 An international committee of taxonomists selected the top 10 from among the approximately 18,000 new species named during the previous year and released the list to coincide with the May 23 birthday of Carolus Linnaeus, the father of modern taxonomy. The 2015 Top Ten Alphabetical order by scientific name - species are not ranked Feathered Dinosaur (Anzu wyliei) Coral Plant (Balanophora coralliformis) Cartwheeling Spider (Cebrennus rechenbergi) The X-Phyla (Dendrogramma enigmatica) Bone-house Wasp (Deuteragenia ossarium) Indonesian Frog (Limnonectes larvaepartus) Walking Stick (Phryganistria tamdaoensis) Sea Slug (Phyllodesmium acanthorhinum) Bromeliad (Tillandsia religiosa) Pufferfish (Torquigener albomaculosus) ESF—America's Top Environmental College ESF At-a-Glance | Rankings Academics | Admissions Watch the Top 10 2015 video! Map view of species locations (Google Maps) Information for the media The ESF International Institute for Species Exploration The International Institute for Species Exploration is dedicated to the exploration, inventory, and classification of earth’s species, public awareness of the biodiversity crisis, advocacy for the important roles played by taxonomy and natural history museums, and in advancing cybertaxonomy, the application of cyber and digital tools to accelerate and improved comparative morphology, descriptive taxonomy, and phylogenetic classification. IISE website The top 10 list is released each year on or about Carolus Linnaeus’ birthday on May 23 rd . Linnaeus is the “Father of Taxonomy” and his work in the mid 18 th century was the beginning point for “modern” naming and classification of plants and animals. KINGDOM : ANIMALIA FAMILY : POMPILIDAE ETYMOLOGY: THE EPITHET IS FROM THE LATIN OSSARIUM , MEANING AN OSSUARY OR BONE-HOUSE. TYPE LOCALITY : CHINA, ZHEJIANG PROVINCE, GUTIANSHAN NATIONAL NATURE RESERVE HOLOTYPE: INSECT COLLECTION, INSTITUTE OF ZOOLOGY, CHINESE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, BEIJING. SIZE: 7.4 TO 15.2 MM MORE INFORMATION: MICHAEL STAAB, MICHAEL OHL, CHAO-DONG ZHU, AND ALEXANDRA-MARIA KLEIN. 2014. A UNIQUE NEST-PROTECTION STRATEGY IN A NEW SPECIES OF SPIDER WASP. PLOS ONE 9(7): E101592. 2015 Species Selection Committee Members of the international selection committee are: Dr. Antonio G. Valdecasas, chair — Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, CSIC,Spain Dr. Cristina Damborenea — División Zoologia Invertebrados— Museo de La Plata, Argentina Dr. Andrew Polaszek — Natural History Museum, England Dr. Ellinor Michel — Natural History Museum, England Dr. Marcelo Rodrigues de Carvalho — Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil Prof. Aharon Oren — The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel Dr. Alan Paton — Kew Royal Botanical Gardens, England Dr. James A. Macklin — Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Canada Dr. Zhi-Qiang Zhang — Landcare Research, New Zealand A news release is available on request. For additional information or to request an interview, please contact: Claire Dunn , SUNY-ESF Communications Quentin Wheeler , IISE Founding Director and President, SUNY-ESF What on Earth? by Quentin Wheeler and Sara Pennak What on Earth? is a compendium of the 100 coolest, weirdest, and most intriguing new species of this century as determined by the International Institute for Species Exploration. Learn More and Purchase ESF HOME TOP10 2015 A FEMALE OF DEUTERAGENIA OSSARIUM IN ITS NATURAL ECOSYSTEM IN SOUTH EAST CHINA PHOTOGRAPH: MICHAEL STAAB Google Maps view Bone-house Wasp: Morbid Motherhood ESF Top 10 New Species of 2015 2015 Home Species Pages : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 About the Bone-house Wasp Name : Deuteragenia ossarium How it made the Top 10 : This insect, which tops out at about a half-inch (15mm) in length, has a unique way to protect its offspring. The wasp constructs nests in hollow stems with several cells, each separated by soil walls. The wasp kills and deposits one spider in each cell to provide nourishment for her developing young. Once her egg is laid, she seals off the cell and hunts a spider for the next cell. Rather than provisioning the final or vestibule cell with a spider, she fills it with as many as 13 bodies of dead ants, thus creating a chemical barrier to the nest. This is the first animal known to take this approach to securing the front door to a nest. This species, found in Gutianshan National Nature Reserve in eastern China, has significantly lower parasitism rates than similar cavity-nesting wasps. Camouflage is supplied by a veil of volatile chemicals emitted by the dead ants, thwarting enemies that hunt wasp larvae by scent.
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