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热度 5 zhpd55 2015-6-3 09:00
科学中的睡美人补充图解(附原文) 诸平 文双春老师对于“ 定义和确定科学中的睡美人( Defining and identifying Sleeping Beauties in science ,如果点击前面链接,无法浏览全文,请点击 PNAS-2015-Defining and identifying Sleeping Beauties in science.pdf 即可下载原文 ) ”已经有所介绍,详见: 做科学,要睡美人还是要甜妞? 并非是因为其被列为“精选”而追随。我想就其中一些不足进行补充,简单地讲主要包括以下几点: 1 补充原文 目的是大家能够看到更多信息,因为文老师的链接一般读者受到使用权限制,无法对其全文进行浏览: PNAS-2015-Defining and identifying Sleeping Beauties in science.pdf 2 第一作者 QING KE :北邮学子 这篇论文有4位作者,即 Qing Ke, Emilio Ferrara, Filippo Radicchi, and Alessandro Flammini。他们都是 印第安那大学( Indiana University )信息与计算学院( School of Informatics and Computing )复杂网络与系统研究中心( Center for Complex Networks and Systems Research)的研究人员。文老师介绍了 Alessandro Flammini及其同事,可能是因为 Alessandro Flammini最有名,是“大牛”人的原因。但是第一作者Qing Ke(柯庆)是北京邮电大学 ( Beijing University of Post and Telecommunications )的硕士生( 2009 – 2012 ),2012年8月至今在 印第安那大学任助理研究员。 Qing Ke (柯庆)自述: Qing Ke (柯庆) a third -year Ph.D. student in Informatics ( Complex Systems track ) at CNetS , Indiana University Bloomington . I am broadly interested in (i) structural patterns of complex networks, (ii) science of science, and (iii) statistical learning. My advisor is Yong-Yeol Ahn . I am closely working with Alessandro Flammini and Filippo Radicchi . Before I came to IUB, I got my B.E. (Control Technology and Instrument) and M.E. (Computer Science and Technology) from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications in 2009 and 2012, respectively (see pg. 23 of The Elements of Style ) . Publications Q. Ke, E. Ferrara, F. Radicchi, and A. Flammini. Defining and identifying Sleeping Beauties in science . PNAS , 2015. Q. Ke and Y.-Y. Ahn. Tie strength distribution in scientific collaboration networks . Phys. Rev. E , 90:032804, 2014. 3 Top15 篇科学睡美人中7篇与化学有关 RESEARCH AWAKENINGSeven chemistry papers are among the top 15 science papers not heavily cited until decades after publication RANK IN TOP 15 DESCRIPTION/ MODERN-DAY APPLICATION AUTHOR(S) REFERENCE PUBLICATIO N YEAR AWAKENING YEAR NO. OF CITATIONS 1 Models adsorption of molecules from solution/removal of metals and drugs from drinking water H. Freundlich Z. Phys. Chem. 57, 385 1906 2002 2,685 2 Synthesis of graphitic oxide /produce precursor to graphene W. S. Hummers, R. E. Offeman J. Am. Chem. Soc. DOI: 10.1021/ja01539a017 1958 2007 8,379 4 Describes wetting on porous surfaces/theory behind superhydrophobic surfaces A. B. D. Cassie, S. Baxter Trans. Faraday Soc. DOI: 10.1039/tf9444000546 1944 2002 4,523 5 Study of growth of gold colloids /design of gold nanoparticles J. Turkevich, P. C. Stevenson, J. Hillier Discuss. Faraday Soc .DOI: 10.1039/DF9511100055 1951 1997 2,477 8 Study of various emulsifiers /preparation of surfactant-free emulsions S. U. Pickering J. Chem. Soc. Trans. DOI: 10.1039/ct9079102001 1907 1998 1,083 9 Describes wetting of solid surfaces/theory behind superhydrophobic surfaces R. N. Wenzel Ind. Eng. Chem. DOI: 10.1021/ie50320a024 1936 2003 4,427 11 Reviews theory of solid and liquid evaporation and condensation/theory behind adsorption of solutes such as drugs and proteins I. Langmuir J. Am. Chem. Soc. DOI: 10.1021/ja02268a002 1958 2003 2,813 NOTE: Papers as ranked by a beauty factor, a measure of the rate at which a paper rose from obscurity. Citations as of May 26, 2015. SOURCES: Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., Web of Science 4 top15 篇科学睡美人 5 不同科学 科学睡美人比例各异 6 科学睡美人范例 7 物理学睡美人例证 8 美丽系数 ( beauty coefficient ) B 值排序图 更多信息请浏览原文。 荷兰 莱顿大学( Leiden University)2004年研究结果 原文: Scientometrics, Vol. 59, No. 3 (2004) 461–466 2004 Sleeping Beauties in science.pdf PNAS-2015-Defining and identifying Sleeping Beauties in science.pdf
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