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热度 2 zhpd55 2015-7-4 09:18
CAS化合物登记:突破一亿大关 诸平 摘 CAS(美国化学文摘社) 美国化学会的分支机构,是全球化学信息及相关解决方案的权威机构。与ACS使命(运用化学的力量改善人们的生活)相一致,CAS科学家发现、收集和整理所有公开披露的物质信息并创建最有价值的内容合集,这些内容对全球创新具有至关重要的作用。全球科学研究者和专利专业人员都依赖来自CAS的一系列研究解决方案实现其科学发现和加速其工作流程。 CAS 宣布收录第 一亿个化合物 获得第一亿个CAS登记号的化合物为具有治疗急性髓细胞性白血病作用。    继CAS 物质数据库(CAS REGISTRYSM)迎来50周年纪念后,此次收录成为CAS 物质数据库在2015年的第二个里程碑   美国俄亥俄州哥伦布市(2015年7月1日)——全球化学信息权威机构美国化学文摘社(CAS)近期在CAS 物质数据库(CAS REGISTRYSM)中收录了第1亿个化学物质。同时今年也是CAS 物质数据库作为全球最大化学物质数据库的第50周年纪念。   随着专利申请在全球范围内稳步增长,第一亿个收录的小分子来自于专利也就不足为奇了。世界知识产权组织(WIPO)专利(WO 2015081280)中报道了第一亿个收录的物质,该专利由纽约州石溪的Coferon公司申请。发明人在专利中宣称该分子(CAS RN 1786400-23-4——可在SciFinder®和STN®中获取到)是一个用于治疗急性髓细胞性白血病的新化合物。   运营与业务拓展副总裁Maneesh Pingle博士表示:“Coferon正在开发针对多种疗法的交联化合物。尤其关注类似最近收录的分子(CAS RN 1786400-23-4,一种新的硅基交联化合物)。对于学术界和工业界科学家来说,CAS 物质数据库是一个宝贵的资源。Coferon研发团队也很高兴该数据库收录的第一亿个小分子是由Coferon发明的。” 从零起步到化学发现的中流砥柱   CAS登记号(CAS Registry Numbers®)始创于1965年,旨在开发一个提供唯一识别并跟踪化学物质信息的系统,现该系统已发展成为提供独特化学物质唯一标识符的最完整、最准确的来源。唯一标识符是科学出版物及其它信誉良好的来源中所披露的所有有机和无机物质的CAS登记号®。现在,全球科学家、知识产权专业人士和合规专家都依赖CAS登记号来立即识别和访问他们所需的准确化学物质信息,以满足其在科研、安全以及合规方面的需求。   上世纪60年代中期创立的CAS物质数据库让化学领域发生了翻天覆地的变化并革新了化学科研方式。如今,CAS登记号在行业内被广泛应用。包括美国环保署和韩国化学品注册与评估法案监管机构在内的全球监管部门都要求所有生产或进口的新化学物质必须通过CAS登记号进行确认。CAS登记号作为化学品安全处理和运输的可靠信息来源,被用于化学品安全技术说明书(MSDS)上。CAS登记号还出现在人们使用的消费品上,如:油漆罐和洗发水标签上,并且成为众多网络信息资源(包括化学品提供商网站、维基百科、PubChem和ChemSpider)所依赖的信息源,是一把能够打开物质信息世界大门的独特钥匙。   图1显示了CAS物质数据库如何体现过去10年全球化学发现的大幅增长趋势。自1965年以来根据新增的所有物质的视图表明,研究步伐在过去十年显著加快。在CAS 物质数据库中的1亿个物质里,大约有7500万个物质是过去十年新增的。过去五十年,CAS平均每2.5分钟收录一个物质。 图1:过去50年CAS物质数据库中的物质增长    CAS产品与内容运营高级副总裁马修•图森(Matthew J. Toussant)博士表示:“过去50年,CAS对技术的不断改进提高了我们确认化合物的能力,并在为全球研究人员提供关键化学信息及时性方面维持行业领先。在CAS 物质数据库创建之初,物质信息被存储在索引卡片上。随后,利用线性代码将物质信息存储在穿孔卡片上(该技术被定义为代码系统)。如今,我们的全电子和优化技术使CAS能够在分析快速增长化学信息披露及为全球研究人员实时传递信息方面保持同步。   没有迹象表明化学创新有放缓的趋势, 在未来50年,CAS如果以现在的速度收录新物质,预计届时收录的新化合物将超过6.5亿个。如果参考过去增长速度的趋势,届时收录的新化合物个数还有可能远远高于6.5亿。 新的科学发现步伐未来会是什么样?图森博士表示:“由全球研究人员决定。” CAS Assigns the 100 Millionth CAS Registry Number ® to a Substance Designed to Treat Acute Myeloid Leukemia June 29th, 2015 Assignment marks a double milestone for CAS REGISTRY SM which celebrates its 50th anniversary in 2015 Columbus, Ohio (June 29, 2015) – Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), the world’s authority for chemical information, registered the 100 millionth chemical substance in the CAS REGISTRY, in the 50th anniversary year of the world’s largest database of unique chemical substances. With a steady increase in patenting activity around the globe, it is not surprising the 100 millionth small molecule registration comes from a patent. In this case, the substance was reported in a World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) patent (WO 2015081280) from Coferon, Inc. (Coferon) in Stony Brook, NY. The inventors claim the molecule, CAS RN 1786400-23-4, available in both SciFinder ® and STN ® , is a novel therapeutic designed to treat acute myeloid leukemia. “Coferon is developing proprietary biorthogonal linkers for multiple therapeutic approaches, said Dr. Maneesh Pingle, vice president, operations business development. “A particular focus is on novel silicon-based linkers such as in the recently registered molecule CAS RN 1786400-23-4. The CAS REGISTRY is an invaluable resource for scientists in academia and industry, and the research team at Coferon is delighted that the 100 millionth small molecule to be registered in the database was invented at Coferon.” From a humble beginning to a mainstay of chemical discovery Started in 1965 as a project to uniquely identify and track chemical substance information, the CAS Registry system is the only complete and accurate source of unique identifiers, known as CAS Registry Numbers for all organic and inorganic substances disclosed in scientific publications and other reputable sources. Today, scientists, intellectual property professionals and compliance specialists around the world rely on CAS Registry Numbers to instantaneously identify and access the exact chemical needed for their research, safety and compliance needs. The invention of CAS REGISTRY revolutionized the chemical information field and transformed research since the mid 60’s, and CAS Registry Numbers are ubiquitous in mainstream society today. Global regulatory organizations, including the United States Environmental Protection Agency and The ACT on the Registration and Evaluation of Chemicals regulatory body in Korea, require all new chemical substances manufactured or imported to be identified by a CAS Registry Number. These are also used on Materials Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) around the world as a reliable resource for safe handling and transport of chemicals. CAS Registry Numbers are found on consumer products we use, e.g., paint cans and shampoo labels, and are relied upon in numerous web information sources, including chemical suppliers sites, Wikipedia, PubChem, and ChemSpider, to provide the one unique key that can open the world of information about that substance. The substantial growth in worldwide chemical discoveries over the past 10 years is reflected in CAS REGISTRY as shown in Figure 1. A view of all substances added since 1965 shows the pace of research has significantly accelerated in the past ten years. Of the 100 million substances in CAS REGISTRY, approximately 75 million were added over the past 10 years. On average, CAS has registered 1 substance every 2.5 minutes over the past 50 years. Figure 1: Growth in the CAS REGISTRY over 50 years “During the past 50 years, CAS investments in technology facilitated our capacity to define and sustain industry-leading timeliness in delivering vital chemical information to researchers around the world,” said Dr. Matthew J. Toussant, CAS senior vice president, product and content operations. “In the early years of CAS REGISTRY, substance information was stored on index cards and later defined as a notation system using linear algebraic codes that could be stored on punch cards. Now, of course, our fully electronic technologies and optimizations enable us to keep pace in analyzing these rapidly increasing chemical disclosures, as well as in delivering nearly instantaneous access of this information to researchers worldwide.” With no signs that chemical innovation is slowing, the current pace of substances added to CAS REGISTRY over the next 50 years would suggest registration of more than 650 million new chemical substances. If the past growth trajectory is any indication, that number may well be significantly higher. What does the future hold for the pace of new scientific discoveries? “Researchers around the globe are leading the way,” said Toussant.
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