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【论文】冠潜蛾亚洲新纪录属First report on Paratischeria
entomology 2018-2-3 16:25
First report on Paratischeria from Asia (Lepidoptera: Tischeriidae) | XU | Zootaxa https://www.biotaxa.org/Zootaxa/article/view/zootaxa.4350.2.8 赣南师范大学潜叶昆虫研究组近期与立陶宛昆虫学家共同发表了冠潜蛾科的亚洲新纪录属(拟冠潜蛾属 Paratischeria )及1新种、1新组合。云南发现的景东拟冠潜蛾( P. jingdongensis Xu Dai)幼虫潜食豆科植物(秧青 Dalbergia assamica )的叶片。豆科亦是冠潜蛾的新寄主科。 全文链接 Fulltext DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4350.2.8 First report on Paratischeria from Asia (Lepidoptera: Tischeriidae) JIASHENG XU, XIAOHUA DAI, PENG LIU, HAIYAN BAI, ARūNAS DIŠKUS, JONAS R. STONIS Abstract We provide the first report on the leaf-mining Tischeriidae genus Paratischeria Diškus Stonis from Asia. We describe Paratischeria jingdongensis Xu Dai, sp. nov., a new species discovered in Yunnan, China, feeding on Dalbergia assamica Benth., Fabaceae and redescribe P. hestias (Meyrick, 1915), comb. nov., a hitherto very little known species from India, which has been recently discovered in northern Vietnam, feeding on Helicteres viscida Blume, Malvaceae. We also report on the Fabaceae family as a novel host-plant family of Tischeriidae. The described and redescribed Paratischeria species are illustrated with photographs of the leaf-mines, adults, genitalia, and habitats. We also provide maps of new Paratischeria findings, and, along with a diagnostic scheme to the genus, present some data on global distribution of Paratischeria occurring in tropical and subtropical regions on both sides of the Equator. In addition, we designate a new Paratischeria neotropicana species group and provide two more new taxonomic combinations: Paratischeria heteroterae (Frey Boll, 1878) comb. nov. and P. capnota (Meyrick, 1915) comb. nov. Keywords Lepidoptera, China, Dalbergia assamica, Helicteres isora, Helicteres viscida, host plants, leaf-mines, new species, Paratischeria, Tischeriidae, Vietnam, Yunnan
个人分类: Miners 潜叶虫|4864 次阅读|0 个评论
plgongcat 2013-1-8 09:11
在ubuntu使用: ssh plgong@ 报错,错误信息如下: # ssh plgong@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED! @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ IT IS POSSIBLE THAT SOMEONE IS DOING SOMETHING NASTY! Someone could be eavesdropping on you right now (man-in-the-middle attack)! It is also possible that the RSA host key has just been changed. The fingerprint for the RSA key sent by the remote host is d0:00:7c:bc:88:5c:dc:de:89:61:44:30:00:60:f9:b2. Please contact your system administrator. Add correct host key in /root/.ssh/known_hosts to get rid of this message. Offending key in /root/.ssh/known_hosts:1 RSA host key for has changed and you have requested strict checking. Host key verification failed. rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(463) 解决方法: vi ~/.ssh/known_hosts 进入此目录,删除1136.3.243.233的相关rsa的信息即可. 转载: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_5e37b6750100bx81.html
个人分类: unbutu常见问题|2520 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 entomology 2012-8-4 21:59
Map: Locations of leafminer collections 主要采集地点:江西九连山,江西峰山,江西井冈山,江西阳岭,江西赣南师院,海南霸王岭,河南伏牛山,安徽金寨天马 其它采集地点:江西赣江源,江西三清山,江西陡水湖,江西龙虎山,湖北武汉植物园,湖北神农架,湖北大九湖,江苏紫金山,河南嵩山,重庆武隆,四川安县,贵州梵净山,云南昆明植物园,广西坤平,广西南宁 近三年计划增加采集地点:江西齐云山,江西金盆山,江西三百山,江西武夷山,福建武夷山,福建梅花山,浙江天目山,浙江天童,广东黑石顶,湖南莽山,(上海),覆盖华东华南西南;争取华北、东北 已鉴定到科的潜叶虫:微蛾科,细蛾科,叶潜蛾科,冠潜蛾科,尖蛾科,潜蝇科,叶甲科,铁甲科,象甲科,吉丁虫科等 主要潜叶昆虫种类:柑橘潜叶蛾,柑橘潜叶甲,斑潜蝇属,趾铁甲属,掌铁甲属,樟细蛾,木兰突细蛾,跳象属,微蛾属,Phyllonocryter spp, 冠潜蛾属等 寄生蜂待鉴定。 寄主植物数量统计中,应该超过500种,重点采集壳斗科。 感谢国家自然科学基金和人保部留学项目支持。感谢国内外专家朋友给与采集和鉴定的大力帮助!
个人分类: My Work 我的研究|5333 次阅读|10 个评论
Nanjing is cold
热度 3 zuojun 2011-12-7 22:24
and raining. But, I am well taken care by my host.
个人分类: Tea Time/Coffee Break|2190 次阅读|6 个评论
热度 1 zhangt10 2009-6-11 15:43
前几天在路上碰到做代谢通路的PK,感叹了一下他的世界是多么的充满数据及易与验证,尤其是相比起免疫系统. 他说其实我这是典型的草地那边绿,代谢也没那么简单,人类基因只是一部分-菌落的故事才刚刚开始解析. 有这么多可玩的新花头,他自然非常开心. 提到肠道菌群,突然想起来某位同事介绍的一部科幻小说(名字忘了,明天再问问),主题就是我们人类啊其实是被病毒细菌们长期选择出来的智能培养皿. 算算呢, 人体携带的细菌数是人类本身细胞数的十倍. 人类携带的基因组里面也有的是病毒序列. 看着某流感病毒的成功全球殖民,也许机器人agent smith的看法有那么一点点事实根据。 前几天提到的恶性HPV 16,居然也懂得怎么搭精子们的顺风车,狡猾狡猾地 http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0005847
个人分类: 生活点滴|2759 次阅读|1 个评论
[Book 书] The Agromyzidae from India 印度潜蝇科昆虫
entomology 2009-4-20 18:28
Singh S. Ipe I. M. (1973) The Agromyzidae from India. Agra, St. Johns College (Memoirs of the School of Entomology, No. 1) pp 1-286. Contents 目录 Editorial 编者 Contents 目录 Preface 前言 ChapterI Introduction 第一章 介绍 1. Family Agromyzidae 潜蝇科 2. Previous work 前人的工作 3. Characters of taxonomic importance 具备分类重要性的特征 4. Classification of mines 潜道分类 5. Zoogeographical notes 动物地理注解(?) 6. Abbreviations 缩写 ChapterII Adults 第二章 成虫 Key to the Genera of Agromyzidae from India 印度潜蝇科分属检索表 Subfamily Agromyzinae 潜蝇亚科 Genus Agromyza Fallen 潜蝇属 Genus Japanagromyza Sasakawa 东潜蝇属 Genus Melanagromyza Hendel 黑潜蝇属 Genus Ophiomyia Braschnikov 蛇潜蝇属 Subfamily Phytomyzinae 植潜蝇亚科 Genus Phytobia Lioy 菲潜蝇属 Genus Cerodontha Rondani 角潜蝇属 Genus Calycomyza Hendel 萼潜蝇属 Genus Amauromyza Hendel 暗潜蝇属(?) Genus Liriomyza Hendel 斑潜蝇属 Genus Lemurimyza Spencer (暂缺中文属名) Genus Phytagromyza Hendel 蛀杆蝇属(?) Genus Paraphytomyza Enderlein 拟植潜蝇属 Genus Phytoliriomyza Hendel 植斑潜蝇属 Genus Pseudonapomyza Hendel 伪萝潜蝇属 Genus Napomyza Westwood 萝潜蝇属 Genus Indonapomyza Singh and Ipe 印度萝潜蝇属(?) Genus Phytomyza Fallen 植潜蝇属 ChapterIII Immature stages 第三章 未成熟阶段 Key to the Genera of Agromyzidae from India 印度潜蝇科分属检索表 Subfamily Agromyzinae 潜蝇亚科 Genus Agromyza Fallen 潜蝇属 Genus Japanagromyza Sasakawa 东潜蝇属 Genus Melanagromyza Hendel 黑潜蝇属 Genus Ophiomyia Braschnikov 蛇潜蝇属 Subfamily Phytomyzinae 植潜蝇亚科 Genus Cerodontha Rondani 角潜蝇属 Genus Calycomyza Hendel 萼潜蝇属 Genus Liriomyza Hendel 斑潜蝇属 Genus Lemurimyza Spencer (暂缺中文属名) Genus Phytagromyza Hendel 蛀杆蝇属(?) Genus Pseudonapomyza Hendel 伪萝潜蝇属 Genus Napomyza Westwood 萝潜蝇属 Genus Phytomyza Fallen 植潜蝇属 Agromyzidae--host-plant index 潜蝇--寄主植物索引 Host-plant--Agromyzidae index 寄主植物--潜蝇索引 References参考文献 General index 索引 Plates 图版
个人分类: References 参考文献|5275 次阅读|0 个评论
[Book 书] Biology of the leaf miners 潜叶虫生物学
entomology 2009-4-20 17:50
HERING, E. M., 1951, Biology of the leaf miners . Dr. W. Junk Gravenhage, Berlin, 420p. 封面 Cover: 图片来源 Figure Source: http://us.st12.yimg.com/us.st.yimg.com/I/yhst-87411550785498_2044_528480 Contents 目录 1 Introduction 介绍 2 Definition, shape and classification of mines 潜道的定义、形状和分类 3 Leaf mines and mines in other parts of the plant 叶片潜道和植物其它部位的潜道 4 Change in the type of mine. Permanent and temporary miners 潜道类型的变化。永久性的和暂时性的潜叶虫 5 Change from one mine to another 从一个潜道转换到另一个潜道 6 Mine producers 潜道制造者 7 Life history of the mining insect 潜叶昆虫的生活史 8 Duration of mining and connection between mine and seasons of the year 潜食历期以及潜道和季节之间的联系 9 Disposal of frass in mines 潜道中粪便的处理 10 Case-bearing miners 有袋的潜叶虫 11 Connection between mining habits and larval morphology 潜食习性和幼虫形态之间的联系 12 The miners' choice of food 潜叶虫的食物选择性 13 Miners on aquatic plants 水生植物上的潜叶虫 14 Colour and discolouration of mines 潜道的颜色和褪色 15 Growth changes in the mined leaf. Mine and gall 被潜食叶片的生长变化。潜道和虫瘿 16 The subsequent fate of the mine 潜道随后的命运 17 Instinct change in miners 潜叶虫的本能变化(?) 18 Effects of two mines in a leaf. Occurence in profusion 同一片叶子上两个潜道的影响。盛发(?) 19 Parasites and enemies; inquilines and symbionts 寄生者和天敌;寄居者和共生者 20 Damage caused by miners, and their practical value. Geographical distribution 潜叶虫的危害及实践意义。地理分布 21 The study of miners 潜叶虫的研究 Final remarks: Problems and aims of future research on mines 结束语:存在的问题以及未来潜道研究的目标 Refernces 参考文献 General Index 索引
个人分类: References 参考文献|4332 次阅读|0 个评论

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