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Black Monday, for the global stock market, and for me
热度 1 zuojun 2015-8-25 16:24
I expected the stock market to crash, so when it did last Friday and today (Monday), I didn't really get worried. However, the rain storm in Hawaii did bother me. It started last night. My cell phone beeped every hour until I got really tired of hearing the flash flood warning at 4 am. I turned the notification off, and was able to sleep through the heavy rain. Today is the first day of school at U. Hawaii. I knew the parking would be hard, but didn't want to join the heavy traffic during the rush hour in the downpour. When I finally got to UH at 9:30 am, I was in big trouble: no place to park on campus or near the campus! I finally parked at a public lot about 15 mins away (by foot), and was happy to pay for the cost ($5 until 5 pm). But, the device must have run out of paper, and I didn't get a receipt to put on my car's dash board! More phone calls to ensure that my car will not be towed away, and risking get a ticket (and to fight for justice), I went to the seminar at 11 am. I was glad that I made it to the seminar. Once the seminar was over, I marched back to my car, preparing for the worst: no car waiting for me. I was so happy to see my car there, and to my surprise there was not even a ticket! I drove away, with a big smile on my face, even when many people were worried about their retirement. But, things didn't go well after yoga class. My Mac started to act up! Finally, I was able to figure out the cause: the trackpad! Without a properly working trackpad, I could not use the Mac at all! Apple Store was unable to help me until Wed.! Then, the Mac started to work again, but not for long. So, I packed it up and went to the Apple Store for a solution; I was even prepared to buy a new Mac! There was no tech person to help me, but a regular staff was assigned to me. I explained how important it is for me to have a working Mac, and he asked me if I was willing to buy a mouse. WHY not? As long as I can use the Mac, I will buy anything! I brough my new toy home, but the trackpad was still playing with me. With some effort, I found out how to disable it completely (by googling for a solution). After not using a mouse for two years, I was slow, and my right hand got tired easily. But, I was able to work, and to write this Blog! Let's hope tomorrow will be a better day!
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