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热度 2 zuojun 2018-6-25 07:24
I want to translation an artcile from English to Chinese. Can't use Google translate now, since I am in China. What do you use? ps . For some reason, I can't type in Chinese. 很奇怪。刚刚不可以用中文写博客。 求推荐一个可以在中国大陆用的翻译软件网址。就是可以立马在网上把英文翻译成中文的。谢谢。
个人分类: Scientific Translation|3093 次阅读|8 个评论
FSL sotfware
gll89 2017-4-20 23:37
1.The FMRIB Software Library , abbreviated FSL , is a software library containing image analys and statistical tools for functional , structural and diffusion MRI brain imaging data. 2.What image format does FSL need? FSL programs expect to read NIFTI-1 format images. These files can be read and written in compressed (gzip format) or uncompressed form. To convert between these different formats, use the fslchfiletype utility or the environment variable FSLOUTPUTTYPE. These are described more fully in the nifti1 page. An image can be 2D or 3D or 4D (multiple time points). FSL programs for FMRI analysis use single 4D NIFTI images, not lots of 3D images (such as SPM does). 3.How do I know right from left in the images? Look at the labels in FSLView. For more information about orientation, the NIfTI format and FSLView display, see the Orientation-related Utilities and Background information on NItTI Orientation sections of the FSLUTILS documentation page (https://fsl.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl/fslwiki/Fslutils#Orientation-related_Utilities). fslreorient2std - this is a simple tool designed to reorient an image to match the orientation of the standard template images (MNI152) so that they appear the same way around in FSLView. It requires that the image labels are correct in FSLView before this is run. It is also not a registration tool, so it will not align the image to standard space , it will only apply 90, 180 or 270 degree rotations about the different axes as necessary to get the labels in the same position as the standard template. 4.The NIfTI standard is confusing for many people, because that the intensity data is stored on disk as a list of numbers - there is no concept of spatial or anatomical location with these numbers, and so information and standard conventions are used to associate spatial and anatomical location information with these numbers. To start with, voxel coordinates are associated with the numbers (intensity values), such that the first number is at coordinate (0,0,0) the second at (1,0,0), the third at (2,0,0), etc. So, for example, say the image was 64 by 64 by 20 in size, then the coordinates would go as (0,0,0) then (1,0,0) ... then (63,0,0) then (0,1,0) then (1,1,0) then (2,1,0) ... then (63,1,0) then (0,2,0) ... then (63,63,0) then (0,0,1) then (1,0,1) ... until (63,63,19). Having two matrices here is a common source of confusion. They were originally proposed so that two different coordinates could be kept track of - one representing the scanner coordinate system (the real space inside the scanner bore) and the other one relating to standard space coordinates (e.g. MNI152). However, in practice, it is rare that both contain different information as they are often set to be the same, or one of them is Unknown in which case the other contains all the useful information. Either matrix (qform or sform) is used to convert the voxel coordinates into real world coordinates (also called continuous coordinates, or mm coordinates, or other names). These new coordinates - called (x,y,z) here FSLView displays both voxel and mm coordinates If the qform (or sform) is set so that it gives information about scanner coordinates (as indicated by the code), then a standard convention is used to relate the coordinate values to the anatomy. The convention is: +x = Right; +y = Anterior; +z = Superior. That is, moving in the positive x-direction (so that the x-coordinate increases) will be moving to the right, etc. The information from the qform and sform is what is used by FSLView to determine the labels that are shown on the image A valid NIfTI image can be displayed in any orientation that the viewing tool chooses, with the left side of the brain shown on the right side of the screen (so called radiological convention) or the other way around (neurological convention). It is also possible to display the inferior side of the brain at the top of the image, or any other configuration. It is entirely up to the display software how it chooses to show the image on the screen. What the NIfTI format does do is provide information to determine how to label the different parts of the image (with mm coordinates or anatomical labels such as left, right, anterior, posterior, superior and inferior)
个人分类: image analysis|3043 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]FSL5.0 Installation
gll89 2017-4-18 22:13
FSL安装 本文介绍如何安装医学图像处理软件fsl。 安装环境:Win10和Ubuntu 14.04 LTS(双系统和虚拟机皆可) 1. 打开链接: http://neuro.debian.net/pkgs/fsl-complete.html ,选择相应的系统和下载服务器(这里选用的是USA-CA),选择下载全部软件。 Note: ensure that the website is linked to install fsl-complete, yet not fsl. 2. 依次输入上述网页中显示的指令。 3. 配置: 打开profile文件 sudo gedit /etc/profile    在文件末尾输入添加 . /etc/fsl/5.0/fsl.sh 依次输入下述指令in terminal: FSLDIR=/usr/share/fsl/5.0 echo $FSLDIR . ${FSLDIR}/etc/fslconf/fsl.sh PATH=${FSLDIR}/bin:${PATH} export FSLDIR PATH  注意:输入命令时要在~$模式下(若在~模式下则会出现命令无法找到的问题,此时可输入bash切换) From: http://www.cnblogs.com/happygirl-zjj/p/5105522.html
个人分类: Linux|1479 次阅读|2 个评论
[转载]Ipe drawing tool
isping 2013-4-29 15:25
Ipe is an extensible drawing editor for creating figures in PDF and Postscript format. It supports making small figures for inclusion into LaTeX-documents as well as presentations in PDF. http://ipe7.sourceforge.net/
个人分类: latex|6 次阅读|0 个评论
Two tools for Bisulfite sequencing
ljxue 2013-1-28 12:18
MethylCoder:Software Pipeline for Bisulfite-Treated Sequences BS Seeker: precise mapping for bisulfite sequencing BMC Bioinformatics, 11 (2010), p. 203
个人分类: Bioinformatics|2483 次阅读|0 个评论
Fly-Buck Design
tinghai89922 2012-7-2 17:01
Fly-Buck Design
!!! Excerpted from TI The Fly-Buck Design Calculator Tool assists designers with routine calculations for the 2W TPS55010 isolated DC/DC Converter. Two versions are available to support a single or a dual output configuration. The tool helps the user select a transformer, the sense resistors, and the power diode as well as the input, output, compensation, and primary capacitors. All equations used in the tool are shown with the corresponding datasheet equation. Primary and secondary waveforms of the voltage and current are also displayed. Fly-Buck Design Calculator Tool : TPS55010Tool_DualOutput.xls and TPS55010Tool_SingleOutput.xls TPS55010: DC/DC Converter (Integrated Switch), 2.95V To 6V Input, 2W, Isolated DC/DC Converter with Integrated FETS tps55010.pdf Other useful documents: slvu494.pdf and slvu459.pdf topology
5600 次阅读|0 个评论
[C2010-2] Modeling of hard turning: effect of tool geometry
melius 2010-9-30 23:15
2010, Proceedings of the 36th International MATADOR Conference , 6 , Pages 227-230 Modeling of hard turning: effect of tool geometry on cutting force Z.Y. Shi, Z.Q. Liu, C.M. Cao Abstract. Hard machining for manufacturing dies and molds offers various advantages, but the productivity is often limited, mainly by tool life. This study investigates the influence of cutting tool geometry on the cutting forces by utilizing finite element simulations (FEM). A set of cutting conditions in numerical FEM were conducted by using four different shaped cutting tools and axial force, radial force and tangential force were found. The results of this research help to explain the conclusion that for cylindrical control, the equation of the actual geometry of the S-shaped inserts involved in cutting is a sphere; that of C-shaped, D-shaped and Tshaped inserts involved in cutting is an ellipsoid with different lengths of short-half axis. Keywords : tool geometry, material flow stress, short-half-axial, cutting force FULL TEXT
个人分类: [Publications] 论文全文|3454 次阅读|0 个评论
gosci 2009-4-30 18:41
以前在网上找到一篇流域分析的练习过程,贴上来给lz看看有没有帮助 水文分析: 根据DEM提取河流网络,计算流水累积量,流向,根据指定的流域面积大小自动划分流域 水文分析工具 有两种途径使用水文分析功能: 通过Arctoolbox:水文分析工具位于 之下 如果Hydrology 工具集没有出现,可以选中某个工具箱后新建一个工具集 ,然后右键点新建的工具集,在出现的菜单中执行 会出现如右图所示的对话框,将需要的水文分析工具添加到上面新建的工具集中. 另一种方法是添加 工具栏到ArcMap中. 在ArcMap中执行菜单命令: 命令 点击 按钮 找到esrihydrology_v2.dll 文件 注意:这个文件通常是在ArcGIS的安装路径下,默认的情况是 工具条就被加载到ArcMap,在其前面的检查框上打上勾,如下图所示. 工具条就可以显示在ArcMap中 1. 数据基础:无洼地的DEM 在ArcMap中加载 DEM数据,执行工具条 中的菜单命令 ,在出现的对话框中将 参数指定为 DEM 确定后得到无洼地的DEM数据: 2. 关键步骤:流向分析 在上一步的基础上进行,执行工具条 中的菜单命令 ,在出现的对话框中将 参数指定为 Filled Sink1 确定后得到流向栅格 ,了解流向栅格单元的数值表示的含义是什么 3. 计算流水累积量 在上一步的基础上进行,执行工具条 中的菜单命令 ,在出现的对话框中将 参数指定为 Flow Direction1 确定后得到流水累积量栅格 4. 提取河流网络 提取河流网络栅格: 在上一步的基础上进行,打开Arctoolbox,运行工具 在 中输入公式:con (Flow Accumulation1800,1) 指定为:StreamNet 说明:通过此操作将流水累积量栅格 中栅格单元值(流水累积量)大于800的栅格赋值为1,从而得到河流网络栅格 得到的的河流网络栅格:StreamNet 关闭除 之外的其它图层 提取河流网络矢量数据 在上一步的基础上进行,执行工具条 中的菜单命令 ,在出现的对话框中将 参数指定为 Flow Direction1, 确定后得到河流网络矢量数据 平滑处理河流网络 打开 工具栏,执行工具栏中的命令 ,确保目标图层为河流网络图层 , 通过打开 中的所有要素,也可以通过要素选择按钮选择图层中所有要素 执行 工具栏中的命令 打开工具条: ,点击其上的 按钮(下图中前头所指): 在 处理对话框中输入参数 :3 得到平滑后的河流网络矢量图层,执行命令: ,保存所做修改. 比较平滑处理后的数据与没有进行处理过的数据 5.流域分析 在上一步的基础上进行,执行工具条 中的菜单命令 ,在出现的对话框中将 参数指定为 Flow Direction1, 确定后得到流域栅格 打开 工具栏,执行命令: 将流域栅格转换成为矢量图层,按下图所示指定参数: 得到矢量数据: 设置图层 属性 后得到类似上图的效果 重复以上操作步骤并将 参数指定为 10000,看看结果是否有所不同. 6. 其它应用--降水分析(选做) 执行命令 选中Rain Drop按钮,(如下图红色前头所指),在DEM上任意位置点击(表示这里有降雨),则显示一条路径表示此处的降水的最终流向 来源: http://geo-spatial.net/csk/upload/arcgis/ex9/ex9.pdf 注:按照上面提示,不一定能找到水文分析工具条,因为没有安装 ArcGIS Engine 9.3 Developer Kit ,可以在arcgis9.3安装文件夹下安装SDK_VB6。然后在windows资源管理器里面按照上面说的文件夹找到最后一个(sample为sampleCOM),把压缩包解开到本地文件夹。然后再按照上面的提示添加就行了。如果不先解压缩,按照上面提示还是找不到。
个人分类: GIS相关|3146 次阅读|0 个评论

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