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linqy 2019-9-16 17:28
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Lay Summary是什么?为什么要写好外行也能看懂的lay summary?
isechina 2019-4-26 09:41
经过几个月的漫长努力,当论文最终发表,也代表着你的辛勤工作得到了回报。而那篇论文现在已经在学术文献库中占据了一席之地。不幸的是,每年还有另外250000000篇文章也躺在那里。 你的文章如何在众多的文献中脱颖而出并获得关注? 其中一个方法是让你的文章更容易被访问。 而实现这一目标的一个好方法就是准备一份 lay summary 。 什么是lay summary? 即科学家用普通人可懂的语言为自己的研究论文撰写的摘要。 尽管你的同事和同行可能能够理解你的文章,但是很可能它的内容对于普通人来说是难以理解的。更重要的是,研究人员越来越多地被他们的机构和资助者赋予任务,要求他们对公众阐述他们研究的影响,以及在他们特定研究领域之外的影响。如果你能将你的文章转化成广大一般读者都能理解的东西,那么你就有了另一个读者群——他们更有可能分享你的学术论文。做到这一点的关键是制作一个lay summary。 从根本上说,lay summary的目标是生成一个简短的文字,概述文章内容,针对非专业人员,并以他们能容易理解的方式来撰写。lay summary需要与abstract区别开来,abstract是为同行理解而写。 lay summary指的是对于整篇文章的简介以及对于文章重点内容的总结,其结构应该回答“ 谁/什么/何地/何时/多少/为什么? who/what/where/when/how many/why?” 这些主要问题。换句话说,你应说明为什么有人应该花时间阅读你的作品。以简明扼要的方式回答这些问题,提供读者需要的所有细节。其中最重要的部分是“summary within a summary”:最后一句解释了为什么研究很重要,以及文章得出的结论。 Lay summary的重要性? 研究获得更多传播对研究者来说非常有益。另外,随着数字媒体和科学新闻的快速传播和变化,lay summary作为可以帮助研究更广泛传播的存在,其撰写必将变得越来越必要。 在许多学科领域,研究人员已经普遍使用了lay summary,一些资助机构甚至要求将lay summary作为其申请程序的一部分。撰写此类摘要 - 将你的作品提炼为一种容易理解并免费访问的形式,可以让你的研究与整个社会的更广泛互动。除此之外,它们非常适合用于新闻稿件推广。 如何撰写lay summary? 一些建议: 覆盖so what?因素。 证明你的研究。 提供一些背景信息。 是什么因素促使你这么做的? 遵循逻辑顺序。 他们不可能总是与时间顺序一致。 解释研究结果的影响 —— 会发生什么变化?(特别是结合更广泛的社会影响) 使用简练的短句。 想象一下,假如你正在和一个刚刚入门的本科生交谈。或者,更好的做法是,想象正在向一位在零售业 / 时尚业 / 酒店业工作人员解释你的文章。 除非必要,否则不要使用专业术语, 如果必须使用,请解释清楚。 使用第一人称和主动语态 (we agreed而不是it was agreed)。 使用肯定句而不是否定句 : 至少每两周重复一次约会,而不是通常的做法是不要更频繁地安排每两周一次的重复约会 图片是非常重要的 ——如果可以的话,尽量包括一张图。 当你认为你已经准备好lay summary的时候,请一位 非从业人员 来阅读它。问问他们是否理解! ScienceOpen提供lay summary的支持 在ScienceOpen平台,我们一直在探索如何通过写作、开放获取和推广来支持作者。我们平台的现今共有430多位作者关于开放科学的总结!一些文章包括: “Strains, planes, and EBSD in materials science”,“what sound symbolism can and cannot do”, 现在在它们的主页上都提供了论文的lay summary。这些都是免费提供给读者的。 上图原文链接: https://www.scienceopen.com/document?vid=0acf94a4-820e-4c1b-a0b4-b525690deaec https://www.scienceopen.com/document?vid=40ed29e2-6e32-41cf-b823-2bc086829eeb 作者在ScienceOpen平台发布文章的时候可以添加摘要、缩略图、关键字、标签、图片等, 以提高文章的可发现性。 展望未来,我们也会尝试在提交过程中方便作者提交lay summary,并将它们整合到一个更大的规模,以帮助作者发现它们。请继续关注我们在这方面的努力。 Lay summary 可以成为拓展和扩大研究影响力的有力工具。 无论期刊平台,学校公共信息办公室,同行评审都应该发挥作用支持科学家撰写lay summary。 不要忘记,作为作者,还有许多其他可用的工具 —— 利用我们的社区、合集等,尝试着为你的下一篇文章写一个lay summary,并且询问你的编辑是否有兴趣参与这个项目。享受你的下一篇文章吧!
个人分类: 论文写作|9995 次阅读|0 个评论
WileyChina 2015-7-10 14:41
Plain Language Summary 是 British Journal of Dermatology 期刊为提高 皮肤病患者 的健康认知力实施的一项新举措,自2014年1月起开始出版。一篇 Plain Language Summary 通常以 通俗精炼 的语言概括了晦涩的医学文章内容,主要 面 向没有系统学习过医疗知识的大众,以普及相关医学研究及进展 。 你知道吗,宝宝患上湿疹可能与妈妈孕期从事的职业有关,家里使用的家居清洁产品或装修材料挥发的的化学物质也会增加宝宝患病的可能,此外加氟消毒的泳池肯能是诱因。一项最新研究表明, 窄谱中波紫外线 (NBUVB) 疗法 对 儿童湿疹 尤其是中度和重度儿童湿疹患者的治疗有 显著效果 ,可以明显改善患者的病情。 2014年1月期精选内容: 1. 半抗原 - 特应性过敏假说三:空气中化学物质的潜在作用 特应性疾病 是一类病症,包括哮喘、湿疹和枯草热,这些病症是由对某些潜在的“过敏原”过度敏感的免疫系统引起的。特应性疾病具有 遗传性 ,但是有些因素会使人更可能患上这类疾病。这些因素包括在胚胎内或者在幼儿早期接触到造成过敏的某些化学物质,因为这会影响幼儿正在发育的免疫系统。以前有研究分析了涂抹到皮肤或者用于食用的这些化学物质。由英国和泰国的研究人员撰写的这篇最新的评价考查了一系列研究,揭示了吸入空气中的 化学物质 可能也会发挥了作用。首先,他们研究了母亲怀孕时的职业 / 工作与孩子随后是否患上了湿疹之间的可能关联。他们发现, 来自五种 职业 的孕妇所生育的幼儿患上 湿疹的风险 更高,这些职业的相同点是较高几率的持续性接触空气中的化学物质 。随后,他们评价了有关见于一些家居清洁产品和墙壁涂料中的名为“挥发性有机化合物”的化学物质的多项研究,发现在幼儿期或者在母亲怀孕期间接触到这些空气中的化学物质的儿童通常患有较为严重的特应性疾病。类似的关联也见于 幼儿期内在加氯消过毒的游泳池中接触到空气中的化学物质以及住在化工厂附近而有过此类接触 的相关研究中。研究人员得出的结论是, 空气中的 化学物质 可以导致皮肤和吸入接触,而在胚胎内或者幼儿期内,这种接触会增加 特应性疾病 的 风险 。 2. 评估职业性太阳紫外线辐射对皮肤癌的作用 受到 来自太阳的紫外线(“太阳紫外线”)的辐射是 皮肤癌 的主要原因 。 鳞状细胞癌 是第二最常见的皮肤癌类型,它与频繁暴露的皮肤区域所累积的长期 日光照射 有关联。户外工作者(比如农民、建筑工人、园丁)由于长时间在户外工作,可能没有太多的遮阳物,面临的风险尤其高,在经常在 户外工作 的人群当中,这种疾病越来越常见。由来自瑞士的研究人员撰写的这项研究,使用了三维计算机绘图技术和地面辐射数据来计算最可能暴露于太阳下的皮肤区域每年的紫外线辐射量,这些皮肤区域包括面部、颈部后面、肩部和前臂。这项研究还评估了包括全年性和季节性工作在内的多种职业场景中工作时间和 / 或午休时间内日光照射对个人的总体紫外线辐射的贡献程度。在将所采集的信息输入一个模型的基础上,研究人员展示了这些变量如何能够被用来评估个人罹患鳞状细胞癌的风险。作者得出的结论是, 职业性日光照射 是户外工作者罹患 鳞状细胞癌 的 主要原因 ,因此,作为一种职业病,它应该得到人们更广泛的认识。 本期亮点是为治疗 儿童重度湿疹 ,一项研究引入了 窄谱中波紫外线 (NBUVB) 疗法 , NBUVB 疗法 是一种相对来说较新的治疗方法,它最初的目的是治疗银屑病,该方法减少了紫外线对皮肤的辐射。该项研究表明 NBUVB 疗法 对 儿童湿疹 尤其是中度和重度儿童湿疹患者的治疗有 显著效果 ,可以明显改善患者的病情 。 关于此篇 研究的更多 详细内容,欢迎点击查看: onlinelibrary.wiley.com/enhanced/doi/10.1111/bjd.12753 《英国皮肤病学杂志》 ( BritishJournal of Dermatology ) 编辑:Alex Anstey,Newport, UK 2014 年影响因子 :4.275 ISI Journal Citation Reports Ranking :2014: 6/62 (Dermatology) 欢迎点击阅读本期 Plain Language Summary 的更多内容: onlinelibrary.wiley.com/enhanced/doi/10.1111/bjd.12753
个人分类: Health Science|1740 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]how to write Discussion Chapter
xlsheffield 2013-7-16 20:35
The following is a good summary of what a discussion chapter does from HEA: A Discussion section should not be simply a summary of the results you have found and at this stage you will have to demonstrate original thinking. First, you should highlight and discuss how your research has reinforced what is already known about the area. Many students make the mistake of thinking that they should have found something new; in fact, very few research projects have findings that are unique. Instead, you are likely to have a number of findings that reinforce what is already known about the field and you need to highlight these, explaining why you think this has occurred. Second, you may have discovered something different and if this is the case, you will have plenty to discuss! You should outline what is new and how this compares to what is already known. You should also attempt to provide an explanation as to why your research identified these differences. Third, you need to consider how your results extend knowledge about the field. Even if you found similarities between your results and the existing work of others, your research extends knowledge of the area, by reinforcing current thinking. You should state how it does this as this is a legitimate finding! It is important that this section is comprehensive and well structured, making clear links back to the literature you reviewed earlier in the project. This will allow you the opportunity to demonstrate the value of your research and it is therefore very important to discuss your work thoroughly. The resources in this section of the Gateway should help you to: · interpret the research – the key to a good discussion is a clear understanding of what the research means. This can only be done if the results are interpreted correctly; · discuss coherently – a good discussion presents a coherent, well structured explanation that accounts for the findings of the research, making links between the evidence obtained and existing knowledge.
734 次阅读|0 个评论
a week summary
liangqunlu 2010-10-31 19:15
This week sucks. Many annoying things happened together. And I am not in themood.I dsecribe it trough of my state. I bought an acer laptop the day before yesterday.However,it is not easy impressively.First of all,I had to get anpermission from my elder brother whose moneyIam gona spend. Though I got a yes answer,his words hurt me very much.Besides,I donot know how long it takes me to get through his cursed words.Up now ,I have cried and been sad as soon as I think of what he said. Maybe he didn't mean that much and even forgort ,but it is the truth that I got hurt. He always cares muchabout money,seems more importantthan me.So does my dad. In order not to be criticized ,I 'd better not go home this spring vacation. The other two persons in my room sucks. I admit that ,at first in this semester,I did not think highly of them, maybe it is my fault if it matters.However,after what they have done everyday ,I feel it right not to think highly of them. Everyday Igo out and come back,busy doing my own things,almost taking them as nothing. However it does not work to the kind of people who cannot accept themselves as nobody by someone else,especially when theyare boring .And this is source of all conflicts in this room.Meantime they have done many dirty things,such as turning my conputer off , hanging up my phone,and frequent provocations. However,I can accept these tricks as nothingafterthey happened many times. people always say that if you want to earn others' places,you should earn your places in others. Seriously ,it is annoyed ,but I can handleit well.Sometimes,in face of narrow ,mean and jealous persons,thebest solution is tomake myself stronger.And it is comforting to know that I may have new roommates in the near future. About my work,it did not go on well. And this is not what I want.Something is wrong in this week. I tried my best ,and got some data ,but I am not satisfying .To some extent,I am tired of my work .And most of time ,I feel sleppy and exhausted. I cannot eventhink ,which makes me miserable and unaccepted.I hate it. In additions,I can handle myself very well. When I was in trouble,I called my friends and tried toget a solution. But now,it is no big deal,almost everything,I can take care of it,take care of myself.
个人分类: 生活|315 次阅读|0 个评论
Summary on the training course in Beijing in 2003
waterlilyqd 2010-8-21 09:46
Summary on the training course on Electronic Production of Agricultural Documents and Bibliographic Database Management in Beijing A 7-day training course, sponsored by the FAO Waicent ( http://www.fao.org/waicent ) and organized by the Literature and Information Centre of CAAS, was held in Beijing in October, 2003. People attending the training inlcuded about 30 information workers from more than 20 provincial academies of agricultural sciences and several agricultural universities. All the training courseswere given by Waicent officials and staffs in English. Prof. He, in Literature and Information Centre of CAAS, acted as the interpreter. After the training, everytraineewas required to write an evaluation on this training course in English. Several representatives were selected to talk about what they have gained from the training andwhat needs to be furtherly improved. The following is my commentary on this training. _____________________________ I can summarize this training course with three ‘ G’s: Good teaching contents, Good teachers, Good results. 1. About the teaching contents: The internet has brought about information revolution. It’s more convenient and quicker for people to get information. They don’t need to look up one book or one article through shelves to shelves of the holdings. They just need input several keywords, the title of onearticle or the book name,the names of the authors orotherinformation related to the book or the article, then they can immediately get the desired information only if the information can be available and accessible on the internet. So the important problem is how to let the information available and accessible. This training course has given presentation on many basic concepts related to web and database, online library, electronic publishing, such as the metadata, DTD, AGMES, HTML, XML, and on how to create XML or HTML files, and how to create Word Processing template, how to create a webpage using XML or HTML, how to conduct data exchange among different languages, how to retrieve information via internet or from the (FAO) Agris database and other online databases, and how to log in web agris and download information. 2. About the teachers and the teaching methods: All the teachers are so excellent. Although English is not their native language, they all can speak perfect English. They are expert at computer knowledge and operational skills, so they can solve any problemsimmediately during the class. And they have good teaching experience. They organize their materials very well and present them in well-designed slides with words and pictures, graphics, which greatly facilitate us to understand the contents. Johannes, Anne and Stefano are so patient and kind with us. We are very happy to be in the class and learn so much useful knowledge from them. 3. About the study results: Under the interesting topic “Electronic production of agricultural documents and bibliographic database management”, and under the teachers’ good presentation and guide, we have learned much. Through this training, I have learned how to retrieve information more effectively and efficiently, how to login the (FAO) database and retrieve information or provide data for the Web agris, how to create webpages with HTML. We have also learnt the work flow of the electronic publishing; the data (words, graphics, tables) processing, scanning, the transformation between different document types. ★ I also have some suggestions 1. Make the FAO Agris with richer information and try to provide as possible more abstracts for the readers; 2. Enlarge the subject thesaurus to facilitate the information indexing; 3. Organize more such kinds of training and have more information exchange among agricultural information service workers in the future.
个人分类: 信息分析|3659 次阅读|0 个评论
Mini-Summary of my 2008
baoyu 2009-5-5 23:36
Mini-Summary of my 2008 by Baoyu (Picture come from http://www1.deskcity.com/details/picture/2643 ) (This summary was wrote in January 2009 and it is just a milestone and reminder for my study in 2009) Course and Experiment: Completed my compulsive courses studying and got the full credits. Passed the thesis commence ceremony. Completed the rotation of three research groups. Science Writing: Wrote two chapters of book of one million Chinese words. Wrote two Apply forms of National Natural Science Foundation. Wrote the drafts of three SCI articles. Submited two new genes to Genebank. Team work: Help team members in experiments like molecular biology experiment and Bioinformatic analysis. Revised the SCI article drafts of the team members. Social Activities: Work as member of SMMU Graduate academic Activities committee: In charge of The academic forum of SMMU Graduates and hold four seminars. Help in the interview to Scientistabout their Academic Life . Help in the Donation after 5.12 Wenchuan Earthquake. Help in the Film Festival of Graduate academic Activities committee. So I can say my 2008is meaningful and I will do better in 2009.
个人分类: 我的大学|4214 次阅读|1 个评论

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