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当要接收一篇文章时 When issuing acceptance letter
热度 1 waterlilyqd 2017-9-29 19:53
作者投稿后最高兴的事当属收到编辑部发来的接收函(Acceptance letter) 。 一篇文章在什么情况下可以被接受,各刊一般都有大致明确的标准。就Journal of Mountain Science 而言,给作者发接收函并不意味着文章修改的结束,只是同行评审的结束。在给作者发接收函的同时,我刊会对文章进行一次较为细致的编辑,如语言文字规范、参考文献等格式规范、图的质量和字体字号的大小、文中提及图表的顺序等等。同时,会附上列表请作者一一对照着检查。 在给作者发接收函时,会同时生成 一个DOI号,在接收函中一并告知作者,这对作者在其他文章中引用这篇文章非常重要。 另外,在接收函中会列出一些需要作者完成的后续工作: 1.签订版本转让协议(Copyright Transfer Statement); 2.推荐10位读者; 3. 请作者提供手机号(方便后期与作者联系). 接收函甚至细化到请作者在发来的版权转让协议书的文件名上加上文章的编号,便于编辑部对文章的版权转让协议进行归档时通过搜索找到它。 由于发送接收函以后,作者无法再在稿件系统中进行任何操作,因此,在信中告知作者直接将邮件发送到编辑部的邮箱。 在给作者发送接收函以后,我还会在本地服务器上为这篇已接收的文章创建专门的文件夹,文件名是稿件编号+责任编辑+接收日期, 便于不同的责编核查作者是否返回修改稿并进行后期的编辑加工工作。 要求作者进行印前修改的文档(特别要求作者进行修改的,另外高亮标注): ___________________________________________________________________ Revision requirements before formal publication Pleasecombine all the necessary parts into one document except the figures and makeall the required revision. 1. Title (required) 2. Author(the family names should be capitalized) ( required ) 3. Authoraffiliation ( required. Countries or regions area must. zip code is better to be added) 4. All authors’orcid and email addresses (required) 5.Abstract (required) 6. Keywords (required) 7. Mainbody (required). It isgenerally arranged in this sequence: Introduction, Study Area and Methods orMaterials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgement,References. Please number each section AFTER Introduction. 1) Check the sequence of the figures and tables mentioned in the text; 2) check whether the figures and the words in the figuresare clear enough and the words ( Times New Roman isrequired ) are correct, and whether the words and the lines are inproportion; 3) check whether the table heads are correct and can be shortenedor condensed (to save space). 8.Figures should be in high quality. Words in the figures must be in Times NewRoman and cannot be in BOLD . Suggested figure sizes are 7-8 cmor 14-16 cm wide with font size in the final print version at 8-9 point. Figuresshould be saved at a minimum resolution of 600 dpi (dots per inch) at finalsize. Save all figures in Tiff format and number them sequentially. 9. Put all the tables and figures behind References section. Tables should be editable. Figure caption should be editable. Figure 1, please add latitude and longitude to the study area map. Words in Figures 2 and 3 are too small to be legible. Please reprepare these two figures. 10 . Use italics for the variables throughout thepaper. 11. Acknowledgement( Funding source should be provided ). 12. Reference( required . DOI should be added if that item ofreference has one. Language in literature published in other languages outsideEnglish should be marked at the end of that item of reference. See the journalReference style at Guides to Authors at http://jms.imde.ac.cn/for-authors ) 13.Supplementary materials can be provided, including documents, videos, pictures,etc.. 14.Numbering each section except the Introduction. The subtitle also should benumbered. The format is like this: 1, 1.1, 1.1.1...; 2, 2.1,2.2, 2.3, … 15 . Use bright blue color for the cited literature, Figures, Tables and Equations mentionedin the text, and the DOI numbers or URL links in the Reference. (required). See the published sample paper at http://jms.imde.ac.cn/c/document_library/get_file?uuid=0488cf00-9465-4a41-bc23-4dda177d10c2groupId=21915 16. Read through the article after you make all the revision to makesure every word and sentence is grammatically and semantically correct, thewhole paper is in a logical flow! _____________________________________________________________ JMS 长长的接收函: __________________________________________________________ Dear Dr. XXX : It is a pleasure to accept your manuscript entitled XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX for publication in the Journal of Mountain Science. Thank you for your fine contribution. On behalf of the Editors of the Journal of Mountain Science, we look forward to your continued contributions to the Journal. Please download the Copyright Transfer Statement at http://jms.imde.ac.cn/web/21915/copyright-transfer, and it is required that all authors should sign their names on the statement, and then send the signed Copyright Transfer Statement (pls add the ms id XX-XXXX in the filename) to the editorial office (jms@imde.ac.cn). Please make sure you are available at the present email address, and it's better to tell us your mobile phone number (for Chinese authors) so that we could get in contact with you timely when it's needed. In addition, you are required to recommend at least ten potential readers who do research close to the field shown in your paper. Please list their names, affiliations, and effective email address one by one in Word or Excel format. We'll share your this paper with the readers you recommend after it's formally published. The DOI assigned to this article is https://doi.org/ XXXXXXXXXXXXX . It's best to add the DOI in the reference when you cite it in other articles. P.S.: The online system will be closed for this manuscript now. You can contact us by sending emails to the JMS email box (jms@imde.ac.cn) directly. Before the formal publication, please make a thorough editing based on the suggestions in the attached files and send the revised manuscript to the editorial office (jms@imde.ac.cn). If all the figures and tables have already been properly prepared in this version of manuscript, you donot need to send them once again, only send the revised manuscript to editorial office (jms@imde.ac.cn) Sincerely, XXX Executive Editor-in-Chief Journal of Mountain Science jms@imde.ac.cn ------------------------------- Journal of Mountain Science Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment,Chinese Academy of Sciences P.O.Box 417 No.16,South Sect.2, the 1st Ring Road (Yihuanlu) Chengdu 610041, China Tel:028-85252044 E-mail: jms@imde.ac.cn QQ: 1540631665 QQ Group: 232951752 (Journal of Mountain Science) http://jms.imde.ac.cn http://www.springer.com/earth+sciences+and+geography/journal/11629 http://mall.cnki.net/magazine/magadetail/SDKB201701.htm About the Journal The Journal of Mountain Science(JMS), an international English journal on mountain sciences, was founded in 2004 and has been included in the Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-E) since 2007. The SCI impact factor of JMS is 1.016(Source: JCR, 2016). JMS is supervised by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), sponsored by the Chengdu Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment (CAS), published by Science Press China, and exclusively distributed by Springer outside Mainland China. JMS is devoted to research on mountains and their surrounding lowlands - ecoregions of particular global importance, with a particular emphasis on the important highlands/ mountains _________________________________________________________________________
个人分类: JMS信息|8819 次阅读|4 个评论
热度 8 yindazhong 2017-7-16 19:24
与前一篇“真气原理”博文主要内容相关的学术文章现已经被《中国组织工程研究与临床康复》杂志接受。考虑到目前网上常常有假冒杂志官网骗钱的个别不良分子存在,现将接收函和“文章采用通知”的抓屏贴上,求网上大侠帮忙确认杂志接收函及编辑部地址的真实性。主要是该杂志编辑部原来好像在沈阳,怎么现在跑到北京去了,加上投稿系统也很简单,觉得有点奇怪。另外要求三天内寄出版费要得似乎太急,这有点像抢了就溜的味道(正规杂志根本不该有此担心)……所以在此提问请教。 接收信函如下: 印大中同志您好: 您投稿的论文《以现代科学解读“真气”康复作用的生物学机制》已经被我刊 (本刊为北大核心期刊) 录用(文章编号E2017071469325)(此文章责任编辑郝编辑电话:01061711064/ 13717717390),稿件录用相关费用460元(包含专家审稿费用60元和中国知网查重检测费200元),拟定在2017年11月底左右出刊(具体以款到为准),本刊18号截稿(截稿后刊期顺延),请您及时汇款,以免耽误出刊。 因作者较多,费用相同,请汇款时备注作者姓名或适当添加尾数(例如460.1元) (如有项目基金或单位推荐函,请支付费用后发到编辑部邮箱) 。汇款后请第一时间邮件或者电话01061714410通知我们,并注明您的具体地址( 具体到省市街道 ) ,以便于我们邮寄样刊给您.(编辑部工作时间上午九点到十二点,下午一点半到五点,法定假日电话可能无人接听,敬请谅解!) 稿件录用通知已随函用附件发出,请及时下载查看 银行汇款(即刻到账,稿件准时安排 推荐 ) ( 编辑部稿件太多,定版费请在收到通知后三天内及时支付,并及时核对定版费,安排排版.文章录用只保留三日,三日未支付费用视为弃稿,,超过三日支付的,请务必电话联系编辑部后支付。 ) (特别提醒:此为编辑部短信录用通知中指定版面费官方账户,以免受骗)(曾小霞为我社财务主编) ( 如果需要汇入杂志社对公账户,请直接在官网稿件查询栏目里输入文章编号查询或电话咨询) ( 汇款时请阅读注意事项) 中国工商银行 账 户: 6215 5918 1300 0155 530 开户人:曾小霞 特别注意: 因编辑部每天收到款项较多,请作者尽量不要跨行汇款,以免杂志社财务部门延误核对时间 中国农业银行 账 户:6228 4807 9973 1565 575 开户人:曾小霞 定版费请在收到通知后三天内及时支付,核对定版费,以免延误稿件刊登。 中国邮政储蓄 账 户:6217 9952 0020 3091 050 开户人:曾小霞 汇款后请保留‘汇款凭条’,并及时邮件或电话通知编辑部。 招商银行 账 户:6214 8371 6648 3366 开户人:曾小霞 编辑部地址: 北京市东城区东长安街6号长安大厦(西距天安门广场2公里,比邻中国轻工业出版社) 付款银行 账户信息 注意事项 (请务必阅读) 编辑部地址汇款 ( 阅读注意事项) 北京市东城区东长安街 6 号长安大厦,《中国组织工程研究与临床康复》杂志社编辑部(收).邮政编码: 100740 特别声明: 邮局汇款时间慢,编辑部收到费用时可能文章已视为弃稿,错过定稿排版,汇款会沿原路返回,以此造成的损失概不负责.所以无特别需要, 不推荐 邮局地址汇款. 如需汇入对公账户请官网查询或电话咨询 中国建设银行 对公账户: 窗体顶端 开户公司 : 窗体顶端 开户行网点: 窗体顶端 账 户: 6236 6826 6000 3166 790 开户人:曾小霞 注意 : 此为杂志社网易官方邮箱短信通知对应账户,请作者仔细核对后汇款 文章接受抓屏.docx 印大中.pdf
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