

tag 标签: 守护野山参


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热度 1 WJCM 2016-7-7 17:41
守护人参的神奇现象之一 采挖野山参的人们发现了这样一个神奇的现象:早上太阳出来后,长在野山参周围的树木和野草都会向四周弯出让出空间给野山参,让野山参充分享受透过大树的阳光。每当太阳落山后,这些小树和野草则又直立起来并纷纷向野山参靠拢,好像卫兵一样,把野山参保护起来。挖参人说,人参是百草之王,名副其实。 Magical Phenomena of Guarding Ginseng (1) In the activities of wild Ginseng excavation , some magical phenomena have beenfound. After thesun comes out in the morning, wild trees and grasses that grow around a Ginseng will bend to the outside to give out more space to help the wild Ginseng fully enjoy the sunshine scattering through the trees. When the sun goes down, these trees and weeds then would stand up and move closer to the wild Ginsenglike guards to get the wild Ginseng protected. Therefore,wild Ginseng diggers say that wild Ginseng is the King of all plants and this phenomenon is one of the good illustrations.
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