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Two poems of LI Bai (李白绝句二首)
baoyu 2009-5-6 22:02
Two poems of LI Bai ( 李白绝句二首 ) by Baoyu 翻译了以下两首家喻户晓的唐诗,水平有限,还请众博友指正。 Night Pondering (静夜思) 床前明月光, 疑是地上霜。 举头望明月, 低头思故乡。 Waking, the moonbeams lingering aroud my bed, Glittering like autumn frost to my sorrow heart. Up towards the glorious moon, I lift my head, Let me down-the thoughts of home arise. Companion (敬亭山) 众鸟高飞尽, 孤云独去闲。 相看两不厌, 只有敬亭山。 Birds flown away to their roosts in the tree, The lonely cloud just floated lazily by. But you always like apple in my eye, For we sitting there-the mountain and I.
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