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mirror - 回答: 是谁发明了nanotechnology这个词?
liwei999 2010-7-11 07:00
回答: 是谁发明了nanotechnology这个词?(ZT) 由 唐吉诃德观光团 于 September 15, 2003 16:30:04: 这坛里果然很了得。 送交者: mirror 于 September 15, 2003 19:40:13: 谷口纪男在1974年国际生产技术会议(ICPE)上,从加工技术、加工精度上提出了nanotechnology概念。在更早的1959年底,Feynman从物理的极限技术的概念上,提出了能到达多么小的问题。一个是实,一个是虚。进入了80年代,半导体产业的迅速发展和英国Cranfield大学教授在CIRP会议上重新介绍了谷口的概念,nanotechnology大为流行,成了一个时髦的东西。 国人的纳米技术大约是2000年老克的美国国家战略的炒作后的产物。殊不知,这也和服装的流行一样,等看到街面上流行超短裙时,买还来得及,做就来不及了。 http://www.starlakeporch.net/bbs/read.php?1,64616,64616#msg-64616
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[转载]Nature Nanotechnology Contents June 2010 Volume 5 Number 6 pp 381-472
xupeiyang 2010-6-5 06:30
NATURE NANOTECHNOLOGY June 2010 Volume 5 Number 6, pp 381 - 472 Visit Nature Nanotechnology online to browse the journal. Now available at http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=81m=34949550r=NDU1MzI2NDE2MQS2b=2j=NzUwNTUzNDYS1mt=1rt=0 Please note that you need to be a subscriber to enjoy full text access to Nature Nanotechnology online. To purchase a subscription, please visit: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=91m=34949550r=NDU1MzI2NDE2MQS2b=2j=NzUwNTUzNDYS1mt=1rt=0 Alternatively, to recommend a subscription to your library, please visit http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=54m=34949550r=NDU1MzI2NDE2MQS2b=2j=NzUwNTUzNDYS1mt=1rt=0
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White Paper: Advances in Nanotechnology
xupeiyang 2010-5-19 07:28
Nature Publishing Group continues its long standing tradition of providing the means for product manufacturers, service providers, publishers and other corporations to reach members of the scientific community who have opted-in to receive such messages. Nature Publishing Group does not endorse any of the products or services advertised here. ********************************************************************** ADVANCES IN NANOTECHNOLOGY Nanotechnology is already used in thousands of products looking to explore the amazing properties of nanoparticles. Industries as diverse as the life sciences, clean technology, aerospace and defense are seeing the dramatic possibilities that nanotechnology can open in their fields. The Advances in Nanotechnology white paper describes some of these opportunities. Specifically, it discusses: * Some of the most promising and ambitious nanotech research projects and industry products * The advantages and challenges inherent in the nanotech field * Nanotech's applications in the life sciences, clean technology, aviation, aerospace and defense Download now - http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=1m=34896233r=Mzg0ODUxNzcyMgS2b=2j=NzQwODUyNTUS1mt=1rt=0 Produced by respected industry analysts in partnership with Enterprise Florida, Inc., this paper is a must-read for anyone involved in high-tech today. ********************************************************************** As a registered user of Nature Publishing Group's Web sites, our database indicates that you have opted-in to receive third-party email. If you no longer wish to receive these emails or to discontinue all email services from Nature Publishing Group, please update your online account at - http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=7m=34896233r=Mzg0ODUxNzcyMgS2b=2j=NzQwODUyNTUS1mt=1rt=0 (You will need to log in to be recognized as a Nature registrant) For further technical assistance, please contact our registration department mailto:registration@nature.com For print subscription inquiries, please contact our subscription department mailto:subscriptions@nature.com For other inquiries, please contact our customer feedback department mailto:feedback@nature.com Nature Publishing Group 75 Varick Street, 9th floor, New York, NY 10013-1917, USA Nature Publishing Group's worldwide offices: London - Paris - Munich - New Delhi - Tokyo - Melbourne San Diego - San Francisco - Washington - New York - Boston Macmillan Publishers Limited is a company incorporated in England and Wales under company number 785998 and whose registered office is located at Brunel Road, Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 6XS.
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人物专访--Mark Reed, IOP Nanotechnology 总编
liwenbianji 2010-5-18 12:47
人物专访 Mark Reed, IOP Nanotechnology 总编 Mark Reed Nanotechnology 总编 耶鲁大学Harold Hodgkinson教授 纳米科学和量子工程研究所副所长 Nanotechnology 是何时创刊的? Nanotechnology 于1990年创刊,是纳米科技领域首个同行评审的学术刊物。 刊物覆盖面有哪些? Nanotechnology 主要涉及基础物理学、化学、生物学、纳米领域相关技术以及这些技术在自动化、传感器、纳米材料和纳米生物技术领域的应用。 Nanotechnology收录文章的作者,他们的分布情况是怎样的? Nanotechnology 发表多个国家作者的文章,大部分作者主要来自亚洲、欧洲和美国。 Nanotechnology 与其他同领域的期刊相比,文章质量和发表数量有何区别? 近年来,期刊发表文章的数量有显著的增长,Nanotechnology 在2002年还是季刊,但2007年已经发展成为周刊。我们刊物发表文章的数量是同行的四五倍,在这个领域里具有举足轻重的地位。2009年一年,我们发表了1325篇文章。 我们的ISI影响因子也在不断攀升。影响因子是衡量期刊质量的重要指标,它是通过期刊每篇发表文章在两年内的引用次数与该期间发表文章的总数之间的比率计算得来。尽管代表发表文章总数的这个分母比较大,但是Nanotechnology 在2008年的ISI影响因子上升至了3.446,而且随着我们的拒稿率越来越高,我们的影响因子有望达到更高。 期刊目前的拒稿率是多少? 对于投来的所有稿件,我们只接收其中的27%予以发表;一半的稿件没有经过同行评审就会被直接拒绝。 Nanotechnology 在同行评审过程中会使用几位审稿人?历时多久? Nanotechnology 的编委成员由来自全球多个国家科研机构的知名科学家组成。编委会可以为出版社的编委提供刊物内容方面的专业建议,也可以在同行评审过程中做关键性的决策。只有一半的稿件可以进入同行评审环节;经过评审的稿件会发给两位审稿人查看,如果审稿人的意见相悖,还会再由另外一位审稿人做出最终的判断。稿件的评审结果可以在投稿后的22天得到,但是如果稿件英文质量好,审稿人通常会很快给予回复。 读者群体有哪些? 尽管现在通过大部分的学术机构都可以获得Nanotechnology,在出版后的30天内,您无需订阅也可以免费阅读所有文章。只要你有电脑和网络,就可以在世界各地阅读Nanotechnology上发表的文章。 Nanotechnology 都采取了怎样的措施以确保文章具有广泛的读者群体? 我们采取了几项措施扩大读者的数量: - 文章在发表后的三十天内供免费阅读,因此所有具备互联网的读者都可以看到文章。 - 推出推荐读者的特色活动。我们会邀请具有较高知名度的文章作者提供他们认为可能会对其文章感兴趣的读者名单,我们继而会向这些推荐的读者发送文章链接。 - 对于注册用户,无论他们是否参与了订阅,我们每周都会发送电子目录。 - 在同类网站nanotechweb.org 上推荐Nanotechnology 的文章。该网站除了提供行业内最新的研究成果和新闻事件外,还发表板块名为对话实验室的特色文章,科研人员有机会在这里展示自己发表的著作以及成果的重要性。 - 我们的内部记者通过nanotechweb.org的科技新闻频道,对精选的文章做进一步的展示宣传。 Nanotechnology 2010年最热门的话题是什么? 对纳米材料的使用以及可持续能源体系中纳米结构发展的研究是时下备受关注的话题。储氢材料、纳米结构太阳能电池以及能量收集技术都是器件技术领域以及背后支撑的基础科学的热门话题。Nanotechnology 有关医学应用的报告类文章,例如生物传感技术、施药、基因疗法等通常都会受到较高的关注度,同样受关注的还有石墨烯在器件应用领域的应用。无论是哪个研究领域,文章全面、清晰的表达是通过同行评审的关键。
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liwenbianji 2010-5-18 10:27
Hot nanotech paper from ScienceWatch Yong Zhang an Associate Professor in Bioengineering, National University of Singapore talks with ScienceWatch at Thomson Reuters about this months new hot paper in the field of materials science. His upconversion fluorescent nanoparticles offer broad biological applications. Although still some distance from entering the clinical setting. The fact this paper is being highly cited reflects the ever-growing interest in nanotechnology.Below is a picture of his hexagonal nanoparticles. 原文请参考: http://sciencewatch.com/dr/nhp/2010/10maynhp/10maynhpZhan/
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Nanotechnology Market Forecast to 2013
syneyes 2009-5-7 10:50
给个链接, http://www.researchandmarkets.com/research/2012b4/nanotechnology_mar ,比如table of contents可以去那上面看一下,在下面只贴出 Description。 看上面价格,好吓人啊。买不起喔:P Electronic (PDF) EUR? 1,206.00 CD ROM     EUR? 1,357.00 Hard Copy    EUR? 1,357.00 Enterprisewide  EUR? 1,809.00 Nanotechnology is going to pave the way for a revolution in materials, information and communication technology, medicine, genetics and so on as it starts moving from the laboratories to new markets. It helps to improve products and production processes with better characteristics or new functionalities. In coming years, products based on nanotechnology are expected to impact nearly all-industrial sectors and will enter the consumer markets in large quantities. Considering the future prospects of nanotechnology, countries across the world are investing heavily in this sector. The global market for nanotechnologies is projected to grow at a CAGR of around 20% till 2013, says 'Nanotechnology Market Forecast to 2013. The report also projects that market for nanotechnology incorporated in manufactured goods will worth US$ 1.6 Trillion, representing a CAGR of more than 49% in the forecast period (2009-2013). This growth will largely be driven by massive investment in nanotechnology RD by both governments and corporates across the world. According to our report findings, at the regional level, the Asia-Pacific region will experience the fastest growth in market for nanotechnology enabled goods, with CAGR pegged at around 52% in the forecast period, followed by Europe. The recent moves by the emerging markets such as India, China and Russia in the field of nanotechnology research and development will continue to the most prominent factors behind the growth in these countries. Our updated and detailed research report evaluates the past, current and future scenario of the global nanotechnology market coupled with an overview of emerging trends. The report has segmented the nanotechnology market by application and RD investment. It discusses the nanotechnology market by key countries showing their prominence in the sector together with the emerging nations in the domain. Besides, the report covers various growth potential areas in the nanotechnology market at the global level.
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