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zuojun 2016-2-2 16:07
ICM: The Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling ICM今天截止。我的朋友事先打了招呼,让我帮忙改摘要,一共15份。没有想到,这些摘要多是在最后几个小时送给我的。亚历山大。从8 am 一直忙到快1 pm,终于改完了。 Let's wish these students good luck!
个人分类: Scientific Writing|2574 次阅读|0 个评论
伍渝江 2010-8-20 11:58
浏览中国数学会主页得知,26届国际数学家大会的各奖项得主已经产生。他们是: 菲尔兹奖4人 E林登施特劳斯(普林斯顿大学) 吴宝珠(法国巴黎南大学、美国芝加哥大学) S斯米尔诺夫(日内瓦大学) C维拉尼(法国庞加莱研究所) 奈望林 纳奖1人 D. 斯皮尔曼(耶鲁大学) 高斯奖1人 Y. 迈耶尔(法国Cachan高师) 陈省身奖1人 L. 尼伦伯格(美国柯朗数学研究所) (中国数学会网址: http://www.cms.org.cn/ )
个人分类: 见贤思齐|5840 次阅读|0 个评论
shaoww 2009-5-13 20:01
2010 年国际女数学家大会第一轮通知 2010年8月17-18日,国际数学家大会(ICM 2010)的前两天,将在印度海得拉巴召开国际女数学家大会(ICWM 2010)。会议主要针对出席ICM 2010的女性数学家(欢迎男性数学家参加),特别是年轻的女性数学家以及来自亚洲和发展中国家的女性数学工作者。会议学术报告将针对广泛的数学听众,我们希望与会者有机会结识其他出席ICM 2010的女性数学家并了解ICM 2010大会的若干研究领域情况。 ICWM 2010得到欧洲妇女数学协会(EWM)、欧洲数学会(EMS)和妇女数学联合会(AWM)等组织的支持,由Schlumberger和印度国家高等数学局(NBHM)提供资助。会议将提供部分资金资助来自亚洲和发展中国家女性数学家的差旅费和会议期间的生活费,并鼓励这些国家的女性数学家向ICWM 2010组委会申请。 ICWM 2010 组委会 组委会主席: Shobha Madan (Indian Institute of Technology , Kanpur ) 组委会成员: Mahuya Datta (Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata) Jaya N. Iyer (Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai) B. Sri Padmavathy ( University of Hyderabad , Hyderabad ) Geetha Venkataraman (St. Stephen's College, Delhi ) S.G. Dani (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai) Rahul Roy (Indian Statistical Institute, Delhi ) 学术委员会: Viviane Baladi (ENS, Paris , France ) Eva Bayer ( Lausanne , Switzerland ) Christine Bernardi ( Paris VI, France) Christine Bessenrodt ( Hannover , Germany ) Antonella Grassi (U Penn , USA ) Ursula Hamenstaedt ( Bonn , Germany ) Dusa McDuff (Stony Brook , USA ) Ragni Piene ( Oslo , Norway ) Mythily Ramaswami (TIFR Bangalore , India ) Sujatha Ramadorai (TIFR Mumbai , India ) Vera Sos (Renyi Institute, Budapest , Hungary ) Ulrike Tillmann ( Oxford , UK ), chair Nina Uraltseva ( St Petersburg , Russia ) Michele Vergne (Ecole Polytechnique, Paris , France ). 消息来源: http://www.icm2010.org.in/docs/ICWM2010.pdf 邵伟文编译,潘建中审核修改。
个人分类: 数学新闻|7711 次阅读|0 个评论
shaoww 2009-5-12 15:38
第 26 届国际数学家大会开通在线注册服务 国际数学联盟 2009-5-8 日消息:第 26 届国际数学家大会将于 2010 年 8 月 19 日 至 27 日在印度 海得拉巴国际会展中心召开, ICM2010 网站 www.icm2010.org.in 将于 2009 年 5 月 15 日 开通在线预登记注册服务,注册后可以通过电子邮件了解大会最新进展情况。 消息来源: http://www.mathunion.org/imu-net/archive/2009/imu-net-34b/ IMU-Net 34b: May 2009 Special issue on ICM 2010 Greetings from the Organisers of ICM 2010 As you may be aware, the International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM) of 2010 will take place during August 19 - 27 at the Hyderabad International Convention Centre, Hyderabad , India . We urge you to participate in the Congress and help us make it a great success. The preparations for the Congress are now underway. Some information about the city of Hyderabad , pre-registration, registration, some practical information about visiting India etc. can be found at our web-site www.icm2010.org.in A list of satellite conferences that are being planned is also available at the web-site. Detailed instructions for registration, financial aid programs, as well as information on Hotel accommodation, list of invited speakers, lecture program, cultural program etc. will be put on the web-site as and when they get finalised. On-line pre-registration will start on May 15, 2009 at the icm2010 web-site. It does not involve any payment. The pre-registered participants will be apprised of new developments by e-mail and will receive reminders of upcoming deadlines. Please do pre-register if you intend to participate: it will be of great help to us in our planning the event. We look forward to your participation at the ICM 2010 in Hyderabad . Rajat Tandon Secretary, Executive Organizing Committee ICM 2010
个人分类: 数学新闻|5407 次阅读|0 个评论

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