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热度 2 zhuchaodong 2017-3-8 09:38
2005年,我还在英国自然历史博物馆/英国帝国理工学院继续访学。这一年,有几件事我印象非常深刻:获得了NERC资助,继续分子分类学研究工作;参加第二届世界DNA条形码会议,亲历了一场经典分类学家和DNA条形码推动者之间的学术互动;到南岸参加Alfried Vogler和Quetin Wheeler之间关于collection or not的辩论;受美国农业部Terry Griswold博士邀请,参加申请FAO野生蜜蜂多样性项目。 前面几件发生在我基本上实现了从经典分类学到偏重分子分类学的学术思路的转变之后。而野生蜜蜂项目的申请,尽管没有成功,则彻底促使我下定决心立刻回国。蜜蜂蜂群下降的现象,以及野生授粉蜂数量下降在欧美科学家的努力下,得以确认。同时,越来越多的研究报道,证明授粉蜂多样性和数量与农业产量存在正相关。然而在中国,野生蜜蜂基础数据非常缺乏,也缺乏社会经济价值的关联信息。2015年,我研究组接受了科学院的任务。2016年开始,承担《昆虫学学科发展报告》中传粉昆虫部分。在开展传粉昆虫的现状评估的期间,我们发现基本上没有系统而长期的多样性数据可用于能量化分析。另外一方面,中国农业,特别是植保行业的数据有一定积累。欧阳芳等(2015)利用昆虫生态服务价值的定量估算方法,基于2007年统计数据,计算分析后发现我国农业生产中昆虫传粉功能的服务价值为6790.3亿元,相当于当年国内生产总值GDP的2.6%。 作为传粉昆虫研究队伍的参与者,我们有义务规划后续5-10年的多样性研究思路,也有义务开展系统的数据收集和整理,并和其它行业和社会公众分享相关成果。 PUBLIC RELEASE: 19-FEB-2017 Bee decline threatens US crop production First US wild bee map reveals 139 'trouble zone' counties UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT IMAGE: THE FIRST NATIONAL STUDY TO MAP US WILD BEES SUGGESTS THEY'RE DISAPPEARING IN MANY OF THE COUNTRY'S MOST IMPORTANT FARMLANDS. RELATIVELY LOW ABUNDANCES ARE SHOWN HERE IN YELLOW; HIGHER ABUNDANCES... view more CREDIT: PNAS The first-ever study to map U.S. wild bees suggests they are disappearing in the country's most important farmlands -- from California's Central Valley to the Midwest's corn belt and the Mississippi River valley. If wild bee declines continue, it could hurt U.S. crop production and farmers' costs, said Taylor Ricketts, a conservation ecologist at the University of Vermont, at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) annual meeting panel, Plan Bee: Pollinators, Food Production and U.S. Policy on Feb. 19. This study provides the first national picture of wild bees and their impacts on pollination, said Ricketts, Director of UVM's Gund Institute for Ecological Economics , noting that each year $3 billion of the U.S. economy depends on pollination from native pollinators like wild bees. At AAAS, Ricketts briefed scholars, policy makers, and journalists on how the national bee map, first published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in late 2015, can help to protect wild bees and pinpoint habitat restoration efforts. At the event, Ricketts also introduced a new mobile app that he is co-developing to help farmers upgrade their farms to better support wild bees. Wild bees are a precious natural resource we should celebrate and protect, said Ricketts, Gund Professor in UVM's Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources . If managed with care, they can help us continue to produce billions of dollars in agricultural income and a wonderful diversity of nutritious food. TROUBLE ZONES The map identifies 139 counties in key agricultural regions of California, the Pacific Northwest, the upper Midwest and Great Plains, west Texas, and Mississippi River valley, which appear to have most worrisome mismatch between falling wild bee supply and rising crop pollination demand. These counties tend to be places that grow specialty crops -- like almonds, blueberries and apples -- that are highly dependent on pollinators. Or they are counties that grow less dependent crops -- like soybeans, canola and cotton -- in very large quantities. Of particular concern, some crops most dependent on pollinators -- including pumpkins, watermelons, pears, peaches, plums, apples and blueberries -- appeared to have the strongest pollination mismatch, growing in areas with dropping wild bee supply and increasing in pollination demand. Globally, more than two-thirds of the most important crops either benefit from or require pollinators, including coffee, cacao, and many fruits and vegetables. Pesticides, climate change and diseases threaten wild bees -- but their decline may be caused by the conversion of bee habitat into cropland, the study suggests. In 11 key states where the map shows bees in decline, the amount of land tilled to grow corn spiked by 200 percent in five years -- replacing grasslands and pastures that once supported bee populations. RISING DEMAND, FALLING SUPPLY Over the last decade, honeybee keepers facing colony losses have struggled with rising demand for commercial pollination services, pushing up the cost of managed pollinators - and the importance of wild bees. Most people can think of one or two types of bee, but there are 4,000 species in the U.S. alone, said Insu Koh, a UVM postdoctoral researcher who co-hosted the AAAS panel and led the study. When sufficient habitat exists, wild bees are already contributing the majority of pollination for some crops, Koh adds. And even around managed pollinators, wild bees complement pollination in ways that can increase crop yields. MAKING THE MAPS A team of seven researchers -- from UVM, Franklin and Marshall College, University of California at Davis, and Michigan State University -- created the maps by first identifying 45 land-use types from two federal land databases, including croplands and natural habitats. Then they gathered detailed input from national and state bee experts about the suitability of each land-use type for providing wild bees with nesting and food resources. The scientists built a bee habitat model that predicts the relative abundance of wild bees for every area of the contiguous United States, based on their quality for nesting and feeding from flowers. Finally, the team checked and validated their model against bee collections and field observations in many actual landscapes. THE GOOD NEWS The good news about bees, said Ricketts, is now that we know where to focus conservation efforts, paired with all we know about what bees need, habitat-wise, there is hope for preserving wild bees. ### Learn more about UVM efforts to save global bees. Subscribe to Gund news alerts . Follow the AAAS news at #AAASmtg. KEY TAKEAWAYS Study suggests wild bee abundance declined in 23% of contiguous U.S. from 2008-2013. Wild bees are disappearing in key U.S. farmlands, including California, the Midwest, Mississippi Valley and Pacific Northwest. 39% of croplands that depend on pollination, including 139 key counties, face a potential 'mismatch' between rising demand for pollination and falling supply of wild bees. Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert system.
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