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热度 1 jlpemail 2011-4-2 14:22
见 http://www.esa.int/SPECIALS/GOCE/SEM1AK6UPLG_0.html ESA 的文字说明 Best view yet of global gravity 31 March 2011 After just two years in orbit, ESA's GOCE satellite has gathered enough data to map Earth's gravity with unrivalled precision. Scientists now have access to the most accurate model of the 'geoid' ever produced to further our understanding of how Earth works. The new geoid was unveiled today at the Fourth International GOCE User Workshop hosted at the Technische Universitt München in Munich, Germany. Media representatives and scientists from around the world have been treated to the best view yet of global gravity. The geoid is the surface of an ideal global ocean in the absence of tides and currents, shaped only by gravity. It is a crucial reference for measuring ocean circulation, sea-level change and ice dynamics – all affected by climate change.
2407 次阅读|3 个评论
jlpemail 2011-2-3 20:16
Impact of GPS antenna phase center variations on precise orbits of the GOCE satellite 以slr geodsy google 得到 References and further reading may be available for this article. To view references and further reading you must purchase this article. H. Bock , a , , A. Jggi a , U. Meyer a , R. Dach a and G. Beutler a a Astronomical Institute, University of Bern, Sidlerstrasse 5, CH-3012 Bern, Switzerland Received 6 October 2010; revised 14 January 2011; accepted 17 January 2011. Available online 23 January 2011. Abstract The first European Space Agency Earth explorer core mission GOCE (Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer) has been launched on March 17, 2009. The 12-channel dual-frequency Global Positioning System receiver delivers 1 Hz data and provides the basis for precise orbit determination (POD) on the few cm-level for such a very low orbiting satellite (254.9km). As a member of the European GOCE Gravity Consortium, which is responsible for the GOCE High-level Processing Facility (HPF), the Astronomical Institute of the University of Bern (AIUB) provides the Precise Science Orbit (PSO) product for the GOCE satellite. The mission requirement for 1-dimensional POD accuracy is 2cm. The use of in-flight determined antenna phase center variations (PCVs) is necessary to meet this requirement. The PCVs are determined from 154 days of data and the magnitude is up to 3-4cm. The impact of the PCVs on the orbit determination is significant. The cross-track direction benefits most of the PCVs. The improvement is clearly seen in the orbit overlap analysis and in the validation with independent Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) measurements. It is the first time that SLR could validate the cross-track component of a LEO orbit. Keywords: GOCE; phase center variations; GPS; Low Earth Orbiters; precise orbit determination; SLR http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL_udi=B6V3S-5211JH1-2_user=10_coverDate=01%2F23%2F2011_rdoc=1_fmt=high_orig=search_origin=search_sort=d_docanchor=view=c_searchStrId=1629092497_rerunOrigin=scholar.google_acct=C000050221_version=1_urlVersion=0_userid=10md5=1419709f4c242f9ae7dba0656dff8b50searchtype=a
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jlpemail 2009-9-24 13:58
http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/GsUPjH1d3kA/ 相关消息 1 简讯:欧洲地球重力场和海洋环流探测卫星发射升空 新华网莫斯科3月17日电(记者 聂云鹏)俄罗斯航天兵新闻局局长佐洛图欣17日宣布,俄罗斯当日用轰鸣运载火箭将欧洲地球重力场和海洋环流探测卫星(Goce)发射升空。 据俄媒体报道,莫斯科时间17日17时21分(北京时间17日22时21分),一枚轰鸣运载火箭携带欧洲地球重力场和海洋环流探测卫星从俄罗斯普列谢茨克发射场发射升空。预计经过91分钟后,火箭将把卫星送入预定轨道。 欧洲地球重力场和海洋环流探测卫星是欧洲航天局研制的最先进的探测卫星之一,它重约1吨,使用寿命为10年。该卫星装备了多套灵敏度极高的探测设备,获得的数据将有助于科学家更深入地了解地球的内部结构,对人类研究海洋和气候变化也将有所帮助。 这颗卫星最初定于2008年9月10日发射,但由于运载火箭故障等种种原因,发射日期被多次推后。 http://news.xinhuanet.com/world/2009-03/17/content_11028106.htm 2 地球重力场和海洋环流探测卫星顺利升空 http://news.xinhuanet.com/video/2009-03/18/content_11031443.htm
个人分类: 资料库|3795 次阅读|0 个评论
jlpemail 2009-3-1 10:33
以下资料说是 : 国际重力界期盼已久的 GOCE 卫星 , 要在这个月发射 . 由于等米 (----GOCE 获取的实际数据 ) 下锅 , 众多研究者已经消磨了些许时光 , 处理 GOCE 获取的重力梯度 ( 重力位的二阶导数 ) 的软件已经有 N 种 . 只要数据有了 , 相信会引发一个股论文潮 . 不会再总是以模拟数据进行模拟计算了 , 这样的结果才让人更兴奋 . 实测数据将检验以下三个 预期结果 : 以毫伽 (1 mGal (1 mGal = 10 5 ms 2 ) ,ms 2 即米 / 秒的平方 ) 的精度确定重力异常 . 以 1 -2 厘米 的精度确定大地水准面 . 实现 100 公里 的空间分别率 . 以下资料来自欧洲空间局网站 http://www.esa.int/esaLP/ESAYEK1VMOC_LPgoce_0.html ESA's gravity mission GOCE Planned for launch in March 2009, ESA's Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer (GOCE) has been developed to bring about a whole new level of understanding of one of the Earth's most fundamental forces of nature the gravity field. Dubbed the 'Formula 1' of spacecrafts, this sleek high-tech gravity satellite embodies many firsts in terms of its design and use of new technology in space to map Earth's gravity field in unprecedented detail. As the most advanced gravity space mission to date, GOCE will realise a broad range of fascinating new possibilities for the fields of oceanography, solid Earth physics, geodesy and sea-level research, and significantly contribute to furthering our understanding of climate change. Although invisible, gravity is a complex force of nature that has an immeasurable impact on our everyday lives. It is often assumed that the force of gravity on the surface of the Earth has a constant value, but in fact the value of 'g' varies subtly from place to place. These variations are due to a number of factors such as the rotation of the Earth, the position of mountains and ocean trenches and variations in density of the Earth's interior. 橙色部分大意 : 尽管重力不可见 , 这种复杂的力 , 一直在 ( 难以估量地 ) 影响着我们的生活 . 人们常假定重力的数值恒定 , 其实它 ( 以 g 表示 ) 随空间的变化在奇妙地变化着 , 影响因素有地球的自转 , 山脉海沟的位置 , 以及地球内部密度的变化等 . GOCE to map gravity as never before Over its lifetime of about 20 months, GOCE will map these global variations in the gravity field with extreme detail and accuracy. This will result in a unique model of the geoid, which is the surface of equal gravitational potential defined by the gravity field crucial for deriving accurate measurements of ocean circulation and sea-level change, both of which are affected by climate change. GOCE-derived data is also much needed to understand more about processes occurring inside the Earth and for use in practical applications such as surveying and levelling. GOCE takes six simultaneous measurements of the gravity field Since the gravitational signal is stronger closer to Earth, the 'arrow-like', five-metre long GOCE satellite has been designed to cut through of what remains of the Earth's atmosphere at just 250 km above the surface of the planet. This low-orbiting spacecraft is the first mission to employ the concept of gradiometry - the measurement of acceleration differences over short distances between an ensemble of proof masses inside the satellite. GOCE is equipped with three pairs of ultra-sensitive accelerometers arranged in three dimensions that respond to tiny variations in the 'gravitational tug' of the Earth as it travels along its orbital path. Because of their different position in the gravitational field they all experience the gravitational acceleration of the Earth slightly differently. The three axes of the gradiometer allow the simultaneous measurement of six independent but complementary components of the gravity field. Although the gradiometer forms the heart of the satellite, to measure gravity there can be no interference from moving parts so the entire spacecraft is actually one extremely sensitive measuring device. Mission objectives to determine gravity-field anomalies with an accuracy of 1 mGal (where 1 mGal = 10 5 ms 2 ). to determine the geoid with an accuracy of 1 -2 cm . to achieve the above at a spatial resolution better than 100 km .
个人分类: 时空与重力场|4061 次阅读|1 个评论
jlpemail 2007-6-19 20:44
With a completely new generation of low-orbiting satellites, equipped with highly precise inter-satellite and accelerometry-instrumentation observing the Earth gravitational field and its temporal variability, space geodesy has entered the 21 century. Section 1.2 had a leading role in setting up the operational processing systems for CHAMP (lauch July 2000) and GRACE (lauch March 2002) and is handling a great deal of the data preprocessing, precision orbit determination and generation of monthly gravity field solutions for both missions on a routine basis. Section 1.2 is also heavily engaged in the preparation of upcoming national (TerraSAR, Tandem-X) and European missions (GOCE, SWARM, GRACE-follow on). Section 1.2 together with Section 1.3 in addition is involved in the analysis of historical tracking data including the first GFZ geopotential satellite GFZ-1, and in the analysis of gravity data over land and oceans. By combination of different data subsets the EIGEN satellite and combination models are computed. Section 1.2 is involved in research and development activities as well as in operational and coordination tasks for various gravity and altimetry missions and the related tracking support. Research is done primarily in support of precision orbit determination of near Earth satellites, high resolution gravity field modelling and the use of satellite altimetry for oceanography and geodetic / geophysical applications. 来源:http://www.gfz-potsdam.de/pb1/op/index_GRAM.html
个人分类: 时空与重力场|5311 次阅读|0 个评论
jlpemail 2007-5-19 09:55
说起重力加速度或者万有引力,我们自然会联想到牛顿爵士在至少三百二十年前观察坠落的苹果的情景。假如地球也是个苹果,那一定是个超超超超级的大苹果。在三百二十年前出版的那不科学巨著《自然哲学的数学原理》中,爵士对于地球的重力场有所论述。 三百多年来,科技人员设计制造了多种测量地球重力场的仪器设备,其性能越来越完善。它们被用于进行局部、区域或者全球重力场的测量。目前,“绝对重力测量”的精度已经达到0.000000005g(g=9.8伽)。但是由于其造价昂贵、运输不便,无法在实用中得到普及,无法在短期内完成全球重力场图的绘制。 重力卫星的发射使得以上目的得以实现。分别于2000(德国)和2002(美国、德国)年发射的CHAMP和GRACE卫星(轨道高度均为四百公里)已经获取了大量数据。全球地球重力场的观测数据已经产生了多个版本的地球重力场模型。GOCE(轨道高度约为二百五十公里)上携带的重力梯度仪,将大大提高对于地球重力场的分辨率,空间尺度约为100公里。 需要指出的是,以上三种重力卫星,都具备跟踪GPS卫星的设备。亦即所谓的卫星跟踪卫星技术(satellite-to-satellite tracking)。(本文图片来源:ESA网站)
个人分类: 时空与重力场|3886 次阅读|0 个评论
jlpemail 2007-5-19 08:49
原因很简单,在部队的时候做过几年中队长,专业就是重力测量。测量作业本身也许不难,但地球重力场理论的研究需要相当深厚的数学和物理基础,非常具有科学魅力。有人把它归于大地测量学,也有人把它归于地球物理学。 地球重力场是地球的基本物理场之一。重力场及其随着时间和空间的变化特性,反映了地球表层及内部的密度分布和物质运动状态。它决定了大地水准面的起伏和变化。地球重力场在地球物理、地震、地下资源勘探、海洋、空间技术、军事应用和环境科学等领域中也有着重要的作用。 对地球重力场的研究历来是大地测量学的热点之一。随着科学技术水平的不断提高,这一领域取得了突破性进展,已经进入了的重力卫星时代,即利用人造地球卫星观测的方法来确定地球重力场。 目前在空飞行的重力卫星有地球科学研究与应用(CHAMP)卫星、重力恢复和气候试验(GRACE)卫星。 预定于2007年发射的重力场和静态洋流探索(GOCE)卫星,无疑将是地球重力场研究历史上的一个里程碑。 我意搜集相关资料、关注其进展情况。如果条件成熟的话,可能会做点小文章。
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