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science studies如何翻译好?
cuncaoxin 2020-9-18 10:29
傅蕴德 science studies 这个词汇,在刘华杰教授等人的大力提倡之下,被译成 “科学元勘”。武夷山研究员的博文“科学元勘的未来” http://www.sciencenet.cn/m/user_content.aspx?id=233807 ,也按照刘华杰教授的建议,将 “ scie nce studies ” 译为 “科学元勘”。科学元勘指对科学自身进行的研究。 方舟子博士曾写过《 “ Science Studies ” 译名小议 》博文,认为 “科学元勘”:这是意译,认为 Science Studies 是 “对科学的元层次研究”。这个理解并不确切, Science Studies 其实只是研究科学的社会和文化基础,或者说,是把科学研究当做一种社会和文化现象来研究。而且, “元勘”一词是生造出来的,如果不加注释,无人能懂其意。造词法也不符合中文习惯。“勘”字在汉语中有校对(如“校勘”)、审案(如“推勘”)、探测(如“勘探”)三种含义,无“研究”之意。从字面上理解,“元勘”很容易被理解成“最初审问”(历史上“元”“勘”联用时,即是这个意思,如《宋史·列传第二十六》:“或断狱有失,止罪元勘官吏。”)。刘兵教授认为,如今,在国内开始出现一批“科学元勘”的同情者、欣赏者、译介者和研究者,尽管人数并不多,但是已经在社会上产生了相当大的影响。江晓原教授、刘兵教授指出,在《沙滩上的房子—后现代主义者的科学神话曝光》(诺里塔·克瑞杰著,蔡仲译,南京大学出版社,2003年6月第1版)这本书中,一开始,又谈到了英文中以大写开头的 Science Studies 与小写的 science studies 之间在含义上的差别,这样一来,问题就更复杂化了。也许,最后如何在翻译上得出一个大家都比较认同,能够反映原义,而且也能反映差别的简要、准确的译名,还需再等等看。 在欧美学术界, “ Science and Technology Studies ”有的简写为 STS ,有的简写为 STS 。为了与更加常用的 STS( “ Science , Technology , and Society ” )简写区别开来,郭贵春教授等学者采用美国康奈尔大学和斯坦福大学的用法,把 “ Science and Technology Studies ” 简写为 STS 。郭贵春、成素梅、马惠娣等学者认为,从 STS 的基本内涵和研究范围出发,建议把 STS 间接地意译为 “科学与技术的人文社会学研究”。这个译名既与我国已经公认的 STS 的研究范围相一致,而且明确地表明 , STS 的核心与宗旨是强调从人文社会学的视角,对科学与技术进行多维度、跨学科的批判与思考,突出自然科学、工程技术与人文科学、社会科学之间的整体性与内在相关性。 由铁凝联诀国内著名专家、学者、作家鼎力推荐的世界经典科普巨作 INTRODUCING《介绍丛书》其中有一本《视读科学 》 ( 扎奥丁﹒萨德尔 Ziauddin Sardar 、博林﹒梵﹒隆 BorinVanLoon ) ,译者余明明将 “ science studies ”翻译为“科学元”。 《视读科学 》 一书内容指出,科学元研究开始于 20世纪60年代末,主要在历史学家、科学哲学家、激进的学者、环境保护论者和其他一些相关科学家的鼓动下形成。发现这个研究领域的是这样一些学者。他们在20世纪40年代早期首先获得了物理学和数学的学位,并且参加过二战……后来逐渐从科研的一线退下来,转而进行更多的历史和哲学研究。《科学、技术与社会》(1977年出版)、《科学技术研究手册》(1995年出版)是两本重要的科学元研究文献。“科学元研究”肯定不像其他某个可以验证的学术领域或社会学的分支这么重要,它的重要性仅仅在于它是一种更广阔地研究、批判以及转换我们认知习惯的手段。 1969年,以研究中国的科学和技术闻名于世的李约瑟博士( Dr.Joseph Needham ,1900-1995)出版了一部论文集,题名《大滴定》( The Grand Titration ) ,副标题是“东西方的科学与社会” (Science and Society in East and West) ,李约瑟博士曾是一位杰出的生物化学家。英文 “ titration ”是从法文“ titre ”衍生而来。这个法文词则是从前用来指测定合金中黄金纯度的方法。当他将后来的大半生献给科技史研究事业时,便把熟悉的化学滴定分析的原意加以引申,引入了科学史研究。他关于科技史研究的“滴定”分析,是一种比较科技史研究,其目的是要从各种科技成就的历史事实的确定,进而弄清科技文化在历史上各个文明之间交流和传播的具体情形,从而给予各民族文明在历史上的科技成就以应有的评价(金正耀,道教与科学,中国社会科学出版社,1990)。给人以启发的是, studies 如果在英文或其他语种中找到相近的词去衍生,同样 studies 的中文直译词在汉语(包括古汉语)中有相应的词以引申、同义或通假,可能碰撞出一个很有寓意的词来! science studies 如何翻译好?看来还需再等等看。
个人分类: 科普百科|3388 次阅读|0 个评论
geneculture 2017-6-5 19:22
从多个方面探究信息及其科学研究的生态特征 by Xiaohui Zou * 本文旨在从多个方面探究信息及其科学研究的生态特征。其方法是:首先,探索信息本身的概念及其相互关系蕴含的原理、规律和法则,进而,探寻信息科学的作为新兴学科一系列基本特征,最后,揭示信息及其科学研究的生态特征及其在整个科学体系内部的独特地位。其结果是:信息及其存在的基本规律凸显,信息科学研究的社会生态特征分别在学科建构、定义甄别、学术研究、应用研究以及载体选择等诸方面的体现,即:多学科、多样化、多领域、多行业、多元化。其意义是:在信息生态观及其配套的方法论、形式化和方法体系上获得新的突破,具体表现为,信息现象的分类与归属诸方面的判定有了其科学依据,信息本质的一系列基本关系、结构和原理各个层次甄别有章可循。 http://sciforum.net/conference/IS4SI-2017/is4si-IFEIS Characteristics of Information and Its Scientific Research by Xiaohui Zou * The purpose of this paper is to prove the basic law of information and its application in logic, mathematics and translation by expounding the ecological characteristics of information and its scientific research. The first is to explore the essence of information from the diversity, and then to explore the way of information science research from multiple perspectives. Finally, through the social-ecological characteristics of the phenomenon information, at the same time, through the logical-mathematical characteristics of essential information, Ultimately, reveal the basic law of information. The result is that the basic law of information and its application is proven in logic, mathematics and translation. The significance of the phenomenon is that the characteristics of the phenomenon information are highlighted in a variety of forms. The existence of the essential information is known in the order of its order and position in the generalized text gene and its combination form system. Since the machine translation is essentially the translation memory in the vocabulary , Phrases, sentences, paragraphs and chapters are more satisfied with the bilingual pair of levels, therefore, they are in logic, mathematics and language in three aspects to follow the basic principles, namely: this article reveals the three basic laws of information. http://sciforum.net/conference/IS4SI-2017/is4si-FIS%202017 FUNDAMENTAL LAW OF INFORMATION: PROVED BY TWINS OF MATRICES ON BOTH OF NUMBERS AND CHARACTERS by Xiaohui Zou *, Shunpeng Zou The purpose of this paper is to prove the basic law of information in three verifiable ways: logic, mathematics and translation. The method involves the following steps: based on a digital and textual twins of matrices: First, the generalized bilingual logic of order and position is established on the basis of both Aristotle 's formal logic based on language and Frege' s mathematical logic based on arithmetic. At the same time, the function relation between digital and textual twins of matrices are established on the basis of both Turing's strong artificial intelligence view based on digital computation and Searle's weak artificial intelligence view based on natural language. Then, the basis of both common ontological knowledge and expert ontological knowledge of interdisciplinary, cross-field and cross-industry, is established on the basis of both Saussure's general linguistic view and Chomsky's formal linguistic view, The common reference between English and Chinese and its alternative bilingual is to establish the relation of translation on those knowledge ontologies. The result is that the three basic laws can be proved by digital and textual twins of matrices, the most prominent, at the same time, the most effective, both for the basic framework of information terminology and knowledge ontology, all can be extracted from summaries or abstracts big data.Formal bilingual chessboards namely the twins of matrices and the spectrum or menu namely those terminologies or words and phrases chosen by the users come from the abstracts big data processing and knowledge management, by means of human-computer interaction in the development environment, are easy to operate, and to be automated and efficient. Its significance lies in: mater, energy, information, that follow the three kinds of fundamental laws would be described systematically, thus establishing a global range of language, knowledge and software, automatic calculation or statistical analysis in the sequencing and positioning system, characterized by language and knowledge that have be proved by logic, mathematics and translation of languages on three verifiable ways to automatically calculate or statistical analysis, while the global positioning system (GPS) should be regarded as a special case of hardware global sequencing and positioning system. 请注意关注我提供的两个连接(会议召开之后上载的扩展摘要还会有新的更加优化的内容上传) Please pay attention to the two connections I have provided (there will be new and optimized content uploads after the meeting)
个人分类: 学术研究|457 次阅读|0 个评论
Mini-Workshop in Seoul on Complex Systems Studies--Photos
bhwangustc 2015-11-22 18:21
Mini-Workshop in Seoul Center for Complex Systems Studies and CTP Nov. 7, 2015 (9:30am~5:30pm) Seoul National University, 56-106 Photos From Left: B.J. Kim (SKK University);S. Yook (KyungHee University) J. Park (KAIST);K.-I. Goh (Korea University) H. Jeong (KAIST);G. Chen (City University of Hong Kong) B.-H. Wang (University of Science and Technology of China) B. Kahng (Seoul National Univ);Z. Di (Beijing Normal University) From Left: B.J. Kim (SKK University);S. Yook (KyungHee University) J. Park (KAIST);K.-I. Goh (Korea University) H. Jeong (KAIST);G. Chen (City University of Hong Kong) B.-H. Wang (University of Science and Technology of China) B. Kahng (Seoul National Univ);Z. Di (Beijing Normal University) From Left: B.J. Kim (SKK University);S. Yook (KyungHee University) J. Park (KAIST);K.-I. Goh (Korea University) H. Jeong (KAIST);G. Chen (City University of Hong Kong) From Left: G. Chen (City University of Hong Kong) B.-H. Wang (University of Science and Technology of China) B. Kahng (Seoul National Univ);Z. Di (Beijing Normal University) From Left: B.J. Kim (SKK University);S. Yook (KyungHee University) J. Park (KAIST);K.-I. Goh (Korea University) H. Jeong (KAIST);G. Chen (City University of Hong Kong) B.-H. Wang (University of Science and Technology of China) B. Kahng (Seoul National Univ);Z. Di (Beijing Normal University)
个人分类: 统计物理复杂系统研究进展|3129 次阅读|0 个评论
carldy 2014-5-29 10:23
1st International Conference on Empirical Translation Studies 23 to 25 May 2014 Shanghai, China 第一届实证翻译研究国际会议于5月24至25日在上海交通大学隆重举行。本届大会由上海交通大学外国语学院翻译与词典学研究中心主办,伦敦大学亚非学院翻译研究中心协办。来自上海交通大学、复旦大学、上海外国语大学、澳门大学、香港理工大学、山东大学、西安外国语大学、广东外语外贸大学、加拿大渥太华大学、法国巴黎第三大学等近30所高校的70多名翻译研究领域的学者共襄盛会。 开幕式上,上海交通大学文科处处长叶必丰教授代表学校致开幕词,外国语学院党委书刘龙根教授致欢迎词。外国语学院常务副院长胡开宝主持会议。 来自加拿大渥太华大学的Lynne Bowker教授首先作了题目为“Corpus-Based Methods in Translation Studies: A Critical Review” 的主旨发言。她指出,实证的方法可以用来证实或证伪凭直觉得出的结论,通过语料库的建设和数据的提取,来验证假设。但她也表示,在做解释的时候,要力求客观,认识到语料存在的局限性,过分概括。 伦敦大学的李德凤教授在名为“Corpus in Translation Studies: A Tool or an End”的主旨发言中,就如何进行创新性研究、如何描述研究设计,以及如何解释和分析数据上进行了详细的阐述。 上海交通大学的常欣博士在主旨发言中介绍了认知神经科学在语言转换中的运用。她展示的“语言理解过程中的汉英语言切换研究设计”让大家耳目一新。 作主旨发言的还有:来自法国巴黎第三大学的Daniel Gile教授、来自香港理工大学的王斌华博士,以及来自上海交通大学的刘华文教授。 24日下午,与会代表分为4个小组,分别围绕“口译能力、策略及过程的实证研究”,“笔译能力、策略及过程的实证研究”,“基于语料库的翻译研究(如:翻译语言特征、译者风格研究等)”,“翻译过程的研究”四个议题进行小组发言。这其中既有翻译研究领域的专家,也有正在攻读学位的博士及硕士研究生。大家在交流和碰撞中,不但扩展了视野,发现了完善自己研究的途径,也加深了对翻译实证研究领域的认识。 25日上午举行了会议闭幕式,由李德凤教授主持。四个小组的点评人对小组发言分别做了梳理和总结。他们认为,这次大会上,学者们的最新研究成果反映了实证翻译领域的最新趋势,必将推动翻译实证研究的进一步发展。 随着翻译学逐步确立其独立的学科地位,翻译研究者为使翻译研究更加客观、科学作出了各种努力,基于数据的实证研究方法受到了广泛关注。会议在竭力探索实证翻译研究新视野的同时,也客观地反思了当前实证研究方法对探索翻译这一复杂性活动所存在的问题。
个人分类: 翻译/语料库语言学等会议 Symposiums|1774 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Review of an International Encyclopedia of Translation Studi
sychun 2011-7-16 05:55
Containing 4 pages turned by the "down" key, Review_of_An_International_Encyclopedia_of_Translation_Studies.pdf ReviewofanInternationalEncyclopediaofTranslationStudiesis written by Fan Min,carriedin2009-4Perspectives:StudiesinTranslatology,which is a well-known Journal published in Denmark.
个人分类: 译学词典研究|1824 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Study of Encyclopedia of Translation Studies in China
sychun 2011-7-16 05:47
A Critical Study of Encyclopedia of Translation Studies in China by Fan Min and .pdf “ ACriticalStudyofEncyclopediaofTranslationStudiesinChina(1995-2001) ”is written by Fan Min and Zhao Wei, carriedin2011-1JournalofEnglishandLiterature, which is an sci-journal.
个人分类: 译学词典研究|2558 次阅读|0 个评论
some valuable suggestions from prof. Jeremy Munday
carldy 2011-3-28 08:25
some valuable suggestions from prof. Jeremy Munday
I am very happy to find out the note which was taken down at the FIT 6th Asian Translators’ Forum (Macau University, 6-8 November 2010). Here recommend one of them which written by Prof. Jeremy Munday (University of Leeds, UK), the title is: Research and publication in translation studies--a few words. Here is a brief introduction to Prof. Jeremy Munday: http://www.leeds.ac.uk/spanport/staff/jeremy_munday.htm Dr Jeremy Munday Reader in Translation Studies Tel: 0113 343 7616 Email: j.munday@leeds.ac.uk BA (Cambridge) PGCE (Sheffield) Dip Trans (Institute of Linguists) M Ed. (Liverpool) PhD (Bradford) Research Interests Translation studies, including stylistics, discourse and text analysis in translation; systemic functional linguistics (especially evaluation and appraisal theory); ideology in the translation of literary and political works and speeches, with special reference to Spain and Latin America; corpus-based translation studies, including contrastive studies of lexical patterns and semantic prosody; cognitive translation studies; the history of literary translators in the twentieth century. I collaborate in teaching and research with the Centre for Translation Studies and co-supervise many students working on translation into Spanish, Italian, Arabic and Malay. I am also a qualified and experienced translator from Spanish and French into English. Major Publications Evaluation in Translation: A study of critical points in translator decision-making , under contract to Routledge for publication in 2012. ‘Translator identity and training’, to be published in Lawrence Venuti (ed.) The Oxford History of Literary Translation in English , Volume V, OUP ‘What can translation theory tell us about translation? Interdisciplinary potential, constraints, and some suggestions’, in Martin Burke and Melvin Richter (eds) The Translation of Political Concepts , Leiden: Brill, forthcoming. ‘Looming large: A cross-linguistic analysis of semantic prosodies in comparable reference corpora’, in Alet Kruger, Kim Wallmach and Jeremy Munday (eds) Corpus-Based Translation Studies , London and New York: Continuum, in press (due for publication in summer 2011). ‘Translation studies’, in Yves Gambier and Luc van Doorslaer (eds) Handbook of Translation Studies , Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, in press (due for publication August 2010). ‘Evaluation and intervention in translation’ , in Mona Baker, Maeve Olohan and María Calzada (eds) Text and Context , Manchester: St Jerome (2010), pp. 77-94. ‘The concept of the interpersonal in translation’, SYNAPS (University of Bergen, Norway) 23 (November 2009): 15-30. ‘The creative voice of the translator of Latin American literature’ , Romance Studies 27.4 (November 2009): 270-82 The Routledge Companion to Translation Studies (edited volume), London and New York: Routledge, December 2008, revised May 2009 Introducing Translation Studies: Theories and applications , Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2nd edition, 2008. (Has appearedin translation in Japanese and Vietnamese). Style and Ideology in Translation: Latin American writing in English , New York: Routledge, September 2007; published in paperback, June 2009 ‘Ideology’, in Mona Baker and Gabriela Saldanha (eds) The Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies , Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2nd edition, 2008. (co-authored with Peter Fawcett). Translation and Ideology: Encounters and Clashes , Special issue of The Translator , Vol. 13, No. 2, co-edited with Sonia Cunico, November 2007 ‘Translation and Ideology: A textual approach’, The Translator 13.2, November 2007 Translation as Intervention (edited volume), London: Continuum and IATIS, November 2007 Translation: An advanced resource book , (co-authored with Basil Hatim), London and New York: Routledge, 2004 Introducing Translation Studies: Theories and applications , London and New York: Routledge, 1st edition, 2001. (Has appeared in translation in Greek, Korean and Chinese and Croatian). 'Email, emilio or mensaje de correo electrónico? The Spanish language fight for purity in the new technologies', in: Gunilla Anderman and Margaret Rogers (eds) Into and Out of English: For better, for worse , Clevedon: Multilingual Matters (2005), pp. 57-70 'A comparative analysis of evaluation in Spanish and English World Cup reports', Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses , (Tenerife), 49 (2004): 117-133 'Advertising: Some challenges to translation theory' , The Translator 10.2 (2004): 199-220 ‘Systems in Translation: A Systemic Model for Descriptive Translation Studies', in: Theo Hermans (ed.) Crosscultural Transgressions. Research Models in Translation Studies II: Historical and Ideological Issues , Manchester: St Jerome (2002), pp. 76-92 Induráin: A tempered passion , translation of the biography by Javier García Sánchez, Norwich: Mousehold, 2002. ‘Translation Studies and Corpus Linguistics: An interface for interdisciplinary co-operation’, Logos and Language 3.2 (2002): 11-20. ‘The Carribean conquers the world? An analysis of the reception of García Márquez in translation’ , Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 75.1 (January 1998): 137-44 ‘A computer-assisted approach to the analysis of translation shifts’ , META 43.4 (1998): 542-56 Systems in Translation: A computer-assisted analysis of the translations of García Márquez , unpublished PhD dissertation, University of Bradford, 1997. ‘Linguistic criticism as an aid to the analysis of literary translation’ , in Kinga Klaudy, Janos Kohn and Mary Snell-Hornby (eds), Transferre Necesse Est , Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Current Trends in the Study of Translation and Interpreting, Sept 1996, Budapest: Scholastica, 1997. Picador Book of Latin American Short Stories , translation of 15 of the stories in the collection, edited by Julio Ortega and Carlos Fuentes, London: Picador/Macmillan, 1998 Memories of Altagracia , translation of the novel by Salvador Garmendia (Venezuela), Peter Owen: London, a Unesco representative work. ‘The translation of Spanish American literature: An inevitable cultural distortion?’ , Livius 8 (1996): 155-64. Invited Lectures and Forthcoming Activities Invited plenary at Maastricht-Lodz Duo Colloquium Translation and Meaning , September 2010 Invited lectures, Summer Institute of Linguistics, North Dakota, July 2010 Invited lectures at the Università di Bologna (Forlì), Italy, May 2010 Invited paper at Università per Stranieri di Siena, Italy, May 2009 Invited lectures at the Università di Bologna (Forlì), Italy, April 2009 Invited lecture at Copenhagen Business School, March 2009 Plenary lecture, International translation conference at the Graduate School, Tripoli, Libya, November 2008 Invited lecture at University of Bergen, Norway, October 2008 Keynote lecture at LSP-Translation conference, Chouaib Doukkali University, Eljadida-Morocco, May 2008 Visiting lectures, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, May 2008 Keynote lecture at the LSP-Translation-Interpreting conference, Macerata, Italy, February 2008 Keynote lecture at the Romance Studies Colloquium, University of Wales, September 2007 Keynote lecture at the AIETI conference (Asociación Ibérica de Estudios de Traducción e Interpretación), Barcelona, March 2007 Keynote lecture at Translation Studies conference in Thessaloniki, Greece, November 2006 Invited lecture at Guangdong Foreign Studies University, China, 2006 Invited plenary lecture at English Studies conference in Macau, China, 2006 Invited plenary lecture at the Translating Minority Voices conference, Rieti, Italy, 2005 Invited paper at the Translation of Political Concepts conference, CUNY, New York, 2005 Keynote lecture at the translation of the Bible conference, Barbados, 2004. External Positions Chair of Publications Committee, the International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies General Editor for Continuum’s Advances in Translation series Contributor on Translation Studies to the Year's Work in Critical and Cultural Theory (OUP) Member Editorial Board, The Linguist , the publication of the Chartered Institute of Linguists Advisory Board, The Interpreter and Translator Trainer (St Jerome Publishing) Advisory Board, Linguistica Antverpiensia New Series (Artesis Hogeschool Antwerpen, Antwerp) Advisory Board, Hermeneus (Universidad de Valladolid) Advisory Board, Monografías de traducción e interpretación (MONTSI), (Universidad de Alicante) Editorial Board, Translation and Interpreting (University of Western Sydney) External Examiner, Translation Studies, University College, London Member of jury, Premio Valle-Inclán translation prize of the Society of Authors/Translators Association Consultant, Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies , Second Edition Major Research Projects and Grants Friends of Princeton Library research grant 2010-11 British Academy Overseas Conference Grant 2009 AHRC Research Leave scheme 2005 British Academy Overseas Conference Grant 2005 British Academy Overseas Conference Grant 2003 Teaching SPPO2580 SPP2581 Translation Theory in a SpanishEnglish Context (Module Co-ordinator) SPPO3420 SpanishEnglish Translation (Module Co-ordinator) MODL5109M Spanish-English Translation (Module Co-ordinator at MA level) MODL5001M Methods and Approaches to Translation and Interpreting Postgraduate Research Supervision Translation Studies Discourse and text analysis of translation Cognitive and corpus-based translation studies Translation and ideology The translation of Latin American writing and politics The history of translators in the twentieth century Current PhD student topics are: a corpus-based analysis of metaphor in US English/Mexican Spanish financial texts; names and cultural references in Chick Lit translated into Spanish and Italian; the English translations of Naghib Mahfouz’s works; Arabic-Malay translation; the translation of the Harry Potter books into Arabic; reader response to culture-bound references in Arabic translations of DH Lawrence. Ok , here is his suggestion for translation studies: First of all, I am very sorry not to be able to attend the conference in Macau in person, but I wish you every success in the organization and in the intellectual dialogues on translation. I also thank you for allowing me to send in a few comments for this salon. I hope these comments are useful. Research in translation studies has increased hugely in the past decade or so. When I first started working in the field in the early 1990s the number of publications was relatively limited. The number is now very much higher and, I would suggest, of a generally higher quality. When I revised and update my Introducing Translation Studies I am struck by the difficulty in choosing selected readings and illustrative examples. Translation studies has broadened, to encompass rapid developments in technology (such as corpus linguistics, localization tools, screen translation…) and in theories from other interdisciplinary areas (such as sociology, critical theory, systemic functional linguistics). It has also deepened, to include some extremely detailed and complex experimental investigation, such as the corpus linguistics research and applications in my Centre in Leeds. It has encompassed new and previously marginal forms of translation, including various types of adaptation and interlingual and intralingual translation, such as audio description and retranslation. And, very excitingly, translation studies has grown internationally and has begun to shift its focus away from European languages, contexts and conceptions of translation. This is illustrated by the success of the Asian translators’ Forum. My advice for young researchers is that they should choose a topic that excites them, they should try to keep to a regular work schedule and they should also keep to a manageable focus. One of the biggest problems that beginning PhD students encounter, for example, is their attempt to coveer too much ground. At the same time, students should be open-minded and gain a basic grounding in what translation studies is so that they can place their research in the context of other work. If they don’t do this, their studies may remain isolated and may fail to achieve their full influence. Once the topic is focussed, the students/researchers should use all the tools at their disposal to ensure that they find, digest and critically evaluate the work that has already been done by others and the gaps in the researches of online journals, follow-up of references in key texts, and the experience of their mentors and peers. The best research goes well beyond the basic and easily retrievable texts. It is the result of original thinking, or re-thinking, sometimes creatively incorporating ideas from other disciplines that are pertinent to translation. In short, it teaches the reader something new and interesting, something that the reader was only vaguely aware of or had not conceived in that particular way. When it comes to publication, have the right amount of confidence in your work, based on a logical evaluation of its strengths and inevitable limitations. Do not claim to have solved every problem, be sure to give due credit to others whose work you have read or used. Show it to others (peers and mentors) for their advice, and be ready to help them in turn. If you are confident it is a good piece of work, target it carefully at a journal or publisher which tends to publish in that particular field. Write clearly and concisely and follow the style-guide of the publication. But this is all very prescriptive, and my last piece of advice is very different: each of us can learn to find out own preferred way of studying and researching, whether it be individually, in a close-knit team or in interdisciplinary collaborations between instituations. We all wish to further our understanding of translation as a product, process or phenomenon, and collectively we can help to further this aim. Thanks a lot, Professor Jeremy Munday.
个人分类: 我所景仰的学者 My Respected Scholars|7387 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]New 3D to follow Tap Ghana studies
毛宁波 2010-11-13 07:30
Published: Nov 11, 2010 Offshore staff WEST PERTH, Australia Tap Oil Ltd. now plans acquisition of a 3D seismic survey starting in December over its offshore Ghana acreage following the promise of added potential in deeper waters highlighted in an earlier 2D study. Tap says interpretation of the 2D data indicated potentially significant structural trends and several stratigraphic features similar to other producing areas along the West African Transform Margin. Rather the more 2D acquisition as required in the agreement, the decision was made to go directly to 3D to move the area into a drill-ready status. Then, plans are to start drilling in late 2011 or early 2012. At the end of the survey, which will cover an approximately 1,230 sq km (475 sq mi), approximately 80% of the permit will be covered by new or reprocessed 3D seismic data, according to Tap. The offshore contract area, southeast of Ghanas capital Accra, covers an area of 2,000 sq km (772 sq mi) in water depths ranging from less than 50 m (164 ft) to greater than 2,500 m (8,202 ft) The Petroleum Agreement between Tap Oil (Ghana) Ltd. with 36% and its Joint Venture partners, the Republic of Ghana and the Ghana National Petroleum Co. with 10%, AFEX Oil (Ghana) Ltd. at 27%, and Challenger Minerals (Ghana) Ltd. with 27%. 11/10/2010 http://www.offshore-mag.com/index/article-display/6883312841/articles/offshore/geology-geophysics/africa/2010/11/new-3d_to_follow_tap.html
个人分类: 地震勘探原理国家精品课程|3 次阅读|0 个评论
跨学科研究Interdisciplinary Studies 2011 MeSH文献计量分析
XUPEIYANG 2010-10-10 08:56
http://www.nlm.nih.gov/cgi/mesh/2011/MB_cgi National Library of Medicine - Medical Subject Headings 2011 MeSH MeSH Descriptor Data Return to Entry Page Concept View. Go to Standard View Expanded Concept View. Go to Standard Concept View MeSH Heading Interdisciplinary Studies 跨学科领域研究 Tree Number I02.158.405 Concept 1 (Preferred) Interdisciplinary Studies 跨学科研究 Concept UI M0018832 Scope Note Programs of study which span the traditional boundaries of academic scholarship. Semantic Type T057 (Occupational Activity) Term (Preferred) Interdisciplinary Studies 跨学科领域研究 Term UI T036034 Date 23-NOV-1993 Lexical Tag NON Thesaurus NLM (1995) Allowable Qualifiers SN ST TD Previous Indexing Curriculum (1990-2010) History Note 2011 Date of Entry 20100625 Unique ID D058025 MeSH Tree Structures Education Curriculum Competency-Based Education Interdisciplinary Studies Mainstreaming (Education) Problem-Based Learning http://www.gopubmed.org/web/gopubmed/1?WEB0fidx4pupv2znIaIhI0 100,000 of 6,508,694 documents semantically analyzed Top Years Publications 2010 98,857 2009 953 2011 182 2008 4 1 2 3 ... 10 Top Countries Publications USA 31,000 China 7,752 United Kingdom 6,331 Japan 4,943 Germany 4,573 Canada 4,433 Australia 3,483 South Korea 2,652 Spain 2,473 France 2,456 Italy 2,390 India 2,213 Netherlands 2,018 Brazil 1,901 Sweden 1,367 Taiwan 1,348 Switzerland 1,109 Belgium 947 Denmark 862 Turkey 833 1 2 3 ... 10 1 2 3 ... 166 Top Cities Publications London 1,681 Beijing, China 1,569 Boston 1,538 New York City 1,365 Seoul, South Korea 1,242 Tokyo 999 Shanghai, China 961 Los Angeles 930 Toronto 889 Baltimore 846 Bethesda 760 Philadelphia 745 Sydney 744 Chicago 716 Houston 666 Montreal 664 Seattle 656 Paris 583 Ann Arbor 566 Barcelona 563 1 2 3 ... 166 1 2 3 ... 251 Top Journals Publications Plos One 1,954 Opt Express 973 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 919 J Biol Chem 610 J Am Chem Soc 543 J Neurosci 486 Methods Mol Biol 455 Biochem Biophys Res Commun 413 J Immunol 406 Bioorg Med Chem Lett 390 Nature 332 Bioresour Technol 329 Environ Sci Technol 327 J Hazard Mater 318 Nanotechnology 304 J Fish Biol 304 Langmuir 288 J Phys Chem B 285 J Virol 283 Science 283 1 2 3 ... 251 1 2 3 ... 2656 Top Terms Publications Patients 20,229 Proteins 16,627 Evaluation Studies as Topic 15,902 Genes 13,501 Humans 13,347 Animals 11,273 Adult 9,016 Mice 8,591 Tissues 8,036 mannosyl-oligosaccharide 1,2-alpha-mannosidase activity 7,396 Pharmaceutical Preparations 6,693 Data Collection 6,036 Neoplasms 5,632 Nature 5,524 Diagnosis 5,410 signal transduction 5,378 Therapeutics 5,235 DNA 5,149 Child 4,816 Women 4,633 1 2 3 ... 2656
个人分类: 信息分析|5285 次阅读|0 个评论
First chapter for my blog in sciencent
热度 2 carldy 2010-2-21 23:02
I'manEnglishteacheratFujianUniversityofTechnology,China.Myresearchinterestsarecorpus-basedtranslationstudiesandmetaphoricalstudies. Thisisthefirstchapterforsciencenet,andIhopetoexpressmygratitudetosciencenetforitsenlightenmentandinspirationsIobtainedlongtimeago.Ialsothankthefirstblogger-whoIpaidmuchattentionfromsciencenet-Yu-ChiHo(何毓琦),thanksforhisinstructionsandrichexperience. Ihopemyblogcandosomethingspecial: 1,beingahonestfriendformydearteachers,studentsandfriends, trying to share the opinions with them; 2,tryingmybesttorecordthesuccessandfailureontheresearchtopics,teachingactivities,makingfriendsetcwhichcanoffersomeusefulinformationtoothers; 3,tryingtomakesomecorporafortranslationstudiesandmetaphoricallanguage; 4,writingdowneverythinglearntfromthebooksandcommunicationswithothers. It'stimeforustoaskthefollowingquestions: 1,Howtobecomeagoodteacherandresearcherinthehigh-speed developmentofeconomy,scienceandtechnology?Howtofacethechallengefromoutsideworld? 2,Howtofacetheparadoxwhichalwayshappentousinthesociety? 3,What'syourstandardforagoodfriend? so,wecantrytofindtheanswersfromallaspects. Ilovereadingalotinthesparetime,andIhopeIcanfindtheanswerstothesequestions. Beingahappyman:aclearconscienceisasurecard;andlovingyourfriends, forfriendscanbringyou treasure,comfortandencouragement. and never afraidofyourfaultswhichyouoncemade,I'llgiveyouapieceofsuggestion:afaultconfessedishalfredressed. Neverafraidofadversityinyourresearch,teachingandlife, and weshouldremember:adversitysuccessfullyovercomeisthehighestgloryinyourlife.
个人分类: 生活点滴 Inspirations from Life|7532 次阅读|4 个评论
science studies如何翻译好?
cuncaoxin 2009-5-25 02:17
傅蕴德 science studies 这个词汇,在刘华杰教授等人的大力提倡之下,被译成科学元勘。武夷山研究员 的博文科学元勘的未来 http://www.sciencenet.cn/m/user_content.aspx?id=233807 ,也按照刘华杰教授的建议, 将 science studies 译为科学元勘。 科学元勘指对科学自身进行的研究。 方舟子博士曾写过《 Science Studies 译名小议 》博文,认为 科学元勘 :这是意译,认为 Science Studies 是 对科学的元层次研究 。这个理解并不确切, Science Studies 其实只是研究科学的社会和文化基础,或者说,是把科学研究当做一种社会和文化现象来研究。而且,元勘 一词是生造出来的,如果不加注释,无人能懂其意。造词法也不符合中文习惯。 勘 字在汉语中有校对(如 校勘 )、审案(如 推勘 )、探测(如 勘探 )三种含义,无 研究 之意。从字面上理解, 元勘 很容易被理解成 最初审问 (历史上 元 勘 联用时,即是这个意思,如《宋史 列传第二十六》: 或断狱有失,止罪元勘官吏。 )。刘兵教授认为,如今,在国内开始出现一批 科学元勘 的同情者、欣赏者、译介者和研究者,尽管人数并不多,但是已经在社会上产生了相当大的影响。江晓原教授、刘兵教授指出,在《沙滩上的房子后现代主义者的科学神话曝光》(诺里塔 克瑞杰著,蔡仲译,南京大学出版社, 2003 年 6 月第 1 版)这本书中,一开始,又谈到了英文中以大写开头的 Science Studies 与小写的 science studies 之间在含义上的差别,这样一来,问题就更复杂化了。也许,最后如何在翻译上得出一个大家都比较认同,能够反映原义,而且也能反映差别的简要、准确的译名,还需再等等看。 在欧美学术界, Science and Technology Studies 有的简写为 STS ,有的简写为 STS 。为了与更加常用的 STS( Science , Technology , and Society ) 简写区别开来,郭贵春教授等学者采用美国康奈尔大学和斯坦福大学的用法,把 Science and Technology Studies 简写为 STS 。郭贵春、成素梅、马惠娣等学者认为,从 STS 的基本内涵和研究范围出发,建议把 STS 间接地意译为科学与技术的人文社会学研究。这个译名既与我国已经公认的 STS 的研究范围相一致,而且明确地表明, STS 的核心与宗旨是强调从人文社会学的视角,对科学与技术进行多维度、跨学科的批判与思考,突出自然科学、工程技术与人文科学、社会科学之间的整体性与内在相关性。 由铁凝联诀国内著名专家、学者、作家鼎力推荐的世界经典科普巨作 INTRODUCING 《介绍丛书》其中有一本《视读科学 》 ( 扎奥丁﹒萨德尔 Ziauddin Sardar 、博林﹒梵﹒隆 BorinVanLoon) ,译者余明明将 science studies 翻译为科学元。 《视读科学 》 一书内容指出, 科学元研究开始于 20 世纪 60 年代末,主要在历史学家、科学哲学家、激进的学者、环境保护论者和其他一些相关科学家的鼓动下形成。发现这个研究领域的是这样一些学者。他们在 20 世纪 40 年代早期首先获得了物理学和数学的学位,并且参加过二战 后来逐渐从科研的一线退下来,转而进行更多的历史和哲学研究。《科学、技术与社会》( 1977 年出版)、《科学技术研究手册》( 1995 年出版)是两本重要的科学元研究文献。科学元研究肯定不像其他某个可以验证的学术领域或社会学的分支那么重要,它的重要性仅仅在于它是一种更广阔地研究、批判以及转换我们认知习惯的手段。 1969年,以研究中国的科学和技术闻名于世的李约瑟博士( Dr.JosephNeedham,1900-1995 )出版了一部论文集,题名《大滴定》(The Grand Titration),副标题是东西方的科学与社会(Science and Society in East and West),李约瑟博士曾是一位杰出的生物化学家。英文titration是从法文titre衍生而来。这个法文词则是从前用来指测定合金中黄金纯度的方法。当他将后来的大半生献给科技史研究事业时,便把熟悉的化学滴定分析的原意加以引申,引入了科学史研究。他关于科技史研究的滴定分析,是一种比较科技史研究,其目的是要从各种科技成就的历史事实的确定,进而弄清科技文化在历史上各个文明之间交流和传播的具体情形,从而给予各民族文明在历史上的科技成就以应有的评价(金正耀,道教与科学,中国社会科学出版社,1990)。 给人以启发的是, studies如果在英文或其他语种中找到相近的词去衍生,同样studies的中文直译词在汉语(包括古汉语)中有相应的词以引申、同义或通假,可能碰撞出一个很有寓意的词来! science studies 如何翻译好?看来 还需再等等看。
个人分类: 科普百科|3744 次阅读|4 个评论

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