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2009supercomputing conference
huangfuqiang 2009-5-25 19:06
会议主页 SC09 returns to Portland, Oregon for its 21st annual conference. Recognized globally as the premier international conference on High Performance Computing (HPC), networking, storage and analysis, SC09 will feature the most interesting and innovative HPC scientific and technical applications from around the world. No other conference brings together this many scientists, engineers, researchers, educators, programmers, system administrators, application developers, and program managers. Mark your calendars and make plans to be part of this amazing conference series. SC09 will feature an exceptional program of technical papers, tutorials, and timely research posters with an impressive lineup of invited speakers and panel participants. The SC conference is also respected as the premier global networking event for stakeholders throughout the HPC ecosystem. SC09's exhibition hall will be second to none - featuring exhibits from many international participants representing industry, academia and government research organizations. SC09 Thrust Areas Bio-Computing This special thrust area will explore the latest research efforts taking advantage of HPC systems with computational biology applications and techniques including applied mathematics, informatics, statistics, computer science, artificial intelligence, chemistry, and biochemistry. Click on the image of the poster to download this piece as a .pdf Questions: Bio-computing@info.supercomputing.org Sustainability SC09 has adopted the use of best practices for sustainable events - and will feature a special thrust area to explore the use of HPC for research into environmental sustainability through climate modeling, renewable and clean energy initiatives, energy efficiency, and best practices for energy efficient data centers. Click on the image of the poster to download this piece as a .pdf Read more about how you can help keep SC09 sustainable. Questions: Sustainability@info.supercomputing.org 3D Internet The rapidly converging area of 3D technologies and the use of 3D visualization on the web show great promise for education, training, and scientific exploration. This thrust area will look at the use of HPC and its impact on delivering high quality 3D visualization solutions to advance the state of education, improve the quality of complex training, and advance general scientific understanding. Click on the image of the poster to download this piece as a .pdf Questions: 3DInternet@info.supercomputing.org
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